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In vitro development of early postimplantation rat embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat embryos explanted at 712 or 812post coitum were cultured throughout the major stages of organogenesis in a system of rotating bottles containing heat-inactivated, immediately centrifuged (I.C.) serum. About 80% of the 812-day explants and 50% of the 712-day explants developed a blood circulation in the yolk sac; in these embryos, organogenesis and growth rates were similar to those of embryos in vivo. In cultures continued for 4 or 5 days, many of the embryos developed 30–40 somites. There was little difference in the subsequent development of embryos cultured in maternal serum or male serum during the egg-cylinder stage except for a possible decrease in the frequency of normal axial rotation in embryos from the male serum. Development in rotator bottles was much better than in watchglass cultures.  相似文献   

Desmin and titin expression in early postimplantation mouse embryos   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The expression of the intermediate filament (IF) constituents desmin, vimentin and keratin, as well as the striated-muscle-specific marker titin, was studied in mouse embryos of 8.0 to 9.5 days post coitum (d.p.c.), using the indirect immunofluorescence technique in combination with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. During the development of the embryo, desmin was first detected at 8.25 d.p.c. in the ectoderm, where it was transiently coexpressed with keratin and vimentin. At later stages, the ectoderm contained only keratin and to a certain extent also vimentin IF. At 8.5 d.p.c., desmin was found exclusively in the heart rudiment, and remained present with increasing intensity in the myocardial cells during later cardiogenesis. Striation of desmin in the heart muscle cells was observed in 9.5 d.p.c. embryos. At these stages (8.5-9.5 d.p.c.), triple expression of the IF proteins desmin, vimentin and keratin was evident in these cells. From 9.0 d.p.c. onwards, desmin could be detected in the myotomes as well. Immunoblotting studies of 9.5 d.p.c. mouse embryos confirmed the immunohistochemical data. Titin was found in the early heart anlage at stage 8.25 d.p.c., when no desmin expression was observed in this tissue. At this stage the titin appeared in a punctate pattern, similar to that observed in cardiac myofibrils of early chicken embryos (Tokuyasu and Maher, 1987; J. Cell Biol. 105, 2781-2793). In 8.5 d.p.c. mouse embryos, this punctate titin staining pattern was still observed, while, at this stage, a filamentous staining reaction could be seen with the desmin antibodies. During further development, cross-striation was detected within myocardial cells using the polyclonal titin antibody from 9.0 d.p.c. onwards, i.e. before such striation could be detected with the desmin antibodies. From these data, we conclude that titin synthesis may anticipate desmin expression in the developing mouse myocard, although the level of expression of the former protein remains low until 9.0 d.p.c.  相似文献   

Steroid and total lipid synthesis have been assessed in postimplantation stage mouse embryos cultured in vitro from the blastocyst to early somite stage. A large increase in acetate incorporation into these compounds is observed during this period. Cholesterol (60–70%), lanosterol (1–15%), and a fraction containing pregnenolone (0–5%) are the major components of the embryo-associated steroid fraction. When embryos are labeled with [3H]pregnenolone, 3H-labeled progesterone, pregnanedione, and a compound identified as acylpregnenolone are produced and secreted into the medium. Production of progesterone and pregnanedione, but not acylpregnenolone, is severely inhibited by the drug cyanoketone (1 μM). Another drug, SU-10603 (10 μM), severely inhibits pregnanedione production, with only a partial repression of progesterone synthesis, and no effect on acylpregnenolone synthesis. Neither drug affects embryonic development. When embryonic tissues were carefully separated and analyzed for their ability to metabolize [3H]pregnenolone it was observed that all tissues (embryo/yolk sac, yolk sac, and trophoblast) can produce progesterone and acylpregnenolone from pregnenolone. Only embryo/yolk sac and yolk sac, but not trophoblast tissue, can produce pregnanedione. The significance of these observations in relation to metabolic communication between the embryo and its mother is discussed.  相似文献   

Haemopoietic stem cells evidently arise in early post-implantation mouse embryos at day 6 of gestation, a day earlier than previously thought (Moore & Metcalf, 1970). Disaggregated embryonic cells were injected into mice given a lethal dose of X-irradiation. The presence of donor haemoglobin (Whitney, 1978) and donor lymphocytic glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) (Siciliano & Shaw, 1976) to detect donor erythrocytes and lymphocytes, respectively, were monitored by starch gel electrophoresis. The presence of donor cells was also assessed by using donor embryos carrying the T6 marker chromosomes. Decidual cells dissected free of embryos did not colonize any recipients. Disaggregated cells from early mouse embryos first colonized the liver and then repopulated the haemopoietic systems of recipients, producing adult donor haemoglobin within 2-3 days and donor GPI within 3-5 days. 80% of grafted X-irradiated recipients survived and donor markers were found in each of them. All nongrafted controls died within 14 days of X-irradiation and none of them showed donor markers. Disaggregated embryonic cells could be grafted across major histocompatibility barriers unlike adult bone marrow. Haemopoietic stem cells could not be identified in disaggregated cells from embryos aged less than 6 days gestation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous work has shown that teratogens such as hyperthermia (HS), 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4CP), and staurosporine (ST) induce cell death in day 9 mouse embryos by activating the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Key to the activation of this pathway is the activation of a caspase cascade involving the cleavage-induced activation of an initiator procaspase, caspase-9, and the downstream effector procaspase, caspase-3. For example, procaspase-3, an inactive proenzyme of 32 kDa is cleaved by activated caspase-9 to generate a large subunit of approximately 17 kDa and a small subunit of approximately 10 kDa. In turn, caspase-3 is known to target a variety of cellular proteins for proteolytic cleavage as part of the process by which dying cells are eliminated. Previous work has also shown that neuroepithelial cells are sensitive to teratogen-induced activation of this pathway and subsequent cell death whereas cells of the heart are resistant. Although caspase-3 is a key effector caspase activated by teratogens, two other effector caspases, caspase-6 and caspase-7, are known; however, their role in teratogen-induced cell death is unknown. METHODS: Because cleavage-induced generation of specific subunits is the most specific assay for activation of caspases, we have used antibodies that recognize the procaspase and one of its active subunits and a Western blot approach to assess the activation of caspase-6 and caspase-7 in day 9 mouse embryos (or heads, hearts and trunks isolated from whole embryos) exposed to HS, 4CP, and ST. To probe the relationship between teratogen-induced activation of caspase-9/caspase-3 and the activation of caspase-6/caspase-7, we used a mitochondrial-free embryo lysate with or without the addition of cytochrome c, recombinant active caspase-3, or recombinant active caspase-9. RESULTS: Western blot analyses show that these three teratogens, HS, 4CP, and ST, induce the activation of procaspase-6 (appearance of the 13 kDa subunit, p13) and caspase-7 (appearance of the 19 kDa subunit, p19) in day 9 mouse embryos. In vitro studies showed that both caspase-6 and caspase-7 could be activated by the addition of cytochrome c to a lysate prepared from untreated embryos. In addition, caspase-6 could be activated by the addition of either recombinant caspase-3 or caspase-9 to a lysate prepared from untreated embryos. In contrast, caspase-7 could be activated by addition of recombinant caspase-3 but only minimally by recombinant caspase-9. Like caspase-9/caspase-3, caspase-6 and caspase-7 were not activated in hearts isolated from embryos exposed to these three teratogens. CONCLUSIONS: HS, 4CP and ST induce the cleavage-dependent activation of caspase-6 and caspase-7 in day 9 mouse embryos. Results using DEVD-CHO, a caspase-3 inhibitor, suggest that teratogen-induced activation of caspase-6 is mediated by caspase-3. In addition, our data suggest that caspase-7 is activated primarily by caspase-3; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that this caspase is also activated by caspase-9. Finally, we also show that teratogen-induced activation of caspase-6 and caspase-7 are blocked in the heart, a tissue resistant to teratogen-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Diandric triploid mouse embryos were produced by standard micromanipulatory techniques, using eggs isolated from female mice with a normal chromosome constitution that had been mated to homozygous Rb(1.3)1Bnr males (which carry a large metacentric "marker" chromosome, viz., a Robertsonian translocation involving chromosomes 1 and 3). The tripronucleate embryos were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant mice, which were subsequently autopsied at about midday on the 10th day of gestation. Although a relatively small number of the isolated conceptuses consisted of morphologically abnormal egg-cylinder-like structures or empty gestational sacs, most were at clearly distinguishable embryonic stages, from the primitive streak stage to embryos with about 20 pairs of somites present. These embryos all appeared to be morphologically normal but were substantially smaller than normal (diploid) fertilized embryos analyzed at similar stages of development. A total of 63 diandric triploid conceptuses were recovered and analyzed cytogenetically. They were G-banded to determine their sex-chromosome constitution and confirm their diandric triploid status. No obvious difference was observed in the developmental potential of the 58,XXX class of diandric triploids, compared to that of the 58,XXY class. The ratio of 58,XXX to 58,XXY embryos was close to the expected ratio of 1:2, assuming that unfertilized eggs have an equal chance of becoming fertilized by an X- or a Y-bearing spermatozoon and that the additional (i.e., "donor") male pronucleus also has an equal chance of having either an X or a Y sex chromosome present. However, the development of the 58,XYY class appeared to be restricted, even at the stage of gestation analyzed, in that no embryos with this genetic constitution were observed that had progressed beyond the early somite stage. The present findings are discussed in relation to the cytogenetic findings in human triploid conceptuses, the majority of which are spontaneously aborted during the first half of pregnancy. In man, the 69,XYY class (equivalent to the 58,XYY class in our study) is only rarely encountered, and it has been assumed that these triploid embryos are probably lost at a very early stage of gestation.  相似文献   

Sensitive methods for analysis of DNA from limited amounts of tissue are often difficult, error prone, and time consuming. Here, we describe a procedure for molecular analysis of individual early post-implantation mouse embryos by Southern analysis. The procedure involves embedding single embryos in agarose before lysing and deproteinizing in situ. The embedded DNA can be digested with restriction enzymes and analyzed by standard Southern-blotting procedures. The procedure is sensitive enough to detect single-copy sequences in embryos as early as day 6.5 of development. We have used the technique to genotype embryos homozygous for an embryonic lethal deletion. Normally, the lethal phenotype associated with such mutations is identified by a retrospective statistical analysis of abnormal embryos produced from a heterozygous cross as compared to those produced from a control cross. Now, if associated with a detectable DNA abnormality, the mutant embryo can be genotyped directly. We also report the use of this method for mapping cloned markers relative to deletion breakpoints. This approach can save considerable time since mapping would conventionally be done using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected in Mus musculus/Mus spretus interspecies hybrids. Using this procedure, we have been able to redefine the distal limits of the region of Chromosome (Chr) 7 containing a gene (eed) needed for development of the embryonic ectoderm.  相似文献   

Sex-chromosome constitution of postimplantation tetraploid mouse embryos   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tetraploid mouse embryos were produced at the two-cell stage by blastomere fusion induced by inactivated Sendai virus. The embryos were from chromosomally normal female mice that had been fertilised by homozygous Rb(1.3)1Bnr males carrying a pair of large metacentric marker chromosomes in their karyotype. These "reconstructed" one-cell tetraploid embryos were then transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients, which were subsequently autopsied early on the 10th day of gestation. Two-cell stage embryos that did not undergo blastomere fusion after 4-5 h were transferred to a second group of recipients, which were also autopsied early on the 10th day of gestation. From a total of 153 tetraploid embryos transferred to females that subsequently became pregnant, 135 implanted. Sixty-eight implantation sites were found to contain resorptions, whereas 67 contained mostly headfold presomite-stage embryos. Four embryos possessed four to six pairs of somites. All 57 embryos that could be analysed cytogenetically were found to be tetraploid. G-banding analysis revealed that 30 of these embryos had an XXYY and 27 and XXXX sex-chromosome constitution. The presence of two marker chromosomes in all mitotic preparations from each of these tetraploid embryos confirmed that they had all been produced by duplication of their original XY or XX diploid chromosome constitution, respectively. The XXYY:XXXX sex ratio observed was not significantly different from unity. In the control series of transfers, all of the embryos recovered were at the forelimb bud stage and had a diploid chromosome constitution. The results reported here differ from human clinical findings, in which the XXYY:XXXX sex ratio of 120 human tetraploid spontaneous abortions recovered over the last 20 years is 45:75. Possible explanations for these differences are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Preimplantation embryos from matings between yellow heterozygous (Ay/a) mice were recovered at 56 hours post coitum, cultured for five days, and compared with the development of embryos from three control matings (Ay/a female X a/a male, a/a female X Ay/a male, a/a female X a/a male). Most embryos were at the 8-cell stage at recovery; however fewer embryos from the experimental cross had developed to the 8-cell stage than embryos of control matings, indicating a developmental lag of experimental embryos (P less than 0.01). The yellow (Ay/a) uterus did not contribute (P = 0.05) to delayed development. Experimental and control embryos were equally capable of successful development in culture to the morula stage with no distinct morphological characteristics identifying the class of Ay/Ay mutants. However, significant differences were observed in the development from morulae to blastocysts; 9.4% (10/106) of the morulae in experimental crosses failed to undergo blastocyst formation as compared with 2.5% (10/398) of morulae in pooled control crosses (P = 0.010-0.025). In the experimental cross 25.0% (24/96) of embryos that developed successfully to the blastocyst stage failed to hatch from the zona pellucida; these are presumed to include the class of lethal yellow homozygotes. Abnormalities seen in cultured embryos consisted primarily of blastomere disintegration, blastomere arrest and exclusion, and embryo fragmentation.  相似文献   

Summary There are situations in which the exposure to more than one agent results in an enhanced risk for the exposed organism, that is in which the observed effect exceeds the effect expected from the addition of the individual effects. Our knowledge of such hazards is rather limited, in particular for those agents that occur in the environment of man. When early mouse embryos in vitro were exposed to ionizing radiation and mercuric chloride, the observed risk was higher than expected from the individual effects. This increase in risk was due to an interaction between mechanisms induced by ionizing radiation and mercury. To gain some more insight into the mode of interaction, the time requirements of mercury exposure were studied. The amount of interaction did not depend on mercury exposure before or during irradiation. However, to achieve an enhanced risk, exposure had to start as soon as possible after irradiation and had to last as long as possible. This time dependence suggests that if inhibition of DNA-repair is involved in the mechanism of interaction at all, then there must be an additional late process that is also impaired by mercury.Dedicated to Prof. W. Jacobi on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The expression of receptors for N-acetylgalactosamine-recognizing lectins, namely Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Sophora japonica agglutinin (SJA), Bauhinia purpurea agglutinin (BPA), Vicia villosa agglutinin (VVA), and Wistaria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) was studied in early mouse embryos and teratocarcinoma cells. Each of these lectins as well as Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) bound differently to early embryonic cells, with the exception of VVA and WFA which showed indistinguishable reactivities. SJA reacted intensely with visceral endoderm, but hardly at all with parietal and primitive endoderm. Therefore, SJA will be useful for analyzing the mechanism of visceral-endoderm formation. Furthermore, the inner cell mass (ICM) of early blastocysts reacted intensely with DBA, while the ICM of late blastocysts reacted only faintly with this lectin. Primary endoderm derived from the ICM reacted faintly with SJA, HPA, and DBA, and these reactivities increased again during the differentiation of the endoderm. Therefore, these three lectins could be used in the analysis of early stages during the differentiation of endoderm from the ICM. The results illustrate the highly complex nature of developmentally regulated alterations of cell-surface carbohydrates during the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The response of mouse embryos to different concentrations of cadmium or mercury with or without low LET radiation was measured in terms of gross morphological anomalies and cellular changes. Single doses of the heavy metals (2 mg/kg body weight) were injected i.p. on day 8 of gestation 30 min before whole-body irradiation. Combined exposures to CdCl2 and X-rays led to a significant reduction in the rate of exencephaly compared with the high frequency after cadmium alone. The hypothesis that metallothionein, a sulphur-rich and metal-binding protein, may be responsible for the antagonism observed could not be confirmed. Mercuric chloride alone induced a low rate of exencephaly and the data on combined treatment suggest additivity with 0.5 and 1.0 Gy X-rays. Regarding cellular criteria, cell death in the eye anlage on day 9 of gestation was significantly suppressed after 0.5 Gy and especially after CdCl2 plus 0.5 Gy compared to cadmium alone. It is assumed that the reduction of cell lethality is correlated with the low occurrence of exencephaly. Concerning the proliferation of neuroblasts, cadmium stimulated the mitotic activity whereas X-rays depressed the proliferation capacity. After the combined treatment a distinct antimitotic effect was established.  相似文献   

G M Morriss  C E Steele 《Teratology》1977,15(1):109-119
Rat embryos were explanted on day 8 or 9 of pregnancy and cultured for up to 48 hours in serum containing added retinol (vitamin A), retinoic acid (vitamin A acid), or absolute ethanol. They were examined morphologically and their protein content determined. Retinoic acid was more teratogenic and growth-retarding than retinol. Electron microscopy of embryos cultured for 30 minutes or one hour revealed that both forms of vitamin A brought about similar ultrastructural effects on the embryonic cells; however, the abnormally large intracellular lipid droplets observed in a previous study following exposure to retinol in vitro and retinyl palmitate in vivo were not observed in embryos exposed to retinoic acid. It is possible that the differential teratogenicity may be due to the inability of the embryonic cells to convert and store retinoic acid in a less teratogenic form.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, stem cells of teratocarcinoma, represent an excellent model to study the developmental mechanisms that, inappropriately reactivated, can drive tumorigenesis. EC cells are very aggressive, and grow rapidly when injected into adult syngeneic mice. However, when injected into blastocysts, they revert to normality, giving rise to chimeric animals. In order to study the ability of postimplantation embryonic environment to "normalize" tumorigenic cells, and to study their homing, we transplanted F9, Nulli-SCC1, and P19 EC cells into 8 to 15-day allogenic CD1 mouse embryos, into allogenic CD1 newborns, and into syngeneic adult mice, and evaluated tumor formation, spreading, and homing. We found that, although at all embryonic stages successful transplantation occurred, the chances of developing tumors after birth increased with the time of injection of EC cells into the embryo. In addition, using enhanced green fluorescent protein-expressing F9 cells, we demonstrated that the cells not giving rise to tumors remained latent and could be tracked down in tissues during adulthood. Our data indicate that the embryonic environment retains a certain ability to "normalize" tumor cells also during post-implantation development. This could occur through yet unknown epigenetic signals triggering EC cells' differentiation.  相似文献   

Short, hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed against bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp-4) was delivered to early postimplantation staged mouse embryos via tail vein injection of pregnant dams. As early as 24 h postinjection, embryos expressed a DsRed marker and later exhibited defects of neural fold elevation and closure and of cardiac morphogenesis. Immunohistochemical analysis of sectioned embryos indicated that Bmp-4 protein was depleted and gene expression analysis indicated there was a reduction in Bmp-4 mRNA and an upregulation of the Bmp-4 antagonists, noggin and chordin, in embryos exposed to the shRNA, but not in control embryos. There was no change in the expression of Gata4, brachyury, or claudin6 in RNAi exposed embryos, indicating that RNA silencing was specific to Bmp-4 rather than producing widespread gene inhibition. Delivery of shRNA to embryos has the potential to specifically knockdown the expression of developmentally essential genes and to rescue gene mutations, significantly decreasing the time required to analyze the function(s) of individual genes in development.  相似文献   

2-Methoxyestradiol. 2-Methoxyestradiol (2-ME) is an endogenous estradiol metabolite that disrupts microtubule function, suppresses murine tumors, and inhibits angiogenesis. Since some microtubule inhibitors have been shown to alter radiosensitivity, we have evaluated 2-ME as a radiation enhancer in vitro. H460 human lung cancer cells were plated, treated with 2-ME for 24 h, and irradiated; then colony-forming ability was assessed. The radiation dose enhancement ratios (DERs) using this protocol were 1.3, 1.8 and 2.1 for 1, 1.5 and 2 microM 2-ME, respectively. Using a single-cell plating protocol, the respective DERs were 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8. The parent compound of 2-ME, beta-estradiol, did not enhance radiation effects at equally cytotoxic doses. Isobologram analysis showed that 1 microM 2-ME was additive with radiation, but that 1.5 and 2 microM were synergistic. Cell cycle analysis showed a dose-dependent increase in the percentage of cells in the radiosensitive G(2)/M phase after a 24-h treatment with 2-ME; a threefold increase in the percentage of cells in G(2)/M phase was observed using 2 microM 2-ME. Treatment with 2 microM 2-ME almost completely inhibited repair of sublethal damage (SLD) as shown using split-dose recovery. Radiosensitive, repair-deficient murine SCID (severe combined immunodeficient) cells did not show enhancement of radiation effects with 2 microM 2-ME, but enhancement was observed in the wild-type parental cells (CB-17). SCID cells complemented with human DNA-dependent protein kinase restored radioenhancement by 2-ME. In addition, MCF-7 breast cancer cells were also radiosensitized by 2 microM 2-ME (DER = 2.1). These data suggest that 2-ME is a potential radiation sensitizer, in addition to its previously reported antitumor and antiangiogenic properties. We have verified the antiangiogenic activity of 2-ME in vitro using human endothelial cells. Based on these results, we hypothesize that the mechanism of radiation enhancement may involve redistribution of cells into G(2)/M phase by 2-ME, and that the resulting population of cells is repair-deficient and thus radiosensitive.  相似文献   

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