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The key event in the switch from lysogenic to lytic growth of phage lambda is the self-cleavage of lambda repressor, which is induced by the formation of a RecA-ssDNA-ATP filament at a site of DNA damage. Lambda repressor cleaves itself at the peptide bond between Ala111 and Gly112, but only when bound as a monomer to the RecA-ssDNA-ATP filament. Here we have designed a hyper-cleavable fragment of lambda repressor containing the hinge and C-terminal domain (residues 101-229), in which the monomer-monomer interface is disrupted by two point mutations and a deletion of seven residues at the C terminus. This fragment crystallizes as a monomer and its structure has been determined to 1.8 A resolution. The hinge region, which bears the cleavage site, is folded over the active site of the C-terminal oligomerization domain (CTD) but with the cleavage site flipped out and exposed to solvent. Thus, the structure represents a non-cleavable conformation of the repressor, but one that is poised for cleavage after modest rearrangements that are presumably stabilized by binding to RecA. The structure provides a unique snapshot of lambda repressor in a conformation that sheds light on how its self-cleavage is tempered in the absence of RecA, as well as a framework for interpreting previous genetic and biochemical data concerning the RecA-mediated cleavage reaction.  相似文献   

The ribosomal stalk complex in Escherichia coli consists of L10 and four copies of L7/L12, and is largely responsible for binding and recruiting translation factors. Structural characterisation of this stalk complex is difficult, primarily due to its dynamics. Here, we apply mass spectrometry to follow post-translational modifications and their effect on structural changes of the stalk proteins on intact ribosomes. Our results show that increased acetylation of L12 occurs during the stationary phase on ribosomes harvested from cells grown under optimal conditions. For cells grown in minimal medium, L12 acetylation and processing is altered, resulting in deficient removal of N-terminal methionine in ∼ 50% of the L12 population, while processed L12 is almost 100% acetylated. Our results show also that N-acetylation of L12 correlates with an increased stability of the stalk complex in the gas phase. To investigate further the basis of this increased stability, we applied a solution phase hydrogen deuterium exchange protocol to compare the rate of deuterium incorporation in the proteins L9, L10, L11 and L12 as well as the acetylated form of L12 (L7), in situ on the ribosome. Results show that deuterium incorporation is consistently slower for L7 relative to L12 and for L10 when L7 is predominant. Our results imply a tightening of the interaction between L7 and L10 relative to that between L12 and L10. Since acetylation is predominant when cells are grown in minimal medium, we propose that these modifications form part of the cell's strategy to increase stability of the stalk complex under conditions of stress. More generally, our results demonstrate that it is possible to discern the influence of a 42 Da post-translational modification by mass spectrometry and to record subtle changes in hydrogen/deuterium exchange within the context of an intact 2.5 MDa particle.  相似文献   

Summary The amino-acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the spoIIAC gene of Bacillus subtilis has been shown to be homologous to that of the sigma subunit of the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (Errington et al. 1985). I now describe results that indicate that this gene can be cloned in E. coli only under conditions in which it is not expressed.  相似文献   

The stringent response is activated by the binding of stringent factor to stalled ribosomes that have an unacylated tRNA in the ribosomal aminoacyl-site. Ribosomes lacking ribosomal protein L11 are deficient in stimulating stringent factor. L11 consists of a dynamic N-terminal domain (amino acid residues 1-72) connected to an RNA-binding C-terminal domain (amino acid residues 76-142) by a flexible linker (amino acid residues 73-75). In vivo data show that mutation of proline 22 in the N-terminal domain is important for initiation of the stringent response. Here, six different L11 point and deletion-mutants have been constructed to determine which regions of L11 are necessary for the activation of stringent factor. The different mutants were reconstituted with programmed 70 S(DeltaL11) ribosomes and tested for their ability to stimulate stringent factor in a sensitive in vitro pppGpp synthesis assay. It was found that a single-site mutation at proline 74 in the linker region between the two domains did not affect the stimulatory activity of the reconstituted ribosomes, whereas the single-site mutation at proline 22 reduced the activity of SF to 33% compared to ribosomes reconstituted with wild-type L11. Removal of the entire linker between the N and C-terminal domains or removal of the entire proline-rich helix beginning at proline 22 in L11 resulted in an L11 protein, which was unable to stimulate stringent factor in the ribosome-dependent assay. Surprisingly, the N-terminal domain of L11 on its own activated stringent factor in a ribosome-dependent manner without restoring the L11 footprint in 23 S rRNA in the 50 S subunit. This suggests that the N-terminal domain can activate stringent factor in trans. It is also shown that this activation is dependent on unacylated tRNA.  相似文献   

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