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Histone tail peptides comprise the flexible portion of chromatin, the substance which serves as the packaging for the eukaryotic genome. According to the histone code hypothesis, reader protein domains (chromodomains) can recognize modifications of amino acid residues within these peptides, regulating the expression of genes. We have performed simulations on models of chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 complexed with a variety of histone H3 modifications. Binding free energies for both the overall complexes and the individual residues within the protein and peptides were computed with molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area. The simulation results agree well with experimental data and identify several chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 residues that play key roles in the interaction with each of the H3 modifications. We identified one class of protein residues that bind to H3 in all of the complexes (generally interacting hydrophobically), and a second class of residues that bind only to particular H3 modifications (generally interacting electrostatically). Additionally, we found that modifications of H3R2 and H3T3 have a dominant effect on the binding affinity; methylation of H3K4 has little effect on the interaction strength when H3R2 or H3T3 is modified. Our findings with regard to the specificity shown by the latter class of protein residues in their binding affinity to certain modifications of H3 support the histone code hypothesis.  相似文献   

We selected 49 icosahedral virus capsids whose crystal structures are reported in the Protein Data Bank. They belong to the T=1, T=3, pseudo T=3 and other lattice types. We identified in them 779 unique interfaces between pairs of subunits, all repeated by icosahedral symmetry. We analyzed the geometric and physical chemical properties of these interfaces and compared with interfaces in protein-protein complexes and homodimeric proteins, and with crystal packing contacts. The capsids contain one to 16 subunits implicated in three to 66 unique interfaces. Each subunit loses 40-60% of its accessible surface in contacts with an average of 8.5 neighbors. Many of the interfaces are very large with a buried surface area (BSA) that can exceed 10,000 A(2), yet 39% are small with a BSA<800 A(2) comparable to crystal packing contacts. Pairwise capsid interfaces overlap, so that one-third of the residues are part of more than one interface. Those with a BSA>800 A(2) resemble homodimer interfaces in their chemical composition. Relative to the protein surface, they are non-polar, enriched in aliphatic residues and depleted of charged residues, but not of neutral polar residues. They contain one H-bond per about 200 A(2) BSA. Small capsid interfaces (BSA<800 A(2)) are only slightly more polar. They have a similar amino acid composition, but they bury fewer atoms and contain fewer H-bonds for their size. Geometric parameters that estimate the quality of the atomic packing suggest that the small capsid interfaces are loosely packed like crystal packing contacts, whereas the larger interfaces are close-packed as in protein-protein complexes and homodimers. We discuss implications of these findings on the mechanism of capsid assembly, assuming that the larger interfaces form first to yield stable oligomeric species (capsomeres), and that medium-size interfaces allow the stepwise addition of capsomeres to build larger intermediates.  相似文献   

The S138A substitution of fusion inhibitory peptides derived from the C-terminal heptad repeat (C-HR) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 leads to enhanced binding affinity to the N-terminal heptad repeat (N-HR). As such, these peptides exhibit highly potent anti-HIV-1 activity. X-ray crystallographic analysis was performed to understand the effect of the substitution on binding affinity. The comparison of the native and S138A crystal structures indicated that the increase in the hydrophobicity of the S138A substitution may aid the stabilization of the N-HR/C-HR complex through additional hydrophobic contacts. Free-energy calculations suggest that the difference between the desolvation free energies of the C-HR-derived peptides with and without the S138A mutation dominates the observed difference in anti-HIV-1 activity.  相似文献   

Many important protein-protein interactions are mediated by peptide recognition modular domains, such as the Src homology 3 (SH3), SH2, PDZ, and WW domains. Characterizing the interaction interface of domain-peptide complexes and predicting binding specificity for modular domains are critical for deciphering protein-protein interaction networks. Here, we propose the use of an energetic decomposition analysis to characterize domain-peptide interactions and the molecular interaction energy components (MIECs), including van der Waals, electrostatic, and desolvation energy between residue pairs on the binding interface. We show a proof-of-concept study on the amphiphysin-1 SH3 domain interacting with its peptide ligands. The structures of the human amphiphysin-1 SH3 domain complexed with 884 peptides were first modeled using virtual mutagenesis and optimized by molecular mechanics (MM) minimization. Next, the MIECs between domain and peptide residues were computed using the MM/generalized Born decomposition analysis. We conducted two types of statistical analyses on the MIECs to demonstrate their usefulness for predicting binding affinities of peptides and for classifying peptides into binder and non-binder categories. First, combining partial least squares analysis and genetic algorithm, we fitted linear regression models between the MIECs and the peptide binding affinities on the training data set. These models were then used to predict binding affinities for peptides in the test data set; the predicted values have a correlation coefficient of 0.81 and an unsigned mean error of 0.39 compared with the experimentally measured ones. The partial least squares-genetic algorithm analysis on the MIECs revealed the critical interactions for the binding specificity of the amphiphysin-1 SH3 domain. Next, a support vector machine (SVM) was employed to build classification models based on the MIECs of peptides in the training set. A rigorous training-validation procedure was used to assess the performances of different kernel functions in SVM and different combinations of the MIECs. The best SVM classifier gave satisfactory predictions for the test set, indicated by average prediction accuracy rates of 78% and 91% for the binding and non-binding peptides, respectively. We also showed that the performance of our approach on both binding affinity prediction and binder/non-binder classification was superior to the performances of the conventional MM/Poisson-Boltzmann solvent-accessible surface area and MM/generalized Born solvent-accessible surface area calculations. Our study demonstrates that the analysis of the MIECs between peptides and the SH3 domain can successfully characterize the binding interface, and it provides a framework to derive integrated prediction models for different domain-peptide systems.  相似文献   

Hsp70 (heat shock protein 70 kDa) chaperones are key to cellular protein homeostasis. However, they also have the ability to inhibit tumor apoptosis and contribute to aberrant accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in neuronal cells affected by tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease. Hence, Hsp70 chaperones are increasingly becoming identified as targets for therapeutic intervention in these widely abundant diseases. Hsp70 proteins are allosteric machines and offer, besides classical active-site targets, also opportunities to target the mechanism of allostery. In this work, it is demonstrated that the action of the potent anticancer compound MKT-077 (1-ethyl-2-[[3-ethyl-5-(3-methylbenzothiazolin-2-yliden)]-4-oxothiazolidin-2-ylidenemethyl] pyridinium chloride) occurs through a differential interaction with Hsp70 allosteric states. MKT-077 is therefore an “allosteric drug.” Using NMR spectroscopy, we identify the compound's binding site on human HSPA8 (Hsc70). The binding pose is obtained from NMR-restrained docking calculations, subsequently scored by molecular-dynamics-based energy and solvation computations. Suggestions for the improvement of the compound's properties are made on the basis of the binding location and pose.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry is able to provide accurate information on the thermodynamic contributions of enthalpy and entropy changes to free energies of binding. The Structure/Calorimetry of Reported Protein Interactions Online database of published isothermal titration calorimetry studies and structural information on the interactions between proteins and small-molecule ligands is used here to reveal general thermodynamic properties of protein-ligand interactions and to investigate correlations with changes in solvation. The overwhelming majority of interactions are found to be enthalpically favoured. Synthetic inhibitors and biological ligands form two distinct subpopulations in the data, with the former having greater average affinity due to more favourable entropy changes on binding. The greatest correlation is found between the binding free energy and apolar surface burial upon complex formation. However, the free-energy contribution per unit area buried is only 30-50% of that expected from earlier studies of transfer free energies of small molecules. A simple probability-based estimator for the maximal affinity of a binding site in terms of its apolar surface area is proposed. Polar surface area burial also contributes substantially to affinity but is difficult to express in terms of unit area due to the small variation in the amount of polar surface buried and a tendency for cancellation of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. Conventionally, the contribution of apolar desolvation to affinity is attributed to gain of entropy due to solvent release. Although data presented here are supportive of this notion, because the correlation of entropy change with apolar surface burial is relatively weak, it cannot, on present evidence, be confidently considered to be correct. Further, thermodynamic changes arising from small differences between ligands binding to individual proteins are relatively large and, in general, uncorrelated with changes in solvation, suggesting that trends identified across widely differing proteins are of limited use in explaining or predicting the effects of ligand modifications.  相似文献   

We used all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the structure and properties of the actin filament, starting with either the recent Oda model or the older Holmes model. Simulations of monomeric and polymerized actin show that polymerization changes the nucleotide-binding cleft, bringing together the Q137 side chain and bound ATP in a way that may enhance the ATP hydrolysis rate in the filament. Simulations with different bound nucleotides and conformations of the DNase I binding loop show that the persistence length of the filament depends only on loop conformation. Computational modeling reveals how bound phalloidin stiffens actin filaments and inhibits the release of γ-phosphate from ADP-Pi actin.  相似文献   

Guanine:adenine (G:A) mismatches and in particular tandem G:A (tG:A) mismatches are frequently observed in biological RNA molecules and can serve as sites for tertiary interaction, metal binding and protein recognition. Depending on the surrounding sequence tG:A mismatches can adopt different basepairing topologies. In the sequence context (5'-) GGAC (tandem G:A in bold) a face-to-face (imino or Watson-Crick-like) pairing is preferred whereas in the CGAG context, G and A adopt a sheared arrangement. Systematic conformational searches with a generalized Born continuum model and molecular dynamics simulations including explicit water molecules and ions have been used to generate face-to-face and sheared tG:A mismatches in both CGAG and GGAC sequence contexts. Conformations from both approaches were evaluated using the same force field and a Poisson-Boltzmann continuum solvent model. Although the substate analysis predicted the sheared arrangement to be energetically preferred in both sequence contexts, a significantly greater preference of the sheared form was found for the CGAG context. In agreement with the experimental observation, the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories indicated a preference of the sheared form in the case of the CGAG-context and a favorization of the face-to-face form in the case of the GGAC context. The computational studies allowed to identify energetic contributions that stabilize or destabilize the face-to-face and sheared tandem mismatch topologies. The calculated nonpolar solvation and Lennard-Jones packing interaction were found to stabilize the sheared topology independent of the sequence context. Electrostatic contributions are predicted to make the most significant contribution to the sequence context dependence on the structural preference of tG:A mismatches.  相似文献   

For several class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), the rate-determining step in aminoacylation is the dissociation of charged tRNA from the enzyme. In this study, the following factors affecting the release of the charged tRNA from aaRSs are computationally explored: the protonation states of amino acids and substrates present in the active site, and the presence and the absence of AMP and elongation factor Tu.Through molecular modeling, internal pKa calculations, and molecular dynamics simulations, distinct, mechanistically relevant post-transfer states with charged tRNA bound to glutamyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus (Glu-tRNAGlu) are considered. The behavior of these nonequilibrium states is characterized as a function of time using dynamical network analysis, local energetics, and changes in free energies to estimate transitions that occur during the release of the tRNA. The hundreds of nanoseconds of simulation time reveal system characteristics that are consistent with recent experimental studies.Energetic and network results support the previously proposed mechanism in which the transfer of amino acid to tRNA is accompanied by the protonation of AMP to H-AMP. Subsequent migration of proton to water reduces the stability of the complex and loosens the interface both in the presence and in the absence of AMP. The subsequent undocking of AMP or tRNA then proceeds along thermodynamically competitive pathways. Release of the tRNA acceptor stem is further accelerated by the deprotonation of the α-ammonium group on the charging amino acid. The proposed general base is Glu41, a residue binding the α-ammonium group that is conserved in both structure and sequence across nearly all class I aaRSs. This universal handle is predicted through pKa calculations to be part of a proton relay system for destabilizing the bound charging amino acid following aminoacylation. Addition of elongation factor Tu to the aaRS·tRNA complex stimulates the dissociation of the tRNA core and the tRNA acceptor stem.  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that many of the physiological effects of alcohol consumption are a direct result of binding to specific sites in neuronal proteins such as ion channels or other components of neuronal signaling cascades. Binding to these targets generally occurs in water-filled pockets and leads to alterations in protein structure and dynamics. However, the precise interactions required to confer alcohol sensitivity to a particular protein remain undefined.Using information from the previously solved crystal structures of the Drosophila melanogaster protein LUSH in complexes with short-chain alcohols, we have designed and tested the effects of specific amino acid substitutions on alcohol binding. The effects of these substitutions, specifically S52A, T57S, and T57A, were examined using a combination of molecular dynamics, X-ray crystallography, fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermal unfolding. These studies reveal that the binding of ethanol is highly sensitive to small changes in the composition of the alcohol binding site. We find that T57 is the most critical residue for binding alcohols; the T57A substitution completely abolishes binding, while the T57S substitution differentially affects ethanol binding compared to longer-chain alcohols. The additional requirement for a potential hydrogen-bond acceptor at position 52 suggests that both the presence of multiple hydrogen-bonding groups and the identity of the hydrogen-bonding residues are critical for defining an ethanol binding site. These results provide new insights into the detailed chemistry of alcohol's interactions with proteins.  相似文献   

The transmembrane protein CD44, which has been implicated in cancer biology and inflammation, mediates cell adhesion through multimeric interactions with the linear extracellular glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA; in megadaltons). Affinity switching of CD44 from a low-affinity state to a high-affinity state is required for normal CD44 physiological function; crystal structures of the CD44 hyaluronan binding domain complexed with HA oligomers point to a conformational rearrangement at a binding site loop, leading to the formation of direct contact between the oligomer and an arginine side chain as a molecular basis for affinity switching. Here, all-atom explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations were used to characterize the dynamics and thermodynamics of oligomeric hyaluronan (oHA) and its two crystallographic complexes with the CD44 hyaluronan binding domain: the “A-form,” which lacks arginine-HA close contact, and the “B-form,” which has direct arginine side-chain-HA contact. From the simulations, the conformational properties of oHA are essentially unaltered in going from the unbound state to either the A-form or the B-form bound state, with the oligomer retaining its flexibility when bound and with only two of the eight monosaccharides in the oligomer maintaining uninterrupted contact with the protein. Biased simulations revealed that altering the backbone conformation of a tyrosine residue in the arginine loop can induce the A-form → B-form conformational transition and that a large free-energy barrier prevents ready interconversion between the two forms, thereby suggesting that the tyrosine backbone forms a molecular switch.  相似文献   

Structural and kinetic properties of the human 2-enoyl thioester reductase [mitochondrial enoyl-coenzyme A reductase (MECR)/ETR1] of the mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis (FAS) II pathway have been determined. The crystal structure of this dimeric enzyme (at 2.4 Å resolution) suggests that the binding site for the recognition helix of the acyl carrier protein is in a groove between the two adjacent monomers. This groove is connected via the pantetheine binding cleft to the active site. The modeled mode of NADPH binding, using molecular dynamics calculations, suggests that Tyr94 and Trp311 are critical for catalysis, which is supported by enzyme kinetic data. A deep, water-filled pocket, shaped by hydrophobic and polar residues and extending away from the catalytic site, was recognized. This pocket can accommodate a fatty acyl tail of up to 16 carbons. Mutagenesis of the residues near the end of this pocket confirms the importance of this region for the binding of substrate molecules with long fatty acyl tails. Furthermore, the kinetic analysis of the wild-type MECR/ETR1 shows a bimodal distribution of catalytic efficiencies, in agreement with the notion that two major products are generated by the mitochondrial FAS II pathway.  相似文献   

Thioflavin T (ThT) is a fluorescent dye commonly used to stain amyloid plaques, but the binding sites of this dye onto fibrils are poorly characterized. We present molecular dynamics simulations of the binding of ThT and its neutral analog BTA-1 [2-(4'-methylaminophenyl)benzothiazole] to model protofibrils of the Alzheimer's disease Abeta(16-22) (amyloid beta) peptide. Our simulations reveal two binding modes located at the grooves of the beta-sheet surfaces and at the ends of the beta-sheet. These simulations provide new insight into recent experimental work and allow us to characterize the high-capacity, micromolar-affinity site seen in experiment as binding to the beta-sheet surface grooves and the low-capacity, nanomolar-affinity site seen as binding to the beta-sheet extremities of the fibril. The structure-activity relationship upon mutating charged ThT to neutral BTA-1 in terms of increased lipophilicity and binding affinity was studied, with calculated solvation free energies and binding energies found to be in qualitative agreement with the experimental measurements.  相似文献   

We describe a computational protocol, called DDMI, for redesigning scaffold proteins to bind to a specified region on a target protein. The DDMI protocol is implemented within the Rosetta molecular modeling program and uses rigid-body docking, sequence design, and gradient-based minimization of backbone and side-chain torsion angles to design low-energy interfaces between the scaffold and target protein. Iterative rounds of sequence design and conformational optimization were needed to produce models that have calculated binding energies that are similar to binding energies calculated for native complexes. We also show that additional conformation sampling with molecular dynamics can be iterated with sequence design to further lower the computed energy of the designed complexes. To experimentally test the DDMI protocol, we redesigned the human hyperplastic discs protein to bind to the kinase domain of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1). Six designs were experimentally characterized. Two of the designs aggregated and were not characterized further. Of the remaining four designs, three bound to the PAK1 with affinities tighter than 350 μM. The tightest binding design, named Spider Roll, bound with an affinity of 100 μM. NMR-based structure prediction of Spider Roll based on backbone and 13Cβ chemical shifts using the program CS-ROSETTA indicated that the architecture of human hyperplastic discs protein is preserved. Mutagenesis studies confirmed that Spider Roll binds the target patch on PAK1. Additionally, Spider Roll binds to full-length PAK1 in its activated state but does not bind PAK1 when it forms an auto-inhibited conformation that blocks the Spider Roll target site. Subsequent NMR characterization of the binding of Spider Roll to PAK1 revealed a comparably small binding ‘on-rate’ constant (? 105 M− 1 s− 1). The ability to rationally design the site of novel protein-protein interactions is an important step towards creating new proteins that are useful as therapeutics or molecular probes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the extracellular domain (ECD) of the pentameric ligand-gated ion-channel from Gloeobacter violaceus (GLIC) was solved at neutral pH at 2.3 Å resolution in two crystal forms, showing a surprising hexameric quaternary structure with a 6-fold axis replacing the expected 5-fold axis. While each subunit retains the usual β-sandwich immunoglobulin-like fold, small deviations from the whole GLIC structure indicate zones of differential flexibility. The changes in interface between two adjacent subunits in the pentamer and the hexamer can be described in a downward translation by one inter-strand distance and a global rotation of the second subunit, using the first one for superposition. While global characteristics of the interface, such as the buried accessible surface area, do not change very much, most of the atom-atom interactions are rearranged. It thus appears that the transmembrane domain is necessary for the proper oligomeric assembly of GLIC and that there is an intrinsic plasticity or polymorphism in possible subunit-subunit interfaces at the ECD level, the latter behaving as a monomer in solution. Possible functional implications of these novel structural data are discussed in the context of the allosteric transition of this family of proteins. In addition, we propose a novel way to quantify elastic energy stored in the interface between subunits, which indicates a tenser interface for the open form than for the closed form (rest state). The hexameric or pentameric forms of the ECD have a similar negative curvature in their subunit-subunit interface, while acetylcholine binding proteins have a smaller and positive curvature that increases from the apo to the holo form.  相似文献   

Adenylate kinase (AdK), a phosphotransferase enzyme, plays an important role in cellular energy homeostasis. It undergoes a large conformational change between an open and a closed state, even in the absence of substrate. We investigate the apo-AdK transition at the atomic level both with free-energy calculations and with our new dynamic importance sampling (DIMS) molecular dynamics method. DIMS is shown to sample biologically relevant conformations as verified by comparing an ensemble of hundreds of DIMS transitions to AdK crystal structure intermediates. The simulations reveal in atomic detail how hinge regions partially and intermittently unfold during the transition. Conserved salt bridges are seen to have important structural and dynamic roles; in particular, four ionic bonds that open in a sequential, zipper-like fashion and, thus, dominate the free-energy landscape of the transition are identified. Transitions between the closed and open conformations only have to overcome moderate free-energy barriers. Unexpectedly, the closed state and the open state encompass broad free-energy basins that contain conformations differing in domain hinge motions by up to 40°. The significance of these extended states is discussed in relation to recent experimental Förster resonance energy transfer measurements. Taken together, these results demonstrate how a small number of cooperative key interactions can shape the overall dynamics of an enzyme and suggest an “all-or-nothing” mechanism for the opening and closing of AdK. Our efficient DIMS molecular dynamics computer simulation approach can provide a detailed picture of a functionally important macromolecular transition and thus help to interpret and suggest experiments to probe the conformational landscape of dynamic proteins such as AdK.  相似文献   

Molecular docking computationally screens thousands to millions of organic molecules against protein structures, looking for those with complementary fits. Many approximations are made, often resulting in low “hit rates.” A strategy to overcome these approximations is to rescore top-ranked docked molecules using a better but slower method. One such is afforded by molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) techniques. These more physically realistic methods have improved models for solvation and electrostatic interactions and conformational change compared to most docking programs. To investigate MM-GBSA rescoring, we re-ranked docking hit lists in three small buried sites: a hydrophobic cavity that binds apolar ligands, a slightly polar cavity that binds aryl and hydrogen-bonding ligands, and an anionic cavity that binds cationic ligands. These sites are simple; consequently, incorrect predictions can be attributed to particular errors in the method, and many likely ligands may actually be tested. In retrospective calculations, MM-GBSA techniques with binding-site minimization better distinguished the known ligands for each cavity from the known decoys compared to the docking calculation alone. This encouraged us to test rescoring prospectively on molecules that ranked poorly by docking but that ranked well when rescored by MM-GBSA. A total of 33 molecules highly ranked by MM-GBSA for the three cavities were tested experimentally. Of these, 23 were observed to bind—these are docking false negatives rescued by rescoring. The 10 remaining molecules are true negatives by docking and false positives by MM-GBSA. X-ray crystal structures were determined for 21 of these 23 molecules. In many cases, the geometry prediction by MM-GBSA improved the initial docking pose and more closely resembled the crystallographic result; yet in several cases, the rescored geometry failed to capture large conformational changes in the protein. Intriguingly, rescoring not only rescued docking false positives, but also introduced several new false positives into the top-ranking molecules. We consider the origins of the successes and failures in MM-GBSA rescoring in these model cavity sites and the prospects for rescoring in biologically relevant targets.  相似文献   

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