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RasGRP1 and Sos are two Ras-guanyl-nucleotide exchange factors that link TCR signal transduction to Ras and MAPK activation. Recent studies demonstrate positive selection of developing thymocytes is crucially dependent on RasGRP1, whereas negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes appears to be RasGRP1 independent. However, the role of RasGRP1 in T regulatory (Treg) cell development and function is unknown. In this study, we characterized the development and function of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) and CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) Treg lineages in RasGRP1(-/-) mice. Despite impaired CD4 Treg cell development in the thymus, the periphery of RasGRP1(-/-) mice contained significantly increased frequencies of CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells that possessed a more activated cell surface phenotype. Furthermore, on a per cell basis, CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells from mutant mice are more suppressive than their wild-type counterparts. Our data also suggest that the lymphopenic environment in the mutant mice plays a dominant role of favored peripheral development of CD4 Treg cells. These studies suggest that whereas RasGRP1 is crucial for the intrathymic development of CD4 Treg cells, it is not required for their peripheral expansion and function. By contrast to CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells, intrathymic development of CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) Treg cells is unaffected by the RasGRP1(-/-) mutation. Moreover, RasGRP1(-/-) mice contained greater numbers of CD8(+)CD44(high)CD122(+) T cells in the spleen, relative to wild-type mice. Activated CD8 Treg cells from RasGRP1(-/-) mice retained their ability to synthesize IL-10 and suppress the proliferation of wild-type CD8(+)CD122(-) T cells, albeit at a much lower efficiency than wild-type CD8 Treg cells.  相似文献   

CD4+ helper T cells are critical orchestrators of immune responses to infection and vaccination. During primary responses, naïve CD8+ T cells may need “CD4 help” for optimal development of memory populations. The immunological factors attributed to CD4 help depend on the context of immunization and vary depending on the priming system. In response to immunization with radiation-attenuated Plasmodium yoelii sporozoites, CD8+ T cells in BALB/c mice fail to generate large numbers of effector cells without help from CD4+ T cells – a defect not observed in most systems. Given this unique early dependence on CD4 help, we evaluated the effects of CD4+ cells on the development of functional properties of CD8+ T cells and on their ability to abolish infection. First, we determined that this effect was not mediated by CD4+ non-T cells and did not involve CD1d-restricted NKT cells. We found that CD8+ T cells induced by sporozoites without CD4 help formed memory populations severely reduced in magnitude that could not limit parasite development in the liver. The inability of these “helpless” memory T cells to protect is not a result of defects in effector function, as their capacity to produce cytokines and undergo cytotoxic degranulation was indistinguishable from control memory T cells. These data indicate that CD4+ T help may not be necessary to develop the functional attributes of CD8+ T cells; however they are crucial to ensure the survival of effector and memory cells induced in primary responses.  相似文献   

Oral inoculation of BALB/c mice with infective larvae of Heligmosomoides polygyrus resulted in chronic infection characterized by the release of parasite eggs in the feces for several months. The actual number of eggs per gram of feces was dependent on the dose of the inoculum. Serum IgE in infected mice peaked at a level of greater than 70 micrograms/ml during Weeks 3 through 6 following inoculation, and high levels of IgE (greater than 40 micrograms/ml) persisted for over 14 weeks. Protective immune responses resulted in reduced egg production and the development of markedly fewer adult worms in the small intestines following a challenge inoculation. The role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in these responses was examined by depletion in vivo of either T cell subpopulation with rat mAb specific for the appropriate determinants. Mice treated with anti-CD4 during a primary infection had increased EPG which was due primarily to an increase in worm fecundity (eggs produced per adult female). A challenge inoculation of mice that had been cleared of the primary infection with an anthelmintic drug induced a protective response that reduced development of new adult worms by 70-80% and their fecundity by greater than 90%. This protective response was abrogated by injection of mice with anti-CD4. Serum IgE diminished when adult worms were removed after anthelmintic treatment. A more precipitous drop in serum IgE followed successive treatments of mice with an anthelmintic and anti-CD4. In addition, the anamnestic serum IgE response to a challenge inoculation was reduced by over 80% in anti-CD4-treated mice. Anti-CD8 treatment had no appreciable effect on the immunological or parasitological parameters measured following a challenge inoculation with H. polygyrus. Thus, CD4+ T cells regulate host protective immunity, worm fecundity, and IgE levels in an H. polygyrus infection. This experimental system may be particularly suitable for analysis of chronic nematode infections of humans and livestock because of the responsiveness of the parasite in vivo to changes in host immune function.  相似文献   

Mice (I-A(b-/-)) that lack CD4(+) T cells remain healthy for at least three months after respiratory exposure to the murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68), then succumb with symptoms of chronic wasting disease. Postexposure challenge of gammaHV68-infected I-A(b+/+) and I-A(b-/-) mice with a recombinant vaccinia virus (Vacc-p56) expressing an antigenic gammaHV68 peptide caused a massive increase in the numbers of D(b)p56-specific CD8(+) T cells. Previous experiments showed that, despite the large numbers of potential CTL effectors, there was little effect on the long-term survival of the CD4-deficient group and no diminution in the level of persistent virus shedding and latency. Comparison of the expanded CD8(+)D(b)p56(+) sets in the I-A(b+/+) and I-A(b-/-) mice indicated that these two T cell populations were not identical. More CD69(high)CD8(+) D(b)p56(+) T cells were found in the CD4-deficient mice, an effect that might be thought to reflect higher Ag load. By contrast, the mean fluorescence intensity of staining for the CD44 glycoprotein was diminished on CD8(+)D(b)p56(+) T cells from the I-A(b-/-) group, the level of CTL activity was lower on a per cell basis, and the relative prevalence of IFN-gamma(+)TNF-alpha(+) T cells detected after in vitro stimulation with the p56 peptide was decreased. Given that this experimental system provides an accessible model for evaluating postexposure vaccination protocols that might be used in diseases like HIV/AIDS, the further need is to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms and the relative significance of lack of CD4(+) T help vs higher Ag load for these expanded CD8(+) effector populations.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells, particularly Th2 cells, play a pivotal role in allergic airway inflammation. However, the requirements for interactions between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in airway allergic inflammation have not been delineated. Sensitized and challenged OT-1 mice in which CD8+ T cells expressing the transgene for the OVA(257-264) peptide (SIINFEKL) failed to develop airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), airway eosinophilia, Th2 cytokine elevation, or goblet cell metaplasia. OT-1 mice that received naive CD4+IL-4+ T cells but not CD4+IL-4- T cells before sensitization developed all of these responses to the same degree as wild-type mice. Moreover, recipients of CD4+IL-4+ T cells developed significant increases in the number of CD8+IL-13+ T cells in the lung, whereas sensitized OT-1 mice that received primed CD4+ T cells just before challenge failed to develop these responses. Sensitized CD8-deficient mice that received CD8+ T cells from OT-1 mice that received naive CD4+ T cells before sensitization increased AHR and eosinophil numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when challenged with allergen. In contrast, sensitized CD8-deficient mice receiving CD8+ T cells from OT-1 mice without CD4+ T cells developed reduced AHR and eosinophil numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when challenged. These data suggest that interactions between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, in part through IL-4 during the sensitization phase, are essential to the development of CD8+IL-13+ T cell-dependent AHR and airway allergic inflammation.  相似文献   

Ocular pigment epithelia contribute to immune privilege by suppressing T cell activation and converting T cells into regulatory T regulatory cells (Tregs) that inhibit bystander T cell activation. Iris pigment epithelium (IPE) does so through direct cell-cell contact with naive T cells, and this suppressive contact is via interactions between B7 expressed constitutively on IPE cells and CTLA-4 expressed on a subpopulation of CD8+ T cells. We have now examined whether TGFbeta is required in this process. We report that IPE produces both soluble and membrane-bound active TGFbeta, but that only the latter is actually delivered to CD8+ T cells. In turn, these T cells become IPE Tregs by up-regulating their own expression of B7-1/B7-2 and soluble and membrane-bound TGFbeta. IPE Tregs through their expression of B7 are able to engage CTLA-4+ bystander T cells, and thus precisely, target delivery of membrane-bound TGFbeta. We propose that this mechanism of suppression via TGFbeta ensures that soluble active TGFbeta is not released into the ocular microenvironment where it can have unregulated and deleterious effects, including elevation of intraocular pressure and development of glaucoma.  相似文献   

In addition to TCR-derived signals, costimulatory signals derived from stimulation of the CD28 molecule by its natural ligand, B7, have been shown to be required for CD4+8- T cell activation. We investigate the ability of B7 to provide costimulatory signals necessary to drive proliferation and differentiation of virgin CD4-8+ T-cells that express a transgenic TCR specific for the male (H-Y) Ag presented by H-2Db class I MHC molecules. Virgin male-specific CD4-8+ T cells can be activated either with B7 transfected chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and T3.70, a mAb specific for the transgenic TCR-alpha chain that is associated with male-reactivity, or by male dendritic cells (DC). Activated CD4-8+ T cells proliferated in the absence of exogenously added IL-2. IL-2 activity was detected in supernatants of CD4-8+T3.70+ cells that were stimulated with T3.70 and B7+CHO cells. The response of CD4-8+T3.70+ cells to T3.70/B7+CHO or to male DC stimulation were inhibited by CTLA4Ig, a fusion protein comprising the extracellular portion of CTLA4 and human IgG C gamma 1. It has been previously shown that CTLA4Ig binds B7 with high affinity. Staining with CTLA4Ig revealed that DC express about 50 times more B7 than CD4-8+ T cells. CTLA4Ig also specifically blocked the proliferation of male-reactive cells in vivo. We have also used an in vitro deletion assay whereby immature CD4+8+ thymocytes expressing the transgenic male-specific TCR are deleted by overnight incubation with either immobilized T3.70 or male DC to investigate the participation of the CD28/B7 pathway in the negative selection of immature thymocytes. Staining with B7Ig established that both immature murine CD4+8+ and mature CD4-8+ thymocytes express a high level of CD28. However, despite the high expression of CD28 on CD4+8+ thymocytes, it was found that deletion of CD4+8+ thymocytes expressing the male-specific TCR by the T3.70 mAb was not inhibited by B7+CHO cells. Furthermore, the deletion of these thymocytes by DC also was not inhibited by CTLA4Ig. These findings provide evidence that although signaling through CD28 can costimulate a primary anti-male response in mature CD4-8+ T cells, the CD28/B7 pathway does not appear to participate in the negative selection of immature CD4+8+ thymocytes.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing various immunodeficient mouse models of rotavirus (RV) infection demonstrated significant roles of RV-specific secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells in the clearance of RV and protection from secondary infection. Secretion of small but detectable amounts of IgA in RV-infected alphabeta T-cell receptor knockout mice (11) and distinctive anatomical localization and physiology of B1 cells suggested that B1 cells might be capable of producing RV-specific intestinal IgA in a T-cell-independent fashion and, therefore, be responsible for ablation of RV shedding. We investigated the role of B1 cells in the resolution of primary RV infection using a SCID mouse model. We found that the adoptive transfer of unseparated peritoneal exudate cells ablates RV shedding and leads to the production of high levels of RV-specific intestinal IgA. In contrast, purified B1 cells do not ablate RV shedding and do not induce a T-cell-independent or T-cell-dependent, RV-specific IgA response but do secrete large amounts of polyclonal (total) intestinal IgA. Cotransfer of mixtures of purified B1 cells and B1-cell-depleted peritoneal exudate cells differing in IgA allotypic markers also demonstrated that B2 cells (B1-cell-depleted peritoneal exudate cells) and not B1 cells produced RV-specific IgA. To our knowledge, this is the first observation that B1 cells are unable to cooperate with CD4+ T cells and produce virus-specific intestinal IgA antibody. We also observed that transferred CD4+ T cells alone are capable of resolving RV shedding, although no IgA is secreted. These data suggest that RV-specific IgA may not be obligatory for RV clearance but may protect from reinfection and that effector CD4+ T cells alone can mediate the resolution of primary RV infection. Reconstitution of RV-infected SCID mice with B1 cells results in the outgrowth of contaminating, donor CD4+ T cells that are unable to clear RV, possibly because their oligoclonal specificities may be ineffective against RV antigens.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring anti-carbohydrate antibodies play a major role in both the innate and adaptive immune responses. To elicit an anti-carbohydrate immune response, glycoproteins can be processed to glycopeptides and presented by the classical antigen-presenting molecules, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I and II. In contrast, much less is known about the mechanism(s) for anti-carbohydrate responses to glycolipids, although it is generally considered that the CD1 family of cell surface proteins presents glycolipids to T cells or natural killer T (NKT) cells. Using model carbohydrate systems (isogloboside 3 and B blood group antigen), we examined the anti-carbohydrate response on glycolipids using both antibody neutralisation and knockout mouse-based experiments. These studies showed that CD4(+) T cells were required to generate antibodies to the carbohydrates expressed on glycolipids, and unexpectedly, these antibody responses were CD1d and NKT cell independent. They also did not require peptide help. These data provide new insight into glycolipid antigen recognition by the immune system and indicate the existence of a previously unrecognised population of glycolipid antigen-specific, CD1-independent, CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

We have found previously that postexposure chemoprophylaxis with 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (also known as zidovudine or AZT) in combination with recombinant human alpha A/D interferon fully protected mice exposed to a lethal dose of Rauscher murine leukemia virus (RLV) against viremia and disease. After cessation of therapy, over 90% of these mice were able to resist rechallenge with live RLV, thus demonstrating an acquired immunity. Adoptive cell transfer of 4 x 10(7) cells from immunized mice fully protected naive recipients from viremia and splenomegaly after RLV challenge. However, when these immune T cells were fractionated into CD4+ and CD8+ subpopulations, only partial protection was found when 4 x 10(7) T cells of either subset were given. Full protection against RLV challenge was seen again when the T-cell subsets from immunized mice were recombined and transferred at the same number into naive mice. We conclude that cellular immunity alone is protective and that both CD4+ and CD8+ cell types are required for conferring full protection against live virus challenge.  相似文献   

Mice lacking IFN-regulatory factor (IRF)-1 have reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells within the thymus and peripheral lymphoid organs, suggesting a critical role of IRF-1 in CD8(+) T cell differentiation. Here we show that endogenous Bcl-2 expression is substantially reduced in IRF-1(-/-)CD8+ thymocytes and that introduction of a human Bcl-2 transgene driven by Emu or lck promoter in IRF-1(-/-) mice restores the CD8(+) T cell development. Restored CD8+ T cells are functionally mature in terms of allogeneic MLR and cytokine production. In contrast to thymus-derived CD8+ T cells, other lymphocyte subsets including NK, NK T, and TCR-gammadelta(+) intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, which are also impaired in IRF-1(-/-) mice, are not rescued by expressing human Bcl-2. Our results indicate that IRF-1 differentially regulates the development of these lymphocyte subsets and that survival signals involving Bcl-2 are critical for the development of thymus-dependent CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Absence of CD4+ T cell help has been suggested as a mechanism for failed anti-tumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) response. We examined the requirement for CD4+ T cells to eliminate an immunogenic murine fibrosarcoma (6132A) inoculated into the peritoneal cavity. Immunocompetent C3H mice eliminated both single and repeat intraperitoneal (IP) inoculums, and developed high frequency of 6132A-specific interferon-γ (IFNγ)-producing CTL in the peritoneal cavity. Adoptive transfer of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) isolated from control mice, protected SCID mice from challenge with 6132A. In contrast, CD4 depleted mice had diminished ability to eliminate tumor and succumbed to repeat IP challenges. Mice depleted of CD4+ T cells lacked tumor-specific IFNγ producing CTL in the peritoneal cavity. Adoptive transfer of PEC from CD4 depleted mice failed to protect SCID mice from 6132A. However, splenocytes isolated from same CD4 depleted mice prevented tumor growth in SCID mice, suggesting that 6132A-specific CTL response was generated, but was not sustained in the peritoneum. Treating CD4 depleted mice with agonist anti-CD40 antibody, starting on days 3 or 8 after initiating tumor challenge, led to persistence of 6132A-specific IFNγ producing CTL in the peritoneum, and eliminated 6132A tumor. The findings suggest that CTL can be activated in the absence of CD4+ T cells, but CD4+ T cells are required for a persistent CTL response at the tumor site. Exogenous stimulation through CD40 can restore tumor-specific CTL activity to the peritoneum and promote tumor clearance in the absence of CD4+ T cells.Supported in part by grants from Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation, Society of University Surgeons Foundation, Florence and Marshall Schwid Foundation, Elsa Pardee Foundation, Kathy Duffy Fogarty Fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation (JS) and NIH grant RO1-CA-37156 (HS); Andrew Lodge and Ping Yu have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Following inoculation of Ag into the anterior chamber (a.c.), systemic tolerance develops that is mediated in part by Ag-specific efferent CD8(+) T regulatory (Tr) cells. This model of tolerance is called a.c.-associated immune deviation. The generation of the efferent CD8(+) Tr cell in a.c.-associated immune deviation is dependent on IL-10-producing, CD1d-restricted, invariant Valpha14(+) NKT (iNKT) cells. The iNKT cell subpopulations are either CD4(+) or CD4(-)CD8(-) double negative. This report identifies the subpopulation of iNKT cells that is important for induction of the efferent Tr cell. Because MHC class II(-/-) (class II(-/-)) mice generate efferent Tr cells following a.c. inoculation, we conclude that conventional CD4(+) T cells are not needed for the development of efferent CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, Ab depletion of CD4(+) cells in both wild-type mice (remove both conventional and CD4(+) NKT cells) and class II(-/-) mice (remove CD4(+) NKT cells) abrogated the generation of Tr cells. We conclude that CD4(+) NKT cells, but not the class II molecule or conventional CD4(+) T cells, are required for generation of efferent CD8(+) Tr cells following Ag introduction into the eye. Understanding the mechanisms that lead to the generation of efferent CD8(+) Tr cells may lead to novel immunotherapy for immune inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Every person harbors a population of potentially self-reactive lymphocytes controlled by tightly balanced tolerance mechanisms. Failures in this balance evoke immune activation and autoimmunity. In this study, we investigated the contribution of self-reactive CD8(+) T lymphocytes to chronic pulmonary inflammation and a possible role for naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (nTregs) in counterbalancing this process. Using a transgenic murine model for autoimmune-mediated lung disease, we demonstrated that despite pulmonary inflammation, lung-specific CD8(+) T cells can reside quiescently in close proximity to self-antigen. Whereas self-reactive CD8(+) T cells in the inflamed lung and lung-draining lymph nodes downregulated the expression of effector molecules, those located in the spleen appeared to be partly Ag-experienced and displayed a memory-like phenotype. Because ex vivo-reisolated self-reactive CD8(+) T cells were very well capable of responding to the Ag in vitro, we investigated a possible contribution of nTregs to the immune control over autoaggressive CD8(+) T cells in the lung. Notably, CD8(+) T cell tolerance established in the lung depends only partially on the function of nTregs, because self-reactive CD8(+) T cells underwent only biased activation and did not acquire effector function after nTreg depletion. However, although transient ablation of nTregs did not expand the population of self-reactive CD8(+) T cells or exacerbate the disease, it provoked rapid accumulation of activated CD103(+)CD62L(lo) Tregs in bronchial lymph nodes, a finding suggesting an adaptive phenotypic switch in the nTreg population that acts in concert with other yet-undefined mechanisms to prevent the detrimental activation of self-reactive CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare survival characteristics of transgenic and polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cells. Transgenic CD4 T cells have an intrinsically lower capacity for survival, reflected in their gradual disappearance in thymectomized hosts, their increased sensitivity to apoptosis in vitro, and fewer divisions during homeostatic proliferation upon transfer into syngeneic lymphopenic hosts compared with CD8 T cells. Homeostatic proliferation, however, does not generally result in phenotypic conversion of activation markers unless cognate or cross-reactive Ag is present. T cells from the A18 TCR transgenic strain normally selected into the CD4 lineage are fragile as CD4 T cells, yet display the typical robust survival pattern of CD8 T cells when diverted into the CD8 lineage in a CD4-deficient host. Polyclonal CD4 and CD8 T cells also show distinctive patterns of survival, emphasizing that survival signals are relayed differently in the two lymphocyte subpopulations. However, expression levels of Bcl-2 in either transgenic or polyclonal naive CD4 and CD8 T cells are similar, excluding a role for this molecule as a key factor in differential survival of CD4 vs CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

The role of CD4 T cell help in primary and secondary CD8 T cell responses to infectious pathogens remains incompletely defined. The primary CD8 T response to infections was initially thought to be largely independent of CD4 T cells, but it is not clear why some primary, pathogen-specific CD8 T cell responses are CD4 T cell dependent. Furthermore, although the generation of functional memory CD8 T cells is CD4 T cell help dependent, it remains controversial when the "help" is needed. In this study, we demonstrated that CD4 T cell help was not needed for the activation and effector differentiation of CD8 T cells during the primary response to vaccinia virus infection. However, the activated CD8 T cells showed poor survival without CD4 T cell help, leading to a reduction in clonal expansion and a diminished, but stable CD8 memory pool. In addition, we observed that CD4 T cell help provided during both the primary and secondary responses was required for the survival of memory CD8 T cells during recall expansion. Our study indicates that CD4 T cells play a crucial role in multiple stages of CD8 T cell response to vaccinia virus infection and may help to design effective vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

T cell activation can be profoundly altered by coinhibitory and costimulatory molecules. B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is a recently identified inhibitory Ig superfamily cell surface protein found on lymphocytes and APC. In this study we analyze the effects of an agonistic anti-BTLA mAb, PK18, on TCR-mediated T cell activation. Unlike many other allele-specific anti-BTLA mAb we have generated, PK18 inhibits anti-CD3-mediated CD4+ T cell proliferation. This inhibition is not dependent on regulatory T cells, nor does the Ab induce apoptosis. Inhibition of T cell proliferation correlates with a profound reduction in IL-2 secretion, although this is not the sole cause of the block of cell proliferation. In contrast, PK18 has no effect on induction of the early activation marker CD69. PK18 also significantly inhibits, but does not ablate, IL-2 secretion in the presence of costimulation as well as reduces T cell proliferation under limiting conditions of activation in the presence of costimulation. Similarly, PK18 inhibits Ag-specific T cell responses in culture. Interestingly, PK18 is capable of delivering an inhibitory signal as late as 16 h after the initiation of T cell activation. CD8+ T cells are significantly less sensitive to the inhibitory effects of PK18. Overall, BTLA adds to the growing list of cell surface proteins that are potential targets to down-modulate T cell function.  相似文献   

The function of T cell subsets in tumor-bearing mice was examined using an in vitro culture system of anti-(sheep red blood cell) antibody production, which is known to be dependent on T cells. The helper function of T cells of fibrosarcoma-MethA-bearing mice in antibody production decreased with the tumor stage of the mice. T cells were separated into CD4+ and CD8+ cells for further analysis of T cell subsets by the panning method using monoclonal antibodies. The helper function of CD4+ T cells in antibody production began to decrease significantly in tumor-bearing mice 1 week after the tumor transplantation. On the other hand, the suppressive function of CD8+ T cells was retained and had not decreased in the mice even 3 weeks after the transplantation. The same changes in function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were also observed in Methl-bearing mice. These results suggested that this tumor-associated immunosuppression in antibody production is attributable to the decrease in helper activity of CD4+ T cells and the maintenance of the suppressive activity of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Migration pathways of B cell and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets of murine thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) were mapped. Per weight, the spleen accumulated more TDL than any other organ, regardless of lymphocyte subset. Spleen autoradiographs showed early accumulations of TDL in marginal zone and red pulp. Many TDL exited the red pulp within 1 hr via splenic veins. The remaining TDL entered the white pulp, not directly from the adjacent marginal zone but via distal periarterial lymphatic sheaths (dPALS). From dPALS, T cells migrated proximally along the central artery into proximal sheaths (pPALS) and exited the white pulp via deep lymphatic vessels. B cells left dPALS to enter lymphatic nodules (NOD), then also exited via deep lymphatics. T cells homed to lymph nodes more efficiently than B cells. Lymphocytes entered nodes via high-endothelial venules (HEV). CD4+ TDL reached higher absolute concentrations in diffuse cortex than did CD8+ T cells. However, CD8+ TDL moved more quickly through diffuse cortex than did CD4+ TDL. B cells migrated from HEV into NOD. Both T and B TDL exited via cortical and medullary sinuses and efferent lymphatics. A migration pathway across medullary cords is described. All TDL subsets homed equally well to Peyer's patches. T TDL migrated from HEV into paranodular zones while B cells moved from HEV into NOD. All TDL exited via lymphatics. Few TDL entered zones beneath dome epithelium. All subsets were observed within indentations in presumptive M cells of the dome epithelium.  相似文献   

A chronic demyelinating disease results from murine infection with the neurotropic strain JHM of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-JHM). Demyelination is largely immune mediated. In this study, the individual roles of CD4 and CD8 T cells in MHV-induced demyelination were investigated using recombination-activating gene 1-/- (RAG1-/-) mice infected with an attenuated strain of MHV-JHM. These animals develop demyelination only after adoptive transfer of splenocytes from mice previously immunized to MHV. In this study, we show that, following adoptive transfer, virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells rapidly infiltrate the CNS of MHV-JHM-infected RAG1-/- mice. Adoptive transfer of CD4 T cell-enriched donors resulted in more severe clinical disease accompanied by less demyelination than was detected in the recipients of undepleted cells. Macrophage infiltration into the gray matter of CD4 T cell-enriched recipients was greater than that observed in mice receiving undepleted splenocytes. In contrast, CD8 T cell-enriched recipients developed delayed disease with extensive demyelination of the spinal cord. MHV-JHM-infected RAG1-/- mice receiving donors depleted of both CD4 and CD8 T cells did not develop demyelination. These results demonstrate that the development of demyelination following MHV infection may be initiated by either CD4 or CD8 T cells. Furthermore, they show that CD4 T cells contribute more prominently than CD8 T cells to the severity of clinical disease, and that this correlates with increased macrophage infiltration into the gray matter.  相似文献   

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