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Agropyron cristatum (2n = 4x = 28, PPPP) possesses potentially valuable traits that could be used in wheat (Triticum aestivum) improvement through interspecific hybridization. Homoeologous pairing between wheat chromosomes and P chromosomes added to wheat in a set of wheat - A. cristatum addition lines was assessed. First, the Ph-suppressing effect of P chromosomes (except 7P) was analyzed. It was concluded that this system is polygenic with no major gene, and consequently, has no prospect in the transfer of alien genes from wild relatives. In a second step, the potential of the deletion ph1b of the Ph1 gene for inducing P-ABD pairing was evaluated. Allosyndetic associations between P and ABD genomes are very rare. This very low level of pairing is likely due to divergence in the repeated sequences between Agropyron and wheat genomes. Development of translocation lines using ionizing radiation seems to be a more suitable technique than homoeologous recombination to exploit the A. cristatum genome in wheat improvement.  相似文献   

普通小麦SSR和EST-SSR引物对冰草通用性的比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用定位于普通小麦7个部分同源群的534对SSR引物和351对EST-SSR引物分别对普通小麦品种‘Fukuho’和四倍体冰草‘Z559’的基因组DNA进行扩增,结果显示:有475对(89.0%)SSR引物和314对(89.5%)EST-SSR引物对‘Fukuho’能有效扩增,226对(42.3%)SSR和258对(73.5%)EST-SSR引物对‘Z559’能有效扩增,表明小麦EST-SSR对冰草的通用性明显高于SSR;扩增强带比率SSR和EST-SSR引物分别为76.1%、84.1%,说明小麦EST-SSR在冰草上扩增带的质量亦优于SSR。选择上述在‘Fukuho’和‘Z559’基因组DNA之间有多态性扩增且带谱清晰的SSR和EST-SSR引物各60对,对‘Fukuho’、‘中国春’、‘北京8号’和二、四、六倍体冰草‘Z804’、‘Z559’、‘Z1075’的基因组DNA再行PCR扩增,结果显示,40对(66.7%)SSR和22对(36.7%)EST-SSR引物在‘Fukuho’、‘中国春’和‘北京8号’间扩增产物表现多态性,且前者高于后者;50对(83.3%)SSR和52对(86.7%)EST-SSR引物在冰草‘Z804’、‘Z559’和‘Z1075’间扩增产物表现多态性,两者相当。通用性、多态性和扩增强带比率综合比较表明,普通小麦EST-SSR和SSR经筛选虽都能转用于冰草,但两者相比EST-SSR更优。  相似文献   

It is important to know the mechanisms for forage development, especially those related to the tolerance of potentially toxic elements, when considering their use in phytoremediation in heavy metal contaminated areas. In this study, we evaluated plant growth, concentration, and the availability of cadmium (Cd) for forage grasses (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana and cv. Tanzânia; Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk; Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés and cv. Marandu) cultivated in Cd contaminated soils. The experiments were performed under greenhouse conditions over a 90-day evaluation period, and the Cd rates were 2, 4, and 12 mg/kg of soil. The relative growth rate of the forage grasses decreased as Cd rates increased, and the following descending order of susceptibility was observed: Marandu > Xaraés > Aruana > Tanzânia > Basilisk, with regard to phytotoxicity in these plants. The forage Cd concentration increased in line with increases in the Cd rates. Cd contents extracted by Mehlich-1 and by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid presented high positive correlation with forage relative growth. The forage plants did not block Cd entry into the food chain because they were not capable of limiting Cd absorption.  相似文献   

Hydroponic experiments were carried out to study the role of alginate-derived oligosaccharides (ADO) in enhancing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) tolerance to cadmium stress. Data were collected on plant biomass, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, antioxidant enzyme activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Under 100 μM Cd stress, plant growth was significantly inhibited. Shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weight were sharply reduced by 24.21, 34.59, 22.1 and 14.7%, respectively of the control after 10 day of Cd exposure. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) activities were increased and MDA content increased. Wheat seeds were soaked for 5 h in 1,000 mg L−1 ADO solution before cadmium stress. ADO pretreatment alleviated cadmium toxicity symptoms, which were reflected by increasing root and shoot lengths, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate (P n ). Furthermore, ADO pretreatment significantly increased antioxidant enzyme (SOD, CAT and POD) activities and reduced MDA content in leaves and roots. The results indicated that ADO pretreatment partially protected the seedlings from cadmium toxicity during the following growth period.  相似文献   

冰草P基因组特异RAPD标记的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二倍体、四倍体和六倍体冰草(P基因组)以及中国春、Fukuho、栽培一粒小麦和硬粒小麦(ABD基因组)等为材料进行RAPD分析,从520个RAPD随机引物中,筛选出2个P基因组特异的RAPD分子标记OPC04和OPP12.利用OPC04和OPP12对小麦族其它基因组植物和8个小麦-冰草二体附加系进行扩增,结果表明OPC04和OPP12在ABD、C、E、AG、I、M、R、S、V、Y等基因组扩增中未出现相应结合位点;而在对8个小麦-冰草二体附加系扩增中均出现此2个特异片段,且扩增稳定、重复性好.进一步表明OPC04和OPP12是冰草P基因组的特异标记,可作为小麦-冰草重组系外源P染色质的鉴定标记之一.  相似文献   

赵华  CORKEH 《西北植物学报》2002,22(3):543-553
利用RAV-3D(Newport Scientific Pey.Ltd.,Narrabeen,Australia)、TA-XT2(Stable Micro Systems,Godalming,Surrey,England)、DSC20(Mettler Naenikon-Uster,Suitzerland)等分析仪,对已被染色体组原位杂交(GISH)检测过的35份小麦-冰草异源衍生系及其亲本Fukuho(Triticum aestivum cv.Fukuho,2n=6x=42,AABBDD,母本)和Z559(Agropyron cristatum L.Gaertn,2n=4x=28,PPPP,父本)进行了演粉糊化特性、淀粉胶结构特性、淀粉糊化过程中的热量变化、淀粉膨胀体积及直链淀粉含量等主要物理特性的研究。结果发现:①冰草(Z559)和小麦(Fukuho)淀粉的主要物理特性显著不同,但它们的RVA曲线的变化趋势却很相似;②同一淀粉性状在不同的杂种衍生系之间变异幅度很大,有的变异高于小麦亲本(Fukuho),而有的变异则低于小麦亲本(Fukuho)。平均热糊粘度(HPV)、冷糊粘度(CPV)和稀释值(Breakdown)与双亲显著不同,而平均淀粉胶硬度(Hardness)与小麦亲本(Fukuho)显著不同,而与冰(Z559)无显著差异;③部分参数之间呈显著的正相关或负相关。这对进一步评价和利用这些杂种衍生质具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

A pot experiment and afield trial were conducted to study the remediation of an aged field soil contaminated with cadmium, copper and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (7.67 +/- 0.51 mg kg(-1) Cd, 369 +/- 1 mg kg(-1) Cu in pot experiment; 8.46 +/- 0.31 mg kg(-1) Cd, 468 +/- 7 mg kg(-1) Cu, 323 +/- 12 microg kg(-1) PCBs for field experiment) under different cropping patterns. In the pot experiment Sedum plumbizincicola showed pronounced Cd phytoextraction. After two periods (14 months) of cropping the Cd removal rates in these two treatments were 52.2 +/- 12.0 and 56.1 +/- 9.1%, respectively. Total soil PCBs in unplanted control pots decreased from 323 +/- 11 to 49.3 +/- 6.6 microg kg(-1), but with no significant difference between treatments. The field microcosm experiment intercropping of three plant species reduced the yield of S. plumbizincicola, with a consequent decrease in soil Cd removal. S. plumbizincicola intercropped with E. splendens had the highest shoot Cd uptake (18.5 +/- 1.8 mg pot(-1)) after 6 months planting followed by intercropping with M. sativa (15.9 +/- 1.9 mg pot(-1)). Liming with S. plumbizincicola intercropped with M. sativa significantly promoted soil PCB degradation by 25.2%. Thus, adjustment of soil pH to 5.56 combined with intercropping with S. plumbizincicola and M. sativagave high removal rates of Cd, Cu, and PCBs.  相似文献   

曾鹏  曹霞  郭朝晖  肖细元  刘亚男  辛立庆 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6472-6479
通过温室盆栽试验,研究珊瑚树对土壤中镉(Cd)的耐受和富集特征。研究结果表明,珊瑚树对污染土壤中Cd具有较强的耐受能力。培养56 d内,土壤中Cd含量对珊瑚树生物量影响不明显;随着培养时间的延长(105—203 d),珊瑚树的生长明显受到土壤中Cd的抑制作用。与对照处理(土壤中Cd含量为3.6 mg/kg)相比,培养154 d后,土壤中Cd含量为24.6 mg/kg处理下珊瑚树叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素和丙二醛(MDA)含量没有明显变化;培养203 d后,土壤中Cd含量为24.6mg/kg处理下珊瑚树叶片中类胡萝卜素和MDA含量无明显变化,但叶片中叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量明显受到抑制,从而导致珊瑚树叶片的生长明显受到抑制(P0.05)。培养203 d后,珊瑚树对土壤中Cd的富集系数和转运系数均大于1,表明珊瑚树对土壤中Cd具有一定的富集和转运能力。上述结果表明,珊瑚树对Cd污染土壤具有一定的生态修复潜力。  相似文献   

工业污染土壤中镉的化学形态及植物修复研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对工业污染地中重金属镉的分布及存在的化学形态进行了系统研究.结果表明,土壤中吸附的镉可被水所溶出,pH值越低(酸度越强),镉的溶出率越大,移动性越强,越容易被作物所吸收.中性条件下,此类污染土壤可溶态(水溶态、交换态和络合态)镉含量较低,分别为0.68%、12.70%和12.40%;不可溶态镉(颗粒态)约为74.40%.箩卜的茎部为此类镉污染地中镉的超富集植物器官.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment, five ornamental plants, Osmanthus fragrans (OF), Ligustrum vicaryi L. (LV), Cinnamomum camphora (CC), Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum (LC), and Euonymus japonicas cv. Aureo-mar (EJ), were studied for the ability to phytostabilization for Cd-contaminated soil. The results showed that these five ornamental plants can grow normally when the soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg?1. Cd was mainly deposited in the roots of OF, LV, LC and EJ which have grown in Cd-contaminated soils, and the maximum Cd contents reached 15.76, 19.09, 20.59 and 32.91 mg·kg?1, respectively. For CC, Cd was mainly distributed in the shoots and the maximum Cd content in stems and leaves were 12.5 and 10.71 mg·kg?1, however, the total amount of Cd in stems and leaves was similar with the other ornamental plants. The enzymatic activities in Cd-contaminated soil were benefited from the five tested ornamental plants remediation. Soil urease and sucrase activities were improved, while dehydrogenase activity was depressed. Meanwhile, the soil microbial community was slightly influenced when soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg?1 under five ornamental plants remediation. The results further suggested that ornamental plants could be promising candidates for phytostabilization of Cd-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

J Imanywoha  K B Jensen  D Hole 《Génome》1994,37(3):469-476
Six of the seven possible primary trisomics in Agropyron cristatum were produced. Based on morphology, arm length ratios, and C-banding patterns, they were identified as primary trisomics for chromosomes A, B, C, D, E, and G. Agropyron cristatum is one of several species constituting the crested wheatgrass complex. All species in this complex contain one basic genome (P). A study was conducted to produce and identify a primary trisomic series that will be used to map genes to individual chromosomes. A population of 157 plants were generated by crossing autotriploids (PPP) with diploid (PP) A. cristatum: 58 were diploid (2n = 14), 76 were primary trisomies (2n = 15), 17 were double trisomic (2n = 16), 4 were triple trisomics (2n = 14 + 3), 1 was telocentric trisomic (2n = 14 + 1 telo), and 1 was tetratrisomic (2n = 14 + 4). Karyotype analysis of acetoorcein-stained chromosomes was carried out using the CHROMPAC III computer program; for analysis of C-banded karyotypes, the computer imaging analysis program PCAS (Plant Chromosome Analysis System) was used to identify the primary trisomics. Of the 47 primary trisomics analyzed, 21 plants had one extra satellited chromosome E, 18 with the satellited D chromosome, 3 each for chromosomes B and G, and 1 each for chromosomes C and A. Chromosome pairing was studied in trisomies B, D, E, and G. Trisomics for chromosomes B and G were similar in their mieotic behavior. Each had a trivalent frequency of about 60% and pollen stainability of less than 40%. Trisomics for chromosomes D and E had a trivalent frequency of about 30% and pollen stainability of over 70%.  相似文献   

Cd污染地草坪草中Cd分布特征及化学形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
对种植在沈阳西郊Cd污染地上草坪草中Cd的分布及化学形态进行了分析研究。结果表明,Cd主要分布于草的根系中,而且在不同草种中的分布特征存在较大差异。有些草对土壤中的Cd无明显的富集作用,具有抗Cd能力;而有些草对Cd有较强的富集能力,通过研究不同溶剂对不同草种的浸提效能,探明了草中Cd以酸溶态为最多,约占总量的63.3%;水溶态和有机态Cd均很少,在迁移转化过程中酸溶态Cd具有较大活性,水溶态Cd随时间和温度的变化而呈一定的规律性,有机态Cd随介质极性的增强而活性加大。  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a widespread, highly toxic contaminant of soil and water that is generally recalcitrant to microbial breakdown and thus may be considered a good candidate for phytoremediation. PCP toxicity and rates of mineralization were compared in crested wheatgrass seedlings that were either sterile or root-inoculated with microbial consortia derived from soil at a PCP-contaminated site. Inoculated seedlings were more tolerant to PCP and mineralized threefold more 14C-PCP than sterile seedlings. Only 10% of the recovered radioactivity from sterile seedlings represented mineralized PCP, indicating that rhizosphere microorganisms are primarily responsible for PCP mineralization. The levels of PCP degradation exhibited by several microbial consortia and isolates in liquid culture were not correlated with their ability to protect crested wheatgrass seedlings from PCP toxicity. Most probable number estimates showed that the presence of crested wheatgrass root exudates enhanced the number of PCP-degrading microorganisms by 100-fold in liquid culture, indicating that exudate components provide some nutritive benefit, possibly as PCP co-metabolites. A close association of plants and rhizosphere microorganisms appears to be necessary for crested wheatgrass survival in PCP-contaminated soil, although understanding the molecular details of this association requires further research.  相似文献   

污染土壤生态修复理论内涵的初步探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
污染土壤修复的目的是转移或转化土壤中有毒有害污染物,消除或减弱污染物毒性,恢复或部分恢复土壤的生态服务功能.由于土壤污染大多属于复合污染,通常需要用多种方法联合修复污染土壤.用一种统一的方法涵盖多种修复方法,注重系统内在修复功能同外加修复功能的有机结合,以及土壤生态服务功能的全面恢复是污染土壤修复的发展趋势.本文据此提出了污染土壤生态修复的概念,并指出生态修复应该遵从生态学的3个原理和3个原则.在生态修复中,生物修复的作用十分重要,但不同方法之间的组合服从于工艺优化原则.人为强化、激活土壤系统的净化功能,并实现同外加净化功能的耦合,可使修复效率大大提高.生态因子调控是污染土壤修复的必要前提,是生态修复的基本特征,是强化修复效果的重要手段.生态修复应该具有协调性、高效性与稳定性特征.生态修复的最终目标是土壤生态功能的恢复,生态修复的基准应该根据土壤的生态功能建立.生态修复理论将在指导污染土壤修复的实践方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

污染场地土壤生态风险评估研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国快速城市化以及产业结构的调整,遗留下了大量的污染场地,发展和实施污染场地土壤生态风险评估是进行大规模污染场地修复行动的必要条件。本文围绕污染场地土壤生态风险评估的科学原理、框架构建及技术方法等方面的关键问题: 1)评估框架的场地实际针对性;2)概念模型的不确定性;3)土壤复合污染毒性机制;4)评估终点筛选;5)评估方法和框架构建等展开讨论,指出土壤复合污染的制毒机制,即污染物生物有效性和联合效应是污染场地土壤生态风险评估的关键科学问题。耦合美国环保局四步法和欧盟层级法的“证据-权重法”评估框架适用于野外复杂环境条件下的土壤污染生态风险评估。建议今后重点开展以下5个方面的工作: 1)污染场地土壤生态风险评估技术框架与风险管控技术框架之间的联合;2)概念模型研究;3)基于过程的场地土壤污染物反应运移模型研究;4)场地土壤复合污染生态毒理学机制研究;5)生态系统高水平生态风险评估终点研究。旨在为形成我国本土污染场地土壤生态风险评估技术指南提供理论基础和构架。  相似文献   



A life-cycle assessment (LCA) was performed to evaluate the environmental impacts of the remediation of industrial soils contaminated by polychlorobiphenyl (PCB). Two new bioremediation treatment options were compared with the usual incineration process. In this attributional LCA, only secondary impacts were considered. The contaminated soil used for the experiments contained 200 mg of PCB per kilogram.  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - African cultivated rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud) contains many favorable genes for tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and F1 hybrids between Asian cultivated rice (Oryza...  相似文献   

Abstract. Alien invasions typically reduce species richness of habitats, but few studies have examined their effects on species turnover, the difference in species composition between localities. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheat grass) has been planted on 6–10 million ha of North American prairie, and is invading native prairie. We studied the invasion of A. cristatum into native prairie by measuring species composition along a gradient from maximum to minimum A. cristatum abundance. As A. cristatum increased, the abundance of most common native species decreased, but one appeared to be unaffected (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag.), and another (Poa sandbergii Vasey) increased. The effect of A. cristatum on species turnover was investigated by examining species–area curves for areas from 0.5 m2 to 8.0 m2. Species diversity was reduced by 35% at high A. cristatum abundances at all areas. A. cristatum reduced the intercept of the species–area curve, but not the slope, suggesting that A. cristatum affected species turnover proportionally in all areas and habitats. This unusual result may indicate a homogeneous environment where species are distributed randomly. A. cristatum produced almost twice as many seeds as all native grasses combined. The number of seeds collected of native grasses and A. cristatum was highly correlated with the number of seed heads immediately nearby, but not with transect position. This suggests most seeds were dispersed over distances less than 5 m. In sum, the invasion of native prairie by A. cristatum might be related to high rates of seed production, and has the effect of decreasing species turnover by reducing the intercept of the species–area curve.  相似文献   

Surfactants and inorganic ligands are pointed as efficient to simultaneous removal of heavy metals and hydrophobic organic pollutants from soil. However, the biosurfactants are potentially less toxic to soil organisms than other chemical agents. Thus, in this study the efficiency of combinations of iodide (I) ligand and surfactants produced by different bacterial species in the simultaneous removal of cadmium (Cd2+) and phenanthrene in a Haplustox soil sample was investigated. Four microbial surfactants and the synthetic surfactant Triton X-100 were tested with different concentrations of ligand. Soil samples contaminated with Cd2+ and phenanthrene underwent consecutive washings with a surfactant/ligand solution. The removal of Cd2+ increased with increased ligand concentration, particularly in solutions containing biosurfactants produced by the bacterial strains Bacillus subtilis LBBMA155 (lipopeptide) and Flavobacterium sp. LBBMA168 (mixture of flavolipids) and Triton X-100. Maximum Cd2+ removal efficiency was 99.2% for biosurfactant produced by Arthrobacter oxydans LBBMA 201 (lipopeptide) and 99.2% for biosurfactant produced by Bacillus sp. LBBMA111A (mixed lipopeptide) in the presence of 0.336 mol iodide l−1, while the maximum efficiency of Triton X-100 removal was 65.0%. The biosurfactant solutions removed from 80 to 88.0% of phenanthrene in soil, and the removal was not influenced by the presence of the ligand. Triton X-100 removed from 73 to 88% of the phenanthrene and, differently from the biosurfactants, iodide influenced the removal efficiency. The results indicate that the use of a single washing agent, called surfactant-ligand, affords simultaneous removal of organic contaminants and heavy metals.  相似文献   

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