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To figure out the geographical distribution of Gynaecotyla squatarolae and Microphallus koreana metacercariae in Korea, shore crabs of southwestern coastal areas were examined. Eight coastal areas in Inchon-si (A), Gyeonggi-do (B), Chungcheongnam-do (C, D, and E), Jeollabuk-do (F), and Jeollanam-do (G and H) were selected, and 2 kinds of crabs, Macrophthalmus dilatatus and/or Macrophthalmus japonicus, were caught. After transportation to the laboratory, 15 crabs per each group were grouped and ground in a mortar and pestle, and examined for microphallid metacercariae. In M. dilatatus, G. squatarolae metacercariae were recovered from 3 (C, E, and H) out of 6 regions, but M. koreana metacercariae were not recovered. In the case of M. japonicus, G. squatarolae metacercariae were recovered from 6 (B, D, E, F, G, and H) of 7 areas surveyed, and M. koreana matacercariae were detected from 5 regions (A, B, D, F, and H). These results indicate that the life cycle of G. squatarolae is maintained in the western coastal areas using M. dilatatus and M. japonicus as intermediate hosts, while that of M. koreana is maintained only using M. japonicus.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on life history traits of the dominant calanoid Eodiaptomus japonicus were examined to evaluate its population dynamics in Lake Biwa (Japan). Embryonic and post-embryonic development times and reproduction were determined in the laboratory at four temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) and under ad libitum food condition. Post-embryonic development time of E. japonicus from hatching to adult female decreased with increasing temperature from 67.9 to 15.1 days. Males reached the adult stage 1–6 days earlier than the females. Only 15 % of the individuals survived until the adult stage at 10 °C, while 40 % did so at >15 °C. Egg production also depended on temperature. A power function of temperature on instantaneous growth rate predicted a value of <0.06 day?1 when water temperature was below 10 °C, suggesting that E. japonicus retards its growth during winter. The null value obtained at 8.6 °C for the computed population growth rate supports the idea of an overwintering strategy. Responses of life history traits to temperature suggested that in conditions where there was no food limitation, E. japonicus in Lake Biwa would be able to take advantage of the rise of temperature predicted in the context of global climate change.  相似文献   

This study revealed additional data concerning the spawning period of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus Temminck et Schlegel, 1846 in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). The spawning of E. japonicus in this area ends in September at a water temperature of 17.5 ± 3°C. Some important peculiarities of the embryonic and postembryonic development of E. japonicus in the natural environment are described. The anchovy larvae have characteristic upper and lower rows of melanophores and subcaudal paired rows of melanophores on the trunk. Regular alternating rows of long and short cones were found in the retina of the early larval stages (TL 5.5 ± 0.1 mm). The planes of the photoreceptive lamellae in the outer segments of the short cones are oriented parallel to the long cell axis, which evidently provides sensitivity to polarized light.  相似文献   

Migration is a common life‐history strategy that includes traits such as directed flight, increased wing size, seasonal lipid deposition and reproductive arrest. The degree of investment in these traits ultimately determines the life‐history strategy of individuals. Partial migration is a common mixed life‐history strategy where species or populations consist of both migrant and resident individuals. While this phenomenon is widespread across taxa, the ecological factors that select for and maintain partial migration are poorly understood, especially among insects. Here, we investigate regional life‐history traits associated with migration in the southern monarch, Danaus erippus, and describe a mixed life‐history strategy in this butterfly. Individuals from the Bolivian lowlands were observed throughout the year exhibiting mate‐ and milkweed‐directed behaviors. These butterflies had smaller wings, lower wing loads and maintained constant lipid and egg loads across summer and autumn months. Danaus erippus in the highlands of the Bolivian Andes were observed only in the summer and autumn months, during which they also showed mate‐ and milkweed‐directed behaviors. These individuals possessed similar‐sized wings and maintained similar lipid and egg loads as the lowland butterflies. In contrast, individuals from northwest Argentina showed persistent, directed, southwesterly flight during the autumn (March–May), larger wing size, higher wing loads, and increased autumn lipid deposition along with decreased egg production. These data indicate that D. erippus utilizes a mixed life‐history strategy with a combination of residents and migrants in the Bolivian lowlands, elevational migrants in the Bolivian Andes, and latitudinal migrants in northwestern Argentina.  相似文献   

Male shore crabs, Carcinus maenas [Linnaeus, 1758], compete aggressively for access to receptive females to mate. Size is the single most important factor for the outcome of these conflicts, large males with carapace width (CW) over 60 mm being much more likely to gain access to receptive females than smaller males. To compete aggressively, large male shore crabs decrease moulting frequencies and may potentially terminate moulting to enter a state of anecdysis, in which further growth is suspended to increase reproductive output. This change from a “growth” strategy to a “reproduction” strategy results in the creation of two morphs, which can roughly be separated by their colouration. As the new exoskeleton created during moult is always green in appearance, crabs tend to be green in appearance during periods where they grow rapidly and moult frequently. Green crabs are found in all size classes. However, as the exoskeleton becomes older, the colour gradually changes to a darker red colour, and large crabs that have spent an extended period in intermoult are therefore often red in appearance. Also, the exoskeleton of red crabs exhibits a higher incidence of epibionts and wear and tear. Red crabs can also be found in all size classes, but their relative proportion in the population increases dramatically in size classes above 60-mm CW. Size for size, the red morph has a thicker carapace and larger master chelae than the green morph. Also, the reproductive indices (RI) for red crabs are higher than for green crabs, and they experience higher mating success. However, this mating success appears to be achieved at the expense of a lower physiological tolerance, green crabs being better adapted to deal with changes in the surrounding environment. This increased tolerance is not only observed with regard to natural variations in the habitats where shore crabs live, but green crabs also appear to be more tolerant to variations caused by anthropogenic pollution. Consequently, the shift from growth to reproduction exerts a profound effect on the behaviour, physiology and ecotoxicology of male shore crabs. The present paper reviews the studies conducted so far, proposes a mechanism by which some of these differences between the two morphs are created and discusses their ecological and ecotoxicological significance.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of 175 specimens of the white-streaked grouper, Epinephelus ongus (Serranidae), was undertaken to determine life history characteristics of the species. Sagittal otoliths, stomachs, and a subsample of gonads were removed to determine age at length, diet, and reproductive strategy. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was used to describe growth in this species and yielded the growth parameters L = 438.3, K = 0.04334, and t0 = −8.752. Fish ranged in age from 1 to 20 years. Diet was consistent with other serranid species and included crabs, shrimps, octopi, and fishes. Based on a very limited number of specimens (n = 12), the larger size and older age of males compared to females suggests that E. ongus may be a protogynous hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

A disease caused by a parasitic dinoflagellate of the genus Hematodinium was identified in red, Paralithodes camtschaticus, and blue, Paralithodes platypus, king crabs from the north-east region of the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia, during annual stock surveys. No carapace color change was observed even in heavily infected crabs, but diseased crabs possessed creamy-yellow hemolymph, which was visible through the arthrodial membranes of the abdomen and appendages. Several stages of the parasite’s life history, including trophonts, plasmodia, sporonts and macrodinospores, were observed in tissues of infected king crabs. Numerous parasite cells were observed in the lumina of the myocardium, the gills, the connective tissue of antennal glands and the sinuses of nerve ganglia, eyestalks and gastrointestinal tract of king crabs with gross signs of infection. Based on sequencing of the 18S rDNA, it appears that the Hematodinium sp. found in red and blue king crabs is identical or closely related to Hematodinium sp. isolated from crabs of the genera Chionoecetes and Lithodes. Observed prevalences were 0.33% in sublegal male red king crabs, 0.18% in female red king crabs, 0.34% in sublegal male blue king crabs and 0.31% in female blue king crabs.  相似文献   

In mid-Atlantic salt marshes, reproductively active male sand fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, use a single greatly enlarged major claw as both a weapon to defend specialized breeding burrows from other males and an ornament to attract females for mating. During the summer breeding season, females strongly prefer to mate with males controlling burrows in open areas high on the shore. Food availability decreases while temperature and desiccation stress increase with increasing shore height, suggesting that the timing and location of fiddler crab mating activity may result in a potential trade-off between reproductive success and physiological condition for male crabs. We compared thermal preferences in laboratory choice experiments to body temperatures of models and living crabs in the field and found that from the perspective of a fiddler crab, the thermal environment of the mating area is quite harsh relative to other marsh microhabitats. High temperatures significantly constrained fiddler crab activity on the marsh surface, a disadvantage heightened by strongly reduced food availability in the breeding area. Nevertheless, when the chance of successfully acquiring a mate was high, males accepted a higher body temperature (and concomitantly higher metabolic and water loss rates) than when the chances of mating were low. Likewise, experimentally lowering costs by adding food and reducing thermal stress in situ increased fiddler crab waving display levels significantly. Our data suggest that fiddler crabs can mitigate potential life history trade-offs by tuning their behavior in response to the magnitude of both energetic and non-energetic costs and benefits.  相似文献   

The surfgrass Phyllospadix japonicus is an abundant seagrass on the exposed rocky shores of the Korean peninsula. Many surfgrass meadows on the coasts of Korea have been adversely affected by anthropogenic activities and natural phenomena such as “rock whitening,” which is caused by overgrowths of crustose coralline algae. Few attempts have been made to develop transplanting techniques for surfgrass, owing to the difficulty of transplant survival on exposed rocky shores. We developed a new Phyllospadix Transplant System (PTS), which was an artificial underwater structure constructed of a 4:5:1 ratio of cement, sand, and water. In January 2005, we transplanted P. japonicus shoots using the newly developed PTS. P. japonicus shoots were tied together at the lower part of the sheaths to iron screws, which were placed in a hollow part of the PTS, with latex elastic. To evaluate the feasibility of this transplantation technique, we compared vegetative and reproductive shoot densities, growth, and morphological characteristics in transplants to those of shoots in nearby natural beds over a 2-year period. Transplant density increased gradually without significant initial shoot loss. Approximately 6 months after transplantation, leaf growth of transplants was similar to that of naturally growing shoots. The shoot heights and sheath lengths of transplants were similar to those of naturally growing shoots at 10–15 months post-planting. Approximately 50 mm of rhizome elongation was detected in P. japonicus transplants over the 2-year period. Since P. japonicus transplants attached to the PTS successfully established at the test area, the transplantation of surfgrass using the PTS may be an effective approach to restoring the habitat of P. japonicus.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(3):283-287
Brachyuran crabs develop handedness in at least two different ways. Some crabs, such as Cancer productus, become heterochelous through use-induced differences in claw growth. Other crab species, for instance Carcinus maenas, appear to have a genetic predisposition towards right handedness. In this latter case, however, handedness reversal may take place following autotomy of the major claw. Thus, in C. maenas, and other species with this developmental strategy, younger cohorts are strongly biased towards right-handed individuals and the frequency of left-handedness increases with each subsequent moult. In the absence of differential mortality the ratio of left-handed to right-handed crabs in a given population should be predictable if the frequencies of right and left claw loss are known for different stages in the life history. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model for predicting handedness in crabs under the Carcinus-model of claw ontogeny and apply it to two species with very different ecologies and life histories; the green crab (Carcinus maenas (L.)) and the Trinidadian mountain crab (Eudaniela garmani (Rathburn)). The predicted and observed handedness frequencies were in complete concordance for the early intermoults of both species but significantly deviated in mature C. maenas where left-handed individuals were under-represented in the population. These results are discussed in the context of the evolution and functional significance of claw autotomy and handedness in crabs.  相似文献   

The introduction and translocation of nonindigenous marine species is widespread and can pose severe threats to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Predicting which species are potential invaders is of particular interest to ecologists. One approach is to identify characteristics that predispose a species to becoming a successful invader. Since its introduction in the 1980’s, the invasive Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, has shown a remarkable ability to colonize rocky intertidal habitats along the east coast of the United States. In Long Island Sound H. sanguineus occurs sympatrically with the functionally equivalent, but non-invasive, native Atlantic mud crab, Panopeus herbstii. The presence of both species at the same site allowed us to make a detailed, simultaneous assessment of life history traits and adult dispersibility of co-occurring invading and native crab species. We investigated fecundity and maturation rates, length of breeding season and brood production for both species, and conducted field experiments using mark–recapture techniques to determine mobility patterns. Our results show that the nonindigenous Asian crab has a greater reproductive potential than the native mud crab as evidenced by a longer breeding season, multiple brood production and higher fecundity rates. Field experiments confirmed previous studies indicating H. sanguineus is a highly mobile crab, and further demonstrated that adult Asian crabs are more likely than mud crabs to disperse from their shelter/refuge sites. Recovery rates for native mud crabs were significantly higher than those for Asian crabs in three experimental trials, across sites and years. This work provides new information about life history characteristics of both species and supports the hypothesis that high reproductive potential combined with high adult dispersal ability may be important factors associated with the invasion/establishment success of the Asian shore crab. More study is needed, however, to determine the applicability of these findings to other highly successful marine invaders.  相似文献   

Food habits and ecological rôle of the ghost crab. Ocypode quadrata ( Fabricius) on a North Carolina barrier beach have been investigated in field and laboratory studies. Despite previous reports that they are scavengers, the crabs spent little time in ureas where drifted material accumulated. Dead material accounted for less than 10% of the food in the field. The crabs did. however, give evidence of being facultative scavengers, readily consuming virtually any form of organic matter. Live prey, consisting almost exclusively of mole crabs, Emerita talpoida (Say), and coquina clams, Donax variabilis Say, made up more than 90% of the diet. Handling times indicate that about equal weights of E. talpoida and D. variabilis are consumed. Because of its higher caloric content E. talpoida provides ≈60% of the energy and D. variabilis ≈25%.The effect of O. quadrata on the prey species was assessed by comparing the estimated rates of its feeding (based on resting metabolism) with estimated production of E. talpoida and D. variabilis. Calculations indicate that ghost crabs consume most of the production of both species.Ghost crabs have essentially no terrestrial competitors or predators on the beaches concerned and the stability of this simple food web in such a physically unstable environment may be attributed to the flexible feeding behavior of the predators and their ability to endure long periods of starvation, and to the prey having high biotic potential and dispersal rates. Ghost crabs are the top carnivores in a simple, filter-feeding based food chain.  相似文献   

The reproductive parameters are among the most important life history aspects of fishes influenced by environmental variation. During recent years, the main life history strategies of Amazonian fish species were defined mostly by a set of reproductive parameters. In the present work, we sought to describe important life history parameters, in particular on reproductive characteristics of Apistogramma agassizii and Apistogramma bitaeniata, found in floodplain lakes of the Brazilian Amazonia. The species presented a positive sexual dimorphism, and males were significantly bigger than females. For both sexes, four developmental phase of gonad maturation were detected, and based on those it was possible to identify mature, reproductive specimens throughout the entire period of the study. From the ovaries of mature females, fecundity and spawning type were determined. Low fecundity, short spawning periods, possibly separated only by few months, and total spawning are all good indications that A. agassizii and A. bitaeniata evolved an opportunistic strategy in their life history.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that people calibrate their reproductive strategies to local levels of environmental harshness and unpredictability. While previous research has established the importance of early life cues in the development of life history strategy, the degree to which life history strategy exhibits plasticity later in life is unclear. Using longitudinal data (total N = 479) from four archival studies and a recently validated psychological measure of life history strategy, we examined mean-level trends in life history strategy at the level of psychological phenotype between the ages of 7 and 60 and found that life history strategy slowed down linearly as a function of age. Highlighting the importance of sexual selection in shaping life history strategy, we also found that men had a faster life history strategy than women at all ages and that the magnitude of this difference was constant across the lifespan. Our findings suggest that life history strategy development continues even in older adulthood. We discuss the possibility that this occurs in response to the accumulation of biological and social (e.g. offspring, relationships) capital and information about local risks and incentives.  相似文献   

Capital breeding species, those that do not acquire resources over their reproductive period, are hypothesized to have more flexible reproductive strategies than income breeding species, enabling the former to better cope with environmental changes. Yet, empirical study of this life history attribute in a changing environment is rare. Hemileuca eglanterina (Saturniidae), a strict capital breeding, day-flying moth, should employ a different reproductive strategy to exploit temporary increases in host plant nutrient quality following fire. In wetlands, where one half was burned and the other left unburned, the number of eggs/clutch was positively correlated with host plant abundance in the absence of fire, suggesting that H. eglanterina uses a resource abundance matching reproductive strategy by default. However, following fire, H. eglanterina laid greater numbers of eggs/clutch and did not adjust clutch size to host plant abundance, appearing to shift to a host plant quality based reproductive strategy. Coinciding with the fire-induced shift in reproductive strategy, host plants from burned habitat contained a greater proportion of N-containing compounds in their foliage than plants from unburned habitat, and larvae fed only leaves from the burned habitat had significantly greater survival than siblings fed unburned foliage. These results suggest the shift in reproductive strategy by H. eglanterina following fire was adaptive and that capital breeding species can cope with sudden environmental changes via alternative reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the infection status of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae in freshwater crabs (n = 363) and crayfish (n = 31) from October 2007 to October 2008 using the crush method. All of the freshwater crabs, Eriocheir japonicus, were negative for P. westermani metacercariae while 10 (32.3%) of the 31 examined crayfish were positive. The 10 positive crayfish were caught in Haenam, Jeollanam-do, and there were 8-59 (mean 28.4) metacrcariae per infected crayfish. These results suggest that P. westermani metacerariae are still transmitted by crayfish enzootically in southern Korea, and that freshwater crabs may transmit metacercariae only on rare occasions.  相似文献   

The infection effects of the parasitic digenean trematode on the body weight and reproductive success of the sand-bubbler crab were examined. Gynaecotyla squatarolae (Trematoda: Microphallidae) infects the body cavity of Scopimera globosa (Decapoda: Scopimeridae) and uses the crab as its second intermediate host. The parasites infected all reproductive crabs examined to varying degrees. Larger crabs of both sexes had more parasites than smaller ones, probably because body size reflects age, and older crabs had a longer period of exposure to infection. Males had more parasites than females, probably because of sexual difference in acting time on the surface. Ovigerous females stay in closed burrows and do not act on the surface during incubation, and so have less chance of infection than males. The quantity of infecting parasites did not explain variations in either body weight or reproductive success of individual crabs in a field experiment. The life history of this parasite, relative body size of the crabs, and cost and the possible benefit of manipulation for the parasite may explain these results.  相似文献   

Coexistence among species is commonly related to niche divergence. However, congenerics usually are very similar in their microhabitat selection and food consumption. Thus, divergent life history strategies may represent the mechanism that allows sympatry in related species. Here, we describe and compare reproductive features in two sympatric mud crabs Panopeus americanus and P. occidentalis in an impacted mangrove area in Southern Brazil. As these species are ecologically similar, we hypothesize that these species diverge in their reproductive traits, which could explain their coexistence. Crabs were collected every two months from September 2004 to July 2006. Reproductive features such as number and size of ovigerous females, breeding season, fecundity, reproductive output, and embryo volume were assessed. Panopeus americanus produced embryos during the entire sampled period, while P. occidentalis produced only between September and March. Panopeus americanus produced more embryos considering the size of the species, had significantly lower embryo volume, and higher reproductive output than P. occidentalis. These data permit to classify P. americanus as an r-strategist and P. occidentalis as a K-strategist regarding their reproductive traits. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that divergent reproductive features may allow coexistence of these mud crabs.  相似文献   

Pea crabs of the family Pinnotheridae exhibit a symbiotic life style and live associated with a variety of different marine organisms, especially bivalves. Despite the fact that pea crabs can cause serious problems in bivalve aquaculture, the available information about the ecology of these crabs from Central America is extremely limited. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe different reproductive features of the pinnotherid crab Austinotheres angelicus associated with the oyster Saccostrea palmula in the Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Monthly sampling was conducted from April to December 2012. Average carapace width (CW) of the 47 analyzed ovigerous females was 7.62 mm. The species produced on average 2677 ± 1754 recently -extruded embryos with an average volume of 0.020 ± 0.003 mm3; embryo volume increased during embryogenesis by 21%, but did not vary significantly between developmental stages. Brood mass volume varied greatly (between 11.7 and 236.7 mm3), and increased significantly with female CW. Females invested on average 76.7% (minimum: 21.7%; maximum: 162.8%) of their body weight in brood production, which confirms a substantially higher energy allocation for embryo production in pinnotherid crabs compared to free-living decapods.  相似文献   

This study compared the cardiac and ventilatory behaviour of disturbed and settled (48 h recovery) ovigerous Cancer pagurus with the behaviour of non‐ovigerous crabs. It also examined the effects of starvation and a sand substrate on ovigerous females. Ovigerous crabs had significantly lower heart rates than non‐ovigerous crabs. This implies that they have a reduced metabolic rate, confirmed by an earlier study which described lower rates of oxygen uptake in ovigerous crabs. Scaphognathite beat frequency was unaffected by either the presence of eggs, starvation or a sand substrate, but the amplitude of ventilatory pressure changes was higher in settled ovigerous females, implying greater force. The duration of periods of reversed ventilation was also substantially extended in ovigerous crabs, and disturbance caused a ten‐fold increase in the frequency of these reversals, resulting in ventilation being carried out in a predominantly reversed direction. It is suggested that these respiratory adaptations serve to ventilate the egg mass. Disturbance also led to a greater elevation of heart rate in ovigerous crabs, indicating that they are more prone to handling stress. Fed ovigerous crabs spent a higher percentage of time ventilating unilaterally; this response was lost following starvation. Starved ovigerous crabs had the lowest mean heart rate, highest mean ventilatory pressures and, when disturbed above a sand substrate, they showed the highest frequency of reversals of ventilation, possibly in association with their efforts to bury their abdomen bearing the egg mass.  相似文献   

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