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Legionella pneumophila (Lpn) is a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium in aquatic systems and an opportunistic intracellular pathogen in immunocompromised humans causing a severe pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease. Using a mouse model, we investigated molecular and cellular players in the innate immune response to infection with Lpn. We observed robust levels of inflammatory cytokines in the serum upon intranasal or i.v. infection with live, virulent Lpn, but not with inactivated or avirulent bacteria lacking the Icm/Dot type IV secretion system. Interestingly, Lpn-induced serum cytokines were readily detectable regardless of the capacity of Icm/Dot-proficient Lpn to replicate in host cells and the Lpn permissiveness of the host mice. We found NK cell-derived IFN-gamma to be the key cytokine in the resolution of Lpn infection, whereas type I IFNs did not appear to play a major role in our model. Accordingly, NK cell-depleted or IFN-II-R-deficient mice carried severely increased bacterial burdens or failed to control Lpn infection, respectively. Besides the dependence of inflammatory cytokine induction on Lpn virulence, we also demonstrate a strict requirement of MyD88 for this process, suggesting the involvement of TLRs in the recognition of Lpn. However, screening of several TLR-deficient hosts did not reveal a master TLR responsible for the sensing of an Lpn infection, but provided evidence for either redundancy of individual TLRs in Lpn recognition or TLR-independent induction of inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Infection of mouse macrophages with Toxoplasma gondii elicits MAPK activation and IL-12 production, but host cell signaling pathways have not been clearly delineated. Here, we compared macrophage signaling in response to high virulence type I (RH) vs low virulence type II (ME49) strain infection. Tachyzoites of both strains induced p38 MAPK-dependent macrophage IL-12 release, although ME49 elicited 2- to 3-fold more cytokine than RH. IL-12 production was largely restricted to infected cells in each case. RH-induced IL-12 release did not require MyD88, whereas ME49-triggered IL-12 production was substantially dependent on this TLR/IL-1R adaptor molecule. MyD88 was also not required for RH-stimulated p38 MAPK activation, which occurred in the absence of detectable upstream p38 MAPK kinase activity. In contrast, ME49-driven p38 MAPK activation displayed an MyD88-dependent component. This parasite strain also induced MyD88-dependent activation of MKK4, an upstream activator of p38 MAPK. The results suggest that RH triggers MAPK activation and IL-12 production using MyD88-independent signaling, whereas ME49 uses these pathways as well as MyD88-dependent signaling cascades. Differences in host signaling pathways triggered by RH vs ME49 may contribute to the high and low virulence characteristics displayed by these parasite strains.  相似文献   

MyD88-dependent signalling is important for secretion of early inflammatory cytokines and host protection in response to Legionella pneumophila infection. Although toll-like receptor (TLR)2 contributes to MyD88-dependent clearance of L. pneumophila , TLR-independent functions of MyD88 could also be important. To determine why MyD88 is critical for host protection to L. pneumophila , the contribution of multiple TLRs and IL-18 receptor (IL-18R)-dependent interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production in a mouse was examined. Mice deficient for TLR5 or TLR9, or deficient for TLR2 along with either TLR5 or TLR9, were competent for controlling bacterial replication and had no apparent defects in cytokine production compared with control mice. MyD88-dependent production of IFN-γ in the lung was mediated primarily by natural killer cells and required IL-18R signalling. Reducing IFN-γ levels did not greatly affect the kinetics of L. pneumophila replication or clearance in infected mice. Additionally, IFN-γ-deficient mice did not have a susceptibility phenotype as severe as the MyD88-deficient mice and were able to control a pulmonary infection by L. pneumophila . Thus, MyD88-dependent innate immune responses induced by L. pneumophila involve both TLR-dependent responses and IL-18R-dependent production of IFN-γ by natural killer cells, and these MyD88-dependent pathways can function independently to provide host protection against an intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most common etiological cause of urogenital tract infections and represents a considerable cause of immunological male infertility. We examined TLR 1-11 expression profiles in testicular cells and the functional response to infection with UPEC. All testicular cell types expressed mRNAs for at least two TLRs and, in particular, synthesis of TLR4 was induced in testicular macrophages (TM), Sertoli cells (SC), peritubular cells (PTC), and peritoneal macrophages (PM) after UPEC exposure. Even though MyD88-dependent pathways were activated as exemplified by phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in TM, SC, PTC, and PM and by the degradation of IkappaBalpha and the nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB in PTC and PM, treatment with UPEC did not result in secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-6, and TNF-alpha in any of the investigated cells. Moreover, stimulated production of these cytokines by nonpathogenic commensal E. coli or LPS in PM was completely abolished after coincubation with UPEC. Instead, in SC, PTC, TM, and PM, UPEC exposure resulted in activation of MyD88-independent signaling as documented by nuclear transfer of IFN-related factor-3 and elevated expression of type I IFNs alpha and beta, IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10, MCP-1, and RANTES. We conclude that in this in vitro model UPEC can actively suppress MyD88-dependent signaling at different levels to prevent proinflammatory cytokine secretion by testicular cells. Thus, testicular innate immune defense is shifted to an antiviral-like MyD88-independent response.  相似文献   

MyD88 is known as an essential adaptor protein for Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Previous studies have shown that transfected MyD88 forms condensed structures in the cytoplasm. However, upon TLR stimulation, there is little formation of endogenous MyD88 condensed structures. Thus, the formation of MyD88 condensed structures is tightly suppressed, but the mechanism and significance of this suppression are currently unknown. Here we show that Atg5, a key regulatory protein of autophagy, inhibits the formation of MyD88 condensed structures. We found that endogenous MyD88 had already formed condensed structures in Atg5-deficient cells and that the formation of condensed structures was further enhanced by TLR stimulation. This suppressive effect of Atg5 may not be associated with autophagic processes because MyD88 itself was not degraded and because TLR stimulation did not induce LC3 punctate formation and LC3 conversion. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that Atg5 could interact with MyD88. Furthermore, Atg5 deficiency increased formation of the MyD88–TRAF6 signaling complex induced by TLR stimulation, and it enhanced activation of NF-κB signaling but not MAPKs and Akt. These findings indicate that Atg5 regulates the formation of MyD88 condensed structures through association with MyD88 and eventually exerts a modulatory effect on MyD88-dependent signaling.  相似文献   

TLRs that mediate the recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns are widely expressed on/in cells of the innate immune system. However, recent findings demonstrate that certain TLRs are also expressed in conventional TCRalphabeta(+) T cells that are critically involved in the acquired immune system, suggesting that TLR ligands can directly modulate T cell function in addition to various innate immune cells. In this study, we report that in a murine model of chronic colitis induced in RAG-2(-/-) mice by adoptive transfer of CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells, both CD4(+)CD45RB(high) donor cells and the expanding colitogenic lamina propria CD4(+)CD44(high) memory cells expresses a wide variety of TLRs along with MyD88, a key adaptor molecule required for signal transduction through TLRs. Although RAG-2(-/-) mice transferred with MyD88(-/-)CD4(+)CD45RB(high) cells developed colitis, the severity was reduced with the delayed kinetics of clinical course, and the expansion of colitogenic CD4(+) T cells was significantly impaired as compared with control mice transferred with MyD88(+/+)CD4(+)CD45RB(high) cells. When RAG-2(-/-) mice were transferred with the same number of MyD88(+/+) (Ly5.1(+)) and MyD88(-/-) (Ly5.2(+)) CD4(+)CD45RB(high) cells, MyD88(-/-)CD4(+) T cells showed significantly lower proliferative responses assessed by in vivo CFSE division assay, and also lower expression of antiapoptotic Bcl-2/Bcl-x(L) molecules and less production of IFN-gamma and IL-17, compared with the paired MyD88(+/+)CD4(+) T cells. Collectively, the MyD88-dependent pathway that controls TLR signaling in T cells may directly promote the proliferation and survival of colitogenic CD4(+) T cells to sustain chronic colitis.  相似文献   

MyD88 is an essential adaptor molecule for Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and interleukin (IL)-1 receptor. MyD88 is thought to be present as condensed forms or aggregated structures in the cytoplasm, although the reason has not yet been clear. Here, we show that endogenous MyD88 is present as small speckle-like condensed structures, formation of which depends on MyD88 dimerization. In addition, formation of large aggregated structures is related to cytoplasmic accumulation of sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1; also known as p62) and histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), which are involved in accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins. A gene knockdown study revealed that SQSTM1 and HDAC6 were required for MyD88 aggregation and exhibited a suppressive effect on TLR ligand-induced expression of IL-6 and NOS2 in RAW264.7 cells. SQSTM1 and HDAC6 were partially involved in suppression of several TLR4-mediated signaling events, including activation of p38 and JNK, but they hardly affected degradation of IκBα (inhibitor of nuclear factor κB). Biochemical induction of MyD88 oligomerization induced recruitment of SQSTM1 and HDAC6 to the MyD88-TRAF6 signaling complex. Repression of SQSTM1 and HDAC6 enhanced formation of the MyD88-TRAF6 complex and conversely decreased interaction of the ubiquitin-specific negative regulator CYLD with the complex. Furthermore, ubiquitin-binding regions on SQSTM1 and HDAC6 were essential for MyD88 aggregation but were not required for interaction with the MyD88 complex. Thus, our study reveals not only that SQSTM1 and HDAC6 are important determinants of aggregated localization of MyD88 but also that MyD88 activates a machinery of polyubiquitinated protein accumulation that has a modulatory effect on MyD88-dependent signal transduction.  相似文献   

Gut-associated dendritic cells (DC) synthesize all-trans retinoic acid, which is required for inducing gut-tropic lymphocytes. Gut-associated DC from MyD88(-/-) mice, which lack most TLR signals, expressed low levels of retinal dehydrogenases (critical enzymes for all-trans retinoic acid biosynthesis) and were significantly impaired in their ability to induce gut-homing T cells. Pretreatment of extraintestinal DC with a TLR1/2 agonist was sufficient to induce retinal dehydrogenases and to confer these DC with the capacity to induce gut-homing lymphocytes via a mechanism dependent on MyD88 and JNK/MAPK. Moreover, gut-associated DC from TLR2(-/-) mice, or from mice in which JNK was pharmacologically blocked, were impaired in their education to imprint gut-homing T cells, which correlated with a decreased induction of gut-tropic T cells in TLR2(-/-) mice upon immunization. Thus, MyD88-dependent TLR2 signals are necessary and sufficient to educate DC with gut-specific imprinting properties and contribute in vivo to the generation of gut-tropic T cells.  相似文献   

Agents that extract or sequester membrane cholesterol stimulate IkappaB degradation and lead to NF-kappaB activation in a subset of B cells. Although the extraction of cholesterol by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin is the most potent stimulus of NF-kappaB, other agents that sequester cholesterol have similar effects. B cells and B cell lines with an immature phenotype are significantly more sensitive to the effects of cholesterol perturbation than their mature B cell counterparts. NF-kappaB activation does not involve signaling from the B cell receptor complex. Instead, the disruption of membrane cholesterol activates NF-kappaB through a MyD88-dependent pathway involving the pattern recognition receptor, Toll-like receptor 4. We suggest that lipid raft microdomains may serve not only to orchestrate receptor signaling, but to sequester signaling components one from one another, which serves to prevent receptor-mediated signaling from occurring. A role for this process during B cell development is suggested.  相似文献   

While virus-infected dendritic cells (DCs) in certain instances have the capacity to activate naive T cells by direct priming, cross-priming by DCs via the uptake of antigens from infected cells has lately been recognized as another important pathway for the induction of antiviral immunity. During cross-priming, danger and stranger signals play important roles in modulating immune responses. Analogous to what has been shown for other microbial infections, virally infected cells may contain several pathogen-associated molecular patterns that are recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs). We analyzed whether the efficient presentation of antigens derived from infected cells requires the usage of MyD88, which is a common adaptor molecule used by all TLRs. For this study, we used murine DCs that were wild type or deficient in MyD88 expression and fibroblasts that were infected with an alphavirus replicon to answer this question. Our results show that when DCs are directly infected, they are able to activate antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells in a MyD88-independent manner. In contrast, a strict requirement of MyD88 for cross-priming was observed when virally infected cells were used as a source of antigen in vitro and in vivo. This indicates that the effects of innate immunity stimulation via the MyD88 pathway control the efficiency of cross-presentation, but not direct presentation or DC maturation, and have important implications in the development of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against alphaviral replicon infections.  相似文献   

As TLRs are expressed by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, these receptors may play a role in hematopoiesis in response to pathogens during infection. We showed here that inactivated yeasts and hyphae of Candida albicans induce in vitro the proliferation of purified murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (Linc-Kit+ Sca-1+) as well as their differentiation to lineage positive cells, through a MyD88-dependent pathway. These results indicate that TLR-mediated recognition of C. albicans by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells may augment the host capability for rapidly replenishing the innate immune system during candidiasis.  相似文献   

LPS signaling is mediated through MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways, activating NF-κB, MAP kinases and IRF3. Cot/Tpl2 is an essential upstream kinase in LPS-mediated activation of ERKs. Here we explore the roles of MyD88 and Cot/Tpl2 in LPS-induced chemokine expression by studying myd88?/? and cot/tpl2?/? macrophages. Among the nine LPS-responsive chemokines examined, mRNA induction of ccl5, cxcl10, and cxcl13 is mediated through the MyD88-independent pathway. Notably, Cot/Tpl2-ERK signaling axis exerts negative effects on the expression of these three chemokines. In contrast, LPS-induced gene expression of ccl2, ccl7, cxcl2, cxcl3, ccl8, and cxcl9 is mediated in the MyD88-dependent manner. The Cot/Tpl2-ERK axis promotes the expression of the first four and inhibits the expression of the latter two. Thus, LPS induces expression of multiple chemokines through various signaling pathways in macrophages.  相似文献   

We have explored the pathological role of the MyD88 signaling pathway via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that mediate the recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in a murine model of autoimmune hepatitis induced by administering Concanavalin A (ConA). We first found that various TLRs and MyD88 molecules were expressed in liver of Con A-treated and untreated wild-type (WT) mice including liver macrophages. Flowcytometric analysis revealed that liver CD11b+CD11c and CD11b+CD11c+ antigen-presenting cells express TLR2, although NK and NKT cells did not. When WT and MyD88−/− mice were intravenously administered with Con A, the severity of hepatitis was significantly lower in Con A-injected MyD88−/− mice than in WT mice in terms of the histopathology, the levels of serum transaminase and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-6), and upregulation of CD80/CD86 and TNF-α on/in liver macrophages. The results provide evidence of a possible contribution of the TLRs-MyD88 signaling pathway in activating TLR-expressing liver macrophages in the autoimmune hepatitis model, and thus indicate that the strategy of blockade of pathological pathogens via the intestinal lumen may be feasible for the treatment of the disease.  相似文献   

Rhinoviral infection is an important trigger of acute inflammatory exacerbations in patients with underlying airway disease. We have previously established that interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is central in the communication between epithelial cells and monocytes during the initiation of inflammation. In this study we explored the roles of IL-1β and its signaling pathways in the responses of airway cells to rhinovirus-1B (RV-1B) and further determined how responses to RV-1B were modified in a model of bacterial coinfection. Our results revealed that IL-1β dramatically potentiated RV-1B-induced proinflammatory responses, and while monocytes did not directly amplify responses to RV-1B alone, they played an important role in the responses observed with our coinfection model. MyD88 is the essential signaling adapter for IL-1β and most Toll-like receptors. To examine the role of MyD88 in more detail, we created stable MyD88 knockdown epithelial cells using short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeted to MyD88. We determined that IL-1β/MyD88 plays a role in regulating RV-1B replication and the inflammatory response to viral infection of airway cells. These results identify central roles for IL-1β and its signaling pathways in the production of CXCL8, a potent neutrophil chemoattractant, in viral infection. Thus, IL-1β is a viable target for controlling the neutrophilia that is often found in inflammatory airway disease and is exacerbated by viral infection of the airways.  相似文献   

Brucella abortus is a facultative intracellular bacterium that infects humans and domestic animals. The enhanced susceptibility to virulent B. abortus observed in MyD88 knockout (KO) mice led us to investigate the mechanisms involved in MyD88-dependent immune responses. First, we defined the role of MyD88 in dendritic cell (DC) maturation. In vitro as well as in vivo, B. abortus-exposed MyD88 KO DCs displayed a significant impairment on maturation as observed by expression of CD40, CD86, and MHC class II on CD11c+ cells. In addition, IL-12 and TNF-alpha production was totally abrogated in MyD88 KO DCs and macrophages. Furthermore, B. abortus-induced IL-12 production was found to be dependent on TLR2 in DC, but independent on TLR2 and TLR4 in macrophages. Additionally, we investigated the role of exogenous IL-12 and TNF-alpha administration on MyD88 KO control of B. abortus infection. Importantly, IL-12, but not TNF-alpha, was able to partially rescue host susceptibility in MyD88 KO-infected animals. Furthermore, we demonstrated the role played by TLR9 during virulent B. abortus infection. TLR9 KO-infected mice showed 1 log Brucella CFU higher than wild-type mice. Macrophages and DC from TLR9 KO mice showed reduced IL-12 and unaltered TNF-alpha production when these cells were stimulated with Brucella. Together, these results suggest that susceptibility of MyD88 KO mice to B. abortus is due to impaired DC maturation and lack of IL-12 synthesis. Additionally, DC activation during Brucella infection plays an important regulatory role by stimulating and programming T cells to produce IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-induced maturation of MyD88-deficient dendritic cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
LPS, a major component of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, can induce a variety of biological responses including cytokine production from macrophages, B cell proliferation, and endotoxin shock. All of them were completely abolished in MyD88-deficient mice, indicating the essential role of MyD88 in LPS signaling. However, MyD88-deficient cells still show activation of NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, although the biological significance of this activation is not clear. In this study, we have examined the effects of LPS on dendritic cells (DCs) from wild-type and several mutant mice. LPS-induced cytokine production from DCs was dependent on MyD88. However, LPS could induce functional maturation of MyD88-deficient DCs, including up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and enhancement of APC activity. MyD88-deficient DCs could not mature in response to bacterial DNA, the ligand for Toll-like receptor (TLR)9, indicating that MyD88 is differentially required for TLR family signaling. MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways originate at the intracytoplasmic region of TLR4, because both cytokine induction and functional maturation were abolished in DCs from C3H/HeJ mice carrying the point mutation in the region. Finally, in vivo analysis revealed that MyD88-, but not TLR4-, deficient splenic CD11c(+) DCs could up-regulate their costimulatory molecule expression in response to LPS. Collectively, the present study provides the first evidence that the MyD88-independent pathway downstream of TLR4 can lead to functional DC maturation, which is critical for a link between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

Generating a cytotoxic CD8(+) T-cell response that can eradicate malignant cells is the primary objective of cancer vaccine strategies. In this study we have characterized the innate and adaptive immune response to the ISCOMATRIX adjuvant, and the ability of vaccine antigens formulated with this adjuvant to promote antitumor immunity. ISCOMATRIX adjuvant led to a rapid innate immune cell response at the injection site, followed by the activation of natural killer and dendritic cells (DC) in regional draining lymph nodes. Strikingly, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I cross-presentation by CD8α(+) and CD8α(-) DCs was enhanced by up to 100-fold when antigen was formulated with ISCOMATRIX adjuvant. These coordinated features enabled efficient CD8(+) T-cell cross-priming, which exhibited prophylactic and therapeutic tumoricidal activity. The therapeutic efficacy of an ISCOMATRIX vaccine was further improved when co-administered with an anti-CD40 agonist antibody, suggesting that ISCOMATRIX-based vaccines may combine favorably with other immune modifiers in clinical development to treat cancer. Finally, we identified a requirement for the myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) adapter protein for both innate and adaptive immune responses to ISCOMATRIX vaccines in vivo. Taken together, our findings support the utility of the ISCOMATRIX adjuvant for use in the development of novel vaccines, particularly those requiring strong CD8(+) T-cell immune responses, such as therapeutic cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Inhaled endotoxin induces an inflammatory response that contributes to the development and severity of asthma and other forms of airway disease. Here, we show that inhaled endotoxin-induced acute bronchoconstriction, TNF, IL-12p40, and KC production, protein leak, and neutrophil recruitment in the lung are abrogated in mice deficient for the adaptor molecule MyD88. Bronchoconstriction, inflammation, and protein leak are normal in Toll/IL-1R domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-beta-deficient mice. MyD88 is involved in TLR, but also in IL-1R-associated kinase 1-mediated IL-1R and -18R signaling. We exclude a role for IL-1 and IL-18 pathways in this response, as IL-1R1 and caspase-1 (ICE)-deficient mice develop lung inflammation while TLR4-deficient mice are unresponsive to inhaled LPS. Significantly, using bone marrow chimera, we demonstrate that both hemopoietic and resident cells are necessary for a full MyD88-dependent response to inhaled endotoxin; bronchoconstriction depends on resident cells while cytokine secretion is mediated by hemopoietic cells.  相似文献   

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