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Rat islet isolation yield and function are donor strain dependent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effective rat islet isolation is pertinent for successful islet transplantation and islet studies in vitro. To determine which rat strain yields the highest number of pure and functional islets, four commonly used rat strains were compared with regard to islet yield, islet purity and islet function. Secretory responses were assessed by stimulation with glucose, and by stimulation with glucose plus 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). We show that rat islet function and isolation yield are donor strain dependent. Albino Oxford (AO) rats donated twice as many islets than Wistar, Lewis and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Stimulation with glucose plus IBMX resulted in an average five-fold increase of the stimulation index of AO, Lewis, Wistar and SD rats compared to stimulation with glucose only. AO islets had improved secretory responses after a one-week culture period, but required the addition of IBMX to glucose to elicit a distinguished stimulated insulin secretion after 2 days of culture. Islets from SD rats showed inferior results with regard to purity immediately after isolation and with regard to function after short- and after long-time culture. Because Lewis islets possessed the highest secretory response to glucose (without IBMX) immediately after isolation, Lewis rats may be preferred as islet donors for immediate use. The addition of IBMX to glucose for in vitro functional testing is recommended because it elicits high insulin secretory responses of islets regardless of the rat strain. AO rats are preferred for culture experiments since the number of experimental animals is reduced two-fold compared to Lewis, Wistar and SD rats.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islet transplantation is a promising therapy for Type I Diabetes. For many years the method used worldwide for islet purification in both rodent and human islet isolation has been Ficoll-based density gradients, such as Histopaque. However, it is difficult to purify islets in laboratories with staff limitations when large scale isolations are required. We hypothesized that filtration could be a more simple and fast alternative to obtain good quality islets. Four separate islet isolations were performed per method, comparing filtration and Histopaque purification with handpicking as the gold standard method for islet purity. Different parameters of quality were assessed: yield in number of islets per pancreas, purity by dithizone staining, viability by Fluorescein Diacetate/Propidium Iodide vital staining and in vitro functionality assessed by Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion. Time efficiency and cost were also analyzed. The overall quality of the islets obtained both by Histopaque and filtration was good. Filtration saved almost 90 % of the time consumed by Histopaque purification, and was also cheaper. However, one-third of the islets were lost. Since human and rodent islets share similar size but different density, filtration appears as a purification method with potential interest in translation to clinic.  相似文献   

 Treatment of diabetes mellitus by transplantation of isolated pancreatic islets could constitute an alternative to human pancreas allograft. Before transplantation, porcine islets are submitted to a procedure of isolation and purification. The quality of islets through these different steps may be assessed by morphological and functional studies. The aim of this work was the histological characterization of the four main cell types of porcine adult endocrine islets during the different steps of the isolation procedure using immunohistochemistry (IHC) applied in light (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). In fresh pancreas, islets were various sizes and shapes in LM. The number was not found different between the different portions of the pancreas. In IHC, insulin (Ins)-secreting cells accounted for the majority of the islet cells, while glucagon(Glu)-somatostatin (Som)- and polypeptide(PP)-immunoreactive cells, in decreasing number, were found in the mantle around the core of Ins-cells. In EM, B-cells contained polyhedric granules with a dense central core and clear halo. Glu granules were spherical and very dense. D-cells and PP-cells were characterized by numerous granules, rather spherical and of inequal density for Som and more ellipsoidal for PP granules. After purification in Euroficoll, in EM, the four cellular types remained recognizable, but underwent vacuolization, mitochondrial swelling, and enlargment of intercellular spaces. After 3 days of culture on plastic dishes, as on Biopore membranes in a Millicell insert, microvilli appeared and vacuolization increased in EM. At the seventh day of culture, in EM, most of the cells were lysed in contrast to LM where at the same time, the four cell types were clearly identified by IHC but only in collagen matrix. Important discrepancies were noticed between LM and EM. This fact emphasizes the complementarity of morphological and functional studies in assessment of the quality of an islet isolation. Accepted: 11 June 1996  相似文献   

An important link has recently been shown in vivo between beta-cell O-linked protein glycosylation and beta-cell apoptosis, with hyperglycemia having been demonstrated to reversibly increase beta-cell O-linked protein glycosylation by providing substrate for the glucosamine pathway. In contrast, the same study showed that the administration of streptozotocin to rats prior to the induction of hyperglycemia results in irreversible increases in O-glycosylation and subsequent beta-cell apoptosis. In light of these data, we investigated beta-cell O-glycosylation in vitro by exposing isolated rat islets to high glucose, glucosamine, or streptozotocin and analyzing the pattern of O-glycosylated proteins present. All three compounds acutely increased O-glycosylation of a predominate 135-kDa protein (p135); however, their ability to stimulate p135 O-glycosylation was only consistently observed when islets were isolated in the presence of high glucose and 1 mM L-glutamine. Islets isolated in low glucose and no added L-glutamine demonstrated no consistent increase in p135 O-glycosylation in response to glucose, glucosamine, or streptozotocin. These data suggest that during islet isolation, beta-cell enzymes responsible for regulating p135 O-glycosylation may be adversely affected by the absence of high glucose and glutamine, which together are necessary for O-linked N-acetylglucosamine synthesis. We propose that the combination of high glucose and glutamine during islet isolation generates UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and O-linked N-acetylglucosamine, thus providing substrate protection for these enzymes and preserving the ability of isolated islets to O-glycosylate p135.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to circumvent the use of exogenous proteolytic enzymes in the isolation of islets of Langerhans from the perinatal rodent pancreas. Advantage is taken of the propensity of fibroblastlike cells to attach and migrate on polystyrene at low-serum concentrations (5%). In contrast, at this serum level, rat islet epithelial cells tend not to adhere to the substrate. At 3 d of culture, islets are visible at the edges of the explants. With further fibroblast outgrowth the majority of islets are freefloating by 7 d. Simple agitation of the medium and centrifugation yields approximately 50 micrograms of islet tissue per perinatal pancreas. Further purification of the islets can be obtained by subculture. Rat islets can be maintained in this manner for several months in Medium F12 supplemented with 25% horse serum in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and air at 37 degrees C. Hormone content of the islet tissue remains constant during prolonged subculture and such islets continue to exhibit appropriate insulin and glucagon responses to glucose and theophylline. The morphological integrity of the endocrine cells within the cultured islets was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and ultrastructural study. Nonendocrine cells are not identifiable within the long-term cultured islets.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a method to circumvent the use of exogenous proteolytic enzymes in the isolation of islets of Langerhans from the perinatal rodent pancreas. Advantage is taken of the propensity of fibroblastlike cells to attach and migrate on polystyrene at low-serum concentrations (5%). In contrast, at this serum level, rat islet epithelial cells tend not to adhere to the substrate. At 3 d of culture, islets are visible at the edges of the explants. With further fibroblast outgrowth the majority of islets are freefloating by 7 d. Simple agitation of the medium and centrifugation yields approximately 50 μg of islet tissue per perinatal pancreas. Further purification of the islets can be obtained by subculture. Rat islets can be maintained in this manner for several months in Medium F12 supplemented with 25% horse serum in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and air at 37° C. Hormone content of the islet tissue remains constant during prolonged subculture and such islets continue to exhibit appropriate insulin and glucagon responses to glucose and theophylline. The morphological integrity of the endocrine cells within the cultured islets was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and ultrastructural study. Nonendocrine cells are not identifiable within the long-term cultured islets. This research was supported in part by Grants AM 19899 and HD 00412 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and grants from the American Diabetes Association, Minnesota Affiliate. Portions of this work were presented at the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, held in San Diego, California, June 6–10, 1982.  相似文献   

Cell-based diabetes therapy may be achieved through xenotransplantation of adult porcine islets, but tissue quality and immunoreactivity barriers need to be overcome. Early identification and exclusion of irreversibly stressed and dying islets may improve transplant outcomes. We used oligonucleotide microarray and quantitative RT-PCR to identify molecular markers of physiological and immunological stress in porcine islets cultured under stress conditions of elevated glucose (16.7 mM), inflammatory cytokine addition (IL-1β, TNF-α, and IFN-γ), or both, for 48 h. Hyperglycemic conditions were associated with increased thioredoxin interacting protein and metabolic process mRNAs, as observed in rodent and primate species. Cytokine treatment increased expression of JAK-STAT pathway components, oxidative stress (transglutaminase 2), and β cell dysfunction genes. Transglutaminase 2 induction is unique to porcine islets. Biomarkers involved in hyperglycemia and islet inflammation may serve as novel targets for improving and monitoring isolated porcine islet function and viability.  相似文献   

Mechanically prepared isolated islets of Langerhans were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for a period of 4 days. Intraportal autotransplantation studies were performed on two groups of six pigs rendered diabetic by total pancreatectomy (group 2) or by partial pancreatectomy combined with streptozotocin (group 4) and compared with two control groups (groups 1 and 3, respectively). The pigs were assessed for survival, weight gain, glycosuria, polyuria, systemic blood sugar and insulin, and, in selected pigs, intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Results showed that partial pancreatectomy with streptozotocin was the better tolerated experimental diabetes. Variable control of hyperglycemia was obtained over an experimental period of 3 months. Random blood glucose returned to normal in one of six pigs in the totally pancreatectomized group and three of six pigs in the partial pancreatectomy and streptozotocin group. Despite these normal circulating glucose levels, imperfect glucose homeostasis was achieved as shown by the response to glucose tolerance testing. These results report blood glucose control after cryopreserved islet autotransplants in diabetic pigs but further study is still necessary to achieve consistency.  相似文献   

Hexokinase activity was found in both soluble (cytosolic) and particulate subcellular fractions prepared from rat pancreatic islet homogenates. The bound enzyme was associated with mitochondria rather than secretory granules. Relative to the total hexokinase activity, the amount of bound enzyme was higher in islet homogenates prepared at pH 6.0 (72 +/- 7%) than in islets homogenized at pH 7.4 (38 +/- 1%). The affinity of hexokinase for equilibrated D-glucose was not different in the cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions. In both fractions, hexokinase displayed a greater affinity for alpha- than beta-D-glucose, but a higher maximal velocity with the beta- than alpha-anomer. Glucose 6-phosphate inhibited to a greater extent cytosolic than mitochondrial hexokinase. A high Km glucokinase-like enzymic activity was also present in both subcellular fractions. It is proposed that the ambiguity of hexokinase plays a propitious role in the glucose-sensing function of pancreatic islet cells.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase activity was measured in rat pancreatic islet homogenates incubated in the presence of [1,4-14C]succinate, the reaction velocity being judged through the generation of 14CO2 in the auxiliary reactions catalysed by pig heart fumarase and chicken liver NADP-malate dehydrogenase. In the presence of 1·0 mM succinate, the reaction velocity averaged 5·53 ± 0·44 pmol min?1 μg?1 islet protein. The Km for succinate was close to 0·4 mM and the enzymic activity was restricted to mitochondria. These kinetic results indicate that, under the present experimental conditions, the activity of succinate dehydrogenase does not vastly exceed that of either NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase or the 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, at least when the latter enzymes are activated by ADP and/or Ca2+. Nevertheless, the activity of succinate dehydrogenase is sufficient to account for the increase in O2 uptake evoked in intact islets by the monomethyl ester of succinic acid. It could become a rate-limiting step of the Krebs cycle in models of B-cell dysfunction.  相似文献   

Expression of immune modulating mediators in human Islets of Langerhans could have important implications for development of autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes and influence the outcome of clinical islet transplantation. Islets obtained from five donors were analyzed at various times after isolation using cDNA array technology. The Atlas Human Cytokine/Receptor and Hematology/Immunology nylon membranes representing 268 genes and 406, respectively, were used and the relative expression of each gene analyzed. Of the 51 gene products identified, high mRNA expression of MCP-1, MIF, VEGF, and thymosin beta-10 was detected in all islet samples. IL-8, IL-1-beta, IL-5R, and INF-gamma antagonist were expressed in islets cultured for 2 days. IL-2R was expressed in islets cultured for more than 6 days. In conclusion, several inflammatory mediators were expressed in isolated islets, particularly at an early stage after isolation, indicating that a few days of culture could be beneficial for the outcome of islet transplantation.  相似文献   

Clusterin is a well-known glycoprotein expressed by many cell types involved in multiple physiological functions. In rat pancreatic tissue it is expressed along with islet cell development and found to be involved in regeneration of pancreatic endocrine cells after various types of tissue injuries. These results led us to propose that clusterin might play a crucial role in organization and assembling processes of islet cells during pre- and postnatal development. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out whether and in which cell type clusterin is expressed during islet cell organization in the porcine species which could play a future role in the field of xenotransplantation. For this purpose we examined the expression pattern of clusterin at different developing stages in the porcine pancreas by double-immunostaining with antibodies against chromogranin A and clusterin, and clarified whether distinct islet hormones were coexpressed with clusterin. Further, we checked by RT-PCR whether clusterin was locally expressed or possibly locally bound to the corresponding receptor. In newborn and up to 3-month-old animals clusterin was found to be expressed in a special cell type which is closely associated and intermingled with other endocrine cells. In fully developed adult islets clusterin-cells then reorganize and were found to be mainly localized in the mantle area of Langerhans islets. Double-immunostaining with antibodies against clusterin and different islet hormones such as insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin clearly demonstrate that clusterin expression was found in an own special cell type and it is also present in a subset of glucagon producing A-cells. Taken together, our results show that clusterin expression in porcine species is found in an own, as yet unidentified cell type during postnatal developmental stages, and probably labels immature precursor cells in adult animals, which finally have the potential to differentiate into glucagon-expressing cells.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islet transplantation is used to treat diabetes mellitus that has minimal complications and avoids hypoglycemic shock. Conformal microencapsulation of pancreatic islets improves their function by blocking immunogenic molecules while protecting fragile islets. However, production of empty alginate capsules during microencapsulation causes enlargement of the transplantation volume of the encapsulated islets and interferes with efficient transfer of nutrients and insulin. In this study, empty alginate capsules were separated after microencapsulation of neonatal porcine islet-like cell clusters (NPCC) using density-gradient centrifugation. Densities of NPCC and alginate capsules were determined using Percoll. Encapsulation products following alginate removal were 97 % of products, with less than 10 % of the capsules remaining empty. The viability of this process compared with manually-selected encapsulated islets indicates the separation process does not harm islets.  相似文献   

Isolated pancreatic islets from 7-10 days old Wistar rats were incubated in freshly prepared human serum. The cytotoxic insulin leakage from the islets was correlated with the presence in the sera of islet cell surface antibodies (ICSA) determined by indirect immunofluorescence. Such cytotoxic ICSA were found to be common in Type-I diabetics as well as in nondiabetic subjects who had contact with laboratory rats.  相似文献   

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