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Genes are major contributors to many psychiatric diseases, but their mechanisms of action have long seemed elusive. The intermediate phenotype concept represents a strategy for characterizing the neural systems affected by risk gene variants to elucidate quantitative, mechanistic aspects of brain function implicated in psychiatric disease. Using imaging genetics as an example, we illustrate recent advances, challenges and implications of linking genes to structural and functional variation in brain systems related to cognition and emotion.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) is a crucial neurotransmitter involved in autonomic regulation of blood pressure. Dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH), the norepinephrine transporter (NET), and the vesicular monoamine transporter subtype 2 catalyze intracellular NE biosynthesis, NE reuptake from the synapse, and vesicular transport, respectively. Genetic disorders in humans have been identified that render DBH, and the NET dysfunctional and result in cardiovascular and neurological abnormalities. Vesicular monoamine transporter subtype 2 (VMAT2) activity protects against neurotoxins, and reduced VMAT2 expression is implicated in drug addiction. Further investigation of the consequences of these genetic abnormalities has been achieved by the construction of mice strains deficient in the genes encoding DBH, NET, and VMAT2.  相似文献   

A burgeoning literature suggests that attentional factors are associated with smoking behavior (e.g. direct nicotine effects and smoking withdrawal). This study examined differences in attentional processing between nonsmokers, satiated smokers and overnight nicotine-deprived smokers by comparing the amplitude of the P300 (P3) component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) elicited during a go–nogo task. We also examined the moderating effects of a common dopamine receptor genotype and state negative affect (SNA) on this ERP index of attention. Nonsmokers relative to smokers had greater nogo P3 amplitude. Carrying the A1 allele at the dopamine receptor D2 ( DRD2 ) Taq1A polymorphism site moderated the effects of withdrawal on nogo P3 amplitude, suggesting the A1 allele is a vulnerability marker for withdrawal-related attentional deficits. Increased SNA also predicted attenuated P3 amplitude among deprived smokers. These findings suggest that DRD2 status and SNA moderate the effects of smoking status and withdrawal on neurocognitive variation during attentional processing. This research contributes to a better understanding of the role of individual differences and attentional processing in smoking behavior.  相似文献   

The network-based approach has been used to describe the relationship among genes and various phenotypes, producing a network describing complex biological relationships. Such networks can be constructed by aggregating previously reported associations in the literature from various databases. In this work, we applied the network-based approach to investigate how different brain areas are associated to genetic disorders and genes. In particular, a tripartite network with genes, genetic diseases, and brain areas was constructed based on the associations among them reported in the literature through text mining. In the resulting network, a disproportionately large number of gene-disease and disease-brain associations were attributed to a small subset of genes, diseases, and brain areas. Furthermore, a small number of brain areas were found to be associated with a large number of the same genes and diseases. These core brain regions encompassed the areas identified by the previous genome-wide association studies, and suggest potential areas of focus in the future imaging genetics research. The approach outlined in this work demonstrates the utility of the network-based approach in studying genetic effects on the brain.  相似文献   

The small effect size of most individual risk factors for psychiatric disorders likely reflects biological heterogeneity and diagnostic imprecision, which has encouraged genetic studies of intermediate biological phenotypes that are closer to the molecular effects of risk genes than are the clinical symptoms. Neuroimaging-based intermediate phenotypes have emerged as particularly promising because they map risk associated gene effects onto physiological processes in brain that are altered in patients and in their healthy relatives. Recent evidence using this approach has elucidated discrete, dissociable biological mechanisms of risk genes at the level of neural circuitries, and their related cognitive functions. This approach may greatly contribute to our understanding of the genetics and pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that intrinsic brain tumours originate from a neural stem/progenitor cell population in the subventricular zone of the post‐natal brain. However, the influence of the initial genetic mutation on the phenotype as well as the contribution of mature astrocytes to the formation of brain tumours is still not understood. We deleted Rb/p53, Rb/p53/PTEN or PTEN/p53 in adult subventricular stem cells; in ectopically neurografted stem cells; in mature parenchymal astrocytes and in transplanted astrocytes. We found that only stem cells, but not astrocytes, gave rise to brain tumours, independent of their location. This suggests a cell autonomous mechanism that enables stem cells to generate brain tumours, whereas mature astrocytes do not form brain tumours in adults. Recombination of PTEN/p53 gave rise to gliomas whereas deletion of Rb/p53 or Rb/p53/PTEN generated primitive neuroectodermal tumours (PNET), indicating an important role of an initial Rb loss in driving the PNET phenotype. Our study underlines an important role of stem cells and the relevance of initial genetic mutations in the pathogenesis and phenotype of brain tumours.  相似文献   

Wu D  Townsley E  Tartakoff AM 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1200
In many high complexity systems (cells, organisms, institutions, societies, economies, etc.), it is unclear which components should be regulated to affect overall performance. To identify and prioritize molecular targets which impact cellular phenotypes, we have developed a selection procedure ("SPI"-single promoting/inhibiting target identification) which monitors the abundance of ectopic cDNAs. We have used this approach to identify growth regulators. For this purpose, complex pools of S. cerevisiae cDNA transformants were established and we quantitated the evolution of the spectrum of cDNAs which was initially present. These data emphasized the importance of translation initiation and ER-Golgi traffic for growth. SPI provides functional insight into the stability of cellular phenotypes under circumstances in which established genetic approaches cannot be implemented. It provides a functional "synthetic genetic signature" for each state of the cell (i.e. genotype and environment) by surveying complex genetic libraries, and does not require specialized arrays of cDNAs/shRNAs, deletion strains, direct assessment of clonal growth or even a conditional phenotype. Moreover, it establishes a hierarchy of importance of those targets which can contribute, either positively or negatively, to modify the prevailing phenotype. Extensions of these proof-of-principle experiments to other cell types should provide a novel and powerful approach to analyze multiple aspects of the basic biology of yeast and animal cells as well as clinically-relevant issues.  相似文献   

QTL mapping in humans and rats has identified hundreds of blood-pressure-related phenotypes and genomic regions; the next daunting task is gene identification and validation. The development of novel rat model systems that mimic many elements of the human disease, coupled with advances in the genomic and informatic infrastructure for rats, promise to revolutionize the hunt for genes that determine susceptibility to hypertension. Furthermore, methods are evolving that should enable the identification of candidate genes in human populations. Together with the computational reconstruction of regulatory networks, these methods provide opportunities to significantly advance our understanding of the underlying aetiology of hypertension.  相似文献   

More than a hundred de novo single gene mutations and copy‐number variants have been implicated in autism, each occurring in a small subset of cases. Mutant mouse models with syntenic mutations offer research tools to gain an understanding of the role of each gene in modulating biological and behavioral phenotypes relevant to autism. Knockout, knockin and transgenic mice incorporating risk gene mutations detected in autism spectrum disorder and comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders are now widely available. At present, autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed solely by behavioral criteria. We developed a constellation of mouse behavioral assays designed to maximize face validity to the types of social deficits and repetitive behaviors that are central to an autism diagnosis. Mouse behavioral assays for associated symptoms of autism, which include cognitive inflexibility, anxiety, hyperactivity, and unusual reactivity to sensory stimuli, are frequently included in the phenotypic analyses. Over the past 10 years, we and many other laboratories around the world have employed these and additional behavioral tests to phenotype a large number of mutant mouse models of autism. In this review, we highlight mouse models with mutations in genes that have been identified as risk genes for autism, which work through synaptic mechanisms and through the mTOR signaling pathway. Robust, replicated autism‐relevant behavioral outcomes in a genetic mouse model lend credence to a causal role for specific gene contributions and downstream biological mechanisms in the etiology of autism.  相似文献   

For many psychiatric and other traits, diagnoses are based on a number of different criteria or phenotypes. Rather than carrying out genetic analyses on the final diagnosis, it has been suggested that relevant phenotypes should be analyzed directly. We provide an overview of statistical methods for the joint analysis of multiple phenotypes in case-control association studies.  相似文献   

A major factor in the evolution of the angiosperms is the adaptation of plants to animal pollinators. The specific morphology of a flower, its color, nectar composition and scent production can all contribute to reproductive success by attracting pollinators and by limiting out-crossing with other species. It has now become feasible to dissect the genetic basis of plant adaptation to different pollinators.  相似文献   

This article extends and adds more realism to Lande's analytical model for evolution under mate choice by using individual‐based simulations in which females sample a finite number of males and the genetic architecture of the preference and preferred trait evolves. The simulations show that the equilibrium heritabilities of the preference and preferred trait and the genetic correlation between them (rG), depend critically on aspects of the mating system (the preference function, mode of mate choice, choosiness, and number of potential mates sampled), the presence or absence of natural selection on the preferred trait, and the initial genetic parameters. Under some parameter combinations, preferential mating increased the heritability of the preferred trait, providing a possible resolution for the lek paradox. The Kirkpatrick–Barton approximation for rG proved to be biased downward, but the realized genetic correlations were also low, generally <0.2. Such low values of rG indicate that coevolution of the preference and preferred trait is likely to be very slow and subject to significant stochastic variation. Lande's model accurately predicted the incidence of runaway selection in the simulations, except where preferences were relative and the preferred trait was subject to natural selection. In these cases, runaways were over‐ or underestimated, depending on the number of males sampled. We conclude that rapid coevolution of preferences and preferred traits is unlikely in natural populations, but that the parameter combinations most conducive to it are most likely to occur in lekking species.  相似文献   

A broad variety of mutations of the mitochondrial DNA or nuclear genes that lead to the impairment of mitochondrial respiratory chain or mitochondrial ATP synthesis have been associated with epileptic phenotypes. Additionally, evidence for an impaired mitochondrial function in seizure focus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and Ammon’s horn sclerosis, as well as, animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy has been accumulated. This implies a direct pathogenic role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the process of epileptogenesis and seizure generation in certain forms of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Rearrangements of our genome can be responsible for inherited as well as sporadic traits. The analyses of chromosome breakpoints in the proximal short arm of Chromosome 17 (17p) reveal nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) as a major mechanism for recurrent rearrangements whereas nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) can be responsible for many of the nonrecurrent rearrangements. Genome architectural features consisting of low-copy repeats (LCRs), or segmental duplications, can stimulate and mediate NAHR, and there are hotspots for the crossovers within the LCRs. Rearrangements introduce variation into our genome for selection to act upon and as such serve an evolutionary function analogous to base pair changes. Genomic rearrangements may cause Mendelian diseases, produce complex traits such as behaviors, or represent benign polymorphic changes. The mechanisms by which rearrangements convey phenotypes are diverse and include gene dosage, gene interruption, generation of a fusion gene, position effects, unmasking of recessive coding region mutations (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, in coding DNA) or other functional SNPs, and perhaps by effects on transvection.  相似文献   

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