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The Tat protein of HIV is produced early after infection and it is essential for viral replication and transmission. Tat is released by infected lymphocytes and is detected in the serum of HIV-infected patients. Extracellular Tat enters cells, where promotes HIV replication. Several studies suggest that humoral and cellular anti-Tat immunity have a protective role and may control disease progression. Of importance, Tat is conserved in its immunogenic regions among all viral subtypes except O subtype. Thus, the immunization with Tat cannot block virus entry but might block HIV replication and progression to disease. To test this hypothesis, monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were immunized with a biologically active Tat protein. Tat was non toxic and induced specific humoral and cellular immune responses. High titers of anti-Tat antibodies capable of neutralizing Tat activity and the in vitro infection with the SHIV89.6P, Tat-specific proliferation, CTLs, TNFalpha production and skin tests were detected in the vaccinated monkeys. Most importantly, upon challenge with the highly pathogenic SHIV89.6P (10 MID50, i.v.), 5/7 of the vaccinated monkeys showed no signs of infection nor CD4+-T cell decline over a 19 months of follow-up, whereas 3/3 controls were highly infected. Thus, a Tat-vaccine is capable of controlling the acute phase of infection in nonhuman primates. These data open new avenues for the development of an AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   

Vaccine strategies aimed at blocking virus entry have so far failed to induce protection against heterologous viruses. Thus, the control of viral infection and the block of disease onset may represent a more achievable goal of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine strategies. Here we show that vaccination of cynomolgus monkeys with a biologically active HIV-1 Tat protein is safe, elicits a broad (humoral and cellular) specific immune response and reduces infection with the highly pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)-89.6P to undetectable levels, preventing the CD4+ T-cell decrease. These results may provide new opportunities for the development of a vaccine against AIDS.  相似文献   

Elucidating mechanisms leading to the natural control of HIV-1 infection is of great importance for vaccine design and for understanding viral pathogenesis. Rare HIV-1-infected individuals, termed HIV-1 controllers, have plasma HIV-1 RNA levels below the limit of detection by standard clinical assays (<50 to 75 copies/ml) without antiretroviral therapy. Although several recent studies have documented persistent low-grade viremia in HIV-1 controllers at a level not significantly different from that in HIV-1-infected individuals undergoing treatment with combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), it is unclear if plasma viruses are undergoing full cycles of replication in vivo or if the infection of new cells is completely blocked by host immune mechanisms. We studied a cohort of 21 HIV-1 controllers with a median level of viremia below 1 copy/ml, followed for a median of 11 years. Less than half of the cohort carried known protective HLA types (B*57/27). By isolating HIV-1 RNA from large volumes of plasma, we amplified single genome sequences of both pro-rt and env longitudinally. This study is the first to document that HIV-1 pro-rt and env evolve in this patient group, albeit at rates somewhat lower than in HIV-1 noncontrollers, in HLA B*57/27-positive, as well as HLA B*57/27-negative, individuals. Viral diversity and adaptive events associated with immune escape were found to be restricted in HIV-1 controllers, suggesting that replication occurs in the face of less overall immune selection.  相似文献   

The cell-mediated killer activity in cynomolgus monkeys, which were infected 2.5 yr previously with HTLV-1, was examined. With HTLV-1-infected autologous lymphoid cells as targets, HTLV-1-specific killer cells were not detected among PBL cells of infected monkeys, but in monkeys in which specific memory cells were found. These memory cells were converted to active specific killer cells by stimulation with mytomycin C (MMC)-treated HTLV-1 infected autologous cells in vitro. Target blocking by anti-HTLV-1-related Ag suggested that the target molecules recognized by the specific killer cells may be virus envelope glycoprotein gp 68 and other cellular Ag induced by HTLV-1 infection. In addition to the specific killer cells, NK cells that could kill not only NK-sensitive target cells but also target lymphoid cells with HTLV-1 Ag on their surface, were found in these monkeys. In vitro stimulation caused enhancement of NK cell activity as well as induction of antigen specific killer cells. These findings suggest that Ag-specific killer cells may work together with NK cells to eliminate HTLV-1-bearing T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Nutritional interventions are important alternatives for reducing the prevalence of many chronic diseases. Soy is a good source of protein that contains isoflavones, including genistein and daidzein, and may alter the risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and reproductive cancers. We have shown previously in nonhuman primates that soy protein containing isoflavones leads to improved body weight, insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, and atherosclerosis compared to protein without soy isoflavones (casein), and does not increase the risk of cancer. Since genistein has been shown to alter DNA methylation, we compared the methylation profiles of cynomolgus monkeys, from multiple tissues, eating two high-fat, typical American diets (TAD) with similar macronutrient contents, with or without soy protein. DNA methylation status was successfully determined for 80.6% of the probes in at least one tissue using Illumina's HumanMethylation27 BeadChip. Overall methylation increased in liver and muscle tissue when monkeys switched from the TAD-soy to the TAD-casein diets. Genes involved in epigenetic processes, specifically homeobox genes (HOXA5, HOXA11, and HOXB1), and ABCG5 were among those that changed between diets. These data support the use of the HumanMethylation27 BeadChip in cynomolgus monkeys and identify epigenetic changes associated with dietary interventions with soy protein that may potentially affect the etiology of complex diseases.  相似文献   

A custom fiberglass facemask was designed for cynomolgus monkeys to protect an orthodontic appliance. The mask was constructed from impressions and models made of the animal's head. It prevented the fingers from entering the mouth to dislodge the intra-oral appliances. The facemask permitted normal physical activity, eating, and drinking.  相似文献   

Normal hematological values including erythrocyte count (RBC), hematocrit value (Ht), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), total leucocyte count (WBC), and differential leucocyte count were determined with 206 healthy cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) aged in 1 to 18 years. These animals were born and reared at Tsukuba Primate Center for Medical Science, NIH, Japan. Additionally, 32 cynomolgus monkeys of wild origin estimated to be 5 or more years old were examined for their hematology. The presence or absence of sex- and age-related differences in the values was statistically analysed. As regards infant and juvenile monkeys, there were no significant differences in RBC, Ht and Hb between males and females. However, these values became significantly larger in males than in females after sexual maturation. Lymphocyte count was larger than neutrophil count until 3 to 4 years of age after birth, but this relation was inverted in adult monkeys aged more than 5 years. Segmentation of the nucleus was a prominent finding in neutrophils. Neither sex- nor age-related difference in the number of nuclear segmentation was noted.  相似文献   

One of the major obstacles in the design of an effective vaccine against HIV-1 is its antigenic variation, which results in viral escape from the immune system. Through a bioinformatics approach, we developed an innovative multivalent HIV-1 vaccine comprised of a pool of 176 lipidated and nonlipidated peptides representing variable regions of Env and Gag proteins. The potency and breadth of the candidate vaccine against a panel of HIV-1 subtypes was evaluated in nonhuman primate (cynomolgus macaques) and humanized mouse (HLA-A2.1) models. The results demonstrate strong immunogenicity with both breadth (humoral and cellular immunity) and depth (immune recognition of widely divergent viral sequences) against heterologous HIV-1 subtypes A-F.  相似文献   

The relationship of retrobulbar hematomas to vision in cynomolgus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental model has been developed to measure the effect of retrobulbar hematomas on functional vision in cynomolgus monkeys. In this model, functional vision was quantitated using flashed evoked visual potentials in five monkeys following creation of retrobulbar hematomas. In one monkey used as a control, functional vision remained impaired for 180 minutes following induction of retinal ischemia by increased intraorbital pressure. In two monkeys in which increased intraorbital pressure was relieved by anterior chamber paracentesis following 15 minutes of retinal ischemia, flashed evoked visual potential promptly returned to baseline level. In two additional monkeys in which increased intraorbital pressure was relieved following 30 minutes of retinal ischemia, flashed evoked visual potentials improved but never returned to baseline levels. This study demonstrates the usefulness of flashed evoked visual potentials in measuring functional vision in cynomolgus monkeys. This experimental model should prove useful in evaluating the effects of increased intraorbital pressure on functional vision and the effect of intervention on impaired vision due to retrobulbar hematomas. Further studies with larger numbers of animals are needed to clarify these preliminary studies and document longer-term effects of retinal ischemia secondary to retrobulbar hematomas.  相似文献   

Simian parvovirus is a recently discovered parvovirus that was first isolated from cynomolgus monkeys. It is similar to human B19 parvovirus in terms of virus genome, tropism for erythroid cells, and characteristic pathology in natural infections. Cynomolgus monkeys were infected with simian parvovirus to investigate their potential usefulness as an animal model of human B19 parvovirus. Six adult female cynomolgus monkeys were inoculated with purified simian parvovirus by the intravenous or intranasal route and monitored for evidence of clinical abnormalities; this included the preparation of complete hematological profiles. Viremia and simian parvovirus-specific antibody were determined in infected monkeys by dot blot and Western blot assays, respectively. Bone marrow was examined at necropsy 6, 10, or 15 days postinfection. All of the monkeys developed a smoldering, low-grade viremia that peaked approximately 10 to 12 days after inoculation. Peak viremia coincided with the appearance of specific antibody and was followed by sudden clearance of the virus and complete, but transient, absence of reticulocytes from the peripheral blood. Clinical signs were mild and involved mainly anorexia and slight weight loss. Infection was associated with a mild decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and erythrocyte numbers. Bone marrow showed marked destruction of erythroid cells coincident with peak viremia. Our findings indicate that infection of healthy monkeys by simian parvovirus is self-limited and mild, with transient cessation of erythropoiesis. Our study has reproduced Koch's postulates and further shown that simian parvovirus infection of monkeys is almost identical to human B19 parvovirus infection of humans. Accordingly, this animal model may prove valuable in the study of the pathogenesis of B19 virus infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 replicative capacity (RC) provides a measure of within-host fitness and is determined in the context of phenotypic drug resistance testing. However it is unclear how these in-vitro measurements relate to in-vivo processes. Here we assess RCs in a clinical setting by combining a previously published machine-learning tool, which predicts RC values from partial pol sequences with genotypic and clinical data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. The machine-learning tool is based on a training set consisting of 65000 RC measurements paired with their corresponding partial pol sequences. We find that predicted RC values (pRCs) correlate significantly with the virus load measured in 2073 infected but drug na?ve individuals. Furthermore, we find that, for 53 pairs of sequences, each pair sampled in the same infected individual, the pRC was significantly higher for the sequence sampled later in the infection and that the increase in pRC was also significantly correlated with the increase in plasma viral load and with the length of the time-interval between the sampling points. These findings indicate that selection within a patient favors the evolution of higher replicative capacities and that these in-vitro fitness measures are indicative of in-vivo HIV virus load.  相似文献   

Cynomolgus monkeys were anaesthetized with either intramuscular ketamine (10 mg/kg or intramuscular ketamine 2 mg/kg and medetomidine 50 microg/kg. Various physiological measurements were made once the animals were safe to handle and again 10 min later. Cardiovascular and respiratory function were well maintained with both regimens but the heart rate was lower and arterial-alveolar carbon dioxide gradient was higher in the animals that received medetomidine. In those animals that received medetomidine, atipamezole was given to reverse the medetomidine but there was no difference in recovery times between the two regimens. Anaesthesia was not entirely reliable with medetomidine/ketamine and we recommend caution when using this mixture.  相似文献   

In recent years, removal of ova or ovaries before chemotherapy or radiation therapy has been investigated in young female cancer patients to avoid the adverse effects of treatment. Orthotopic autotransplantation of ovarian cortex has advantages such as easy collection of ova and the possibility of spontaneous pregnancy. Although children have been born after successful orthotopic autotransplantation into the residual ovaries, some patients cannot undergo this procedure such as those who need bilateral ovariectomy or pelvic radiation therapy, therefore it is still necessary to investigate suitable heterotopic autotransplantation sites. The present study was performed in primates (cynomolgus monkeys) with the objective of determining the optimum site for heterotopic autotransplantation of ovarian cortex to enhance the clinical application of this method. The retroperitoneal iliac fossa and omentum were selected as sites for heterotopic autotransplantation. Two cynomolgus monkeys were subjected to laparotomy under anesthesia. After resection of the bilateral adnexae, the ovaries were cut into 0.5 cm cubes that were transplanted. Blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, estradiol, and progesterone were monitored, and monkeys with a regular estrus cycle underwent superovulation and egg collection. In both monkeys studied, recovery of a regular estrus cycle was confirmed after heterotopic autotransplantation of ovarian tissue. MII phase ova were successfully collected from tissues transplanted into the retroperitoneal iliac fossa or omentum. Development to the early blastocyst stage was confirmed after microfertilization. We established an appropriate method of heterotopic autotransplantation using ovarian cortex into the retroperitoneal iliac fossa or omentum in primates.  相似文献   

Variations in the mitochondrial DNA of a total of 150 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia were studied using a restriction endonuclease, EcoRI. Three distinct patterns were detected and they were denoted as morph 1, 2, and 3. The Malaysian population proved to be significantly different from the remaining two populations in the distributions of the three EcoRI morphs.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated the presence of cells belonging to monocyte/macrophage lineage which suppressed mitogen-induced blastogenesis of peripheral blood lymphocytes in cynomolgus monkeys. Depletion of adherent or phagocytic cells from peripheral mononuclear cells caused a substantial increase in the blastogenic response of cynomolgus monkey lymphocytes whereas the same treatment led to marked reduction rather than enhancement in human lymphocyte blastogenesis. Addition of thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal exudate adherent cells as macrophages suppressed the blastogenic response of nonadherent lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The suppressive effect was observed not only in autologous but also in allogeneic macrophages to the responder lymphocytes. Treatment of macrophages with silica, carrageenan or freezing-thawing reduced their suppressive effect but there was no reduction with mitomycin C or indomethacin. No suppressive activity was detected in the cell-free supernatant of macrophages cultured in the presence or absence of mitogens for up to 4 days. From these findings, it appeared that monocyte/macrophage lineage might be responsible for the observed suppressive effect on mitogen-induced blastogenesis of cynomolgus monkey lymphocytes.  相似文献   

An attempt to predict anergy in tuberculosis suspect cynomolgus monkeys.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acid-fast microorganisms were identified from the tuberculous lesions of a male cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Twenty-two other cynomolgus monkeys housed in the same room were presumed exposed to tuberculosis (Mycobacterium spp.). In addition to standard intradermal (ID) tuberculin testing, clinicians attempted to evaluate the immune status of these monkeys in order to identify animals exhibiting false negative (anergy) ID tuberculin tests. Twenty-one of the potentially exposed monkeys were immunized with tetanus toxoid (TT). Tetanus antitoxin (TAT) titers were measured before and after immunization. The delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) reaction to TT was evaluated using a commercially available human test panel. Some animals did not exhibit a DCH reaction to TT. At necropsy 1 of the 21 animals exhibited tuberculous lesions, and acid-fast microorganisms were identified on direct smears of lymphatic tissue of a second animal. Although reported to be of value in assessing the cellular immune status of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), the delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity response to tetanus toxoid was not helpful during this outbreak in identifying cynomolgus monkeys infected with M. tuberculosis, or in interpreting suspect ID tuberculin tests.  相似文献   

Emergence of multi-drug resistant HIV-1 is a serious problem for AIDS treatment. Recently, the virus-cell membrane fusion process has been identified as a promising target for the development of novel drugs against these resistant variants. In this study, we identified a 29-residue peptide fusion inhibitor, SC29EK, which shows activity comparable to the previously reported inhibitor SC35EK. Some residues in SC29EK not required for interaction with virus gp41 heptad repeat 1 (HR1) were replaced with a non-proteinogenic amino acid, 2-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib), to stabilize the alpha-helix structure and to provide resistance to peptidases.  相似文献   

Proper proteolytic processing of the HIV-1 Gag/Pol polyprotein is required for HIV infection and viral replication. This feature has made HIV-1 protease an attractive target for antiretroviral drug design for the treatment of HIV-1 infected patients. To examine the role of the P1 and P1′positions of the substrate in inhibitory efficacy of multi-drug resistant HIV-1 protease 769 (MDR 769), we performed a series of structure–function studies. Using the original CA/p2 cleavage site sequence, we generated heptapeptides containing one reduced peptide bond with an L to F and A to F double mutation at P1 and P1′ (F-r-F), and an A to F at P1′ (L-r-F) resulting in P1/P1′ modified ligands. Here, we present an analysis of co-crystal structures of CA/p2 F-r-F, and CA/p2 L-r-F in complex with MDR 769. To examine conformational changes in the complex structure, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were performed with MDR769–ligand complexes. MD trajectories show the isobutyl group of both the lopinavir analog and the CA/p2 L-r-F substrate cause a conformational change of in the active site of MDR 769. IC50 measurements suggest the non identical P1/P1′ ligands (CA/p2 L-r-F and lopinavir analog) are more effective against MDR proteases as opposed to identical P1/P1′ligands. Our results suggest that a non identical P1/P1′composition may be more favorable for the inhibition of MDR 769 as they induce conformational changes in the active site of the enzyme resulting in disruption of the two-fold symmetry of the protease, thus, stabilizing the inhibitor in the active site.  相似文献   

2 outbreaks of acute fatal enteric disease involving 20 animals in a breeding unit of approximately 200 cynomolgus monkeys were diagnosed as yersiniosis; Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from 50% of the clinically affected animals. Post-mortem findings included enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes with some enterocolitis and necrotic foci in liver and spleen. Approximately 7% of clinically healthy monkeys were found to be excreting Y. pseudotuberculosis and a further 5% Y. enterocolitica. Rectal swabs, though less convenient, were better than faecal samples for the detection of Yersinia spp. in 'healthy' monkeys. Efficiency of the cold saline technique and direct plating for isolating Yersinia spp. were compared. It is thought likely that the infection was introduced into the unit by asymptomatic infected monkeys.  相似文献   

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