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The presence of two types of well-characterised Ca2+ release channels, namely IP3-receptors (Ins(1,4,5)P3Rs) and ryanodine-receptors (RyRs), was detected in the salivary glands secretory cells of Chironomus plumosus L. For this aim different blockators and activators of these Ca2+ -transport systems were used. The conditions for permeabilization of these cells by saponine were experimentally chosen for their more intensive action. It was shown that IP3 decreased calcium content in saponine-treated gland tissue by (41.14 +/- 11.75)%. The effect of IP3 was not observed under condition of heparin and eosin Y presence in the incubation medium, but heparin alone did not cause any action on calcium content in saponine-treated gland tissue. The observed effects of IP3 are supposed to be the evidences of Ins (1,4,5)P3Rs presence in the intracellular membrane of this object. It was also shown that calcium content in intact gland tissue increased by (67.12 +/- 22.60)% in presence of heparin (500 mkg/ml) in the incubation medium. This effect of heparin was also observed with presence of verapamil (100 mkM) and eosin Y (5, 20 mkM) in incubation medium. So, this effect is not connected with function of voltage-gated Ca2+ -channels and Ca2+ -pumps. Ryanodine in concentration of 5nM decreased calcium content in saponine-treated gland tissue by (35.18 +/- 3.87)% but it caused the increase of calcium content at high concentration (500 nM) by (40.72 +/- 12.52)%. It improved the presence of RyRs in intracellular membrane of secretory cells of this object. Besides, these channels, perhaps, belong to "non-sensitive" to caffeine, because caffeine did not affect calcium content in the gland tissue neither in presence nor with absence of eosin Y.  相似文献   

Investigation of Ca2+ transport by calcium pump of the cell plasma membrane of the gastric glands isolated from guinea pigs and its inhibition by metal cations has been performed. The mainly competitive type of Ca2+ translocation inhibition by the calcium pump by metals cations (0.025-1.00 mM) was determined. Potency of inhibition increases in such an order (I50, mM): Ba2+ (0.336) < Sr2+ (0.251) < Mn2+ (0.099) < Co2+ (0.029) < Cd2+ (0.016). It was shown by one-factor dispersion analysis that potency of inhibition depends on ionic radii and hydration enthalpy of metal cations and also on stability constants of their complexes with oxygen-containing bioligands (acetic, aspartic and glutamic acid) (hx2 = 83.73-85.95). Dependence of the inhibition constants (I50) on ionic radii is most adequately described by the parabolic equation, such a dependence on hydration enthalpy and stability constants with oxygen-containing bioligands--by exponential or multiplicative equations. The conclusion has been made that selective Ca2+ translocation by the calcium pump and its inhibition by metal cations is determined by the interaction between energy of their interaction with cation-binding sites of the transport system and energy of hydration. Energetics of such interactions depends on the steric factors. The physicochemical model of the Ca2+ selective translocation by calcium pump and its inhibition by metal cations has been proposed.  相似文献   

Synthesis and glycosylation of larval salivary gland secretory proteins of Chironomus thummi were analyzed with respect to cell specific differences in the Balbiani ring (BR) pattern and glycoprotein composition of secretion formerly detected by histochemical staining procedures. In the secretion of a special cell type in salivary glands, which is characterized by the appearance of an additional BR, an additional polypeptide with a relative molecular weight (Mr) of 160 kD was found differing in its antigenic properties and tryptic fingerprint pattern from main cell secretion proteins. This so-called ssp-160 component is preferentially synthesized and glycosylated in the special cells. In the same cells, both the synthesis and glycosylation of all other major secretory proteins was found to be diminished or even repressed. In contrast to the conspicuous cell-specific differences at the level of protein synthesis, RNA analyses show the prominent synthesis of 75 S RNA in both main and special cells and gave no clear indication of the synthesis of a smaller RNA fraction as expected from the size of ssp-160 component. — These and further data on synthesis and properties of secretory proteins as well as expression of BR DNA are discussed with regard to the assumption that at least some of the eight major secretory polypeptides are coded for by BR DNA. The BR gene(s) might have originated by manifold duplications and modifications of short repetitive prototype DNA sequences, which are coordinatively expressed.On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birth-day we wish to dedicate this paper to Professor Wolfgang Beermann who was the first to detect, by the discovery of cell specific expression of BR 4 of Chironomus pallidivittatus salivary gland chromosomes and the concomitant occurrence of cell specific secretion granules, a causual relationship between the activity of a Balbiani ring and the appearance of a secretion component (Beermann, 1961)addressee for reprint requests  相似文献   

The puffing pattern of polytene chromosomes in salivary glands from Chironomus pallidivittatus larvae and prepupae has been studied in glutaraldehyde-acetic acid fixed, lactic acid flattened preparations. Some observations were also made on F1 hybrid species C. pallidivittatus X C. tentans. Concerning the situation of puffing in Balbiani rings (BR), 2.783 chromosomes IV from 188 animals were scored. In standard 4th instar larvae, BR2 appears expanded, BR3 smaller but not collapsed and BRI either reduced of collapsed. During the first days following the red-head stage, which signals the beginning of the 4th instar, larvae show a large BR1; later it reduces and tends to collapse. At the end of the 4th instar, prepupae again may present an expanded BR1. On the contrary, the size of BR2 and BR3 remains unchanged from the red-head stage to the prepupa. A variable accumulation of droplets has been observed to occur in BR2 and BR1 from dated larvae and prepupae.--A characteristic pattern of puffing was found in prepupae, which consisted in the appearance of conspicuous puffs at regions I-6B, I-7B, I-7B, I-18C, III-9B and IV-4B. Puffs at I-2B, I-3B, I-9A,I-11C,II-4A, and IV-4B were observed during most of the 4th larval instar, as well as in late larvae and prepupae. Among all these puffs, those at I-7B, I-9A, I-17B, and IV-4B frequently showed variable amounts of droplets.  相似文献   

Using isolated nuclei of salivary grand cells of Chironomus plumosus larvae, it was revealed that the integrity of nuclei was a necessary condition for realization of protein synthesis in the nuclei. The involvement of nuclear particles in the above synthesis is supposed.  相似文献   

The (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-dependent ATPase of human erythrocyte 'ghosts' was solubilized and reconstituted to form membranous vesicles capable of energized Ca2+ accumulation. The erythrocyte 'ghosts' for this purpose were prepared by using isoosmotic freeze-haemolysis in the presence of Tween 20 and proteinase inhibitors to stabilize the preparation. The reconstitution procedure is similar to that developed by Meissner & Fleischer [(1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 302-309] for skeletal-muscle sarcoplasmic-reticulum in that: (1) deoxycholate is used for the solubilization of the membrane; (2) controlled dialysis at near room temperature, rather than 0 degree C, is required in order to obtain a functional preparation capable of Ca2+ accumulation; and (3) membrane vesicles can be reassembled with protein/lipid ratio (approx. 60% protein and 40% lipid) similar to that of the original membrane.  相似文献   

Salivary glands in aquatic larvae of Chironomus are responsible for formation of a fiber that larvae use to construct feeding tubes. Major constituents of this fiber include a family (the sp-I family) of high M r (1 × 106) secretory polypeptides. Because of our interest in the polypeptide composition and polymerization of the salivary fiber we conducted a survey of the electrophoretic pattern of sp-I components found in salivary glands obtained from individual larvae. The survey encompassed ten strains of Chironomus tentans, three strains of Chironomus pallidivittatus and four strains of Chironomus thummi. Salivary glands from C. tentans and C. pallidivittatus contained at least four sp-I components (sp-Ia, sp-Ib, sp-Ic and sp-Id) that behave identically with regard to their electrophoretic mobility and detectability when larvae were exposed to galactose or glycerol. Sp-I components in C. thummi were generally fewer and not directly comparable by electrophoretic mobility to sp-I components in the other two species. During this survey two important alterations were observed in the electrophoretic pattern of sp-I components obtained from C. tentans and C. pallidivittatus. First, all four sp-I components exhibited, with a low frequency, double bands that appeared as slow-versus-fast electrophoretic variants of a particular component. Secondly, the relative steady-state level of each sp-I component fluctuated in comparison to other sp-I components in the same extract. This fluctuation varied such that any one sp-I component might appear as a single prominent component. Sp-I components are encoded by a multigene family located in Balbiani rings (BRs). Results presented here, in conjunction with known nucleotide sequence data from BR genes, led us to the following conclusions. The slow and fast electrophoretic variants observed for each sp-I component suggest that each corresponding BR gene may be able to expand and/or contract in size. The observed degree of independent fluctuation in the steady-state level of each sp-I component suggests that each BR gene may be able to regulate its expression independently from the others. Finally, the observation that salivary glands sometimes contained only one prominent sp-I component led us to hypothesize that, whereas salivary fibers might typically be heteropolymers comprised of two or more types of sp-I components, homopolymers comprised of only one sp-I component may also exist.  相似文献   

Heart failure is common among the elderly and an alteration in myocardial Ca2+ transport is believed to be involved in its depressed contractile performance. Although ATP-dependent sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca2+ transport has been reported to decrease in old hearts, virtually nothing appears to be known about the Ca2+ pump activity of SR in aging myocardium in the presence of calmodulin, one of its endogenous activators. In this study, the activity of the Ca2+ pump of aging cardiac SR was assessed in the presence of this endogenous stimulator. This assessment was therefore designed to give additional information about the status of this enzyme in old hearts. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used and were divided into 3 groups: young (4–6 months old); middle-aged (15–17 months old) and old age (24–25 months old). Purified SR membranes were isolated from ventricular tissues. ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation by membrane vesicles of middle-aged and old hearts was significantly depressed in comparison to young hearts at all Ca2+ concentrations employed in the absence and presence of calmodulin. The activity of this Ca2+ transporter was similar in middle-aged and old hearts even in the presence of calmodulin. These results suggest that the activity of the Ca2+ pump in SR of aging hearts is depressed even in the presence of calmodulin.C. E. Heyliger is a Scholar of the British Columbia Heart Foundation.  相似文献   

Heart failure is common among the elderly and an alteration in myocardial Ca2+ transport is believed to be involved in its depressed contractile performance. Although ATP-dependent sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca2+ transport has been reported to decrease in old hearts, virtually nothing appears to be known about the Ca2+ pump activity of SR in aging myocardium in the presence of calmodulin, one of its endogenous activators. In this study, the activity of the Ca2+ pump of aging cardiac SR was assessed in the presence of this endogenous stimulator. This assessment was therefore designed to give additional information about the status of this enzyme in old hearts. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used and were divided into 3 groups: young (4-6 months old); middle-aged (15-17 months old) and old age (24-25 months old). Purified SR membranes were isolated from ventricular tissues. ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation by membrane vesicles of middle-aged and old hearts was significantly depressed in comparison to young hearts at all Ca2+ concentrations employed in the absence and presence of calmodulin. The activity of this Ca2+ transporter was similar in middle-aged and old hearts even in the presence of calmodulin. These results suggest that the activity of the Ca2+ pump in SR of aging hearts is depressed even in the presence of calmodulin.  相似文献   

The salivary proteins of Chironomus thummi larvae were separated by SDS gel electrophoresis and characterized by immunological techniques. As a result, five protein fractions (sp-220, sp-180, sp-35, sp-18, and sp-16) with molecular weights Mr=220000, 180000, 35000, 18000 and 16000 were identified in 6%–20% polyacrylamide gradient gels. In addition, three giant proteins fractions (molecular weights exceeding Mr=800000) were detected in composite polyacrylamide-agarose gels. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis allowed us to identify five immunochemically dissimilar organ-specific antigen fractions in the salivary gland secretion. Data were obtained indicating that the protein fractions, sp-220, sp-180, sp-35, sp-18, and sp-16, are immunochemically and structurally similar. The giant secretory proteins and the secretory fractions with low molecular weights were found to be immunochemically unrelated.  相似文献   

The secretory proteins of Chironomus tentans larvae form insoluble fibers that are spun into threads used to construct underwater feeding and pupation tubes. We began in vitro studies of the mechanism of assembly into fibers, the structure of the assembled proteins, and the contribution of individual proteins to the assembled structure. From measurements of turbidity and electron micrographs, we observed that the secretory proteins were isolated as complexes. These complexes are most likely at initial stages of assembly; further assembly into insoluble fibers must occur in vivo. Denaturation and reduction disrupted the complexes, and removal of the denaturing and reducing agents resulted in reassembly of the complexes. The circular dichroic spectrum of the complexes indicated that the assembled proteins had the tertiary structure alpha + beta. The largest secretory proteins were purified and shown to have both similar morphology, using electron microscopy, and a similar dichroic spectrum to that of the native complexes. We concluded that the large secretory proteins form the fibrous backbone of the complexes that we observe.  相似文献   

With the aim of comparative estimation of efficacy of well-known inhibitors of energy-dependent Ca(2+)-transporting systems their effects were investigated on the activity of purified Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase of the myometrium cell plasma membranes. From the approved inhibitors (eosin Y, o-vanadate, thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, ruthenium red, sodium azide) only eosin Y and o-vanadate are potent inhibitors of myometrium sarcolemma Ca(2+)-pump: the values of Ki equal 0.8 and 4.7 microM, respectively. Thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid as well as ruthenium red in concentrations inhibiting, respectively, endo(sarco)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-pump and energy-dependent Ca(2+)-transport in mitochondria had no effect on the Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase of the uterus smooth muscle cell plasma membrane. Sodium azide (10 mM) blocking completely Ca(2+)-transport in mitochondria inhibited activity of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-transporting ATPase by 14%.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-transport system of human erythrocyte membranes was solubilized by deoxycholate in the presence of the nonionic detergent Tween 20 and was purified by calmodulin affinity chromatography. The method yields a functional enzyme, which as compared with the erythrocyte membrane was purified 207-fold based on specific activity, and about 330-fold based on protein content. The activity of the isolated enzyme can be increased about 9-fold by the addition of calmodulin, resulting in a specific activity of 10.1 mumoles/mg . min at 37 degrees C. Triton X-100 and deoxycholate stimulate the calmodulin-deficient Ca2+-ATPase in a concentration dependent manner, which results in a loss of the calmodulin-sensitivity. The Ca2+-transport ATPase could be reconstituted after solubilization of the ATPase by deoxycholate and controlled dialysis near room temperature. The system was reconstituted to form membraneous vesicles capable of energized Ca2+ accumulation. The membrane vesicles showed a protein to lipid ratio (approx. 60% protein and 40% lipid) similar to that of the original erythrocyte membrane. The stimulation by calmodulin of the calmodulin-depleted membrane-bound and partially purified Ca2+-ATPase is strongly time dependent. At a Ca2+-concentration of 40 microM and low calmodulin concentrations, approx. 120 min are required to regain full activity. This time period is decreased to about 15 min in the presence of a high excess of calmodulin. Vice versa, at fixed concentrations of calmodulin, the time necessary for regain of full activity is decreased as the Ca2+ concentrations is increased. The dependence of the Ca2+-ATPase activity on the calmodulin concentration shows strong deviation from Michaelis-Menten kinetics at Ca2+ concentrations below (4--10 microM) and above (200 microM) the optimum concentration of 40 microM. Mathematical analysis of the results at 200 microM Ca2+ leads to the assumption that 4 calmodulin molecules interact with one oligomer of Ca2+-ATPase consisting of 4 identical subunits.  相似文献   

A technique is described for the isolation of a plasma membrane-enriched preparation from a rat liver post-mitochondrial fraction by using discontinuous Percoll density-gradient centrifugation. The procedure is simple, of high reproducibility and yield and requires a total isolation time of only 90 min. The preparation consists almost exclusively of membrane vesicles and is enriched approx. 26-fold in plasma membrane-localized enzymes with minor contamination (less than 10%) with membranes derived mainly from the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Approx. 20% of the fraction comprises tightly-sealed vesicles in the inverted orientation which are capable of accumulating calcium ions and exhibiting vanadate-insensitive Ca2+-ATPase activity. The properties of these activities, including insensitivity to vanadate, oxalate, and to p-chloromercuribenzoate as well as a lack of requirement for added Mg2+, contrast markedly with the reported properties of Ca2+ transport by the endoplasmic reticulum isolated from rat liver. The technique may have wide application in the study of plasma membrane-associated activities in rat liver, particularly in relation to sinusoidal membrane surface-related events.  相似文献   

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