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Biological responses of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are mediated by the Met receptor tyrosine kinase. Although HGF is a potent mitogen for a variety of cells, the signals required for cell-cycle progression by the Met/HGF receptor are poorly defined. In this study, we have used the Xenopus oocyte system to define the role of various Met proximal-binding partners and downstream signaling pathways in cell-cycle regulation. We show that cell-cycle progression and activation of MAPK and JNK mediated by the oncogenic Met receptor, Tpr-Met, are dependent on its kinase activity and the presence of the twin phosphotyrosine (Y482 & Y489) residues in its C-terminus, but that the recruitment of Grb2 and Shc adaptor proteins is dispensable, implicating other signaling molecules. However, using Met receptor oncoproteins engineered to recruit specific signaling proteins, we demonstrate that recruitment of Grb2 or Shc adaptor proteins is sufficient to induce cell-cycle progression and activation of MAPK and JNK, while the binding of phospholipase-Cgamma or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase alone fails to elicit these responses. Using various means to block phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phospholipase-Cgamma, MEK, JNK, Mos, and Raf1 activity, we show that unlike the fibroblast growth factor receptor, MEK-dependent and independent signaling contribute to Met receptor-mediated cell-cycle progression, but phospholipase-Cgamma or JNK activity and Mos synthesis are not critical. Notably, we demonstrate that Raf1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling are required for cell-cycle progression initiated by the Met receptor, a protein frequently deregulated in human tumors.  相似文献   

Steel GJ  Brownsword J  Stirling CJ 《Biochemistry》2002,41(39):11914-11920
Tail-anchored or C-terminally-anchored proteins play many essential roles in eukaryotic cells. However, targeting and insertion of this class of membrane protein has remained elusive. In this study, we reconstitute insertion of tail-anchored proteins into microsomes derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using this approach, we are able to genetically manipulate the composition of the microsomes in order to address the question of which components of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are required for this process. We show that tail-anchored protein insertion is not dependent on the classical SEC translocation machinery but rather occurs via an ATP-dependent pathway involving at least one novel membrane protein factor. We further demonstrate that the specificity of this pathway is conserved between yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

Eph receptors and their cognate ligand ephrins play important roles in various biological processes such as cell migration, axon guidance, and synaptic plasticity. One characteristic feature of the Eph-ephrin signal transduction is that, upon interaction with the receptor, the transmembrane B-class ephrins become tyrosine-phosphorylated and transduce intracellular signals that lead to reorganization of the cytoskeleton. Although in vitro and genetic studies have demonstrated unequivocally the significance of this reverse signaling, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. We report here that transfection of ephrin-B1 into 293 cells resulted in robust increase in JNK activity, whereas expression of truncated ephrin-B1 lacking the cytoplasmic domain had a negligible effect, indicating that the induction of JNK activity was attributed mainly to the reverse signaling. The ephrin-B1-mediated JNK activation was reduced significantly by dominant-negative TAK1, MKK4, or MKK7. Ephrin-B1 over-expressing 293 cells became rounded in morphology. Surprisingly, ephrin-B1 that lacked all six intracellular tyrosine residues still triggered JNK activation and rounding morphology of the transfected cells. Consistent with these observations, activation of JNK and the resulting morphological changes mediated by ephrin-B1 could be abolished by the JNK inhibitor SP600125 but not the Src inhibitor PP2. Taken together, our findings have identified a novel reverse signaling pathway transduced by ephrin-B1, which is independent of tyrosine phosphorylation but involves the activation of JNK through TAK1 and MKK4/MKK7 and leads to changes in cell morphology.  相似文献   

H Sugiya  S Furuyama 《Cell calcium》1990,11(7):469-475
In rat parotid acinar cells prelabelled with [3H]-inositol, sphingosine stimulated the accumulation of [3H]-inositol polyphosphates. When the cells were exposed to sphingosine, [3H]-inositol trisphosphate (InsP3) was accumulated in a time- and dose-dependent manner. When the extracellular Ca2+ was chelated by 1 mM EGTA, the effect of sphingosine on InsP3 accumulation was completely inhibited. Ionophores, A23187 and ionomycin, had no significant effect on InsP3 accumulation. An inhibitor of protein kinase C, 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7), failed to stimulate InsP3 accumulation. In the homogenate of parotid acinar cells, InsP3 3-kinase and 5-phosphomonoesterase activities were not affected by sphingosine. These results suggest that sphingosine activates phosphoinositide turnover by a mechanism dependent upon extracellular Ca2+, but different from that of an ionophore, and independent of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha1beta1, one of the cellular collagen receptors, can participate in the regulation of collagen accumulation by acting as a negative feedback regulator. The molecular mechanism behind this phenomenon has been unknown. We have plated cells inside three-dimensional collagen and analyzed a set of chemical inhibitors for various signal transduction pathways. Only two wide-spectrum serine/threonine kinase inhibitors, H-7 and iso-H-7 could prevent the down-regulation of alpha1(I) collagen mRNA levels in cells exposed to three-dimensional collagen. In monolayer iso-H-7 slightly down-regulated collagen gene expression, indicating that inside collagen it affected integrin signaling rather than having a direct stimulatory effect on collagen mRNA levels. The effect of iso-H-7 was not dependent on its ability to inhibit protein kinases A, C, or G. H-7 and iso-H-7 could also inhibit collagen gel contraction, but this mechanism was independent of collagen gene regulation. Three-dimensional collagen could also up-regulate the mRNA levels of several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) but H-7 and iso-H-7 had no effect on the regulation of MMP genes. Our data indicate that three-dimensional collagenous matrix regulates distinct cellular signaling pathways and that collagen gene regulation is independent of the other effects of the matrix.  相似文献   

The product of the adenovirus E1A 13S mRNA can both stimulate and repress the expression of certain viral and cellular genes. As with several other regulatory proteins, E1A has a short half-life, approximately 40 min. Although this short half-life is observed in cells expressing the E1A gene, it is not the case with cells injected with E1A protein, where its half-life is very long, generally greater than 15 h. We have sought to reconcile these apparent differences in E1A stability. Using Xenopus oocytes, we find that E1A exhibits its characteristic short half-life when it is synthesized from injected mRNA while it has a very long half-life when it is injected as a protein synthesized originally in Escherichia coli or reticulocyte lysates. In order to delineate the amino acids responsible for rapid E1A turnover, several deletion mRNAs were constructed, injected into oocytes, and E1A half-life determined. Carboxyl-terminal deletions and an internal deletion of residues 38-86 failed to increase the half-life of E1A. In contrast, amino-terminal deletions of 70 and 14 residues resulted in very stable E1A proteins (t1/2 greater than 20 h). Furthermore, deletion of the second amino acid, an arginine, resulted in a stable E1A protein. The amino-terminal region of E1A was able to induce the rapid turnover of a normally stable protein, beta-globin, in oocytes injected with an E1A-globin chimeric mRNA. This E1A-induced instability of globin was abolished, however, when the protein was first synthesized in reticulocyte lysates and then injected into oocytes. The amino-terminal region of E1A is also important in governing halflife in adenovirus-infected HeLa cells. These results demonstrate that the half-life of E1A is established cotranslationally through a mechanism involving sequences within the amino-terminal 37 residues.  相似文献   

Nguyen DT  Rovira II  Finkel T 《FEBS letters》2002,511(1-3):170-174
Advanced glycation end products (AGE) are known to serve as ligands for the scavenger receptors such as SR-A, CD36 and SR-BI. In the current study, we examined whether AGE is recognized by lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1). Cellular binding experiments revealed that AGE-bovine serum albumin (AGE-BSA) showed the specific binding to CHO cells overexpressing bovine LOX-1 (BLOX-1), which was effectively suppressed by an anti-BLOX-1 antibody. Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells also showed the specific binding for AGE-BSA, which was suppressed by 67% by the anti-BLOX-1 antibody. Thus, LOX-1 is identified as a novel endothelial receptor for AGE.  相似文献   

The normal PrP(C) (cellular prion protein) contains sLe(X) [sialyl-Le(X) (Lewis X)] and Le(X). sLe(X) is a ligand of selectins. To examine whether PrP(C) is a ligand of selectins, we generated three human PrP(C)-Ig fusion proteins: one with Le(X), one with sLe(X), and the other with neither Le(X) nor sLe(X). Only Le(X)-PrP(C)-Ig binds E-, L- and P-selectins. Binding is Ca(2+)-dependent and occurs with nanomolar affinity. Removal of sialic acid on sLe(X)-PrP(C)-Ig enables the fusion protein to bind all selectins. These findings were confirmed with brain-derived PrP(C). The selectins precipitated PrP(C) in human brain in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Treatment of brain homogenates with neuraminidase increased the amounts of PrP(C) precipitated. Therefore the presence of sialic acid prevents the binding of PrP(C) in human brain to selectins. Hence, human brain PrP(C) interacts with selectins in a manner that is distinct from interactions in peripheral tissues. Alternations in these interactions may have pathological consequences.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase Raf-1 is an essential component of the MAPK cascade. Activation of Raf-1 by extracellular signals is initiated by association with intracellular membranes. Recruitment of Raf-1 to membranes has been reported to be mediated by direct association with Ras and by the phospholipase D product phosphatidic acid (PA). Here we report that insulin stimulation of HIRcB fibroblasts leads to accumulation of Ras, Raf-1, phosphorylated MEK, phosphorylated MAPK, and PA on endosomal membranes. Mutations that disrupt Raf-PA interactions prevented recruitment of Raf-1 to membranes, whereas disruption of Ras-Raf interactions did not affect agonist-dependent translocation. Expression of a dominant-negative Ras mutant did not prevent insulin-dependent Raf-1 translocation, but inhibited phosphorylation of MAPK. Finally, the PA-binding region of Raf-1 was sufficient to target green fluorescent protein to membranes, and its overexpression blocked recruitment of Raf-1 to membranes and disrupted insulin-dependent MAPK phosphorylation. These results indicate that agonist-dependent Raf-1 translocation is primarily mediated by a direct interaction with PA and is independent of association with Ras.  相似文献   

The cycling of Rac GTPases, alternating between an active GTP- and an inactive GDP-bound state, is controlled by guanine nucleotide exchange factors, GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), and guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs). Little is known about how these controlling activities are coordinated. Studies using null mutant mice have demonstrated that Bcr and Abr are two physiologically important GAPs for Rac. Here, we report that in the presence of RhoGDIalpha, Bcr is unable to convert Rac-GTP to Rac-GDP because RhoGDI forms a direct protein complex with Bcr. Interestingly, RhoGDIalpha binds to the GAP domain in Bcr and Abr, a domain that also binds to Rac-GTP and catalyzes conversion of the bound GTP to GDP on Rac. The presence of activated Rac diminished the Bcr/RhoGDIalpha interaction. Moreover, a Bcr mutant that lacks the ability to promote hydrolysis of Rac-GTP bound to its GAP domain did not bind to RhoGDIalpha in cell lysates, indicating that binding of RhoGDIalpha and Rac-GTP to the Bcr GAP domain is mutually exclusive. Our results provide the first identification of a protein that regulates BcrGAP activity.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that high-level stability of a subset of mammalian mRNAs is linked to a C-rich motif in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR). High-level expression of human alpha-globin mRNA (h alpha-globin mRNA) in erythroid cells has been specifically attributed to formation of an RNA-protein complex comprised of a 3'UTR C-rich motif and an associated 39-kDa poly(C) binding protein, alpha CP. Documentation of this RNA-protein alpha-complex has been limited to in vitro binding studies, and its impact has been monitored by alterations in steady-state mRNA. Here we demonstrate that alpha CP is stably bound to h alpha-globin mRNA in vivo, that alpha-complex assembly on the h alpha-globin mRNA is restricted to the 3'UTR C-rich motif, and that alpha-complex assembly extends the physical half-life of h alpha-globin mRNA selectively in erythroid cells. Significantly, these studies also reveal that an artificially tethered alpha CP has the same mRNA-stabilizing activity as the native alpha-complex. These data demonstrate a unique contribution of the alpha-complex to h alpha-globin mRNA stability and support a model in which the sole function of the C-rich motif is to selectively tether alpha CP to a subset of mRNAs. Once bound, alpha CP appears to be fully sufficient to trigger downstream events in the stabilization pathway.  相似文献   

The human prostacyclin receptor (hIP) undergoes agonist-induced internalization but the mechanisms regulating its intracellular trafficking and/or recycling to the plasma membrane are poorly understood. Herein, we conducted a yeast-two-hybrid screen to identify proteins interacting with the carboxyl-terminal (C)-tail domain of the hIP and discovered a novel interaction with Rab11a. This interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitations in mammalian HEK293 and was augmented by cicaprost stimulation. The hIP co-localized to Rab11-containing recycling endosomes in both HEK293 and endothelial EA.hy 926 cells in a time-dependent manner following cicaprost stimulation. Moreover, over-expression of Rab11a significantly increased recycling of the hIP, while the dominant negative Rab11S25N impaired that recycling. Conversely, while the hIP co-localized to Rab4-positive endosomes in response to cicaprost, ectopic expression of Rab4a did not substantially affect overall recycling nor did Rab4a directly interact with the hIP. The specific interaction between the hIP and Rab11a was dependent on a 22 amino acid (Val299–Gln320) sequence within its C-tail domain and was independent of isoprenylation of the hIP. This study elucidates a critical role for Rab11a in regulating trafficking of the hIP and has identified a novel Rab11 binding domain (RBD) within its C-tail domain that is both necessary and sufficient to mediate interaction with Rab11a.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation by the phosphoinositide-dependent kinase, PDK-1, is required for the activation of diverse members of the AGC family of protein kinases, including the protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes. Here we explore the subcellular location of the PDK-1-mediated phosphorylation of conventional PKCs, and we address whether this phosphorylation is regulated by phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Pulse-chase experiments reveal that newly synthesized endogenous PKC alpha is primarily phosphorylated in the membrane fraction of COS-7 cells, where it is processed to a species that is phosphorylated at the activation loop and at two carboxyl-terminal positions. This "mature" species is then released into the cytosol. Deletion of the plekstrin homology domain of PDK-1 results in a 4-fold increase in the rate of processing of PKC indicating an autoinhibitory role for this domain. Autoinhibition by the plekstrin homology domain is not relieved by binding 3'-phosphoinositides; PKC is phosphorylated at a similar rate in serum-treated cells and serum-starved cells treated with the phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors, LY294002 and wortmannin. Under the same conditions, the PDK-1-catalyzed phosphorylation of another substrate, Akt/protein kinase B, is abolished by these inhibitors. Our data are consistent with a model in which PDK-1 phosphorylates newly synthesized PKC by a mechanism that is independent of 3'-phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-activated chloride channel expressed at the apical surface of epithelia. Although the regulation of CFTR by protein kinases is well documented, channel deactivation by phosphatases is not well understood. We find that the serine/threonine phosphatase PP2A can physically associate with the CFTR COOH terminus. PP2A is a heterotrimeric phosphatase composed of a catalytic subunit and two divergent regulatory subunits (A and B). The cellular localization and substrate specificity of PP2A is determined by the unique combination of A and B regulatory subunits, which can give rise to at least 75 different enzymes. By mass spectrometry, we identified the exact PP2A regulatory subunits associated with CFTR as Aalpha and B'epsilon and find that the B'epsilon subunit binds CFTR directly. PP2A subunits localize to the apical surface of airway epithelia and PP2A phosphatase activity co-purifies with CFTR in Calu-3 cells. In functional assays, inhibitors of PP2A block rundown of basal CFTR currents and increase channel activity in excised patches of airway epithelia and in intact mouse jejunum. Moreover, PP2A inhibition in well differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells results in a CFTR-dependent increase in the airway surface liquid. Our data demonstrate that PP2A is a relevant CFTR phosphatase in epithelial tissues. Our results may help reconcile differences in phosphatase-mediated channel regulation observed for different tissues and cells. Furthermore, PP2A may be a clinically relevant drug target for CF, which should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

During polyadenylation of mRNA precursors in metazoan cells, poly(A) polymerase is stimulated by the nuclear poly(A) binding protein PABPN1. We report that stimulation depends on binding of PABPN1 to the substrate RNA directly adjacent to poly(A) polymerase and results in an approximately 80-fold increase in the apparent affinity of poly(A) polymerase for RNA without significant effect on catalytic efficiency. PABPN1 associates directly with poly(A) polymerase either upon allosteric activation by oligo(A) or, in the absence of RNA, upon deletion of its N-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 may function to inhibit undesirable interactions of the protein; the inhibition is relieved upon RNA binding. Tethering of poly(A) polymerase is mediated largely by the C-terminal domain of PABPN1 and is necessary but not sufficient for stimulation of the enzyme; an additional interaction dependent on a coiled-coil structure located within the N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is required for a productive interaction.  相似文献   

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