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李斯特菌溶血素基因的原核表达及其生物学特性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
李斯特菌溶血素(LLO)是产单核细胞李斯特菌的主要毒力因子,利用PCR技术从血清型4b的产单核细胞李斯特菌菌株中扩增出编码LLO的hly基因,经克隆筛选和测序鉴定后,构建成该基因的原核表达质粒pGEX6P1hly,SDSPAGE结果表明:LLO与谷胱甘肽在大肠杆菌中已融合表达,融合蛋白的分子量为82kD;溶血实验证明融合蛋白具有较强的裂解真核细胞膜的作用,表明表达产物LLO具有生物活性,其溶血效价达2.26×101.4 HU/mg,这为进一步研究其致病与免疫机理、单抗研制和疫苗设计提供了条件。  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis, is an intracellular pathogen that is exquisitely evolved to survive and replicate in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells typically restrict bacteria from colonising the cytosol, likely through a combination of cell autonomous defences, nutritional immunity, and innate immune responses including induction of programmed cell death. This suggests that L. monocytogenes and other professional cytosolic pathogens possess unique metabolic adaptations, not only to support replication but also to facilitate resistance to host‐derived stresses/defences and avoidance of innate immune activation. In this review, we outline our current understanding of L. monocytogenes metabolism in the host cytosol and highlight major metabolic processes which promote intracellular replication and survival.  相似文献   

为了解单增李斯特菌株耐药后可能发生的生物学变化,以哈市生肉中分离到的1株对17种抗生素耐受的单增李斯特菌株L.M.B8为研究对象,对其生长及毒力特性进行研究。结果显示,L.M.B8的生长及毒力特性均与标准菌株有明显差异。在NaC l浓度为0.5%~5%、pH值为4.0~10.0及温度为20~45℃范围内,L.M.B8的生长速度均明显高于标准菌株。L.M.B8对高浓度盐的敏感性高于标准菌株,且对温度的适应能力强于标准菌株。从生长曲线看,L.M.B8的对数生长期与稳定期均较标准菌株提前2~3 h,且其稳定期较标准菌株明显缩短。L.M.B8小鼠腹腔注射半数致死量(LD50)较标准菌株明显降低。该研究为进一步探讨单增李斯特菌的耐药性与其他生物学特性的相关性奠定基础。  相似文献   

A low-pathogenicity isolate of Listeria monocytogenes from cow's milk,as screened in mouseand chicken embryonated egg models,was examined for virulence-related phenotypic traits.Correspondingvirulence genes (iap,prfA,plcA,hly,mpl,actA,plcB,InlA and InlB) were compared with L.monocytogenesreference strains 10403S and EGD to elucidate the possible molecular mechanisms of low virulence.Al-though L.monocytogenes H4 exhibited similar patterns to strain 10403S in terms of hemolytic activity,invitro growth and invasiveness and even had higher adhesiveness,faster intracellular growth and higherphospholipase activity in vitro,it was substantially less virulent than the strain 10403S in mouse and chickenembryo models (50% lethal dose:10~(8.14) vs.10~(5.49) and 10~(6.73) vs.10~(1.9),respectively).The genes prfA,plcA andmpl were homologous among L.monocytogenes strains H4,10403S and EGD (>98%).Genes iap,hly,plcB,InlA and InIB of L.monocytogenes 10403S had higher homology to those of strain EGD (>98%) than isolateH4.The homology of the gene hly between strain 10403S and isolate H4 was 96.9% at the nucleotide level,but 98.7% at the amino acid level.The actA gene of isolate H4 had deletions of 105 nucleotides correspondingto 35 amino acid deletions falling Within the proline-rich region.Taken together,this study presents someclues as to reduced virulence to mice and chicken embryos of the isolate H4 probably as a result of deletionmutations of actA.  相似文献   

A low-pathogenicity isolate of Listeria monocytogenes from cow's milk, as screened in mouse and chicken embryonated egg models, was examined for virulence-related phenotypic traits. Corresponding virulence genes (iap, prfA, picA, hly, mpl, actA, plcB, InlA and lnlB) were compared with L. monocytogenes reference strains 10403S and EGD to elucidate the possible molecular mechanisms of low virulence. Although L. monocytogenes H4 exhibited similar patterns to strain 10403S in terms of hemolytic activity, in vitro growth and invasiveness and even had higher adhesiveness, faster intracellular growth and higher phospholipase activity in vitro, it was substantially less virulent than the strain 10403S in mouse and chicken embryo models (50% lethal dose: 10^8.14 VS. 10^5.49 and 10^6.73 VS. 10^1.9, respectively). The genes prfA, picA and mpl were homologous among L. monocytogenes strains H4, 10403S and EGD (〉98%). Genes iap, hly, plcB, lnlA and lnlB of L. monocytogenes 10403S had higher homology to those of strain EGD (〉98%) than isolate H4. The homology of the gene hly between strain 10403S and isolate H4 was 96.9% at the nucleotide level, but 98.7% at the amino acid level. The actA gene of isolate H4 had deletions of 105 nucleotides corresponding to 35 amino acid deletions falling within the proline-rich region. Taken together, this study presents some clues as to reduced virulence to mice and chicken embryos of the isolate H4 probably as a result of deletion mutations of actA.  相似文献   

罗正  刘若尘  郑世军 《生物工程学报》2009,25(11):1652-1657
为了深入研究单核增生性李氏杆菌(LM)致病机理,从其基因组中克隆李氏杆菌溶血素基因hly,并将其与原核表达载体连接在大肠杆菌BL21中表达携带His标签的李氏杆菌溶血素(LLO)融合蛋白,经镍柱纯化得到重组LLO蛋白作为免疫原并免疫小鼠。取免疫小鼠的脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞(Sp2/0)进行融合,经过3次亚克隆后获得3株稳定分泌针对LLO蛋白单抗的杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为Anti-LLO1、Anti-LLO2、Anti-LLO3;经ELISA测定其细胞培养上清效价分别为1:3.6×104、1:6.4×104、1:1.6×104,腹水效价分别为1:2×107、1:2×107、1:1×107;亲和力解离常数(Kd)分别为6.18×10-11、7.50×10-11、6.27×10-11;3株单抗的IgG亚类均为IgG1。经Westernblotting鉴定证明,该3株抗体均能特异地识别李氏杆菌LLO蛋白,该单抗的制备为深入研究LM的致病机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We induced experimental listeriosis in goats by two sequential oral inoculations of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2a at 8 months' interval. Immunoblot analysis with the goat sera demonstrated listeriolysin O (LLO) as the principal protein antigen of L. monocytogenes. Pre-existing antibodies to LLO were, depending on their initial level, associated with either mild clinical symptoms of short duration or the total absence of clinical symptoms. Similarly, the presence and development of such antibodies corresponded with the disappearance pattern of L. monocytogenes from the gastrointestinal tract. These findings suggest that an association exists between antibodies to LLO and acquired resistance to Listeria infections.  相似文献   

Being an opportunistic bacterial pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes demonstrates significant strain variations in virulence and pathogenicity. The availability of laboratory procedures to ascertain the pathogenic potential of L. monocytogenes bacteria would greatly enhance the control and prevention of listerial infections. As a method that measures all virulent determinants, mouse virulence assay has been frequently used for assessing L. monocytogenes virulence. The pathogenic potential of a given L. monocytogenes strain as determined by mouse virulence assay is often calculated from mouse mortality data in combination with colony forming units (CFUs) derived from plate counts, and expressed by medium lethal dose (LD(50)). In this report, we describe an alternative method [i.e., relative virulence (%)] that does not involve CFU estimation, and is comparable to LD(50) for interpretation of mouse virulence assay for L. monocytogenes. The relative virulence (%) is obtained by dividing the number of dead mice with the total number of mice tested for a particular strain using a known virulent strain (e.g., L. monocytogenes EGD) as reference. Besides providing a more direct interpretation in comparison with LD(50) values for mouse virulence assay, this method requires fewer dosage groups per L. monocytogenes strain, and eliminates CFU estimation that is step subject to variations between runs and also between laboratories.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】 InlA与InlB是单核细胞增多性李斯特菌重要的毒力因子,其介导的黏附作用是细菌建立感染的前提。本研究拟探明天然缺失inlAB基因簇的非典型单增李斯特菌的表型与基因型特征。【方法】针对inlAB天然缺失株S10,进行生化特征、细胞黏附力、小鼠体内毒力、感染相关基因检测、谱系分析等。【结果】 S10株为具有典型单增李斯特菌生化特征的1/2b型菌株,对HeLa细胞的黏附力显著低于其他菌株(p<0.05),对小鼠毒力较弱。S10缺失inlAB及与其毗邻的lmo0431、lmo0432、lmo0436、lmo0437基因,但具有李斯特菌第一毒力岛中完整的毒力基因构成。S10分布于谱系Ⅰ的进化枝上,与4b型菌株的遗传距离较近。【结论】 S10为单增李斯特菌inlAB天然缺失株代表该类非典型菌株的首次报道。S10具有典型的单增李斯特菌谱系Ⅰ基因背景,inlAB可能通过独立的重组或水平转移事件缺失于基因组。  相似文献   

[目的]通过测定存活率及细胞内pH(pHi)变化,分析单核细胞增多性李斯特菌(单增李斯特菌)在体外模拟消化道中的抗性.[方法]模拟唾液、胃液和小肠液根据其主要组成成分配制,按试验设计顺次加入后获得模拟的消化道各段混合液(包括相应的pH及其可能的范围).平板计数法测定单增李斯特菌在模拟消化液中的存活率,并用荧光比例成像显微镜(fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy,FRIM)测定细菌的pHi.[结果]单增李斯特菌在唾液中存活率>90%;经pH≤3.0的胃液处理后,其在胃液和胃-肠混合液中的存活率低于0.05%;提高胃液pH至3.5,细菌存活率开始上升;在胃液pH4.0时,两株单增李斯特菌在模拟胃肠液中存活率显著提高(11.2%-85.9%).FRIM研究表明,单增李斯特菌在模拟唾液中的pHi与对照组相近.经过pH为3.5和4.0的胃液和胃-肠混合液处理后,pHi值仍维持在较高水平(>7.75).[结论]单增李斯特菌在经过pH≥3.5胃液后,能够维持菌体细胞内的pH稳态,且存活率较高,表明其细胞膜仍保持完整.  相似文献   

以鸡新城疫病毒F基因(NDV-F)为模式外源基因,通过基因切割-重叠延伸PCR法(SOE-PCR)将其插入到单核细胞增多性李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)毒力基因hly的启动子和信号肽序列下游,并将该融合片段克隆入穿梭质粒pKSV7,随后将重组质粒电转李斯特菌进行同源重组。NDV-F基因的PCR扩增表明该重组菌构建成功,RT-PCR结果表明F基因在重组菌中得到了转录。比较了重组菌和野生型菌株的溶血性、黏附和侵袭力、对小鼠和鸡胚的毒力和生长特性以及重组菌的体内外稳定性,结果表明:hly基因中F片段的整合消除了单核细胞增多性李斯特菌溶血素基因的表达,其培养上清液没有溶血性,而野生型菌株的溶血价达24;细胞试验表明重组菌对细胞的黏附力和相对侵袭力均有不同程度的降低,而相对侵袭力与野生型菌株具有显著性差异(P<0.05);重组菌对小鼠及鸡胚的毒力(LD50)与野生型相比分别下降3.7和6.5个对数数量级;重组菌在BHI肉汤和小鼠体内连续5次后,仍然可以扩增出目的基因NDV-F,初步表明该重组菌较为稳定。  相似文献   

AIMS: To test, under comparable conditions, several parameters affecting sensitivity of PCR detection in order to establish a PCR procedure suitable for the routine detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food. METHODS AND RESULTS: Beef samples artificially inoculated were used to determine sensitivity of PCR detection under different parameters. As few as 1 CFU g(-1) were detected by DNA extraction using a DNeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen GmhH, Hilden, Germany) of 1 ml aliquot and PCR amplification with primers directed to the hlyA gene. This PCR protocol was applied in 60 naturally contaminated foods, comparing two enrichment procedures with the traditional culture method. The highest number of positives was recorded by PCR following a 24-h pre-enrichment step at 30 degrees C and a 24-h enrichment step at 37 degrees C. Afterwards, it was applied in 217 naturally contaminated foods and 56 of them tested positive for L. monocytogenes in which only 17 tested positive using the culture method. CONCLUSIONS: The PCR procedure described has proved to be a rapid and sensitive method suitable for the routine analysis of different types of food. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The method proposed for the detection of L. monocytogenes, has been validated in naturally contaminated food and is suitable to implement in the food industry.  相似文献   

Abstract Listeriolysin, an SH-activated haemolysin probably involved in Listeria pathogenicity, has been cloned into the cosmid vector pHC79 and was expressed in Escherichia coli HB101 cells. Chromosomal DNA of Listeria monocytogenes serovar 1/2 was partially digested with Mbo I and ligated to the Bam HI cleaved cosmid. From 2000 recombinant clones examined, 12 (0.6%) produced haemolysin in solid and liquid media. All of them contained chromosome fragments of Listeria of about 40 kb. The cloning of the listeriolysin determinant will lead to a better understanding of the basis of Listeria pathogenicity.  相似文献   

单增李斯特菌是一种重要的食源性病原菌。单增李斯特菌的分布和存活与其形成生物膜的能力有关,生物膜对逆性环境有抵抗力,细菌会从生物膜中分离导致食品持续性的污染。生物膜的形成、成熟和结构取决于多种外部和内部因素,并且多种调控机制起着重要作用。文中旨在阐述单增李斯特菌生物膜形成过程中的调控机制(包括胞内作用、胞间作用和种间作用),以控制食品加工环境中致病性生物膜的形成,从而为食品安全提供新的干预策略。  相似文献   

Tian B  Eriksson LA 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1564-1572
Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most virulent foodborne pathogens. L. monocytogenes Sortase A (SrtA) enzyme, which catalyzes the cell wall anchoring reaction of the leucine, proline, X, threonine, and glycine proteins (LPXTG, where X is any amino acid), is a target for the development of antilisteriosis drugs. In this study, the structure of the L. monocytogenes SrtA enzyme-substrate complex was obtained using homology modeling, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Explicit enzyme-substrate interactions in the inactive and active forms of the enzyme were compared, based on 30 ns simulations on each system. The active site arginine (Arg 197) was found to be able change its hydrogen donor interactions from the LP backbone carbonyl groups of the LPXTG substrate in the inactive form, to the TG backbone carbonyls in the active form, which could be of importance for holding the substrate in position for the catalytic process.  相似文献   

For almost half a century, the mouse model of Listeria monocytogenes infection has been used to analyse both innate and adaptive components of immunity and to discover key immune genes. Vast accumulated knowledge about the disease in mice provides a unique framework for identifying and characterising immune molecules using a variety of experimental approaches. To illustrate the range of questions that can be addressed using modern genetics and genomics tools, the authors provide an overview of the analysis of components of immune signalling networks using the mouse model of L. monocytogenes infection.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2011,38(9):1449-1449
单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocyiogenes)能引起人和动物脑膜炎、败血症、流产和单核细胞增多等症状,临床发病率在美国和欧洲等西方发达国家大约为2-8例/10万人,死亡率20%-30%或更高,被WHO列为关系食品卫生安全的重要病源细菌之一一[1-2].该菌能在多数固体表面形成生物被膜,在食品生产、加工、运输和保藏过程中,一旦发生细菌感染并形成生物被膜便难以将其彻底清除,严重威胁着食品卫生安全[3],但其生物被膜形成的具体分子机制尚不清楚[4].  相似文献   

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