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We report on the elucidation of DNA-protein cross-links formed in isolated mammalian chromatin upon treatment with H2O2 in the presence of iron or copper ions. Analysis of chromatin samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after hydrolysis and derivatization showed the presence of 3-[(1,3-dihydro-2,4-dioxopyrimidin-5-yl)methyl]-L-tyrosine (thymine-tyrosine cross-link) on the basis of the gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric characteristics of the trimethylsilylated authentic compound. Other DNA-protein cross-links involving thymine and the aliphatic amino acids and cytosine and tyrosine, which were known to occur in nucleohistone gamma-irradiated under anoxic conditions, were not observed. This was due to inhibition by oxygen as clearly shown by experiments that were carried out using ionizing radiation under both oxic and anoxic conditions instead of using H2O2 and metal ions. However, oxygen did not inhibit formation of the thymine-tyrosine cross-link in gamma-irradiated chromatin or in chromatin treated with H2O2 and metal ions. The yield of the thymine-tyrosine cross-link was higher upon treatment with H2O2/chelated Fe3+ ions than with H2O2/unchelated Fe3+ ions. By contrast, H2O2/unchelated Cu2+ ions produced a higher yield than H2O2/chelated Cu2+ ions. Almost complete inhibition of cross-link formation was provided by the hydroxyl radical scavengers mannitol and dimethyl sulfoxide when H2O2/chelated metal ions were used. On the other hand, scavengers only partially inhibited formation of cross-links when H2O2/unchelated metal ions were used, possibly indicating the site-specific nature of cross-linking. Superoxide dismutase afforded partial inhibition only when chelated ions were used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radicals (OH.), generated by a phosphate-buffered Cu2+/H2O2 system, were detected by lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, deoxyribose degradation and benzoate hydroxylation. In each system the buffer, Hepes, was found to stimulate radical generation significantly. There are two main reasons for this effect: Hepes increases Cu2+ solubility in phosphate-buffered systems, and forms a complex with Cu2+ that is effective in generating OH. from H2O2. Pipes, a structurally similar buffer, and histidine, a known Cu2+ chelator, were found to have a similar effect. These data suggest that the crucial factor in such free-radical-generating systems is the availability of Cu2+, and that these actions of Hepes should be considered in the design of studies utilizing such systems.  相似文献   

Dynamic viscosity (eta) of the high-molecular-weight hyaluronan (HA) solution was measured by a Brookfield rotational viscometer equipped with a Teflon cup and spindle of coaxial cylindrical geometry. The decrease of eta of the HA solution, indicating degradation of the biopolymer, was induced by a system containing H2O2 alone or H2O2 plus CuCl2. The reaction system H2O2 plus CuCl2 as investigated by EPR spin-trapping technique revealed the formation of a four-line EPR signal characteristic of a *DMPO-OH spin adduct. Thus, hydroxyl radicals are implicated in degradation of high-molecular-weight HA by the system containing H2O2 and CuCl2.  相似文献   

Application of Cu2+ (<10-2 M) and Fe3+ ions as aqueous solutions of chloride salts promoted fruit abscission, erratic rind damage, and ethylene production of various citrus species with little to no defoliation. Mixing of 10-5 M Cu2+ or Fe3+ ions with equimolar indole-3-acetic acid resulted in a reduction of the ultraviolet absorption at 220 nanometers, and an increase at 245 nanometers. Ultraviolet irradiation accelerated the change by Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions in the absorption of indole-3-acetic acid. Pretreatment of indole-3-acetic acid with Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions for 6 hours resulted in more than 90% reduction in its growth-promoting activity in the Avena bioassay, even when cations were removed by chromatography. Acceleration of abscission by Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions could be related to both promotion of ethylene production and direct inactivation of auxin.  相似文献   

As a consequence of human activity, various toxicants - especially metal ions - enter aquatic ecosystems and many fish are exposed to considerable levels. As the free ion and in some complexes, there is no doubt that copper promotes damage to cellular molecules and structures through radical formation. Therefore, we have investigated the influence of copper uptake by the red blood of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and its oxidative action and effects on cells in the presence of complexed and uncomplexed Fe3+ ions.Erythrocytes were exposed to various concentrations of CuSO4, Fe(NO3)3, and K3Fe(CN)6 for up to 5 h, and the effects of copper ions alone and in the combination with iron determined. The results show that inside the cells cupric ion interacts with hemoglobin, causing methemoglobin formation by direct electron transfer from heme Fe2+ to Cu2+. Potassium ferricyanide as a source of complexed iron decreases Met-Hb formation induced by copper ions unlike Fe(NO3)3. We also found that incubation of fish erythrocytes with copper increased hemolysis of cells. But complexed and uncomplexed iron protected the effect of copper. CuSO4 increased the level of lipid peroxidation and a protective effect on complexed iron was observed. Incubation of erythrocytes with copper ions resulted in the loss of a considerable part of thiol content at 10 and 20 μM. This effect was decreased by potassium ferricyanide and Fe(NO3)3 only after 1 and 3 h of incubation. The level of nuclear DNA damage assayed by comet assay showed that 20 μM CuSO4 as well as 20 μM Fe(NO3)3 and 10 mM K3Fe(CN)6 induce single- and double-strand breaks. The lower changes were observed after the exposure of cells to K3Fe(CN)6. The data suggest that complexed iron can act protectively against copper ions in contrast to Fe(NO3)3.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeic acid, a kind of catechol, on the Fenton reaction was examined by using the ESR spin trapping technique. Caffeic acid enhanced the formation of hydroxyl radicals in the reaction mixture, which contained caffeic acid, hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride, EDTA, and potassium phosphate buffer. Chlorogenic acid, which is an ester of caffeic acid with quinic acid, also stimulated the formation of the hydroxyl radicals. Quinic acid did not stimulate the reaction, suggesting that the catechol moiety in chlorogenic acid is essential to the enhancement of the hydroxyl-radical formation. Indeed, other catechols and related compounds such as pyrocatechol, gallic acid, dopamine, and noradrenaline effectively stimulated the formation of the hydroxyl radicals. The above results confirm the idea that the catechol moiety is essential to the enhancement. Ferulic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid, and salicylic acid had no effect on the formation of the hydroxyl radicals. The results indicate that the enhancement by the catechols of the formation of hydroxyl radicals is diminished if a methyl ester is formed at the position of the hydroxyl group of the catechol. In the absence of iron chelators such as EDTA, DETAPAC, desferrioxamine, citrate, and ADP, formation of hydroxyl radicals was not detected, suggesting that chelators are essential to the reaction. The enhancement of the formation of hydroxyl radicals is presumably due to the reduction of ferric ions by the catechols. Thus, the catechols may exert deleterious effects on biological systems if chelators such as EDTA, DETAPAC, desferrioxamine, citrate, and ADP are present.  相似文献   

Alternatives to chlorination of water have been sought for reasons which include trihalomethane formation, possible bacterial regrowth, the high concentrations of chlorine required in certain circumstances, and the taste, odour and bodily irritation in chlorine-treated water. Electrolytically generated Cu and Ag ions at low levels, in addition to very low chlorine concentrations, have been suggested as an alternative to routine chlorination. We have examined the combination of Cu and Ag ions with low levels of iodine. Pseudomonas cepacia was grown either in rich medium or under nutrient restriction prior to disinfection. Survival of the organism and its ability to regrow after treatment as well as the effects of varying buffers, metal ion and iodine concentrations were determined. Low concentrations of metal ions (100 ppb Cu and 11 ppb Ag) and iodine (200 ppb) were more effective than either metal ions or iodine alone against Ps. cepacia grown on rich agar or in low nutrient buffer. After iodination, buffer-grown suspensions recovered to their original cell concentrations within 7 d. When Cu and Ag ions were used with or without iodine, regrowth was prevented. The results show that low concentrations of Cu and Ag in combination with iodine permit effective disinfection of bacteria after cultivation on either rich media or under nutrient restriction. These results, along with published data, suggest that the combination of these metals with halogenation may have applications in the disinfection of both recreational and potable water.  相似文献   

The conditions required to obtain rhodanese inactivation in the presence of dithiothreitol indicate the involvement of hydrogen peroxide produced by metal-ion catalyzed oxidation of dithiothreitol. Inhibition of dithiothreitol oxidation by a chelating agent, or by removal of hydrogen peroxide by catalase prevents the enzyme inactivation. The inactivated enzyme contains a disulfide bond resulting from the oxidation of the catalytic sulfhydryl group and another sulfhydryl group close to it. This disulfide might be formed via a sulfenic intermediate.  相似文献   

Modification of DNA bases in mammalian chromatin upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ferric and cupric ions was studied. Ten DNA base products in mammalian chromatin were identified and quantitated by the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring after hydrolysis of chromatin and trimethylsilylation of hydrolysates. This technique permitted the analysis of modified DNA bases in chromatin without the necessity of isolation of DNA from chromatin first. Modified bases identified were typical hydroxyl radical-induced products of DNA, indicating the involvement of hydroxyl radical in their formation. This was also confirmed by inhibition of product formation by typical scavengers of hydroxyl radical. The inhibition of product formation was much more prominent in the presence of chelated ions than unchelated ions, indicating a possible site-specific formation of hydroxyl radical when metal ions are bound to chromatin. Hydrogen peroxide in the presence of cupric ions caused more DNA damage than in the presence of ferric ions. Chelation of cupric ions caused a marked inhibition in product formation. By contrast, DNA was damaged more extensively in the presence of chelated ferric ions than in the presence of unchelated ferric ions. The presence of ascorbic acid generally increased the yields of the products, indicating increased production of hydroxyl radical by reduction of metal ions by ascorbic acid. Superoxide dismutase afforded partial inhibition of product formation only in the case of chelated iron ions. The yields of the modified bases in chromatin were lower than those observed with calf thymus DNA under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Virus inactivation by grapes and wines.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Infusions and extracts of different grapes inactivated poliovirus; agents responsible for this property resided in the skin of the grape. Commercial grape juice at both natural and neutral pH inactivate various enteric viruses and herpes simplex virus; a 1,000-fold reduction in poliovirus infectivity occurred after incubation with grape juice, pH 7.0, for 24 h at 4 degrees C. A variety of wines were antiviral but to a lesser extent than grape juice; red wines were more antiviral than white. Antiviral activity was demonstrable in fractions of grape juice varying in molecular weight from less than 1,000 to greater than 30,000 as determined by membrane filtration. Some restoration of poliovirus infectivity from virus-grape juice complexes was achieved with 1% gelatin, 0.1% Tween 80, 0.5% polyvinyl pyrrolidone, and 0.5% polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   

Infusions and extracts of different grapes inactivated poliovirus; agents responsible for this property resided in the skin of the grape. Commercial grape juice at both natural and neutral pH inactivate various enteric viruses and herpes simplex virus; a 1,000-fold reduction in poliovirus infectivity occurred after incubation with grape juice, pH 7.0, for 24 h at 4 degrees C. A variety of wines were antiviral but to a lesser extent than grape juice; red wines were more antiviral than white. Antiviral activity was demonstrable in fractions of grape juice varying in molecular weight from less than 1,000 to greater than 30,000 as determined by membrane filtration. Some restoration of poliovirus infectivity from virus-grape juice complexes was achieved with 1% gelatin, 0.1% Tween 80, 0.5% polyvinyl pyrrolidone, and 0.5% polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   

The hemolysis of red blood cells (RBC) induced by Cu(II) is modified by ceruloplasmin (Cp) and albumin. The time course of hemolysis for rabbit RBC by Cu(II) consisted of two parts, an induction period followed by a catastrophic lysis period. The induction period decreased and the lysis rate increased with increasing Cu(II) concentration. Cp or albumin, modified Cu(II) induced hemolysis, by increasing the duration of the induction period and decreasing the overall rate of hemolysis of RBC. The catastrophic lysis period coincided with a sharp increase in the formation of metHb within the cell and in a rapid uptake of Cu(II). The presence of Cp led to an increase in the induction period prior to the rapid increase in metHb formation and in Cu(II) uptake. Porcine Cp was prepared with either two or three nonprosthetic copper binding sites (sites where Cu(II) is easily removed by passing over Chelex-100). Cp with three nonprosthetic binding sites gave more protection than Cp with two. Likewise, albumin can be prepared with three and five nonprosthetic copper binding sites. The albumin with five sites gave more protection than the albumin with three sites.  相似文献   

The mechanism of enzymatic inactivation of purified and membrane-bound acetylcholine esterase by ascorbate and copper was investigated. While the exposure of the enzyme to either ascorbate or copper did not cause enzymatic inactivation, the incubation of the enzyme with a combination of both ascorbate and copper resulted in a loss in acetylcholine esterase activity, which was time dependent. The enzymatic inactivation required either molecular oxygen or hydrogen peroxide under anaerobic conditions. Scavengers of hydroxyl radicals at concentrations of up to 100 mM did not provide protection to acetylcholine esterase. Only mannitol at very high concentrations (above 1 M) efficiently prevented the inactivation of the enzyme. The kinetics of the aerobic oxidation of reduced ascorbate in the presence of acetylcholine esterase and copper closely followed the rate of enzyme inactivation. Addition of the chelating agents EDTA and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid prevented both the oxidation of ascorbate and the inactivation of the enzyme. In the presence of low concentrations of histidine (0.5-2.0 mM), which forms high affinity complexes with copper, the rate of ascorbate oxidation was similar to that recorded in its absence. On the other hand, no enzyme inactivation was indicated in the presence of histidine. Low temperature EPR measurements have demonstrated the binding of copper to the enzyme, and have shown the reduction of the cupric enzyme to the corresponding cuprous complex. In view of these results, a general "site-specific" mechanism for biological damage can be offered, in which copper(II) ions are bound to enzymes or other biological macromolecules. Ascorbate plays a dual role: it reduces the cupric complex to the corresponding cuprous state and serves as a source for H2O2, which, in turn, reacts with the reduced copper complex, in a Fenton reaction. In this reaction, secondary hydroxyl radicals are site specifically formed, and react preferentially with the protein, at the site of their formation, causing its inactivation. This mechanism is analogous to that previously proposed (Samuni, A., Chevion, M., and Czapski, G. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12632-12635) for the enhancement of the biological damage caused by superoxide in the presence of copper.  相似文献   

Rhodamine G was found to activate blood plasma chemiluminescence induced by ferrous ions. The dye in concentrations 300-500 mole/l increased chemiluminescence by an order of magnitude. The luminescence was inhibited by histidine and SOD. A conclusion may be drawn that the mechanism of the activated ferrous chemiluminescence with rhodamine G was related to superoxide anion-radicals and singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

The DNA-cleavage specificity of ascorbate in the presence of copper ion is analyzed with end-labeled pBR322 DNA fragments. The nonenzymatic reaction of Cu(II)/ascorbate and DNA shows certain degrees of cleavage preference toward purine-containing short segments in the labeled DNA under mild conditions (at 0 degrees C and 10 min). The segments of pyrimidine clusters are least susceptible to cleavage. The DNA scission cannot be detected in the absence of metal ions, and is greatly diminished in the presence of EDTA and metal-chelating peptide. It is more specific than the nuclease-like scission activity induced by cuprous-phenanthroline complex. This scission activity in relation to the antiviral and antitumor activities of vitamin C reported in the literature deserves a crucial consideration.  相似文献   

In the presence of Cu2+ and Zn2+ carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) possesses a superoxide-scavenging activity. The efficiency of scavenging as measured by the inhibition of tetrazolium nitroblue reduction in superoxide anion generation systems (phenazine methasulfate/NADH and xanthine/xanthine oxidase) is concentration-dependent and shows a maximum in the presence of millimolar concentrations of carnosine and equimolar concentrations of Cu2+ and Zn2+. In the presence of Cu2+ and Zn2+ histidine also exhibits a superoxide-scavenging activity. The feasible role of the superoxide-scavenging activity of histidine-containing dipeptide complexes with bivalent metal ions in the realization of physiological function of these dipeptides in skeletal muscles is discussed.  相似文献   

Oxidative radicals, which are produced during ionizing irradiation of DNA in water, damage the DNA and may result in mutations, which are in general randomly distributed. Alternatively, the addition of transition metal ions, like iron or copper, to DNA in combination with H(2)O(2) and a reducing agent also results in the production of oxidative radicals. Due to binding of the transition metal ions to DNA, the production of these radicals is very local, and results in a mutational spectrum in which the mutations are not randomly distributed. If transition metal ions are complexed to the DNA during irradiation, and react with radiation-induced species such as hydrogen peroxide, site-specific formation of.OH radicals on these sites may occur, leading to the formation of mutational hot spots. This study examines the influence of the presence of traces of iron or copper ions during gamma-irradiation of plasmid DNA in water, on the possible formation of mutational hot spots in the lacI gene. Comparison of the mutational spectra, after irradiation in the presence or in the absence of transition metal ions, shows that there are indeed relatively more positions in the lacI gene where more than one mutation occurs, suggesting formation of mutational hot spots in the presence of transition metal ions. However, the appearance of these hot spots is rather weak. Although in all three mutational spectra G:C to A:T mutations are predominant, there are also some differences between the types of mutations in these spectra. These differences in mutational spectra might reflect the different preferences of iron and copper ions to bind specific sites in the DNA. Indeed, there appears to be a high association of mutations at CC or GG sites in the mutational spectrum in the presence of copper ions, confirming the observation that copper binds preferably at two adjacent guanines in the DNA. It can be concluded from this study that the presence of small amounts of transition metal ions during gamma-irradiation influences the types and distribution of gamma-radiation-induced mutations, although no major mutational hot spots can be observed.  相似文献   

The oxidation of catechol in neutral and slightly alkaline aqueous solutions (pH 7-9.6) by excess hydrogen peroxide (0.002-0.09 mol/L) in the presence of Co(II) (2.10(-7)-2.10(-5) mol/L) is accompanied by abrupt formation of red purple colouration, which is subsequently decolourized within 1 h. The electron spectra of the reaction mixture are characterized by a broad band covering the whole visible range (400-700 nm), with maximum at 485 nm. The reaction is initiated by catechol oxidation to its semiquinone radical and further to 1,2-benzoquinone. By nucleophilic addition of hydrogen peroxide into the p-position of benzoquinone C=O groups, hydroperoxide intermediates are formed, which decompose to hydroxylated 1,4-benzoquinones. It was confirmed by MS spectroscopy that monohydroxy-, dihydroxy- and tetrahydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone are formed as intermediate products. As final products of catechol decomposition, muconic acid, its hydroxy- and dihydroxy-derivatives and crotonic acid were identified. In the micellar environment of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide the decomposition rate of catechol is three times faster, due to micellar catalysis, and is accompanied by chemiluminescence (CL) emission, with maxima at 500 and 640 nm and a quantum yield of 1 x 10(-4). The CL of catechol can be further sensitized by a factor of 8 (maximum) with the aid of intramicellar energy transfer to fluorescein.  相似文献   

Alternatives to chlorination of water have been sought for reasons which include trihalomethane formation, possible bacterial regrowth, the high concentrations of chlorine required in certain circumstances, and the taste, odour and bodily irritation in chlorine-treated water. Electrolytically generated Cu and Ag ions at low levels, in addition to very low chlorine concentrations, have been suggested as an alternative to routine chlorination. We have examined the combination of Cu and Ag ions with low levels of iodine. Pseudomonas cepacia was grown either in rich medium or under nutrient restriction prior to disinfection. Survival of the organism and its ability to regrow after treatment as well as the effects of varying buffers, metal ion and iodine concentrations were determined. Low concentrations of metal ions (100 ppb Cu and 11 ppb Ag) and iodine (200 ppb) were more effective than either metal ions or iodine alone against Ps. cepacia grown on rich agar or in low nutrient buffer. After iodination, buffer-grown suspensions recovered to their original cell concentrations within 7 d. When Cu and Ag ions were used with or without iodine, regrowth was prevented. The results show that low concentrations of Cu and Ag in combination with iodine permit effective disinfection of bacteria after cultivation on either rich media or under nutrient restriction. These results, along with published data, suggest that the combination of these metals with halogenation may have applications in the disinfection of both recreational and potable water.  相似文献   

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