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A.S. KAPRELYANTS AND D.B. KELL. 1992. The fluorescent dye rhodamine 123 (Rh 123) is concentrated by microbial cells in an uncoupler-sensitive fashion. Steady-state fluorescence measurements with Micrococcus luteus indicated that provided the added dye concentration is below approximately 1 mmol/1, uptake is fully uncoupler-sensitive and is not accompanied by significant self-quenching of the fluorescence of accumulated dye molecules. 'Viable' and 'non-viable' cells are easily and quantitatively distinguished in a flow cytometer by the extent to which they accumulate the dye. The viability of a very slowly growing chemostat culture of Mic. luteus is apparently only about40–50%, as judged by plate counts, but most of the 'non-viable' cells can be resuscitated by incubation of the culture in nutrient medium before plating. The extent to which individual cells accumulate rhodamine 123 can be rapidly assessed by flow cytometry, and reflects the three distinguishable physiological states exhibited by the culture ('non-viable', 'viable' and 'non-viable-but-resuscitable'). Gram-negative bacteria do not accumulate rhodamine 123 significantly because their outer membrane is not permeable to it; a simple treatment overcomes this. Flow cytometry using rhodamine 123 should prove of general utility for the rapid assessment of microbial viability and vitality.  相似文献   

Rapid assessment of bacterial viability by flow cytometry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The ability of a flow cytometer to rapidly assess microbial viability was investigated using three vital stains: rhodamine 123 (Rh123); 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide [DiOC6(3)] and fluorescein diacetate (FDA). Rh123 was found to clearly differentiate viable from non-viable bacteria. The methodology for staining bacteria with this dye was optimised. Rh123 was shown to stain and discriminate several different species of viable bacteria although this was not universal. Viable cells of Bacillus subtilis were found to stain better with FDAthan with Rh123. The results demonstrate the ability of flow cytometry to rapidly detect and estimate the viability of bacterial populations.Correspondence to: J. P. Diaper  相似文献   

The membrane potential of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes was monitored with the cationic permeant fluorescent dye rhodamine 123 (R123) as a probe. Epifluorescence microscopy revealed that R123 at 1 microgram/ml rather selectively partitioned into structure resembling large mitochondria. Treatment of R123-loaded gametocytes with various inhibitors including those of respiration resulted in disappearance of fluorescence from what appeared to be the mitochondria, but not from the cytosol. These results indicate that P. falciparum gametocytes have the mitochondrion maintaining an inside negative membrane potential.  相似文献   

Soil microhabitats and their heterogeneity are often considered to be among the most important factors affecting soil biotic communities. The microbial commu-nity has become one of the most important links in soil nutrient cycles and trophic components due to its role in biological processes, spatial and temporal dynamics, and physiological adaptation. Sandy-soil desert systems are characterized by fast water infiltration during the rainy season, high salinity, and low moisture availability in the upper soil layers. Plants have developed different ecophy-siological adaptations in order to cope with this harsh environment. The Tamarix aphylla is known to be one of the most commonly adapted plants, exhibiting a mechan-ism for secretion of excess salts as aggregates through its leaves. These leaves aggregate beneath the plant, creating 'islands of salinity'. Soil biotic components are, therefore, exposed to extreme abiotic stress conditions in this niche. The goal of this study was to examine the effect of T. aphylla on the live/dead bacterial population ratio on a spatial and temporal scale. The results emphasize the effect of abiotic factors, which changed on temporal as well as spatial scales, and also on the size of the active soil bacterial community, which fluctuated between 1.44% and 25.4% in summer and winter, respectively. The results of this study elucidate the importance of moisture availability and the 'island-of-salinity' effect on the active microbial community in a sandy desert system.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for determining the functional state of ram sperm mitochondria by quantitative measurement of sperm rhodamine 123 (R 123) accumulation. Sperm were incubated with 1 μg/ml R 123, and the accumulated R 123 was measured fluorimetrically after release from washed sperm by detergent lysis. Ram sperm R 123 uptake was maximal after 30 min of incubation and responded to changes in both sperm (P < 0.01) and R 123 (P < 0.01) concentration. There was a linear relationship (r = 0.98) between R 123 uptake and the proportion of cold-shocked sperm present in a sperm sample. R 123 uptake was unaffected by 20 mM 2-deoxyglucose or by 10 mM malonate (the latter being sufficient to reduce O2 uptake; P < 0.01). R 123 accumulation in ram sperm was reduced by 6 mg/ml sodium pentobarbitone (P 0.05), by 1 μM 2,4-dinitrophenol (P < 0.01), and by 0.05% Triton X-100 (P < 0.01). It is concluded that quantitative estimation of R 123 uptake complements oxygen uptake in detecting mitochondrial dysfunction in ram sperm. While it is largely unaffected by inhibition of glycolysis, and is less sensitive than oxygen uptake to trichloroacetic acid cycle inhibition, R 123 uptake is sensitive to factors directly reducing the mitochondrial membrane potential of ram sperm. It may therefore be useful in the evaluation of the effects of such membrane-mediated injuries as cold shock and freezing damage on ram sperm mitochondria. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rapid bacterial detection and viability measurements have been greatly enhanced by recent advances in the use of fluorescent stains in cytometry. It has previously been shown that four physiological states can be distinguished : reproductively viable, metabolically active, intact and permeabilized. Previous sorting experiments have shown that not all intact cells readily grow, but some intact cells can grow even when they fail to show metabolic activity, as determined by esterase turnover. To circumvent the limitations imposed by active dye extrusion or cell dormancy on viability measurements used to date (e.g. enzyme activity or cell polarization), a fast triple fluorochrome staining procedure has been developed that takes account of these problems. This allows further cellular characterization of intact cells by : active exclusion of ethidium bromide (EB) (metabolically active cells), uptake of EB but exclusion of bis-oxonol (BOX) (de-energized but with a polarized cell membrane) and uptake of both dyes (depolarized). Permeabilized cells were identified by propidium iodide (PI) uptake. The method was validated using an electronically programmable single cell sorter (EPICS Elite®) and aged Salmonella typhimurium cells. Reproductive viability was determined by sorting single cells to their staining pattern directly onto agar plates. Most polarized cells could be recovered as well as a significant fraction of the depolarized cells, demonstrating that depolarization is a sensitive measure of cell damage but a poor indicator of cell death.  相似文献   

Aims: This research investigated the effect of sonication at frequencies of 20, 40 and 580 kHz and approximately the same acoustic intensity on the viability and declumping of two micro‐organisms (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia). Methods and Results: Two analytical methods were employed; viable plate counts (CFU ml?1) and flow cytometry to identify and quantify both live/viable and dead bacteria in the bulk liquid. Flow cytometry results for E. coli and Kl. pneumonia indicated a high sensitivity to 20 and 40 kHz frequency with a continuous decrease in the viable cells and an increase in dead cells during experiments. In contrast, results using the higher frequency of 580 kHz indicate predominantly deagglomeration of bacterial clumps rather than cell membrane disruption (Joyce et al. 2003). Results indicate a good correlation between flow cytometry and viable plate count methodology. Conclusions: Sonication has two different effects on bacteria (i) inactivation and (ii) declumping; however, the scale of these effects is dependent on intensity and frequency. Flow cytometry provides a method to distinguish between and quantify the effects through the observation of two subpopulations: (i) live/viable and (ii) dead bacterial cells. Significance and Impact of the study: Treatment using power ultrasound has been shown to have a significant impact on microbial activity. This is the first time a study has compared the influence of a range of different frequencies, but at similar power settings on the survival of bacteria in phosphate buffer saline (PBS). This work is of importance for applications where ultrasound has been considered for use in industry as a means of disinfection including the treatment and pretreatment of water and also for the sterilization of liquid foods.  相似文献   

Calmidazolium (CMZ) is a positively charged, hydrophobic compound used as a calmodulin antagonist. It may cause unspecific effects in mitochondria, e.g., a decrease in membrane potential (deltapsi), swelling, and uncoupling. Several groups have advised against use of CMZ in studying signal transduction in mitochondria. We report here that it interferes with measurement of deltapsi in rat liver mitochondria (RLM) when using the tetraphenyl phosphonium (TPP+) electrode. We also found that CMZ reduces the signal, indicating an apparent drop in deltapsi. CMZ itself gave a signal with the TPP+ electrode in the absence of RLM. At high concentrations, > 10 microM, it also reduced the fluorescence quenching of the probe rhodamine 123. This may be due to an interference with mitochondrial uptake and binding of this positively charged probe or to an uncoupling effect. It is concluded that CMZ and similar positively charged calmodulin antagonists such as trifluoperazine may be used in mitochondria if these interferences are controlled and calibration is carried out under the experimental conditions used.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric signatures (i.e., light scatter, red and green fluorescence) were obtained for the active but non-culturable (ABNC) cells of E. coli and a coliform isolate H03N1, in seawater microcosms using BacLight, a live-dead assay kit from Molecular Probes (Eugene/Portland, OR). Previous studies have reported that there are two major adaptations, which cells undergo during the formation of ABNC states: cell wall toughening and DNA condensation. Therefore, we hypothesized that the matured ABNC forms should be more resistant to extreme temperature treatments (i.e., by freezing in liquid nitrogen and thawing at room temperature) than the normal and transition populations. It was shown that the membrane-compromised cells (comprising of normal wild-type and dead cells which are less resistant to rapid freeze thaw) could be differentiated from the matured ABNC using BacLight staining and fluorescence detection by flow cytometry. The population of ABNC cells, which could not be cultured using m-FC media (for the enumeration of fecal coliforms), was resuscitated in phosphate buffer saline followed by growth in Luria broth. Flow cytometry was thus able to detect and differentiate the ABNC cells against a mixed population comprising of culturable cells, transition populations, and dead cells. The results also showed that the formation of ABNC is as early as 2 days in seawater microcosms. By directly comparing the coliform levels enumerated by the BacLight based flow cytometry assays and m-FC technique, it was shown that the presence of coliforms can be undetected by the membrane filtration method.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of electrical potentials across cellular membranes has been developed. In order to determine the membrane potential, cells were incubated in buffer solutions with increasing concentrations of KCl. Parallel experiments were performed with buffer solutions which additionally contained valinomycin. After sedimentation of the cells, the membrane potential was calculated from data which were obtained by simply measuring the wet mass, the dry mass and the potassium content of cell pellets by atomic absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The commercially available LIVE/DEAD BacLight kit is enjoying increased popularity among researchers in various fields of microbiology. Its use in combination with flow cytometry brought up new questions about how to interpret LIVE/DEAD staining results. Intermediate states, normally difficult to detect with epifluorescence microscopy, are a common phenomenon when the assay is used in flow cytometry and still lack rationale. It is shown here that the application of propidium iodide in combination with a green fluorescent total nucleic acid stain on UVA-irradiated cells of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Shigella flexneri, and a community of freshwater bacteria resulted in a clear and distinctive flow cytometric staining pattern. In the gram-negative bacterium E. coli as well as in the two enteric pathogens, the pattern can be related to the presence of intermediate cellular states characterized by the degree of damage afflicted specifically on the bacterial outer membrane. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that EDTA-treated nonirradiated cells exhibit the same staining properties. On the contrary, this pattern was not observed in gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis, which lacks an outer membrane. Our observations add a new aspect to the LIVE/DEAD stain, which so far was believed to be dependent only on cytoplasmic membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Freezing is widely used for the long-term preservation of lactic acid bacteria, but often affects their viability and technological properties. Different methods are currently employed to determine bacterial cryotolerance, but they all require several hours or days before achieving results. The aim of this study was to establish the advantages of multiparametric flow cytometry by using two specific fluorescent probes to provide rapid assessment of the viability of four strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii after freezing and during frozen storage. The relevance of carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide to quantify bacterial viability was proven. When bacterial suspensions were simultaneously stained with these two fluorescent probes, three major subpopulations were identified: viable, dead and injured cells. The cryotolerance of four L. delbrueckii strains was evaluated by quantifying the relative percentages of each subpopulation before and after freezing, and throughout one month of storage at -80 degrees C. Results displayed significant differences in the resistance to freezing and frozen storage of the four strains when they were submitted to the same freezing and storage procedures. Whereas resistant strains displayed less than 10% of dead cells after one month of storage, one sensitive strain exhibited more than 50% of dead cells, together with 14% of stressed cells after freezing. Finally, this study proved that multiparametric flow cytometry was a convenient and rapid tool to evaluate the viability of lactic acid bacteria, and was well correlated with plate count results. Moreover, it made it possible to differentiate strains according to their susceptibility to freezing and frozen storage.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization are common methods of identifying and quantifying bacterial cells. The combination of cytometric rapidity and multi-parametric accuracy with the phylogenetic specificity of oligonucleotide FISH probes has been regarded as a powerful and emerging tool in aquatic microbiology. In the present work, tests were carried out on E. coli pure culture and marine bacteria using an in-solution hybridization protocol revealing high efficiency hybridization signal for the first one and a lower for the second one. Other experiments were conducted on natural samples following the established CARD-FISH protocol on filter performed in a closed system, with the aim of improving cell detachment and detection. The hybridized cells were then subsequently re-suspended from the membrane filters by means of an optimized detachment procedure. The cytometric enumeration of hybridized marine bacteria reached 85.7% ± 18.1% of total events. The quality of the cytograms suggests that the procedures described may be applicable to the cytometric quantification of phylogenetic groups within natural microbial communities.  相似文献   

The assessment of cell concentration and viability of freshly isolated hepatocyte preparations has been traditionally performed using manual counting with a Neubauer counting chamber and staining for trypan blue exclusion. Despite the simple and rapid nature of this assessment, concerns about the accuracy of these methods exist. Simple flow cytometry techniques which determine cell concentration and viability are available yet surprisingly have not been extensively used or validated with isolated hepatocyte preparations. We therefore investigated the use of flow cytometry using TRUCOUNT Tubes and propidium iodide staining to measure cell concentration and viability of isolated rat hepatocytes in suspension. Analysis using TRUCOUNT Tubes provided more accurate and reproducible measurement of cell concentration than manual cell counting. Hepatocyte viability, assessed using propidium iodide, correlated more closely than did trypan blue exclusion with all indicators of hepatocyte integrity and function measured (lactate dehydrogenase leakage, cytochrome p450 content, cellular ATP concentration, ammonia and lactate removal, urea and albumin synthesis). We conclude that flow cytometry techniques can be used to measure cell concentration and viability of isolated hepatocyte preparations. The techniques are simple, rapid, and more accurate than manual cell counting and trypan blue staining and the results are not affected by protein-containing media.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly distinguish viable sub-populations of cells within populations of macroalgal protoplast isolations was demonstrated using flow cytometry. Viable protoplasts from Ulva sp. and Porphyra perforata J. Ag. were distinguished from non-viable protoplasts based on differential fluorescein accumulation. The identities of cortical and epidermal protoplasts from Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. were inferred based on light-scattering and chlorophyll a autofluorescence. Three cell types could be distinguished among protoplasts released from thalli of P. perforata based on chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. Mixed protoplast populations of Ulva sp. and P. perforata were also discernable based on relative chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. The ability to screen heterogenous protoplast populations rapidly, combined with the cell sorting capabilities of many flow cytometers, should prove valuable for seaweed biotechnology.  相似文献   

A proprietary fluorogenic marker for cell viability (Chemchrome) was investigated for the detection of bacteria using flow cytometry. This marker was used in combination with fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibodies (against Salmonella typhimurium ). Owing to the former's broad band emission spectrum, it was necessary to use the novel dye RED613 for the antibodies. This combined protocol, being sensitive only to the live Salm. typhimurium cells, reduced errors due to intrinsic fluorescence and non-specific binding. Detection of the order of 100 cells ml−1 was achieved in 30 min. This level was achieved even in the presence of large numbers of non-target or dead organisms.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and reliable method has been developed for assessing the number and viability of cells, as well as cell size, in suspension culture by the use of flow cytometry. Propidium iodide exclusion is used for viability determination and fluorescent beads serve as an internal standard for cell enumeration. The main advantages of this method are its ability to handle a large number of samples with a high degree of precision and its specificity in detecting viable cells quantitatively in a heterogeneous culture of living and dead cells and debris. The method shows only a fraction of the variation found in the haemacytometer/trypan blue counting method due to its very low operator dependence. CHO - Chinese hamster ovary; FCS - Foetal calf serum; FS - Forward scatter light; MTT - 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; NCS - newborn calf serum; PBS - Phosphate buffered saline; PI - Propidium iodide; SS - Side scatter light. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The membrane potentials of Acholeplasma laidlawii, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Streptococcus faecalis and human erythrocytes have been determined by applying a novel technique. The membrane potentials were calculated simply from potassium concentrations determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and gravimetry. The versatility of the new technique is demonstrated by comparing our results with data obtained by different techniques.  相似文献   

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