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Familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusions bodies (FENIB) is a serpinopathy that induces a rare form of presenile dementia. Neuroserpin contains a classical signal peptide and like all extracellular serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) is secreted via the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–Golgi pathway. The disease phenotype is due to gain-of-function missense mutations that cause neuroserpin to misfold and aggregate within the ER. In a previous study, nematodes expressing a homologous mutation in the endogenous Caenorhabditis elegans serpin, srp-2, were reported to model the ER proteotoxicity induced by an allele of mutant neuroserpin. Our results suggest that SRP-2 lacks a classical N-terminal signal peptide and is a member of the intracellular serpin family. Using confocal imaging and an ER colocalization marker, we confirmed that GFP-tagged wild-type SRP-2 localized to the cytosol and not the ER. Similarly, the aggregation-prone SRP-2 mutant formed intracellular inclusions that localized to the cytosol. Interestingly, wild-type SRP-2, targeted to the ER by fusion to a cleavable N-terminal signal peptide, failed to be secreted and accumulated within the ER lumen. This ER retention phenotype is typical of other obligate intracellular serpins forced to translocate across the ER membrane. Neuroserpin is a secreted protein that inhibits trypsin-like proteinase. SRP-2 is a cytosolic serpin that inhibits lysosomal cysteine peptidases. We concluded that SRP-2 is neither an ortholog nor a functional homolog of neuroserpin. Furthermore, animals expressing an aggregation-prone mutation in SRP-2 do not model the ER proteotoxicity associated with FENIB.  相似文献   

MNEI (monocyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor) is a 42 kDa serpin superfamily protein characterized initially as a fast-acting inhibitor of neutrophil elastase. Here we show that MNEI has a broader specificity, efficiently inhibiting proteases with elastase- and chymotrypsin-like specificities. Reaction of MNEI with neutrophil proteinase-3, an elastase-like protease, and porcine pancreatic elastase demonstrated rapid inhibition rate constants >10(7) M(-1) s(-1), similar to that observed for neutrophil elastase. Reactions of MNEI with chymotrypsin-like proteases were also rapid: cathepsin G from neutrophils (>10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), mast cell chymase (>10(5) M(-1) s(-1)), chymotrypsin (>10(6) M(-1) s(-1)), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which had the slowest rate constant at approximately 10(4) M(-1) s(-1). Inhibition of trypsin-like (plasmin, granzyme A, and thrombin) and caspase-like (granzyme B) serine proteases was not observed or highly inefficient (trypsin), nor was inhibition of proteases from the cysteine (caspase-1 and caspase-3) and metalloprotease (macrophage elastase, MMP-12) families. The stoichiometry of inhibition for all inhibitory reactions was near 1, and inhibitory complexes were resistant to dissociation by SDS, further indicating the specificity of MNEI for elastase- and chymotrypsin-like proteases. Determination of the reactive site of MNEI by N-terminal sequencing and mass analysis of reaction products identified two reactive sites, each with a different specificity. Cys(344), which corresponds to Met(358), the P(1) site of alpha1-antitrypsin, was the inhibitory site for elastase-like proteases and PSA, while the preceding residue, Phe(343), was the inhibitory site for chymotrypsin-like proteases. This study demonstrates that MNEI has two functional reactive sites corresponding to the predicted P(1) and P(2) positions of the reactive center loop. The data suggest that MNEI plays a regulatory role at extravascular sites to limit inflammatory damage due to proteases of cellular origin.  相似文献   

In the small nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, mutants with a disorganized myofilament lattice structure have been identified by polarized light and electron microscopy. Genetic analysis places the mutations in 12 complementation groups which are distributed over the six linkage groups of C. elegans. The phenotypes are described for the mutants from the 9 complementation groups not previously reported on in detail. Most are paralyzed, but some exhibit essentially normal movement; mutants of two loci show changes only in later larval stages and adulthood. Morphological studies show that, in general, all the members of a complementation group show similar changes in muscle structure and that these changes are distinctive for that group. In mutants of several genes, disorganization of the myofilament lattice is general with no one component of the lattice more obviously altered than others. In mutants of other genes specific structures are prominently altered. In one of the instances where thick filaments appear to be abnormal, double mutants combining mutations in this gene (unc-82 IV) with mutations in the gene for a myosin heavy chain (MacLeod et al., 1977a,b) or paramyosin (Waterston et al., 1977) were used to show that the unc-82 gene product probably affects thick filament assembly through its actions on paramyosin. Some possible implications of the morphological features of the mutants as well as the conclusions derived from the genetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the N-glycans present during the developmental stages of Caenorhabditis elegans using two approaches, 1) a combination of permethylation followed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) and 2) derivatization with 2-aminobenzamide followed by separation by high-performance liquid chromatography and analyses by MALDI-TOF MS, post source decay (PSD) MS, and MALDI-QoTOF MS/MS. The N-glycan profile of each developmental stage (Larva 1, Larva 2, Larva 3, Larva 4, and Dauer and adult) appears to be unique. The pattern of complex N-glycans was stage-specific with the general trend of number and abundance of glycans being Dauer approximately = L1 > adult approximately = L4 > L3 approximately = L2. Dauer larvae contained complex N-glycans with higher molecular masses than those seen in other stages. MALDI-QoTOF MS/MS of Hex4HexNAc4 showed an N-acetyllac-tosamine substitution not previously observed in C. elegans. Phosphorylcholine (Pc)-substituted glycans were also found to be stage-specific. Higher molecular weight Pc-containing glycans, including fucose-containing ones such as difucosyl Pc-glycan (Pc1dHex2Hex5HexNAc6) seen in Dauer larvae, have not been observed in any organism. Pc2Hex4HexNAc3, from Dauer larvae, when subjected to PSD MS analyses, showed Pc may substitute both core and terminally linked GlcNAc; no such structure has previously been reported in any organism. C. elegans-specific fucosyl and native methylated glycans were found in all developmental stages. Taken together, the above results demonstrate that in-depth investigation of the role of the above N-glycans during C. elegans development should lead to a better understanding of their significance and the ways that they may govern interactions, both within the organism during development and between the mobile nematode and its pathogens.  相似文献   

Myosin isoforms A and B are located at the surface of the central and polar regions, respectively, of thick filaments in body muscle cells of Caenorhabditis elegans, whereas paramyosin and a distinct core structure comprise the backbones of these filaments. Thick filaments and related structures were isolated from nematode mutants that have altered thick filament protein compositions. These mutant filaments and their complexes with specific antibodies were studied by electron microscopy to determine the distribution of the two myosins. The compartmentation of the two myosin isoforms in body wall muscle thick filaments depends not only upon the intrinsic properties of the myosins but their interactions with other components such as paramyosin and their relative quantities determined by synthesis.  相似文献   

Myosin purified from the body-wall muscle-defective mutant E675 of the nematode. Caenorhabditis elegans, has heavy chain polypeptides which can be distinguished on the basis of molecular weight. On SDS-polyacrylamide gels, bands are found at 210,000 and 203,000 daltons. This is in contrast to myosin from the wild-type, N2, which has a single heavy chain band at 210,000 daltons. Both heavy chains of E675 are found in body-wall muscle (Epstein, Waterston and Brenner, 1974).When native myosin from E675 is fractionated on hydroxyapatite, it is separated into myosin containing predominantly one or the other molecular weight heavy chain and myosin containing a mixture of the heavy chains. Comparison of the CNBr fragments of myosin that contains predominantly 210,000 dalton heavy chains with those of myosin that contains predominantly 203,000 dalton heavy chains reveals multiple differences. These differences are not explained by the difference in molecular weight of the heavy chains, but may be explained if each type of heavy chain is the product of a different structural gene. Furthermore, because there are fractions which exhibit >80% 210,000 or >80% 203,000 dalton heavy chain, there is myosin which is homogeneous for each of the heavy chains.Although N2 myosin has only a single molecular weight heavy chain, it too is fractionated by hydroxyapatite. By comparing the CNBr fragments of different myosin fractions, we show that N2, like E675, has two kinds of heavy chains.E190, a body-wall muscle-defective mutant in the same complementation group as E675, is lacking the myosin heavy chain affected by the e675 mutation. This property has allowed us to determine by co-purification of labeled E190 myosin in the presence of excess, unlabeled E675 myosin that most, if not all, of the myosin that contains two different molecular weight heavy chains is due to the formation of complexes between homogeneous myosins and not to a heterogeneous myosin.  相似文献   

The soil nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, occupies a central place in the short history of microRNA (miRNA) research. The converse is also true: miRNAs have emerged as key regulatory components in the life cycle of the worm, as well as numerous other organisms. Since the landmark discovery in 1993 of the first miRNA gene, lin-4, several other miRNAs have been characterized in detail in C. elegans and shown to participate in diverse biological processes. Moreover, the worm has provided, by virtue of its ease of genetic manipulation and amenability to high-throughput methods, an ideal platform for elucidating many general and conserved aspects of miRNA biology, namely mechanisms of biogenesis, target recognition, gene silencing, and regulation thereof. In this review, we summarize both the contribution of miRNAs to C. elegans physiology and development, as well as the contribution of C. elegans research to our understanding of general features of miRNA biology.  相似文献   

Striated muscles from Drosophila and several vertebrates extend plasma membrane to facilitate the formation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) during development. However, the regulation of these membrane extensions is poorly understood. In C. elegans, the body wall muscles (BWMs) also have plasma membrane extensions called muscle arms that are guided to the motor axons where they form the postsynaptic element of the NMJ. To investigate the regulation of muscle membrane extension, we screened 871 genes by RNAi for ectopic muscle membrane extensions (EMEs) in C. elegans. We discovered that an FGF pathway, including let-756(FGF), egl-15(FGF receptor), sem-5(GRB2) and other genes negatively regulates plasma membrane extension from muscles. Although compromised FGF pathway activity results in EMEs, hyperactivity of the pathway disrupts larval muscle arm extension, a phenotype we call muscle arm extension defective or MAD. We show that expression of egl-15 and sem-5 in the BWMs are each necessary and sufficient to prevent EMEs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that let-756 expression from any one of several tissues can rescue the EMEs of let-756 mutants, suggesting that LET-756 does not guide muscle membrane extensions. Our screen also revealed that loss-of-function in laminin and integrin components results in both MADs and EMEs, the latter of which are suppressed by hyperactive FGF signaling. Our data are consistent with a model in which integrins and laminins are needed for directed muscle arm extension to the nerve cords, while FGF signaling provides a general mechanism to regulate muscle membrane extension.  相似文献   

Light microscopy of the mitotic chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that non-localized kinetochores are present, since the chromosomes appear as stiff rods 1 to 2 m in length and lack any visible constriction. The holokinetic structure was confirmed by reconstructions of electron micrographs of dividing nuclei in serially sectioned embryos. In prophase the kinetochore appears as an amorphous projection approximately 0.18–0.2 m in diameter in cross section and in longitudinal section it appears to be continuous along the chromatin. At prometaphase and metaphase the kinetochore is a convex plaque covering the poleward face of the chromosome and extending the length of the chromosome. In longitudinal section the kinetochore is a trilaminar structure with electron dense inner and outer layers of 0.02 m, and an electron lucent middle layer of 0.03 m. The inner layer is adjacent to a more electron dense region of chromatin. The kinetochore was also seen as a band extending the length of the chromosome in whole mount preparations of chromosomes stained with ethanolic phosphotungstic acid. Most gamma ray induced chromosome fragments segregate normally in embryonic mitoses, but some fragments display aberrant behavior. Similar behavior was seen in embryos carrying a genetically characterized free duplication. It is suggested that mitotic segregation of small fragments may be inefficient because the probability of attachment of microtubules to the kinetochore is proportional to kinetochore length.  相似文献   

Organisms live in heterogeneous environments, so strategies that maximze fitness in such environments will evolve. Variation in traits is important because it is the raw material on which natural selection acts during evolution. Phenotypic variation is usually thought to be due to genetic variation and/or environmentally induced effects. Therefore, genetically identical individuals in a constant environment should have invariant traits. Clearly, genetically identical individuals do differ phenotypically, usually thought to be due to stochastic processes. It is now becoming clear, especially from studies of unicellular species, that phenotypic variance among genetically identical individuals in a constant environment can be genetically controlled and that therefore, in principle, this can be subject to selection. However, there has been little investigation of these phenomena in multicellular species. Here, we have studied the mean lifetime fecundity (thus a trait likely to be relevant to reproductive success), and variance in lifetime fecundity, in recently‐wild isolates of the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that these genotypes differed in their variance in lifetime fecundity: some had high variance in fecundity, others very low variance. We find that this variance in lifetime fecundity was negatively related to the mean lifetime fecundity of the lines, and that the variance of the lines was positively correlated between environments. We suggest that the variance in lifetime fecundity may be a bet‐hedging strategy used by this species.  相似文献   

The defecation behavior of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is controlled by a 45-s ultradian rhythm. An essential component of the clock that regulates the rhythm is the inositol trisphosphate receptor in the intestine, but other components remain to be discovered. Here, we show that the flr-4 gene, whose mutants exhibit very short defecation cycle periods, encodes a novel serine/threonine protein kinase with a carboxyl terminal hydrophobic region. The expression of functional flr-4::GFP was detected in the intestine, part of pharyngeal muscles and a pair of neurons, but expression of flr-4 in the intestine was sufficient for the wild-type phenotype. Furthermore, laser killing of the flr-4-expressing neurons did not change the defecation phenotypes of wild-type and flr-4 mutant animals. Temperature-shift experiments with a temperature-sensitive flr-4 mutant suggested that FLR-4 acts in a cell-functional rather than developmental aspect in the regulation of defecation rhythms. The function of FLR-4 was impaired by missense mutations in the kinase domain and near the hydrophobic region, where the latter allele seemed to be a weak antimorph. Thus, a novel protein kinase with a unique structural feature acts in the intestine to increase the length of defecation cycle periods.  相似文献   

UNC-89 is a giant polypeptide located at the sarcomeric M-line of Caenorhabditis elegans muscle. The human homologue is obscurin. To understand how UNC-89 is localized and functions, we have been identifying its binding partners. Screening a yeast two-hybrid library revealed that UNC-89 interacts with paramyosin. Paramyosin is an invertebrate-specific coiled-coil dimer protein that is homologous to the rod portion of myosin heavy chains and resides in thick filament cores. Minimally, this interaction requires UNC-89’s SH3 domain and residues 294–376 of paramyosin and has a KD of ∼1.1 μM. In unc-89 loss-of-function mutants that lack the SH3 domain, paramyosin is found in accumulations. When the SH3 domain is overexpressed, paramyosin is mislocalized. SH3 domains usually interact with a proline-rich consensus sequence, but the region of paramyosin that interacts with UNC-89’s SH3 is α-helical and lacks prolines. Homology modeling of UNC-89’s SH3 suggests structural features that might be responsible for this interaction. The SH3-binding region of paramyosin contains a “skip residue,” which is likely to locally unwind the coiled-coil and perhaps contributes to the binding specificity.  相似文献   

Fares H  Greenwald I 《Genetics》1999,153(4):1641-1654
Ligands present on neighboring cells activate receptors of the LIN-12/Notch family by inducing a proteolytic cleavage event that releases the intracellular domain. Mutations that appear to eliminate sel-5 activity are able to suppress constitutive activity of lin-12(d) mutations that are point mutations in the extracellular domain of LIN-12, but cannot suppress lin-12(intra), the untethered intracellular domain. These results suggest that sel-5 acts prior to or during ligand-dependent release of the intracellular domain. In addition, sel-5 suppression of lin-12(d) mutations is tissue specific: loss of sel-5 activity can suppress defects in the anchor cell/ventral uterine precursor cell fate decision and a sex myoblast/coelomocyte decision, but cannot suppress defects in two different ventral hypodermal cell fate decisions in hermaphrodites and males. sel-5 encodes at least two proteins, from alternatively spliced mRNAs, that share an amino-terminal region and differ in the carboxy-terminal region. The amino-terminal region contains the hallmarks of a serine/threonine kinase domain, which is most similar to mammalian GAK1 and yeast Pak1p.  相似文献   

The pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The anatomy of the pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans has been reconstructed from electron micrographs of serial sections. The pharynx is used for pumping food into the gut, and is composed of 34 muscle cells, 9 marginal cells, 9 epithelial cells, 5 gland cells and 20 neurones. Three regions of specialization in the cuticle lining of the pharyngeal lumen may aid in the accumulation of food particles. A basement membrane isolates the pharynx from the rest of the animal, making the pharyngeal nervous system a nearly self-contained unit which is composed primarily of five classes of motor neurones and six classes of interneurones. Three other classes have also been described, which by their morphology appear to be neurosecretory and motor, motor and interneuronal, and lastly one pair that only innervates three of the marginal cells. Some classes of neurone have free endings just under the cuticle lining the lumen of the pharynx, suggesting that these are mechano- or proprio-receptive endings. The connectivity of these neurones has been described at the level of individual synaptic regions, and after combining this information with video taped observations of the pharynx pumping, some interpretations of how these neurones function have been offered.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase cleavage of proteins is essential to a wide variety of biological processes and is primarily regulated by protein inhibitors. Many inhibitors are conformationally rigid simulations of optimal serine proteinase substrates, which makes them highly efficient competitive inhibitors of target proteinases. In contrast, members of the serpin family of serine proteinase inhibitors display extensive flexibility and polymorphism, particularly in their reactive site segments and in β-sheet secondary structure, which can take up and expel strands. Reactive site and β-sheet polymorphism appear to be coupled in the serpins and may account for the extreme stability of serpinproteinase complexes through the insertion of the reactive site strand into a β-sheet. These unusual properties may have opened an adaptive pathway of proteinase regulation that was unavailable to the conformationally rigid proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

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