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Two octopod species are reported from the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean) for the first time: the deep sea four-horn octopus, Pteroctopus tetracirrhus (Delle Chiaje, 1830) and the gelatinous giant octopus, Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861. Both female specimens were caught in Tenerife. Haliphron atlanticus is described from fresh remains found floating close to the southwest coast and the second species, P. tetracirrhus, is described from a specimen captured in a shrimp trap at 200 m depth on the southeastern coast of Tenerife. With these two additions the revised and updated list of octopod species of the Canary Islands now comprises eight families and 18 species, all of them incirrate octopods. The zoogeographic relationships of octopod species from other Atlantic regions, including the Mediterranean Sea, were studied. The likely directions of faunal flows were inferred based on affinity indices, showing that Mauritania could be the most probable source of the octopod species of the Canary Islands and the rest of the Macaronesian archipelagos.  相似文献   


The breeding of the bellbird (Anthornis melanura) was studied intensively over three seasons on Aorangi Island, Poor Knights Islands. Adult males defended territories all year but ventured beyond them to exploit localised food resources and to obtain water; some adults defended the same territory for at least 5 years. Adult females shared a territory with a male only during the breeding season. At other times of the year adult females were joined by juveniles and immatures and formed feeding flocks. The breeding season extended from late September to late December. A few nests were built on the ground but most were in dense vegetation, usually near the canopy. Peak egg-laying extended from mid-October to mid-November and only one clutch of two to four eggs was laid. Nest building and incubation were completed by the female alone but both parents fed nestlings. Fledglings stayed in the vicinity of the nest for several days, and were fed by both parents. Incubation and nestling periods were about 15 and 19 days respectively. Comparisons are made with the breeding biology of bellbirds and other native passerines on mainland New Zealand, and the importance of the predator-free enviomment of the Poor Knights Islands is stressed.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):519-522

New localities are given for 22 bryophyte taxa from Ibiza and 11 from Mallorca. Nine species and two varieties are believed to be new to the Balearic Islands.  相似文献   

Two new desmoscolecid species are described: Desmoscolex koloensis sp. nov. and D. parakoloensis sp. nov. Additional information is given on Desmoscolex (Desmolorenzenia) montana, D. sieverti and D. fennicus. The genus Desmolorenzenia is considered a subgenus of Desmoscolex. Pareudesmoscolex lacustris represents a juvenile state of Desmocolex dussarti. Some reflections are made on terrestrial and freshwater desmoscolecids.  相似文献   

Ammonoids from the basal beds of the Nerpalakh Formation (Lower Frasnian) of Belkovsky Island (New Siberian Archipelago) are systematically studied. Taxonomically, the assemblage studied (Manticoceras insulare sp. nov., Tornoceras typum (Sandberger, 1851), and T. contractum Glenister, 1958) is similar to the Early Frasnian ammonoid assemblage of South Timan, from which its is distinguished by the absence of the genera Timanites and Komioceras. The same beds contain conodonts of the Palmatolepis transitans Zone (= MN 4 Zone of the Montagne Noire standard succession), which allow the correlation of the beds studied with the Timanites keyserlingi and Komioceras stuckenbergi ammonoid zones of South Timan. The Early Frasnian ammonoids could supposedly have entered the region of the New Siberian Archipelago from the southwest at the time of a major transgression, which facilitated the distribution of the genera Manticoceras and Tornoceras. A new species of the genus Manticoceras is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):521-536

Two members each of the Adelanthaceae and Schistochilaceae and three of the Porellaceae are recorded from Mulanje Mountain, of which Adelanthus lindenbergianus (Lehm.) Mitt., Porella abyssinica (Nees) Trev. var. hoehnelii (Steph.) Pócs, Porella capensis (Gott.) Mitt. and P. subdentata (Mitt.) Steph. are first records for Malawi.  相似文献   

Growth of New Zealand fur seal pups was investigated at Taumaka, Open Bay Islands, New Zealand, from November 1974 to September 1976. Pups were weighed and curvilinear length, axillary girth and foreflipper length measured at about ages 55, 190, 235 and 290 days. Males are significantly heavier and larger than females at each age, wtih the exception of axillary girth at 235 days. Pups born during the austral summer of 1974–5 were smaller overall than were pups born during the following summer. This difference was so great that males aged 140 days in 1976 were larger and heavier than males aged 235 days in 1975. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the difference in growth rates of pups born during the two years may have been a consequence, either directly or indirectly, of environmental temperatures. Pups born during the warmer season (1974–5) had the slower growth.  相似文献   

The forests of Rangatira Island (218 ha) in the Chatham Islands are a critical breeding site for a number of rare and threatened forest bird species, but are also home to more than three million seabirds, which could significantly affect forest regeneration processes. We surveyed the forests of Rangatira Island by establishing 40 permanent forest plots, estimated seabird density through burrow counts, and analysed soil properties. To determine if seabirds were impacting on forest regeneration, we established exclosures (0.25 m2) in 30 of the forest plots, and examined the role of canopy gaps in forest regeneration. The tallest current forest (c. 15 m), dominated by Plagianthus chathamicus, has mostly regenerated since stock were removed in 1959. Mean burrow density was estimated to be 1.19 per square metre, all soils were highly acidic (pH 3.36–5.18), and burrow density was positively correlated with soil phosphorus. Seedling density of woody species in seabird exclosures measured after 9, 24 and 33 months was significantly higher than in the adjacent non-gap plots, and seedling density was positively associated with reduced canopy cover. Seedling densities were also significantly higher in canopy gaps than in adjacent non-gap plots, but seabird burrow density was significantly lower in gaps. These results suggest that canopy gaps allow forest regeneration despite the negative impacts of seabird burrowing. However, the gap makers, largely senescing Olearia traversii, are slowly disappearing from the forests. The cohort of Plagianthus that has regenerated following farm abandonment may progressively collapse, allowing regeneration to continue in small openings, but there is also the potential for a catastrophic blowdown. This might have serious implications for forest-dwelling birds, invertebrates, and plants.  相似文献   

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