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我国稻田养鱼的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻田养鱼有两种形式,即“稻鱼共生”和“稻鱼轮作”。稻鱼共生系指水稻和鱼群共同生活在稻田中,双方彼得到一定利益。这种稻田养鱼方式以培育吃草的鱼种为主,搭养当地需要的鱼种为辅。稻鱼轮作是指水稻与养鱼轮流生产,即一年当中只种一季水稻,余时则为养鱼。如利用冬闲田、固水田及湖区的低洼田水稻收获后即行养鱼,此种方式以养食用鱼或大规格(15厘米以上)鱼种为主。    相似文献   

稻田养鱼生态经济效益的初步分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
稻田养鱼(或称稻鱼共生生态系统)在我国已有1700多年的历史,近年来这项技术迅猛发展。据1985年不完全统计,全国稻田养鱼面积达5.0×10~6ha。长期的生产实践已证明,“稻田养鱼、稻鱼双丰收”,不仅能增加农田的经济收入,又可防病治虫,改善生态环境,能立体和综合利用农业自然资源,具有一定的社会、生态和经济效益。几年来,不少水产、农业科技工作者对稻田养鱼的经济效益和管理技术进行了大量的科学试验,但对养鱼后稻田生态系统在结构和功能上的变化未有深入研究。本文对稻田养鱼与水稻生长、病虫害和土壤肥力的关系进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

草鱼日粮中小肽对幼龄草鱼生长性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本实验研究了草鱼日粮中不同种类与含量的小肽对幼龄草鱼生长性能的影响。 4 5 0尾 3.74± 0 .2 3g的草鱼分为 6组 ,每组 75尾鱼 ,每 2 5尾鱼饲养于 0 .2 5m3 的水族箱中 ,每组设 3个平行水族箱。试验 1、2、3、4、5组日粮中分别添加 0 .2 5 %、0 .5 %、1%的虾蛋白肽和 0 .5 %鱼粉水解物、0 .5 %酶解酪蛋白 ,对照组为 1%的鱼粉。水温为 2 7.6±3.1℃ ,试验期为 5 6d。结果表明 :(1)试验各组草鱼其相对生长率、饲料效率、饲料蛋白保留效率和血浆中钙、磷、镁含量与小肽总量均高于对照组 ,与对照组有显著性差异 ;(2 )草鱼日粮中最适宜的虾蛋白肽添加量为 0 .5 % ;(3)草鱼日粮中添加一定比例的小肽可提高饲料表观消化率和蛋白消化率 ,增加血液循环中生物活性肽的含量 ,增加体内氮沉积 ,减少肝胰脏和肠系膜脂肪储积 ,从而提高草鱼对日粮中蛋白质的利用率和机体自身蛋白质合成能力。  相似文献   

定量分析世界范围内稻鱼共作对水稻的产量效应, 为稻鱼共作技术的大面积推广应用提供科学依据。研究搜集了公开发表的102组稻鱼共作与水稻单作处理的水稻产量数据(截至2021年12月31日)。运用Meta分析方法, 明确了稻鱼共作对水稻产量的综合效应, 进而量化分析了时间区域、田间条件、水稻品种、肥药管理、鱼苗投放和投喂管理等对稻鱼共作产量效应的影响。与水稻单作相比, 稻鱼共作显著提高了水稻产量, 平均增产率约为17.2%(95%CI: 9.4%—25.6%), 分析结果可靠。不同区域气候稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 国外和热带气候区域较高。2011年以后年份、田沟布局为一侧、水稻品种为粳稻的试验田中, 稻鱼共作的水稻增产率相对较高; 不同测产方式的产量效应差异不显著。不同肥药管理稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 施肥3次、单一追肥、施用有机肥与无机肥、施药的产量效应较高; 在保障增产效应的前提下可以适当减少肥料农药的施用量, 采用有机肥和不施农药方式以获取经济与环境的双重效益。投苗时间、养殖模式、投苗密度、投喂与否稻鱼共作的产量效应差异显著, 在水稻移栽后21—25d投苗单养, 规格、密度及生物量控制在40 g/尾、1 尾/m2和30 g/m2以内, 不投喂饲料更能发挥稻鱼共作的增产效应。稻鱼共作能够显著提高水稻产量, 是有效利用稻田资源的可行方式。  相似文献   

中亚热带红壤地区稻-稻-草轮作系统稻田土壤质量评价   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
王华  黄宇  阳柏苏  黄璜  张芬 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3271-3281
在中亚热带红壤地区,利用定位研究方法,比较了5种不同的轮作模式,即早稻-晚稻-黑麦草、早稻-晚稻-黑麦草→早稻-晚稻-冬闲、早稻-晚稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英、早稻-晚稻-紫云英、早稻-晚稻-冬闲,对稻田土壤质量的影响。研究结果表明,与常规稻作系统相比较,在稻-草轮作模式下,稻田土壤养分含量增加,物理性状改善,土壤生物活性提高,土壤动物数量增加。在对土壤功能评价的基础上利用土壤质量评价体系定量地评价了5种轮作模式的土壤质量状况。“水分贮存功能”(AW E)、“土壤结构退化抑制功能”(RSSD)、“稻田作物品质和产量维持功能”(SCOP)其评价值以及最终的土壤质量指数(SQ I)都是稻-稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英、稻-稻-黑麦草、稻-稻-紫云英3种轮作模式大于常规稻作模式,其中以稻-稻-3/4黑麦草‖1/4紫云英表现最优;“促使水分运移、提高水分有效性功能”(FWM A)功能在5种轮作模式中其评价值相等。结果还表明,土壤质量指数(SQ I)、土壤退化指数(SD I)和生物肥力指数(B IF)之间具有良好的线性关系,说明此3种评价方法都能有效地评价研究试区稻田土壤质量。土壤退化指数(SD I)表明,稻-草轮作模式稻田土壤质量都有不同程度的提高,而常规稻作系统稻田土壤质量有轻微下降。稻田土壤蚯蚓丰富度与土壤质量指数(SQ I)、土壤退化指数(SD I)和生物肥力指数(B IF)都成显著的正相关,蚯蚓的丰富度可指示本研究试区稻田土壤质量。  相似文献   

酪蛋白小肽对幼龄草鱼生长和饲料利用的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
本实验为酪蛋白小肽在幼龄草鱼营养生理上的意义研究。 2 2 5尾 (3 76± 0 16g)草鱼分为 3组 ,每组 75尾鱼 ,每 2 5尾鱼饲于 0 2 5m3 的水族箱中 ,每组设 3个平行水族箱。对照组添加 0 5 %酪蛋白 ,试验组 1、2日粮中分别添加 0 5 %酶解酪蛋白 (80 %以上为小肽 ,平均链长 2 98) ,0 5 %酸解酪蛋白 (80 %以上为游离氨基酸 )。试验期 5 6d ,水温为 2 7 6± 3 1℃。结果表明 :添加 0 5 %酶解酪蛋白组草鱼相对生长率、蛋白效率比、饲料效率比和血浆中镁含量与小肽总量均显著高于添加 0 5 %酪蛋白组和10 5 %酸解酪蛋白组 (P <0 0 5 )。草鱼日粮中添加一定比例的小肽可提高饲料表观消化率和蛋白消化率 ,增加血液循环中生物活性肽的含量 ,减少肝胰脏和肠系膜脂肪储积 ,提高机体对日粮中氨基酸的利用率 ,从而增加体内氮沉积 ,提高生长速度。  相似文献   

保护青蛙是农业生产上生物防治的一项重要措施。广大贫下中农讲:“蛙多田丰产”。我们从1973年开始对保护青蛙进行了试验、示范、推广。结果在3.5亩放蛙的稻田比对照田,平均每亩增产11.3—25.1%。为了更好地保护和利用青蛙,在不同的时期提出相适应的保护措施,  相似文献   

为了探讨稻-鳅-蛙共作农田优势真菌对土壤碱解氮、有效磷、土壤酶活性及镉污染土壤镉生物有效性的影响,本研究分离、纯化及初步鉴定稻-鳅-蛙农田土壤中的优势真菌LW-1,并将其扩繁后制成1×103、1×105、1×107个/mL孢子3种浓度的菌液,最后将3种浓度的菌液和空白菌液分别添加至0、5、10、20 mg/kg镉污染的土壤中,每10天取土壤样本检测土壤有效磷、碱解氮、转化酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶有效态镉含量。结果表明,随着菌液浓度的增加,土壤中碱解氮和有效磷的含量显著增加(P<0.05),土壤转化酶和脲酶活性均显著性提高(P<0.05),而有效态镉的含量显著降低(P<0.05)。这说明稻-鳅-蛙共作农田中的优势真菌可提高土壤肥力并降低镉污染土壤的生物有效性,研究结果为该模式在土壤改良和修复中的应用提供理论依据,也为理解稻-鳅-蛙共作农田土壤肥力高于常规稻田的机制提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

稻鱼系统中田鱼对资源的利用及对水稻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻田为鱼类等水产生物提供生境,稻田养鱼在提高水稻产量的同时,通过控制病虫害的暴发以及充分利用养分来降低化肥农药的使用.但田鱼对稻田资源的摄食(浮游植物、杂草、浮萍、田螺)及利用后转化成养分对水稻生长发育的促进作用尚缺乏研究.本研究设计了2个田间试验,通过摄像观察稻鱼系统中田鱼的活动,采用稳定性同位素分析田鱼对稻田资源的摄食,并测定水稻的生长发育进程和水稻产量.结果表明: 与鱼单养处理相比,稻田养鱼显著地促进了田鱼的活动频率并扩大了田鱼的活动范围.在稻鱼共作不投喂饲料处理下,稻田中3类水生生物(浮萍、浮游植物、田螺)对田鱼食谱的贡献率分别为22.7%、34.8%和30.0%;而投喂饲料处理下,这3种水生生物对田鱼食谱的贡献率分别为8.9%、5.9% 和1.6%,饲料的贡献率为71.0%.与水稻单作比较,稻鱼共作处理显著增加水稻分蘖期和灌浆期的叶片氮含量,延长分蘖期10~12 d,并显著提高成穗率和产量.表明稻鱼系统通过田鱼摄食稻田资源并转化为水稻可利用养分,促进了水稻生长,实现了水稻产量的提升.  相似文献   

稻鱼共作生态系统浮游植物群落结构和生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稻鱼共作技术是中国传统农业的精华,通过对稻鱼共作系统水体浮游植物的种类组成、密度、生物量及多样性进行分析,明确该系统中浮游植物数量变化特性,为进一步开发利用这一经典农艺提供理论基础和实践依据。结果表明,稻田生态系统中浮游植物群落包含蓝藻门、甲藻门、隐藻门、裸藻门、绿藻门和硅藻门等6门,共38属93种。稻鱼共作显著增加稻田水体浮游植物的密度和生物量,降低硅藻和蓝藻的优势度,增加绿藻和裸藻的优势度,提高了稻田水体浮游植物多样性指数。  相似文献   

Rice fields are important substitute wetlands for frogs. Traditionally, rice fields in Japan were supplied with water and drained via shallow earth ditches (old-style). In the last 30 years, however, more than 80% of rice fields have been converted to a new irrigation system in which water is typically supplied through underground pipes via taps and is drained into deep, concrete-sided ditches (new-style). We compared the occurrence of frogs in paired areas of old- and new-style rice fields at six locations in Ibaraki Pref., central Japan, from May to August 1995. The Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica) did not differ in abundance between the two types of rice fields, but the Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica) and the Tokyo daruma pond frog (Rana porosa porosa) preferred the old-style rice fields. These findings suggest that the status ofRana species has been adversely affected by the conversion of rice fields to the new irrigation system. Modification of the deep, U-shaped concrete ditches and the water management regime during the spawning season is needed to safeguard these species.  相似文献   

Liver uricase of bull frog (Rana catesbeiana) was present as the soluble form in the peroxisomal matrix and consisted of four identical subunits with a molecular weight of 30,000. These properties were identical with those of fish liver uricase but differed from mammalian liver uricase. Purified uricase from the frog liver was insoluble in hypertonic, hypotonic and detergent solutions at pH 6-9. This insolubility was the same as mammalian liver uricase but differed from fish liver uricase; fish uricase was soluble in these solutions. The frog liver uricase did not cross-react immunologically with both uricases of fish and mammalian liver. An immunological cross-reactivity of liver uricase was observed among amphibia.  相似文献   

We examined the diet of an endangered frog, Rana porosa brevipoda inhabiting rice fields of western Japan, by forced regurgitation of stomach contents. The frog diet consisted of a wide variety of arthropods, and ants, beetles, dipterans, bugs, orthopterans, and spiders, which were especially prominent. These prey taxa were also collected in large numbers by sweep-net samplings made in the frog habitat, and relative abundances of prey taxa in frog diet and those in sweep samples were found to be significantly correlated. Aquatic forms did not contribute much to the frog diet, but were found to be taken more frequently and in larger numbers in irrigated fields than in drained fields. These findings suggest that prey availability around frog habitat is very important to regulate the food items of R. p. brevipoda. On the other hand, terrestrial components of frog habitats are indicated to be important because the frog highly depended on terrestrial invertebrates. From these results, we consider it imperative to preserve terrestrial components linked with aquatic environments to conserve biodiversity in rice field ecosystems.  相似文献   

Somatic and germinal cells of 15 fish and 33 amphibian species were examined by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting to determine the expression of LAP2 (lamina-associated polypeptide 2). LAP2 expression in frogs, salamanders and fish does not vary with the mode of reproduction. In fish and frog cells, a rim-like LAP2 positive region was detected around the nucleus by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. The cell distribution and expression patterns of LAP2 in fish, frogs and salamanders are comparable with those found in Xenopus and zebrafish. The mammalian somatic cell pattern, which may also occur in gymnophione amphibians, includes LAP2alpha, beta and gamma as major isoforms, whereas LAP2alpha does not occur in cells of fish, frogs and salamanders. In fish, LAP2gamma is the major isoform of somatic cells, suggesting that LAP2gamma may be ancestral. However, in the rainbow trout, as in frogs and salamanders, LAP2beta was the major somatic isoform. Fish and frog sperm only express low molecular weight polypeptides. In contrast, fish and frog oocytes express an oocyte-specific LAP2 isoform of high molecular weight. In the toad Bufo marinus this isoform becomes upregulated in pre-vitellogenic oocytes of 150-200 microm in diameter. The absence of LAP2alpha and the differential expression of LAP2 isoforms in somatic and germ cells, as found in fish and frogs, may be ancestral vertebrate characters. In spite of differences in developmental time, the LAP2 isoforms of somatic cells are upregulated during gastrulation, suggesting that LAP2 may be implicated in the early development of fish and frog.  相似文献   

不同利用方式下稻田效益的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言评价是多目标系统优化和决策的基础。和任何其他农业生态系统一样,稻田生态系统具有多目标、多功能的特点,单项指标难以反映系统的优劣。目前,川东南地区稻田开发利用方式多种多样,但效益评价主要是采用简单的比较分析或粗放的定性描述,尚未形成系统的  相似文献   

Lens crystallins were isolated from the homogenate of frog (Rana catesbeiana) eye lenses by gel permeation chromatography and characterized by gel electrophoresis, amino acid analysis and circular dichroism. Four well-defined fractions corresponding to alpha/beta-, beta-, frog 39.5 kDa and gamma-crystallins comprising the relative weight percentages in the total soluble cytoplasmic proteins of 18%, 15%, 14% and 48% respectively were obtained. The native molecular masses for each purified fraction were determined to be 432, 207, 40 and 23 kDa, respectively. The polypeptide compositions as determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis revealed the typical subunit structures of mammalian crystallins with the exception of 39.5 kDa monomeric crystallin, which has not been shown in other classes of vertebrate lenses. The spectra of circular dichroism indicate a predominant beta-sheet structure in all four fractions, which also bears a resemblance to the secondary structure of mammalian crystallins. Comparison of the amino acid compositions of frog crystallins with those of mammalian and fish crystallins suggests that gamma-crystallin from the frog is more closely related to that of porcine than fish crystallins, and the frog 39.5 kDa, frog beta- and lamprey 48 kDa crystallins are probably mutually interrelated.  相似文献   

Melatonin is a weak dose-independent lightening agonist in fish skin, a moderate dose-dependent lightening agonist in toad skin and a potent lightening agent in frog and lizard skins (reversing in a dose-dependent manner the darkening caused by alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone). In frog skins, previous exposure to melatonin reduced further lightening actions of the indoleamine, and in toad skins, increasing concentrations of melatonin elicited decreasing lightening responses, suggesting an autodesensitizing action of the hormone. Various concentrations of melatonin diminished the responses to the lightening agonist melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in fish skins and to the darkening agonists alpha-MSH in toad, frog and lizard skins and isoproterenol in frog skins. In vitro inhibitory actions of melatonin are mimicked in the absence of the hormone in skin preparations from toads kept in continuous darkness for 48 hr. The lipophylic nature of the indoleamine associated with the results herein described suggests intracellular actions of melatonin on vertebrate pigment cells.  相似文献   

In Japan, rice paddies play an important role as a substitute habitat for wetland species, and support rich indigenous ecosystems. However, since the 1950s, agricultural modernization has altered the rice paddy environment, and many previously common species are now endangered. It is urgently necessary to evaluate rice paddies as habitats for conservation. Among the species living in rice paddies, frogs are representative and are good indicator species, so we focused on frog species and analyzed the influence of environmental factors on their habitat use. We found four frog species and one subspecies (Hyla japonica, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, Glandirana rugosa, Lithobates catesbeianus, and Pelophylax porosa brevipoda) at our study sites in Shiga prefecture. For all but L. catesbeianus, we analyzed the influence of environmental factors related to rice paddy structure, water management and availability, agrochemical use, connectivity, and land use on breeding and non-breeding habitat use. We constructed generalized additive mixed models with survey date as the smooth term and applied Akaike's information criterion to choose the bestranked model. Because life histories and biological characteristics vary among species, the factors affecting habitat use by frogs are also expected to differ by species. We found that both breeding and non-breeding habitat uses of each studied species were influenced by different combinations of environmental factors and that in most cases, habitat use showed seasonality. For frog conservation in rice paddies, we need to choose favorable rice paddy in relation to surrounding land use and apply suitable management for target species.  相似文献   

Leptin is a circulating protein which regulates dietary intake through binding the leptin receptor. Numerous labs have used known structures and mutagenesis to study this binding process in common animal models (human, mouse and rat). Understanding this binding process in other vertebrate species will allow for a better understanding of leptin and leptin receptor function. The binding site between leptin and leptin receptor is highly conserved in mammals as confirmed through sequence alignments mapped onto structures of both leptin and leptin receptor. More variation in this interaction is found in lizard and frog sequences. Using our models, we show that the avian leptin sequences have far less variation in the binding site than does the leptin receptor. This analysis further suggests that avian leptins are artifactual. In fish, gene duplication events have led to the expression of multiple leptin proteins. These multiple leptin proteins have variation in the regions interacting with leptin receptor. In zebrafish and the Japanese rice fish, we propose that leptin A has a higher binding energy than does B. Differing binding energies are evidence of either divergent functions, different binding confirmations, or other protein partners of leptin B.  相似文献   

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