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The ecology of the extremely halophilic archaea   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: The extremely halophilic archaea (family Halobacteriaceae) are the dominant heterotrophic organisms in hypersaline environments in which salt concentrations exceed 250–300 g l−1. During the last decades our knowledge on the taxonomy, physiology and biochemistry of the Halobacterium group has greatly increased. However, our understanding of the ecology of the halophilic archaea lags far behind the progess made in the study of other aspects of their biology. A few hypersaline environments, such as the Dead Sea and solar salterns, have been studied more in depth, using techniques such as lipid analysis to obtain information on the types of organisms present and measurement of uptake of labeled substrates to quantify the dynamics of bacterial processes. The results of these studies, in combination with the information obtained from laboratory studies of representative isolates of the Halobacteriaceae, enable the beginning of an understanding of the functioning of the halophilic archaea in nature.  相似文献   

The Dagong Brine Well, the earliest man-made brine well in record, located in Zigong, Sichuan, China, had the construction and facilities mainly made of bamboo, wood and stone that are eroded easily by halophiles colonizing in the brine of the well. To better preserve this historic placemark, we initiated an investigation on the microbial community and the diversity of the halophilic bacteria in the brine of Dagong well for the first time. A total of 112 aerobic halophile strains were isolated and characterized according to their phenotype, cellular fatty acids composition and 16S rRNA. Furthermore, the intra specific phylogeny of closely related strains was also screened by PCR fragment length polymorphism of 16S–23S ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR). The result showed that the halophilic isolates found in current study were closely related to the following genera: Planococcus, Halomonas, Halobacillus, Oceanobacillus and Virgibacillus, a lineage of the domain Bacteria. Halomonas and Halobacillus were the dominant genera as represents 27% and 40% of the total isolates, respectively. The distribution of other genera was as follows: Oceanobacillus (18%), Virgibacillus (10%) and Planococcus (5%). The ISR analysis disclosed variation of banding pattern in some isolates related to Oceanobacillus and Halobacillus which was observed with phenotypic and physiological characterizations as well. It was clear that these halophiles have adapted to the special man-made hypersaline environment by the basic physiological evolution during phylogenesis and thus resulted in phenotypic and genotypic diversity in the Dagong Brine Well.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and morphogenesis of extremely halophilic neutrophilic (Halobacteriam distributum, Halococcus turkmenicus) and alkaliphilic (Natronobacterium pharaonis, Natronococcus occultus) archaeobacteria were studied. The H. distributum culture was rather polymorphous and produced cells of four types. Due to the irregular cell fission in different planes packages of various numbers of cells surrounded by a common capsule were formed. Resting forms (halocysts) with multilayer covers were present in the population. The N. pharaonis culture consisted of rod-like cells and cyst-like forms. Besides, under conditions of carbon limitation, multicellular aggregated forms were found in the culture. Encapsulated single cells and aggregated forms with a common capsule were observed in H. turkmenicus and N. occultus cultures.  相似文献   

Halophilic and halotolerant bacteria were isolated from soil samples of a Japanese salt field, an environment where salt concentrations vary annually. From 1 g of each of the five samples collected, over 1×103 bacterial colonies (colony forming units (cfu)g-1) grew on agar medium containing 2M Na+. In contrast, 0–4 bacterial colonies (cfu g-1) were observed on agar medium containing 4M Na+. Two of the five samples contained numerous bacteria (102–103 cfu g-1) capable of growth on a 2M Na+ alkaline (pH=9.5) medium, while few bacterial colonies were observed from the other three samples. Only one of the five samples was shown to contain bacteria capable of growth on a 4M Na+ alkaline medium. Most of the bacteria isolated on 4M Na+ agar were eubacteria, but one extreme halophile (TR-1, already described as Haloarcula japonica JCM7785) was also isolated. The 16S rRNA sequence of TR-1 was determined and shows high homology (94.4–98.5%) to Ha. marismortui and Ha. sinaiiensis. These results suggested that: 1) environments with seasonally varying salinity can harbour halotolerants as well as halophiles and, 2) closely related halophiles can be isolated from geographically distant habitats.  相似文献   

The ecology and taxonomy of halobacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Archaebacterial halophiles dominate naturally occurring brines as the concentration of salts approaches saturation. Although only 4 genera of these bacteria have been recognised ( Halobacterium, Halococcus, Natronobacterium, Natronococcus ), chemotaxonomic studies indicate that there are 4 or 5 additional distinct groups. Archaebacterial halophiles are extremely physiologically versatile, some examples being capable of an anaerobic fermentative mode of growth, others of growth linked to the reduction of sulphur compounds. Many strains contain retinal-based pigments producing light-mediated movements of ions across the cell membrane, that in some cases can be harnessed for energy generation. However, it is likely that under normal conditions, an aerobic, chemoorganotrophic mode of nutrition is adopted.  相似文献   

Abstract A mass bloom of halophilic archaea developed in the Dead Sea in the summer of 1992, with peak densities of more than 3 × 107 cells/ml, imparting a red coloration to the water. Microscopical examination showed a numerical dominance of pleomorphic, flat cells. Attempts to identify the dominant type of halophilic archaea by means of growth experiments, both on agar plates and by dilution in liquid media, were unsuccessful, as viable counts obtained were two or more orders of magnitude lower than the total microscopic counts. Analysis of the polar lipids in the Dead Sea biomass during the bloom showed one major glycolipid to be present in the extracts, corresponding with the sulfated diglycosyl diether lipid (S-DGD-1) characteristic of the genus Haloferax . No indications were found for the presence of significant amounts of other glycolipids that indicate the presence of large numbers of Dead Sea archaea such as Halobacterium sodomense or Haloarcula marismortui , or Halobacterium species such as H. halobium, H. salinarium and H. saccharovorum . Thus, the numerically dominant organisms in the bloom is probably a difficult to culture, not yet isolated, representative of the genus Haloferax .  相似文献   

艾丁嗜盐小盒菌B2菌株(Haloarcula aidinensis, strain B2)16Sr RNA的核苷酸序列已以双脱氧核苷酸链终止法确定。该菌16Sr RNA显示出了典型的古生物类(Archaea)特性。虽然艾丁嗜盐小盒菌B2菌株在序列方面更接近细菌类(Bacteria)的16SrRNA,但它的序列也显示出与真核生物类(Eucarya)的某些特殊的相似性。在序列和结构方面,该菌与细菌类或真核生物类之间的相似程度要高于细菌类与真核生物类之间的相似程度。另外,该菌16SrRNA的序列与其它嗜盐菌序列相比较支持了以前的结论,即艾丁嗜盐小盒菌B2菌株应属于嗜盐小盒菌属(Haloarcula)的一新种。  相似文献   

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is a salt mine constructed 650 meters below the ground surface by the United States Department of Energy. The facility will be used for permanent disposal of transuranic wastes. This underground repository has been constructed in the geologically stable Permian age Salado salt formation. Of the wastes to be placed into the facility, 85% will be biodegradable cellulose. A 3-year survey of the bacterial populations existing within the facility was conducted. Bacterial populations were found to be heterogeneously distributed throughout the mine. Populations in some mine areas reached as high as 1.0 × 104 colony-forming units per gram of NaCl. The heterogeneous distribution of bacteria within the mine did not follow any recognizable pattern related to either age of the workings or to human activity. A biochemical comparison between ten known species of halophilic bacteria, and strains isolated from both the mine and nearby surface hypersaline lakes, showed the presence of extreme halophiles with wide biochemical diversity, some of which could prove to represent previously undescribed groups. The halophilic bacteria isolated from the mine were found to degrade cellulose and a wide variety of other carbon compounds. When exposed to two types of common laboratory paper, the cellulose-degrading halophiles attached to the substrate within 30 minutes of inoculation. Cultures enriched directly from a brine seep in the mine easily destroyed both papers and produced detectable amounts of oxalacetic and pyruvic acids. The combination of heterogeneity in the distribution of organisms, the presence of a physiologically diverse community, and the relatively slow metabolism of cellulose may explain several long-standing debates about the existence of microorganisms in ancient underground salt formations. Received: September 29, 1997 / Accepted: January 29, 1998  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落16S rRNA基因的ARDRA分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用特异性的引物对,选择性扩增垃圾填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落的18S rRNA基因片断,在此基础上建立16S rDNA克隆文库,经古细菌通用寡核苷酸探针的原位杂交筛选后,克隆文库内古细菌16S rDNA扩增片断的多样性通过ARDRA分析(amplified rDNA restriction analysis)而获得,利用PCR将各组重克隆子内的16S rDNA外源片断再扩增出来后,两种限制性内切酶-Hha I和HaeⅢ-被分别用于16S rDNA克隆片断的限制酶切分析,结果表明,随机选出的70个古细菌16S rDNA克隆片断被妥为21个不同的ARDRA型(组),其中的两个优势型总共占了所有被分析克隆子的60%,而其余19个型的相对丰度均处于较低的水平,当中的14个型更仅含有1个克隆子,通过对16S rRNA基因的PCR扩增,克隆及其ARDRA分析,能快速地获得有关填埋场渗滤液中古细菌群落的结构及其多样性的初步信息。  相似文献   

A serine protease secreted by the haloalkaliphilic archaeon Natrialba magadii at the end of the exponential growth phase was isolated. This enzyme was purified 83 fold with a total yield of 25% by ethanol precipitation, affinity chromatography, and gel filtration. The native molecular mass of the enzyme determined by gel filtration was 45 kDa. Na. magadii extracellular protease was dependent on high salt concentrations for activity and stability, and it had an optimum temperature of 60°C in the presence of 1.5 M NaCl. The enzyme was stable and had a broad pH profile (6–12) with an optimum pH of 8–10 for azocasein hydrolysis. The protease was strongly inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride (PMSF), and chymostatin, indicating that it is a serine protease. It was sensitive to denaturing agents such as SDS, urea, and guanidine HCl and activated by thiol-containing reducing agents such as dithiotreitol (DTT) and 2-mercaptoethanol. This protease degraded casein and gelatin and showed substrate specificity for synthetic peptides containing Phe, Tyr, and Leu at the carboxyl terminus, showing that it has chymotrypsin-like activity. Na. magadii protease presented no cross-reactivity with polyclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular protease of Natronococcus occultus, suggesting that although these proteases share several biochemical traits, they might be antigenically unrelated. Received: October 1, 1999 / Accepted: February 1, 2000  相似文献   

The bacterial diversity associated with soil nematodes and its relationship with their feeding habits are as yet poorly understood. In the present study the diversity and abundance of bacteria from nematodes and their surrounding soil were analysed and compared. The nematodes were collected from a grassland soil and sorted into bacterial, fungal, plant, predatory and omnivore feeding groups and assigned to taxonomic groups. Total DNA was extracted from the nematodes and partial bacterial 16S rRNA genes were PCR amplified, cloned and sequenced. The abundance and composition of bacterial taxa differed between and within feeding groups. The lowest bacterial diversity was found in the predatory nematodes Prionchulus sp., whereas the highest bacterial diversity was associated with the bacterial-feeding nematode Acrobeles sp. The soil had a more diverse bacterial community than the communities found in the nematode groups. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacteria associated with nematodes did not overlap with those detected in soil as determined using the cloning screening approach. However, bacterial sequences identified from nematodes could be detected in the soil with targeted PCR. Our data suggest that the nematodes do not feed on the most abundant bacteria present in soil. Furthermore, several nematodes contained suspected bacterial symbionts and parasites.  相似文献   

Alkaline p-nitrophenylphosphate phosphatase (pNPPase) from the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum (previously halobium) was solubilized in reversed micelles of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in cyclohexane with 1-butanol as cosurfactant. The hydrolysis reaction appears to follow Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The dependency of the maximum reaction rate (Vmax) on the water content θ (% v/v) (or ω0 value: molar ratio of water to surfactant concentrations) showed a bell-shaped curve for 0.3 M CTAB, but not for 0.2 M CTAB. The enzyme activity increased with the surfactant concentration at a constant ω0 value (10.27). When the surfactant concentration was increased at a constant θ, the enzyme activity decreased. The enzyme was more stable in reversed micelles than in aqueous media.  相似文献   

新疆达坂盐湖沉积土壤嗜盐细菌的定向富集与多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集新疆达坂盐湖的沉积土壤样品,以选择性富集培养获得的嗜盐细菌基因组DNA为模板,扩增16SrRNA基因,在此基础上构建嗜盐细菌的16SrRNA基因文库,随机挑选文库中的100个阳性克隆子进行群落结构多样性分析。16SrRNA基因序列分析结果表明:100个克隆分属于细菌域9个属的27个种,其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为优势菌群(48%),喜盐芽孢杆菌属(Halobacillus)(14%)、盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)(13%)为次优势菌群。分析的阳性克隆子中,10个克隆子与GenBank中已报道16SrRNA基因序列的相似性在88.80%到96.90%之间,可能代表新属或新种。研究结果表明,新疆达坂盐湖沉积土壤的富集培养物中存在种类较为丰富的嗜盐细菌。  相似文献   

Haloarchaeal diversity in the crystallizers of Adriatic Secovlje salterns was investigated using gene fragments encoding 16S rRNA and bacteriorhodopsin as molecular markers. Screening of 180 clones from five gene libraries constructed for each gene targeted revealed 15 different 16S rRNA and 10 different bacteriorhodopsin phylotypes, indicating higher haloarchaeal diversity than previously reported in such hypersaline environments. Furthermore, results of rarefaction analysis indicated that analysis of an increasing number of clones would have revealed additional diversity. Finally, most sequences from the crystallizers grouped within the Halorubrum branch, whereas square-shaped 'Haloquadratum' relatives, repeatedly reported to dominate crystallizer communities, were rare. Presence of such special and diverse haloarchaeal community could be attributed to the Secovlje salterns rare continuous short-cycling salt production mechanism.  相似文献   

西藏米拉山土壤古菌16S rRNA及amoA基因多样性?分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:【目的】硝化作用在全球土壤氮循环中具有重要的作用,虽然细菌一度被认为单独负责催化这个过程的限速步骤,但是最近一些研究结果表明泉古菌具有氨氧化的能力。本文通过构建古菌16S rRNA 基因克隆文库和氨氧化古菌amoA基因文库,分析西藏米拉山高寒草甸土壤中古菌及氨氧化古菌群落结构组成情况,为揭示青藏高原高寒草甸土壤古菌的多样性提供理论基础。【方法】采用未培养技术直接从土壤中提取微生物总DNA,分别利用通用引物构建古菌16S rRNA 基因和氨氧化古菌amoA基因克隆文库。【结果】通过构建系统发育树,表明古菌16S rRNA 基因克隆文库包括泉古菌门和未分类的古菌两大类,并且所有泉古菌均属于热变形菌纲。氨氧化古菌amoA基因克隆文库中序列均为泉古菌。通过DOTUR软件分析,古菌16S rRNA基因和古菌amoA基因克隆文库分别包括64个OTUs和 75个OTUs。【结论】西藏米拉山高寒草甸土壤中古菌多样性比较丰富,表明古菌在高寒草甸土壤的氮循环中可能具有重要的作用。所获得的一些序列与已知环境中土壤、淡水及海洋沉积物中获得的一些序列具有很高的相似性,其古菌及氨氧化古菌来自不同环境的可能性比较大,可能与青藏高原的地质历史变迁过程有关。米拉山古菌及氨氧化古菌与陆地设施土壤中相似性最高,说明与西藏米拉山高寒草甸土壤的退化有关。  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of bacterial communities associated with bioaerosols generated during land application of biosolids using 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) PCR. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anaerobically digested Class B biosolids were land applied to an agricultural site located in South Central Arizona. Aerosol samples were collected downwind of the biosolids operations and were collected via the use of SKC Biosamplers and subsequently extracted for the presence of bacterial community DNA. All DNA was amplified using 16S rRNA primers, cloned and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and phylogenetic trees were developed to generate community profiles. The majority of aerosolized bacterial clone sequences belonged to the Actinobacteria and alpha- and beta-proteobacterial taxa. Aerosol samples collected downwind of soil aerosolization produced similar profiles. These profiles differed from upwind and background samples. CONCLUSIONS: No one clone sequence isolated from the aerosol samples could be solely attributed to biosolids; on the contrary, the majority appeared to have arisen from soil. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates that in dry, arid climates the majority of aerosols associated with biosolids land application appear to be associated with the onsite soil.  相似文献   

Formation of microbial biofilms and slimes is a general and serious problem in the operation of paper machines. Studies of microbial populations in paper machine-derived biofilms have been conducted using standard microbiological procedures; however, the bacterial genera present in this type of samples as well as their diversity are quite poorly known. Here, the bacterial diversity of 38 process water and 22 biofilm samples from four different Finnish paper machines were analyzed by length heterogeneity analysis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA (LH-PCR). In addition, sequencing of the amplified 16S rRNA gene from 69 clones was conducted for characterization of the bacterial genera present in biofilm and slime samples. The LH-PCR profiles of both the free-living (process waters) and immobilized (biofilms) bacteria were diverse at all stages of the papermaking process. Out of the 69 sequenced clones, 44 belonged to alpha-Proteobacteria, most of which were close to the nitrogen-fixing root nodule genera Sinorhizobium, Rhizobium and Azorhizobium. Other clones were assigned to beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria and the phylum Bacteroidetes. In addition, eight of the clones were assigned to a yet uncultivated phylum, TM7. Finally, epifluorescence microscopy revealed that Gram-negative bacteria were predominant in both the biofilm (65%) and process water (54%) samples and a small coccoid cell morphology was most common in all samples. Together, our results show that the analysis of microbial samples from paper machines using modern molecular biology techniques adds valuable information and should, therefore, be useful as a more specific and sensitive microbiological method for the paper industry. This information could further be applied, e.g., in the development of more specific and environmental friendly antimicrobial agents for paper mills.  相似文献   

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