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Septins are essential for cytokinesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but their precise roles remain elusive. Currently, it is thought that before cytokinesis, the hourglass-shaped septin structure at the mother-bud neck acts as a scaffold for assembly of the actomyosin ring (AMR) and other cytokinesis factors. At the onset of cytokinesis, the septin hourglass splits to form a double ring that sandwiches the AMR and may function as diffusion barriers to restrict diffusible cytokinesis factors to the division site. Here, we show that in cells lacking the septin Cdc10 or the septin-associated protein Bud4, the septins form a ring-like structure at the mother-bud neck that fails to re-arrange into a double ring early in cytokinesis. Strikingly, AMR assembly and constriction, the localization of membrane-trafficking and extracellular-matrix-remodeling factors, cytokinesis, and cell-wall-septum formation all occur efficiently in cdc10Δ and bud4Δ mutants. Thus, diffusion barriers formed by the septin double ring do not appear to be critical for S. cerevisiae cytokinesis. However, an AMR mutation and a septin mutation have synergistic effects on cytokinesis and the localization of cytokinesis proteins, suggesting that tethering to the AMR and a septin diffusion barrier may function redundantly to localize proteins to the division site.  相似文献   

Septins are filament-forming proteins with a conserved role in cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septin rings appear to be involved primarily in cell-cell separation, a late stage in cytokinesis. Here, we identified a protein Mid2p on the basis of its sequence similarity to S. pombe Mid1p, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bud4p, and Candida albicans Int1p. Like septin mutants, mid2delta mutants had delays in cell-cell separation. mid2delta mutants were defective in septin organization but not contractile ring closure or septum formation. In wild-type cells, septins assembled first during mitosis in a single ring and during septation developed into double rings that did not contract. In mid2delta cells, septins initially assembled in a single ring but during septation appeared in the cleavage furrow, forming a washer or disc structure. FRAP studies showed that septins are stable in wild-type cells but exchange 30-fold more rapidly in mid2delta cells. Mid2p colocalized with septins and required septins for its localization. A COOH-terminal pleckstrin homology domain of Mid2p was required for its localization and function. No genetic interactions were found between mid2 and the related gene mid1. Thus, these studies identify a new factor responsible for the proper stability and function of septins during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking via targeted exocytosis to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae bud neck provides new membrane and membrane-associated factors that are critical for cytokinesis. It remains unknown whether yeast plasma membrane abscission, the final step of cytokinesis, occurs spontaneously following extensive vesicle fusion, as in plant cells, or requires dedicated membrane fission machinery, as in cultured mammalian cells. Components of the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) pathway, or close relatives thereof, appear to participate in cytokinetic abscission in various cell types, but roles in cell division had not been documented in budding yeast, where ESCRTs were first characterized. By contrast, the septin family of filament-forming cytoskeletal proteins were first identified by their requirement for yeast cell division. We show here that mutations in ESCRT-encoding genes exacerbate the cytokinesis defects of cla4Δ or elm1Δ mutants, in which septin assembly is perturbed at an early stage in cell division, and alleviate phenotypes of cells carrying temperature-sensitive alleles of a septin-encoding gene, CDC10. Elevated chitin synthase II (Chs2) levels coupled with aberrant morphogenesis and chitin deposition in elm1Δ cells carrying ESCRT mutations suggest that ESCRTs normally enhance the efficiency of cell division by promoting timely endocytic turnover of key cytokinetic enzymes.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, septin plays as a scaffold to recruits protein components and regulates crucial cellular events including bud site selection, bud morphogenesis, Cdc28 activation pathway, and cytokinesis. Phosphorylation of Bni5 isolated as a suppressor for septin defect is essential to Swe1-dependent regulation of bud morphogenesis and mitotic entry. The mechanism by which Bni5 regulates normal septin function is not completely understood. Here, we provide evidence that Bni5 phosphorylation is important for interaction with septin component Cdc11 and for timely delocalization from septin filament at late mitosis. Phosphorylation-deficient bni5-4A was synthetically lethal with hof1Delta. bni5-4A cells had defective structure of septin ring and connected cell morphology, indicative of defects in cytokinesis. Two-hybrid analysis revealed that bni5-4A has a defect in direct interaction with Cdc11 and Cdc12. GFP-tagged bni5-4A was normally localized at mother-bud neck of budded cells before middle of mitosis. In contrast, at large-budded telophase cells, bni5-4A-GFP was defective in localization and disappeared from the neck approximately 2 min earlier than that of wild type, as evidenced by time-lapse analysis. Therefore, earlier delocalization of bni5-4A from septin filament is consistent with phosphorylation-dependent interaction with the septin component. These results suggest that timely delocalization of Bni5 by phosphorylation is important for septin function and regulation of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves the contraction of an actomyosin ring formed at the cleavage furrow. Nuclear division, or karyokinesis, must be precisely timed to occur before cytokinesis in order to prevent genetic anomalies that would result in either cell death or uncontrolled cell division. The septin family of GTPase proteins has been shown to be important for cytokinesis although little is known about their role during this process. Here we investigate the distribution and function of the mammalian septin MSF. We show that during interphase, MSF colocalizes with actin, microtubules, and another mammalian septin, Nedd5, and coprecipitates with six septin proteins. In addition, transfections of various MSF isoforms reveal that MSF-A specifically localizes with microtubules and that this localization is disrupted by nocodazole treatment. Furthermore, MSF isoforms localize primarily with tubulin at the central spindle during mitosis, whereas Nedd5 is mainly associated with actin. Microinjection of affinity-purified anti-MSF antibodies into synchronized cells, or depletion of MSF by small interfering RNAs, results in the accumulation of binucleated cells and in cells that have arrested during cytokinesis. These results reveal that MSF is required for the completion of cytokinesis and suggest a role that is distinct from that of Nedd5.  相似文献   

Iwase M  Luo J  Bi E  Toh-e A 《Genetics》2007,177(1):215-229
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five septins (Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11, Cdc12, and Shs1/Sep7) form the septin ring at the bud neck during vegetative growth. We show here that disruption of SHS1 caused cold-sensitive growth in the W303 background, with cells arrested in chains, indicative of a cytokinesis defect. Surprisingly, the other four septins appeared to form an apparently normal septin ring in shs1Delta cells grown under the restrictive condition. We found that Myo1 and Iqg1, two components of the actomyosin contractile ring, and Cyk3, a component of the septum formation, were either delocalized or mislocalized in shs1Delta cells, suggesting that Shs1 plays supportive roles in cytokinesis. We also found that deletion of SHS1 enhanced or suppressed the septin defect in cdc10Delta and cdc11Delta cells, respectively, suggesting that Shs1 is involved in septin organization, exerting different effects on septin-ring assembly, depending on the composition of the septin subunits. Furthermore, we constructed an shs1-100c allele that lacks the coding sequence for the C-terminal 32 amino acids. This allele still displayed the genetic interactions with the septin mutants, but did not show cytokinesis defects as described above, suggesting that the roles of Shs1 in septin organization and cytokinesis are separable.  相似文献   

By database searches of the Drosophila genome project we have identified D-hil as the fly member of a novel family of W180-domain containing proteins. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that D-hil is localized to the neuropil of the embryonic CNS, to the cellular cortex of dividing neuroblasts from larval brains, and that it is up-regulated in the cleavage furrow of S2 cells. We show that D-hil distribution overlaps extensively with that of the septin family member Pnut. Cross-immunoprecipitation experiments further indicated that the two proteins may be members of the same protein complex. Analysis of a severe hypomorphic P-element mutation in the D-hil locus suggested that D-hil is a nonessential protein. However, by creating double mutant flies we show that the D-hil locus acts as a modulator of Pnut function by increasing the level of polyploidy of neuroblasts in Pnut(KG00478)/Pnut(KG00478) larval brains. Based on these results we propose that D-hil may function as a regulator of septin function during cytokinesis in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

In budding yeast, the kinetochore scaffold complex centromere binding factor 3 (CBF3) is required to form kinetochores on centromere DNA and to allow proper chromosome segregation. We have previously shown that SKP1 and SGT1 balance the assembly and turnover of CBF3 complexes, a cycle that we suggest is independent of its role in chromosome segregation (Rodrigo-Brenni, M.C., S. Thomas, D.C. Bouck, and K.B. Kaplan. 2004. Mol. Biol. Cell. 15:3366-3378). We provide evidence that this cycle contributes to a second, kinetochore-independent function of CBF3. In this study, we show that inhibiting the assembly of CBF3 causes disorganized septins and defects in cell polarity that give rise to cytokinesis failures. Specifically, we show that septin ring separation and disassembly is delayed in anaphase, suggesting that CBF3 regulates septin dynamics. Only mutations that affect the CBF3 cycle, and not mutants in outer kinetochore subunits, cause defects in septins. These results demonstrate a novel role for CBF3 in regulating cytokinesis, a role that is reminiscent of passenger proteins. Consistent with this possibility, we find that CBF3 interacts with Bir1p, the homologue of the passenger protein Survivin. Mutants in Bir1p similarly affect septin organization, leading us to propose that CBF3 and Bir1p act as passenger proteins to coordinate chromosome segregation with cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Cdc3p, Cdc10p, Cdc11p, Cdc12p, and Sep7p/Shs1p septins assemble early in the cell cycle in a ring that marks the future cytokinetic site. The septins appear to be major structural components of a set of filaments at the mother-bud neck and function as a scaffold for recruiting proteins involved in cytokinesis and other processes. We isolated a novel gene, BNI5, as a dosage suppressor of the cdc12-6 growth defect. Overexpression of BNI5 also suppressed the growth defects of cdc10-1, cdc11-6, and sep7Delta strains. Loss of BNI5 resulted in a cytokinesis defect, as evidenced by the formation of connected cells with shared cytoplasms, and deletion of BNI5 in a cdc3-6, cdc10-1, cdc11-6, cdc12-6, or sep7Delta mutant strain resulted in enhanced defects in septin localization and cytokinesis. Bni5p localizes to the mother-bud neck in a septin-dependent manner shortly after bud emergence and disappears from the neck approximately 2 to 3 min before spindle disassembly. Two-hybrid, in vitro binding, and protein-localization studies suggest that Bni5p interacts with the N-terminal domain of Cdc11p, which also appears to be sufficient for the localization of Cdc11p, its interaction with other septins, and other critical aspects of its function. Our data suggest that the Bni5p-septin interaction is important for septin ring stability and function, which is in turn critical for normal cytokinesis.  相似文献   

By database searches of the Drosophila genome project we have identified D‐hil as the fly member of a novel family of W180‐domain containing proteins. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that D‐hil is localized to the neuropil of the embryonic CNS, to the cellular cortex of dividing neuroblasts from larval brains, and that it is up‐regulated in the cleavage furrow of S2 cells. We show that D‐hil distribution overlaps extensively with that of the septin family member Pnut. Cross‐immunoprecipitation experiments further indicated that the two proteins may be members of the same protein complex. Analysis of a severe hypomorphic P‐element mutation in the D‐hil locus suggested that D‐hil is a nonessential protein. However, by creating double mutant flies we show that the D‐hil locus acts as a modulator of Pnut function by increasing the level of polyploidy of neuroblasts in PnutKG00478/PnutKG00478 larval brains. Based on these results we propose that D‐hil may function as a regulator of septin function during cytokinesis in the developing nervous system. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

The septin is a conserved GTP binding protein family which is involved in multiple cellular processes. Many evidences have indicated that some septins were abnormally expressed in certain kinds of tumors and the altered expressions were related to the process of carcinogenesis. To better understand the relationship between septins and cancer, we compared the expression of 14 human septin family members in 35 kinds of tumor types with their normal counterparts using the publicly available ONCOMINE microarray database. We found altered expression of most septin members in many kinds of tumors. Significantly, SEPT2, SEPT8, SEPT9, SEPT11 were consistently up-regulated, and SEPT4, SEPT10 were down-regulated in most cancer types investigated. Furthermore, the abnormal expressions were also in accordance with the tumor malignances or prognosis of corresponding cancer patients. These findings have contributed to the view that septins may belong to a kind of cancer critical genes. More septins might act as potential oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes in cancer development.  相似文献   

In a selection procedure designed to enrich for temperature-sensitive mutant cells blocked in mitosis a CHO-cell mutant was isolated which has a defect in cytokinesis as the basis of its temperature-sensitive phenotype. Cultures of the mutant had an abnormally high percentage (ie. 34%) of polyploid cells at the permissive temperature of 34 degress C and showed further increased frequencies of polyploidy as well as many multinucleated cells at 38.5 degrees 39.5 degrees. When the mutant cells were synchronized in metaphase by Colcemid arrest and then placed into fresh medium at nonpermissive temperature, they did not divide although the completion of mitosis appeared cytologically normal. Ultrastructural examination by electron microscopy of such synchronized cells at telophase revealed no specific defects in cellular components other than failure of development of a normal midbody. The sensitivity of the mutant to cytochalasin B and to Colcemid was the same as for wild-type cells. This mutation behaved as recessive in tetraploid cell hybrids constructed by fusing the mutant with a CHO strain which was wild-type with respect to temperature sensitivty.  相似文献   

The dimorphic phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis grows in its haploid phase by budding. Cytokinesis and separation of daughter cells are accomplished by the consecutive formation of two distinct septa. Here, we show that both septation events involve the dynamic rearrangement of septin assemblies from hourglass‐shaped collars into ring‐like structures. Using a chemical genetic approach we demonstrate that the germinal centre kinase Don3 triggers this septin reorganization during secondary septum formation. Although chemical inhibition of an analogue‐sensitive version of Don3 prevented septation, a stable septin collar was assembled at the presumptive septation site. Interestingly, the essential light chain of type II myosin, Cdc4, was already associated with this septin collar. Release of Don3 kinase inhibition triggered immediate dispersal of septin filaments and concomitant incorporation of Cdc4 into a contractile actomyosin ring, which also contained the F‐BAR domain protein Cdc15. Inhibition of actin polymerization or deletion of the cdc15 gene, did not affect assembly of the initial collar consisting of septin and myosin light chain. However, reassembly of septin filaments into a ring‐like structure was prevented in the absence of either F‐actin or Cdc15, indicating that septin ring formation in U. maydis depends on a functional contractile actomyosin ring.  相似文献   

We analyze a two-state stochastic corral model for regulation of protein diffusion in a cell membrane. This model could mimic control of protein transport in the membrane by the cytoskeleton. The dynamic corral acts as a gate which when open permits an otherwise trapped protein to escape to a neighboring corral in the cytoskeletal network. We solve for the escape rate over a wide range of parameters of the model, and compare these results with Monte Carlo simulations. Upon introducing measured values of the model parameters for Band 3 in erythrocyte membranes, we are able to estimate the value for one unknown parameter, the average rate at which the corral closes. The ratio of calculated closing rate to measured opening rate is roughly 100:1, consistent with a gating mechanism whereby protein mobility is regulated by dissociation and reassociation of segments of the cytoskeletal network.  相似文献   

Mitotic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells express five related septins (Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11, Cdc12, and Shs1) that form a cortical filamentous collar at the mother-bud neck necessary for normal morphogenesis and cytokinesis. All five possess an N-terminal GTPase domain and, except for Cdc10, a C-terminal extension (CTE) containing a predicted coiled coil. Here, we show that the CTEs of Cdc3 and Cdc12 are essential for their association and for the function of both septins in vivo. Cdc10 interacts with a Cdc3-Cdc12 complex independently of the CTE of either protein. In contrast to Cdc3 and Cdc12, the Cdc11 CTE, which recruits the nonessential septin Shs1, is dispensable for its function in vivo. In addition, Cdc11 forms a stoichiometric complex with Cdc12, independent of its CTE. Reconstitution of various multiseptin complexes and electron microscopic analysis reveal that Cdc3, Cdc11, and Cdc12 are all necessary and sufficient for septin filament formation, and presence of Cdc10 causes filament pairing. These data provide novel insights about the connectivity among the five individual septins in functional septin heteropentamers and the organization of septin filaments.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases, activated by Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), are conserved molecular switches for signal transductions that regulate diverse cellular processes, including cell polarization and cytokinesis. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has six Rho GTPases (Cdc42 and Rho1–Rho5) and seven Rho GEFs (Scd1, Rgf1–Rgf3, and Gef1–Gef3). The GEFs for Rho2–Rho5 have not been unequivocally assigned. In particular, Gef3, the smallest Rho GEF, was barely studied. Here we show that Gef3 colocalizes with septins at the cell equator. Gef3 physically interacts with septins and anillin Mid2 and depends on them to localize. Gef3 coprecipitates with GDP-bound Rho4 in vitro and accelerates nucleotide exchange of Rho4, suggesting that Gef3 is a GEF for Rho4. Consistently, Gef3 and Rho4 are in the same genetic pathways to regulate septum formation and/or cell separation. In gef3∆ cells, the localizations of two potential Rho4 effectors—glucanases Eng1 and Agn1—are abnormal, and active Rho4 level is reduced, indicating that Gef3 is involved in Rho4 activation in vivo. Moreover, overexpression of active Rho4 or Eng1 rescues the septation defects of mutants containing gef3∆. Together our data support that Gef3 interacts with the septin complex and activates Rho4 GTPase as a Rho GEF for septation in fission yeast.  相似文献   

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