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The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system recognizes and repairs errors that escaped the proofreading function of DNA polymerases. To study molecular details of the MMR mechanism, in vitro biochemical assays require specific DNA substrates carrying mismatches and strand discrimination signals. Current approaches used to generate MMR substrates are time-consuming and/or not very flexible with respect to sequence context. Here we report an approach to generate small circular DNA containing a mismatch (nanocircles). Our method is based on the nicking of PCR products resulting in single-stranded 3' overhangs, which form DNA circles after annealing and ligation. Depending on the DNA template, one can generate mismatched circles containing a single hemimethylated GATC site (for use with the bacterial system) and/or nicking sites to generate DNA circles nicked in the top or bottom strand (for assays with the bacterial or eukaryotic MMR system). The size of the circles varied (323 to 1100 bp), their sequence was determined by the template DNA, and purification of the circles was achieved by ExoI/ExoIII digestion and/or gel extraction. The quality of the nanocircles was assessed by scanning-force microscopy and their suitability for in vitro repair initiation was examined using recombinant Escherichia coli MMR proteins.  相似文献   

ABC excision nuclease of Escherichia coli is a DNA repair enzyme that recognizes major helical distortions caused by bulky base adducts and incises on both sides of the adduct, thus removing the modified nucleotides in the form of a 12-13-base long oligomer. We tested the enzyme with substrates that contained unusual helical structures caused by single-base mismatches or one, three, or four extrahelical bases (loops). We find that the enzyme does not cut DNAs containing helical perturbations caused by these structures. However, when the mismatched or extrahelical bases are modified with 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl) carbodiimide, a reagent specific for unpaired G and T residues, the enzyme incises at the modified nucleotides in the regular manner. In addition, we find that when mismatches and loops are located near pyrimidine dimers and (6-4) photoproducts they do not inhibit incision at the photoproducts by the excinuclease but sometimes affect the incision pattern. Our results indicate that ABC excinuclease may be a useful enzymatic reagent to probe the structural changes caused by mismatches and deletions in DNA and provide additional information on the requirements for incision by this repair enzyme.  相似文献   

DNA molecules with three bulges separated by double-stranded helical sections of B-DNA were constructed to be used as substrates for DNA-protein binding assays. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between dye molecules attached to the 5'-ends of the DNA molecules is used to monitor the protein binding. The A5 bulge, which consists of five unpaired adenine nucleotides, alters the direction of the helical axis by approximately 80 to 90 at every bulge site. Computer molecular modeling facilitated a pre-selection of suitable helix lengths that bring the labeled ends of the three-bulge DNA molecules (60 to 70 base-pairs long) into close proximity. The FRET experiments verified that the labeled ends of the helices of these long molecules were indeed close. A series of FRET experiments was carried out with two A5 and two A7 bulge molecules. The relative positions of the bulges were varied along the central helical DNA sequence (between the bulges) in order to determine the relative angular juxtapositions of the outlying helical arms flanking the central helical region. The global structural features of the DNA molecules are manifested in the FRET data. The FRET experiments, especially those of the two-bulge series, could be interpreted remarkably well with molecular models based on the NMR structure of the A5 bulge. These models assume that the DNA molecules do not undergo large torsional conformational fluctuations at the bulge sites. The magnitude of the FRET efficiency attests to a relatively rigid structure for many of the long 5'-end-labeled molecules. The changes in the FRET efficiency of three-bulge structures containing the specific binding sequence of the catabolite activator protein (CAP) demonstrated significant deformation of the DNA upon binding of CAP. No direct interaction of CAP with the dyes was observed.  相似文献   

Systematic study of chemical reactivity of non-Watson–Crick base pairs depending on their type and microenvironment was performed on a model system that represents two sets of synthetic DNA duplexes with all types of mismatched and unmatched bases flanked by T·A or G·C pairs. Using comparative cleavage pattern analysis, we identified the main and additional target bases and performed quantitative study of the time course and efficacy of DNA modification caused by potassium permanganate or hydroxylamine. Potassium permanganate in combination with tetraethylammonium chloride was shown to induce DNA cleavage at all mismatched or bulged T residues, as well as at thymines of neighboring canonical pairs. Other mispaired (bulged) bases and thymine residues located on the second position from the mismatch site were not the targets for KMnO4 attack. In contrast, hydroxylamine cleaved only heteroduplexes containing mismatched or unmatched C residues, and did not modify adjacent cytosines. However when G·C pairs flank bulged C residue, neighboring cytosines are also attacked by hydroxylamine due to defect migration. Chemical reactivity of target bases was shown to correlate strongly with the local disturbance of DNA double helix at mismatch or bulge site. With our model system, we were able to prove the absence of false-negative and false-positive results. Portion of heteroduplex reliably revealed in a mixture with corresponding homoduplex consists of 5% for bulge bases and “open” non-canonical pairs, and 10% for wobble base pairs giving minimal violations in DNA structure. This study provides a complete understanding of the principles of mutation detection methodology based on chemical cleavage of mismatches and clarifies the advantages and limitations of this approach in various biological and conformational studies of DNA.  相似文献   

Seki M  Wood RD 《DNA Repair》2008,7(1):119-127
DNA polymerase theta (pol theta) is a nuclear A-family DNA polymerase encoded by the POLQ gene in vertebrate cells. The biochemical properties of pol theta and of Polq-defective mice have suggested that pol theta participates in DNA damage tolerance. For example, pol theta was previously found to be proficient not only in incorporation of a nucleotide opposite a thymine glycol or an abasic site, but also extends a polynucleotide chain efficiently from the base opposite the lesion. We carried out experiments to determine whether this ability to extend from non-standard termini is a more general property of the enzyme. Pol theta extended relatively efficiently from matched termini as well as termini with A:G, A:T and A:C mismatches, with less descrimination than a well-studied A-family DNA polymerase, exonuclease-free pol I from E. coli. Although pol theta was unable to, by itself, bypass a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a (6-4) photoproduct, it could perform some extension from primers with bases placed across from these lesions. When pol theta was combined with DNA polymerase iota, an enzyme that can insert a base opposite a UV-induced (6-4) photoproduct, complete bypass of a (6-4) photoproduct was possible. These data show that in addition to its ability to insert nucleotides opposite some DNA lesions, pol theta is proficient at extension of unpaired termini. These results show the potential of pol theta to act as an extender after incorporation of nucleotides by other DNA polymerases, and aid in understanding the role of pol theta in somatic mutagenesis and genome instability.  相似文献   

The chemical reactivity of matched T and C bases to osmium tetroxide and hydroxylamine near mismatched and unmatched bases in a heteroduplex between two strands of DNA with multiple differences was examined. Data was available for matched bases one or two positions away from 24 mismatches. Reactive bases were found near 16 of the mismatches and were usually one or two bases away. This reactivity is consistent with structural studies indicating perturbation of the duplex around mismatches and will allow another mode of study of the effect of mismatches. The reactivity of these bases was found not to be strongly correlated with mismatch type or GC basepair content of the basepairs around the mismatches. Extra reactivity may have been promoted by the presence of either T or C in the mismatch allowing increased reactivity of nearby T or C. The utility of the phenomenon for the detection of mutations is discussed. Unmatched bases in the heteroduplex also gives rise to reactive matched bases nearby.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic parameters for the double-strand formation of the molecules rCAmG + rCUnG, m,n = 5–7, and dCAmG + dCTnG, m,n = 5,6, were measured from optical melting curves. Normal helices are formed when m = n. The deoxyoligomers are more stable than the ribo-oligomers, due to a more favorable enthalpy. Double helices with mismatched bases can be formed by mixing oligomers with mn. Such helices may form several possible structures. A structure with a dangling base is favored over a structure with a bulged base. The destabilization of the double strands by the formation of a bulged base was determined to be greater than 1.6 kcal/mol at 10°C. The extent of aggregation in the oligomer double strand rCA7G·rCU7G was determined using ultracentrifugation equilibrium. The possible effects of aggregation on the determination of the thermodynamic parameters for double-strand formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Temperature-Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TGGE) was employed to determine the thermal stabilities of 28 DNA fragments, 373 bp long, with two adjacent mismatched base pairs, and eight DNAs with Watson-Crick base pairs at the same positions. Heteroduplex DNAs containing two adjacent mismatches were formed by melting and reannealing pairs of homologous 373 bp DNA fragments differing by two adjacent base pairs. Product DNAs were separated based on their thermal stability by parallel and perpendicular TGGE. The polyacrylamide gel contained 3.36 M urea and 19.2 % formamide to lower the DNA melting temperatures. The order of stability was determined in the sequence context d(CXYG).d(CY'X'G) where X.X' and Y.Y" represent the mismatched or Watson-Crick base pairs. The identity of the mismatched bases and their stacking interactions influence DNA stability. Mobility transition melting temperatures (T u) of the DNAs with adjacent mismatches were 1.0-3.6 degrees C (+/-0.2 degree C) lower than the homoduplex DNA with the d(CCAG).d(CTGG) sequence. Two adjacent G.A pairs, d(CGAG).d(CGAG), created a more stable DNA than DNAs with Watson-Crick A.T pairs at the same sites. The d(GA).d(GA) sequence is estimated to be 0.4 (+/-30%) kcal/mol more stable in free energy than d(AA).d(TT) base pairs. This result confirms the unusual stability of the d(GA).d(GA) sequence previously observed in DNA oligomers. All other DNAs with adjacent mismatched base pairs were less stable than Watson-Crick homoduplex DNAs. Their relative stabilities followed an order expected from previous results on single mismatches. Two homoduplex DNAs with identical nearest neighbor sequences but different next-nearest neighbor sequences had a small but reproducible difference in T u value. This result indicates that sequence dependent next neighbor stacking interactions influence DNA stability.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions for a series of imperfect palindromes related to the dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG) have been investigated. These sequences are: two isomeric 13-mers - d(CGCAGAATTCGCG) (13-merI) and d(CGCGAATTACGCG) (13-merII), 17-mer d(CGCGCGAATTACGCGCG) and 15-mer d(CGCGAAATTTACGCG). Insertion of a single adenine nucleotide prevents these sequences from being self-complementary. Analysis of thermodynamic parameters derived from the melting profiles together with other data at higher concentrations (NMR and calorimetry) indicates that the insertion of the additional nucleotide which lacks a complement in the opposite strand does not change the enthalpy of the duplex formation, but does alter the number of stable nucleation configurations. The relative position of the insertion within the self-complementary sequence determines the equilibrium between the duplex form and the single-stranded hairpin loop. C-G segments separated by the insertion from the rest of the molecule can undergo an independent conformational transition at high salt concentration, probably to the Z form.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein p53 modulates cellular response to DNA damage by a variety of mechanisms that may include direct recognition of some forms of primary DNA damage. Linear 49-base pair duplex DNAs were constructed containing all possible single-base mismatches as well as a 3-cytosine bulge. Filter binding and gel retardation assays revealed that the affinity of p53 for a number of these lesions was equal to or greater than that of the human mismatch repair complex, hMSH2-hMSH6, under the same binding conditions. However, other mismatches including G/T, which is bound strongly by hMSH2-hMSH6, were poorly recognized by p53. The general order of affinity of p53 was greatest for a 3-cytosine bulge followed by A/G and C/C mismatches, then C/T and G/T mismatches, and finally all the other mismatches.  相似文献   



The high binding specificity of short 10 to 30 mer oligonucleotide probes enables single base mismatch (MM) discrimination and thus provides the basis for genotyping and resequencing microarray applications. Recent experiments indicate that the underlying principles governing DNA microarray hybridization – and in particular MM discrimination – are not completely understood. Microarrays usually address complex mixtures of DNA targets. In order to reduce the level of complexity and to study the problem of surface-based hybridization with point defects in more detail, we performed array based hybridization experiments in well controlled and simple situations.  相似文献   

Crystals of an almost self-complementary DNA 15-mer d(CGCGAAATTTACGCG) have been grown by the vapor diffusion technique at 4 degrees C. The space group is I222 with a = 37.3 A, b = 54.6 A and c = 104.8 A. Solution studies showed that the 15-mer forms a duplex with the extra adenine residue unpaired: (sequence; see text) Crystals are stable at 4 degrees C and are suitable for medium-resolution structural studies.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the centromeric region of the human Y chromosome were introduced into mouse LA-9 cells by spheroplast fusion in order to determine whether they would form mammalian artificial chromosomes. In about 50% of the cell lines generated, the YAC DNA was associated with circular extrachromosomal structures. These episomes were only present in a proportion of the cells, usually at high copy number, and were lost rapidly in the absence of selection. These observations suggest that, despite the presence of centromeric sequences, the structures were not segregating efficiently and thus were not forming artificial chromosomes. However, extrachromosomal structures containing alphoid DNA appeared cytogenetically smaller than those lacking it, as long as yeast DNA was also absent. This suggests that alphoid DNA can generate the condensed chromatin structure at the centromere. Edited by: H. F. Willard  相似文献   

Compilation of DNA sequences of Escherichia coli (update 1993).   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
M Krger  R Wahl    P Rice 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(13):2973-3000
We have compiled the DNA sequence data for E. coli available from the GENBANK and EMBL data libraries and over a period of several years independently from the literature. This is the fifth listing replacing and increasing the former listings substantially. However, in order to save space this printed version contains DNA sequence information only, if they are publically available in electronic form. The complete compilation including a full set of genetic map data and the E. coli protein index can be obtained in machine readable form from the EMBL data library (ECD release 15) as a part of the CD-ROM issue of the EMBL sequence database, released and updated every three months. After deletion of all detected overlaps a total of 2,353,635 individual bp is found to be determined till the end of April 1993. This corresponds to a total of 49.87% of the entire E. coli chromosome consisting of about 4,720 kbp. This number may actually be higher by 9161 bp derived from other strains of E. coli.  相似文献   

The effect of berenil on plasmid DNA replication was studied on pBR322-derived plasmids containing poly(dA)poly(dT) sequences. In comparison to the parental plasmid pBR322, plasmid pKH47 harboring 100 bp of poly(dA)poly(dT) at the PvuII site showed a decrease in plasmid yield in the presence of berenil. This effect was also observed in pVL26, a related plasmid in which the location of the poly(dA)poly(dT) region had been shifted to the EcoRV site in pBR322. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation experiments indicated that DNA synthesis may be affected in these plasmids in the presence of the drug. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation experiments coupled to Cs(2)SO(4) equilibrium density gradient centrifugation indicated that the lower plasmid yield was due to an inhibition of DNA replication by berenil. We have also found that berenil induces DNA degradation in plasmids containing the homopolymer. Our studies strongly suggest that the effect of berenil on plasmid replication and DNA stability results from its binding to the poly(dA)poly(dT) region present in these plasmids. Moreover, we have found a correlation between the position of the poly(dA)poly(dT) region and this inhibitory effect. Thus, plasmid pKH47, containing the poly(dA)poly(dT) region most proximal to the origin of pBR322 replication, was most severely affected.  相似文献   

J Song  F Dong  J W Lilly  R M Stupar  J Jiang 《Génome》2001,44(3):463-469
The cloning and propagation of large DNA fragments as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) has become a valuable technique in genome research. BAC clones are highly stable in the host, Escherichia coli, a major advantage over yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) in which recombination-induced instability is a major drawback. Here we report that BAC clones containing tandemly repeated DNA elements are not stable and can undergo drastic deletions during routine library maintenance and DNA preparation. Instability was observed in three BAC clones from sorghum, rice, and potato, each containing distinct tandem repeats. As many as 46% and 74% of the single colonies derived from a rice BAC clone containing 5S ribosomal RNA genes had insert deletions after 24 and 120 h of growth, respectively. We also demonstrated that BAC insert rearrangement can occur in the early stage of library construction and duplication. Thus, a minimum growth approach may not avoid the instability problem of such clones. The impact of BAC instability on genome research is discussed.  相似文献   

A partially purified mRNA preparation enriched for chick collagen messenger RNA activity was used as template for the synthesis of double stranded cDNA. The cDNA was ligated into the HindIII site of the plasmid vector pBR322 and used to transform Escherichia coli x1776. One plasmid with an 800-base pair insert was shown to contain DNA sequences corresponding to Type I pro-alpha 1 collagen.  相似文献   

Sso7d and Sac7d are two small chromatin proteins from the hyperthermophilic archaeabacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, respectively. The crystal structures of Sso7d-GTGATCGC, Sac7d-GTGATCGC and Sac7d-GTGATCAC have been determined and refined at 1.45 A, 2.2 A and 2.2 A, respectively, to investigate the DNA binding property of Sso7d/Sac7d in the presence of a T-G mismatch base-pair. Detailed structural analysis revealed that the intercalation site includes the T-G mismatch base-pair and Sso7d/Sac7d bind to that mismatch base-pair in a manner similar to regular DNA. In the Sso7d-GTGATCGC complex, a new inter-strand hydrogen bond between T2O4 and C14N4 is formed and well-order bridging water molecules are found. The results suggest that the less stable DNA stacking site involving a T-G mismatch may be a preferred site for protein side-chain intercalation.  相似文献   

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