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Lipocalins exhibit low sequence similarity that contrasts with a tightly conserved folding shared by all members of this superfamily. This conserved folding can be, at least partly, accounted for by a highly conserved gene structure. The array of lipocalin genes that have so far been studied mostly in mammals indicate a large conservation of a typical seven exon/six intron arrangement. Other conserved features include a partly coding exon 1 of variable size, fixed sizes of exons 2-5 that code for an array of lipocalin-specific beta-strands and a tendency of the last exons to either fuse or expand into further exons without major changes in the length of the resulting open reading frame. The conserved exon/intron arrangement as well as a clustering of most lipocalin genes in given chromosomes of human and mouse indicate that the lipocalin genes diverged from a shared ancestor by successive rounds of duplications followed by late changes in exon arrangements.  相似文献   

Sequences coding for histone H3 and H4 of Neurospora crassa could be identified in genomic digests with the use of the corresponding genes from sea urchin and X. laevis as hybridization probes. A 2.6 kb HindIII-generated N. crassa DNA fragment, showing homology with the heterologous histone H3-gene probes was cloned in a charon 21A vector. Using DNA from this clone as a homologous hybridization probe a 6.9 kb SalI-generated DNA fragment was isolated which in addition to the histone H3-gene also contains the gene coding for histone H4. Several lines of evidence demonstrate the presence of only a single histone H3- as well as a single histone H4-gene in N. crassa. The two genes are physically linked on the genome. DNA sequencing of the N. crassa histone H3- and H4-genes confirmed their identity and, in addition, revealed the presence of one short intron (67 bp) within the coding sequence of the H3-gene and even two introns (68 and 69 bp) within the H4-gene. The amino acid sequences of the N. crassa histones H3 and H4, as deduced from the DNA sequences, and those of the corresponding yeast histones differ only at a few positions. Much larger sequence differences, however, are observed at the DNA level, reflecting a diverging codon usage in the two lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Using specific probes we show that sequences homologous to NADH dehydrogenase Subunit 6, and Cytochrome oxidase Subunits I, II, and III mitochondrial genes are present in nuclear DNA from various tissues. These mitochondrial-like sequences are also present in rat hepatoma nuclear DNA but with an abnormal organization and a higher copy number than in normal hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Endogenous endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (EGase, EC cDNAs were cloned from representatives of the termite families Termitidae and Rhinotermitidae. These EGases are all composed of 448 amino acids and belong to glycosyl hydrolase family 9 (GHF9), sharing high levels of identity (40-52%) with selected bacterial, mycetozoan and plant EGases. Like most plant EGases, they consist of a single catalytic domain, lacking the ancillary domains found in most microbial cellulases. Using a PCR-based strategy, the entire sequence of the coding region of NtEG, a gene putatively encoding an EGase from Nasutitermes takasagoensis (Termitidae), was determined. NtEG consists of 10 exons interrupted by 9 introns and contains typical eukaryotic promoter elements. Genomic fragments of EGase genes from Reticulitermes speratus (Rhinotermitidae) were also sequenced. In situ hybridization of N. takasagoensis guts with an antisense NtEG RNA probe demonstrated that expression occurs in the midgut, which contrasts to EGase expression being detected only in the salivary glands of R. speratus. NtEG, when expressed in Escherichia coli, was shown to have in vitro activity against carboxymethylcellulose.  相似文献   

The non-transcribed spacers (NTS) of the ribosomal genes of a number of organisms have been studied and were found to contain repetitive sequences. In these studies with plasmid subclones of NTS, designated p3.4, p2.6 and p1.7, which come from both 5' and 3' flanking regions of the rat ribosomal genes, respectively, it has been determined that these sequences are found elsewhere within the genome. Southern hybridization analysis has demonstrated that the 5' and 3' NTS subclones cross-hybridize, and that the cross-hybridizing regions are synonymous with the highly repetitive regions. Sequences homologous to the rat NTS were specifically localized to both 5' and 3' flanking regions as well as to a number of the introns of cloned genes including rat serum albumin, rat alpha-fetoprotein, rat casein and human serum albumin. No hybridization was detected of the 5' NTS subclone to the human Alu sequence clone, Blur 8, or to the rodent equivalent, a clone containing Chinese hamster ovary type I and II Alu sequences. However, as reported for type II Alu sequences, the subcloned rat NTS sequences contain RNA polymerase III initiation sites and also hybridize to a number of small RNAs, but not 4.5 S or 7 S RNA. Sequence analysis of two distinct repetitive regions in p1.7 has revealed a region of alternating purine-pyrimidine nucleotides, potentially of Z DNA, and stretches of repetitive sequences. The possible roles for these repetitive sequences in recombination and in maintaining a hierarchical structure for the ribosomal genes are discussed.  相似文献   

The HLA-DRB genes of the human major histocompatibility complex constitute a multigene family with a varying number of DRB genes in different haplotypes. To gain further knowledge concerning the evolutionary relationship, the complete nucleotide sequence was determined for a region spanning introns 4 and 5 of the three DRB genes (DRB1*0301, DRB2 and DRB3*0101) from a DR52 haplotype and the single DRB gene (DRB1*08021) in the DR8 haplotype. These analyses identified an endogenous retroviral long terminal repeat element (ERV9 LTR3), inserted at identical positions in intron 5 of the functional DRB genes in these two haplotypes. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence from introns 4 and 5 including the ERV9 LTR elements revealed a strong similarity between the three expressed DRB genes. The DRB3*0101 and DRB1*08021 genes were most similar in this comparison. These findings provide further evidence for a separate duplication in a primordial DR52 haplotype followed by a gene contraction event in the DR8 haplotype. A homologous element was found in a chimpanzee DRB gene from a DR52 haplotype. This represents the first characterized ERV9 LTR element in a nonhuman species. The corresponding introns of the DRB genes in the DR4 haplotype contain no ERV9 LTRs. In contrast, these genes have insertions of distinct Alu repeats, implying distinct evolutionary histories of DR52 and DR53 haplotypes, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses of DRB introns from DR52, DR53, and DR8 haplotypes showed a close relationship between the DRB2 and DRB4 genes. Thus, the ancestral DR haplotype that evolved to generate the DR52 and DR53 haplotypes most likely shared a primordial common DRB gene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers X82660–X82663  相似文献   



For many types of analyses, data about gene structure and locations of non-coding regions of genes are required. Although a vast amount of genomic sequence data is available, precise annotation of genes is lacking behind. Finding the corresponding gene of a given protein sequence by means of conventional tools is error prone, and cannot be completed without manual inspection, which is time consuming and requires considerable experience.  相似文献   

The alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, two of the three constituent chains of type VI collagen, are highly similar in size and domain structure. They are encoded by single-copy genes residing in close proximity on human chromosome 21. To study the evolution of the type VI collagen genes, we have isolated and characterized genomic clones coding for the triple-helical domains of the human alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) chains, which consist of 336 and 335 amino acid residues, respectively. Nucleotide sequencing indicates that, in both genes, the exons are multiples of 9 bp in length (including 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, and 90 bp) except for those encoding for regions with triple-helical interruptions. In addition, the introns are positioned between complete codons. The most predominant exon size is 63 bp, instead of 54 bp as seen in the fibrillar collagen genes. Of particular interest is the finding that the exon structures of the alpha 1(VI) and alpha 2(VI) genes are almost identical. A significant deviation is that a segment of 30 amino acid residues is encoded by two exons of 54 and 36 bp in the alpha 1(VI) gene, but by a single exon of 90 bp in the alpha 2(VI) gene. The exon arrangement therefore provides further evidence that the two genes have evolved from tandem gene duplication. Furthermore, comparison with the previously reported gene structure of the chick alpha 2(VI) chain indicates that the exon structure for the triple-helical domain of the alpha 2(VI) collagen is strictly conserved between human and chicken.  相似文献   

We have used computer assisted dot matrix and oligonucleotide frequency analyses to identify highly recurring sequence elements of 7-11 base pairs in eukaryotic genes and viral DNAs. Such elements are found much more frequently than expected, often with an average spacing of a few hundred base pairs. Furthermore, the most abundant repetitive elements observed in the ovalbumin locus, the beta-globin gene cluster, the metallothionein gene and the viral genomes of SV40, polyoma, Herpes simplex-1 and Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus were sequences shown previously to be protein binding sites or sequences important for regulating gene expression. These sequences were present in both exons and introns as well as promoter regions. These observations suggest that such sequences are often highly overrepresented within the specific gene segments with which they are associated. Computer analysis of other genetic units, including viral genomes and oncogenes, has identified a number of highly recurring sequence elements that could serve similar regulatory or protein-binding functions. A model for the role of such reiterated sequence elements in DNA organization and function is presented.  相似文献   

The isochore structure of the nuclear genome of angiosperms described by Salinas et al. (1) was confirmed by using a different experimental approach, namely by showing that the levels of coding sequences from both dicots and Gramineae are linearly correlated with GC levels of the corresponding flanking sequences. The compositional distribution of homologous coding sequences from several orders of dicots and from Gramineae were also studied and shown to mimick the compositional distributions previously seen (1) for coding sequences in general, most coding sequences from Gramineae being much higher than those of the dicots explored. These differences were even stronger for third codon positions and led to striking codon usages for many coding sequences especially in the case of Gramineae.  相似文献   

An abundant class of secreted salivary polypeptides is characterized by the presence of identical and contiguous repeats of amino acid sequences within the polypeptide chains, and includes the proline-rich proteins. We discovered a new family of contiguous repeat polypeptides (CRPs) that is related to the proline-rich proteins but contains little proline. Analysis of salivary mRNAs and liver DNA by molecular cloning, DNA sequence determinations, and Northern and Southern blot hybridization revealed several closely related CRP mRNAs and at least 10 CRP-related genes. We further analyzed two CRP mRNAs of 850 and 920 nucleotides and the gene encoding the larger CRP mRNA. The two mRNAs contain the same 69-base repeats in their coding regions and are identical in their 5'- and 3'-untranslated tracts. However, they differ in the number of contiguous repeats (four versus five) and a segment at the 3' end of the coding region which encodes closely related but unique COOH termini of the CRPs. These structural features suggest a recent gene conversion. The CRP gene analyzed is divided into three exons that encode (i) 5'-untranslated tract and signal sequence, (ii) secreted polypeptide, and (iii) 3'-untranslated tract, respectively. CRP mRNA contains two open reading frames. The longer open reading frame encodes a CRP precursor with a signal sequence of 17 amino acids, four to five contiguous repeats of 23 amino acids, and a variable COOH region that begins with two segments related to the contiguous repeats. Immunochemical analysis of salivary gland slices with antisera raised against peptides corresponding to two regions of the larger open reading frame revealed intense staining only of the serous cells of the submandibular glands. 35S-Labeled oligonucleotides complementary to CRP mRNA specifically hybridized to the same cells.  相似文献   

B Wissinger  W Schuster  A Brennicke 《Cell》1991,65(3):473-482
The complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) ORF in Oenothera mitochondria is encoded by five exons. These exons are located in three distant locations of the mitochondrial genome. One genomic region encodes exon a, the second encodes exons b and c, and the third specifies exons d and e. Cis-splicing group II introns separate exons b and c and d and e, while trans-splicing reactions are required to link exons a and b and c and d. The two parts of the group II intron sequences involved in these trans-splicing events can be aligned in domain IV. Exon sequences and the maturase-related ORF in intron d/e are edited by numerous C to U alterations in the mRNA. Two RNA editing events in the trans-splicing intron a/b improve conservation of the secondary structure in the stem of domain VI. RNA editing in intron sequences may thus be required for the trans-splicing reaction.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the Pseudomonas fluorescens subsp. cellulosa xynB gene, encoding an endo-beta-1,4-xylanase (xylanase B; XYLB) has been determined. The structural gene consists of an open reading frame (ORF) of 1775 bp coding for a protein of Mr 61,000. A second ORF (xynC) of 1712 bp, which starts 148 bp downstream of xynB, encodes a protein, designated xylanase C (XYLC), of Mr 59,000. XYLB hydrolyses oat spelt xylan to xylobiose and xylose, whereas XYLC releases only arabinose from the same substrate. Thus XYLB is a typical xylanase and XYLC is an arabinofuranosidase. Both enzymes bind to crystalline cellulose (Avicel), but not to xylan. The nucleotide sequences between residues 114 and 931 of xynB and xynC were identical, as were amino acid residues 39-311 of XYLB and XYLC. This conserved sequence is reiterated elsewhere in the P. fluorescens subsp. cellulosa genome. Truncated derivatives of XYLB and XYLC, in which the conserved sequence had been deleted, retained catalytic activity, but did not exhibit cellulose binding. A hybrid gene in which the 5' end of xynC, encoding residues 1-110 of XYLC, was fused to the Escherichia coli pho A' gene (encodes mature alkaline phosphatase) directed the synthesis of a fusion protein which exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and bound to cellulose.  相似文献   

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