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Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Oxleyan pygmy perch Nannoperca oxleyana is described from simultaneous studies of wild populations in north-eastern New South Wales and mature fish held in aquaria. In the wild, 50% of males and females matured at total lengths of 24·0–25·9 and 28·0–29·9 mm, respectively. The species displays sexual dichromatism during the spawning season, with males developing more intense red and brown fin and body colouration, and black pelvic fins. Captive male broodfish displayed territoriality during the breeding season, closely guarding sites within artificial, plant-like substrata in which pairs of fish spawned adhesive eggs. Protracted serial spawning of wild and captive fish occurred from September to April and May at mean water temperatures ≥16·6° C and day length ≥10·7 h. Captive broodfish spawned on an average of 57% of days during the 256 day spawning period. Gonado-somatic indices averaged 0·7% for all ripe males and 4·1–4·2% for all ripe females collected. Mean total and batch fecundities of captive females were 1323 eggs per fish and 7·8 eggs per fish per day, respectively, and relative fecundity was 587 eggs g−1 of body mass. Batch fecundity of wild females was estimated at 7·8 eggs per fish. The adaptive significance of this reproductive strategy in a harsh, variable environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

Spawning of snowy sculpin in Peter the Great Bay begins in November and takes place at a depth of about 4–7 m. Males of this sculpin species guard their laid eggs. Larvae hatch in April. Final fecundity is attained at ovary maturity stages IV–V.  相似文献   


The annual cycles of gametogenesis, spawning and fertilization biology were investigated in the South African polychaete Arenicola loveni loveni (Kinberg, 1866). Sexes are strictly separate (gonochoric) with a 1:1 ratio and gametogenesis takes place in the coelomic cavity. Reproduction is iteroparous and occurs during a synchronized annual epidemic spawning event during the summer months of February or March, which lasts no longer than 2 weeks at around the time of highest annual seawater temperatures. A slight inter-annual variation in spawning time was observed between 2003 and 2004. Annual fecundity was estimated as 311,200 (± 82,040 standard deviations) oocytes per female per year. Oocytes are arrested at prophase I of the first meiotic division and require a maturation step prior to spawning and subsequent fertilization. Mean spawned oocyte diameter was 141.16 μm ± 0.43 SE. Sperm develop as morulae in the coelomic cavity and also require a maturation step prior to spawning. Spawning can be achieved by injection of prostomial homogenate in both males and females and by injection with 8,11,14- e cosatrienoic acid for males and can be delayed by temperature manipulation. Oocyte maturation and sperm maturation can be induced in vitro by incubating in prostomial homogenate.  相似文献   

The idea that male reproductive strategies evolve primarily in response to sperm competition is almost axiomatic in evolutionary biology. However, externally fertilizing species, especially broadcast spawners, represent a large and taxonomically diverse group that have long challenged predictions from sperm competition theory—broadcast spawning males often release sperm slowly, with weak resource‐dependent allocation to ejaculates despite massive investment in gonads. One possible explanation for these counter‐intuitive patterns is that male broadcast spawners experience strong natural selection from the external environment during sperm dispersal. Using a manipulative experiment, we examine how male reproductive success in the absence of sperm competition varies with ejaculate size and rate of sperm release, in the broadcast spawning marine invertebrate Galeolaria caespitosa (Polychaeta: Serpulidae). We find that the benefits of Fast or Slow sperm release depend strongly on ejaculate size, but also that the per‐gamete fertilization rate decreases precipitously with ejaculate size. Overall, these results suggest that, if males can facultatively adjust ejaculate size, they should slowly release small amounts of sperm. Recent theory for broadcast spawners predicts that sperm competition can also select for Slow release rates. Taken together, our results and theory suggest that selection often favours Slow ejaculate release rates whether males experience sperm competition or not.  相似文献   

We performed observations in the spawning grounds of the plain sculpin. We found that the spawning of this species in Peter the Great Bay begins in December and takes place along the coast. The egg clutches are guarded by the males.  相似文献   

Adult Vinciguerria nimbaria in an area of the Atlantic Ocean (0–5°N; 10–20°W), collected from November 1994 to February 1998, exhibited two different patterns in diel behaviour: 'typical' behaviour which consisted of large diel vertical migration and 'atypical', characterized by concentrations of schools that remained in the surface layers during the daytime. The total life span of V. nimbaria was estimated at 6–7 months. Females were mature when they reached 30·6 mm standard length ( L S), which corresponded to an age of 85 days. Once the females were mature, spawning was continuous in the population as a whole, and V. nimbaria spawned continuously throughout the year. Spawning took place during two restricted times of the day: typical females spawned at dusk and atypical females spawned at dawn. Using the post-ovulatory follicles method, spawning frequency was estimated at 2 days. Batch fecundity was estimated at 1236 oocytes or 1230 oocytes g−1 of total body mass, and egg size was 650 µm whatever the period of the year. The lifetime fecundity of V. nimbaria was estimated at 9000 eggs (109 000 eggs if mortality rate was not taken into account), and the maximum stock egg production of a theoretical cohort occurred at 37 mm L S. Young adults thus contributed the most to the reproductive output for the survival of the population.  相似文献   

Nest choice by the Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux and its relationship to male reproductive success, was examined in a natural habitat, central Japan. The larger males tended to occupy the deeper nest cavities, suggesting size-assortative nest choice by the species. Stepwise regression analysis showed that cavity area was correlated positively to male reproductive success. Nest choice experiments without a competitive male indicated an absence of size-assortative nest choice, but larger males tended to choose a large nest when another male was present, suggesting that size-assortative nest choice by the species is attributable to male-male competition for large nests, such being related to a resource-defence polygynous mating system.  相似文献   

For the first time, aspects of the reproduction of the little-known rock-borer mollusc Petricola lithophaga (Retzius, 1788) are described. Specimens were studied during the period from June 2012 to June 2014 (Black Sea, Sevastopol Bay). Histological methods were used to describe gametogenesis stages and spawning of the molluscs. The size and age of onset of sexual maturity, individual fecundity and other factors are defined.  相似文献   

To clarify the extracellular environment for external fertilization in the non-copulating marine sculpin Hemilepidotus gilberti, sperm motility was measured in NaCl, KCl, mannitol solutions, seawater, and ovarian fluid. Spermatozoa of H. gilberti actively moved in seminal plasma the moment they were removed from the genital papilla. Spermatozoa showed higher motility in NaCl solution at osmolalities between 300–400 mOsmol kg-1. In KCl and in mannitol solutions, spermatozoa actively moved at osmolalities between 500 and 800 mOsmol kg-1, and at osmolality 300 mOsmol kg -1, respectively. The ovarian fluid was a transparent and viscous gelatinous material, rich in sodium with an osmolality of 340 mOsmol kg-1. Sperm motility in the ovarian fluid lasted more than 90 min, which was six times longer than in seawater. This sperm motility under conditions isotonic to body fluid is similar to that of copulating marine sculpins rather than to other non-copulating marine fishes. In addition, eggs of H. gilberti could be fertilized in the ovarian fluid. This suggests that external fertilization takes place under physiological conditions similar to the internal conditions of the ovary provided by the ovarian fluid, which isolates the eggs from sea water for several hours after spawning. This manner of fertilization is thought to be one of the evolutionary pre-adaptations allowing copulation among marine sculpins.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles in a reared strain of the mummichog, a daily spawner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annual, lunar, and diel samplings were taken from a strain of mummichog (Arasaki strain) reared in outdoor tanks under natural conditions, to examine gonadal maturity. Gonads of yearling fish were quite immature in September. During late autumn and winter, a gradual increase in the GSI of both sexes was observed, and the growth of cortical alveolus phase oocytes in females and basal spermatogenesis in males progressed. In late February, a rapid increase in the GSI of both sexes, vitellogenesis in females, and active spermatogenesis in males, occurred. The spawning period of the yearling fish was from late March to August judging from the presence of milt-producing males and ovulated females. The spawning period of the underyearling fish started in the same month as the yearlings, but terminated 1 month earlier. Plasma levels of oestradiol-17 β (E2) in females and testosterone in males were high during the spawning period in the yearlings. In the underyearlings, however, E2 levels peaked in early spring, and declined in the latter part of the spawning period. Neither a lunar nor semilunar cycle was evident in the reproductive activity of this fish, which proved to be a typical daily spawner. Females showed an apparent daily reproductive cycle; oocyte maturation commenced at about 1200 hours, germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred at about 2400 hours, and ovulation was completed by 2400 hours, 24 h after GVBD. Such clear annual and daily reproductive cycles make this strain of mummichog a suitable model for the study of environmental and endocrine regulation of reproductive cycles in marine and estuarine teleosts.  相似文献   

Osteoglossiformes are an order of “bony tongue” fish considered the most primitive living order of teleosts. This review seeks to consolidate known hypotheses and identify gaps in the literature regarding the adaptive significance of diverse reproductive traits and behaviour of osteoglossiforms within the context of sperm competition and the wider lens of sexual selection. Many of the unusual traits observed in osteoglossiforms indicate low levels of sperm competition; most species have unpaired gonads, and mormyroids are the only known vertebrate species with aflagellate sperm. Several osteoglossiform families have reproductive anatomy associated with internal fertilization but perform external fertilization, which may be representative of the evolutionary transition from external to internal fertilization and putative trade-offs between sperm competition and the environment. They also employ every type of parental care seen in vertebrates. Geographically widespread and basally situated within teleosts, osteoglossiforms present an effective study system for understanding how sperm competition and sexual selection have shaped the evolution of teleost reproductive behaviour, sperm and gonad morphology, fertilization strategies, courtship and paternal care, and sexual conflict. The authors suggest that the patterns seen in osteoglossiform reproduction are a microcosm of teleost reproductive diversity, potentially signifying the genetic plasticity that contributed to the adaptive radiation of teleost fishes.  相似文献   

The morphology of the genital apparatus of two batrachoid species, Opsanus tau and Porichthys notatus , was studied. The anatomical organization of the female reproductive apparatus is similar in both species but differences are observed in the rhythm of gametogenesis with individual oocyte production asynchronous in O. tau and group synchronous in P. notatus. The male reproductive apparatus is similarly organized in the two species, with both showing enlongated testes with an efferent duct system, two main testicular ducts, a common sperm duct, and a pair of multi-channel accessory structures. The sperm transport system consisting of the efferent duct system, main testicular ducts, and sperm duct is more developed in P. notatus and only in this species does it secrete sialoglycoproteins. Male accessory organs also secrete sialoglycoprotein in both species, but they appear more developed in O. tau. Intraspecific variability in development of accessory structures and mucin secretion was also observed between the two male morphs of P. notatus. Type I males, which build nests and perform parental care to eggs and fry, have larger accessory organs and more abundant secretion than type II males, which adopt opportunistic spawning tactics. The possible role played by mucins as components of the seminal fluid, in both species, and their inter-and intraspecific variability are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology and the presence of alternative male mating tactics.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the painted sweetlips Diagramma pictum was determined from 487 individuals collected between January and December 2010 in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was no evidence of sex change and the combination of histological results with the sex composition of the size and age structures indicated a gonochoristic sexual pattern. There were peaks in gonado-somatic indices for females in March and October with spawning occurring during two seasons (April to May and November). The mean size and age at sexual maturity (L(m50) and A(m50) ) were 35·7 cm fork length (L(F) ) and 2·9 years for females and 26·7 cm L(F) and 0·5 years for males. The maximum recorded age (11 years) and small mean size and young age at sexual maturity for males may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was an exponential increase in the cumulative reproductive potential with size and a linear increase with age for both sexes. The mean L(F) (L(c50) ) at which D. pictum became vulnerable to capture was 33·3 cm, which corresponded to only 3 and 7% of the cumulative reproductive potential of males and females, respectively. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of D. pictum.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus in the southern Arabian Gulf was determined from the examination of 781 individuals collected between September 2008 and August 2009. There was no histological evidence of adult sex change, and sex ratios did not differ significantly from unity across all size and age classes. Testes had an ovarian structure and a remnant lumen which was not used for sperm transport; furthermore, residual oocytes were observed in the testes of some immature, resting and developing males. A dramatic change in the sex ratio of the smallest and youngest size and age classes suggested that juvenile female to male sex change occurred between 21·0 cm fork length (L(F)) and 24·0 cm L(F) at 1 year of age. The combination of histological evidence with the sexual composition of the size and age structures suggests a non-functional protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern, which is analogous to functional gonochorism. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during March, April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after full moons, there was a cessation in spawning activity after new moons and spawning was completed within three lunar cycles. The distribution of males over the entire size and age ranges and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of L. nebulosus. The maximum recorded age (11 years), small mean size and young age at sexual maturation (L(m50) = 26·7 cm L(F), 2·1 years, for females and 19·4 cm L(F), 0·5 years, for males) may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

In many species, females are thought to benefit from polyandry due to the reduced risks of fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. However, few studies that have reported such benefits have directly attributed variation in female reproductive success to the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization. In this paper, we determine whether male x female interactions influence fertilization in vitro in the free-spawning, sessile polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. Furthermore, we determined whether polyandry results in direct fertilization benefits for females by experimentally manipulating the number of males contributing towards staged spawning events. To test for male x female interaction effects we performed an initial experiment that crossed seven males with six females (in all 42 combinations), enabling us to assess fertilization rates for each specific male-female pairing and attribute variation in fertilization success to males, females and their interaction. This initial experiment revealed a strong interaction between males and females at fertilization, confirming that certain male-female combinations were more compatible than others. A second experiment tested the hypothesis that polyandry enhances female reproductive success by exposing each female's eggs to either a single male's sperm (monandry) or the sperm from three males simultaneously (polyandry). We performed this second experiment at two ecologically relevant sperm concentrations. This latter experiment revealed a strong fertilization benefit of polyandry, independent of the effects of sperm concentration (which were also significant). We suggest that these direct fertilization gains arising from polyandry will constitute an important source of selection on females to mate multiply in nature.  相似文献   

The relationships between age and size at reproduction and lifetime reproductive output of male Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux were estimated by a mark-recapture study. Although all males were physiologically capable of breeding at age 2 years, age at first successful reproduction varied amongst individuals. Males with delayed reproduction had lower net reproductive rate than males that bred at age 2 years on average suggesting that age at first reproduction was a conditional strategy. Males that delayed reproduction were significantly smaller at age 1 and 2 years than males that bred at age 2 years. Despite no significant difference in body size of hatched yolk-sac larvae between the early and late phase of the breeding season, by May of the first year of life, progeny from nests in the early phase had hatched earlier and were larger than those from the nests in the late phase. The results suggested an important effect of timing of reproduction of parents on the growth and subsequent age at first reproduction of their progeny.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the female reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil, which was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analyses. The peak of secondary vitellogenesis occurred during winter–spring (July–December), ovulation in spring (October–December), mating and fertilization in spring–summer (October–February), oviposition in spring–autumn (October–May) and births from late spring to autumn (December–July). The diameter of vitellogenic follicles/eggs was larger in winter–spring than in other seasons. The diameter of the shell glands was also larger in winter–spring. In spite of the clear reproductive peak, gonads only showed reduced activity in the autumn. Therefore, at the individual level, females have a discontinuous cyclical reproduction; in the populational level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous. We support the hypothesis that P. patagoniensis have the ability to produce multiple clutches with long‐term stored sperm. Sexual dimorphism in body size was evident, and females are significantly larger and heavier than males. Larger females were able to produce follicles and eggs in larger amount and size. The maternal body size was positively related to the reproductive effort and fecundity. To conclude, we deliberated about the proximal and distal causes that influence the reproductive traits and patterns of P. patagoniensis.  相似文献   

Game theory predicts that investment in spermatogenesis will increase with the risk and intensity of sperm competition. Widespread support for this prediction has come from comparative studies of internal fertilizing species reporting positive associations between testes mass and the probability that females mate with more than one male. Data for external fertilizers have generated conflicting results. We investigated how risk of sperm competition affects testes size in two families of Australian frogs: the Myobatrachidae and the Hylidae. We also examined effects of clutch size, egg size and oviposition location as alternative factors that might influence sperm production. Species were ranked according to probability of group spawning, and hence risk of sperm competition. Controlling for body size and phylogenetic relationships, we demonstrated that within the Myobatrachidae, the risk of sperm competition explained a significant amount of variation in testes mass. Oviposition location had a weak influence, with species ovipositing into foam having smaller testes. No significant effects of clutch size or egg size were detected. In hylids, the relationship between testes mass and risk of sperm competition was positive but not significant, again with no predictable effects related to egg size or number. These data provide an important test of sperm competition theory for externally fertilizing taxa.  相似文献   

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