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The distribution of genetic diversity at 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci within the European freshwater fish, Cottus gobio, L. was examined. The sampling range comprised a large geographical scale including lineages known to be highly divergent at both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozymes. An analysis of genetic variability within populations showed that expected heterozygosity and allelic richness could be explained largely by current effective population sizes. Evidence was found, however, that historical processes predating the last major glaciation affected allelic richness. In addition to confirming the large-scale patterns from earlier studies, the microsatellite data revealed new insights into recent processes by analysing genetic structure within ancient lineages defined by mtDNA data. Stepwise mutation model (SMM) and nonSMM-based methods demonstrated a clear genetic structuring within the Northwestern European lineage comprising populations from Britain and Belgium, and within the Central European lineage populations from the rivers Danube, Elbe and Main. Supported by an analysis of genetic variability within populations these results showed that the bullhead populations most probably persisted throughout the last major glaciation within the British Isles and within the drainages of the rivers Elbe and Main. Such observations provide the first genetic evidence for a glacial refugium in such close proximity to the European glacial margins.  相似文献   

Tracks and trackways of the ruminant goat, Myotragus balearicus Bate, 1909 are abundant in the Late Pleistocene aeolianites of the south coast of Mallorca, Spain. The carbonate aeolianites form impressive dunes and related sand ramps that were initiated as echo dunes in front of a 20–40 m high paleocliff of Miocene reefal limestone. Where the dunes built up to the cliff top, they covered it as an aeolian ramp. The dunes and sand ramps were active during the dry summer months but were passive during the wet winter period. The small, goat-like animals were abundant on the island, and for unknown reasons crossed the aeolian accumulations in large numbers. This study deals with the tracks formed in the dune deposits. All preserved trackways indicate impression into moist sand. Special features of the tracks include the structure produced by the withdrawal of the foot, here called the ‘axis’, and a disturbance zone of plastic deformation around this. On dune crests, the disturbance zone surrounds the axis more or less symmetrically. However, in addition, a ‘pressure pad’ of dislocated, slightly rotated sediment bound by curved microfaults is commonly produced posterior to the axis by propulsive pressure of the foot. On steep stoss and lee slopes, the pressure pad becomes oriented in a down-slope position as a result of gravitational slip of the walking animal. Combination of disturbance of the sediment in this way by manus followed by overprinting of similar disturbance by pes produces highly complicated track structure. This structure may be characteristic of artiodactylous mammals in soft sand, particularly aeolian deposits. The structure is designated as Bifidipes aeolis isp. nov.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Ericales are a major group of extant asterid angiosperms that are well represented in the Late Cretaceous fossil record, mainly by flowers, fruits and seeds. Exceptionally well preserved fossil flowers, here described as Glandulocalyx upatoiensis gen. & sp. nov., from the Santonian of Georgia, USA, yield new detailed evidence of floral structure in one of these early members of Ericales and provide a secure basis for comparison with extant taxa.


The floral structure of several fossil specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy of microtome thin sections and synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). For direct comparisons with flowers of extant Ericales, selected floral features of Actinidiaceae and Clethraceae were studied with SEM.

Key Results

Flowers of G. upatoiensis have five sepals with quincuncial aestivation, five free petals with quincuncial aestivation, 20–28 stamens arranged in a single series, extrorse anther orientation in the bud, ventral anther attachment and a tricarpellate, syncarpous ovary with three free styles and numerous small ovules on axile, protruding-diffuse and pendant placentae. The calyx is characterized by a conspicuous indumentum of large, densely arranged, multicellular and possibly glandular trichomes.


Comparison with extant taxa provides clear evidence for a relationship with core Ericales comprised of the extant families Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae and Ericaceae. Within this group, the most marked similarities are with extant Actinidiaceae and, to a lesser degree, with Clethraceae. More detailed analyses of the relationships of Glandulocalyx and other Ericales from the Late Cretaceous will require an improved understanding of the morphological features that diagnose particular extant groups defined on the basis of molecular data.  相似文献   

 A new cottid species, Porocottus leptosomus, is described on the basis of 12 specimens collected from Taean, west coast of Korea, Yellow Sea. The species is distinguished from other species of Porocottus by the following combination of characters: a strongly compressed body, two pairs of branched cirri on the dorsal surface of the head, bases of head cirri smooth, a single cirrus on the dorsal tip of each spine of the first dorsal fin, a single opening of the sixth canaliculus of the infraorbital sensory canal, a long posterior medial canaliculus of the occipital canal with the terminal pore and a few supplementary pores, and melanophores on the isthmus hidden beneath the branchiostegal membrane. Received: January 11, 2001 / Revised: February 7, 2002 / Accepted: March 4, 2002  相似文献   

河南许昌灵井遗址的晚更新世鹿科化石新种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董为  李占扬 《人类学学报》2009,28(3):319-326
记述了在近几年从河南省许昌市灵井旧石器遗址出土的1个鹿科化石新亚种: 灵井山西轴鹿新亚种(Axis shansius lingjingensis sub sp.nov.)和1个属、种未定的潜在新种。前者角冠的主枝呈琴弓状, 并有一定程度的螺旋状, 目前是轴鹿属在晚更新世的唯一代表;后者的角冠在角环上方同一位置向不同的方向伸出3个分枝, 与鹿亚科其他成员的角冠在角环上方只有主枝和眉枝(或第一枝)的情况完全不同,而介于晚中新世的皇冠鹿(Stephanocemas)和中、晚更新世的大角鹿(Megaloceros)之间。  相似文献   

The youngest fossil Golunda (Rodentia, Muridae) is described from the Late Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits, exposed at Dulam (Bageshwar), Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India. The age of fossiliferrous horizon is estimated as 31,000 yr BP. A new species, Golunda dulamensis nov. sp. has highly derived characters, e.g., antero-posteriorly stretched molars, upper molars with more length and less width, stephanodonty, cusps in M3 strongly inclined backward giving the molars a very stretched aspect, and metaconid and entoconid in M3 forming almost straight lingual row of the cusps. Gdulamensis nov. sp. is most similar to present day Gellioti but differs from the later slightly by larger size, a thin connection between t4 and t5 in M1, and comparatively larger entoconid and very weakly developed antero-labial cusp in M3. We suggest that highly specialized molars of Gdulamensis nov. sp. and present day Gellioti are derivable through Gkelleri. We also propose that Golunda migrated from Asia to Africa, not from Africa to Asia as was thought by earlier workers.  相似文献   

Phlebotomus ariasi is one of the two sandflies transmitting the causative agent of zoonotic leishmaniasis, Leishmania infantum, in France and Iberia, and provides a rare case study of the postglacial re-colonization of France by a Mediterranean species. Four DNA sequences were analysed—mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b), nuclear elongation factor-1α (EF-1α) and two anonymous nuclear loci—for 14–15 French populations and single populations from northeast Spain, northwest Spain, Portugal and Morocco. The presence of cryptic sibling species was not revealed by phylogenetic analyses and testing for reproductive isolation between sympatric populations defined by the two most divergent cyt b haplogroups. No locus was shown to be under positive directional or balancing selection and, therefore, molecular variation was explained demographically. Each nuclear locus showed shallow isolation by distance from Portugal to the French Pyrenees, but for both cyt b and EF-1α there was then a step change to the upland Massif Central, where leading-edge populations showed low diversity at all loci. Multiple genetic divergences and population expansions were detected by analyses of cyt b and dated to the Pleistocene. Endemicity of one cyt b sub-lineage suggested the presence of a refuge north of the Pyrenees during the last glacial period. Monopolization of the Massif Central by genetically differentiated populations of P. ariasi might possibly hinder the northwards spread of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

New taxonomic study of the “old collection” of Carnivora from Petralona Cave, associated to the well-known hominid skull, housed in the Geology School of the Thessaloniki Aristotle University since 1960, revealed 11 species (Canis arnensis, Lycaon lycaonoides, Vulpes praeglacialis, Ursus deningeri, U. spelaeus, U. arctos, Pliocrocuta perrieri, Pachycrocuta brevirostris, Crocuta crocuta, Panthera leo spelaea, and Felis silvestris), which are described in detail. The species composition is typical of the eastern part of the European Mediterranean and may be divided into three biostratigraphic assemblages: early Middle Pleistocene, late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We present the study of rodents and insectivores from the 1995 season of excavation at the early Late Pleistocene site of Bois Roche (Charente, France). The site is a small cave with a low ceiling, used as a den by hyenas. It contains a large herbivore assemblage (mainly bovids and equids) with a smaller representation of medium-size taxa (cervids), many microvertebrates, abundant coprolites and deciduous hyena teeth, and a few lithic artifacts (Middle Paleolithic) introduced into the cave by gravity and slope wash. The rodent fauna consists of Eliomys quercinus cf. quercinus, Apodemus sp., Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus, Arvicola terrestris and Dicrostonyx torquatus. Insectivores are represented by Neomys cf. fodiens. The most common species is M. gregalis which forms 93.7% of the total MNI. The micromammal fauna suggests an open landscape, with some vegetation mainly of the steppe or tundra type, with areas of water and more wet vegetation and some areas with trees. The micromammal association of Bois Roche is characteristic of a cold or very cold dry climate.  相似文献   

A new cottid, Icelinus pietschi sp. nov., and a rare species, Sigmistes smithi Schultz, were collected from intertidal zones in the southern Kuril Archipelago. Icelinus pietschi, represented by five specimens (34.8–42.2 mm SL) from Iturup Island, is distinguished from other species of Icelinus by having the dorsal scale rows terminating before the posteriormost base of the second dorsal fin, spines absent on the dorsal surface of the head, a single common opening of the terminal pores of the mandibular canal, a cirrus on the base of the nasal spine, and a slightly bifid uppermost preopercular spine without denticles dorsally. Six examples (36.8–42.9 mm SL) from Urup Island of Sigmistes smithi, previously known only rarely from the middle of the Aleutian Archipelago, constitute the first record of the species from the western North Pacific. Received: September 26, 1999 / Revised: May 25, 2000 / Accepted: August 29, 2000  相似文献   

Vegetation reconstruction based on pollen from coprolites of extinct spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea, Goldfuss 1832) recovered from excavations carried out in 1998 at San Teodoro Cave (Sicily, Italy) supports previous indications of pre-Late Glacial conditions. Eight of the twelve coprolites analysed contained well-preserved pollen grains. There is a general similarity between the pollen contents from the coprolites but they show variability. They suggest a main vegetation type dominated by steppic taxa (Poaceae, Artemisia, Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae) but also including arboreal taxa (Pinus and Cupressaceae). Low percentages of pollen of mesophilous woody taxa (Quercus, Betula, Abies, Alnus, Pistacia, among others) are noticeable, suggesting the existence of nearby refugia for temperate and Mediterranean vegetation. A reconstruction of the landscape, using the coprolite pollen record and other pollen records from Sicily and south Italy, shows the predominance, during the pre-Late Glacial, of a wooded steppe biome, with elements representing a variety of local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

李孟凯  余应鹏  王伟  邢震  陈学达 《广西植物》2024,44(5):1003-1006
在西藏开展兰科植物资源调查过程中,发现了2种石斛属(金石斛组)物种,通过文献和标本的查阅之后,分别确定为麦氏金石斛(Dendrobium macraei Lindl.)和西藏金石斛(D. ritaeanum King & Pantl.),两者均为中国首次记录。其中,麦氏金石斛与流苏金石斛(D. plicatile Lindley)近似,不同之处在于前者唇瓣中裂片边缘全缘,中裂片具2条纵脊,并仅延伸至唇瓣中部,先端凹; 西藏金石斛虽然植株与狭叶金石斛[D. angustifolium (Blume)Lindl.]近似,但该种花很小,萼片和花瓣不具紫色条纹且唇瓣长达1.4 cm,侧裂片三角形,花期时容易区分。同时,该文还提供了该2种石斛属植物详细的形态特征描述以及解剖图版等资料,凭证标本保存于西藏农牧学院标本馆。该发现丰富了中国兰科植物本底资料以及潜在药用植物资源储备,对中国兰科植物的生物多样性研究和药用兰科资源的调查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article reports a new record of the greater noctule Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780) in the Late Pleistocene of Europe. A fragment of a left mandible from this species was collected in Layer O (around 55 ka) from the Abric Romaní rock shelter, providing evidence of the presence of the greater noctule in north-eastern Spain during the latest Late Pleistocene. The relevance of this new record, which is geographically not reported up to now in the area, is discussed in terms of environmental changes.  相似文献   

Impatiens comprises more than 1000 species and is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. The genus has a subcosmopolitan distribution, yet most of its evolutionary history is unknown. Diversification analyses, divergence time estimates and historical biogeography, illustrated that the extant species of Impatiens originated in Southwest China and started to diversify in the Early Miocene. Until the Early Pliocene, the net diversification rate within the genus was fairly slow. Since that time, however, approximately 80% of all Impatiens lineages have originated. This period of rapid diversification coincides with the global cooling of the Earth’s climate and subsequent glacial oscillations. Without this accelerated diversification rate, Impatiens would only have contained 1/5th of its current number of species, thereby indicating the rapid radiation of the genus.  相似文献   

报道了中国贵州杜鹃属一新种——百纳杜鹃(Rhododendron bainaense Xiang Chen&Cheng H.Yang)。百纳杜鹃与红棕杜鹃(R.rubiginosum Franch.)相似,但本种的叶为长圆形至卵形,叶背鳞片大小近似、琥珀色、凹陷,花冠较小、白色带浅粉色且不具斑点,花丝基部近无毛或仅部分被微柔毛,花药淡褐色。目前该新种的资源量十分稀少,野外调查仅发现1个种群含3株,应该给予重点保护。  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic data are reported from 116 Pleistocene Equus teeth from sixty-six localities in the New World ranging from 68°N (Alaska, Canada) to 35°S (Argentina). Equus species have been predominantly grazers, and as such, carbon isotopic values of their tooth enamel provide evidence of the Pleistocene distribution of C3 and C4 grasses. The carbon data presented here indicate a gradient (δ13C range of 10 parts/mil) in the relative proportion of C3 and C4 grasses between high latitude and equatorial Equus samples. The largest amount of change from C3 to C4 grasses during the Pleistocene occurred in the mid-latitudes between about 30 to 40°. The oxygen data, which vary proportionately with temperature, indicate a latitudinal gradient (δ18O range of 20 parts/mil) between high-latitude and equatorial Equus samples. The basic pattern of latitudinal gradients of C3/C4 grass distribution and temperature as interpreted from these Pleistocene data is similar to the modern-day. The use of stable isotopes of fossil herbivore teeth represents a new means to interpret Pleistocene climates and terrestrial ecology.  相似文献   

Removal of phosphorus (P) by Ceratophyllum demersum L. and associated epiphytic periphyton was quantified by measuring the disappearance of soluble reactive P (SRP) from microcosms during 1-h in situ incubations conducted over a 1-year period. Initial P concentrations in these incubations ranged from 30 to >10,000 μg P L−1. Phosphorus removal was proportional to initial P concentrations and was weakly correlated with solar irradiance and water temperature. Removal rates (0.6–32.8 mg P m−2 d−1) and kv coefficients (0.68–1.93 h−1) from experiments run at low initial P concentrations (up to 200 μg P L−1) were comparable to results reported for other macrophytes. Removal rates from experiments run at the highest (>10,000 μg P L−1) initial P concentrations (5300 and 11,100 mg P m−2 d−1) most likely represented luxury nutrient consumption and were not thought to be sustainable long term. We were unable to determine a Vmax for P removal, suggesting that the nutrient-storage capability of the C. demersum/periphyton complex was not saturated during our short-term incubations. Based on N:P molar ratios, the marsh was P limited, while the C. demersum/periphyton complex was either N limited or in balance for N and P throughout this study. However, despite its tissue stoichiometry, the C. demersum/periphyton complex always exhibited an affinity for P. It appeared that the biochemical mechanisms, which mediate P removal, at least on a short-term basis, were more influenced by increases in ambient P levels than by tissue nutrient stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The cottid genus Radulinopsis Soldatov and Lindberg is recognized as a valid taxon including two species, R. derjavini Soldatov and Lindberg and R. taranetzi sp. nov., both distributed in shallow waters around Hokkaido, Japan, and the Russian Far East. Radulinopsis taranetzi differs from R. derjavini in having an almost naked body, teeth on the prevomer, and higher meristic counts. Radulinopsis derjugini Soldatov is synonymized with R. derjavini. A key to species of Radulinopsis and related genera is given. Based on a cladistic analysis of 18 morphological characters, Radulinopsis is the sister group of the Japanese genus Astrocottus, and the monophyletic eastern North Pacific group comprising Radulinus plus Asemichthys is the sister group of the western North Pacific group of Radulinopsis plus Astrocottus. Triglops, having a wide distribution throughout the North Pacific and North Atlantic, is putatively the sister group of a monophyletic group including these four genera. Bolin's genus Radulinus (including Radulinopsis as a subgenus) and Taranetz's subfamily Radulinae (including only Radulinus and Radulinopsis) are polyphyletic and therefore invalid. Received: September 7, 1999 / Revised: April 28, 2000 / Accepted: August 29, 2000  相似文献   

The type specimen of Toyotamaphimeia machikanensis (Diapsida, Crocodylia) from the Osaka Group (Plio-Pleistocene) of Osaka Prefecture, Central Japan, shows multiple abnormalities. The anterior third of the mandible was amputated and shows signs of healing. The right tibia and fibula were fractured, and each of them was later fused in dislocated position with callus formation. Additionally, there are two puncture marks on a dermal scute. Based on the morphologies of these pathologies, the fauna of the community in which this animal lived, and the behavior of extant crocodilians, it is suggested that this individual survived its injuries sustained during multiple intraspecific fights for territoriality or mating.  相似文献   

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