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The study of a few genes has permitted the identification of three elements that constitute a yeast polyadenylation signal: the efficiency element (EE), the positioning element and the actual site for cleavage and polyadenylation. In this paper we perform an analysis of oligonucleotide composition on the sequences located downstream of the stop codon of all yeast genes. Several oligonucleotide families appear over-represented with a high significance (referred to herein as ‘words’). The family with the highest over-representation includes the oligonucleotides shown experimentally to play a role as EEs. The word with the highest score is TATATA, followed, among others, by a series of single-nucleotide variants (TATGTA, TACATA, TAAATA . . .) and one-letter shifts (ATATAT). A position analysis reveals that those words have a high preference to be in 3′ flanks of yeast genes and there they have a very uneven distribution, with a marked peak around 35 bp after the stop codon. Of the predicted ORFs, 85% show one or more of those sequences. Similar results were obtained using a data set of EST sequences. Other clusters of over-represented words are also detected, namely T- and A-rich signals. Using these results and previously known data we propose a general model for the 3′ trailers of yeast mRNAs.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism participating in the transport of newly synthesized proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in mammalian cells is poorly understood. Recently, the nuclear localization signal sequences (NLS) of many nuclear proteins have been identified, and most have been found to be composed of a highly basic amino acid stretch. A genetic "subtractive" and a biochemical "additive" approach were used in our studies to identify the NLS's of the polyomavirus structural capsid proteins. An NLS was identified at the N-terminus (Ala1-Pro-Lys-Arg-Lys-Ser-Gly-Val-Ser-Lys-Cys11) of the major capsid protein VP1 and at the C-terminus (Glu307 -Glu-Asp-Gly-Pro-Glu-Lys-Lys-Lys-Arg-Arg-Leu318) of the VP2/VP3 minor capsid proteins.  相似文献   

A high affinity strychnine binding site has been identified within a membrane fraction prepared from partially purified rat brain nuclei. This interaction appears similar in its characteristics to that occurring in the non-nuclear membrane fraction which is thought to occur at the synaptic glycine receptor complex. Both the nuclear and non-nuclear membrane binding of tritiated strychnine is greater within the pons-medulla region than in the cerebral cortex. Nuclear membrane binding sites for dopamine, norepinephrine (-adrenergic), acetylcholine (muscarinic), GABA, and diazepam were not detected.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of a partial cDNA clone encoding the C-terminal region of bovine cartilage aggregating proteoglycan core protein. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a cysteine-rich region which is homologous with chicken hepatic lectin. This lectin-homologous region has previously been identified in rat and chicken cartilage proteoglycan. The bovine sequence presented here is highly homologous with the rat and chicken amino acid sequences in this apparently globular region. A region containing clusters of Ser-Gly sequences is located N-terminal to the lectin homology domain. These Ser-Gly-rich segments are arranged in tandemly repeated, approx. 100-residue-long, homology domains. Each homology domain consists of an approx. 75-residue-long Ser-Gly-rich region separated by an approx. 25-residue-long segment lacking Ser-Gly dipeptides. These dipeptides are arranged in 10-residue-long segments in the 100-residue-long homology domains. The shorter homologous segments are tandemly repeated some six times in each 100-residue-long homology domain. Serine residues in these repeats are potential attachment sites for chondroitin sulphate chains.  相似文献   

We previously showed that calcineurin B homologous protein 1 (CHP1) interacts with nuclear apoptosis-inducing protein kinase DRAK2, and that overexpression of DRAK2 induces the nuclear accumulation of CHP1, although CHP1 usually resides in the cytoplasm [Matsumoto et al. (2001) J. Biochem. 130, 217-225]. Here we show that CHP1 has two functional nuclear export signal (NES) sequences in its carboxyl-terminal region. Treatment of several cell lines with leptomycin B, a specific inhibitor of CRM1-dependent nuclear export, induces the nuclear accumulation of CHP1. Moreover, CHP1-GFP fusion proteins with deletions or point mutations affecting the two putative NES sequences accumulate in the nucleus to a greater extent than wild-type CHP1-GFP. Tagging glutathione S-transferase-GFP fusion protein with each NES sequence caused a shift in their intracellular localization from all over the cells to the cytoplasm. These results suggest that after CHP1 has entered the nucleus, it is exported to the cytoplasm in an NES-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Summary A 3.4-kbp nuclear (n) DNA sequence has greater than 99% sequence homology to three segments of the chloroplast (cp) genes rps2, psbD/C, and psaA respectively. Each of these cpDNA segments is less than 3 kbp in length and appears to be integrated, at least in part, into several (>5) different sites flanked by unique sequences in the nuclear genome. Some of these sites contain longer homologies to the particular genes, while others are only homologous to smaller parts of the cp genes. Both the cpDNA fragments found in the nuclear genome and their flanking nDNA sequences are invested with short repeated A-T rich sequences but, apart from a hexanucleotide sequence and a palindromic sequence identified near each recombination point, there is no obvious structure that can suggest a mechanism of DNA transfer from the chloroplast to the nucleus in spinach.  相似文献   

MAP kinase phosphatase-2 (MKP-2) is a member of a family of dual specificity phosphatases (DSPs) that function in both the cytosol and nucleus to inactivate the MAP kinases. The mechanism that controls the subcellular distribution of these proteins is currently unclear. In this study, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to remove two novel nuclear localization sequences, NLS-1 and -2, either alone or in combination (DNLS). Loss of NLS-1 or NLS-2 alone did not alter the nuclear targeting of MKP-2 but mutation of both resulted in MKP-2 being retained within the cytosol. Furthermore, whilst expression of WT-MKP-2, NLS-1 or NLS-2 reduced both sorbitol- or UV-stimulated nuclear c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity in HEK293 cells, this effect was absent in cells expressing DNLS-MKP-2. Similarly, transient transfection of WT-MKP-2, NLS-1 or NLS-2, but not DNLS-MKP-2 was able to substantially reduce agonist-stimulated ANF reporter activity in rat cardiac myocytes. Taken together, these results indicate that whilst both novel NLS participate in the nuclear localization of MKP-2, the expression of either sequence is sufficient to retain nuclear targeting.  相似文献   

Histone-beta-galactosidase protein fusions were used to identify the domain of yeast histone 2B, which targets this protein to the nucleus. Amino acids 28 to 33 in H2B were required for nuclear localization of such fusion proteins and thus constitute a nuclear localization sequence. The amino acid sequence in this region (Gly-29 Lys Lys Arg Ser Lys Ala) is similar to the nuclear location signal in simian virus 40 large T antigen (Pro-126 Lys Lys Lys Arg Lys Val) (D. Kalderon, B.L. Roberts, W.D. Richardson, and A.E. Smith, Cell 39:499-509, 1984). A point mutation changing lysine 31 to methionine abolished nuclear localization of an H2B-beta-galactosidase fusion protein containing amino acids 1 to 33 of H2B. However, an H2B-beta-galactosidase fusion protein containing both this point mutation and the H2A interaction domain of H2B was nuclear localized. These results suggest that H2A and H2B may be cotransported to the nucleus as a heterodimer.  相似文献   

Sequences homologous to oncogeneyes (Y73/Esh/sarcoma viral oncogene cDNA) in theDrosophila melanogaster Oregon genome were detected byin situ hybridization on salivary gland chromosomes. Three separate sites, 8D/X, 57BC/2R and 95CD/3R, were identified. Presence of sequences highly homologous toyes in the genomic DNA was confirmed by dot blot hybridization under high stringency conditions.  相似文献   

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