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CO2 浓度升高对两种沈阳城市森林树种光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用开顶式气室, 研究了CO2浓度升高条件下城市森林主要树种油松(Pinus tabulaefomis)和银杏(Ginkgo biloba)主要光合特性的变化。结果表明, 整个生长季, CO2浓度升高(700 mmol.mol-1)条件下2树种叶片的净光合速率、可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白含量均接近或高于相应对照(自然CO2浓度)值, 但不同树种增加的幅度不同; 而2树种的叶绿素含量和Chl a/Chl b值对CO2浓度升高反应不一, 表现为CO2浓度升高条件下油松的叶绿素含量较对照值高, Chl a/Chl b值降低, 银杏的叶绿素含量为前期升高, 后期降低, Chl a/Chl b值变化与之正好相反, 说明城市森林组成树种对CO2浓度升高的响应具有复杂性。CO2浓度升高条件下, 两树种均未发生光合适应现象。  相似文献   

The effects of sucrose and abscisic acid (ABA) and their interaction on development and senescence of petals were studied with leafless roses cultivar Super Star. Sucrose and ABA had opposing effects on the cut flowers. Sucrose retarded and ABA promoted processes associated with senescence: wilting, increase in pH, “blueing” and decrease in protein content of petals. These opposing effects are mutually antagonized when both chemicals are applied. ABA applied to flowers cut at the bud stage, promoted the rate of petal growth (but not their final size), increased respiration and caused a decrease in sucrose and an increase in level of reducing sugars. It is suggested that one way by which ABA accelerates senescence of cut roses is by promoting petal growth and respiration, thus decreasing the carbohydrate level in the petals and triggering the chain of metabolic processes leading to aging.  相似文献   

The effects of varying the amount of sucrose used to supplementthe culture medium maintaining the growth of excised roots ofPisum sativum L., Vicia faba L., Zea mays L. and Phaseolus vulgarisL., on the rates of primordium initiation and subsequent emergenceas lateral roots and on the duration of the interval betweenprimordium inception and emergence as a secondary root throughthe tissues of the primary have been investigated. Variation in the exogenous concentration of sucrose from 0.5to 8 per cent had little effect on the rate of primordium inceptionin Pisum and Vicia and the rates never reached the values obtainedfor the roots of the corresponding intact plants. Moreover,over the 6 day culture period lateral root emergence did notoccur in any of the excised roots of these two species. In contrast,each of the aspects of primordium development examined in theexcised roots of Zea and Phaseolus was markedly affected bythe amount of sucrose used to supplement the culture medium.In addition, in the presence of about 6 per cent sucrose, primordiumdevelopment in these cultured roots was very similar to thatin roots of the corresponding intact plants. The results indicate either that some factor necessary for primordiumdevelopment is present in adequate amounts in excised rootsof Zea and Phaseolus, but not in those of Pisum and Vicia, orthat the factors controlling such development are differentin the former and latter two species. Vicia faba L., Pisum sativum L., Zea mays L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., broad bean, garden pea, maize, dwarf bean, primordium development, sucrose concentration, cultured roots  相似文献   



Plant acclimation is a highly complex process, which cannot be fully understood by analysis at any one specific level (i.e. subcellular, cellular or whole plant scale). Various soft-computing techniques, such as neural networks or fuzzy logic, were designed to analyze complex multivariate data sets and might be used to model large such multiscale data sets in plant biology.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In this study we assessed the effectiveness of applying neuro-fuzzy logic to modeling the effects of light intensities and sucrose content/concentration in the in vitro culture of kiwifruit on plant acclimation, by modeling multivariate data from 14 parameters at different biological scales of organization. The model provides insights through application of 14 sets of straightforward rules and indicates that plants with lower stomatal aperture areas and higher photoinhibition and photoprotective status score best for acclimation. The model suggests the best condition for obtaining higher quality acclimatized plantlets is the combination of 2.3% sucrose and photonflux of 122–130 µmol m−2 s−1.


Our results demonstrate that artificial intelligence models are not only successful in identifying complex non-linear interactions among variables, by integrating large-scale data sets from different levels of biological organization in a holistic plant systems-biology approach, but can also be used successfully for inferring new results without further experimental work.  相似文献   

Intact Zea mays L. kernels attached to cob tissue develop tomaturity when grown in vitro. This experiment was designed todetermine if it is possible to prolong kernel growth by refreshingthe culture medium. Blocks of maize kernels were grown in vitroon media containing several concentrations of sucrose. Kernels,at all concentrations of sucrose, developed to maturity at 30–35d post-pollination, indicating that it is not possible to extendthe kernel growth phase by supplying a carbohydrate source.Kernels grown on media containing 80 g 1–1 or higher sucroseconcentration had a significantly greater percentage of kernelsthat developed to maturity, and had greater weight and starchcontent per seed. Zea mays, kernel culture, seed development, starch  相似文献   

不同氮素水平对产油尖状栅藻生长及光合生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在300μmol photons·m-2·s-1光照下,以不同初始氮素营养条件的改良BG-11培养基为基础培养基,在Ø6 cm的玻璃柱状光生物反应器通气(加富1.5% CO2)培养绿藻尖状栅藻(Scenedesmus acuminatus),分析探讨藻细胞的生长及光合生理与氮素营养的关系。结果表明,不同氮素实验组藻细胞的最大生物量有差异,氮浓度为6mmol/L实验组的生物量最高,为5.19g/L。与初始氮浓度18 mmol/L相比,较低的氮浓度9 mmol/L、和 6 mmol/L 在培养前期对尖状栅藻的生长具有明显的促进作用。藻细胞叶绿素a、b及总类胡萝卜素含量与培养液的氮素营养水平呈正相关。低氮条件有利于总脂积累,总脂含量和单位体积总脂产率显著高于全氮组(P<0.05),3.6 mmol/L实验组的总脂含量最高,为干重的54%,比全氮组高17%(P<0.05)。培养后期随着藻细胞总脂的积累,总碳水化合物和总蛋白含量明显下降(P<0.05)。PSⅡ最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光能转化效率(Yield)以及相对电子传递效率(ETR)均随氮素限制而显著下降(P<0.05),光合速率在不同生长阶段呈先上升后下降的趋势,呼吸速率在培养周期内缓慢上升,说明藻的生长、油脂的积累与细胞光合生理状况以及氮素营养水平直接相关。  相似文献   

The Influence of Shoots, Roots, and Hormones on Sucrose Distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of hormones on sucrose distribution were studiedin relation to the control of the relative growth of the shootand the root. The roots and the shoots above the cotyledonsof bean seedlings were removed and the remaining explants allowedto regenerate so that they consisted of growing buds, a segmentof the hypocotyl, and short growing roots. [14C]Sucrose wasapplied to the middle of the hypocotyl and its distributionwas measured in relation to the presence of the shoots and rootsand to their replacement by auxin and a cytokinin. It was foundthat radioactivity moved towards both the shoot and the root,and that removing one growing region greatly reduced the transportin its direction and increased the relative transport in theopposite direction. Both hormones restored a large part of themovement of radioactive sucrose when they replaced any one ofthe growing regions. However, there was some preferential actionof benzyladenine when it replaced the buds and of auxin whenit replaced the roots. The results indicate that in the intactplant the development of the shoot and the root is correlatedby a positive feedback involving auxin and cytokinins, and themovement of sucrose is controlled indirectly by the sink activityof these growing regions. This control of the movement of sucrose,and presumably other metabolites, accounts for the short-termcompetitive relations between the shoot and the root.  相似文献   

In present study, the effect of lanthanum (La) on the rooting of regenerated shoots of Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir was analyzed. Rooting occurred from regenerated shoots inoculated on a medium supplemented with La, the plant rooting hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), or both La and IAA together. The highest rooting efficiency (96%), root number/shoot (8.5), and root length (63 mm) were recorded in shoots cultured on medium containing 2.5 μM IAA combined with 100 μM La(3+). In order to elucidate the mechanism of rooting enhancement by La, we examined dynamic changes in antioxidant enzyme activities in plant tissue over time in culture. We found that the activities of peroxidase (POX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were significantly higher in plant tissue cultured in IAA plus La than in La or IAA alone. At the same time, the highest H(2)O(2) content was detected in plant tissue in the presence of 2.5 μM IAA plus 100 μM La(3+). In light of these data and previous results, we speculate that La enhanced IAA-induced rooting by acting as a mild abiotic stress to stimulate POX and SOD activities in plant cells. Then, IAA reacted with oxygen and POX to form the ternary complex enzyme-IAA-O(2) that dissociated into IAA radicals and O(2)(-). Subsequently, IAA-induced O(2)(-) readily converted to hydroxyl radical (HO·) via SOD-catalyzed dismutation. Finally, cell wall loosening and cell elongation occurred as a consequence of HO-dependent scission of wall components, leading to root growth. The treatment of IAA combined with La resulted in the highest plantlet survival (80%) compared to single treatments with IAA or La alone. These data suggest that rare earth elements enhance root morphogenesis and the growth of S. involucrata.  相似文献   

Prototheca sp. can assume high economic significance in the dairy industry and pose a potential risk for the public health. We investigated the in vitro susceptibility of Prototheca isolates retrieved from mastitic milk (P. zopfii and P. blaschkeae) to different pH buffers and salt concentrations using a microbroth assay adapted from the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. Different pH buffer solutions ranging from pH 1 to pH 12 and different sodium chloride concentrations, 4.5, 9 and 18%, were tested. P. zopfii strains presented an optimal growth between pH 5 and 9, a complete growth inhibition at pH 3, and limited growth at pH 1 and 12, whereas P. blaschkeae strains showed higher susceptibility to all pH values except for pH 3 where it demonstrated a moderate growth when compared to P. zopfii strains. When salinity was incremented, P. blaschkeae was more resistant than P. zopfii, although a reduction in growth for all strains of Prototheca was observed. This study demonstrated differences in the in vitro susceptibilities of P. zopfii and P. blaschkeae to different pH and salt concentrations and intend to be a contribution on the understanding of some of the physiologic features that can be associated with the survival of these microalgae in the environment.  相似文献   

Effects of Lead In Vivo and In Vitro on GABAergic Neurochemistry   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract: Alterations in aspects of neurotransmission utilizing -γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are associated with in vivo exposure of rats to lead at doses that do not produce convulsions, but sensitize animals to convulsant agents. These effects are observed regionally and include: decreased GABA levels in cerebellum; increased activity of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in caudate; and decreased GABA release (both resting and K+-stimulated) in cortex, caudate, cerebellum and substantia nigra. Sodium-dependent uptake of GABA by synaptosomes of cerebellum, substantia nigra and caudate was also affected: in these regions, affinity (Km) was increased and maximal velocity (Vmax) was reduced. Sodium-independent binding of GABA to synaptic membranes was increased in cerebellum, but was observed only when tissue was Tritonized and prepared without freezing and washing. No effects on GAD or on GABA uptake, release, or binding were observed when lead was added to brain tissue in vitro in concentrations as high as 100 μM. The results suggest that lead may produce chronic inhibition of presynaptic GABAergic function, notably in the cerebellum, which is associated with supersensitivity of postsynaptic GABA receptors. Failure of lead to affect GABAergic function in vitro may indicate that these effects are secondary to another neurotoxic action of lead in the CNS or are consequent to a nonneuronal metabolic action of lead.  相似文献   

以1年生风箱果幼苗为材料,采用人工遮荫方式设置CK (全光)、轻度遮荫L1(60%全光)和重度遮荫L2(20%全光)3种光环境,测定不同光环境下风箱果幼苗的光合特性、光合色素含量、非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累等,分析风箱果幼苗对不同遮荫环境的适应性。结果表明:风箱果属于阳生树种,对光环境的变化非常敏感;遮荫显著降低了表观量子效率(AQY)、最大净光合速率(Pmax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LCP)、光饱和点(LSP)和类胡萝卜素含量(Car)(P<0.05),显著提高了叶绿素a (Chla)、叶绿素b (Chlb)、总叶绿素(Chl)含量和叶绿素/类胡萝卜素(P<0.05);遮荫显著减少了根、茎、叶中NSC含量(P<0.05),尤其是L2时,分别比CK减少了52.5%、44.9%和43.9%。综上所述,风箱果幼苗对于遮荫环境的适应和调节能力较差,生产实践中应栽植在阳光充足的环境中。  相似文献   

Spillage of cyst contents during surgical operation is the major cause of recurrence after hydatid cyst surgery. Instillation of a scolicidal agent into a hepatic hydatid cyst is the most commonly employed measure to prevent this complication. SB202190 is a pyridinyl imidazole derivative and is known to be a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK. In the present study, the scolicidal effect of SB202190 was investigated. Freshly isolated Echinococcus granulosus protoscolices were subjected to SB202190 treatment (10, 20, 40, and 80 µM), and the effects on parasite viability were monitored by trypan blue staining. Corresponding effects were visualized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Dose-dependent protoscolex death within a few days of SB202190 treatment was observed. Although the in vitro scolicidal effect of SB202190 was satisfactory, the in vivo efficacy of this drug and also possible side effects remain to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Effects of Neurotransmitters on Astrocyte Glycogen Stores In Vitro   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
We have used receptor binding assays to determine the presence of three neurotransmitter receptors in a crude membrane fraction derived from neonatal rat cortical astrocyte cultures and subsequently determined the effects of transmitter receptor activation on astrocyte glycogen content in vitro. beta-Adrenergic (KD = 88 pM; Bmax = 51 fmol/mg of protein), serotonin (KD = 70 nM; Bmax = 44 pmol/mg of protein), and muscarinic cholinergic receptors (KD = 79 pM; Bmax = 44 fmol/mg of protein) were found to be present on astrocyte membranes using [3H]dihydroalprenolol, [3H]serotonin, and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, respectively, as ligands. Astrocyte cultures exposed to noradrenaline but not specific alpha- and beta-receptor agonists contained 33% less glycogen than controls. Neither serotonin nor carbachol caused alterations in astrocyte glycogen content under normal conditions. Reserpine-treated cultures, however, responded to serotonin with a 28% decrease in glycogen content and contained higher levels of glycogen than non-reserpine-treated controls (a 55% increase). These results show that both noradrenaline and serotonin can evoke astrocyte glycogenolysis and that noradrenergic control of glycogen metabolism is probably exerted through both alpha- and beta-receptors. Neurotransmitter control of astrocyte glycogen turnover may represent a form of neuron-astrocyte signalling in addition to that provided by changes in external potassium concentration.  相似文献   

In Vitro Effects of Some Chemotherapeutic Agents on Mycobacteria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Examination of the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of nine antibiotics on atypical mycobacteria revealed that streptovaricin complex and streptovaricin C exerted bactericidal effects on several strains in concentrations lower than 1.0 mug/ml. An exposure to the drug for 48 hr at 37 C was necessary to effect a complete inactivation of more than 99.9% of the exposed microorganisms. The appearance of strepto-varicin-resistant mutants was observed. However, these mutants were unstable, and reversion to streptovaricin susceptibility occurred. Celesticetin salicylate, added in a concentration of 100.0 mug/ml to the medium of Olitzki and Gershon inoculated with Mycobacterium leprae, effected a complete change of the uniformly stained mycobacteria to bipolarity, which indicates the devitalization of this microorganism.  相似文献   

In Torenia stem segments cultured on a defined medium from whichammonium nitrate and growth regulators were omitted, adventitiousbuds were readily formed from epidermal tissue, with subsequentdifferentiation of floral buds. Using this plant material, thecorrelation between the time of application of various chemicalsand the time-course of floral bud differentiation was investigated.Histological examination showed that adventitious buds werevegetative during the first two weeks of the culture, and floralprimordia appeared after about three to four weeks of culture.We divided the flowering process in Torenia stem segments intothe following 3 phases: the first phase (first 2 weeks) duringwhich adventitious buds are formed, the second phase (3rd and4th weeks) during which floral buds are initiated and the thirdphase (5th to 12th weeks) during which floral buds develop.Then we added IAA, zeatin, ammonium nitrate or a high concentrationof sucrose to the medium during one, two or three of these phases.Ammonium nitrate added during the third phase suppressed floralbud development, but the high concentration of sucrose givenduring this phase stimulated it. These two chemicals influencedonly the development of floral buds previously initiated. Theapplication of IAA during the first phase promoted both theinitiation and development of floral buds. However, its applicationafter 2 weeks of culture failed to promote floral bud formation.Zeatin inhibited floral bud formation in a manner similar toammonium nitrate, but if it was added to the medium only duringthe first phase, it slightly promoted the initiation and developmentof floral buds. (Received July 7, 1981; Accepted October 12, 1981)  相似文献   

Effects of Propyzamide on Tobacco Cell Microtubules In Vivo and In Vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Treatment with propyzamide at 2 ? 10-6 M or at higher concentrationsarrested the cell cycleat metaphase in tobacco BY-2 cells. Metaphasecells having disorganized spindle microtubulesand scatteredchromosomes began to appear within several minutes of the additionof propyzamide. Within 30 min, disrupted spindle microtubulesand dispersed chromosomes were seenin all metaphase cells. Propyzamideat 2 ? 10-6 M or at higher concentrations also disrupted corticalmicrotubules, but disruption of cortical microtubules requiredmore time than disruption of spindle microtubules. The effectof propyzamide on microtubules was found to be readily reversible.The cells arrested at metaphase by 2 ? 10-6 M propyzamide resumedmitosis within 2 h from the termination of treatment with propyzamide.Spindle microtubules reappeared within 15 min from the terminationof treatment with propyzamide, and the cortical microtubuleswithin 1 h. Tubulin was isolated from tobacco BY-2 cells bycolumn chromatography on ethyl Nphenylcarbamate-Sepharose 4B.On incubation with EGTA, Mg2+ and DMSO, the purified tobaccotubulin polymerized into microtubules. Propyzamide at 1 ? 10-4M completely inhibitedthe polymerization of tobacco tubulin,but did not inhibit polymerization of bovine braintubulin. Tobaccotubulin was adsorbed onto a column of propyzamide-analogue-linkedSepharose 4B and then purified by chromatography on this column. (Received February 15, 1988; Accepted June 29, 1988)  相似文献   

Crataegus sanguinea is a wild plant, which has been widely grown in the north and south of the Tianshan mountains in Xinjiang. In order to explore their anti-cancer properties, edible wild plants from Xinjiang have been tested for their antitumor properties. We used Ames tests, mouse bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes micronucleus tests, and tumor cells cultured in vitro to study the anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor effects of C. sanguinea extract. We have shown that C. sanguinea has anti-mutagenic effect, but no mutagenicity. Cell culture in vitro experiments show that there is no inhibition of growth or increase in cell death on normal mouse fibroblasts, but a stronger inhibition of cell growth and an increase in cell death of Hep-2 and MGC-803 tumor cells. The results of this study illustrate that C. sanguinea extract has both anti-mutagenic and anti-tumor effects.  相似文献   

Immature embryos of different sizes and ages from commercialvarieties of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) were cultured ina range of different media. Embryos as small as 3 mm could becultured using in vitro techniques and subsequently grown intoplants. MS solid medium with 2% sucrose supplemented with 150ml l–1 coconut water was most effective in stimulatingthe germination of immature lychee embryos. Embryos of lycheewere treated to induce adventitious buds from embryonic shootsas a means of achieving multiplication. The different varietiesexhibited differences in response, with Bengal embryonic shootsproducing 15 adventitious buds after pretreatment with 100 mgl–1 BAP for 3 h. Root formation was achieved in 65% ofadventitious shoots using MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mgl–1 NAA and activated charcoal. These plants were successfullydeflasked and grown on in the glasshouse. This technique providesof means of producing some multiple shoots from lychee embryosand has value for multiplication in a breeding program wherea method of micropropagation is unavailable. Litchi chinensis Sonn., lychee, embryo culture, multiple shoots, in vitro  相似文献   

DNA electrotransfer in vivo for gene therapy is a promising method. For further clinical developments, the efficiency of the method should be increased. It has been shown previously that high efficiency of gene electrotransfer in vivo can be achieved using high-voltage (HV) and low-voltage (LV) pulses. In this study we evaluated whether HV and LV pulses could be optimized in vitro for efficient DNA electrotransfer. Experiments were performed using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. To evaluate the efficiency of DNA electrotransfer, two different plasmids coding for GFP and luciferase were used. For DNA electrotransfer experiments 50 μl of CHO cell suspension containing 100, 10 or 1 μg/ml of the plasmid were placed between plate electrodes and subjected to various combinations of HV and LV pulses. The results showed that at 100 μg/ml plasmid concentration LV pulse delivered after HV pulse increased neither the percentage of transfected cells nor the total transfection efficiency (luciferase activity). The contribution of the LV pulse was evident only at reduced concentration (10 and 1 μg/ml) of the plasmid. In comparison to HV (1,200 V/cm, 100 μs) pulse, addition of LV (100 V/cm, 100 ms) pulse increased transfection efficiency severalfold at 10 μg/ml and fivefold at 1 μg/ml. At 10 μg/ml concentration of plasmid, application of four LV pulses after HV pulse increased transfection efficiency by almost 10-fold. Thus, these results show that contribution of electrophoretic forces to DNA electrotransfer can be investigated in vitro using HV and LV pulses.  相似文献   

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