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O Reyes  M Gottesman    S Adhya 《Journal of bacteriology》1976,126(3):1108-1112
Bacterial mutations (psuA and psu) known for their ability to suppress the polarity on nonsense mutations are shown to suppress the polarity of certain insertion mutations in the gal operon. The short insertion, IS1 (800 nucleotide pairs), is about 15 to 50% suppressed, whereas longer insertions, IS2 (1,400 nucleotide pairs), and IS3 (1,200 nucleotide pairs), are not. Some of the polarity suppressor mutations (psu-1, psu-2, and psu-3) are at least partially permissive for N-gene mutations (N7 and N53) of bacteriophage lambda, suggesting a relationship between natural and mutational polar signals. That this relationship may be complex is indicated by the fact that other suppressor mutations, effective in suppressing nonsense or insertion polarity, fail entirely to permit the growth of lambda N mutants.  相似文献   

M J Palazzolo  E M Meyerowitz 《Gene》1987,52(2-3):197-206
This paper describes the construction and characterization of a family of lambda phage cDNA cloning vectors that allows high-efficiency directional cDNA cloning and selective amplification of either sense or antisense cRNA sequences. These vectors contain several unique restriction sites (EcoRI, XbaI, and SacI) positioned between two specific phage promoters, SP6 and T7. This system facilitates the in vitro preparation of single-stranded (ss) RNA molecules that should be useful in subtractive hybridization and in situ hybridization procedures. Using subtractive hybridization and this vector system, it should be possible to identify sequences present in one cDNA library and not another. In addition, it should be possible to construct subtracted cDNA libraries in these vectors and to generate high specific activity, ss, antisense cRNA probes directly from DNA prepared from the whole subtracted library or from individual clones.  相似文献   

The replication defective transducing phage λplac5O29P3 carries a portion of the E.colilac operon in the b2 region of the lambda phage. This lac operon segment contains the lac promoter, the lac operator, and the β-galactosidase z gene, but does not contain the lac repressor i gene. The z gene can be expressed from both the inserted lac promoter and the phage promoter. When E.coli strain 594 (z?, i+) or JC6256 (Δlac) is infected by λplac5O29P3 in the absence of additional cyclic AMP, β-galactosidase synthesis is shown to be expressed from the phage promoter. When 594 (λ+) or JC6256 (λ+) is infected by λplac5O29P3 in the presence of additional cyclic AMP and IPTG, β-galactosidase synthesis is shown to be expressed from the inserted lac promoter.The ability to separate the phage promoter from the inserted lac promoter for β-galactosidase expression will simplify the interpretation whenever λplac5 is used.  相似文献   

Nonrandom orientation of transposon Tn5supF insertions in phage lambda.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Kersulyte  B R Krishnan  D E Berg 《Gene》1992,114(1):91-96

DNA preparations from about hundred randomly selected clones containing mouse DNA fragments were screened for the existence of sequences complementary to long double-stranded regions of pre-mRNA able to snap back after melting (dsRNA-B). Many clones containing such sequences were found. The cloned sequences can be subdivided into three groups: (1) those complementary to about a half (at least to 30-40%) of the total dsRNA, designated as sequences B1; (2) those complementary to a part of sequence B1; and (3) sequences complementary to about a quarter (at least to 15%) of the total dsRNA referred to as sequence B2. The size of DNA sequence complementary to dsRNA is about 400 base pairs.Melting experiments with hybrids show that the members of B1 family are very similar if not identical, while the divergence among B2 sequences is higher, but still the number of substitutions does not exceed 9% of bases. Thus, the major part of dsRNA-B consists of a small number of highly abundant sequences as was suggested earlier on the basis of renaturation kinetics /1-3/. Sequences B1 and B2 are represented by many copies in the mouse genome and in pre-mRNA, and many of them probably do not form hairpin-like structures.  相似文献   

Summary Phage Mud1 cts (Apr lac), or Mud1, insertion mutations may be accompanied by adjacent deletion formation which can complicate use of lac fusions generated with this phage for gene regulatory studies. As for phage Mu insertion mutations, phage Mud1 insertions fail to revert at significant frequency (whether or not accompanied by an adjacent deletion). We describe isolation of revertible (X mutant) derivatives of phage Mud1 in Salmonella typhimurium. The X mutant derivatives allow use of reversion as a simple test to determine whether a Mud1 insertion has occurred precisely without an adjacent deletion that may have fused the lac genes to a promoter outside of the gene of interest. In addition, a simple method for stabilizing Mud1 generated lac fusions against subsequent transposition is described.  相似文献   

In phage lambda, cos is a recombinator in the red pathway   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Among lambda particles carrying chromosomes that have failed to replicate during a lytic cycle cross there is a high frequency of Red-mediated recombination near the right-hand end. Earlier work has shown that this recombination is dependent on cos (cohesive end site), the packaging origin of lambda. In contrast to the prediction of the break-copy model proposed earlier, we find a high recombination rate near cos even when only one of the two participating parents has a functional cos at that locus. The exchange is accompanied by loss of the stimulating cos in the recombination product, irrespective of the marker configurations: a+b+cos- rather than a+b+cos+ is produced in the cross a+b-cos- x a-b+cos+ as well as in the cross a+b-cos+ x a-b+cos-. Further analyses of these and earlier data allow the formulation of a detailed model for cos-stimulated, Red-mediated genetic exchange. In this model, cos stimulates exchange by virtue of being a double-strand cut site. The model has several features like that proposed for yeast. This role of cos in the Red pathway contrasts with the role of cos in the RecBC pathway, in which cos serves as an entry site for a recombinase that stimulates exchanges far from cos.  相似文献   

Yang Q  Berton N  Manning MC  Catalano CE 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14238-14247
The terminase enzyme from bacteriophage lambda is responsible for the insertion of a dsDNA genome into the confines of the viral capsid. The holoenzyme is composed of gpA and gpNu1 subunits in a gpA(1) x gpNu1(2) stoichiometry. While genetic studies have described regions within the two proteins responsible for DNA binding, capsid binding, and subunit interactions in the holoenzyme complex, biochemical characterization of these domains is limited. We have previously described the cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of a soluble DNA binding domain of the terminase gpNu1 subunit (Met1 to Lys100) and suggested that the hydrophobic region spanning Lys100 to Pro141 defines a domain responsible for self-association interactions, and that is important for cooperative DNA binding [Yang et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 465-477]. We further suggested that the genetically defined gpA-interactive domain in the C-terminal half of the protein is limited to the C-terminal approximately 40 amino acids of gpNu1. Here we describe the cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of gpNu1DeltaP141, a deletion mutant of gpNu1 that comprises the DNA binding domain and the putative hydrophobic self-assembly domain of the full-length protein. Purified gpNu1DeltaP141 shows a strong tendency to aggregate in solution; However, the protein remains soluble in 0.4 M guanidine hydrochloride, and circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopic studies demonstrate that the protein is folded under these conditions. Moreover, CD spectroscopy and thermally induced unfolding studies suggest that the DNA binding domain and the self-association domain represent independent folding domains of gpNu1DeltaP141. The mutant protein interacts weakly with the gpA subunit, but does not form a catalytically competent holoenzyme complex, suggesting that the C-terminal 40 residues are important for appropriate subunit interactions. Importantly, gpNu1DeltaP141 binds DNA tightly, but with less specificity than does full-length protein, and the data suggest that the C-terminal residues are further required for specific DNA binding activity. The implications of these results in the assembly of a functional holoenzyme complex are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda can recombine in recBC sbcB sbcC mutant cells by using its own gene orf, the Escherichia coli recO, recR, and recF genes, or both. Expression of an orf-containing plasmid complements the recombination defects of orf mutant phage. However, this clone does not complement a recO mutation for conjugational recombination or recO, recR, or recF mutations for repair of UV-induced DNA damage. A plasmid clone of orf produces a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 15 kDa.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant of was isolated that grows in the Escherichia coli himA/gyrB-him320(Ts) double mutant at 42°C; conditions which are non-permissive for wild-type growth. The responsible mutation, ohm1, alters the 40th codon of the Nul reading frame. The Nul and A gene products comprise the terminase protein which cleaves concatameric DNA into unit-length phage genomes during DNA packaging. The Nul-ohm1 gene product acts in trans to support growth in the double himA/gyrB mutant, and cos154 growth in the single himA mutant. The observation that an alteration in Nul suppresses the inhibition of growth in the double himA/gyrB mutant implicates DNA gyrase, as well as integration host factor, in the DNA: protein interactions that occur at the initiation of packaging.  相似文献   

The construction of lambda plac5 transducing phages carrying various lacZ alleles is described. Genetically disabled (N- N- P-) lambda plac transducing the phages were used to study the dependence of specialized transduction on host RecA function and on the location of the lacZ gene in the recipient strain. In the absence of site-specific recombination at att lambda, transduction was completely dependent on host RecA function. Regardless of the configuration of att lambda, lambda plac transducing phages recombined at a 20- to 50-fold higher frequency with F42 lac than with a lac gene located in the cellular chromosome. Deletion mutants of lacZ in the recipient strain were used to show that the probability of lac recombination resulting from lambda plac infection is apparently proportional to the amount of homology between the parental lacZ genes.  相似文献   

A mini-Mu bacteriophage, containing the cohesive-end packaging site (cos) from a lambda-phi 80 hybrid phage, a high-copy-number plasmid replicon, and a kanamycin-resistance gene for independent selection, was constructed to clone genes in vivo. This mini-Mu element can be derepressed to transpose at a high frequency. DNA segments that become flanked by copies of this mini-Mu element in the same orientation can be packaged by a helper lambda phage. The resulting lambda lysate can be used to infect recipient cells where the injected DNA can circularize by annealing at the cos termini. Drug-resistant transductants obtained carry the mini-Mu-replicon cosmid element with inserts of different nucleotide sequences. These are analogous to recombinant DNA clones generated in vitro with restriction endonuclease cutting and ligase joining reactions replaced by the Mu transposition process. Clones of particular genes were isolated by their ability to complement specific mutations. Both recA+ and recA- recipient cells can be used with equal efficiency. Clones obtained with a helper lambda phage require the presence of the cos site in the mini-Mu replicon. They carry larger inserts than those isolated with the same mini-Mu element and Mu as a helper phage. The mini-Mu replicon-cosmid bacteriophage contains a lac-gene fusing segment for isolating fusions of lac operon DNA to gene control regions in the cloned sequences. Independent clones of a particular gene can be used to prepare a restriction map of the gene and its flanking regions.  相似文献   

Summary Concatenand molecules of lambda DNA were formed even in a recombination dificient system (Int-Red-Rec-) in the late stage of phage growth. No significant difference was observed in the formation of concatemers between recombination deficient and proficient systems. These results suggest that concatemer formation is an intrinsic nature of replication in the late stage. The possibility of concatemer formation by molecular exchanges which do not contribute genetic recombination is not excluded.This paper is the sixth of a series Replication of bacteriophage DNA the fourth and fifth of which are J. Tomizawa, and Y. Sakakibara and J. Tomizawa in Bacteriophage lambda ed. A. D. Hershey, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. in press.  相似文献   

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