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Two hydrophobic proteins have been purified to homogeneity from a mixture of about 13 proteins that are extracted from bovine mitochondria with a chloroform:methanol mixture. Sequence analysis shows that the smaller is a protein of 66 amino acids and is the product of a mitochondrial gene, A6L. The larger, a protein of 226 amino acids, is ATPase-6, a membrane component of ATP synthase, also encoded in mitochondrial DNA. The protein sequences determined establish that the genes for the two proteins overlap by 40 bases and indicate that translation of the second gene, ATPase-6, is initiated within the coding region of A6L. The A6L and the ATPase-6 proteins have also been isolated from the ATP synthase complex and so appear to be bona fide components of the enzyme. The function of A6L is unknown. However, weak structural homology suggests a functional similarity to the yeast mitochondrial protein, aapI, which is required for assembly of the fungal ATP synthase complex. Homologies between ATPase-6 and subunit a of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase complex indicate that the ATPase-6 protein has a similar role in the mitochondrial complex to its bacterial counterpart, being essential for the formation of an active proton channel.  相似文献   

On the structure of the stator of the mitochondrial ATP synthase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The structure of most of the peripheral stalk, or stator, of the F-ATPase from bovine mitochondria, determined at 2.8 A resolution, contains residues 79-183, 3-123 and 5-70 of subunits b, d and F6, respectively. It consists of a continuous curved alpha-helix about 160 A long in the single b-subunit, augmented by the predominantly alpha-helical d- and F6-subunits. The structure occupies most of the peripheral stalk in a low-resolution structure of the F-ATPase. The long helix in subunit b extends from near to the top of the F1 domain to the surface of the membrane domain, and it probably continues unbroken across the membrane. Its uppermost region interacts with the oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein, bound to the N-terminal region of one alpha-subunit in the F1 domain. Various features suggest that the peripheral stalk is probably rigid rather than resembling a flexible rope. It remains unclear whether the transient storage of energy required by the rotary mechanism takes place in the central stalk or in the peripheral stalk or in both domains.  相似文献   

Subunit b of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis, acetone precipitated and after ion-pair extraction redissolved in a buffer either containing n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside or sodium cholate. The secondary structure of isolated subunit b was shown to be the same as within the FO complex, but was strongly dependent on the detergent used for replacement of the phospholipid environment. This was shown by an identical tryptic digestion pattern, which was strongly influenced by the detergent used for solubilization. An influence of the detergent n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside on the secondary structure of the hydrophilic part of subunit b was also shown for the soluble part of the polypeptide comprising residues Val25 to Leu156 (bsol) using CD spectroscopy. In order to determine the secondary structure of subunit b in its native conformation, isolated subunit b was reconstituted into E. coli lipid vesicles and analyzed with CD spectroscopy. The resulting spectrum revealed a secondary structure composition of 80% alpha helix together with 14% beta turn conformation. These results suggest that subunit b is not a rigid rod-like alpha helix simply linking F1 to FO, but rather provides an inherent flexibility for the storage of elastic energy within the second stalk generated by rotational movements within the F1FO complex.  相似文献   

The system coordinating expressions of nuclear coded mitochondrial proteins was investigated by examination of the 5'-flanking region of the human mitochondrial ATP synthase beta-subunit gene. The promoter activity was measured by a transient expression of a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene connected with various 5'-deletion mutants of the 5'-flanking region. In this experiment, at least two regions enhanced this promoter activity and at least one region repressed it. In one of the enhancing regions, a consensus sequence was found for the genes of other mitochondrial proteins such as those for cytochrome c1 (Suzuki, H., Hosokawa, Y., Nishikimi, M., and Ozawa, T. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 1368-1374) and the pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (Maragos, C., Hutchison, W. M., Hayasaka, K., Brown, G. K., and Dahl, H.-H. M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 12294-12298; Ohta, S., Endo, H., Matsuda, K., and Kagawa, Y. (1989) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 573, 458-460). The characteristics of this enhancing element were examined by introducing a synthetic oligonucleotide element into the CAT plasmid with a deleted enhancing element. The resulting plasmid showed full recovery of promoter activity, and this activity was independent of the orientation or location of the insert. Therefore, this is an enhancer that may be common to the nuclear genes of some mitochondrial proteins involved in energy transduction.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase enzyme structure includes two stalk assemblies, the central stalk and the peripheral stalk. Catalysis involves rotation of the central stalk assembly together with the membrane-embedded ring of c-subunits driven by the trans-membrane proton-motive force, while the alpha and beta-subunits of F(1) are prevented from co-rotating by their attachment to the peripheral stalk. In the absence of structures of either the intact peripheral stalk or larger complexes containing it, we are studying its individual components and their interactions to build up an overall picture of its structure. Here, we describe an NMR structural characterisation of F(6), which is a 76-residue protein located in the peripheral stalk of the bovine ATP synthase and is essential for coupling between the proton-motive force and catalysis. Isolated F(6) has a highly flexible structure comprising two helices packed together through a loose hydrophobic core and connected by an unstructured linker. Analysis of chemical shifts, (15)N relaxation and RDC measurements confirm that the F(6) structure is flexible on a wide range of timescales ranging from nanoseconds to seconds. The relationship between this structure for isolated F(6) and its role in the intact peripheral stalk is discussed.  相似文献   

The polypeptides exposed to lipids in the membranous F0 sector of the mitochondrial and Escherichia coli ATP synthases were labelled with radioactive photoreactive lipids. Highly resolving gel electrophoretic conditions were used in order to separate all the eighteen components forming the bovine heart mitochondrial enzyme. The hydrophobic labelling was performed on fully active and inhibitor-sensitive ATP synthases. In the mitochondrial enzyme prepared according to Serrano et al. (1976) [J. Biol. Chem. 251, 2453-2461] seven polypeptides of Mr 30500; 11500; 10500; 10000; 9500; 8500 and 4500 were labelled. The major amount of radioactivity was associated with the 30500-Mr component, which is thought to be the adenine nucleotide carrier. In the preparation of Galante et al., (1979) which almost completely lacks this component [J. Biol. Chem. 254, 12372-12378] nine polypeptides of Mr 25000; 21000; 11500; 10500; 10000; 9500; 9200; 8500 and 4500 were labelled. In the ATPase synthase from E. coli the major amount of labelling was associated with subunit b and only a minor portion with subunit c.  相似文献   

Recent work has focused on obtaining a better understanding of the three-dimensional structural relationships between the alpha and beta subunits of the F1 moiety and the location of nucleotide binding domains within these subunits. Four types of approach are currently being pursued: X-ray crystallographic, chemical, molecular biological and biochemical. Here we briefly review some of the major conclusions of these studies, and point out some of the problems that must be resolved before an adequate model that relates structure to function in the ATP synthase molecule can be formulated.  相似文献   

The yeast ATP synthase subunit 4: structure and function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of ATP synthase subunit 4 was determined by using the oligonucleotide probe procedure. This subunit is the fourth polypeptide of the complex when classifying subunits in order of decreasing molecular mass. Its relative molecular mass is 25 kDa. The ATP4 gene was isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence predicts that subunit 4 is probably derived from a precursor protein 244 amino acids long. Mature subunit 4 contains 209 amino acid residues and the predicted molecular mass is 23250 kDa. Subunit 4 shows homology with the b-subunit of Escherichia coli ATP synthase and the b-subunit of beef heart mitochondrial ATP synthase. By using homologous transformation, a mutant lacking wild subunit 4 was constructed. This mutant is devoid of oxidative phosphorylation and F1 is loosely bound to the membrane. Our data are in favor of a structural relationship between subunit 4 and the mitochondrially-translated subunit 6 during biogenesis of F0.  相似文献   

G Kaim  P Dimroth 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(20):5887-5895
The mechanism by which ion-flux through the membrane-bound motor module (F0) induces rotational torque, driving the rotation of the gamma subunit, was probed with a Na+-translocating hybrid ATP synthase. The ATP-dependent occlusion of 1 (22)Na+ per ATP synthase persisted after modification of the c subunit ring with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), when 22Na+ was added first and ATP second, but not if the order of addition was reversed. These results support the model of ATP-driven rotation of the c subunit oligomer (rotor) versus subunit a (stator) that stops when either a 22Na+-loaded or a DCCD-modified rotor subunit reaches the Na+-impermeable stator. The ATP synthase with a Na+-permeable stator catalyzed 22Na+out/Na+in-exchange after reconstitution into proteoliposomes, which was not significantly affected by DCCD modification of the c subunit oligomer, but was abolished by the additional presence of ATP or by a membrane potential (DeltaPsi) of 90 mV. We propose that in the idling mode of the motor, Na+ ions are shuttled across the membrane by limited back and forth movements of the rotor against the stator. This motional flexibility is arrested if either ATP or DeltaPsi induces the switch from idling into a directed rotation. The Propionigenium modestum ATP synthase catalyzed ATP formation with DeltaPsi of 60-125 mV but not with DeltapNa+ of 195 mV. These results demonstrate that electric forces are essential for ATP synthesis and lead to a new concept of rotary-torque generation in the ATP synthase motor.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating ATP synthase from chloroplasts and cyanobacteria forms ATP upon photosynthetic electron transport by using the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. Both enzymes contain nine different subunits and from the similarity in gene organisation and the high degree of amino acid sequence homology of the subunits it appears that these ATP synthases might have a common ancestor. Both enzymes need to be activated by membrane energisation in order to perform catalytic activity but, in contrast to the chloroplast ATP synthase, that from the studied cyanobacteria (with the exception of Spirulina platensis ) shows no effect of the redox state on activation. Functionally, the cyanobacterial enzyme corresponds to the reduced form of the chloroplast ATP synthase. In the chloroplast enzyme a stretch of 9 amino acids, including two cysteines in the γ-subunit, is involved in this redox effect and this stretch is absent in cyanobacteria. With γ-mutants from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 the role of this stretch is studied. When active, both the cyanobacterial and the reduced chloroplast ATP synthase transport 4 protons per ATP synthesised and hydrolysed. This ratio may depend on the environment of the enzyme such as protein and lipid composition and pH.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase capacity of rat heart myocytes can be measured in sonicated cell suspensions and in sonicated preparations of cultured cardiomyocytes. This procedure allows the rapid measurement of mitochondrial function in response to changes in the metabolic status of the cell. In cultured myocytes, transitions in ATP synthase capacity (with no detectable change in cellular ATP concentration) accompany a change to anoxia or electrically stimulated contraction (rise of 70%). These changes are reversed on returning to the original conditions. Exposure of myocytes to low pH has little effect on basal ATP synthase capacity (down to values less than pH 6), but markedly affects cellular ATP levels and the response of the cells to anoxia and reoxygenation, possibly mimicking changes seen in ischaemic heart. Similar effects are seen in suspensions of freshly prepared myocytes, but these preparations are less stable and more pH-sensitive than are cells in culture. It is proposed that mitochondria in vivo are directly regulated at the level of the ATP synthase, and that a regulator protein, the naturally occurring inhibitor protein from mitochondria, may be responsible for this regulation.  相似文献   

Factor B and the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Factor B is a subunit of the mammalian ATP synthase complex, whose existence has been controversial. This paper describes the molecular and functional properties of a recombinant human factor B, which when added to bovine submitochondrial particles depleted of their factor B restores the energy coupling activity of the ATP synthase complexes. The mature human factor B has 175 amino acids and a molecular mass of 20,341 Da. The preparation is water-soluble, monomeric, and is inactivated by monothiol- and especially dithiol-modifying reagents, probably reacting at its cysteine residues Cys-92 and Cys-94. A likely factor B gene composed of 5 exons has been identified on chromosome 14q21.3, and the functional role of factor B in the mammalian ATP synthase complex has been discussed.  相似文献   

ATP synthase, or F-ATPase, purified from bovine heart mitochondria in the absence of phospholipids is an assembly of 16 different subunits. In the presence of exogenous phospholipids, two additional hydrophobic proteins, a 6.8kDa proteolipid and diabetes associated protein in insulin sensitive tissue (DAPIT), were associated with the purified complex, with DAPIT at sub-stoichiometric levels. Both proteins are conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates, but not in fungi, and prokaryotic F-ATPases do not contain orthologues of either of them. Therefore, their roles are likely to be peripheral to the synthesis of ATP.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(12):2137-2147.e4
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J Miki  M Maeda  Y Mukohata  M Futai 《FEBS letters》1988,232(1):221-226
cDNA clones encoding the gamma-subunit of chloroplast ATP synthase were isolated from a spinach library using synthetic oligonucleotide probes. The predicted amino acid sequence indicated that the mature chloroplast gamma-subunit consists of 323 amino acid residues and is highly homologous (55% identical residues) with the sequence of the cyanobacterial subunit. The positions of the four cysteine residues were identified. The carboxyl-terminal region of the chloroplast gamma-subunit is highly homologous with those of the gamma-subunits from six other sources (bacteria and mitochondria) sequenced thus far.  相似文献   

Mutations in human mitochondrial DNA are a well recognized cause of disease. A mutation at nucleotide position 8993 of human mitochondrial DNA, located within the gene for ATP synthase subunit 6, is associated with the neurological muscle weakness, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome. To enable analysis of this mutation in control nuclear backgrounds, two different cell lines were transformed with mitochondria carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA. Transformant cell lines had decreased ATP synthesis capacity, and many also had abnormally high levels of two ATP synthase sub-complexes, one of which was F(1)-ATPase. A combination of metabolic labeling and immunoblotting experiments indicated that assembly of ATP synthase was slowed and that the assembled holoenzyme was unstable in cells carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA compared with control cells. These findings indicate that altered assembly and stability of ATP synthase are underlying molecular defects associated with the NARP mutation in subunit 6 of ATP synthase, yet intrinsic enzyme activity is also compromised.  相似文献   

ATP synthase from bovine mitochondria is a complex of 13 different polypeptides, whereas the Escherichia coli enzyme is simpler and contains eight subunits only. Two of the bovine subunits, b and d, which had not been characterized, have been isolated from the purified enzyme. Subunits with sizes corresponding to bovine subunits b and d are evident in preparations of the enzyme from mitochondria of other species. Partial protein sequences have been determined by direct methods. On the basis of some of this information, two oligonucleotide mixtures, 17 and 18 bases in length, have been synthesized and used as hybridization probes in the isolation of clones of the cognate cDNAs. The sequences of the two proteins have been deduced from their DNA sequences. Subunit b is 214 amino acid residues in length and has a free N terminus. Subunit d is 160 amino acid residues long. Its N-terminal alanine is blocked by an N-acetyl group, as demonstrated by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of N-terminal peptides. The sequence near the N terminus of the b subunit is made predominantly of hydrophobic residues, whereas the remainder of the protein is mainly hydrophilic. This N-terminal hydrophobic region may be folded into an alpha-helical structure spanning the lipid bilayer. In its distribution of hydrophobic residues, this protein resembles the b subunits of ATP synthase complexes in bacteria and chloroplasts. The b subunit in E. coli forms an important structural link between the extramembrane sector of the enzyme F1, and the intrinsic membrane domain, FO. It is proposed that the bovine mitochondrial subunit b serves a similar function. If this is so, the mitochondrial enzyme, as the chloroplast ATP synthase, contains equivalent subunits to all eight of those that constitute the E. coli enzyme. Subunit d has no extensive hydrophobic sequences, and is not apparently related to any subunit described in the simpler ATP synthases in bacteria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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