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Regulation of PTEN activity by its carboxyl-terminal autoinhibitory domain   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The regulation of PTEN intrinsic biochemical properties has not been fully elucidated. In this report, we investigated the role of the PTEN carboxyl-terminal tail domain in regulating its membrane targeting and catalytic functions. Characterization of a panel of PTEN phosphorylation site mutants revealed that mutating Ser-385 to alanine (S385A) promoted membrane localization in vivo and phosphatase activity in vitro. Furthermore, S385A mutation was associated with a substantial reduction in the phosphorylation of the Ser-380/Thr-382/Thr-383 cluster. Therefore, Ser-385 could prime additional dephosphorylation events to regulate PTEN catalytic activity. Moreover, substituting Ser-380/Thr-382/Thr-383 to phosphomimic residues reversed the phosphatase activity of the S385A mutation. Next, we further defined the underlying mechanisms responsible for the COOH-terminal tail region in modulating PTEN biological activity. We have identified an interaction between the 71-amino acid carboxyl-terminal tail region and the CBRIII motif of the C2 domain, which has been implicated in membrane binding. In addition, a synthetic phosphomimic peptide encompassing the phosphorylation site cluster between amino acids 368 and 390 within the tail region mediated the suppression of PTEN catalytic activity in vitro. This same peptide when expressed in cultured cells also impeded PTEN membrane localization and enhanced phospho-Akt levels. Thus, our data suggest that the COOH-terminal tail can act as an autoinhibitory domain to control both PTEN membrane recruitment and phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Identification of an autoinhibitory domain in calcineurin   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The hypothesis that calcineurin, the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, contains an autoinhibitory domain was tested using synthetic peptides corresponding to regions of the carboxyl-terminus of calcineurin. Of the several peptides analyzed, one, containing residues I-T-S-F-E-E-A-K-G-L-D-R-I-N-E-R-M-P-P-R-R-D-A-M-P, gave complete inhibition of its protein phosphatase activity. Using [32P]myosin light chain as substrate an IC50 of about 10 microM was obtained with either native calcineurin, assayed in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin, or with calcineurin subjected to partial proteolysis which converts it to a fully active phosphatase when assayed in the presence of [ethylenebis (oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid. With 50 mM p-nitrophenylphosphate as substrate an IC50 of about 40 microM was observed. Studies with overlapping peptides suggested that the sequence P-P-R-R-D-A-M-P was essential but not sufficient for the observed inhibition. Kinetic analysis indicated that the inhibition of phosphatase activity was not competitive with respect to [32P]myosin light chain. This peptide did not show significant inhibition of the catalytic subunits of protein phosphatases type I or type IIA or of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. These results indicate that amino acids within this sequence of calcineurin constitute a unique autoinhibitory domain which interacts with the active site and is responsible for the low basal phosphatase activity in the absence of Ca2+/calmodulin.  相似文献   

We have investigated a role for the amino-terminal FERM-like domain of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as a negative regulator of its own activity and phosphorylation state. Deletion of the first 375 amino acids from the amino terminus of FAK increases its catalytic activity in vitro, its phosphorylation when expressed in mammalian cells, and the phosphorylation of a FAK substrate, paxillin. Deletion mutants are phosphorylated in suspension, suggesting that they are no longer regulated by adhesion. The amino terminus of FAK can interact with the kinase domain of FAK in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that it might act as an autoinhibitor of FAK activity. The amino terminus of FAK can act in trans to inhibit FAK phosphorylation when expressed in mammalian cells or to directly inhibit FAK activity in vitro. Expression of the amino terminus of FAK inhibits cell cycle progression in CHO cells, consistent with its inhibition of FAK phosphorylation and function in trans. A glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing the cytoplasmic tail of the beta1 integrin stimulates FAK activity in vitro, suggesting that FAK could be regulated by molecular interactions with the amino terminus. Based on these and previous data, we propose a working model for activation of FAK in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A variety of cellular stresses activate the stress-responsive mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases p38 and JNK. In this study, we studied the activation mechanism of a human MAP kinase kinase kinase, MTK1 (also known as MEKK4), which mediates activation of both p38 and JNK. MTK1 has an extensive N-terminal noncatalytic domain composed of approximately 1,300 amino acids. Full-length or near full-length MTK1 is catalytically inactive when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, as it is in mammalian cells. Deletion of a segment including positions 253 to 553 activates kinase, indicating that this segment contains the autoinhibitory domain. In the autoinhibited conformation, the MTK1 kinase domain cannot interact with its substrate, MKK6. By a functional complementation screening with yeast cells, GADD45 proteins (GADD45alpha, beta, and gamma) were identified as MTK1 activators. GADD45 proteins bind a site in MTK1 near the inhibitory domain and relieve autoinhibition. Mutants of full-length MTK1 were isolated that can interact with MKK6 in the absence of the activator GADD45 proteins. These MTK1 mutants are constitutively active, in both yeast and mammalian cells. A model of MTK1 autoinhibition by the N-terminal inhibitory domain and activation by GADD45 binding is presented.  相似文献   

WNK family protein kinases are large enzymes that contain the catalytic lysine in a unique position compared with all other protein kinases. These enzymes have been linked to a genetically defined form of hypertension. In this study we introduced mutations to test hypotheses about the position of the catalytic lysine, and we examined mechanisms involved in the regulation of WNK1 activity. Through the analysis of enzyme fragments and sequence alignments, we have identified an autoinhibitory domain of WNK1. This isolated domain, conserved in all four WNKs, suppressed the activity of the WNK1 kinase domain. Mutation of two key residues in this autoinhibitory domain attenuated its ability to inhibit WNK kinase activity. Consistent with these results, the same mutations in a WNK1 fragment that contain the autoinhibitory domain increased its kinase activity. We also found that WNK1 expressed in bacteria is autophosphorylated; autophosphorylation on serine 382 in the activation loop is required for its activity.  相似文献   

Elevation of the intracellular calcium concentration is necessary for cell growth and the activation of several lymphokine genes. The immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporin A and FK506 profoundly inhibit the calcium-dependent signaling pathway in T lymphocytes by interfering with the activity of the calcium/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase, calcineurin (CN). Little is known, however, about how activation of CN enzyme activity or interaction with its substrate, nuclear factor of activated T cell (NF-AT), is regulated. We show here that the binding of CaM to CN may affect the conformation of CN at both the CaM-binding and the autoinhibitory (AI) domains and that this is critical for activation of CN to dephosphorylate NF-AT. Dissociation of the AI domain from the enzyme active site on CN leads to expose a binding site for NF-AT at the N terminus of CN and allows the CN binding to NF-AT. Since the cytoplasmic form of NF-AT can interact with CN mutants lacking enzyme activity, the interaction of the two molecules is independent of CN enzyme activity and occurs prior to the dephosphorylation of NF-AT. Dephosphorylation converts NF-AT from the cytoplasmic to the nuclear form by exposing the DNA-binding domain on NF-AT, and the nuclear form of NF-AT brings CN together into the nuclei. We therefore propose that the activation of CN by the CaM binding independently regulates the interaction with NF-AT and the dephosphorylation of NF-AT.  相似文献   

Autoinhibitory domain (AID) of calcineurin (CN) was discovered two decades ago. Fewer investigations are reported to find out shortest possible peptide from the AID for CN inhibition. Hence, this study has focused on screening of nearly 150 peptide fragments derived from the AID using in silico method. Therefore, we have employed docking studies, aiming to analyze the best pose of AID-derived peptides on CN active site. We also analyzed binding free energy (ΔG) of docked complex using molecular mechanics/generalized Born surface area (MM/GBSA). MM/GBSA predicts two short peptides P1 and P2 found to be lowest binding free energy. Two peptides exhibit better binding affinity with CN, suggests that the possible candidates for potential CN inhibition. Further, the stability of the docked complex was analyzed using molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. MD study shows that CNA:P2 is the most stable complex than CN A:P1 and CN A:AID. Besides, we have synthesized and purified P1 and P2 peptides over high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) found to be 90.31% and 98.93% of purity, respectively. In addition, AID peptides were characterized over mass spectral analysis. Peptides were subjected to CN inhibitory assay using malachite green method. Where, P1 and P2 exhibit CN inhibition better than AID. In particular, shortest peptide P2 shows highest inhibitory activity than AID. Enzyme assay reveals CN inhibitory activity of P2 peptide is consistent within silico results. In silico and in vitro, results corroborated each other to confirm short peptide P2 can be used as a potential CN inhibitor.  相似文献   

The development of inhibitors of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP), a membrane-bound zinc metallopeptidase, is a promising approach for the discovery of drugs for the treatment of memory loss such as that associated with Alzheimer's disease. There is, however, no consensus in the literature about the mechanism by which inhibition occurs. Sequence alignments, secondary structure predictions, and homology models based on the structures of recently determined related metallopeptidases suggest that the extracellular region consists of four domains. Partial proteolysis and mass spectrometry reported here confirm some of the domain boundaries. We have produced purified recombinant fragments of human IRAP on the basis of these data and examined their kinetic and biochemical properties. Full-length extracellular constructs assemble as dimers with different nonoverlapping fragments dimerizing as well, suggesting an extended dimer interface. Only recombinant fragments containing domains 1 and 2 possess aminopeptidase activity and bind the radiolabeled hexapeptide inhibitor, angiotensin IV (Ang IV). However, fragments lacking domains 3 and 4 possess reduced activity, although they still bind a range of inhibitors with the same affinity as longer fragments. In the presence of Ang IV, IRAP is resistant to proteolysis, suggesting significant conformational changes occur upon binding of the inhibitor. We show that IRAP has a second Zn(2+) binding site, not associated with the catalytic region, which is lost upon binding Ang IV. Modulation of activity caused by domains 3 and 4 is consistent with a conformational change regulating access to the active site of IRAP.  相似文献   

In glutamate-mediated excitatory neuronal cell death, immunosuppressants (FK506, Cys-A) are powerful agents that protect neurons from apoptosis. Immunosuppressants inhibit two types of enzyme, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (calcineurin: CaN), and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans-isomerase (PPIase) activity such as the FKBP family. In this study, we used a protein transduction approach to determine the functional role of CaN and to produce a potential therapeutic agent for glutamate-mediated neuronal cell death. We created a novel cell-permeable CaN autoinhibitory peptide using the 11 arginine protein transduction domain. This peptide was highly efficient at transducing into primary culture neurons, potently inhibited CaN phosphatase activities, and inhibited glutamate-mediated neuronal cell death. These results showed that CaN plays an important role in excitatory neuronal cell death and cell-permeable CaN autoinhibitory peptide could be a new drug to protect neurons from excitatory neuronal death.  相似文献   

Calcineurin purified from bovine brain is shown to possess phosphotyrosyl -protein phosphatase activity towards proteins phosphorylated by the epidermal growth factor receptor/kinase. The phosphatase activity is augmented by Ca2+/calmodulin or divalent cation (Ni2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Mg2+ greater than Co2+). In the simultaneous presence of all three effectors, the enzymatic activity is synergistically increased. Ca2+/calmodulin activates the Mg2+-supported activity by decreasing the Km value for phosphotyrosyl -casein from 2.2 to 0.6 microM, and increasing the Vmax from 0.4 to 4.6 nmol/min/mg. These results represent the first demonstration that calcineurin can dephosphorylate phosphotyrosyl -proteins and suggest a novel mechanism of activation of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Membrane-type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) has transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, which target it to invasive fronts. We analyzed the role of the cytoplasmic tail by expressing wild type MT1-MMP and three mutants with progressively truncated C termini in human Bowes melanoma cells. We examined gelatinase A activation and the localization and processing of recombinant proteins in stable cell clones using gelatin zymography, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence. Cell invasion was analyzed in vitro by Matrigel invasion assays. Gelatinase A was activated in all cell clones. However, the localization of MT1-MMP to the leading edge of migrating cells and cell invasion through Matrigel were strongly enhanced only in cells expressing either wild type or truncated MT1-MMP lacking 6 C-terminal amino acid residues (Delta577). Truncations of 10 or 16 amino acid residues in the cytoplasmic domain (Delta567 and Delta573, respectively) disturbed MT1-MMP localization. The expression of wild type and Delta577 MT1-MMPs induced also their cleavage to 43-kDa cell surface forms and the release of soluble, approximately 20-kDa N-terminal fragments containing the catalytic center. A synthetic MMP inhibitor but not a gelatinase inhibitor prevented the processing, suggesting that autocatalytic cleavage occurs. Purified soluble MT1-MMP was also autoproteolytically processed to 43- and 20-kDa forms in vitro. Our results indicate that the cytoplasmic domain has an important role in cell invasion by controlling both the targeting and degradation/turnover of MT1-MMP.  相似文献   

Protein kinases. Regulation by autoinhibitory domains   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Calcineurin (CN) dephosphorylated [32P] phosphotyrosyl glutamine synthetase, a model phosphoprotein substrate containing approximately 1 mol of phosphotyrosine per mol subunit. Phosphatase activity with and without calmodulin (CaM) was greatly stimulated by Mn2+; with Ca2+, even in the presence of CaM, activity was very low. CaM-stimulated phosphatase activity exhibited deactivation with time; initial rates declined markedly after 2-3 min. The Michaelis constant for substrate (3 microM) was identical whether 2 or 12 min assays (with CaM) were used suggesting that the decreased rate of hydrolysis did not result from a decrease in affinity for the phosphoprotein substrate. Limited proteolysis of CN by chymotrypsin increased phosphatase activity 2-3 times that of CaM-supported activity; however, addition of CaM to assays with protease-activated CN reduced activity to that observed for non-proteolyzed enzyme. These data suggest that, in addition to stimulation, CaM can inhibit certain activated conformations of the phosphatase.  相似文献   

Product and substrate analogs have been employed as inhibitors of the low-molecular-weight phosphatase activity of calcineurin, a calmodulin-activated protein phosphatase. Product inhibition kinetics demonstrate that both products, para-nitrophenol and inorganic phosphate, inhibit para-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis in a competitive manner. Inorganic phosphate is a linear competitive inhibitor, whereas the inhibition by para-nitrophenol is more complex. An analog of para-nitrophenol, pentafluorophenol, was found to be a linear competitive inhibitor. These patterns indicate a rapid equilibrium random kinetic mechanism for calcineurin. This mechanism suggests that calcineurin does not generate a phosphoryl enzyme during its catalytic reaction. Application of sulfate analogs indicates that binding of substrate occurs via the phosphoryl moiety. It is suggested that binding is a function of the affinity of ligand for the metal ion involved in calcineurin action. The dependence of the kinetic parameters of calcineurin upon pH was examined to provide information concerning the role of protonation in the activity and specificity of calcineurin. Log (VM) versus pH data for two low-molecular-weight substrates, para-nitrophenyl phosphate and tyrosine-O-phosphate, reveal a pKa value for the enzyme-substrate complex. Analysis of log (VM/KM) data yields a pKa value for the free enzyme of 8.0. Protonation of the phenolic leaving group during hydrolysis is not the rate-limiting step in calcineurin catalysis.  相似文献   

Mice lacking dopamine D2 receptors exhibit a significantly decreased agonist-promoted forebrain neocortical D1 receptor activation that occurs without changes in D1 receptor expression levels. This raises the possibility that, in brains of D2 mutants, a substantial portion of D1 receptors are uncoupled from their G protein, a phenomenon known as receptor desensitization. To test this, we examined D1-agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding (in the presence and absence of protein phosphatase inhibitors) and cAMP production (in the presence and absence of pertussis toxin) in forebrain neocortical tissues of wild-type mice and D2-receptor mutants. These studies revealed a decreased agonist-stimulated G-protein activation in D2 mutants. Moreover, whereas protein phosphatase 1/2A (PP1/2A) and 2B (PP2B) inhibitors decrease [35S]GTPgammaS binding in a concentration-dependent manner in wild type, they have either no (PP2B) or only partial (PP1/2A) effects in D2 mutants. Furthermore, for D2 mutants, immunoprecipitation experiments revealed increased basal and D1-agonist-stimulated phosphorylation of D1-receptor proteins at serine residues. Finally, D1 immunoprecipitates of both wild type and D2 mutants also contain protein kinase A (PKA) and PP2B immunoreactivities. In D2 mutants, however, the catalytic activity of the immunoprecipitated PP2B is abolished. These data indicate that neocortical D1 receptors are physically linked to PKA and PP2B and that the increased phosphorylation of D1 receptors in brains of D2 mutants is due to defective dephosphorylation of the receptor rather than increased kinase-mediated phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of a synthase phosphatase reaction inhibited by ATP-Mg in a liver glycogen particle preparation were complex. In the presence of a physiological concentration of ATP-Mg, synthase phosphatase activity in the glycogen particle follows a biphasic course. Initially, the reaction was inhibited but later the reaction rate accelerated. The reaction was inhibited but the rate was constant in the presence of ATP-Mg with the addition of a physiological concentration of glucose 6-phosphate (Glc 6-P). Therefore, in most subsequent experiments Glc 6-P was added. The concentration of ATP-Mg at which 50% maximal inhibition (I0.5) occurred was approximately 0.1 mM in preparations obtained from rats given glucagon prior to being killed. In preparations from animals given glucose, the I0.5 was increased to 2.0 mM. The maximum inhibition was little changed in preparations from glucose- or glucagon-treated animals. Thus, administration of glucose in vivo reduced the sensitivity of the synthase phosphatase to ATP-Mg inhibition. Complexes of ATP with paramagnetic ions such as Co2+ and Mn2+ were less inhibitory than complexes with diamagnetic ions, including Ca2+ and Mg2+. Magnesium complexes of adenosine tetraphosphate and 5'-adenylimidodiphosphate also were inhibitory. Inhibition was independent of phosphorylase a and not a nonspecific, polyvalent anion effect. The best explanation for the distinctive effects of ATP-Mg in preparations from glucagon- and glucose-treated animals is that the respective treatments promote and stabilize different forms of synthase D or possibly synthase phosphatase with different affinities for ATP-Mg. These forms are interconvertible, as previously suggested, in studies employing EDTA (20).  相似文献   

RPTPmu is a receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP) whose ectodomain mediates homotypic cell-cell interactions. The intracellular part of RPTPmu contains a relatively long juxtamembrane domain (158 amino acids; aa) and two conserved phosphatase domains (C1 and C2). The membrane-proximal C1 domain is responsible for the catalytic activity of RPTPmu, whereas the membrane-distal C2 domain serves an unknown function. The regulation of RPTP activity remains poorly understood, although dimerization has been proposed as a general mechanism of inactivation. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we find that the C1 domain binds to an N-terminal noncatalytic region in RPTPmu, termed JM (aa 803-955), consisting of a large part of the juxtamembrane domain (120 aa) and a small part of the C1 domain (33 aa). When co-expressed in COS cells, the JM polypeptide binds to both the C1 and the C2 domain. Strikingly, the isolated JM polypeptide fails to interact with either full-length RPTPmu or with truncated versions of RPTPmu that contain the JM region, consistent with the JM-C1 and JM-C2 interactions being intramolecular rather than intermolecular. Furthermore, we find that large part of the juxtamembrane domain (aa 814-922) is essential for C1 to be catalytically active. Our findings suggest a model in which RPTPmu activity is regulated by the juxtamembrane domain undergoing intramolecular interactions with both the C1 and C2 domain.  相似文献   

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