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Macroseta Erséus, 1975 is considered a junior synonym to Bathydrilus Cook, 1970 after examination of the type material of B. asymmetricus Cook, 1970. Bathydrilus is defined mainly by its organization of the male duct: vas deferens entering ectal half of atrium, one prostate gland attached to ectal part of atrium, near entrance of vas deferens, another prostate attached to apical, ental end of atrium. B. atlanticus sp.n., B. hadalis sp.n., B. meridianus sp.n., B. graciliatriatus sp.n. and B. longus sp.n. are described from specimens collected from various parts of the world; most of the species are deep-sea forms. Phallodrilus rohdei Jamieson, 1977 and Phallodrilus adriaticus Hrabe', 1971 are transferred to Bathydrilus , and a Caribbean/Bermudian form is described as B. adriaticus trisetosus subsp.n. The taxonomy and morphology of the different species, including B. rarisetis (Erséus, 1975) comb.n., are discussed. Bathydrilus is included in the sub-family Phallodrilinae. It appears closely related to Phallodrilus Pierantoni, 1902, from which it is distinguished principally by differences in the relative positions of the vasa deferentia, the atria and the prostate glands.  相似文献   

The definition of Marcusaedrilus Righi & Kanner, 1979, is modified to include M. hummelincki Righi & Kanner, 1979, M. luteolus sp.n. (both from the Caribbean), and six new species from the Great Barrier Reef, M. grandiculus sp.n., M. minusculus sp.n., M. tuber sp.n., M. capricornae sp.n., M. sacculatus sp.n., and M. irregularis sp.n. The genus is largely distinguished from the closely related Limnodriloides Pierantoni, 1903, by its partially ciliated atria and its tripartite spermathecae.  相似文献   

New material of the marine tubificid Rhyacodrilus prostatus Knöllner, 1935 is examined and redescribed as Phallodrilus prostatus (Knöllner) comb. n. The main reason for the decision of this systematic position is the presence of a second pair of prostate glands, previously not reported, attached to the ectal end of the atria.  相似文献   

A taxonomic and morphological account of a collection of Phallodrilinae from coralline sands at Heron Island in Australia's Great Barrier Reef is given. Ten new forms are described: Jamiesoniella athecata gen. et sp.n. Phallodrilus rectisetosus heronensis subsp.n. P. geniculatus sp.n. P. filithecatus sp.n. P. clavatus sp.n. (latter three all devoid of an alimentary canal), Bathydrilus superiovasatus sp.n. Coralliodrilus atriobifidus sp.n. C. oviatriatus sp.n. C. parvigenitalis sp.n. and the gutless C. avisceralis sp.n. Morphological notes are given for Phallodrilus albidus Jamieson, 1977 and Bathydrilus rohdei (Jamieson, 1977). The new meiobenthic genus Jamiesoniella is characterized by having simple atria with only one pair of prostate glands, which are attached to ectal parts of atria, and by lacking spermathecae and penial setae, The genus is probably related to Aktedrilus Knöllner and Bacescuella Hrabě. A gutless species, Phallodrilus comorensis sp.n. is described from the Comoro Islands in the Mozambique Channel (W Indian Ocean).  相似文献   

The gutless members of the subfamily Phallodrilinae are taxonomically revised and generically split off from their gut-bearing relatives. Inanidrilus Erséus, 1979, a much modified definition of which is presented, comprises the species leukodermatus (Giere, 1979) comb.n., speroi sp.n., fijiensis sp.n., bonomii sp.n., carterensis sp.n., gustavsoni sp.n., wasseri sp.n., scalprum sp.n., belizensis sp.n., aduncosetis sp.n., vacivus sp.n., triangulatus sp.n., ernesti sp.n., manae sp.n., falcifer Erséus & Baker, 1982, renaudae sp.n., extrmus (Erséus 1979) comb.n., mexicanus Erséus & Haker, 1982, and bulbosus Erséus, 1979. Olavius sp.n. is established to accommodate the species geniculatus (Erséus, 1981) comb.n., imperfectus sp.n., filithecatus (Erséus. 1981) comb.n. albidus (Jamieson, 1977) comb.n., propinquus sp.n., comorensis (Erséus. 1981) comb.n., cornuatus Davis, 1984, pellucidus sp.n., tenuissimus (Erséus, 1979) macer sp.n., caudatus (Erséus. 1979) comb.n., planus (Erséus, 1979) comb.n., clavatus (Erséus. 1981) comb.n., tantulus sp.n., longissimus (Giere, 1979) comb.n., alius sp.n., avisceralis (Erséus, 1981) comb.n., loisae sp.n., and hanssoni sp.n., Two subgenera are erected for tantulus—longissimus–alius (nominate subgenus Olavius) and avisceralis-loisae-hanssoni (Coralliodriloides subgen.n.), respectively. A tentative phylogeny of the gutless group, which appears monophyletic, is inferred on the basis of a partly computerized Wagner-tree analysis of all 38 species. According to this analysis. According to this analysis, Inanidrilus can be defined by one synapomorphy, more or less sickle-shaped penial setae, whereas Olavius can be discriminated by two such characters, (1) atrium comma-shaped/horizontal rather than erect and (2) copulatory sacs present.  相似文献   

Macquaridriloides gen.n. is established for M. heronae from Heron Reef in Queensland, Australia. The species is characterized principally by its lack of spermathecae, and its elaborate male efferent ducts, each of which consists of (1) a ciliated vas deferens, (2) a ciliated and muscular atrium with diffuse prostates, and (3) a stout muscular, non-ciliar ejaculatory duct opening into a large copulatory sac surrounded by posterior prostates. The genus appears closely related to Macquaridrilus Jamieson, 1968, the habitat and zoogeography of which are briefly discussed. Heronidrilus gen.n. is established for H. fastigatus sp.n. and H. bihamis sp.n. both from Heron Reef. This genus is closely related to Macquaridriloides , but the two species differ from M. heronae in that they possess spermathecae and lack ejaculatory ducts.  相似文献   

Marine tubificids possessing trifid anterior setae are morphologically and taxonomically reviewed, on the basis of material from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Heterodrilus Pierantoni, 1902 is revised to include thirteen species, H. arenicolus Pierantoni, 1902, H. minisetosus sp.n.H. ascensionensis sp.n. H. queenslandicus (Jamieson, 1977), H. lacertosus sp.n. H. scitus sp.n. H. keenani sp.n. H. claviatriatus sp.n. H. subtilis (Pierantoni, 1917), H. jamiesoni sp.n. H. occidentalis sp.n. H. pentcheffi sp.n. and H. bulbiporus sp.n. The genus is briefly defined: marine tubificids with trifid setae in preclitellar segments (with H. subtilis as the only exception); paired spermathecae located in segment X; vasa deferentia entering apical, ental ends of slender, ciliated atria, which bear broadly attached masses of prostate glands; paired male pores, and generally with penial setae arranged in bisetal bundles. Heterodriloides gen.n. is established for H. quadrithecatus sp.n. distinguished from Heterodrilus by two main features: its spermathecae are located in XII, with a supplementary pair generally located in XI; and its vasa enter the ectal part of the atria. Giereidrilus gen.n. a third genus with trifid setae, is established to include Phallodrilus ersei Giere, 1979 and G. inermis sp.n. Both species have unpaired spermathecal and male pores, and their atria are not ciliated. Heterodrilus, Heterodriloides and Giereidrilus are placed in the subfamily Rhyacodrilinae Hrabě, 1963.  相似文献   

A total of 28 species of marine Oligochaeta (belonging to the families Naididae, Tubificidae and Enchytraeidae) are reported from eulittoral and sublittoral sediment samples taken in the Koster area on the Swedish West Coast. Lumbricillus algensis sp.n. and Grania ovitheca sp.n. are described and their morphological and taxonomical relations to other enchytraeids are discussed. L. algensis is characterized mainly by its spermathecae, which project into segment VI, and by its very large penial bulbs. G. ovitheca possesses no dorsal setae, the ventral setae being present posterior to the clitellum only, and its spermathecae consist of a narrow duct and a large egg-shaped to oval ampulla, filling most of the coelom of segment V. Four sublittoral species, Limnodriloides barnardi (Tubificidae), Lumbricillus semifuscus, Marionina sublitoralis and Grania roscoffensis (all Enchytraeidae) are reported as new to the Swedish fauna.  相似文献   

Eight species of Tubificidae are reported from deep-sea samples taken south of Massachusetts. Phallodrilus grasslei sp. n., with heavily muscular vasa deferentia, and penial setae, two per bundle, oriented with ectal ends obliquely pointing towards the anterior, and P. rostratus sp. n., with a long and narrow, snout-like prostomium, heavily muscular, tripartite atria, and small, hooked penial setae, about five per bundle, are described. Phallodrilus biparis Erséus, previously known only from off France in the north-east Atlantic, is reported and depicted. Taxonomic notes are provided for Adelodrilus voraginus (Cook), A. fimbriatus Erséus, Bathydrilus asymmetricus Cook, and B. atlanticus Erséus. The depth distribution of all eleven deep-sea tubificid species known to occur south of Massachusetts are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2005,8(2):133-141
The genus Thubana Walker, 1864 of the Malaysian Borneo is revised. Nine species are recognized including seven new species. The new species are: T. kumatai sp. nov., T. kubahensis sp. nov., T. kinabaluensis sp. nov., T. ochracea sp. nov., T. quadrata sp. nov., T. prolata sp. nov., and T. spinata sp. nov. With regard to the previously known species, photos of adults and the male or female genitalia are given, with some taxonomie notes. A key to the Thubana species of the Malaysian Borneo is provided.  相似文献   

åKE HOLM 《Zoologica scripta》1979,8(1-4):255-278
On the basis of the results of an analysis primarily of the morphology of the male palps and palpal organs the delimitation of the erigonine genera Pelecopsis Simon and Trichopterna Kulczyński and the phylogenetic relationships between European and East African species of these genera are discussed. For the East African species Pelecopsis convexa (Holm), and P. bacelarae (di Caporiacco), together with two undescribed species from Nigeria, the new genus Locketia is established. Pelecopsis humiliceps sp.n. and P. albifrons sp.n., both from Kenya, are described and P. tenera (Holm, 1962), preocc. P. tenera (Schenkel, 1927), is replaced by P. tenuipalpis nom.n. Viewpoints are presented on evolutionary trends and phylogeny of European and East African Pelecopsis species.  相似文献   

Adelodrilus fimbriatus sp.n. is described from bathyal depths off the continental shelf of Eastern United States, A. cristatus sp.n. from sublittoral bottoms on this shelf (off Maryland and New Jersey). The two species are principally distinguished from their congeners by the morphology of their penial setae. New geographical records and morphological notes are given for A. pusillus Erséus (including the first find of Adelodrilus in the Mediterranean Sea), A. cooki Erséus, A. voraginus (Cook), and A. acochlearis Erséus & Loden. A pictorial key to all eleven species of Adelodrilus is provided.  相似文献   

Six new species are described from Vietnam, Apia simplexsp. n., Bisma angulatasp. n., Pitambara trypetoidessp. n., Sarmatoca cathemerinagen. et sp. n., Maracota soulieraegen. et sp. n., and Serida castaneasp. n., and Zeleja thoracalissp. n. from Malaysia. Two new genera, Maracotagen. n. (type species M. soulierae sp. n.) and Sarmatocagen. n. (type species S. cathemerina sp. n.), and a new subgenus Zelomachasubgen. n. (type species Zeleja thoracalis sp. n.) in the genus Zeleja are erected. The genus Binaluana Soulier-Perkins et Stroiński is downgraded to a subgenus of Zeleja Melichar. The genus Silvispina Wang et Soulier-Perkins with an uncertain systematic position is attributed to the subfamily Lophopinae and the tribe Lophopini. The placement of the genus Elasmoscelis Spinola (and, correspondingly, the tribe Elasmoscelini) in the subfamily Menoscinae, the genus Epiptyxis Gerstaecker in the tribe Menoscini, and the genus Jivatma Melichar in the tribe Lophopini is substantiated. New records of 11 species are given from Vietnam, some being first records for this country.  相似文献   

Marine benthic dinoflagellates are interesting not only because some epiphytic genera can cause harmful algal blooms but also for understanding dinoflagellate evolution and diversification. Our understanding of their biodiversity is far from complete, and many thecate genera have unusual tabulation patterns that are difficult to relate to the diverse known phytoplankton taxa. A new sand-dwelling genus, Pachena gen. nov., is described based on morphological and DNA sequence data. Three species were discovered in distant locations and are circumscribed, namely, P. leibnizii sp. nov. from Canada, P. abriliae sp. nov. from Spain, and P. meriddae sp. nov. from Italy. All species are tiny (about 9–23 μm long) and heterotrophic. Species are characterized by their tabulation (APC 4′ 3a 6′′ 5c 5s 5′′′ 2′′′′), an apical hook covering the apical pore, an ascending cingulum, and a sulcus with central list. The first anterior intercalary plate is uniquely “sandwiched” between two plates. The species share these features and differ in the relative sizes and arrangements of their plates, especially on the epitheca. The ornamentation of thecal plates is species-specific. The new molecular phylogenies based on SSU and LSU rDNA sequences contribute to understanding the evolution of the planktonic relatives of Pachena, the Thoracosphaeraceae.  相似文献   

Five species of Tubificidae are recorded from Antarctic waters: Torodrilus lowryi Cook, 1970, Torodrilus sp. (subfamily Rhyacodrilinae), Marionidrilus antarcticus sp. n., M. weddellensis sp. n., and Thalassodrilus bicki sp. n. (subfamily Phallodrilinae); only T. lowryi was known from Antarctica before. The status of the two Southern Hemisphere genera Torodrilus Cook, 1970, and Marionidrilus Erséus, 1992, are discussed; although the taxonomic position of the two new species of Marionidrilus is somewhat uncertain. Thalassodrilus bicki , however, appears closely related to Northern Hemisphere taxa.  相似文献   

Eleven new genera and 17 species are described, with one exception parasites on echinoderms: Trochostilifer gen. n. with T. domus sp.n. (type species) (Philippines) on Stylocidaris efftuens, T. mortenseni sp.n. (New Caledonia) on Prionocidaris australis and T. slriatus (Hedley) on P. baculosa annulifera; Ophioarachnicola biformis gen. et sp.n. (Solomon Is.) on Ophio-arachna incrassata; Hemiliostraca sloani sp.n. (Aldabra I.) on Ophiomyxa australis; Robil-lardia solida sp.n. (Loyalty Is.), host unknown. Ersilia Monterosato is transferred from Lacunidae to Eulimidae, E. stancyki sp.n. (Florida) is a parasite of Ophiolepis elegans. Hyper-mastus echinodisci sp.n. and H. sauliae sp.n. (both Borneo) are parasitic on Echinodiscus bisperforatus; Monogamus parasaleniae sp.n. (Tonga I.) on Parasalenia gratiosa. Scalari-balcis gen.n. is erected for Mucronalia angulata Mandahl-Barth. Concavibalcis scalaris gen. et sp.n. is described from the Philippines, host unknown. Echiuroidicola cicatricosa gen. et sp.n. (Malaysia) is a parasite on the echiuroid Ochetostoma erythrogrammon. Peasistilifer gen.n. (type species Mucronalia nitidula Pease) is erected for a group of holothurian parasites. Prostilifer gen.n. is erected for Eulima subpellucida Pease, parasitic on Pacific holo-thurians. Paramegadenus scutellicola sp.n. (Pacific) is parasitic on Stellaster incei, P. incerta sp.n. on an Australian starfish. Asterolamia hians gen. et sp.n. is described from Astropecten indicus and A. cingulata from Craspidaster hesperus , both Pacific. Microstilifer gen.n. is erected for Stilifer auricula Hedley. Vitreobalcis gen.n. is erected for Apicalia holdsworthi H. Adams, a parasite of Mespilia globulus and V. laevis sp.n. (from Synaptula purpurea , Australia) is provisionally placed here. Luetzenia asthenosomae gen. et sp.n. (Australia) and L. toki Habe are both parasites on Asthenosoma.  相似文献   

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