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1. Stable isotope analysis, coupled with dietary data from the literature, was used to investigate trophic patterns of freshwater fauna in a tropical stream food web (Guadeloupe, French West Indies).
2. Primary producers (biofilm, algae and plant detritus of terrestrial origin) showed distinct δ13C signatures, which allowed for a powerful discrimination of carbon sources. Both autochthonous (13C-enriched signatures) and allochthonous (13C-depleted signatures) resources enter the food web. The migrating behaviour of fishes and shrimps between marine and freshwater during their life cycles can be followed by carbon isotopes. Here, shrimp δ13C signatures were shown to shift from −16‰ (for juveniles under marine influence) to −24.7‰ (for adults in freshwater habitats). For resident species, δ13C values partly reflected the species' habitat preferences along the river continuum : species living in river mouths were 13C-enriched in comparison with those collected upstream.
3. Nitrogen isotopic ratios were also discriminating and defined three main trophic guilds among consumers. The δ15N values of herbivores/detritivores were 5.0–8.4‰, omnivores 8.8–10.2‰ and carnivores 11–12.7‰.
4. Mixing model equations were employed to calculate the possible range of contribution made by respective food sources to the diet of each species. The results revealed the importance of omnivorous species and the dependence of riverine biota on terrestrial subsidies, such as leaf detritus and fruits. Finally, the abundance of shrimps and their feeding habits placed in relief their key role in tropical freshwater food webs. Isotopic analysis provides a useful tool for assessing animal feeding patterns.  相似文献   

Mattson  Niklas S. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,380(1-3):195-207
Feeding preferences in two tropical omnivorous fishes, Oreochromis shiranus and Barbus paludinosus were similar when offered an array of planktonic food in aquaria. The two species were stocked into earthen ponds at different rates. Abiotic and biotic variables were measured over a period of 120 days. Data analysis by multiple linear regression did not reveal significant negative coefficients between adjacent trophic levels, which would have indicated top-down effects. It is suggested that the results are due to uncoupling between trophic levels in tropical freshwater ecosystems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are assumed to be of minor importance as food sources in sandy-beach food webs, since they are typically scarce in sandy-beach sediments; whereas organic matter derived from land and sea is known to be more important in sandy-beach food webs. In order to test if benthic and planktonic diatoms play a minor or major role, respectively, in sandy-beach food webs, a laboratory experiment was conducted. Labelled planktonic and benthic diatoms, enriched in the stable carbon 13C isotope, were offered as food sources to sandy-beach macrofauna and meiofauna communities. Uptake of both types of diatoms occurred with most of the species, but benthic diatoms were preferentially consumed by two macrofaunal species and all meiofaunal species. This result reveals the importance of benthic carbon sources in both macrofaunal and interstitial food webs, and suggests a link between both food webs through the common use of benthic diatoms.  相似文献   

土壤动物食物网研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来关于陆地生态系统的研究都集中在地上部分,而对于地下部分知之甚少。地下生态系统营养关系是生态系统中各生物成员之间最重要的联系,是物质循环、能量流动的重要载体。研究土壤动物食物网已成为现代地下/土壤生态学研究的热点与前沿。由于土壤动物的个体小、食性复杂、栖息环境隐蔽等原因,使得对土壤动物食物网的研究困难重重,所以选择合适的研究方法尤为重要。本文总结了国际上近几十年来土壤动物食物网研究方法,将其分为传统方法(野外直接观察法、室内培养实验观察法、显微镜下肠容物分析法)、常用方法(消化酶分析法、脂肪酸分析法、稳定同位素技术、特定化合物分子的稳定同位素分析技术)和现代分子方法(DNA分子跟踪食物链网络技术、单克隆抗体技术)3大类,具体介绍了每一种方法的发展历史和应用现状。根据土壤动物自身特性及对各方法的优势与劣势的比较,脂肪酸分析法和稳定同位素分析法是当前土壤动物食物网研究的常用方法;随着未来物种分子鉴定技术的改进和数据库的积累,DNA分子跟踪食物链网络技术将会成为未来的主流发展方向。  相似文献   

The biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationship is central in community ecology. Its drivers in competitive systems (sampling effect and functional complementarity) are intuitive and elegant, but we lack an integrative understanding of these drivers in complex ecosystems. Because networks encompass two key components of the BEF relationship (species richness and biomass flow), they provide a key to identify these drivers, assuming that we have a meaningful measure of functional complementarity. In a network, diversity can be defined by species richness, the number of trophic levels, but perhaps more importantly, the diversity of interactions. In this paper, we define the concept of trophic complementarity (TC), which emerges through exploitative and apparent competition processes, and study its contribution to ecosystem functioning. Using a model of trophic community dynamics, we show that TC predicts various measures of ecosystem functioning, and generate a range of testable predictions. We find that, in addition to the number of species, the structure of their interactions needs to be accounted for to predict ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial endotherm food webs constitute three trophic level cascades. Others have two trophic level dynamics (food limited herbivores; plants adapted to tackle intense herbivory) or one trophic level dynamic (herbivorous endotherms absent, thus plants compete for the few places where they can survive and grow). According to the Exploitation Ecosystems Hypothesis (EEH), these contrasting dynamics are consequences of differences in primary productivity. The productivity thresholds for changing food web dynamics were assumed to be global constants. We challenged this assumption and found that several model parameters are sensitive to the contrast between persistently warm and seasonally cold climates. In persistently warm environments, three trophic level dynamics can be expected to prevail almost everywhere, save the most extreme deserts. We revised EEH accordingly and tested it by compiling direct evidence of three and two trophic level dynamics and by studying the global distribution of felids. In seasonally cold environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics only in productive ecosystems, while evidence for two trophic level dynamics appeared in ecosystems with low primary productivity. In persistently warm environments, we found evidence for three trophic level dynamics in all types of ecosystems. The distribution of felids corroborated these results. The empirical evidence thus indicates that two trophic level dynamics, as defined by EEH, are restricted to seasonally cold biomes with low primary productivity, such as the artic–alpine tundra and the temperate steppe.  相似文献   

Experimental data from intergenerational field manipulations of entire food webs are scarce, yet such approaches are essential for gauging impacts of environmental change in natural systems. We imposed 2 years of intermittent drought on stream channels in a replicated field trial, to measure food web responses to simulated climate change. Drought triggered widespread losses of species and links, with larger taxa and those that were rare for their size, many of which were predatory, being especially vulnerable. Many network properties, including size–scaling relationships within food chains, changed in response to drought. Other properties, such as connectance, were unaffected. These findings highlight the need for detailed experimental data from different organizational levels, from pairwise links to the entire food web. The loss of not only large species, but also those that were rare for their size, provides a newly refined way to gauge likely impacts that may be applied more generally to other systems and/or impacts.  相似文献   

Meiofauna (small-sized Metazoa and Foraminifera) may constitute a significant part of seafloor biomass and potentially play an important role in benthic metabolism. However, respiration measurements are limited and the methods used are diverse together complicating comparison or upscaling. Here we describe a novel glass micro-respiration chamber used to perform non-invasive measurements (built-in oxygen-sensitive fluorogenic membrane and stirrer) and together with direct organic carbon measurements report initial biomass-specific respiration rates of common intertidal meiofauna. Results indicate large differences between respiration rates of different taxa (biomass 0.7-5.2 µg C per individual) but very similar organic carbon biomass-specific respiration rates (1.6-2.5 µl O2 h− 1 mgC− 1 or on average 2.0 ± 0.3 µl O2 h− 1 mgC− 1). This new, rapid and accurate method allows the study of metabolic allometry of the different small-sized taxa and determining their functional role in benthic metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Three species of Tanypodinae (Chironomidae) were found in an acid and iron-rich stream in southern England. Maximum abundance was achieved in summer and they were sparse at other times. Individuals were aggregated on the stream bed and were overrepresented in accumulations of leaf litter.
2. The diets of all three species consisted of a mixture of prey (prominently detritivorous chironomid larvae) and detritus. More detritus and fewer prey were taken in winter than in summer.
3. When comparing large tanypod species with small and, intraspecifically, late instars with early, the proportion of guts containing prey increased with increasing body size.
4. Stonefly larvae were more prominent in the diet of Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) in summer than in winter but for the other two species the reverse was true. A bigger proportion of Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger) guts contained prey in early summer than in August whereas more Macropelopia goetghebueri (Kieffer) guts contained prey in August. This was apparently a consequence of seasonal differences in the distribution of body size among the populations of these two species.
5. The stream contains two further common predators, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and Sialis fuliginosa Pict. These are important predators of tanypod larvae but might also compete with them since they severely deplete populations of prey taken in common.
6. Analysis of the food-web in Broadstone Stream reveals remarkably high values of connectance (C and Cmax) and of species richness times connectance (SCmax). Such characteristics are theoretically associated with fragile and dynamically unstable food webs, and may be found in 'constant' environments. There is also an apparently unusual prevalence of omnivory in the community.  相似文献   

渤海生态系统的营养关系:碳同位素研究的初步结果   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
蔡德陵  王荣  毕洪生 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1354-1359
1997年6月5~10日在渤海4个站位上采集了悬浮体、浮游生物、底栖生物和沉积物样品,其目的是采用碳稳定同位素方法研究渤海生态系统的营养关系.浮游动物样品按其粒级分为>1000μm,500~1000μm以及200~500μm3个组分.碳同位素分析结果表明,在春末渤海生态系统各级各类生物δ13C值的范围为-25.67~-17.42×10,其中浮游生物群体(不包括游泳动物)δ13C值相差约3.68×10-3,相当于该生态系统有3.2个营养层次.中型浮游动物随粒径的增大,其δ13C值增大,显示出营养层次的碳同位素富集作用,但不同粒级组分相互间δ13C值也存在着相当程度的重叠,实际上这也是其生物组分有重叠的反映.营养层次随颗粒的增大而升高,这一趋势与Rau等,Sholt0-Douglas等,Fry与Quinones的结果是完全一致的.渤海底栖生物的δ13C值一般要比浮游生物的δ13C值高,这并不意味着底栖生物的营养层次要比浮游生物的高,而是反映其食物来源的差异和底栖与浮游两个食物网底部同位素组成的不同.有限的底栖生物样品的同位素分析结果表明渤海底栖生物食物网有4个营养层次.各种底栖生物的碳同位素组成也反映了它们的食物来源和营养位置.  相似文献   

Our understanding of fish feeding interactions at Tijuana Estuary was improved by incorporating estimates of spatial and temporal variability into diet analyses. We examined the stomach contents of 7 dominant species (n=579 total fish) collected between 1994 and 1999. General feeding patterns pooled over time produced a basic food web consisting of 3 major trophic levels: (1) primary consumers (Atherinops affinis, Mugil cephalus) that ingested substantial amounts of plant material and detritus; (2) benthic carnivores (Clevelandia ios, Hypsopsetta guttulata, Gillichthys mirabilis, and Fundulus parvipinnis) that ingested high numbers of calanoid copepods and exotic amphipods (Grandidierella japonica); and (3) piscivores (Paralichthys californicus and Leptocottus armatus) that often preyed on smaller gobiids. Similarity-based groupings of individual species' diets were identified using nonmetric multidimensional scaling to characterize their variability within and between species, and in space and time. This allowed us identify major dietary shifts and recognize events (i.e., modified prey abundance during 1997–98 El Ni no floods) that likely caused these shifts.  相似文献   

Synopsis As new arctic marine fisheries develop there is need for a comprehensive ecosystem approach to long-term management. This approach recognizes the importance of community interactions such as food web structure and trophic patterns. We determined whether hierarchical clustering (guild formation) is an effective method of trophic evaluation in deep-sea Artic fish communities using stomach content and parasite data with size class, and evaluated the application of endohelminth communities (parasite species transmitted in the food) as indicators of trophic status. Cluster analysis using food group abundance with size class of fish revealed the presence of 11 guilds within the community, however the same analysis using parasite data showed little correlation between food and parasites. Redundancy analysis (RDA) within the 11 guilds also revealed no significant correlations between food group and parasite abundance suggesting that this type of ordination is not suited for environments containing mainly generalist feeders. RDA of individual taxa without a priori guild designation found that taxa in benthic deep-sea communities are defined by their ability to exploit prey species in more than one habitat zone. Benthic fish species were significantly correlated with benthic food groups and parasites that utilize benthic intermediate hosts whereas benthopelagic–pelagic species fed on a higher diversity of prey species and were infected by a larger number of non-host specific parasites. Eigenanalysis and Monte Carlo results showed that parasites and food groups are highly correlated, indicating that parasite community analysis is an effective tool for predicting feeding strategies in Arctic marine environments. It also suggests that in most cases endoparasite infections alone could be used for trophic evaluation in the absence of stomach content data.  相似文献   

1. Zooplankton are important in transferring dietary nutrients, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), up through aquatic food webs. 2. We tested the hypothesis that the taxonomic composition of zooplankton affects the retention and subsequent transfer of PUFA from upwards through the food web. Using laboratory experiments, we investigated dietary PUFA accumulation and bioconversion capacities of six cladoceran species (Ceriodaphnia sp., Daphnia longispina, Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, Scapholeberis mucronata and Simocephalus vetulus) fed on two diets (Scenedesmus obliquus and Cryptomonas sp.) that differed in their PUFA profiles. We performed experiments at two different temperatures (14 and 20 °C) to assess the role of temperature in the trophic transfer of PUFA. 3. There was little variation in the concentrations of PUFA in these cladocerans which were controlled by dietary PUFA supply. Moreover, as expected, the concentrations of PUFA in all cladoceran species were higher at low temperature. 4. However, even if the composition of PUFA in the cladoceran species generally corresponded to that in their diet, preferential accumulation of some PUFA was recorded in all these taxa. When fed on a highly unsaturated fatty acid‐deficient diet, all the cladocerans showed some ability to convert C18‐PUFA into arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid. Interspecific variation in the ability to accumulate and bioconvert PUFA in cladocerans was more pronounced at low temperature (14 °C) for both diets. 5. Our results strongly suggest that in heterogeneous habitats with food partitioning between co‐existing cladocerans, foraging behaviour may affect the transfer of PUFA more strongly than interspecific variation in accumulating and/or bioconverting dietary PUFA.  相似文献   

徐军  周琼  温周瑞  谢平 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4658-4664
稳定碳、氮同位素比值分析技术是研究生态系统中物质循环与能量流动的有效技术.δ13C可以用来判断食物网中不同生物的能量来源;δ15N主要用于确定生物在食物网中所处的营养位置.通常用δ13C—δ15N图来表征某一特定时间或空间的食物网结构,但是这种方法在比较不同时间和空间食物网结构中功效较差.同时这种定性描述食物网结构也无法满足食物网复杂变化下的假说验证.应用环形统计方法,以太湖梅梁湾鱼类群落为例,定量评价了群落水平食物网能流季节演替特征.结果表明太湖梅梁湾鱼类营养生态位移动的季节特征明显.进一步物种水平分析结果表明,各种鱼类角度和幅度随季节均有变化.Rayleigh检验结果表明,群落中不同种类在秋冬、冬春和夏秋均有显著的一致的方向变化;而春夏期间不显著.Watson-William检验结果表明,群落水平的鱼类营养生态位移动在秋冬和冬春季节转换中有显著差异.引起鱼类群落水平营养生态位在食物网空间中季节性移动的主要因素为可利用资源稳定同位素的季节变化和不同鱼类种群自身的食性季节性转变.同时,由于梅梁湾食物网鱼类群落杂食性水平高,季节性浮游初级生产力成为食物网能量流动的重要驱动作用.因此,在富营养化生态系统中,食物网群落水平营养生态位季节波动也暗示了系统稳定性的下降.定量评价食物网变化有助于认识和理解食物网结构与功能在生态学和生态系统管理等方面的重要.  相似文献   

Recognition of the microbial loop as an important part of aquatic ecosystems disrupted the notion of simple linear food chains. However, current research suggests that even the microbial loop paradigm is a gross simplification of microbial interactions due to the presence of mixotrophs-organisms that both photosynthesize and graze. We present a simple food web model with four trophic species, three of them arranged in a food chain (nutrients-autotrophs-herbivores) and the fourth as a mixotroph with links to both the nutrients and the autotrophs. This model is used to study the general implications of inclusion of the mixotrophic link in microbial food webs and the specific predictions for a parameterization that describes open ocean mixed layer plankton dynamics. The analysis indicates that the system parameters reside in a region of the parameter space where the dynamics converge to a stable equilibrium rather than displaying periodic or chaotic solutions. However, convergence requires weeks to months, suggesting that the system would never reach equilibrium in the ocean due to alteration of the physical forcing regime. Most importantly, the mixotrophic grazing link seems to stabilize the system in this region of the parameter space, particularly when nutrient recycling feedback loops are included.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the trophic ecology (diet composition, trophic strategy, similarities and overlap between species, feeding period and food consumption) of six benthivorous fish species in Araruama Lagoon, the largest hypersaline tropical lagoon on the east coast of South America, with an area of 210 km2 and an average salinity of 52. The burrfish Chilomycterus spinosus fed on Anomalocardia flexuosa shell deposits, ingesting associated fauna. The caitipa mojarra Diapterus rhombeus differed from all other species, having not only the highest proportions of algae and Nematoda, but also feeding on polychaete tentacles. The two mojarras Eucinostomus spp. showed similar trophic strategies, feeding mostly on Polychaeta. The corocoro grunt Orthopristis ruber also fed mainly on Polychaeta, but differed from Eucinostomus spp. in secondary items. The whitemouth croacker Micropogonias furnieri fed mainly on small Crustacea at night, showing a high number of secondary prey items with low frequencies and high prey‐specific abundance. The daily food consumption (g food g?1 fish mass) for Eucinostomus argenteus was 0·012 and was 0·031 and 0·027 for M. furnieri in two different sampling events. The diet similarities between Araruama Lagoon and other brackish and marine environments indicate that hypersalinity is not a predominant factor shaping the trophic ecology of fishes in this lagoon. The stability of hypersaline conditions, without a pronounced gradient, may explain the presence of several euryhaline fishes and invertebrates well adapted to this condition, resulting in a complex food web.  相似文献   

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