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We tested the hypothesis that Rhagoletis pomonella females exhibit a greater propensity for engaging in long distance (i.e.1000 m) flight following encounters with egg-infested oviposition-deterring-pheromone (ODP) marked host fruit than similar females that encounter uninfested, clean (i.e. no ODP) fruit. Female flies which were first tethered to flight mills were presented with and permitted to explore (a) ODP-marked or (b) clean fruit and then stimulated to fly. Results showed that females that had encountered a high rate of infested, ODP-marked fruit displayed long distance flight more frequently and flew greater average distances than females that had searched uninfested fruit. We discuss there results in light of contemporary foraging theory.
Résumé La réponse d'insectes à leurs phéromones de dissuasion (ODP) est examinée généralement à un seul niveau de prospection, c'est-à-dire celui de la ressource individuelle elle-même. Ces marqueurs chimiques peuvent, cependant, fournir aussi des informations au prospecteur sur la disponibilité en ressources, tant au niveau de l'inflorescence qu'au niveau de l'habitat. Une telle information influence vraisemblablement le comportement de prospection à différents niveaux.Dans cette note, nous vérifions l'hypothèse que la rencontre avec des hôtes marqués par ODP influence la tendance de Rhagoletis pomonella (Dipt: Tephrit) à entreprendre des vols importants (c'est-à-dire interhabitats). Nous avons montré dans des expériences de laboratoire que les femelles lors de trois rencontres consécutives avec des fruits marqués par ODP: 1) entreprenaient plus fréquemment (19 cas sur 81 contre 6 sur 81) un vol à longue distance (c'est-à-dire 1000 m) et 2) parcourient des distances moyennes supérieures à celles couvertes par des femelles ayant eu la possibilité de prospecter successivement trois fruits propres (sans ODP).Nous engageons le lecteur à examiner nos résultats d'un point de vue qualitatif. Nous ne pouvons nous attendre à ce qu'un vol à longue distance se produise aussi facilement dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, étant donné le plus grand nombre de variables (par exemple, la taille de l'arbre) qui peuvent y modifier le vol réel.Pour terminer, nous discutons les coûts et bénéfices potentiels qui peuvent résulter de ce comportement.

Current investigations concerning the identification of the chemical nature of the oviposition deterring pheromone of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L., are conducted in an interdisciplinary research program by combining chemistry with behavioral evaluation. The methods used to collect and evaluate the pheromone by an improved semi-quantitative behavior test are described.
Zusammenfassung Nach einer einleitenden Übersicht über den heutigen Stand der Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der eiablage-hemmenden Pheromone (ODP) bei Fruchtfliegen und insbesondere der Kirschenfliege wird der verbesserte Verhaltenstest beschrieben, welcher für den halb-quantitativen Nachweis von ODP-Aktivität entwickelt worden ist. Im laufenden interdisziplinären Forschungsprogramm an der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt Wädenswil wird versucht, durch enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Biologe, Chemiker und Elektrophysiologe das ODP der Kirschenfliege möglichst mit geringem Anteil an Verunreinigung einzusammeln, zu reinigen und einer chemischen Identifikation der ODP Komponenten zugänglich zu machen.Die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Verhaltenstests werden diskutiert und die Empfindlichkeit des Verfahrens mittels einer Konzentrationsreihe von Pheromonextrakt aufgezeigt.

A pure single compound, a palmityl-glucopyranoside identified as component of the oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP) of the European cherry fruit fly was evaluated with respect to its biological activity by means of a semi-field bioassay in a large field-cage with host plants. The comparison of the observed behaviors of flies exposed to clean cherries, to cherries treated with a standard ODP solution and with the pure compound revealed that palmityl-glucopyranoside elicited the same response as did the crude ODP solution. Irritation indices are described that seem to be of use for the characterization of cherry fruit fly behavior in the presence and absence of ODP. The advantages of the field-cage test over the standard laboratory tests are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Mit zunehmenden Reinigungsschritten am Rohextrakt des Markierungspheromones (ODP) der Kirschenfliege, Rhagoletis cerasi L., und zunehmenden Reinheitsgrad des aktiven Prinzipes nimmt die Menge an Substanz ab, welche sowohl für die chemische Analyse wie auch die Prüfung der biologischen Aktivität zur Verfügung steht. Beim Vorliegen einer nicht mehr wägbaren Menge eines reinen Stoffes im Sommer 1985, welcher als ein Palmityl-glucopyranosid identifiziert werden konnte (Hurter et al., 1987), musste deshalb auf den üblichen Verhaltenstest im Labor verzichtet und ein neuer Lösungsansatz gefunden werden. Nachdem ein erster elektrophysiologischer Test positive Resultate gezeight hatte, wurde die Fraktion Nr. 2634 in einem grossen Freilandkäfig mit Kirschenpflanzen und natürlichen Früchten in einem Verhaltenstest auf ihre biologische Wirksamkeit geprüft.Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Resultate zeigen nicht nur, dass mit dem Palmityl-glucopyranosid eine ähnliche Wirkung erzielt wurde wie mit natürlichen ODP, sondern zum erstenmal konnte demonstriert werden, dass in R. cerasi und möglicherweise in andern Fruchtfliegenarten eine einzelne chemische Substanz eine eiablagehemmende Wirkung ausüben kann.

Assessment of patch quality by ladybirds: role of larval tracks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Gravid females of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (L.), were deterred from ovipositing when kept in petri dishes that had previously contained conspecific larvae but not conspecific adults, or the larvae of another two species of ladybird, Adalia decempunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata L. The deterrent effect was density dependent and mediated via a chloroform-soluble contact pheromone present in the larval tracks. Similarly, gravid females of C. septempunctata were deterred from ovipositing by conspecific larval tracks and chloroform extracts of these tracks, but not by the tracks or extracts of tracks of A. bipunctata larvae. That is, in ladybirds the larvae produce a species-specific oviposition-deterring pheromone. In the field, the incidence of egg cannibalism in ladybirds increases very rapidly with the density of conspecific eggs or larvae per unit area. Thus, in responding to the species specific oviposition deterring pheromone female ladybirds reduce the risk of their eggs being eaten and spread their offspring more equally between patches. Received: 14 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 August 1997  相似文献   

Cannibalism (CANN) and intraguild predation (IGP) may provide energy and nutrients to individuals and eliminate potential competitors. These negative competitive interactions could also affect the coexistence of predatory species. The co‐occurrence of aphidophagous ladybird species in crops creates opportunities for CANN and IGP, especially when aphids become scarce. The Lotka–Volterra model predicts the coexistence of two species if intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific interference interactions. Cycloneda sanguinea L. and Eriopis connexa (Germar) (both Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) coexist in sweet pepper crops in La Plata (Argentina) consuming mainly Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The present study used laboratory experiments to estimate levels of CANN and IGP by adults and larvae on eggs, and by adults on larvae, in both the presence and absence of prey (i.e., M. persicae), to explain the effect of prey on coexistence of these two predators. Levels of CANN by C. sanguinea and E. connexa were high in the absence of aphids, and decreased when prey was present. Intraguild predation was bidirectional and asymmetric. Adults and larvae of E. connexa were more voracious IG predators of C. sanguinea than vice versa, the former being the stronger IG predator and interference competitor. Eriopis connexa always won when larvae of the same instar were compared, whereas the larger larva always won when larvae were of different instars, regardless of species. In the presence of prey, CANN by both species decreased, but IGP by E. connexa on C. sanguinea remained high, suggesting that E. connexa could displace C. sanguinea via interspecific interference competition. Other factors potentially affecting the coexistence of C. sanguinea and E. connexa in sweet pepper crops are discussed.  相似文献   

Temporary feeding on willow buds and leaves by nesting greater snow geese provided us with an opportunity to test the relative importance of nutrients and deterrents in affecting the palatability for geese of a food plant with a high phenol content. Protein, total phenol and fiber (neutral and acid detergent fiber, and lignin) were analyzed in closed and open buds and in rolled and open leaves. Geese feed on willows at the open-buds and rolled-leaf stages but not at the closed-bud and open-leaf stages. Protein content was higher in open buds and rolled leaves (25–27%) than in closed buds and open leaves (19–21%). Phenol content increased during leaf emergence but was already high (14%) in rolled leaves. All plant fibers were very high in closed buds but declined rapidly during leaf emergence. The increase in phenol: protein ratio appeared to be more important than phenol concentration alone in explaining the cessation of feeding by geese on willow leaves whereas the high fiber content of closed buds may explain why they were not eaten. Our results illustrate the value of a multifactorial approach in the study of the food selection process in herbivores.  相似文献   

Mating in aphidophagous ladybirds: costs and benefits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Mating costs and benefits were studied in three aphidophagous ladybirds, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata , Coccinella septempunctata and Propylea dissecta by subjecting them to different numbers of matings. Longevity, fecundity and percent egg viability were regressed with number of matings to determine the costs and trade-offs, if any. Longevity decreased with increasing number of matings in both C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta indicating a cost of mating. The lack of such a cost in C. septempunctata has been ascribed to spermatophore consumption by females of this ladybird. Both fecundity and percent egg viability increased with increasing number of matings and are probably indicative of the benefits. Short-lived females distributed their reproduction uniformly in their lifetime while long-lived females showed a high burst of reproductive activity followed by a gradual decline. Percent egg viability decreased after the completion of the requisite number of matings.  相似文献   

We studied ecological and evolutionary aspects of habitat choice in a group of closely related bird species to gain insight into factors influencing bird community structure. Seven species of Phylloscopus warblers breed sympatrically in the middle taiga subzone of Central Siberia. We examine how the distribution of species among habitats is related to morphology, phylogeny and competition, and we compare our results with an earlier study on the ecomorphology of Phylloscopus warblers in Kashmir. We found that in Siberia, large warbler species prefer productive habitats with mostly deciduous vegetation, whereas small species occupy poor coniferous forests. Possible explanations for this finding remain to be tested in the future. Moreover, we found a tendency for species with large feet, small bills and short wings to occupy habitats with an abundance of bush thickets near the ground. In the Kashmir study, competition was considered a major factor in structuring the Phylloscopus community, and patterns of habitat choice were not influenced by phylogenetic relationships. In strong contrast, we found that in the Siberian community, closely related species occupy similar habitats. We discuss whether this conservative evolution of habitat preferences in Siberia may be due to low intensity of interspecific competition or to other ecological factors.  相似文献   

Evolutionary plasticity is limited, to a certain extent, by phylogenetic constraints. We asked whether the diel activity patterns of animals reflect their phylogenies by analyzing daily activity patterns in the order Rodentia. We carried out a literature survey of activity patterns of 700 species, placing each in an activity time category: diurnal, nocturnal, or active at both periods (a-rhythmic). The proportion of rodents active at these categories in the entire order, was compared to the activity patterns of species of different families for which we had data for over ten species each: Dipodidae, Echimyidae, Geomyidae, Heteromyidae, Muridae, and Sciuridae. Activity times of rodents from different habitat types were also compared to the ordinal activity time pattern. We also calculated the probability that two random species (from a particular subgroup: family, habitat, etc.) will be active in the same period of the day and compared it to this probability with species drawn from the entire order. Activity patterns at the family level were significantly different from the ordinal pattern, emphasizing the strong relationship between intra-family taxonomic affiliation and daily activity patterns. Large families (Muridae and Sciuridae) analyzed by subfamilies and tribes showed a similar but stronger pattern than that of the family level. Thus it is clear that phylogeny constrains the evolution of activity patterns in rodents, and may limit their ability to use the time niche axis for ecological separation. Rodents living in cold habitats differed significantly from the ordinal pattern, showing more diurnal and a-rhythmic activity patterns, possibly due to physiological constraints. Ground-dwelling rodents differed significantly, showing a high tendency towards a-rhythmic activity, perhaps reflecting their specialized habitat. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

During recent decades, populations of some gull species have dramatically increased causing management problems; as a result of this, a number of deterring systems have been implemented. In this study, three commonly used scaring methods (visual, acoustic, falconry) were tested at a refuse dump. In order to evaluate the efficacy of the methods and, in particular, habituation occurrence, an index was developed that can be used for comparing such methods and for evaluating their employment in an integrated management protocol. Although the tests lasted for a few weeks, the analytical methodology revealed that the employed methods were effective only for short periods of time.  相似文献   

Dietary shifts can alter the relative availability of different nutrients and are therefore associated with metabolic adaptation in animals. The Coccinellidae (ladybirds) exhibits three major types of feeding habits and provides a useful model to study the effects of dietary changes on the evolution of mitogenomes, which encode proteins directly involved in energy metabolism. Here, mitogenomes of three coccinellid species were newly sequenced. These data were combined with other ten previously sequenced coccinellid mitogenomes to explore the relationship between mitogenome evolution and diets. Our results indicate that mitogenomic data can be effectively used to resolve phylogenetic relationships of Coccinellidae. Strong codon usage bias in coccinellid mitogenomes was predominantly determined by nucleotide composition. The 13 mitochondrial protein‐coding genes (PCGs) globally evolved under negative constraints, with some PCGs showing a stronger purifying selection. Six PCGs (nad3, nad4L, and nad5 from Complex I; cox1 and cox3 from Complex IV; and atp6 from Complex V) displayed signs of positive selection. Of these, adaptive changes in cox3 were potentially associated with metabolic differences resulting from dietary shifts in Coccinellidae. Our results provide insights into the adaptive evolution of coccinellid mitogenomes in response to both dietary shifts and other life history traits.  相似文献   

We studied variation in small-scale swimming behavior (SSB)in four clones of Daphnia galeata (water flea) in response topredator infochemicals. The aim of this study was 3-fold. First,we tested for differences in SSB in Daphnia; second, we examinedthe potential of differences in SSB to explain survival probabilityunder predation; and third we tested the effect of differencesin SSB on survival under predation. Four treatments were applied:one kairomone-free control, one Chaoborus- (phantom midge) andone Perca (perch)-conditioned treatment, and a mixed treatmentcontaining both infochemicals. All of the three tested behavioralparameters (swimming speed, trajectory length and vertical distribution)were affected by the presence of the Chaoborus infochemical,and swimming speed and vertical distribution were also affectedby the presence of Perca infochemical. The effect of the treatmentwas interfered with by a clone effect: genetic differences werepronounced in all traits. These results illustrate that clonescan be responsive in only a subset of traits. The general theorythat clones are either responsive or non-responsive is not validfor SSB. The outcome of the predation trial confirms that adecrease in activity is a main factor in lowering Daphnia vulnerabilityto Chaoborus predation.  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular genetics and phylogenetic reconstruction have the potential to transform ecology by providing new insights into the historical evolution of ecological communities. This study by Stevens and collaborators complements decades of previous research on desert rodents, by combining data from a field study and a phylogenetic tree for Mojave Desert rodents to address patterns and processes of community assembly. The number of coexisting rodent species is positively correlated, and the average phylogenetic distance among these species is negatively correlated with perennial plant species richness. As rodent species diversity increases along a gradient of increasing environmental heterogeneity, communities are composed of increasingly related species: there is a consistent pattern of phylogenetic structure from over-dispersed through random to clumped. I discuss this pattern in the light of complementary results of previous studies. This paper is noteworthy for calling attention to still unanswered questions about how the historical events of speciation, colonization, extinction, and trait evolution and their relationship to past climates and vegetation have given rise to current patterns of community organization.  相似文献   

Optimal number of matings in two aphidophagous ladybirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The present study was designed to identify the optimal number of matings required for maximum fecundity and egg viability in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Propylea dissecta .
2. For this purpose, ladybirds were subjected to different numbers of matings and the reproductive responses were recorded thereafter.
3. The Gompertz model was used to draw asymptotic graphs for fecundity and per cent egg viability in both ladybird species. Ninety-five per cent and 50% of maximum theoretical fecundity and per cent egg viability were predicted from the model.
4. Ninety-five per cent maximum theoretical fecundity was obtained after 13.25 and 12.95 matings in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively; and 8.95 and 11.25 matings were required for 95% maximum theoretical per cent egg viability in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively.
5. The results of these experiments clearly support the existence of an optimal number of matings in these two ladybird species leading to maximum adult fitness.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that determine invasion success for non‐native plants is crucial for maintaining global biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. One hypothesized mechanism by which many exotic plants can become invasive is through the disruption of key plant–mycorrhizal mutualisms, yet few studies have investigated how these disruptions can lead to invader success. We present an individual‐based model to examine how mutualism strengths between a native plant (Impatiens capensis) and mycorrhizal fungus can influence invasion success for a widespread plant invader, Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard). Two questions were investigated as follows: (a) How does the strength of the mutualism between the native I. capensis and a mycorrhizal fungus affect resistance (i.e., native plant maintaining >60% of final equilibrium plant density) to garlic mustard invasion? (b) Is there a non‐linear relationship between initial garlic mustard density and invasiveness (i.e., garlic mustard representing >60% of final equilibrium plant density)? Our findings indicate that either low (i.e., facultative) or high (i.e., obligate) mutualism strengths between the native plant and mycorrhizal fungus were more likely to lead to garlic mustard invasiveness than intermediate levels, which resulted in higher resistance to garlic mustard invasion. Intermediate mutualism strengths allowed I. capensis to take advantage of increased fitness when the fungus was present but remained competitive enough to sustain high numbers without the fungus. Though strong mutualisms had the highest fitness without the invader, they proved most susceptible to invasion because the loss of the mycorrhizal fungus resulted in a reproductive output too low to compete with garlic mustard. Weak mutualisms were more competitive than strong mutualisms but still led to garlic mustard invasion. Furthermore, we found that under intermediate mutualism strengths, the initial density of garlic mustard (as a proxy for different levels of plant invasion) did not influence its invasion success, as high initial densities of garlic mustard did not lead to it becoming dominant. Our results indicate that plants that form weak or strong mutualisms with mycorrhizal fungi are most vulnerable to invasion, whereas intermediate mutualisms provide the highest resistance to an allelopathic invader.  相似文献   

A key question in evolution is the degree to which morphofunctional complexes are constrained by phylogeny. We investigated the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance, quantified as bite forces, using phylogenetic eigenvector regression. Results indicate that there are strong phylogenetic signals in both absolute and size‐adjusted bite forces, although it is weaker in the latter. This indicates that elimination of size influences reduces the level of phylogenetic inertia and that the majority of the phylogenetic constraint is a result of size. Tracing the evolution of bite force through phylogeny by character optimization also supports this notion, in that relative bite force is randomly distributed across phylogeny whereas absolute bite force diverges according to clade. The nonphylogenetically structured variance in bite force could not be sufficiently explained by species‐unique morphology or by ecology. This study demonstrates the difficulties in identifying causes of nonphylogenetically structured variance in morphofunctional character complexes.  相似文献   

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