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Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), a multi-functional serum glycoprotein, has a triple-domain modular structure. Mutation of Trp145 (in Domain I) to Ser decreased 25-OH-D(3)-binding by 80%. Furthermore, recombinant Domain I (1-203) and Domain I + II (1-330) showed specific and strong binding for 25-OH-D(3), but Domain III (375-427) did not, suggesting that only Domains I and II might be required for vitamin D sterol-binding. Past studies have suggested that Domain III is independently capable of binding G-actin. We exploited this apparently independent ligand-binding property of DBP to purify DBP-actin complex from human serum and rabbit muscle actin by 25-OH-D(3) affinity chromatography. Competitive (3)H-25-OH-D(3) binding curves for native DBP and DBP-actin complex were almost identical, further suggesting that vitamin D sterol- and actin-binding activities by DBP might be largely independent of each other. Trypsin treatment of DBP produced a prominent 25 kDa band (Domain I, minus 5 amino acids in N-terminus), while actin was completely fragmented by such treatment. In contrast, tryptic digestion of purified DBP-actin complex showed two prominent bands, 52 (DBP, minus 5 amino acids in the N-terminus) and 34 kDa (actin, starting with amino acid position 69) indicating that DBP, particularly its Domains II and III were protected from trypsin cleavage upon actin-binding. Similarly, actin, except its N-terminus, was also protected from tryptic digestion when complexed with DBP. These results provided the basis for our studies to crystallize DBP-actin complex, which produced a 2.5 A crystal, primitive orthorhombic with unit cell dimensions a=80.2A, b=87.3A, and c=159.6A, P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group, V(m)=2.9. Soaking of crystals of actin-DBP in crystallization buffer containing various concentrations of 25-OH-D(3) resulted in cracking of the crystal, which was probably a reflection of a ligand-induced conformational change in the complex, disrupting crystal contacts. In conclusion, we have provided data to suggest that although binding of 25-OH-D(3) to DBP might result in discrete conformational changes in the holo-protein to influence actin-binding, these binding processes are largely independent of each other in solution.  相似文献   

Several techniques have been used to demonstrate that the binding of specific ligands to human plasma vitamin D binding protein induces a change in protein conformation. Apoprotein and holoprotein show circular dichroism spectra of similar form in the peptide region with double minima at 207 and 218 nm. The minimum mean residue ellipticity of apoprotein (20.6 X 10(3) degrees.cm2.dmol-1) is decreased by about 8% after vitamin D3 binding, suggesting a small change in the backbone conformation. Spectrofluorimetric studies showed that 25-hydroxycholecalciferol causes a saturable enhancement of intrinsic fluorescence of human vitamin D binding protein and alters the pH profile of protein fluorescence, suggesting that there are alterations in the local environment of tryptophan residue(s) after ligand binding. Furthermore, in the presence of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, the rate of chemical modification of the amino groups in human vitamin D binding protein is decreased and the susceptibility of intact vitamin D binding protein to proteolytic degradation is reduced, suggesting that some surface sites in the vitamin D binding protein molecule are less accessible to external agents. In addition, although the absorbance of vitamin made if difficult to interpret the ultraviolet spectra of holoprotein and apoprotein, the presence of vitamin D binding protein appears to stabilize the vitamin in an aqueous environment, a phenomenon that may be of physiological importance.  相似文献   

The vitamin D binding protein (DBP) is a multifunctional plasma protein that can modulate certain immune and inflammatory responses. The diverse cellular functions of DBP appear to require cell surface binding to mediate these processes. Numerous reports have detected DBP bound to the surface of several cell types and would support the concept of a cell surface binding site for DBP. However, direct evidence for such a molecule has been lacking and essentially nothing is known about its basic biochemical properties. In the present study, radioiodinated DBP was used as a probe to characterize biochemically the neutrophil DBP binding site. Radiolabeled DBP binds to and remains associated with the plasma membrane and is not degraded. Quantitation of DBP binding to either intact cells or purified plasma membranes showed nonsaturable (linear) binding with positive cooperativity, possibly suggesting DBP oligomer formation. Solubilization of cell bound 125I-DBP with various nonionic and zwitterionic detergents demonstrated that DBP binds to a membrane macromolecule that partitions to the detergent insoluble fraction. Moreover, this molecule does not associate with the cytoskeleton. Cross-linking of radiolabeled DBP bound to plasma membranes increased the amount of protein that partitioned to the insoluble fraction, and analysis of these complexes by SDS-PAGE revealed that they may be very large since they did not enter the gel. Finally, treatment of plasma membranes with either proteases or chondroitinase ABC completely abrogated membrane binding of DBP, suggesting that the protein binds to a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Using a panel of mouse X rat somatic cell hybrids and a characterized rat vitamin D binding protein (DBP) cDNA probe, we assigned the gene coding for rat DBP to chromosome 14. We conclude that the genes for DBP, albumin, and alpha-fetoprotein, all of which derive from a common precursor, are syntenic in the rat, as they are in man.  相似文献   

The transporter of vitamin D and its metabolites in blood has received increasing attention in recent years, and is recognized to be a member of a gene family that includes albumin and -fetoprotein. Identical to the group specific component (Gc-globulin) of serum, the protein is a single-chain polypeptide constitutively synthesized in liver that circulates in amounts in far excess of normal vitamin D metabolite concentrations in blood. It plays the major role in the egress of endogenously synthesized vitamin D3 from skin and appears to restrain D-sterols from too rapid/excessive cell entry. Along with plasma gelsolin, it comprises the plasma actin-scavenger system that facilitates removal of actin, liberated from lysed cells, by depolymerization and prevention of polymerization. Recently, the protein has been shown to behave as a co-chemotaxin specific for the complement peptide C5a, and its sialic acid-free form has been reported to play a role in macrophage activation. The latter functions strongly implicate its participation in inflammation responses. A unifying hypothesis might also suggest the protein to provide focal D-sterol delivery to cells that are important to the resolution of tissue injuries.  相似文献   

Cattle and horse plasma samples of known post-albumin types were radiolabelled with 14C-vitamin D3. These samples were then analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography. The patterns observed were identical to those of post-albumin variants. The polymorphic post-albumin protein of cattle and horse was thus identified as the vitamin D binding protein and homologous to the Gc protein of human plasma.  相似文献   

A sensitive competitive protein binding assay for vitamin D in plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sensitive protein binding assay for vitamin D is described. The vitamin D3 was extracted from plasma with diethyl ether and methylene chloride. The lipid extract was purified in Sephadex LH-20 followed by Lipidex 5000 and finally by high pressure liquid chromatography on a Zorbax Sil column (0.79 x 25 cm) developed in 0.25:99.75 isopropanol: methylene chloride. The vitamin D fraction was collected and quantitated by competitive protein binding assay with a 1/50,000 dilution of sheep plasma in 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 0.01% gelatin. [H3]-25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 was used as a radioactive tracer in the assay. We found that under these conditions, sheep plasma had equal affinity for vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 and could detect as little as 0.1 ng of vitamin D. When rat, cow, or human plasma was substituted for the sheep plasma, the decline in sensitivity to vitamin D2 was fivefold to tenfold. With this assay, we found excellent agreement (r = 0.98) between the results obtained by competitive protein binding analysis and direct U.V. absorbance analysis by high pressure liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

A role has been sought for the calcium binding protein (CaBP) which is synthesised de novo after giving cholecalciferol (CC, vitamin D3) to rachitic chicks. After homogenation of mucosal cells in sucrose media, the CaBP was found in the 78,000 X g supernatant. Therefore, the CaBP is either present in the cytoplasm or in some labile membrane structure, e.g. the microvilli, that is disrupted by homogenation. This intracellular CaBP may facilitate diffusion of Ca into intestinal cells. No secretion of CaBP into the lumen could be detected nor did excess CaBP placed in the lumen increase Ca absorption of rachitic chicks. The mitochondria of duodenal mucosal cells contained most of the Ca being translocated by the small intestine. CaBP caused release of Ca already present in mitochondria and diminished Ca uptake by mitochondria and it appreared to do this by increasing the rate of Ca flux across the mitochondrial membrane. This would explain the greater "turnover" of Ca in mucosal cells of cholecalciferol-treated chicks. These and previous findings have been used to propose a scheme for the effect of cholecalciferol on Ca transport from the small intestine.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the pig plasma vitamin D binding protein Gc was demonstrated by agarose isoelectrofocusing followed by either autoradiography or immunofixation with specific human Gc antiserum. Three different types F, FS and S were observed. Family data supported the genetic theory that the Gc types are controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles GcF and Gcs . Both alleles are present in Yorkshire and Duroc. In Danish Landrace and Hampshire only the GcF allele was observed.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of the pig plasma vitamin D binding protein Gc was demonstrated by agarose isoelectrofocusing followed by either autoradiography or immunofixation with specific human Gc antiserum. Three different types F, FS and S were observed. Family data supported the genetic theory that the Gc types are controlled by two autosomal codominant alleles GcF and GcS. Both alleles are present in Yorkshire and Duroc. In Danish Landrace and Hampshire only the GcF allele was observed.  相似文献   

Y Ohta  T P Stossel  J H Hartwig 《Cell》1991,67(2):275-282
The high affinity receptor that binds the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses 1 and 3 (Fc gamma RI) mediates important immune defense functions by inducing cell surface changes on human leukocytes. In this article, we document direct high affinity binding of Fc gamma RI to the actin filament cross-linking protein, actin-binding protein (ABP). In the absence of IgG, all Fc gamma RI molecules in undifferentiated cells of myeloid line U937 bound to ABP over a 9-fold range of Fc gamma RI expression induced by human IFN-gamma. Binding of IgG to U937 cells constitutively expressing Fc gamma RI or to COS cells genetically transfected to express Fc gamma RI rapidly decreased the avidity of Fc gamma RI for ABP. This finding suggests the existence of a pathway communicating a signal between a functional IgG receptor and intracellular components involved in the effector responses to Fc gamma RI-ligand interaction.  相似文献   

Serum protein binding of vitamin D3   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Vitamin D binding protein (DBP) was isolated from horse plasma in a four-step procedure that involved Affi-Gel Blue affinity chromatography, gel filtration, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and anion exchange high-pressure liquid chromatography. The yield of DBP from 80 mL of plasma was 6-7 mg. Horse plasma DBP closely resembles other plasma DBPs, being a tryptophan-free protein of Mr 53,000. It is able to bind to and block the polymerization of monomeric actin. The secondary structure of DBP was calculated from circular dichroism measurements to be 39% alpha-helix, 42% beta-sheet, and 19% random coil. Circular dichroism and fluorescence studies revealed that the disulfide bonds of DBP contribute substantial structural stabilization to the molecule with respect to thermal denaturation. The thermal stability of DBP can be used to advantage. Incorporation of a brief treatment at 70 degrees C into the preparative scheme enables omission of one chromatographic step, without detectable alteration of the purified product.  相似文献   

Chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI) can decrease the neutrophil chemotactic activity of C5a. Gc-Globulin (GcG) can function as a cochemotaxin for C5a by binding to C5a or C5a des Arg and enhancing its chemotactic potency. We hypothesized that CFI might interact with GcG and thus decrease the chemotactic activity of C5a. CFI was found to markedly inhibit the neutrophil chemotactic activity of partially purified C5a containing GcG (p less than 0.01). Addition of GcG was able to reverse the capacity of CFI to inhibit C5a-directed neutrophil chemotaxis (p less than 0.01). CFI had no significant effect on neutrophil chemotaxis when incubated with C5a depleted of GcG or C5a des Arg. CFI was also able to inhibit the interaction of C5a with GcG adsorbed to plastic. To determine if CFI interacted with GcG, a sandwich ELISA was used. These ELISA tests demonstrated that CFI directly interacted with GcG in a dose-dependent manner that was both heat and pH sensitive. To investigate the possibility of enzymatic degradation of C5a by CFI, CFI preparations were analyzed for carboxypeptidase activity, aminopeptidase activity, and for the capacity to cleave dansylated C5a. No enzymatic activity or cleavage was observed. Furthermore, the direct interaction of CFI with C5a and C5a des Arg was assessed by ELISA tests and column chromatography and no interaction was observed. These results suggest that CFI modulates C5a-directed neutrophil chemotaxis by interacting with GcG and preventing GcG from enhancing the chemotactic potency of C5a.  相似文献   

We have labelled the rat vitamin D binding protein (DBP), DBP-actin and rat albumin with 125I-tyramine-cellobiose (125I-TC). In contrast with traditional 125I-labelling techniques where degraded radioactive metabolites are released into plasma, the 125I-TC moiety is trapped intracellularly in the tissues, where the degradation of the labelled proteins takes place. By using this labelling method, the catabolism of proteins can be studied in vivo. In this study we have used this labelling technique to compare the tissue uptake and degradation of DBP, DBP-actin and albumin in the rat. DBP-actin was cleared from plasma at a considerably faster rate than DBP. After intravenous injection of labelled DBP-actin complex, 48% of the radioactive dose was recovered in the liver after 30 min, compared with 14% when labelled DBP was administered. Only small amounts of DBP-actin complex were recovered in the kidneys. In contrast with the results obtained with DBP-actin complex, liver and kidneys contributed about equally in the uptake and degradation of DBP determined 24 h after the injection. When labelled DBP was compared with labelled albumin, the amount of radioactivity taken up by the liver and kidneys by 24 h after the injection was 2 and 5 times higher respectively. In conclusion, liver and kidneys are the major organs for catabolism of DBP in the rat. Furthermore, binding of actin to DBP enhances the clearance of DBP from circulation as well as its uptake by the liver.  相似文献   

Platelets have previously been shown to contain a membrane skeleton that is composed of actin filaments, actin-binding protein, and three membrane glycoproteins (GP), GP Ib, GP Ia, and a minor glycoprotein of Mr = 250,000. The present study was designed to determine how the membrane glycoproteins were linked to actin filaments. Unstimulated platelets were lysed with Triton X-100, and the membrane skeleton was isolated on sucrose density gradients or by high-speed centrifugation. The association of the membrane glycoproteins with the actin filaments was disrupted when actin-binding protein was hydrolyzed by activity of the Ca2+-dependent protease, which was active in platelet lysates upon addition of Ca2+ in the absence of leupeptin. Similarly, activation of the Ca2+-dependent protease in intact platelets by the addition of a platelet agonist also caused the membrane glycoproteins to dissociate from the membrane skeleton. Affinity-purified actin-binding protein antibodies immunoprecipitated the membrane glycoproteins from platelet lysates in which actin filaments had been removed by DNase I-induced depolymerization and high-speed centrifugation. These results demonstrate that actin-binding protein links actin filaments of the platelet membrane skeleton to three plasma membrane glycoproteins and that filaments are released from their attachment site when actin-binding protein is hydrolyzed by the Ca2+-dependent protease within intact platelets during platelet activation.  相似文献   

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