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A water flux model, which assumes that the dynamic functioning of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum may be described by a series of steady states, was examined as a means for interpreting leaf water potential measurements in ‘Valencia’ orange trees (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). According to the model, leaf water potential should be related to transpirational flux, which in this experiment was estimated by the ratio of vapor pressure deficit of the atmosphere to leaf diffusion resistance (VPD/rleaf). Leaf water potentials decreased in a specific relationship with increasing values of VPD/rleaf provided that soil water was adequate and soil temperature was not too low, but regardless of season of the year or climatic or edaphic differences among 3 field locations. When soil water tensions exceeded 0.3 bar or when soil temperatures were lower than 15°C, deviations from the model occurred in the form of more negative leaf water potentials than predicted by VPD/rleaf. The model predicts from simple measurements made on intact plants that these differences were due to the modification of flow resistances by cool temperatures and the modification of both resistances and the potential of water at the source in the case of soil water depletion. The model may be a useful tool for interpreting plant water potential data under contrasting environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the extent in which leaf and whole plant transpiration (Tp) were influenced by root hydraulic conductance (Kr), leaf to root ratio and leaf mass. Also, the relationships between the anatomic characteristics of roots and Kr were investigated. To this end, 9‐month‐old seedlings of the citrus rootstocks Cleopatra mandarin (CM), Poncirus trifoliata (PT), and their hybrids Forner‐Alcaide no 5 (FA‐5) and Forner‐Alcaide no 13 (FA‐13) and 15‐month‐old trees of Valencia orange budded on these four rootstocks were tested. The hybrid FA‐13 and PT had higher values of Kr and leaf transpiration rates (E) than FA‐5 and CM. There was a positive curvilinear correlation between E and Kr. Furthermore, E levels in the different types of plants decreased with increased leaf/root (L/R) ratios. Pruning of the roots and defoliation confirmed that transpiration rates were strongly influenced by the L/R ratio. However, variations in E because of differences in L/R ratios were less pronounced in trees budded on FA‐13 and PT than on the other two rootstocks. In addition, there was a positive correlation between Tp and leaf biomass, although differences between rootstocks may be attributed to differences in Kr. The average lumen diameter of xylem vessels was greater in rootstocks with high Kr. Size of epidermal and hypodermal cells of fibrous roots may also restrict Kr.  相似文献   

Leaf gas exchange, water relations and ion content were measured on two-year-old Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck), Washington Navel orange (C. sinensis) and Marsh grapefruit (C. parodisi Macfad) scions budded to either Trifoliata (Poncirus infoliata [L] Raf) or Cleopatra mandarin (C. reticuLua Blanco) rootstoeks. Trees were watered with dülute nutrient solution containing either 0 or 50 mM NaCl for 77 days. Leaf chloride concentrations (cell sap basis) were higher in all scions budded on “Trifoliata but sodium levels were lower than in equivalent foliage budded on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock. Foliar salt levels also varied according to scion. Leaves of Marsh grapefruit had higher levels of both sodium and chloride than leaves of either Valencia orange or Washington Navel orange on both rootstocks. Accumulation of sodium and chloride in salinised leaves caused a reduction in leaf osmotic potential of 0.2–1.4 MPa. and leaf water potential declined by as much as 0.5 MPa. Turgor pressure in salinised leaves was thus maintained at or above the control level. Osmotic potentials determined by psychrometry compared with pressure-volume curves were taken to imply that some accumulation of sodium or chloride in the apoplast of salinised leaves may have occurred. Despite turgor maintenance both co2 assimilation and stomatal conductance were reduced by salinity. Following onset of leaf response to salinisation, gas exchange was impaired to a greater extent in scions budded to Cleopatra mandarin compared to those on Trifoliata. Amongst those scions. leaves of salt-treated Marsh grapefruit showed greater reductions in gas exchange than Valencia orange or Washington Navel orange budded on either rootstock. Increased sensitivity of 1Marsh grapefruit was correlated with a higher foliar sodium and chloride content in this scion. Scion differences in sensitivity of leaf gas exchange to solute concentration were independent of rootstock and appeared unrelated to leaf prolinebetaine concentrations. This implies an inherent difference between scion species with respect to salt tolerance, rather than variation in their capacity to acquire that type of compatible solute. In terms of rootstock effects, all scions proved more sensitive to salinity when budded to Cleopatra mandarin compared with Trifoliata. That response was attributed to a disproportionately higher concentration of leaf sodium in scions on Cleopatra mandarin.  相似文献   

The responses of leaf conductance, leaf water potential and rates of transpiration and net photosynthesis at different vapour pressure deficits ranging from 10 to 30 Pa kPa-1 were followed in the sclerophyllous woody shrub Nerium oleander L. as the extractable soil water content decreased. When the vapour pressure deficit around a plant was kept constant at 25 Pa kPa-1 as the soil water content decreased, the leaf conductance and transpiration rate showed a marked closing response to leaf water potential at-1.1 to-1.2 MPa, whereas when the vapour pressure deficit around the plant was kept constant at 10 Pa kPa-1, leaf conductance decreased almost linearly from-0.4 to-1.1 MPa. Increasing the vapour pressure deficit from 10 to 30 Pa kPa-1 in 5 Pa kPa-1 steps, decreased leaf conductance at all exchangeable soil water contents. Changing the leaf water potential in a single leaf by exposing the remainder of the plant to a high rate of transpiration decreased the water potential of that leaf, but did not influence leaf conductance when the soil water content was high. As the soil water content was decreased, leaf conductances and photosynthetic rates were higher at equal levels of water potential when the decrease in potential was caused by short-term increases in transpiration than when the potential was decreased by soil drying.As the soil dried and the stomata closed, the rate of photosynthesis decreased with a decrease in the internal carbon dioxide partial pressure, but neither the net photosynthetic rate nor the internal CO2 partial pressure were affected by low water potentials resulting from short-term increases in the rate of transpiration. Leaf conductance, transpiration rate and net photosynthetic rate showed no unique relationship to leaf water potential, but in all experiments the leaf gas exchange decreased when about one half of the extractable soil water had been utilized. We conclude that soil water status rather than leaf water status controls leaf gas exchange in N. oleander.  相似文献   

It is well known that rootstocks can have an effect on the vegetative growth and development of the tree; however, there has been no clear explanation about the physiological mechanism involved in this phenomenon. Evidence indicates that the rootstock effects on tree vegetative growth may be related to hydraulic limitations of the rootstock. The objective of these experiments was to investigate the shoot growth, water potential, and gas exchange of peach trees on different rootstocks in response to manipulations of water relations of trees on rootstocks that differ in root hydraulic conductance. Tree water relations were manipulated by applying different amounts of pneumatic pressure on the root system and then relative shoot extension growth rate, tree transpiration rate, leaf water potential, leaf conductance, leaf transpiration, and net CO(2) exchange rate responses were measured. Root pressurization increased leaf water potential, relative shoot extension growth rate, leaf conductance, leaf transpiration, and net CO(2) exchange rates of trees on both vigorous and dwarfing rootstocks. There was a significant positive linear correlation between applied pneumatic pressure and tree transpiration rate and leaf water potential. Leaf conductance, transpiration rate, and net CO(2) exchange rate as well as relative shoot extension growth rates were also positively correlated with the applied pneumatic pressure on the root system. These relationships were consistent across both vigorous and size-controlling rootstocks, indicating that rootstock hydraulic limitation may be directly involved in the vegetative growth control of peach trees.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to determine how atmospheric and edaphic conditions influenced the water relations of avocado trees (Persea americana Mill. cv. Bacon). With high and low levels of incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm wave length), and either wet or dry soil, leaf conductance decreased as the absolute humidity difference from leaf to air increased. For any water stress treatment, conductance was higher at high PAR than at low PAR. Both conductance and transpiration were higher in well-watered trees than in stressed trees, and in prestressed trees levels were intermediate to unstressed and stressed trees. A model for water flux through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum was used to examine the relationship of leaf xylem pressure potential to transpiration in well-watered trees and in trees stressed by dry soil. There was a close linkage between leaf xylem pressure potential and transpiration in unstressed and previously stressed trees with high or low PAR, i.e. similar potentials occurred with equivalent transpiration regardless of previous treatment or time of day. In stressed trees, xylem pressure potential was lower than in unstressed trees both during the day and night, and at a given transpiration rate the potential was lower after 1400 h than before that time. The model indicated that in stressed trees xylem pressure potential was uncoupled from transpiration, presumably because of altered resistance in the soil-root portion of the transport system.  相似文献   

A coupled model of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and transpiration   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
A model that couples stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, leaf energy balance and transport of water through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum is presented. Stomatal conductance in the model depends on light, temperature and intercellular CO2 concentration via photosynthesis and on leaf water potential, which in turn is a function of soil water potential, the rate of water flow through the soil and plant, and on xylem hydraulic resistance. Water transport from soil to roots is simulated through solution of Richards’ equation. The model captures the observed hysteresis in diurnal variations in stomatal conductance, assimilation rate and transpiration for plant canopies. Hysteresis arises because atmospheric demand for water from the leaves typically peaks in mid‐afternoon and because of uneven distribution of soil matric potentials with distance from the roots. Potentials at the root surfaces are lower than in the bulk soil, and once soil water supply starts to limit transpiration, root potentials are substantially less negative in the morning than in the afternoon. This leads to higher stomatal conductances, CO2 assimilation and transpiration in the morning compared to later in the day. Stomatal conductance is sensitive to soil and plant hydraulic properties and to root length density only after approximately 10 d of soil drying, when supply of water by the soil to the roots becomes limiting. High atmospheric demand causes transpiration rates, LE, to decline at a slightly higher soil water content, θs, than at low atmospheric demand, but all curves of LE versus θs fall on the same line when soil water supply limits transpiration. Stomatal conductance cannot be modelled in isolation, but must be fully coupled with models of photosynthesis/respiration and the transport of water from soil, through roots, stems and leaves to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Recent studies of Prosopis glandulosa have demonstrated a unique system of a deeply rooted species with significant water stress tolerance. Several growth and developmental characteristics have been correlated with water stress and nitrogen availability during field studies. Here we present a lab experiment in which a phreatophytic regime is simulated and the availability of nitrogen and water are varied. Increased ground water salinity caused lower plant water potentials and greater osmotic adjustment without significant increases in leaf Na+ concentrations. Leaf conductance was higher in the higher salinity treatments. Low water potential was also associated with reduced leaf size, reduced leaf area per plant and increased root to shoot ratio. Specific leaf weight and the transpiration ratio were unaffected by the low water potentials induced by increased salinity. Increasing nitrogen availability caused increased growth rates but did not influence water use efficiency. Net assimilation rates increased with increasing nitrogen availability but relative growth rates were more dependent on overall plant size than treatment conditions. The responses of P. glandulosa to the simulated phreatophytic environment were similar to those predicted by field measurements.  相似文献   

During the grain filling period we followed diurnal courses in leaf water potential (ψ1), leaf osmotic potential (ψπ), transpiration (E), leaf conductance to water vapour transfer (g) and microclimatic parameters in field-grown spring barley (Hordeum distichum L. cv. Gunnar). The barley crop was grown on a coarse textured sandy soil at low (50 kg ha−1) or high (200 kg ha−1) levels of potassium applied as KCl. The investigation was undertaken at full irrigation or under drought. Drought was imposed at the beginning of the grain filling period. Leaf conductance and rate of transpiration were higher in the flag leaf than in the leaves of lower insertion. The rate of transpiration of the awns on a dry weight basis was of similar magnitude to that of the flag leaves. On clear days the rate of transpiration of fully watered barley plants was at a high level during most part of the day. The transpiration only decreased at low light intensities. The rate of transpiration was high despite leaf water potentials falling to rather low values due to high evaporative demands. In water stressed plants transpiration decreased and midday depression of transpiration occurred. Normally, daily accumulated transpirational water loss was lower in high K leaves than in low K leaves and generally the bulk water relations of the leaves were more favourable in high K plants than in low K plants. The factorial dependency of the flag leaf conductances on leaf water potential, light intensity, leaf temperature, and leaf-to-air water vapour concentration difference (ΔW) was analysed from a set of field data. From these data, similar sets of microclimatic conditions were classified, and dependencies of leaf conductance on the various environmental parameters were ascertained. The resulting mathematical functions were combined in an empirical simulation model. The results of the model were tested against other sets of measured data. Deviations between measured and predicted leaf conductance occurred at low light intensities. In the flag leaf, water potentials below-1.6 MPa reduced the stomatal apertures and determined the upper limit of leaf conductance. In leaves of lower insertion level conductances were reduced already at higher leaf water potentials. Leaf conductance was increased hyperbolically as photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) increased from darkness to full light. Leaf conductance as a function of leaf temperature followed an optimum curve which in the model was replaced by two linear regression lines intersecting at the optimum temperature of 23.4°C. Increasing leaf-to-air water vapour concentration difference caused a linear decrease in leaf conductance. Leaf conductances became slightly more reduced by lowered water potentials in the low K plants. Stomatal closure in response to a temperature change away from the optimum was more sensitive in high K plants, and also the decrease in leaf conductance under the influence of lowered ambient humidity proceeded with a higher sensitivity in high K plants. Thus, under conditions which favoured high conductances increase of evaporative demand caused an about 10% larger decrease in leaf conductance in the high K plants than in the low K plants. Stomatal sizes and density in the flag leaves differed between low and high K plants. In plants with partially open stomata, leaf conductance, calculated from stomatal pore dimensions, was up to 10% lower in the high K plants than in the low K plants. A similar reduction in leaf conductance in high K plants was measured porometrically. It was concluded that the beneficial effect of K supply on water use efficiency reported in former studies primarily resulted from altered stomatal sizes and densities.  相似文献   

Cook PG  O'Grady AP 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):97-107
A simple model of water uptake by vegetation is used to aid the discrimination of plant water sources determined with isotope data. In the model, water extracted from different soil depths depends on the leaf–soil potential difference, a root distribution function and a lumped hydraulic conductance parameter. Measurements of plant transpiration rate, and soil and leaf water potentials are used to estimate the value of the conductance parameter. Isotopic ratios in soil water and xylem are then used to constrain the root distribution. The model is applied to field measurements of transpiration, leaf water potential and 18O composition of xylem water on Corymbia clarksoniana, Lophostemon suaveolens, Eucalpytus platyphylla and Melaleuca viridiflora, and soil water potential and 18O composition of soil water to 8.5 m depth, in an open woodland community, Pioneer Valley, North Queensland. Estimates of the water uptake from various depths below the surface are determined for each species. At the time of sampling, the proportion of groundwater extracted by the trees ranged from 100% for C. clarksoniana to <15% for L. suaveolens and E. platyphylla. The advantages of the model over the traditional approach to determining sources of water used by plants using isotope methods are that it: (1) permits more quantitative assessments of the proportion of water sourced from different depths, (2) can deal with gradational soil water isotope profiles (rather than requiring distinct values for end-members), and (3) incorporates additional data on plant water potentials and is based on simple plant physiological processes.  相似文献   

Water status indicators of lemon trees in response to flooding and recovery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Potted 2-year-old lemon trees [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil, cv. Verna] grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstock were subjected to flooding for 3 d. Control plants were irrigated daily to field capacity. Continuously (sap flow, trunk diameter fluctuations) and discretely (predawn and midday leaf water potential, leaf conductance) measured plant-based water status indicators were compared. The sensitivity of the maximum daily trunk shrinkage signal intensity to flooding and its behaviour during the recovery period demonstrated that this indicator is more feasible than the others for use in automatic irrigation. The responses to flooding of continuously and discretely measured plant-based water status indicators were very similar to those observed in response to drought stress indicating that it necessary to use soil water measurement automatic sensors to detect the cause of the stress. The results underlined the robustness of the compensation heat-pulse technique for estimating instantaneous and daily transpiration rates on flooding stress and recovery.  相似文献   

Summary The hydraulic resistivity ofVicia faba L. roots grown in soil was estimated from steady state measurements of transpiration rate and leaf and soil water potentials. Root and stem axial resistivities, estimated from xylem vessel radii, were negligible. Root radial resistivity was estimated to be 1.3×1012 sm−1. This root radial resistivity value was used to estimate, root resistance to water uptake for a field crop ofVicia faba. Previously published results were used for root distribution and soil water contents at the drained upper limit (DUL) and the lower limit (LL) of extractable soil water. Soil resistance to water uptake was estimated from single root theory using the steady rate solution. At the DUL, root resistance was about 105 times greater than soil resistance. At the LL, soil resistance exceeded root resistance for depths less than 0.3 m, but for depths greater than this soil resistance was smaller than root resistance. Estimates of possible uptake rates at given leaf water potentials indicated that overall soil resistance had a negligible influence upon uptake, even at the LL. The reliability of this result is examined in detail. It is concluded that over the complete range of extractable soil water contents soil resistanceper se would not have limited water use by this crop. This conclusion may also be valid for a wide range of soil and crop combinations.  相似文献   

Measurements with a pressure chamber were made of the xylem water potential of leaves, shoots and roots from bean plants (Pkaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Processor) grown with a 12 hour dark period and natural or artificial light conditions during the day. The water potentials were measured at the end of a dark period and during the light period. Measurements taken at the end of the dark period indicated normal potential gradients within the soil/plant system (leaf < shoot < root < soil), when the matric potential of soil water was relatively high (above ?0.02 bar), and the gradients then also remained normal during the day (natural light). When the soil water potential was ?1 bar or lower in the morning, however, the root xylem water potential was higher than the soil water potential; at very low soil water potentials (< ?4 bar) it remained higher during most of the day. In this case also leaf and shoot xylem water potentials were higher than the soil water potential in the early morning, although decreasing rapidly in daylight. Under artificial light, both leaf and root water potentials were higher than the soil water potential throughout the whole diurnal cycle when the latter potential was below ?4 bar. From measurements of stomatal diffusion resistance, transpiration, relative water content of leaves and of changes in the matric potential of soil water, it was concluded that when the matric potential of soil water was low, water could be taken up by the plant against a water potential gradient. Because leaf xylem water potential was always lower than root xylem water potential, the mechanism involved in the inversion of water potential gradient must be localized in the roots, and probably related to ion uptake. Symbols and abbreviations used in the text: Ψ: Plant water potential (thermocouple psychrometer); Ψx: Xylem water potential (pressure chamber); Ψs: Osmotic potential of xylem sap; Ψm: Matric potential of soil water; RWC: Relative water content.  相似文献   

Abstract While citrus rootstocks differ in capacity for sodium and chloride ion exclusion, citrus scion species also vary in foliar sensitivity to NaCl salinisation. Of two common scions, ‘Lisbon’ lemon appears more sensitive, whereas ‘Valencia’ orange in less sensitive to leaf salt. In an attempt to explain this difference. ‘Valencia’ orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) and ‘Prior Lisbon’ lemon (Citrus limon [L.] Burm. F.) were budded to rootstocks known to differ in their ability to exclude sodium ions viz, the strong excluder Trifoliata (Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf.), and the weaker excluder Troyer citrange (C. sinensis×P. trifoliata); neither rootstock shows strong exclusion of chloride ions. Budded trees were held under a photosynthetic photon flux density of 450 μmol m 2 S 1 and watered with nutrient solution containing either 0 or 50 mol m 3 NaCl. Growth and photosynthetic responses were measured over 58 d following onset of salinization: salinity effects on leaf gas exchange were studied in relation to changes in leaf water status, compatible solutes and foliar content of sodium and chloride ions, over that same period. Once root-zone salinization began to influence leaf solutes (day 30 onwards), lemon showed a steeper increase in leaf chloride than occurred for orange. Although rootstock differences were without effect on this ingress of chloride ions for either scion, sodium ions were excluded from both scions to a larger extent by Trifoliata than by Troyer citrange. Carbon dioxide assimilation of scion foliage was reduced earlier and to a much larger extent by rootzone salinization in lemon than in orange. Furthermore, comparisons of CO2 assimilation in relation to leaf tissue solutes between scions (on either rootstock) showed stronger responses for both sodium and chloride ions in lemon than in orange. Faster ingress of chloride into lemon leaves was identified as the crucial factor which predisposed towards expression of that contrast between scions. Although contrasts between scions in photosynthetic responses to salinization matched a faster ingress of chloride into lemon than into orange leaves, the sharper photosynthetic response of ‘Prior Lisbon’ lemon to salinity was not solely attributable to higher concentrations of chloride ions (cell sap basis). A difference between species in subcellular compartmentation of the chloride ion under saline conditions was invoked.  相似文献   

The contribution of stem water storage to the water balance of the arborescent palm, Sabal palmetto, was investigated using greenhouse studies, field measurements and a tree-cutting experiment. Water balance studies of greenhouse trees (1.5 to 3 m tall) were conducted in which transpiration was measured by weight loss, and changes in soil and stem water content by time-domain reflectometry. When the greenhouse plants were well-watered (soil moisture near saturation), water was withdrawn from the stem during periods of high transpiration and then replenished during the night so that the net transpirational water loss came primarily from the soil. As water was withheld, however, an increasing percentage of daily net transpirational water loss came from water stored in the stem. However, studies on palms growing in their natural environment indicated that during periods of high transpiration leaf water status was somewhat uncoupled from stem water stores. In a tree-cutting experiment, the maintenance of high relative water content of attached leaves was significantly correlated with stem volume/leaf area. Leaves of a 3-m tree remained green and fully hydrated for approximately 100d after it had been cut down, whereas those of a 1-m-tall plant turned brown within one week. The significance of stem water storage may be in buffering stem xylem potentials during periods of high transpiration and in contributing to leaf survival during extended period of low soil water availability.  相似文献   

Summary Water and nitrogen regimes of Larrea tridentata shrubs growing in the field were manipulated during an annual cycle. Patterns of leaf water status, leaf water relations characteristics, and stomatal behavior were followed concurrently. Large variations in leaf water status in both irrigated and nonirrigated individuals were observed. Predawn and midday leaf water potentials of nonirrigated shrubs were lowest except when measurements had been preceded by significant rainfall. Despite the large seasonal variation in leaf water status, reasonably constant, high levels of turgor were maintained. Pressure-volume curve analysis suggested that changes in the bulk leaf osmotic potential at full turgor were small and that nearly all of the turgor adjustment was due to tissue elastic adjustment. The increase in tissue elasticity with increasing water deficit manifested itself as a decrease in the relative water content at zero turgor and as a decrease in the tissue bulk elastic modulus. Because of large hydration-induced displacement in the osmotic potential and relative water content at zero turgor, it was necessary to use shoots in their natural state of hydration for pressure-volume curve determinations. Large diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance were observed, but could not easily be attributed to variations in leaf water potential or leaf water relations characteristics such as the turgor loss point. The single factor which seemed to account for most of the diurnal and seasonal differences in maximum stomatal conductance between individual shrubs was an index of soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. Daily maximum stomatal conductance was found to decrease with increasing soil/root/ shoot hydraulic resistance. This pattern was most consistent if the hydraulic resistance calculation was based on an estimate of total canopy transpiration rather than the more commonly used transpiration per unit leaf area. The reasons for this are discussed. It is suggested that while stomatal aperture necessarily represents a major physical resistance controlling transpiration, plant hydraulic resistance may represent the functional resistance through its effects on stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

Water-use characteristics and potential salt accumulation rates were studied in three halophytes, Salicornia virginica, Balis marítima and Borrichia frutescens, inhabiting a salinity gradient in the high marsh. Xylem pressure potential (ψρ), leaf osmotic potential (ψπ) and leaf relative water content were measured seasonally in the three species. Species growing on the high end of the salinity gradient developed more negative xylem pressure potentials compared to species growing at lower soil salinities. This trend was also observed for leaf osmotic potentials. Low mean leaf ψπ (below –15 to –36 bars) and high ash contents (0.27–0.48 g NaCl/g DW) indicated salt accumulation in transpiring tissues. However, calculations of potential salt accumulation, based on rates of transpiration and substrate salinity, suggest that some mechanism of salt exclusion at the roots may be operating.  相似文献   

The poorly understood physiological and biochemical drought responses induced in sweet orange by citrus rootstocks of contrasting drought tolerance were investigated during a drought/rewatering cycle under controlled conditions. Long-term exposure of the grafted trees to a gradually increasing water deficit and subsequent recovery revealed distinct strategies of drought acclimation that were induced by the different rootstocks. Trees grafted onto the drought-tolerant rootstock ‘Cravo’ rangpur lime were less water conservative, exhibiting an increased cell-wall elasticity that contributes to turgor maintenance and its related processes of growth and photosynthesis over a wider range of soil–water potentials. On the other hand, the drought-tolerant ‘Sunki Tropical’ mandarin and drought-sensitive ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate orange rootstocks induced a water conservation strategy by increasing tissue rigidity under drought. ‘Sunki Tropical’ was also able to induce osmotic adjustment, conferring thereby a more efficient water conservation strategy than ‘Flying Dragon’ by allowing for turgor maintenance at lower soil–water potentials while attenuating cell dehydration and shrinkage. In contrast to ‘Cravo’ and ‘Sunki Tropical’, trees grafted onto ‘Flying Dragon’ exhibited a significant photoinhibition of the photosystem II reaction centers, as well as an increased H2O2 production and lipid peroxidation under drought treatment. A significantly higher activity of the antioxidant enzyme GPX was also observed in drought stressed trees grafted onto ‘Flying Dragon’. Collectively, these results support the involvement of elastic and osmotic adjustments, as well as the control of oxidative stress, as functional leaf traits associated with the rootstock-induced drought tolerance in sweet orange.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Douglas-fir from seed of a number of mesic and xeric origins were grown in growth chambers and a nursery to various ages up to 16 weeks. Measurements were made to determine the effect of seedling age, growth chamber and nursery pre-conditioning, and seed source on transpiration rates under closely controlled laboratory conditions. Additional experiments were conducted on seedlings of two contrasting ecotypes to determine the effect of different pre-conditioning combinations of plant and soil water potential on seedling transpiration rates. Results show that well-watered seedlings of two mesic ecotypes show no decline in transpiration rates per unit leaf area up to 16 weeks of age while corresponding seedlings of three exeric ecotypes do decline. The growth chamber pre-conditioning results in lower seedling transpiration rates and more decline in seedling transpiration rates with increasing plant water stress than for nursery pre-conditioning. In a similar way, the xeric ecotype seedlings have more decline in transpiration rates with increasing plant water stress than do the mesic ecotype seedlings. Soil water potential influences transpiration rates through pre-conditioning effects. Seedlings which have experienced prior soil moisture stress decrease transpiration more in response to low plant water potentials than do plants which have experienced no soil moisture stress. These behavioral characteristics illustrate adaptive means by which seedlings conserve water through the interaction of genetic and preconditioning mechanisms.  相似文献   

Uptake of soil water by plants may result in significant gradients between bulk soil and soil in the vicinity of roots. Few experimental studies of water potential gradients in close proximity to roots, and no studies on the relationship of water potential gradients to the root and leaf water potentials, have been conducted. The occurrence and importance of pre-dawn gradients in the soil and their relation to the pre-dawn root and leaf water potentials were investigated with seedlings of four species. Pre-germinated seeds were grown without watering for 7 and lid in a silt loam soil with initial soil matric potentials of -0.02, -0.1 and -0.22 MPa. Significant gradients, independent of the species, were observed only at pre-dawn soil matric potentials lower than -0.25 MPa; the initial soil matric potentials were -0.1 MPa. At an initial bulk soil matric potential of -0.22 MPa, a steep gradient between bulk and rhizoplane soil was observed after 7 d for maize (Zea mays L. cv. Issa) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Nanus), in contrast to barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Athos) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kolibri). Pre-dawn root water potentials were usually about the same as the bulk soil matric potential and were higher than the rhizoplane soil matric potential. Pre-dawn root and leaf water potentials tended to be much higher than rhizoplane soil matric potentials when the latter were lower than -0.5 MPa. It is concluded that plants tend to become equilibrated overnight with the wetter bulk soil or with wetter zones in the bulk soil. Plants can thus circumvent negative effects of localized steep pre-dawn soil matric potential gradients. This may be of considerable importance for water uptake and growth in drying soil.  相似文献   

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