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A revision was undertaken of the high-rank syntaxa of the vegetation occurring in rock fissures, ledges and screes of mainland Greece and Crete. All published phytosociological relevés available were collected and subjected to numerical classification and ordination. Four orders (Androsacetalia vandelii, Onosmetalia frutescentis, Potentilletalia speciosae andPetromaruletalia pinnatae) comprising 8 alliances (one of them new) were distinguished within theAsplenietea trichomanis (rock fissures, clefts, and ledges). The scree vegetation was classified partly within theThlaspietea rotundifolii (Drypidetalia spinosae with 2 alliances) and partly within theDaphno-Festucetea (Saturejo-Scutellarietalia—a new order, with 2 alliances). Ordination revealed clear differences in floristic composition of the alliances distinguished. The studied chasmophytic vegetation of Greece contains a very high proportion of endemics which serve as diagnostic species of the syntaxa. Further, an analysis of chorological species spectra suggested that the chorological homogeneity of a syntaxon should be considered an important diagnostic feature at high-syntaxon levels.  相似文献   

A synopsis of high-rank syntaxa of scree vegetation with an accompanying list of plant communities is presented. The classification of scree vegetation in only one broadly conceived class, theThlaspietea rotundifolii, throughout Europe is a new concept. The vegetation on screes was classified into 8 major groups (17 orders and 42 alliances) according to their altitudinal range and the chemistry of the parent material. Brief information on ecological conditions, phytogeographical patterns, and altitudinal distribution are given. The characteristics and important diagnostic taxa for each alliance and order classified within theThlaspietea rotundifolii are given.  相似文献   

In the tradition of European phytosociology, delimitations of vegetation units such as associations are mostly based on data from small areas where more detailed vegetation sampling has been carried out. Such locally delimited vegetation units are often accepted in large-scale synthetic classifications, e.g. national vegetation monographs, and tentatively assigned to a small geographical range, forming groups of similar (vicarious) vegetation units in different small areas. These vicarious units, however, often overlap in species composition and are difficult to recognize from each other. We demonstrate this issue using an example of the classification of dry grasslands (Festuco-Brometea) in the Czech Republic. The standard vegetation classification of the Czech Republic supposes that the majority of accepted associations (66 out of 68) have a restricted distribution in one of the two major regions, Bohemia or Moravia. We compared the classification into traditional associations with the numerical classification of 1440 phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic, in order to test whether the traditionally recognized associations with small geographical ranges are reflected in numerical classification. In various comparisons, the groups of relevés identified by numerical analysis occupied larger areas than the traditional associations. This suggests that with consistent use of total species composition as the vegetation classification criterion, the resulting classification will usually include more vegetation units with larger geographical ranges, while many of the traditional local associations will disappear.  相似文献   

Changes in weed species richness and beta-diversity are partly attributable to different types and intensity of disturbance and partly to broad-scale variation in environmental conditions. We compiled a data set of 434 vegetation plots of weed vegetation in root crop and cereal fields in Moravia (eastern Czech Republic) to compare the effects of environmental conditions and different disturbance regimes on species richness and beta-diversity. To detect changes in species richness, we related the variation in species richness to individual environmental conditions. To assess differences in beta-diversity between the vegetation of cereal and root crop fields, we used Whittaker's measure of beta-diversity. The relative importance of each environmental variable for the variation in species composition was evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis. All analyses were done for all vascular plant species and separately for native species, archaeophytes and neophytes. A comparison of weed vegetation of root crops and cereals showed a distinct dichotomy between these two types of weed vegetation. There was no significant difference in total species richness and native species richness; however, cereal fields were richer in archaeophytes and root crop fields were richer in neophytes. The beta-diversity of weed vegetation was higher in root crops. Environmental factors explained a significant part of the variability in richness of both natives and aliens. The richness of native species increased and beta-diversity decreased with increasing precipitation. The opposite relationship was found for archaeophytes, in both cereals and root crops. These results confirmed the importance of climatic factors and management practices for changes in weed species composition. They also showed a distinct pattern of species richness and beta-diversity of native and alien weed species.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris in the Czech Republic is presented on the basis of 82 relevés including new unpublished data. A TWINSPAN classification and detrended correspondence analysis were used to identify the main vegetation types included in the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris. A syntaxonomic revision of the data set revealed five associations of the alliance: Digitario sanguinalis-Eragrostietum minoris, Portulacetum oleraceae, Eragrostio poaeoidis-Panicetum capillaris, Cynodontetum dactyli, and Hibisco trioni-Eragrostietum poaeoidis. The latter was recently found in several arable fields in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) and was newly characterized.  相似文献   

This paper summarises present knowledge of the natural saum vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea: Trifolion medii, Geranienion andDictamno-Ferulagenion) in Slovenia. The alliance ofGeranion sanguinei was subdivided into theGeranienio (primarily of Central European distribution) and SubmediterreanDictamno-Ferulagenion. Several new syntaxa (Scorzonero villosae-Trifolietum alpestris, Cirsio-Clematidetum rectae andOrigano-Cnidietum silaifolii) were described within theDictamno-Ferulagenion.  相似文献   

The classification of South Siberian meadows using the Braun-Blanquet approach was carried out on the basis of a geographically wide-ranging data set from the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayanian mountain systems. Two main phytosociological types of meadows were distinguished within the classMolinio-Arrhenatheretea. The natural Siberian forest meadows were included in the orderCarici macrourae-Crepidetalia sibiricae comprising two alliances (Crepidion sibiricae, Aconito barbati-Vicion unijugae) and 7 associations. The anthropogenic types of dry meadows were included in the European-West Siberian orderArrhenatheretalia, comprising one alliance (Festucion pratensis) and 5 associations. DCA ordination revealed clear differences in the floristic composition of the higher units and in the diagnostic importance of the main ecological and phytosociological species groups.  相似文献   

A syntaxonomic revision of vegetation of anthropogenic metalliferous habitats (mine spoils of lead, zinc and copper mining) in the Eastern Alps (Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia) was made. The communities studied belong to theThlaspietea rotundifolii (Linaria alpina-Cerastium uniflorum comm.,Papaveri kerneri-Thlaspietum kerneri, Violetum dubyanae, Thlaspietum cepaeifolii, Thlaspietum rotundifolii, Scrophulario juratensis-Erysimetum sylvestris, Minuartia gerardii-Silene glareosa comm.,Epipactido atrorubentis-Silenetum glareosae andSileno alpestris-Moehringietum muscosae) and to theAsplenietea trichomanis (Sileno rupestris-Asplenietum). There is neither floristic support nor syntaxonomic justification for the concepts of theGalio anisophylli-Minuartion vernae, theVioletalia calaminariae and theVioletea calaminariae in the Eastern Alps. These units should be included within theThlaspion rotundifolii, Thlaspietalia rotundifolii andThlaspietea rotundifolii, respectively.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to attempt to assign different vegetation types in South Sweden to the Braun-Blanquet system of syntaxa. The alliance was chosen as the most appropriate phytosociological unit for this purpose. Coniferous forests represent the zonal vegetation in large parts of South Sweden: spruce forests on mesic to moist sites and pine forests on dry, often strongly oligotrophic sites can be assigned to thePiceion excelsae andDicrano-Pinion respectively. In addition, various types of azonal vegetation (e.g., mires, springs, swamps and salt-marshes) subjected to some form of extreme environmental factor can be placed in alliances described from Central Europe. In contrast, some southern vegetation types in Sweden are difficult to assign, partly due to a lack of character species, as in the case of deciduous hardwood forests. In other cases, species of southern syntaxa are still frequent, for example in dry basiphilous grasslands and sun-exposed forest edges, but the syntaxonomical difficulties arise from an intermixture of diagnostic species of complementary alliances. This might be explained by the floristic and climatic conditions in South Sweden which deviate considerably from those in e.g. Germany a feature supported by the communities' indicator figures for temperature and continentality. This refers particularly to the combination of rather low average temperatures and, except in the west, a strong thermal or hygric continentality.  相似文献   

Principal coordinate analysis using Gower’s similarity coefficient and canonical discriminant analysis were performed using morphological data to assess species distinctness in theCardamine concatenata alliance, comprising the eastern North American dentarias. The results of an overall principal coordinate analysis of the alliance using quantitative and qualitative characters revealed distinct and separate clusters that correspond to five previously recognized species (C. angustata, C. concatenata, C. diphylla, C. dissecta, C. maxima). One additional taxon,C. incisa, was found to group closely with theC. diphylla cluster. In a second principal coordinate analysis including only individuals fromC. diphylla andC. incisa, both are supported as distinct morphological entities. Canonical discriminant analysis of only above-ground quantitative characters was less effective in distinguishing previously recognized taxa, in keeping with the emphasis on qualitative characters in previous taxonomic treatments of the group.Cardamine incisa (Eames) Schumann (pro hybr.) is raised to the rank of species. A key to the species of theCardamine concatenata alliance is provided.  相似文献   

河南省封丘农田杂草类型的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
段炼 《植物生态学报》1988,12(4):292-299
采用聚类分析的方法,研究阐明在气候差异不明显的冲积平原区,农田杂草类型和相应的土壤类型(相当于土属)有明显的相关性。在划分旱地农田杂草类型时,环境条件的差异比栽培作物具有更重要的指示意义。由于杂草多为广布种,采用聚类分析的方法,比单纯用优势种能够更客观地划分杂草类型。 根据实地观测,指出了封丘地区危害严重的主要杂草种类和危害时间,以及不同环境条件下杂草的分布和危害程度,这对于农业生产上杂草的防除工作有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Quaking rich fens dominated by boreal semi-aquatic brown-mosses such as Scorpidium scorpioides and Calliergon trifarium are extremely rare in the Carpathians. These fens harbour endangered species persisting at few localities in the region. However, their phytosociological classification has not been sufficiently solved yet, because they lack Sphagnum species as well as calcicole species characteristic for the Caricion davallianae alliance. A recent pan-European synthesis on fen vegetation suggests that these fens belong to the Stygio-Caricion limosae alliance (boreal rich fen vegetation). The isolated occurrence of this alliance southward of the boreal zone and outside the Alps is rather exceptional and might represent a relict from an early post-glacial period. In this study, we compared phytosociological data for the Stygio-Caricion limosae alliance between Northern Europe and the Carpathians plus adjacent regions (the Bohemian Massif, the Dinaric Alps) using NMDS and cluster analysis. We found that the species composition of brown-moss quaking rich fens in Central and Southeastern Europe corresponds well with that in Northern Europe, confirming their assignment to Stygio-Caricion limosae. We further reconstructed the potential past distribution of the alliance in Czech Republic and Slovakia using available floristic and macrofossil data. Macrofossil data suggest that this vegetation type had been much more common in Central Europe and that today it persists only in ancient fens, showing the long-term stability of environmental conditions. The main causes of its present-day rarity are Middle-Holocene woodland phases in fens and recent water table decreases caused by anthropogenic deterioration of the water regime in the landscape.  相似文献   

Inselbergs, mountain ridges and lateritic crusts are characteristic landscape elements in many tropical regions. They are of great interest from a botanical point of view. Their vegetation is relatively uniform and differs from the surrounding vegetation. The first synopsis of herbaceous vegetation of seasonally wet or inundated habitats on rocks, inselbergs, mountain ridges and lateritic crusts in several bioclimatic zones of tropical West Africa and Atlantic Central Africa is presented. A classification of 43 partial data sets, based on 378 relevés, resulted in four associations and several rankless communities, grouped into four different classes (Drosero-Xyridetea, Afrotrilepidetea pilosae, Lycopodietea cernui andMicrochloetea indicae). Plant communities from Atlantic Central Africa and West Africa are very distinct from a floristic point of view; in an ordination, they are clearly separated. TheDrosero indicae-Utricularietalia subulatae (Drosero-Xyridetea) comprises ephemeral vegetation in rock pools and depressions over lateritic crusts. It contains theEriocaulo pumili-Ophioglossion gomezianum, which combines communities with short-lived plant species in small pools on rock outcrops and in shallow depressions over laterite, and theGenliseo africanae-Sporobolion pauciflori, which colonizes similar habitats but is geographically restricted to few mountains in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Mats of monocytyledonous plants (Afrotrilepidetea pilosae, Afrotrilepidetalia pilosae) are very widespread in humid parts of tropical West Africa. They colonize gentle slopes and are often close to communities of theDrosero-Utricularietalia subulatae. Three alliances can be distinguished: West African alliancesCyanotido lanatae-Afrotrilepidion pilosae andSpermacoco hepperanae-Afrotrilepidion pilosae, and an Atlantic Central AfricanOreonesiono testui-Afrotrilepidion pilosae. Small-sacle alterations of the ecological situation often result in a mosaic-like pattern of the plant communities. Especially small inselberg and rock outcrop habitats are often affected by heavy fluctuations of their environmental and climatic conditions. Besides regular short-term dynamics, there are also long-term vegetation dynamics with cycles spanning several years.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the current situation in weed vegetation composition on arable land in selected areas of the Czech Republic, assessment of influence of selected variables: applied management systems (conventional, organic), crops (winter cereals, root crops) and altitude and ranking of the importance of these particular factors. A phytocoenological survey was conducted from 2006 to 2008 during a vegetation period using relevés that were 100 m2 in size, placed in the central part of fields. In total, 202 relevés of agricultural vegetation were recorded. The combined environmental variables explained 10.6% of the variability. Based on the pCCAs, the highest effect was found at altitude, which explains 5.1% of the species composition variability. The second and third most significant factors are crop and management system, which explain 3.3% and 1.8% of the variability, respectively. The lowlands were generally characterised by the thermophilous summer annual weed species. The higher altitudes were populated by species that are typical for colder areas and poor, humid, and acidic soil types, such as cambisoil.  相似文献   

The phytosociological researches which intent for studying the performance of weeds and the structure of weed assemblages associated with different crops derives their importance mainly from the adverse effect of weeds on crop productivity. Consequently, it is worth questioning about the ecological preferences of the weed growth in response to three main drivers for weed community structure associated with agronomic, and horticultural crops: crop diversification, crop seasonality, and soil type. A study area was selected comprising farmland of Nile Delta and its adjoining east and west territories, Egypt. A total of 555 species were recorded in 30 agroecosystems monitored and depending on species frequency/abundance values, 150 species were designated as the most influential weeds in weed community structure associated with agronomic and horticultural crops. The ecological preference of species for crop seasonality was evident through the results of Agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Three weed assemblage groups (WAG) identified: WAG A associated with winter agronomic crops, WAG B associated with summer agronomic crops, and WAG C associated with perennial agronomic crops and horticultural crops (orchards). Their diversity evaluated at different levels. The growth preference of the 150 species which were assigned as most influential weeds was gauged in response to the three environmental variables. 61 species were faithful to WAG A, 45 to WAG B, and 44 to WAG C. Concerning crop diversification, 34-species were significantly affected and scored coefficient of variation ≥ 100%. As for soil type, indicator species analysis revealed that 66-species show growth preference in fine grained soil while 84-species prefer coarse grained soil. In the three vegetation units (WAG A – C), 12 within-group associations (alliances) were specified of less-common (differential) species. The record of these alliances match to a specific environmental condition (ecological niche) and in them 29 strong indicators are identified. Redundancy analysis was used to extract and summarize the variation in species records in the response matrix (species vs. sites) that can be explained by the three different types of growth preference (explanatory variables), and the partial linear effect of them was evaluated by variation partitioning.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between soil pH/calcium content and species richness of vascular plants in seven broadly defined Central European vegetation types, using Ellenberg indicator values for soil reaction and a phytosociological data set of 11,041 vegetation sample plots from the Czech Republic. The vegetation types included (A) broad-leaved deciduous forests, (B) meadows, (C) dry grasslands, (D) reed-bed and tall-sedge vegetation, (E) fens and transitional mires, (F) perennial synanthropic vegetation and (G) annual synanthropic vegetation. Relationships between local species richness (alpha diversity) and pH/calcium were positive for vegetation types A and C, negative for D and G, unimodal for E, and insignificant for B and F. Ellenberg soil reaction values explained 37% of variation in local species richness for vegetation type E, 24% for A, 13% for D, but only less than 4% for the others. Species pool size, i.e., the number of species that can potentially occur in a given habitat, was calculated for each plot using Beals index of sociological favourability applied to a large phytosociological database. For most vegetation types, the relationships between species pool size and pH/calcium were similar to the relationships between local species richness and pH/calcium, with the exception of meadows (weak unimodal) and perennial synanthropic vegetation (weak negative).These patterns suggest that for those types of Central European vegetation that developed independently of human influence in the Pleistocene or early Holocene (dry grasslands, deciduous forests), there are larger pools of calcicole than calcifuge species. This pattern is also found at the level of local species richness, where it is, however, less clearly pronounced, possibly due to the predominance of a few widespread and generalist calcifuges in acidic habitats. The unimodal pattern found in mires may result from similar underlying mechanisms, but in high pH environments mineral-rich spring waters probably decrease species richness by having toxic effects on plant growth. By contrast, vegetation types developed under direct human influence (meadows, synathropic vegetation) show weak negative or no relationships of local species richness or species pool to pH/calcium gradient. These results support the hypothesis ofPärtel (Ecology 83: 2361–2366, 2002) andEwald (Folia Geobot. 38: 357–366, 2003), that the modern calcicole/calcifuge disparity in the species pool of Central European flora has resulted from historical and evolutionary processes that took place on high pH soils. In the Pleistocene, calcareous soils dominated both the dry continental landscapes of Central Europe and glacial refugia of temperate flora, which were mostly situated in southern European mountain ranges with abundant limestone and dolomite. The negative pattern of species richness along the pH/calcium gradient found in reed-bed and tall-sedge vegetation, however, is not consistent with this historical explanation.  相似文献   

The contribution presents phytosociological analyses of the savanna vegetation of Yaguaramas belonging to the classCuratello-Byrsonimetea Borhidi 1979. According to the plant composition, the plant communities under study belong to the orderByrsonimo crassifoliae-Andropogonetalia teneris Bal.-Tul. ordo nov., where two alliances were distinguished, namely theGuillemineo brittonii-Aristidion refractae Bal.-Tul. all. nov. and theByrsonimo crassifoliae-Andropogonion teneris Bal.-Tul. all. nov. The associationsSclerio interruptae-Rhynchosporetum subimberbis Bal. Tul. ass. nov., andPolygalo omissae-Andropogonetum diodontis Bal.-Tul. ass. nov. (both endemic) were classified in the former alliance while the associationByrsonimo crassifoliae-Andropogonetum teneris Bal.-Tul. ass. nov. is a representative of the latter. The following subassociations were distinguished: theSclerio interruptae-Rhynchosporetum subimberbis utricularietosum fimbriatae Bal.-Tul. subass. nov., theByrsonimo crassifoliae-Andropogonetum teneris typicum Bal.-Tul. subass. nov., and theByrsonimo-Andropogonetum sclerietosum interruptae Bal.-Tul. subass. nov.  相似文献   

Summary The P-element-mediated gene transfer system was used to introduceDrosophila teissieri 5S genes into theDrosophila melanogaster genome. Eight transformedD. melanogaster strains that carryD. teissieri 5S mini-clusters consisting of 9–21 adjacent 5S units were characterized. No genetic exchanges betweenD. melanogaster andD. teissieri 5S clusters were detected over a 2-year survey of the eight strains. The occurrence of small rearrangements within theD. melanogaster 5S cluster was demonstrated in one of the transformed strains.  相似文献   

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