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Auxin and ethylene promote root hair elongation in Arabidopsis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Genetic and physiological studies implicate the phytohormones auxin and ethylene in root hair development. To learn more about the role of these compounds, we have examined the root hair phenotype of a number of auxin- and ethylene-related mutants. In a previous study, Masucci and Schiefelbein (1996) showed that neither the auxin response mutations aux1 and axr1 nor the ethylene response mutations etr1 and ein2 have a significant effect on root hair initiation. In this study, we found that mutants deficient in either auxin or ethylene response have a pronounced effect on root hair length. Treatment of wild-type, axr1 and etr1 seedlings with the synthetic auxin, 2,4-D, or the ethylene precursor ACC, led to the development of longer root hairs than untreated seedlings. Furthermore, axr1 seedlings grown in the presence of ACC produce ectopic root hairs and an unusual pattern of long root hairs followed by regions that completely lack root hairs. These studies indicate that both auxin and ethylene are required for normal root hair elongation.  相似文献   

The plant hormones auxin and ethylene have been shown to play important roles during root hair development. However, cross talk between auxin and ethylene makes it difficult to understand the independent role of either hormone. To dissect their respective roles, we examined the effects of two compounds, chromosaponin I (CSI) and 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (1-NOA), on the root hair developmental process in wild-type Arabidopsis, ethylene-insensitive mutant ein2-1, and auxin influx mutants aux1-7, aux1-22, and double mutant aux1-7 ein2. Beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expression analysis in the BA-GUS transgenic line, consisting of auxin-responsive domains of PS-IAA4/5 promoter and GUS reporter, revealed that 1-NOA and CSI act as auxin uptake inhibitors in Arabidopsis roots. The frequency of root hairs in ein2-1 roots was greatly reduced in the presence of CSI or 1-NOA, suggesting that endogenous auxin plays a critical role for the root hair initiation in the absence of an ethylene response. All of these mutants showed a reduction in root hair length, however, the root hair length could be restored with a variable concentration of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). NAA (10 nM) restored the root hair length of aux1 mutants to wild-type level, whereas 100 nM NAA was needed for ein2-1 and aux1-7 ein2 mutants. Our results suggest that insensitivity in ethylene response affects the auxin-driven root hair elongation. CSI exhibited a similar effect to 1-NOA, reducing root hair growth and the number of root hair-bearing cells in wild-type and ein2-1 roots, while stimulating these traits in aux1-7and aux1-7ein2 roots, confirming that CSI is a unique modulator of AUX1.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development of plants is dependent on both intrinsic genetic programs and environmental factors. The plasticity of root hair patterning in response to environmental signals was investigated in the Columbia-0 wild type and 19 Arabidopsis mutants carrying lesions in various parts of the root hair developmental pathway by withholding phosphate or iron (Fe) from the nutrient medium. In the aging primary root and in laterals of the wild type, the number of root hairs increased in response to phosphate and Fe deficiency in a manner typical of each growth type. Although an increase in root hair density in -phosphorus plants was mainly achieved by the formation of extra hairs over both tangential and radial wall of underlying cortical cells, roots of -Fe plants were characterized by a high percentage of extra hairs with two tips. Root hair patterning and hair length was differentially affected by the presence or absence of phosphate and Fe among the genotypes under investigation, pointing to separate cascades of gene activation under all three growth conditions. Divergence in root hair patterning was most pronounced among mutants with defects in genes that affect the first stages of differentiation, suggesting that nutritional signals are perceived at an early stage of epidermal cell development. During elongation of the root hairs, no differences in the requirement of gene products between the growth types were obvious. The role of genes involved in root hair development in the aging primary root of Arabidopsis under the various growth conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Root hairs emerge from epidermal root cells (trichoblasts) and differentiate by highly localized tip growth. Microtubules (MTs) are essential for establishing and maintaining the growth polarity of root hairs. The current knowledge about the configuration of the MT cytoskeleton during root hair development is largely based on experiments on fixed material, and reorganization and in vivo dynamics of MTs during root hair development is at present unclear. This in vivo study provides new insights into the mechanisms of MT (re)organization during root hair development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Expression of a binding site of the MT-associated protein-4 tagged with green fluorescent protein enabled imaging of MT nucleation, growth, and shortening and revealed distinct MT configurations. Depending on the dynamics of the different MT populations during root hair development, either repeated two-dimensional (x, y, t) or repeated three-dimensional (x, y, z, t) scanning was performed. Furthermore, a new image evaluation tool was developed to reveal important data on MT instability. The data show how MTs reorient after apparent contact with other MTs and support a model for MT alignment based on repeated reorientation of dynamic MT growth.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided that ethylene is a positive regulator of hair cell development in the root epidermis of Arabidopsis thaliana. Treatment of seedlings with increasing concentrations of the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) results in progressively more root hair cells developing in positions normally occupied by non-hair cells. Consistent with these findings are observations that treatments that block either ethylene synthesis or its perception reduce the number of root hairs. A model is proposed in which either ethylene or ACC is a signal involved in specifying the pattern of cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis root epidermis.  相似文献   

Distinct tissues and organs of plants exhibit dissimilar responses to light exposure – cotyledon growth is promoted by light, whereas hypocotyl growth is inhibited by light. Light can have different impacts on root development, including impacting root elongation, morphology, lateral root proliferation and root tropisms. In many cases, light inhibits root elongation. There has been much attention given to whether roots themselves are the sites of photoperception for light that impacts light-dependent growth and development of roots. A number of approaches including photoreceptor localization in planta, localized irradiation and exposure of dissected roots to light have been used to explore the site(s) of light perception for the photoregulation of root development. Such approaches have led to the observation that photoreceptors are localized to roots in many plant species, and that roots are capable of light absorption that can alter morphology and/or gene expression. Our recent results show that localized depletion of phytochrome photoreceptors in Arabidopsis thaliana disrupts root development and root responsiveness to the plant hormone jasmonic acid. Thus, root-localized light perception appears central to organ-specific, photoregulation of growth and development in roots.  相似文献   

Root hairs are an excellent model system to study cell developmental processes as they are easily accessible, single-celled, long tubular extensions of root epidermal cells. In a genetic approach to identify loci important for root hair development, we have isolated eight der (deformed root hairs) mutants from an ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS)-mutagenized Arabidopsis population. The der lines represent five new loci involved in root hair development and show a variety of abnormalities in root hair morphology, indicating that different root hair developmental stages are affected. A double mutant analysis with the short root hair actin2 mutant der1-2 confirmed that the der mutants are disturbed at different time points of root hair formation. Auxin and ethylene are known to be important for trichoblast cell fate determination and root hair elongation. Here, we show that they are able to suppress the phenotype of two der mutants. As the auxin- and ethylene-responsive der mutants are affected at different stages of root hair formation, our results demonstrate that the function of auxin and ethylene is not limited to cell differentiation and root hair elongation but that the two hormones are effective throughout the whole root hair developmental process.  相似文献   

Chlorogenic acid (CGA), a product of the phenylpropanoid pathway, is one of the most widespread soluble phenolic compounds in the plant kingdom. Although CGA is known to have important roles in plant function, its relevance in plant de novo organogenesis is not yet understood. With a series of experiments, here we show that CGA has a potential role in shoot, root and root hair development. In the first phase of our investigation, we developed an efficient and novel thin cell layer (TCL) regeneration protocol for Hypericum perforatum which could bridge all the in vitro morphogenetic stages between single cell and complete plant. Tissues at different morphogenetic states were analysed for their phenolic profile which revealed that shoot differentiation from callus tissues of H. perforatum is accompanied by the onset of CGA production. Further, the relevance of CGA in de novo organogenesis was deciphered by culturing highly organogenic root explants on media augmented with various concentrations of CGA. Results of this experiment showed that CGA concentrations lower than 10.0 mg l?1 did not affect shoot organogenesis, whereas, higher concentrations significantly reduced this process in a concentration-dependent manner. In spite of the differential concentration-dependent effects of CGA on shoot regeneration, supplementation of CGA did not have any effect on the production of lateral roots and root hairs. Interestingly, CGA showed a concentration-dependent positive correlation with lateral roots and root hairs production in the presence of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). When the culture medium was augmented with 2-aminoindane-2-phosphonic acid (AIP), an inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), induction of shoots, lateral roots and root hairs from the explants was significantly affected. Addition of an optimum concentration of CGA in these cultures partially restored all these organogenic processes.  相似文献   

Multigene families encoding class XI myosins are conserved in higher plants, however, little information is available on specific functions of these ubiquitous molecular motors. We isolated gene knockout mutants for all 13 class XI myosins present in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome. Inactivation of 11 myosin genes resulted in no discernible phenotypes under the normal growth conditions. In contrast, the knockouts of the remaining two myosin genes, XI-2 (formerly MYA2) and XI-K, exhibited similar defects in root hair elongation suggesting that the myosin-driven motility plays a significant role in a polar tip growth. Strikingly, inactivation of each of these myosins also reduced trafficking of Golgi stacks, peroxisomes, and mitochondria in root hairs and in leaf epidermal cells. These results indicate that myosins XI-K and XI-2 play major and overlapping roles in the cell dynamics in Arabidopsis and highlight the redundant nature of myosin function in plants.  相似文献   

Root hairs are tubular outgrowths specifically differentiated from epidermal cells in a differentiation zone. The formation of root hairs greatly increases the surface area of a root and maximizes its ability to absorb water and inorganic nutrients essential for plant growth and development. Root hair development is strictly regulated by intracellular and intercellular signal communications. Cell surface-localized receptor-like protein kinases(RLKs) have been shown to be important components in these cellular processes. In this review,the functions of a number of key RLKs in regulating Arabidopsis root hair development are discussed, especially those involved in root epidermal cell fate determination and root hair tip growth.  相似文献   

Among the five members of AUX1/LAX genes coding for auxin carriers in rice, only OsAUX1 and OsAUX3 have been reported. To understand the function of the other AUX1/LAX genes, two independent alleles of osaux4 mutants, osaux4-1 and osaux4-2, were constructed using the CRISPR/Cas9 editing system. Homozygous osaux4-1 or osaux4-2 exhibited shorter primary root (PR) and longer root hair (RH) compared to the wild-type Dongjin (WT/DJ), and lost response to indoleacetic acid (IAA) treatment. OsAUX4 is intensively expressed in roots and localized on the plasma membrane, suggesting that OsAUX4 might function in the regulation of root development. The decreased meristem cell division activity and the downregulated expression of cell cycle genes in root apices of osaux4 mutants supported the hypothesis that OsAUX4 positively regulates PR elongation. OsAUX4 is expressed in RH, and osaux4 mutants showing longer RH compared to WT/DJ implies that OsAUX4 negatively regulates RH development. Furthermore, osaux4 mutants are insensitive to Pi starvation (-Pi) and OsAUX4 effects on the -Pi response is associated with altered expression levels of Pi starvation-regulated genes, and auxin distribution/contents. This study revealed that OsAUX4 not only regulates PR and RH development but also plays a regulatory role in crosstalk between auxin and -Pi signaling.  相似文献   

The sterol biosynthesis pathway of Arabidopsis produces a large set of structurally related phytosterols including sitosterol and campesterol, the latter being the precursor of the brassinosteroids (BRs). While BRs are implicated as phytohormones in post-embryonic growth, the functions of other types of steroid molecules are not clear. Characterization of the fackel (fk) mutants provided the first hint that sterols play a role in plant embryogenesis. FK encodes a sterol C-14 reductase that acts upstream of all known enzymatic steps corresponding to BR biosynthesis mutants. Here we report that genetic screens for fk-like seedling and embryonic phenotypes have identified two additional genes coding for sterol biosynthesis enzymes: CEPHALOPOD (CPH), a C-24 sterol methyl transferase, and HYDRA1 (HYD1), a sterol C-8,7 isomerase. We describe genetic interactions between cph, hyd1 and fk, and studies with 15-azasterol, an inhibitor of sterol C-14 reductase. Our experiments reveal that FK and HYD1 act sequentially, whereas CPH acts independently of these genes to produce essential sterols. Similar experiments indicate that the BR biosynthesis gene DWF1 acts independently of FK, whereas BR receptor gene BRI1 acts downstream of FK to promote post-embryonic growth. We found embryonic patterning defects in cph mutants and describe a GC-MS analysis of cph tissues which suggests that steroid molecules in addition to BRs play critical roles during plant embryogenesis. Taken together, our results imply that the sterol biosynthesis pathway is not a simple linear pathway but a complex network of enzymes that produce essential steroid molecules for plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Root hair development is controlled by environmental signals. Studies on root hair plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana have mainly focused on phosphate and iron deficiency. Root hair growth and development and their physiological role in response to salt stress are largely unknown. Here, we show that root epidermal cell types and root hair development are highly regulated by salt stress. Root hair length and density decreased significantly in a dose-dependent manner on both primary roots and junction sites between roots and shoots. The root hair growth and development were sensitive to inhibition by ions but not to osmotic stress. High salinity also alters anatomical structure of roots, leading to a decrease in cell number in N positions and enlargement of the cells. Moreover, analysis of the salt overly sensitive mutants indicated that salt-induced root hair response is caused by ion disequilibrium and appears to be an adaptive mechanism that reduces excessive ion uptake. Finally, we show that genes WER, GL3, EGL3, CPC, and GL2 might be involved in cell specification of root epidermis in stressed plants. Taken together, data suggests that salt-induced root hair plasticity represents a coordinated strategy for early stress avoidance and tolerance as well as a morphological sign of stress adaptation.  相似文献   

Genetic interactions during root hair morphogenesis in Arabidopsis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Root hairs are a major site for the uptake of water and nutrients into plants and form an increasingly important model system for studies of development of higher plants and cell biology. We have identified loss-of-function mutations in eight new genes required for hair growth in Arabidopsis: SHAVEN1 (SHV1), SHV2, and SHV3; CENTIPEDE1 (CEN1), CEN2, and CEN3; BRISTLED1 (BST1); and SUPERCENTIPEDE1 (SCN1). We combined mutations in 79 pairs of genes to determine the stages at which these and six previously known genes contribute to root hair formation. Double mutant phenotypes revealed roles for several genes that could not have been predicted from the single mutant phenotypes. For example, we show that TIP1 and RHD3 are required much earlier in hair formation than previous studies have suggested. We present a genetic model for root hair morphogenesis that defines the roles of each gene, and we suggest hypotheses about functional relationships between genes.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen is a substrate for nitrogen assimilation and also functions as a signal triggering widespread changes in gene expression that modulate metabolism and development. To integrate the actions of the nitrogen signal at the whole plant level, plants use multiple signaling routes that communicate internal and external nitrogen status. One route depends on nitrate itself and one uses cytokinin as a messenger. Recent genome-wide research has shown that the nitrate-specific signal regulates a wide variety of metabolic processes including nitrogen and carbon metabolism, and cytokinin biosynthesis. Cytokinin-mediated signaling is related to the control of development, protein synthesis and acquisition of macronutrients. The coordination and interaction of both regulatory pathways is important for normal plant growth under variable nitrogen supply conditions.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, root hairs are formed only from a set of epidermal cells named trichoblasts or hair-forming cells. Previous studies showed CAPRICE (CPC) promotes differentiation of hair-forming cells by controlling a negative regulator, GLABRA2 (GL2), which is preferentially expressed in hairless cells. Here, we show that CPC is also predominantly expressed in the hairless cells, but not in the neighboring hair-forming cells, and that CPC protein moves to the hair-forming cells and represses the GL2 expression. We also show that the N terminus of bHLH protein interacts with CPC and is responsible for the GL2 expression. We propose a model in which CPC plays a key role in the fate-determination of hair-forming cells.  相似文献   

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