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固定化细胞发酵酒精研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固定化细胞发酵酒精研究的进展许苏葵,何秀良(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)十九世纪初,人们发现某些微生物细胞具有一种吸附在固体物质表面的天然倾向和特殊功能,并以这种方式被束缚、固定起来。当时曾利用这种被吸附的微生物细胞,在滴滤式反应系统...  相似文献   

固定化黑曲霉发酵玉米糖液生产柠檬酸的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用PVA复合凝胶包埋黑曲霉的孢子及菌丝体。固定后的细胞经过一系列预培养,用于发酵玉米生产柠檬酸。试验确定的固定化细胞摇瓶发酵生产柠檬酸最适条件为:玉米糖液浓度10Bx,培养温度35℃,摇瓶转速250r/min。经此条件发酵64h,柠檬酸产率最高达到96g/L,通常稳定在90g/L左右。同时对柠檬酸连续批次发酵生产进行了初步研究,固定化黑曲霉可连续使用8批次以上,其柠檬酸产量稳定在86-92g/L之间,。这为柠檬酸连续发酵提供了有利的保证,并探讨了有关的工艺技术条件。  相似文献   

固定化细胞载体的选择及发酵酒精特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道了采用聚乙稀醇复合凝胶为包埋介质材料,通过物理和化学方法制成不同形状的凝胶载体。载体机械强度达40~60kg/cm2,在初糖为14.6%的玉米糖化醪中,发酵周期为30~35h,酒精含量体积比达9.0%。从生产实际出发,以降低成本为目的,经生产实验证明,空心载体为最佳选择,成功的为工业化生产酒精提供了优质的固定化细胞凝胶载体。  相似文献   

针对以薯干为原料固定化酵母带渣酒精发酵的特点,研制了一种新型的容积为1m~3的膜片状填充床生物反应器,并历时半年多考察了该反应器的操作稳定性,得出较佳的发酵周期和醪液循环量等.实验结果表明:膜片状填充床固定化酵母生物反应器的酒精发酵速率远大于传统式发酵罐;其淀粉利用率可达91~92%,乙醇生产能力可达9.5kg EtOH/m~3·h.  相似文献   

固定化酵母细胞发酵酒精过程中杂菌污染防治的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近二十年以来,有关固定化细胞的制备方法、载体的选择、反应器类型等方面的研究,国内外学者报导的较多,但在发酵过程中如何防治杂菌污染却报导甚少。使用固定化细胞发酵技术更具有抵御杂菌污染的能力,但因固定化载体反复使用的寿命长,杂菌污染仍不可避免。一旦染菌,酵母活性降低、醪液生酸、酒分下降,影响生产率。因此防治杂菌污染是确保固定化细胞长期、稳定、连续化发酵酒精的关键性问题,亟待深入研究解决,以利于酒精的工业化生产。互杂菌的污染来源、污染途径及判断方法】.1杂富的污染来源固定化细胞生产酒精过程从固定化细胞…  相似文献   

利用PVA复合凝胶包埋黑曲霉的孢子及菌丝体。固定后的细胞经过一系列预培养 ,用于发酵玉米生产柠檬酸。试验确定的固定化细胞摇瓶发酵生产柠檬酸最适条件为 :玉米糖液浓度 1 0Bx,培养温度 35℃ ,摇瓶转速 2 5 0r/min。经此条件发酵 64h ,柠檬酸产率最高达到 96g/L ,通常稳定在 90g/L左右。同时对柠檬酸连续批次发酵生产进行了初步研究 ,固定化黑曲霉可连续使用 8批次以上 ,其柠檬酸产量稳定在 86~ 92g/L之间 ,这为柠檬酸连续发酵提供了有利的保证 ,并探讨了有关的工艺技术条件  相似文献   

重组运动发酵单胞菌的构建及木糖利用特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)木糖代谢的关键酶基因.引入到运动发酵单胞菌中,获得能利用木糖发酵生产乙醇的重组工程菌株PZM.混合糖发酵过程中,重组菌利用葡萄糖和木糖生成乙醇的效率分别达到理论值的81.2%和63.1%.  相似文献   

木糖是木质纤维素原料水解液中的第二大组分,木糖和葡萄糖的充分利用是有经济性地生产纤维素乙醇的关键。通过基因克隆手段构建了一株可以高效利用木糖产乙醇的重组运动发酵单胞菌Zymomonas mobilis TSH01,并进行了利用单糖溶液、混合糖溶液及玉米秸秆水解液发酵产乙醇效率的研究。结果表明,利用单一葡萄糖或单一木糖溶液发酵时,当糖浓度为8%、发酵72 h后,糖利用率分别为100%和98.9%,乙醇代谢收率分别为87.8%和78.3%;利用8%葡萄糖和8%木糖的混合溶液发酵时,72 h后,葡萄糖和木糖的利用率分别为98.5%和97.4%,乙醇代谢收率为94.9%。利用含3.2%葡萄糖和3.5%木糖的玉米秸秆水解液发酵72 h后,葡萄糖和木糖的利用率分别为100%和92.3%,乙醇代谢收率为91.5%。此外,磷酸二氢钾对发酵过程中木糖利用率以及乙醇收率的提高有明显促进作用。  相似文献   

产乙醇运动发酵单胞菌的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运动发酵单胞菌作为天然生产乙醇的主要微生物之一,具有特殊的Entner Doudoroff途径和其他一些特殊的糖代谢和能量代谢方式,因此具有乙醇产率高和乙醇耐受力强的显著特点。通过简述运动发酵单胞菌的糖代谢和能量代谢、乙醇和高渗透压等耐性及其遗传改造三方面的研究进展,阐明其应用于燃料乙醇生产的巨大潜力  相似文献   

Whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses the Embden‐Meyerhof‐Parnas pathway to metabolize glucose, Zymomonas mobilis uses the Entner‐Doudoroff (ED) pathway. Employing the ED pathway, 50% less ATP is produced, which could lead to less biomass being accumulated during fermentation and an improved yield of ethanol. Moreover, Z. mobilis cells, which have a high specific surface area, consume glucose faster than S. cerevisiae, which could improve ethanol productivity. We performed ethanol fermentations using these two species under comparable conditions to validate these speculations. Increases of 3.5 and 3.3% in ethanol yield, and 58.1 and 77.8% in ethanol productivity, were observed in ethanol fermentations using Z. mobilis ZM4 in media containing ~100 and 200 g/L glucose, respectively. Furthermore, ethanol fermentation bythe flocculating Z. mobilis ZM401 was explored. Although no significant difference was observed in ethanol yield and productivity, the flocculation of the bacterial species enabled biomass recovery by cost‐effective sedimentation, instead of centrifugation with intensive capital investment and energy consumption. In addition, tolerance to inhibitory byproducts released during biomass pretreatment, particularly acetic acid and vanillin, was improved. These experimental results indicate that Z. mobilis, particularly its flocculating strain, is superior to S. cerevisiae as a host to be engineered for fuel ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

A new osmotolerant mutant strain of Zymomonas mobilis was successfully used for ethanol production from beet molasses. Addition of magnesium sulfate to hydrolyzed molasses allowed repeated growth without the need of yeast extract addition. The kinetics and yields parameters of fermentation on media with different molasses concentrations were calculated. The anabolic parameters (specific growth rate, mu, and biomass yield, Y(X/S)) were inhibited at elevated molasses concentrations while the catabolic parameters (specific ethanol productivity, q(p), and ethanol yield, Y(p/s)) were not significantly affected. In addition to ethanol and substrate inhibition, osmotic pressure effects can explain the observed results.  相似文献   

Zymomonas mobilis is a superb ethanol producer with productivity exceeding yeast strains by several fold. Although metabolic engineering was successfully applied to expand its substrate range to include xylose, xylose fermentation lagged far behind glucose. In addition, xylose fermentation was often incomplete when its initial concentration was higher than 5%. Improvement of xylose fermentation is therefore necessary. In this work, we applied adaptation to improve xylose fermentation in metabolically engineered strains. As a result of adaptation over 80 days and 30 serial transfers in a medium containing high concentration of xylose, a strain, referred as A3, with markedly improved xylose metabolism was obtained. The strain was able to grow on 10% (w/v) xylose and rapidly ferment xylose to ethanol within 2 days and retained high ethanol yield. Similarly, in mixed glucose-xylose fermentation, a total of 9% (w/v) ethanol was obtained from two doses of 5% glucose and 5% xylose (or a total of 10% glucose and 10% xylose). Further investigation reveals evidence for an altered xylitol metabolism in A3 with reduced xylitol formation. Additionally xylitol tolerance in A3 was increased. Furthermore, xylose isomerase activity was increased by several times in A3, allowing cells to channel more xylose to ethanol than to xylitol. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that altered xylitol metabolism is key to improved xylose metabolism in adapted A3 strain. This work further demonstrates that adaptation and metabolic engineering can be used synergistically for strain improvement.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the potential of Zymomonas mobilis entrapped into polyvinylalcohol (PVA) lens-shaped immobilizates in batch and continuous ethanol production. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cells, free or immobilized in PVA hydrogel-based lens-shaped immobilizates - LentiKats, were cultivated on glucose medium in a 1 l bioreactor. In comparison with free cell cultivation, volumetric productivity of immobilized batch culture was nine times higher (43.6 g l(-1) h(-1)). The continuously operated system did not improve the efficiency (volumetric productivity of the immobilized cells 30.7 g l(-1) h(-1)). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated Z. mobilis capability, entrapped into LentiKats, in the cost-efficient batch system of ethanol production. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results reported here emphasize the potential of bacteria in combination with suitable fermentation technology in industrial scale. The innovation compared with traditional systems is characterized by excellent long-term stability, high volumetric productivity and other technological advantages.  相似文献   

Abstract Membranes of Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 were separated by centrifugation on discontinuous density sorbitol gradient using a 2-step purification procedure. Four bands of respective densities 1.17 (L1), 1.20 (L2), 1.22 (H1), and 1.32 (H2) were obtained. NADH oxidase activity was detected in L1 and L2 fractions, indicating that they were derived from cytoplasmic membrane. H1 and H2 fractions gave a positive Limulus polyphemus lysate test of outer membrane endotoxin. Proteins of 2 cytoplasmic membrane bands and of 2 outer membrane bands showed respectively similar patterns when separated by electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The broad host range vector pBBR1MCS-2 has been evaluated as an expression vector for Zymomonas mobilis. The transformation efficiency of this vector was 2 x 10(3) CFU per mug of DNA in a recombinant strain of Z. mobilis ZM4/AcR containing the plasmid pZB5. Stable replication for this expression vector was demonstrated for 50 generations. This vector was used to study xylose metabolism in acetate resistant Z. mobilis ZM4/AcR (pZB5) by over-expression of xylulokinase (XK), as previous studies had suggested that XK could be the rate-limiting enzyme for such strains. Based on the above vector, a recombinant plasmid pJX1 harboring xylB (expressing XK) under control of a native Z. mobilis promotor Ppdc was constructed. When this plasmid was introduced into ZM4/AcR (pZB5) a 3-fold higher XK expression was found compared to the control strain. However, fermentation studies with ZM4/AcR (pZB5, pJX1) on xylose medium did not result in any increase in rate of growth or xylose metabolism, suggesting that XK expression was not rate-limiting for ZM4/AcR (pZB5) and related strains.  相似文献   

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