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The binding site for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was solubilized with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS) in an active form from porcine spinal cord. 125I-labeled human alpha-CGRP (125I-CGRP) binding to the solubilized protein was determined by filtration using a GF/B glass filter. The maximal binding activity (approximately 60% of the crude membrane fraction) was obtained with 5 mM CHAPS. 125I-CGRP binding to the solubilized protein was of high affinity, saturability, and high specificity, having KD and Bmax values of 3.69 pM and 338 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. The binding activity was eluted in a single peak with a molecular mass of 400,000 daltons by gel filtration on TSK gel G4000SW. These results suggest that the solubilized protein may be responsible for the specific binding site.  相似文献   

Early plant defense response is characterized by elevation of activity of peroxidases and enhanced insolubilization of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, such as extensin, in the cell wall. The insolubilization process (cross-linking between soluble extensin precursor molecules) is catalyzed by extensin peroxidases. We have ionically eluted extensin peroxidases from intact water-washed suspension-cultured tomato (hybrid of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Lycopersicon peruvianum L. [Mill.]) cells and purified them to homogeneity by molecular sieve and cation-exchange chromatography. Four ionic forms of peroxidase (PI,PII,EPIII, and EPIV) were resolved; only the latter two cross-linked tomato soluble extensin. The molecular weight (34,000-37,000), amino acid composition, and isoelectric point (9.0) of the extensin peroxidases were determined. Substrate specificities of the enzymes were investigated: soluble extensin and potato lectin (a hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein with a domain that strongly resembles extensin) were cross-linked by only two forms of the enzyme, whereas bovine serum albumin, aldolase, insulin, a number of other marker proteins, and proteins eluted from tomato cells (except extensin) could not be cross-linked. We have also isolated a yeast elicitor that enhances total peroxidase activity and extensin insolubilization within 1 h of challenge in cultured cells of tomato. A highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique using polyclonal antiserum raised against soluble tomato extensin was used to demonstrate extensin insolubilization in vivo. A tomato cell-wall peroxidase that cross-links extensin has been purified and may have a role in plant defense.  相似文献   

The race-specific Cladosporium fulvum peptide elicitor AVR9, which specifically induces a hypersensitive response in tomato genotypes carrying the Cf-9 resistance gene, was labeled with iodine-125 at the N-terminal tyrosine residue and used in binding studies. 125I-AVR9 showed specific, saturable, and reversible binding to plasma membranes isolated from leaves of tomato cultivar Moneymaker without Cf resistance genes (MM-Cf0) or from a near-isogenic genotype with the Cf-9 resistance gene (MM-Cf9). The dissociation constant was found to be 0.07 nM, and the receptor concentration was 0.8 pmol/mg microsomal protein. Binding was highly influenced by pH and the ionic strength of the binding buffer and by temperature, indicating the involvement of both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Binding kinetics and binding capacity were similar for membranes of the MM-Cf0 and MM-Cf9 genotypes. In all solanaceous plant species tested, an AVR9 binding site was present, whereas in the nonsolanaceous species that were analyzed, such a binding site could not be identified. The ability of membranes isolated from different solanaceous plant species to bind AVR9 seems to correlate with the presence of members of the Cf-9 gene family, but whether this correlation is functional remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A high-affinity binding site for N-acetylchitooligosac-chlarideelicitor was found to localize in the plasma membrane from suspension-culturedrice cells. Binding kinetics as well as the specificity of thisbinding site corresponded well with the behavior of the ricecells to the editor. These characteristics suggest that thebinding site represents a functional receptor for N-acetylchitooligosaccharideelicitor in rice. 2Present address: Okinawa Prefectural Livestock ExperimentalStation, 2009-5 Shoshi, Nakijin-son, Okinawa, 905-04 Japan. 3Present address: School of Hygiene and Public Health, The JohnsHopkins University, 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland,21205 U.S.A. 4Present address: University of Tenessee, Microbiology, knoxville,Tennessee, 37996 U.S.A.  相似文献   

It is well known that fatty acid chain elongation involves four steps : (a) condensation of a primer with malonyl-CoA to form the β-keto acyl CoA; (b) reduction of the resulting β -keto acyl CoA to a secondary alcohol, β-hydroxyl acyl CoA; (c) dehydration of the alcohol to form trans-2-enoyl CoA; and (d) reduction of the trans-2-enoyl CoA to give an acid 2 carbon atoms longer than the primer. 1–2The enzyme involved in step (c) is trans-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase, It can perform a reversible hydration of α, β-unsaturated fatty acid chain elongation. 3A partial purification of this enzyme has been reported by Bernert and Sprecher. 4The purification of enoyl-CoA hydratase from mycobacterium smegmatis 5and from rat mitochondria have also been reported; 6however, the purification of enoyl-hydratase from rat liver has not been reported.  相似文献   

L-[3H]Glutamate binding sites were solubilized from porcine brain synaptic junctions by Triton X-114 in the presence of KCl. The solubilized binding sites bound L-[3H]glutamate reversibly with KD and Bmax values of 1.48 +/- 0.18 microM and 178.2 +/- 15.9 pmol/mg of protein, respectively. These binding sites appeared to be integral membrane glycoproteins, with sugar moieties recognized by wheat germ agglutinin. A 49.3-fold purification of these binding sites was achieved by Triton X-114 solubilization, anion-exchange chromatography, and affinity chromatography using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose. The apparent molecular mass of the partially purified binding sites was 620 +/- 50 kDa. L-[3H]Glutamate bound to the solubilized preparation could be effectively displaced by agonists of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) L-glutamate receptors but not by NMDA or alpha-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate. The rank order for the competitive ligands in displacing L-[3H]glutamate was: quisqualate greater than alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid greater than L-glutamate greater than kainate.  相似文献   

A glutamate binding protein was purified from bovine brain to apparent homogeneity. The procedure used for the purification of this protein involved extraction of a crude synaptic membrane fraction with Na-cholate, followed by solubilization of the binding protein from the membranes by Triton X-100, and, finally, affinity batch separation of the protein on L-glutamate-loaded glass fiber. The molecular characteristics of the purified protein were similar to those previously described for the glutamate binding protein from rat brain synaptic membranes and included the following: small Mr (14,000), acidic (pI = 4.7) protein with a single NH2-terminal amino acid (tyrosine), and significant absorption at wave-lengths greater than 300 nm. Complete amino acid analysis of the protein was not achieved, either because of destruction of some amino acids or of incomplete hydrolysis of the protein. The protein bound L-glutamate with high affinity (KD = 0.87 microM), exhibited one class of L-glutamate binding sites, and bound glutamate with a stoichiometry of 0.7 mol ligand/mol protein. The displacement of protein-bound L-glutamic acid by other neuroactive amino acids had characteristics similar to those observed for the displacement of L-glutamate from rat brain synaptic membrane or purified protein binding sites. Finally, the metal ligand formers KCN and NaN3 inhibited the activity of this protein just as they have been shown to do in rat brain synaptic membranes or the purified protein.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the isolation of a lectin from a Brazilian cultivar of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), through extraction in acidic (pH 4.2) medium, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The lectin was shown to be homogeneous by gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Rat brain angiotensin II (Ang II) receptors were solubilized with a yield of 30-40% using the synthetic detergent 3[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio)]-1-propanesulfonate. Kinetic analysis employing the high-affinity antagonist 125I-Sar1,Ile8-Ang II indicated that the solubilized receptors exhibited the same properties as receptors present within intact brain membranes. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.99) between the respective pIC50 values of a series of agonist and antagonists competing for 125I-Sar1,Ile8-Ang II labeled binding sites in either solubilized or intact membranes. Moreover, covalent labeling of 125I-Ang II to solubilized receptors with the homo-bifunctional cross-linker disuccinimidyl suberate, followed by gel filtration, revealed one major and one minor binding peak with apparent molecular weights of 64,000 and 115,000, respectively. Two binding proteins of comparable molecular weights (i.e., 112,000 and 60,000) were also identified by covalent cross-linking of 125I-Ang II to solubilized brain membranes followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. In contrast, only the smaller molecular mass binding protein was observed when solubilized membranes were labeled with the antagonist 125I-Sar1,Ile8-Ang II prior to gel filtration, and chromatofocusing of antagonist labeled sites revealed only one peak with an isoelectric point of 6.2. The successful solubilization of these binding sites should facilitate continued investigation of Ang II receptors in the brain.  相似文献   

In previous work, it was shown that cytoplasmic acetylcholine decreased on stimulation of Torpedo electric organ or synaptosomes in a strictly calcium-dependent manner. This led to the hypothesis that the presynaptic membrane contained an element translocating acetylcholine when activated by calcium. To test this hypothesis, the presynaptic membrane constituents were incorporated into the membranes of liposomes filled with acetylcholine. The proteoliposomes thus obtained released the transmitter in response to a calcium influx. The kinetics and calcium dependency of acetylcholine release were comparable for proteoliposomes and synaptosomes. The presynaptic membrane element ensuring calcium-dependent acetylcholine release is most probably a protein, since it was susceptible to Pronase, but only when the protease had access to the intracellular face of the presynaptic membrane. Postsynaptic membrane fractions contained very low amounts of this protein. It was extracted from the presynaptic membrane under alkaline conditions in the form of a protein-lipid complex of large size and low density which was partially purified. The specificity of the calcium-dependent release for acetylcholine was tested with proteoliposomes filled with equal amounts of acetylcholine and choline or acetylcholine and ATP. In both cases, acetylcholine was released preferentially. After cholate solubilization and gel filtration, the protein ensuring the calcium-dependent acetylcholine release was recovered at a high apparent molecular weight (between 600,000 and 200,000 daltons), its apparent sedimentation coefficient being 17S after cholate elimination. This protein is probably an essential coin of the transmitter release mechanism. We propose to name it mediatophore.  相似文献   

Two differently colored membrane preparations were separatedfrom the prochlorophyte, Prochloron sp., by mechanical disintegrationof the cells followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.An orange-colored preparation, containing zeaxanthin as themajor constituent pigment, seemed to comprise the cytoplasmicmembrane. The other green-colored membrane preparation, containingß-carotene and chlorophyll a and b as major pigmentconstituents, was identified as the thylakoid membrane. Thetwo types of membranes were compared as to their absorptionspectra and buoyant densities. 1 This work is one of the results of the 8th International Expeditionon Prochloron organized by Dr. R. A. Lewin, University of Californiaat San Diego. 5 Present address: Solar Energy Research Group, The Algatron,The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi,Saitama 351, Japan. 6 Present address: National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki444, Japan. (Received October 19, 1984; Accepted January 7, 1985)  相似文献   

The osmoprotectant glycine betaine is synthesized via the path-way choline -> betaine aldehyde -> glycine betaine. In spinach (Spinacia oleracea), the first step is catalyzed by choline monooxygenase (CMO), and the second is catalyzed by betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase. Because betaine aldehyde is unstable and not easily detected, we developed a coupled radiometric assay for CMO. [14C]Choline is used as substrate; NAD+ and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase prepared from Escherichia coli are added to oxidize [14C]betaine aldehyde to [14C]glycine betaine, which is isolated by ion exchange. The assay was used in the purification of CMO from leaves of salinized spinach. The 10-step procedure included polyethylene glycol precipitation, polyethyleneimine precipitation, hydrophobic interaction, anion exchange on choline-Sepharose, dimethyldiethanolamine-Sepharose, and Mono Q, hydroxyapatite, gel filtration, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Following gel filtration, overall purification was about 600-fold and recovery of activity was 0.5%. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a polypeptide with a molecular mass of 45 kD. Taken with the value of 98 kD estimated for native CMO (R. Brouquisse, P. Weigel, D. Rhodes, C.F. Yocum, A.D. Hanson [1989] Plant Physiol 90: 322-329), this indicates that CMO is a homodimer. CMO preparations were red-brown, showed absorption maxima at 329 and 459 nm, and lost color upon dithionite addition, suggesting that CMO is an iron-sulfur protein.  相似文献   

The sigma-receptor, a distinct binding site in brain tissue that may mediate some of the psychotomimetic properties of benzomorphan opiates and phencyclidine, has been solubilized using the ionic detergent sodium cholate. Binding assays were performed with the solubilized receptor using vacuum filtration over polyethyleneimine-treated glass fiber filters. The pharmacological specificity of the solubilized binding site for sigma-receptor ligands is nearly identical to the membrane-bound form of the receptor, with the order of potencies for displacement of the selective sigma-ligand [3H]di-o-tolylguanidine ([3H]DTG) closely correlated. The stereoselectivity for (+)-benzomorphan opiate enantiomers was retained by the solubilized receptor. The soluble receptor retained high affinity for binding of [3H]DTG (KD = 28 +/- 0.5 nM) and (+)-[3H]3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine [(+)-[3H]3-PPP] (KD = 36 +/- 2 nM). Photoaffinity labeling of the solubilized receptor by [3H]p-azido-DTG, a sigma-selective photoaffinity label, resulted in labeling of a 29-kilodalton polypeptide identical in size to that labeled in intact membranes. Estimation of the Stokes radius of the [3H]DTG binding site was obtained by Sepharose CL-6B chromatography in the presence of 20 mM cholate and calculated to be 8.7 nm. This value was identical to the molecular size found for the binding sites of the sigma-selective ligands (+)-[3H]3-PPP and (+)-[3H]SKF-10,047, supporting the hypothesis that all three ligands bind to the same macromolecular complex.  相似文献   

采用硫酸铵分级分离,SephadexG-100凝胶过滤,DEAE-纤维素离子交换层析以及5'-AMP~Sepharose4B亲和层析,从猪肝微粒体中纯化得到可溶性的NADH-细胞色素b5还原酶,提纯倍数为750~800。总回收率为40%左右。纯化的酶是典型的黄素蛋白吸收光谱,A273/A460比值为5.8。在SDS-聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳板上呈单一的蛋白质区带,分子量为32kd。NADH和2,6-二氯酚靛酚的Km值分别为24和45μmol/L,以2,6-二氯酚靛酚为底物时,该还原酶的催化作用可能为乒乓机制。该酶的纯化为分子水平研究其反应机制及制备相应的抗体以建立免疫学检测方法创造了条件。  相似文献   

从假菠萝麻叶汁中用乙醇分部沉淀法得到一种蛋白酶,对酪蛋白有强烈的水解活性,经Sephadex G-100柱层析和SP-Sephadex C-50离子交换柱层析等步骤纯化,可得到六角形结晶。结晶酶液经PAGE圆盘电泳,每条胶柱上只显示一条蛋白带,其活性在pH4。5-10、55℃范围内较稳定,最适pH8.5最适温度50℃,Km(酪蛋白)值为0.185%(W/V)。用SDS-PAGE和Sephadex  相似文献   

A Cd-binding protein has been isolated from the roots of Cd-treated tomato plants cv. Rutgers. Almost all the Cd from a high-speed supernatant fraction was recovered in a 10,000-dalton fraction from a gel filtration column coincident with 250-nanometer absorbing material. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of this 10,000-dalton material yielded one major component, which eluted at 0.34 molar NaCl, had an absorption spectrum characteristic of metallothionein, and showed absorption changes upon acidification typical of metallothionein. Although the Cd-binding protein did not behave like metallothioneins from animal sources during gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9, a single band containing Cd and staining with Coomassie brilliant blue could be detected following electrophoresis at pH 6.9. Synthesis of the Cd-binding protein appeared to be “induced” by treatment of the plants with Cd2+.  相似文献   

A nonganglioside factor(s) present in Sigma types II and III mixed bovine brain ganglioside preparations synergises with suboptimal amounts of serum to induce proliferation specifically in nondividing B 103 neuroblastoma cultures. The active substance is nondialysable and soluble in water as well as in chloroform-methanol mixtures of 1:1-4:1 (vol/vol). It is completely insoluble in ether and acetone at room temperature. Biological activity survives heating to 70 degrees C in the presence of 0.1 M HCl for 1 h as well as boiling at neutral pH. Loss of activity occurs on heating to 70 degrees C for 1 h with 1 M HCl or 1 M NaOH. The activity is insensitive to digestion with neuraminidase, trypsin, pronase, and phospholipases A2 and C. The factor cochromatographs with gangliosides on Dowex AG 50W and Sephadex G100 and is partially recovered with GM1 on DEAE-Sepharose, but may be isolated in a ganglioside-free fraction by sequential chromatography on Sephadex LH20 and silicic acid columns. The substance(s) has the properties of a water-soluble proteolipid protein, the amino acid composition being reported. It is not immunologically cross-reactive with antibodies to GM1 ganglioside or the major proteolipid protein of myelin.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerase activity is induced during vaccinia virus infection of HeLa cells. The enzyme is maximally induced at 3.5 h postinfection. Partial purification frees the preparation of RNase activity and RNA polymerase activity. ATP is the substrate for poly(A) synthesis. A small amount of poly(A) is produced from added adenosine diphosphate due to the production of ATP by an adenylate kinase present in the preparation. The incorporation of ATP into poly(A) is dependent on divalent cations (Mg2+ or Mn2+) and is not inhibited by UTP, CTP, or GTP. Poly(U) stimulates ATP incorporation; poly(A) and poly(C) have little effect on ATP incorporation, and poly(dT) is extremely inhibitory. RNA prepared from HeLa cells and from the partially purified poly(A) polymerase (the enzyme preparation contains endogenous RNA [Brakel and Kates]) stimulates ATP incorporation by poly(A) polymerase which was subjected to DEAE-cellulose chromatography. RNase's, pancreatic and T1, inhibit the production of poly(A). DNase has little effect. Poly(U) is able to stimulate poly(A) production in the presence of T1 RNase.  相似文献   

α-Galactoside binding proteins were isolated from cellular membranes of mint and tobacco as well as two clones of sugarcane which differ in their sensitivity to helminthosporoside, a toxic galactoside. Sodium trichloroacetate was used to disrupt membranes after which the proteins were purified using a melibiose-Sepharose-6B affinity column. Proteins from mint, tobacco, and susceptible sugarcane had equal electrophoretic mobilities, whereas resistant sugarcane protein migrated more slowly. Pretreatment of the proteins with fluorescamine caused them to migrate with the tracking dye. Each of the proteins had molecular weights of about 100,000 and each was shown to be oligomeric. Gel filtration revealed that aqueous solutions of these membrane proteins contained a mixture of size species which included a high molecular weight multimer and lower molecular weight oligomers. The relative abundance of the oligomers was dependent upon protein concentration: the lower concentrations yielded higher relative amounts of oligomers (Kenfield and Strobel 1980 Biochim Biophys Acta 600: 705-712). Also, the binding activity of these receptors was inversely proportional to protein concentration. At low protein concentration (4 micrograms per milliliter), the Kd's of each of the proteins for galactinol, raffinose, and helminthosporoside was about 10 micromolar. At high protein concentrations (100 micrograms per milliliter), mint and resistant sugarcane proteins failed to bind α-galactosyl ligands, whereas proteins from tobacco and susceptible sugarcane exhibited a markedly decreased binding activity compared to that at lower protein concentrations. Binding proteins from susceptible sugarcane were mixed with receptors from either resistant sugarcane or mint at low protein concentrations, then assayed for binding activity. Such mixtures showed a concentration-dependent decrease in binding activity analogous to the activity of homogeneous protein solutions. Bovine serum albumin, a nonsubunit protein, had no effect on the binding activity of the protein from susceptible sugarcane. Thus, receptors from diverse plants can associate in vitro and form functional oligomers. The amino acid composition of each of the binding proteins was similar but not identical. The significance of these results is discussed in regard to regulation of carbohydrate transport and sensitivity to phytotoxins.  相似文献   

alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) binding sites were solubilized from rat brain membranes using 1% Triton X-100 in 0.5 M potassium phosphate buffer containing 20% glycerol. The solubilized binding sites were stable, permitting biochemical and pharmacological characterization as well as partial purification. Pharmacological and binding analyses indicated that the solubilized binding sites were similar to the membrane-bound sites. Both the solubilized and the membrane-bound preparations contained high- and low-affinity AMPA binding sites in the presence of potassium thiocyanate. A similar rank order for inhibition of [3H]AMPA binding by several excitatory amino acid analogs was obtained for the soluble and membrane-bound preparations. [3H]AMPA binding to both soluble and membrane-bound preparations was increased in the presence of potassium thiocyanate. The solubilized AMPA binding sites migrated as a single peak with gel filtration chromatography, with an Mr of 425,000. Beginning with the solubilized preparation, AMPA binding sites were purified 54-fold with ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The characterization and purification of these soluble binding sites is potentially useful for the molecular characterization of this putative excitatory amino acid receptor subtype.  相似文献   

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