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A monoclonal IgM (MC22-33F), raised in response to mouse embryonic dental papilla cells, was selected for further analysis on the basis of the unusual resistance of its epitope to detergent extractions and protease treatments of cell cultures. Binding of MC22-33F to cultured cells was abolished after either pre-treatment of the cells with phospholypase C or pre-incubation of the hybridoma culture supernatant with multilamellar phosphatidylcholine-containing vesicles. MC22-33F reacted with phosphatidylcholine, with the phosphatidylcholine analogue dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine, and with sphingomyelin immobilized on polystyrene surfaces or in thin-layer chromatograms. Crossreaction with other phospholipids was not observed. The surface of cultured epithelial cells was labeled by MC22-33F at sites of bleb formation. Combining immunostaining by MC22-33F and histochemical staining of cultured cells revealed codistribution of phospholipid-containing inclusions with either lysosomes or neutral fat droplets, and inhibition of lipid degradation by kanamycin resulted in a parallel accumulation of these inclusions and of neutral fats in the cytoplasm. Immunolabeling by MC22-33F of frozen mouse tissues was maximal in fat-storing and steroid-producing cells. Extracellular phospholipids present in calcifying cartilage septa strongly reacted with MC22-33F. This monoclonal antibody offers an interesting alternative to histochemical lipid stains for investigating fatty metamorphosis and extracellular lipid deposition under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of PHI-like immunoreactivity in the guinea pig gallbladder has been analysed by radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. Chromatography of gallbladder extracts by gel permeation and high-performance liquid chromatography revealed that guinea pig PHI-like immunoreactivity is of a similar size to that of porcine PHI but may differ in its amino acid sequence. Immunocytochemistry showed PHI-immunoreactivity to be localised to nerves found predominantly in the ganglionated plexus and the mucosal plexus of the gallbladder. Pure natural porcine PHI induced a dose-dependent relaxation of the isolated guinea pig gallbladder muscle which was not blocked by antagonists to acetylcholine, catecholamines, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. PHI may thus be one of the local factors involved in controlling gallbladder function.  相似文献   

The isolation of a hybridoma cell line, C-41, secreting monoclonal antibody to bovine xanthine oxidase (EC, is described. The specificity of this antibody was determined by solid-phase immunoassay, immunoblotting procedures, affinity chromatography, immunoelectrophoresis and precipitation techniques. The results are compared with those obtained in similar specificity studies on a previously described monoclonal antibody secreted by hybridoma cell line A-94 [Mather, Nace, Johnson & Goldsby (1980) Biochem. J. 188, 925-928]. This latter antibody appears to bind to xanthine oxidase only when the enzyme is immobilized on a solid support such as a plastic plate or nitrocellulose paper. Potential problems in the determination of the specificity of monoclonal antibodies, especially towards membrane proteins of unknown biological activity, are discussed.  相似文献   

A sperm antigen corresponding to baboon sperm monoclonal antibody 1A9 was localized in the testis and ejaculated sperm in this animal, using the immunofluorescence technique and immunogold labelling. Immunohistochemical studies of the baboon testis showed that the antigenic determinant was localized in the late spermatid cells and spermatozoa close to the seminiferous tubules. Immunofluorescence studies indicate that the protein was localized on the acrosome region of ejaculated baboon sperm. At the electron-microscopic level, gold particles indicative of the presence of this determinant recognized by 1A9 monoclonal antibody were detected on the inner acrosomal region of ejaculated baboon sperm.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for rainbow trout thrombocytes was produced and its reactivity was demonstrated by flow cytometry and immuno-electron microscopy. Flow cytometry analysis showed that this MAb (TTL-7D11) reacted positively with about 30% of the peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) and about 1%, 2%, and 11% of the pronephros, mesonephros, and spleen cells, respectively. Electron microscopy using immunogold labeling demonstrated that this MAb reacted strongly with thrombocytes, where gold beads could be seen attached only to the membrane and canalicular system of these cells. Positive and negative leucocytes for this MAb were obtained by magnetic cell separation. In the positive fraction, 96% of the cells were thrombocytes, while in the negative fraction no more than 3% were, which clearly showed a high purity of the positive fraction. Aggregation studies showed that about 75% of the positive fraction cells aggregated after being mixed with U-46619 thromboxane-mimetic, whereas in the negative fraction only 10% of the cells did so. Thus, utilizing the TTL-7D11 we have succeeded in isolating a pure thrombocyte population, and this would facilitate further studies, particularly on their characteristics and function(s).  相似文献   

The attachment of rhinoviruses to cellular receptors was studied by displacing bound virus particles with an anti-receptor monoclonal antibody. The two serotypes studied differed significantly with respect to the temperature dependence of displacement and the nature of the particles displaced. Binding was shown to be a two-step process, the first of which is reversible and is seen when viruses are bound either to isolated cell membranes or to cells at lower than physiological temperatures. Second-stage binding was seen with serotype 14 when bound to intact cells. Viral particles released from such cells by incubation at 37 degrees C or by anti-receptor antibody exhibited altered physical changes in the capsid and a loss of infectivity. In contrast, serotype 67 bound efficiently to cells at 37 degrees C and did not elute spontaneously but could be displaced by anti-receptor antibody to produce complete, infectious particles. Rhinoviruses labeled with [3H]myristic acid or with [35S]methionine were displaced similarly from cells or membranes by anti-receptor antibody, indicating that the majority of VP4 of rhinoviruses does not enter or remain attached to cells during either the first or second stage of virus binding. These data support the conclusion that the myristic acid moiety of VP4 is not involved in the initial viral interaction with cellular receptors.  相似文献   

弹尾虫单克隆抗体的制备及其在捕食研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用杂交瘤技术制备了针对弹尾虫的单克隆抗体2F10。该抗体的效价为1.024×108,只与灰橄榄长角跳虫、球角跳虫和钩圆跳虫等弹尾虫发生强烈反应而不与稻田常见的其它昆虫和蜘蛛发生交叉反应,具有高度特异性。建立了2F10、HRP-2F10和蜘蛛样品分别稀释4000倍(34.193ng/L)、1500倍(2.4624ng/L)和50倍(50ml/individual)的抗体夹心ELISA检测系统用于检测稻田常见蜘蛛对弹尾虫的捕食作用。其检测灵敏度为1/2头灰橄榄长角跳虫(4.49μg),拟环纹豹蛛捕食1头灰橄榄长角跳虫成虫后,在25℃下猎物的可测定时间为4.5h。应用该检测系统研究了不同稻区常见蜘蛛对2F10的阳性反应率。其中狡蛛、拟环纹豹蛛、纵条蝇狮和纵条蝇虎的阳性反应率显著高于食虫瘤胸蛛、八斑球腹蛛和锥腹肖蛸。  相似文献   

A hybridoma clone producing a monoclonal antibody (SC78.H81) against scopolamine was established. The monoclonal antibody was an IgG1 (k) antibody with high affinity (1.6 x 10(9) M-1 for methylscopolamine). The monoclonal antibody was cross-reactive with methylscopolamine and butylscopolamine, and showed weak cross-reactivity with 6 beta- and 7 beta-hydroxyhyoscyamine. The cross-reaction with L-hyoscyamine, atropine, scopine and DL-tropic acid was very weak. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using SC78.H81 was established to quantify scopolamine. The sensitivity of the assay allowed detection of 20 pg assay-1 (0.2 ng ml-1) of scopolamine. The assay was applied to the estimation of scopolamine content in hairy root cultures of a Duboisia hybrid.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (30.1.2) to hog thyroid peroxidase was produced, purified, and characterized. The IgG of 30.1.2 formed an immune complex with the peroxidase in a 1:2 or 1:1 molar ratio depending on the IgG to antigen ratio in the incubation mixture. Immune complex formation did not inhibit the peroxidase activity, which was actually activated 2-fold in the 1:1 complex. Studies of the binding of the conjugate of the IgG or its Fab' with horseradish peroxidase to untreated and acetone-treated thyroid microsomes showed that the IgG conjugate could bind to only a very small portion of the total binding sites (thyroid peroxidase) present in untreated microsomes even after prolonged incubation. The binding of the Fab' conjugate to untreated microsomes, on the other hand, increased as the incubation time was increased, reaching 40% of the total sites after 20 h of incubation. These findings indicated that thyroid peroxidase is localized on the inner surface of the microsomal membranes and that the Fab' conjugate, but not the IgG conjugate, can slowly penetrate through the membrane barrier to reach the peroxidase. Immunohistochemical experiments using the Fab' conjugate as a probe revealed that most thyroid peroxidase in the thyroid gland is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear cisternae of the follicular cell, although a small amount could occasionally be detected in the apical membrane including microvilli. In contrast to previous reports, no thyroid peroxidase could be found in other cellular structures such as Golgi apparatus and apical vesicles by the immunohistochemical technique employed.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody specific for thymine glycol (TG) in irradiated or OsO4-treated DNA was obtained by immunizing with thymidine glycol monophosphate (TMP-glycol) conjugated to bovine serum albumin by a carbodiimide procedure. Screening by dot-immunobinding and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) procedures gave eight clones that bound OsO4- treated DNA. One of them, 2.6F.6B.6C, an IgG2a kappa, was characterized further. Hapten inhibition studies with OsO4-treated DNA showed that the antibody was specific for TMP-glycol. Among the various inhibitors tested, inhibition was in the order TMP-glycol greater than 5,6-dihydrothymidine phosphate greater than TMP greater than thymidine glycol greater than TG. Inhibition by 5,6-dihydrothymidine, thymidine, thymine, AMP, and CMP was negligible. In OsO4-treated DNA, as few as 0.5 TG per 10,000 bp were detectable by direct ELISA. Inhibition assays could detect as few as 1.5 TG per 10,000 bp. The antibody was equally reactive with native or denatured DNA containing TG. Among the X-irradiated homopolymers dC, dA, dG, and dT, only dT reacted with the antibody. Using an ELISA, the antibody could detect damage in irradiated DNA at the level of 20 Gy. Thus the antibody is of potential use in assays for DNA damage caused by X rays or other agents that damage DNA by free radical interactions.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody monospecific for human type IV collagen was used as a structural probe to examine aspects of the macromolecular organization of basement-membrane collagen. Electron-microscopic observation of rotary-shadowed antigen-antibody complexes demonstrated a unique binding site for the antibody 55 +/- 6 nm distant from the 7S cross-linking region of tetrameric type IV collagen. This observation allowed a series of studies that showed: (1) the localization of an intramolecular disulphide bridge within the helical domain of the molecule, (2) the alignment of major peptic-digest fragments of the alpha 1 (IV) chain, and (3) confirmation of the postulated antiparallel arrangement of individual molecules within type IV collagen tetramers.  相似文献   

The secretion of immunoglobulin (Ig) from cultured mononuclear cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation is inhibited by monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF), a lymphokine produced by murine T cell hybridoma. In an attempt to develop a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) with specific reactivity against MNSF, a cell fusion technique that incorporated immune murine splenocytes and HAT-sensitive murine myeloma cells was used. Cross-reactivity experiments confirmed that the MAb (MO6) does not bind to unrelated proteins such as bovine serum albumin, mouse IgG, and murine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). There are no effects when anti-IFN-gamma antibodies are used with MNSF. As far as biological activity is concerned, MO6 inhibits in vitro the activity of MNSF in terms of the Ig secretion from cultured lymphocytes. By using MO6, affinity chromatography and immunoblotting were performed. The MNSF on the SDS-PAGE showed a band with m.w. of approximately 70,000, indicating the formation of an aggregate in saline; but after treatment with 0.4 M pyridine-acetic acid buffer, separate bands of 24,000 and 16,000 daltons were evident. Therefore MO6 recognizes 70,000 and both 24,000 and 16,000 daltons. Thus we confirmed by using this MAb and affinity chromatography, the existence of human counterpart, human nonspecific suppressor factor (hNSF), in supernatant from concanavalin A-stimulated T cells. When hNSF was fractionated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), the activity was found in a region corresponding to 70,000 daltons. However, when fractionated in pyridine-acetic acid buffer, hNSF activity was distributed in a slightly wider range of 15,000 to 30,000 daltons. Physicochemical analysis showed that the purified hNSF is resistant to either heating at 56 degrees C or to 2-mercaptoethanol treatment; however, it is labile to acidification at pH 2.0 and is also sensitive to protease treatment, the characteristics of which were similar to those of murine MNSF. Thus MO6 was confirmed to be a pertinent tool for isolation of hNSF, as well as for murine MNSF.  相似文献   

6B6 is a monoclonal antibody raised against a purified small dermatan sulfate proteoglycan from human ovarian fibroma capsule, has Although it been widely used as an anti-decorin monoclonal antibody, its epitope has not yet been characterized at the molecular level. Here, we show that 6B6 is specific to decorin. The antibody recognized human, mouse, and bovine decorin core protein, but not biglycan. Using recombinant decorin domains, we determined that the epitope lies within the region of amino acid residues 50-65, termed the cysteine cluster region. Cross-reactivity among species further narrowed it down to a primary sequence of residues 57-65. We also established the conditions for immunostaining. 6B6 stained both frozen and fixed sections. Whereas the glycosaminoglycan chain of decorin inhibited access of the antibody in immunoblotting, pretreatment of tissue sections with chondrotinase ABC did not affect the intensity of staining, suggesting that the glycosaminoglycan chain is integrated and the Cys cluster region oriented outside of the collagen fibrils in the tissue. When 6B6 was applied to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a concentration as low as 0.5 microg/ml of decorin was detectable by either direct or sandwich ELISA. 6B6 is thus a sensitive and reliable antibody to study functions of decorin from various aspects.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody was produced to the exterior envelope glycoprotein (gp120) of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-IIIB isolate of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This antibody binds to gp120 of HTLV-IIIB and lymphadenopathy-associated virus type 1 (LAV-1) and to the surface of HTLV-IIIB- and LAV-1-infected cells, neutralizes infection by cell-free virus, and prevents fusion of virus-infected cells. In contrast, it does not bind, or weakly binds, the envelope of four heterologous HIV isolates and does not neutralize heterologous isolates HTLV-IIIRF and HTLV-IIIMN. The antibody-binding site was mapped to a 24-amino-acid segment, using recombinant and synthetic segments of HTLV-IIIB gp120. This site is within a segment of amino acid variability known to contain the major neutralizing epitopes (S. D. Putney, T. J. Matthews, W. G. Robey, D. L. Lynn, M. Robert-Guroff, W. T. Mueller, A. J. Langlois, J. Ghrayeb, S. R. Petteway, K. J. Weinhold, P. J. Fischinger, F. Wong-Staal, R. C. Gallo, and D. P. Bolognesi, Science 234:1392-1395, 1986). These results localize an epitope of HIV type-specific neutralization and suggest that neutralizing antibodies may be effective in controlling cell-associated, as well as cell-free, virus infection.  相似文献   

The murine monoclonal antibody H316 recognizes cell surface glycoproteins shared in expression by human trophoblast and peripheral blood leukocytes. It is also strongly expressed by many human tumor cell types, including choriocarcinoma and teratocarcinoma. The H316 antigenic determinant from these different cell types is carried on two wheat germ agglutinin-reactive glycoproteins of approximately 65,000 and 55,000 m.w. The antigenicity is not dependent on N-linked glycosylation. Biochemical fractionation procedures suggest that the molecules are related to each other, are not associated through intermolecular disulfide bonds, but do exhibit intramolecular disulfide interactions. These glycoproteins demonstrate m.w. heterogeneity between different cell lines and individual trophoblast membrane preparations. Such properties suggest that H316 molecules may be representative of TLX antigens (trophoblast-leukocyte common antigens), which have been suggested to influence maternofetal immunogenetic interactions.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with a plasma membrane-enriched fraction from human malignant melanoma cells and subsequent generation of hybridomas resulted in the isolation of an IgG1 monoclonal antibody, 155.8, that recognizes chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. By cell binding analysis, 155.8 was shown to react with seven of eight cultured melanoma cell lines, but not with a variety of lymphoblastoid cell lines or cultured tumor cells derived from other solid tumor types. Indirect immunoprecipitation of the 155.8 antigen from intrinsically labeled melanoma cells revealed a glycoprotein of Mr = 250,000 and a sulfated molecule of Mr greater than 400,000. The antigen was identified as a chondroitin sulfate type A/C proteoglycan synthesized by melanoma cells on the basis of its sensitivity to chondroitinase ABC digestion and the identification of sulfated glycosaminoglycans released from the antigen immunoprecipitated by 155.8. The determinants recognized by antibodies 155.8 and 9.2.27, another anti-chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, immunoprecipitate only a proteoglycan from high density cesium chloride gradient fractions, (1.487 g/liter); however, they immunoprecipitate a free glycoprotein of Mr = 250,000 from low density fractions (1.317 g/liter). This demonstrated that the 155.8 and 9.2.27 determinants, both of which reside on the glycoprotein of Mr = 250,000, are also present in the proteoglycan, suggesting that this glycoprotein is the proteoglycan core protein. Monoclonal antibody 155.8 reacts with a determinant on the core protein distinct from that recognized by 9.2.27. Proteoglycans bearing 155.8 determinants are distributed on the surface of cultured melanoma cells in a punctated fashion that apparently resolves to short, filamentous structures at high magnification. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that 155.8-defined proteoglycans are found in freshly biopsied melanoma tissue, suggesting that these antigens are also synthesized in vivo by melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications can have a signification effect on antibody stability. A comprehensive approach is often required to best understand the underlying reasons the modification affects the antibody's potency or aggregation state. Monoclonal antibody 001 displayed significant variation in terms of potency, as defined by surface plasmon resonance testing (Biacore), from lot to lot independent of any observable aggregation or degradation, suggesting that a post-translational modification could be driving this variability. Analysis of different antibody lots using analytical hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) uncovered multiple peaks of varying size. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) indicated that the antibody contained a cysteinylation post-translational modification in complementarity-determining region (CDR) 3 of the antibody light chain. Fractionation of the antibody by HIC followed by ESI-MS and Biacore showed that the different peaks were antibody containing zero, one, or two cysteinylation modifications, and that the modification interferes with the ability of the modified antibody arm to bind antigen. Molecular modeling of the modified region shows that this oxidation of an unpaired cysteine in the antibody CDR would block a potential antigen binding pocket, suggesting an inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

Following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proacrosin has been identified in extracts of intact guinea spermatozoa as a major silver staining band which reacted immunologically with antibodies made against purified proacrosin from guinea pig testis. Proacrosin exhibited an approximate Mr of 50,000 and was rapidly converted to an Mr 45,000 protein following induction of the acrosome reaction with 2.0 mM CaCl2 and 1 micrograms/ml A23187. Apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 from guinea pig spermatozoa also contained a major silver staining band of Mr 50,000 which cross-reacted with antibodies to guinea pig testis proacrosin. Subcellular fractionation of spermatozoa indicated that proacrosin remained in the particulate fraction of homogenized spermatozoa and was enriched within the isolated acrosomal apical segment. When apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 were incubated at pH 7.5, proacrosin was rapidly converted to the Mr 45,000 form observed in spermatozoa undergoing the acrosome reaction. The conversion process in isolated apical segments was inhibited by leupeptin and was accelerated in the presence of calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Zinc completely inhibited the conversion of proacrosin to the Mr 45,000 protein. Neither proacrosin nor the Mr 45,000 protein were released into the supernatant fluid during the incubation of apical segments at pH 7.5. Furthermore, the proteins were resistant to solubilization by 150 mM NaCl and 1% Triton X-100 but were solubilized by treatment of apical segments with 1 M NaCl. These results provide evidence as to the identity and subcellular distribution of proacrosin in intact guinea pig sperm prior to zymogen conversion and suggest that isolated apical segments exhibit a subset of the exocytotic reactions leading to completion of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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