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Mouse embryo banking has become an important asset to geneticists. Individual laboratories can now maintain a far greater diversity of stocks than by conventional breeding alone. Also, many mutations that in the past would have been discarded due to lack of space, can now be preserved for future use. Recent advances in cryopreservation techniques have simplified procedures and, in certain cases, resulted in increased rates of survival.  相似文献   

Neural crest contribution to mammalian tooth formation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cranial neural crest cells, which are specialized cells of neural origin, are central to the process of mammalian tooth development. They are the only source of mesenchyme able to sustain tooth development, and give rise not only to most of the dental tissues, but also to the periodontium, the surrounding tissues that hold teeth in position. Tooth organogenesis is regulated by a series of interactions between cranial neural crest cells and the oral epithelium. In the development of a tooth, the epithelium covering the inside of the developing oral cavity provides the first instructive signals. Signaling molecules secreted by the oral epithelium 1) establish large cellular fields competent to form a specific tooth shape (mono- or multicuspid) along a proximodistal axis; 2) define an oral (capable of forming teeth) and non-oral mesenchyme along a rostrocaudal axis; and 3) position the sites of future tooth development. The critical information to model tooth shape resides later in the neural crest-derived mesenchyme. Cranial neural crest cells ultimately differentiate into highly specialized cell types to produce mature dental organs. Some cranial neural crest cells located in the dental pulp, however, maintain plasticity in their developmental potential up to postnatal life, offering new prospects for regeneration of dental tissues.  相似文献   

We study the phylogeny of the placental mammals using molecular data from all mitochondrial tRNAs and rRNAs of 54 species. We use probabilistic substitution models specific to evolution in base paired regions of RNA. A number of these models have been implemented in a new phylogenetic inference software package for carrying out maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic inferences. We describe our Bayesian phylogenetic method which uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to provide samples from the posterior distribution of tree topologies. Our results show support for four primary mammalian clades, in agreement with recent studies of much larger data sets mainly comprising nuclear DNA. We discuss some issues arising when using Bayesian techniques on RNA sequence data.  相似文献   

In order to improve the predictive accuracy of impedance cardiac output, the relationship between blood resistance, chemistry, and hematocrit was examined. Blood samples from sixty-three intensive care (ICU) patients was analyzed for hematocrit, sodium, bicarbonate, urea, total protein, albumin, glucose, and pH, and the electrical resistance of the sample was measured. Multiple regression analysis produced a statistically significant model with resistance as the dependant variable, and the exponent of the hematocrit (Exp[Hct]), pH and blood urea as the independent variables. This study therefore suggests that the accuracy of resistance prediction can be improved by incorporating pH and urea into the resistivity equation. It is to be expected that this in turn will improve the accuracy of impedance cardiac output estimation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the role of structural rearrangement onto the cell response during imposed cyclic stresses, we simulated numerically the frequency-dependent behavior of a viscoelastic tensegrity structure (VTS model) made of 24 elastic cables and 6 rigid bars. The VTS computational model was based on the nonsmooth contact dynamics (NSCD) method in which the constitutive elements of the tensegrity structure are considered as a set of material points that mutually interact. Low amplitude oscillatory loading conditions were applied and the frequency response of the overall structure was studied in terms of frequency dependence of mechanical properties. The latter were normalized by the homogeneous properties of constitutive elements in order to capture the essential feature of spatial rearrangement. The results reveal a specific frequency-dependent contribution of elastic and viscous effects which is responsible for significant changes in the VTS model dynamical properties. The mechanism behind is related to the variable contribution of spatial rearrangement of VTS elements which is decreased from low to high frequency as dominant effects are transferred from mainly elastic to mainly viscous. More precisely, the elasticity modulus increases with frequency while the viscosity modulus decreases, each evolution corresponding to a specific power-law dependency. The satisfactorily agreement found between present numerical results and the literature data issued from in vitro cell experiments suggests that the frequency-dependent mechanism of spatial rearrangement presently described could play a significant and predictable role during oscillatory cell dynamics.  相似文献   

Up to recently, studies on dog genetics were rather scare notwithstanding the enormous potential that the canine model can offer in the study of the genotype/phenotype relationship and the analysis of the causes of many genetic diseases, with simple or complex inheritance, that affect dogs but also the human population. This potentiality is essentially due to the natural history of dogs whose domestication from wolves dated back 15,000 years, at least. All modern dogs originated from a limited number of female wolves from Eastern Asia. By applying a combination of selections and strong inbreeding practices, humans have created over 350 breeds, each of them corresponding to a genetic isolate and altogether offering a unique panel of polymorphism never encountered in any other mammals. In this review we summarized what makes dogs an unavoidable model. Contrary to the classical models like the two yeasts, nematode, fish, fly, mouse, or rat mainly used to understand the function of genes, dog with the creation across the centuries of numerous breeds offers a unique opportunity to study the role of their alleles. We report recent data on the construction of genomic maps and on the sequencing program of the dog genome launched by the National Institute of Health (NIH). To take fully advantage of the canine model, we advocate for the systematic construction of a rich canine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) ressource to perform linkage desiquilibrium studies of normal or pathological traits as well as to get insight into the genetic diversity of the canine species.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the primary site of energy production in animal cells. In mitochondria, the flow of electrons through the electron transport chain creates a potential difference across the inner membrane, which is utilized for ATP production. However, due to inherent inefficiencies in electron transport, reactive oxygen species are also produced, which damage mitochondrial proteins and nucleic acids, and impair mitochondrial function.1 Decreased mitochondrial function causes increased reactive oxygen species generation, a decline in cellular function, and potentially cell death.2 Therefore, to maintain cellular homeostasis, mechanisms have evolved to selectively eliminate defective mitochondria.3 Mitochondria are constantly undergoing cycles of fission and fusion, and this process appears to have a role in mitochondrial quality control. Following fission, daughter mitochondria are produced, which can differ in their membrane polarization. Depolarized mitochondria are less likely to undergo subsequent fusion, and more likely to undergo autophagic clearance.4 As would be predicted, given the potential for cytochrome c release, depolarization is a powerful stimulus for mitochondrial clearance. Depolarization causes recruitment of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin to mitochondria, which is required for their subsequent engulfment by autophagosomes.5 Macroautophagy pathways also appear to have a role, as hepatocytes deficient for the E1-like enzyme Atg7 accumulate abnormal mitochondria.6 Finally, recent studies in a developmental model have yielded insight into this process. Newly-formed erythrocytes, also known as reticulocytes, eliminate their entire cohort of mitochondria during development.7 This process depends on the mitochondrial protein NIX, is partially dependent on autophagy, and is independent of mitochondrial depolarization.8-10 Here we describe the use of reticulocytes to study mitochondrial clearance.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is essential for fluid clearance from the airways. An experimental animal model with a reduced expression of ENaC, the alpha-ENaC transgenic rescue mouse, is prone to develop edema under hypoxia exposure. This strongly suggests an involvement of ENaC in the pathogenesis of pulmonary edema. To investigate the pathogenesis of this type of edema, primary cultures of tracheal cells from these mice were studied in vitro. An ~60% reduction in baseline amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport was observed, but the pharmacological characteristics and physiological regulation of the channel were similar to those observed in cells from wild-type mice. Aprotinin, an inhibitor of serine proteases, blocked 50-60% of the basal transepithelial current, hypoxia induced downregulation of Na(+) transport, and beta-adrenergic stimulation was effective to stimulate Na(+) transport after the hypoxia-induced decrease. When downregulation of ENaC activity (such as observed under hypoxia) is added to a low "constitutive" ENaC expression, the resulting reduced Na(+) transport rate may be insufficient for airway fluid clearance and favor pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

Canavan Disease (CD) is a recessive leukodystrophy caused by loss of function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme that hydrolyses N-acetylaspartate (NAA) to acetate and aspartate. The neurological phenotypes of different rodent models of CD vary considerably. Here we report on a novel targeted aspa mouse mutant expressing the bacterial β-Galactosidase (lacZ) gene under the control of the aspa regulatory elements. X-Gal staining in known ASPA expression domains confirms the integrity of the modified locus in heterozygous aspa lacZ-knockin (aspa(lacZ/+)) mice. In addition, abundant ASPA expression was detected in Schwann cells. Homozygous (aspa(lacZ/lacZ)) mutants are ASPA-deficient, show CD-like histopathology and moderate neurological impairment with behavioural deficits that are more pronounced in aspa(lacZ/lacZ) males than females. Non-invasive ultrahigh field proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed increased levels of NAA, myo-inositol and taurine in the aspa(lacZ/lacZ) brain. Spongy degeneration was prominent in hippocampus, thalamus, brain stem, and cerebellum, whereas white matter of optic nerve and corpus callosum was spared. Intracellular vacuolisation in astrocytes coincides with axonal swellings in cerebellum and brain stem of aspa(lacZ/lacZ) mutants indicating that astroglia may act as an osmolyte buffer in the aspa-deficient CNS. In summary, the aspa(lacZ) mouse is an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology.  相似文献   

The fetal alcohol syndrome in mice: an animal model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G F Chernoff 《Teratology》1977,15(3):223-229
CBA and C3H female mice were maintained on liquid diets--Metrecal plus ethanol--containing 15-35% ethanol-derived calories. These diets, which resulted in alcohol blood levels of 73-398 mg/100 ml blood in nonpregnant females, were the sole sustenance for the females for at least 30 days before and throughout gestation. Females were killed on day 18 of gestation and offspring examined for skeletal and soft tissue anomalies. Prenatal death and maldevelopment increased with the level of alcohol intake. Deficient occiput ossification, neural anomalies, and low fetal weight occurred with low ethanol diets, and cardiac and eye-lid dysmorphology with higher ethanol diets. This pattern of malformations, which exhibited both a dose-response effect and strain differences in susceptibility, indicated that chronic maternal alcoholism is embryolethal and teratogenic in mice.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) are 2 peptides that are produced in the brain and released via the pituitary gland to the peripheral blood, where they have diverse physiological functions. In the last 2 decades it has become clear that these peptides also play a central role in the modulation of mammalian social behavior by their actions within the brain. Several lines of evidence suggest their involvement in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is known to be associated with impaired social cognition and behavior. Recent clinical trials using OT administration to autistic patients have reported promising results. Here, we aim to describe the main data that suggest a connection between these peptides and ASD. Following a short illustration of several major topics in ASD biology we will (a) briefly describe the oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic systems in the brain, (b) discuss a few compelling cases manifesting the involvement of OT and AVP in mammalian social behavior, (c) describe data supporting the role of these peptides in human social cognition and behavior, and (d) discuss the possibility of the involvement of OT and AVP in ASD etiology, as well as the prospect of using these peptides as a treatment for ASD patients.  相似文献   

An NMR model is presented for the structure of HMG-D, one of the DROSOPHILA: counterparts of mammalian HMG1/2 proteins, bound to a particular distorted DNA structure, a dA(2) DNA bulge. The complex is in fast to intermediate exchange on the NMR chemical shift time scale and suffers substantial linebroadening for the majority of interfacial resonances. This essentially precludes determination of a high-resolution structure for the interface based on NMR data alone. However, by introducing a small number of additional constraints based on chemical shift and linewidth footprinting combined with analogies to known structures, an ensemble of model structures was generated using a computational strategy equivalent to that for a conventional NMR structure determination. We find that the base pair adjacent to the dA(2) bulge is not formed and that the protein recognizes this feature in forming the complex; intermolecular NOE enhancements are observed from the sidechain of Thr 33 to all four nucleotides of the DNA sequence step adjacent to the bulge. Our results form the first experimental demonstration that when binding to deformed DNA, non-sequence-specific HMG proteins recognize the junction between duplex and nonduplex DNA. Similarities and differences of the present structural model relative to other HMG-DNA complex structures are discussed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule, carrying genes encoding for respiratory chain enzymes, is a primary candidate for demonstrating associations between genotype and athletic performance in mammalian species. In humans, variation at seven protein encoding mitochondrial loci has been implicated in influencing fitness and performance characteristics. Although thoroughbred horses are selected for racing ability, there have not been any previous reported associations between genotypes and racecourse performance. The multi-factorial nature of the inheritance of racing ability is an obvious complicating factor. However, mitochondrial gene variation may represent a measurable component contributing to performance variability. Previous population studies of thoroughbreds have shown the existence of D-loop variation. Importantly, we have observed that there is also independent and extensive functional mitochondrial gene variation in the current thoroughbred racehorse population and that significant associations exist between mtDNA haplotype, as defined by functional genes, and aspects of racing performance.  相似文献   

Turner BM 《FEBS letters》2011,(13):389-2040
Chromatin structure and function are regulated by families of protein-modifying enzymes that are sensitive to a variety of metabolic and environmental agents. These enzymes, and proteins that read the modifications they maintain, constitute a system by which environmental agents, such as chemical toxins and dietary components, can directly regulate patterns of gene expression. This review describes this environmental sensing system from an evolutionary perspective. It is proposed that persistent environmentally-induced changes in gene expression patterns can cause changes in phenotype that are acted upon by natural selection, and that epigenetic processes can potentially play central roles in evolution.  相似文献   

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