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Progress in the life sciences cannot be made without integrating biomedical knowledge on numerous genes in order to help formulate hypotheses on the genetic mechanisms behind various biological phenomena, including diseases. There is thus a strong need for a way to automatically and comprehensively search from biomedical databases for related genes, such as genes in the same families and genes encoding components of the same pathways. Here we address the extraction of related genes by searching for densely-connected subgraphs, which are modeled as cliques, in a biomedical relational graph.  相似文献   

Aging is a multifactorial process with many mechanisms contributing to the decline. Mutations decreasing insulin/IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) or TOR (target of rapamycin) kinase-mediated signaling, mitochondrial activity and food intake each extend life span in divergent animal phyla. Understanding how these genetically distinct mechanisms interact to control longevity is a fundamental and fascinating problem in biology. Here we show that mutational inactivation of autophagy genes, which are involved in the degradation of aberrant, damaged cytoplasmic constituents accumulating in all aging cells, accelerates the rate at which the tissues age in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. According to our results Drosophila flies deficient in autophagy are also short-lived. We further demonstrate that reduced activity of autophagy genes suppresses life span extension in mutant nematodes with inherent dietary restriction, aberrant insulin/IGF-1 or TOR signaling, and lowered mitochondrial respiration. These findings suggest that the autophagy gene cascade functions downstream of and is inhibited by different longevity pathways in C. elegans, therefore, their effects converge on autophagy genes to slow down aging and lengthen life span. Thus, autophagy may act as a central regulatory mechanism of animal aging.  相似文献   

Aging is a multifactorial process with many mechanisms contributing to the decline. Mutations decreasing insulin/IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) or TOR (target of rapamycin) kinase-mediated signaling, mitochondrial activity and food intake each extend life span in divergent animal phyla. Understanding how these genetically distinct mechanisms interact to control longevity is a fundamental and fascinating problem in biology. Here we show that mutational inactivation of autophagy genes, which are involved in the degradation of aberrant, damaged cytoplasmic constituents accumulating in all aging cells, accelerates the rate at which the tissues age in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. According to our results Drosophila flies deficient in autophagy are also short-lived. We further demonstrate that reduced activity of autophagy genes suppresses life span extension in mutant nematodes with inherent dietary restriction, aberrant insulin/IGF-1 or TOR signaling, and lowered mitochondrial respiration. These findings suggest that the autophagy gene cascade functions downstream of and is inhibited by different longevity pathways in C. elegans, therefore, their effects converge on autophagy genes to slow down aging and lengthen life span. Thus, autophagy may act as a central regulatory mechanism of animal aging.  相似文献   

We review three approaches to the genetic analysis of the biology and pathobiology of human aging. The first and so far the best-developed is the search for the biochemical genetic basis of varying susceptibilities to major geriatric disorders. These include a range of progeroid syndromes. Collectively, they tell us much about the genetics of health span. Given that the major risk factor for virtually all geriatric disorders is biological aging, they may also serve as markers for the study of intrinsic biological aging. The second approach seeks to identify allelic contributions to exceptionally long life spans. While linkage to a locus on Chromosome 4 has not been confirmed, association studies have revealed a number of significant polymorphisms that impact upon late-life diseases and life span. The third approach remains theoretical. It would require longitudinal studies of large numbers of middle-aged sib-pairs who are extremely discordant or concordant for their rates of decline in various physiological functions. We can conclude that there are great opportunities for research on the genetics of human aging, particularly given the huge fund of information on human biology and pathobiology, and the rapidly developing knowledge of the human genome.  相似文献   

Longo VD  Nislow C  Fabrizio P 《Autophagy》2010,6(8):1227-1228
Accumulating evidence from various organisms points to a role for autophagy in the regulation of life span. By performing a genome-wide screen to identify novel life span determinants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have obtained further insights into the autophagy-related and -unrelated degradation processes that may be important for preventing cellular senescence. The generation of multivesicular bodies and their fusion with the vacuole in the endosomal pathway emerged as novel cell functions involved in yeast chronological survival and longevity extension.  相似文献   

Jeong YS  Kang Yl  Lim KH  Lee MH  Lee J  Koo HS 《DNA Repair》2003,2(12):1309-1319
Gene expression and RNA interference phenotypes were investigated for a Caenorhabditis elegans homologue (Ce-RCQ-5) of human RecQ5 protein. Expression of the mRNA was observed by in situ hybridization from earliest embryogenesis and gradually decreased during late embryogenesis. Ce-RCQ-5 was immuno-localized in the nuclei of embryos, germ cells, and oocytes and also in the nuclei of various somatic cells of larvae and adults. Despite ubiquitous expression in postembryonic cells, RCQ-5 protein expression was highest in intestinal cells, which was confirmed by tagging the gene expression with green fluorescence protein. When endogenous Ce-rcq-5 gene expression was inhibited by RNA interference, no clear phenotypes were observed during development. However, C. elegans life span was reduced by 37% due to RNA interference of rcq-5 gene, suggesting its possible role in maintenance of genomic stability, as has been ascribed to other RecQ family DNA helicases. In addition, C. elegans became significantly more sensitive to ionizing radiation after inhibition of rcq-5 gene expression, indicating an involvement of C. elegans RCQ-5 in a cellular response to DNA damage, possibly in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Modification of any one of three transmembrane protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) genes, old-1, old-2 (formerly tkr-1 and tkr-2, respectively), and daf-2 can extend the mean and maximum life span of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To identify paralogs and orthologs, we delineated relationships between these three PTKs and all known transmembrane PTKs and all known mammalian nontransmembrane PTKs using molecular phylogenetics. The tree includes a number of invertebrate receptor PTKs and a novel mammalian receptor PTK (inferred from the expressed-sequence tag database) that have not previously been analyzed. old-1 and old-2 were found to be members of a surprisingly large C. elegans PTK family having 16 members. Interestingly, only four members of this transmembrane family appeared to have receptor domains (immunoglobulin-like in each case). The C-terminal domain of this family was found to have a unique sequence motif that could be important for downstream signaling. Among mammalian PTKs, the old-1/old-2 family appeared to be most closely related to the Pdgfr, Fgfr, Ret, and Tie/Tek families. However, these families appeared to have split too early from the old-1/old-2 family to be orthologs, suggesting that a mammalian ortholog could yet be discovered. An extensive search of the expressed-sequence tag database suggested no additional candidate orthologs. In contrast to old-1 and old-2, daf-2 had no C. elegans paralogs. Although daf-2 was most closely related to the mammalian insulin receptor family, a hydra insulin receptor-like sequence suggested that daf-2 might not be an ortholog of the insulin receptor family. Among PTKs, the old-1/old-2 family and daf-2 were not particularly closely related, raising the possibility that other PTK families might extend life span. On a more general note, our survey of the expressed-sequence tag database suggested that few, if any, additional mammalian PTK families are likely to be discovered. The one novel family that was discovered could represent a novel oncogene family, given the prevalence of oncogenes among PTKs. Finally, the PTK tree was consistent with nematodes and fruit flies being as divergent as nematodes and mammals, suggesting that life extension mechanisms shared by nematodes and fruit flies would be reasonable candidates for extending mammalian life spans.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) can implicate an unbiased sampling of genes underlying a complex, polygenic phenotype. QTL affecting longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans were mapped using a CL2a x Bergerac-BO recombinant-inbred population. Genotypes were compared at 30 transposon-specific markers for two paired sample sets totaling 171 young controls and 172 longevity-selected worms (the last-surviving 1%) from a synchronously aged population. A third sample set, totaling 161 worms from an independent culture, was analyzed for confirmation of loci. At least six highly significant QTL affecting life span were detected both by single-marker (chi(2)) analysis and by two interval-mapping procedures--one intended for nonparametric traits and another developed specifically for mapping of categorical traits. These life-span QTL were located on chromosomes I (near the hP4 locus), III (near stP127), IV (near stP44), V (a cluster of three peaks, near stP192, stP23, and stP6), and X (two distinct peaks, near stP129 and stP2). Epistatic effects on longevity were also analyzed by Fisher's exact test, which indicated a significant life-span interaction between markers on chromosomes V (stP128) and III (stP127). Several further interactions were significant in the initial unselected population; two of these, between distal loci on chromosome V, were completely eliminated in the long-lived subset. Allelic longevity effects for two QTL, on chromosomes IV and V, were confirmed in backcrossed congenic lines and were highly significant in two very different environments-growth on solid agar medium and in liquid suspension culture.  相似文献   

Acquisition or loss of flying ability is evolutionarily linked with maximum life span (MLS) in mammals and birds. Although ecological factors, such as extrinsic mortality, may lead to either shortened or extended life spans through natural selection, MLS is influenced by complex molecular and metabolic processes, and the genetic changes associated with flying ability that have led to either a longer or shorter MLS are unknown. Here, we examine the parallel evolution of flight in mammals and birds and investigate positively selected genes at branches where either the acquisition (in little brown bats and large flying foxes) or loss (in Adélie penguins, emperor penguins, common ostriches, emus, great spotted kiwis, little spotted kiwis, okarito brown kiwis, greater rheas, lesser rheas, and cassowaries) of flight abilities occurred. Although we found no shared genes under selection among all the branches of interest, 7 genes were found to be positively selected in 2 of the branches. Among the 7 genes, only IGF2BP2 is known to affect both life span and energy expenditure. The positively selected mutations detected in IGF2BP2 likely affected the functionality of the encoded protein. IGF2BP2, which has been reported to simultaneously prolong life span and increase energy expenditure, could be responsible for the evolution of shortened MLS associated with the loss of flying ability.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, the Sir2 gene and four Sir2-like genes have been found to be homologous to yeast SIR2 genes. To examine whether the fly Sir2, CG5216, and two Sir2-like genes, CG5085 and CG6284, affect life span, we suppressed their expression using RNAi. Decreased expression of the Sir2 and Sir2-like genes in all cells caused lethality during development. Suppression of the Sir2 in neurons and ubiquitous silencing of the Sir2-like genes shortened life spans. The effects were severer at 28 degrees C than at 25 degrees C. These results suggest that Sir2-like genes as well as Sir2 are involved in the regulation of life span in Drosophila.  相似文献   



The biomedical domain is witnessing a rapid growth of the amount of published scientific results, which makes it increasingly difficult to filter the core information. There is a real need for support tools that 'digest' the published results and extract the most important information.


We describe and evaluate an environment supporting the extraction of domain-specific relations, such as protein-protein interactions, from a richly-annotated corpus. We use full, deep-linguistic parsing and manually created, versatile patterns, expressing a large set of syntactic alternations, plus semantic ontology information.


The experiments show that our approach described is capable of delivering high-precision results, while maintaining sufficient levels of recall. The high level of abstraction of the rules used by the system, which are considerably more powerful and versatile than finite-state approaches, allows speedy interactive development and validation.

Calcineurin (CaN) is a serine/threonine phosphatase, activated by Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM). CaN is known to regulate various cellular responses in different organisms. A recent study showed an extended life span in the calcineurin mutants of C. elegans. In this study, we report that calcineurin defective strains exhibit enhanced autophagy. In addition, we found two essential autophagy genes (bec-1 and atg-7) are required for the life-span extension in calcineurin null mutants [cnb-1(jh103)]. Thus, for the first time we suggest that autophagy genes are required for the life-span regulation in calcineurin defective C. elegans strains.  相似文献   

Ageing consists of an accumulation of changes with time both at the molecular and cellular levels, accompanying an increased susceptibility to diseases and death. If maternally inherited mitochondrial genes are involved in defining the nature and timing of ageing, and if there are genetic differences in their susceptibility to damage, a maternal contribution could be found in the inheritance of life span. The present study explores the inheritance pattern of longevity and discovers a significant genetic maternal component in human life span.  相似文献   

Computational models in biomedicine rely on biological and clinical assumptions. The selection of these assumptions contributes substantially to modeling success or failure. Assumptions used by experts at the cutting edge of research, however, are rarely explicitly described in scientific publications. One can directly collect and assess some of these assumptions through interviews and surveys. Here we investigate diversity in expert views about a complex biological phenomenon, the process of cancer metastasis. We harvested individual viewpoints from 28 experts in clinical and molecular aspects of cancer metastasis and summarized them computationally. While experts predominantly agreed on the definition of individual steps involved in metastasis, no two expert scenarios for metastasis were identical. We computed the probability that any two experts would disagree on k or fewer metastatic stages and found that any two randomly selected experts are likely to disagree about several assumptions. Considering the probability that two or more of these experts review an article or a proposal about metastatic cascades, the probability that they will disagree with elements of a proposed model approaches 1. This diversity of conceptions has clear consequences for advance and deadlock in the field. We suggest that strong, incompatible views are common in biomedicine but largely invisible to biomedical experts themselves. We built a formal Markov model of metastasis to encapsulate expert convergence and divergence regarding the entire sequence of metastatic stages. This model revealed stages of greatest disagreement, including the points at which cancer enters and leaves the bloodstream. The model provides a formal probabilistic hypothesis against which researchers can evaluate data on the process of metastasis. This would enable subsequent improvement of the model through Bayesian probabilistic update. Practically, we propose that model assumptions and hunches be harvested systematically and made available for modelers and scientists.  相似文献   

G Barja  A Herrero 《FASEB journal》2000,14(2):312-318
DNA damage is considered of paramount importance in aging. Among causes of this damage, free radical attack, particularly from mitochondrial origin, is receiving special attention. If oxidative damage to DNA is involved in aging, long-lived animals (which age slowly) should show lower levels of markers of this kind of damage than short-lived ones. However, this possibility has not heretofore been investigated. In this study, steady-state levels of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) referred to deoxyguanosine (dG) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear (nDNA) DNA from the heart of eight and the brain of six mammalian species ranging in maximum life span (MLSP) from 3.5 to 46 years. Exactly the same digestion of DNA to deoxynucleosides and HPLC protocols was used for mtDNA and nDNA. Significantly higher (three- to ninefold) 8-oxodG/dG values were found in mtDNA than in nDNA in all the species studied in both tissues. 8-oxodG/dG in nDNA did not correlate with MLSP across species either in the heart (r=-0.68; P<0.06) or brain (r = 0.53; P<0.27). However, 8-oxodG/dG in mtDNA was inversely correlated with MLSP both in heart (r=-0.92; P<0.001) and brain (r=-0.88; P<0.016) tissues following the power function y = a(.)x(b), where y is 8-oxodG/dG and x is the MLSP. This agrees with the consistent observation that mitochondrial free radical generation is also lower in long-lived than in short-lived species. The results obtained agree with the notion that oxygen radicals of mitochondrial origin oxidatively damage mtDNA in a way related to the aging rate of each species.-Barja, G., Herrero, A. Oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA is inversely related to maximum life span in the heart and brain of mammals.  相似文献   

Yang W  Li J  Hekimi S 《Genetics》2007,177(4):2063-2074
SOD-1 and SOD-2 detoxify superoxide in the cytoplasm and mitochondria. We find that, although several long-lived mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans have increased SOD levels, this phenomenon does not correlate with life span or growth rate. Furthermore, although disruption of sod-1 or -2 expression produces numerous phenotypes, including increased sensitivity to paraquat and increased oxidative damage to proteins (except in daf-2 mutants), this fails to shorten the life span of these long-lived mutants. In fact, sod-1(RNAi) increases the life span of daf-2 mutants and sod-2(RNAi) that of clk-1 mutants. Our results suggest that increased superoxide detoxification and low oxidative damage are not crucial for the longevity of the mutants examined, with the possible exception of daf-2, where our results are inconclusive. These results are surprising because several of the long-lived mutants that we examined specifically affect mitochondrial electron transport, a process whose involvement in life-span determination is believed to be related to superoxide generation. We discuss the significance of our findings in light of the oxidative stress theory of aging.  相似文献   

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