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Summary Simultaneous cytochemical enzyme localization procedures for peroxidase (PO) plus acid phosphatase (AcP-ase) and/or aryl sulphatase (AS) have been investigated at the ultrastructural (EM) level. Electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) will identify and differentiate the reaction products.Dual reaction product localization of PO plus AcP-ase or alternatively PO plus AS have been obtained in the same mouse resident peritoneal macrophage. This has been acquired by first performing a PO-reaction followed by AcP-ase or followed by AS. In both cases PO-related reaction products (PODAB/Os or PODAB/Pt) were localized in nuclear envelope (NE) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Cells were identified by this reaction product as resident macrophages. Reaction products from the AcP-ase related cerium (AcP-aseCe), localized in lysosomes have been identified and differentiated from the PO-related osmium containing products. Similarly AS related barium (ASBa), localized in lysosomal structures and (R)ER was identified and differentiated.Triple reaction product localization of PO followed by AcP-ase plus AS could also be obtained. In this case, PO-related platinum containing reaction products (PODAB/Pt or PODAB/Os) in NE and RER has been identified and differentiated from the AcP-ase related lysosomal cerium (AcP-aseCe) and the AS related barium localized in lysosomal and (R)ER structures.Reversing the sequences in both dual cytochemical procedures: AcP-aseCe or ASBa followed by PODAB/Os (or PODAB/Pt) resulted in AcP-aseCe or ASBa activity related reaction products only. Reversing the sequence in the triple reaction procedures (ASBa followed by AcP-aseCe) resulted in the absence of the barium containing reaction products.By application of OsO4 postfixation with aminotriazole (ATR) additives the detrimental effects upon the various precipitates have been confirmed.In LM studies, using rat intestine and non-metal identification reactions for two of the enzymes (pararosaniline for AcP-ase, DAB for peroxidase), the influences of the metal ions used in EM were tested on the appearance of the coloured reaction products. Cerium ions used in EM for detection of AcP-aseCe activity have been shown to influence the PODAB visibility in LM and EM experiments. From the AS reaction media components neither barium ions nor p-nitro catachol sulphate influenced the LM visibility of the PO reaction.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to observe the direct and lymphokine-activated cell mediated cytotoxic effects against Trichomonas vaginalis by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Cytotoxicity was measured as release of 3H-thymidine from prelabeled protozoa, and tested in U-bottom microtiter plates. A 0.1 ml suspension of labeled protozoa (2 x 10(5)/ml) was placed in each well, followed by 0.1 ml of a suspension containing increasing numbers of peritoneal cells. After a 24 hr incubation at 37 degrees C, 0.1 ml of the supernatant was collected and counted in liquid scintillation counter. Mouse peritoneal macrophages had appreciable level of spontaneous cytotoxicity against T. vaginalis at the effector to target cell ratios from 5:1 to 50:1. Treatment of macrophages with lymphokine, produced by PHA-stimulated spleen cells, increased the cytotoxicity in comparison with resident macrophages against T. vaginalis. The degree of macrophage activation for the killing was not dependent upon the lymphokine concentration. Peritoneal cells adherent to plastic displayed significant levels of cytotoxicity against T. vaginalis. This study indicates that mouse peritoneal macrophages are spontaneously cytotoxic for T. vaginalis and lymphokine increases the cytotoxicity by activating macrophages to kill T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

Synopsis The cytochemical technique for the demonstration of succinate dehydrogenase activity by ferricyanide reduction and simultaneous coupling with Cu2+ has been investigated by the combined techniques of transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. The localization of the final reaction product of succinate dehydrogenase activity within isolated mouse liver mitochondria is described, and variations in the composition of the final reaction product are shown to occur, both at various sites within the mitochondrion, as well as after different reaction times.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium localization was demonstrated in bovine longissimus muscle using the antimonate precipitation technique in combination with electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Samples were taken each hour during the first 24 h post-mortem, and then after a storage period of 8 and 15 days. For all sampling times analysed, heavy precipitates were seen in dense parts of nuclei and on N-lines of myofibrils. Up to 18–20 h post-mortem, deposits were observed in sarcoplasmic reticulum at the level of triads. In comparison with the earlier post-mortem samples, myoplasmic precipitates were strongly increased at 4 h post-mortem, and just before rigor onset, at 19 h where intermyofibrillar spaces were completely blackened and triads were no more visible. These localizations of precipitates were still observed up to 15 days post-mortem. At these storage times, myofibril disruptions were seen at the level of N-lines. Wavelength-dispersive and energy-dispersive spectrometric analyses indicated that significant amounts of calcium occurred in the dense precipitates observed.  相似文献   

Murine peritoneal macrophages were activated in vitro by repeated addition to the culture medium of cell-free tumour ascites fluid from a syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma. Cell morphology was studied by phase-contrast microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ascites-activated cells were extensively spread out on the glass surface and showed extensive membrane ruffling. To investigate the protein metabolism of the cells, total protein content and incorporation and turnover of [14C]glucosamine and [35S]methionine into TCA-precipitable macromolecules were analysed. Activated cells had a total protein content 2–3 times higher than that found in control cells. [35S]Methionine and [14C]glucosamine were incorporated into ascites-treated cells at a rate 2.7–3 times higher than into control cells. Cell glycoproteins were lost with biphasic kinetics with a reduced half-life for both phases in the activated cells as compared to controls. Radiolabelled proteins were isolated from the plasma membrane by immunoprecipitation of trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid-derivated cells and analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Whereas most of the protein peaks were the same in both cultures, the control cells had a single broad protein peak in the range of 100–110 K, whereas the ascitesactivated cells had three peaks of 90, 100–110 and 135 K. The 135 K peak appeared to be a ‘new’ surface glycoprotein expressed in the activated but not in the control cells.  相似文献   

R Goldman 《FEBS letters》1974,46(1):203-207

Summary After stimulation of the mouse peritoneal cavity with newborn calf serum (NBCS), four types of monocyte and macrophage were distinguished on the basis of peroxidase (PO) patterns. These cell types showed heterogeneity in their binding of the lectin wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA). At 16 h after stimulation, monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages (with PO activity in granules) had a high level of WGA binding; PO-negative macrophages showed moderate WGA binding, and resident macrophages (with PO activity in the RER and nuclear envelope) had low WGA binding. At later time-points after stimulation, each of these cell types lost WGA binding sites. This decrease was related to a process of differentiation and to a modulation, affected by environmental factors. The present results also indicated that PO-negative macrophages can give rise to resident macrophages. Whether these PO-negative cells are monocyte derived or originate otherwise needs further investigation. The fourth type of macrophage, the exudate-resident cell (wtth PO activity both in granules and in the RER and nuclear envelope), with a WGA binding pattern similar to that of monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages, was considered not to be a resident precursor cell.  相似文献   

To compare the kinetics of the O-2-generating enzyme in nonactivated and activated macrophages and granulocytes from the mouse peritoneal cavity, we sought conditions in which the activity of this enzyme in cell lysates was comparable to that in intact cells. Pretreatment of macrophages with 10 mM diethyldithiocarbamate inhibited endogenous superoxide dismutase by 70% and enhanced O-2 secretion up to 15-fold, so that it was comparable to H2O2 secretion. O-2 secretion was terminated by detergent lysis and reconstituted by addition of NAD(P)H to the lysates. Optimal detection of O-2 production in lysates depended on prior stimulation of the respiratory burst, lysis with 0.05% deoxycholate rather than any of 4 other detergents or sonication, acetylation of the cytochrome c used as an indicator, and addition of NADPH rather than NADH. Kinetic analysis using NADPH-reconstituted deoxycholate lysates, together with spectra of oxidized and reduced cells, failed to reveal either marked differences in the Vmax of the O-2-generating enzyme or correlations between O-2 secretion and cytochrome b559 content among 5 macrophage populations whose H2O2 secretion ranged from 0 to 365 nmol/90 min/mg of protein. In contrast, the Km of the oxidase for NADPH varied markedly and inversely with the capacity of the intact cells to secrete O-2 or H2O2: J774G8 histiocytoma cells, 1.43 mM; resident macrophages, 0.41 mM; proteose peptone-elicited macrophages, 0.20 mM; casein-activated macrophages, 0.05 mM; NaIO4-activated macrophages, 0.05 mM; and granulocytes, 0.04 mM. These results suggest that macrophage activation, a process that enhances oxygen-dependent antitumor and antimicrobial functions, may equip the cell to secrete increased amounts of reactive oxygen intermediates largely by increasing the affinity of the oxidase for NADPH.  相似文献   

Summary The results of an objective two- and three-dimensional analysis of the morphological features of normal and triolein-induced mouse peritoneal macrophages are reported. An equivalent circle technique for resolving the effects of volume and surface area on volume-to-surface parameters is described. The method is a simple comparative one which does not require the actual determination of cell volume.Macrophage stimulation promoted increases in mean cell size, cytoplasmic granularity and volume-to-surface ratio. In addition, a reduction in nuclear volume-to-surface ratio accompanied in vivo stimulation. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio remained constant. The equivalent circle procedure showed that the increase in cellular volume-to-surface ratio was due largely to the increase in cell volume; the decrease in nuclear volume-to-surface ratio was primarily the result of a substantial increase in nuclear membrane surface area. Stereological estimations suggest that interiorized cell membrane (in the form of triolein-containing phagosomes) is replaced by newly reconstructed surface membrane.  相似文献   

以"小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬作用的观察实验"为例,从发现疑问、确定拓展方向、设计拓展方案等方面拓展传统验证性实验项目,使其一般验证性实验具有了综合性和设计性的作用,让学生体会到在小实验中发现大问题的乐趣,进一步激发学生参与实验的积极性。  相似文献   

2-Deoxy-D-glucose inhibits Fc and complement receptor-mediated phagocytosis of mouse peritoneal macrophages. To understand the mechanism of this inhibition, we analyzed the 2-deoxy-D-glucose metabolites in macrophages under phagocytosis inhibition conditions and conditions of phagocytosis reversal caused by glucose, mannose and 5-thio-D-glucose, and compared their accumulations under these conditions. Macrophages metabolized 2-deoxy-D-glucose to form 2-deoxy-D-glucose 6-phosphate, 2-deoxy-D-glucose 1-phosphate, UDP-2-deoxy-D-glucose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose 1, 6-diphosphate, 2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid and 2-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid. The level of bulk accumulation as well as the accumulation of any of these 2-deoxy-D-glucose metabolites did not correlate with changes in macrophage phagocytosis capacities caused by the reversing sugars. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose inhibited glycosylation of thioglycolate-elicited macrophage by 70-80%. This inhibition did not cause phagocytosis inhibition, since (1) the reversal of phagocytosis by 5-thio-D-glucose was not followed by increases in the incorporation of radiolabelled galactose, glucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine or fucose; (2) cycloheximide at a concentration that inhibited glycosylation by 70-80% did not affect macrophage phagocytosis. The inhibition of protein synthesis by 2-deoxy-D-glucose similarly could not account for phagocytosis inhibition, since cycloheximide, when used at a concentration that inhibited protein synthesis by 95%, did not affect phagocytosis. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose lowered cellular nucleoside triphosphates by 70-99%, but their intracellular levels in the presence of different reversing sugars did not correlate with the magnitude of phagocytosis reversal caused by these sugars. The results show that 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibits phagocytosis by a mechanism distinct from its usual action of inhibiting glycosylation, protein synthesis and depleting energy supplies, mechanisms by which 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibits other cellular processes.  相似文献   

Summary In two forest areas of West Berlin the population-changes in three mouse species have been investigated over 28 years (1952–1979). Significant changes in absolute density have been established for the Short-Tailed Vole (Microtus agrestis) at 5-year intervals, for the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) at 4-year intervals, and for the Yellow-Necked Field Mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) at 3-year intervals. The investigations were based on a total of 43,535 small vertebrates, 90% of which had been found in the pellets of breeding Tawny Owls. The remaining 10% belonged to pellets collected in the territories of breeding Long-Eared Owls. It is assumed that, for those prey animals whose percentage in the total prey of a predator is fairly high, the percentage proportionally approximates the real fluctuations in their (absolute) density.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of C1q complement component by resident peritoneal macrophages from (CBA X C57BL/6)F1 mice has been studied in in vitro experiments. Using anti-mouse C1q antibodies immobilized on CNBr Sepharose it has been demonstrated that 14C glycine incorporates both into intracellular C1q and C1q secreted into the medium. The maximum radioactivity of intracellular C1q was observed 48 h after cultivation, with it dropping drastically between hours 72-96. Kinetics of radiolabelled C1q was similar, but 24 hours delayed. Cell viability during 96 h of cultivation remained unchanged. These data can be considered as the indication of feedback regulation of C1q biosynthesis at the cellular level.  相似文献   

A single instillation of 1 ml iron dextran (containing 191.3 mg iron(III)hydroxide and 200 mg dextran) was administered under anaesthesia by a polyvinyl catheter into the lower lobe of the right lung in one hundred 4-week-old wistar rats. The animals were killed at intervals ranging between 1 min and 4 weeks. The lower lobe of the right lung was examined by light and electron (transmission and scanning) microscopy. In addition, X-ray microanalyses were performed on tissue sections in the transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The process of phagocytosis of iron dextran by alveolar macrophages can be subdivided into three stages, which we have termed the "phase of attachment" (from 1 to 5 min), followed by the "phase of phagocytosis" (from 5 to 20 min) and finally the "resident macrophage stage" (from 1 to 24 h). X-ray microanalysis shows a high phosphorus content even if iron dextran is concentrated on the surface of macrophages. Phagocytosis of particles between 15 and 40 A in size occurs within minutes, the particles being engulfed in phagosomes, which form as double-layered invaginations of the cell membrane into the interior of the cell. The fusion of phagosomes with lysosomes produces phagolysosomes (type 2 lysosomes) in which iron dextran is broken down into lamellar residual bodies. In these lamellar bodies X-ray microanalysis shows that in addition to abundant iron, there is a high phosphorus content, which may indicate the involvement of surfactant. Only 1 h after instillation, free particles of iron dextran can no longer be demonstrated in the alveoli, although a proportion of the iron dextran remains in resident macrophages (pulmonary tissue macrophages) and some is also found in splenic macrophages.  相似文献   

Peritoneal resident macrophages from mice are sensitive to inhibition by cyclosporin A (CsA) of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated oxidative burst. Inhibition was assessed in terms of superoxide anion (O2.-) and H2O2 production. Key findings were as follows. (a) CsA inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the production of O2.- when cells were stimulated with PMA. CsA did not alter the respiratory burst induced by other stimuli (zymosan, concanavalin A and fMet-Leu-Phe). It was verified that CsA itself had no scavenger effect. (b) A concomitant decrease in H2O2 liberation following CsA exposure was found. This inhibition was observed both in the initial rate of synthesis and in the accumulation after 15 min of incubation. (c) NADPH oxidase activity in the crude supernatant was unaffected by the previous incubation of macrophages with CsA. CsA does not inhibit glucose transport measured as 14CO2 production. (d) The production of O2.- was strongly dependent on the glucose concentration. Sodium oleate also stimulated O2.- production in resident macrophages. These data might be correlated with the inhibitory effect of CsA upon other functions of macrophages.  相似文献   

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