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Lateral root primordium development has been examined in primaryroots of Vicia faba L., Pisum sativum L., Zea mays L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. Following their initiation from an estimated minimumnumber of 77–162, 20–57, 17 and 12 cells respectivelyin Vicia, Phaseolus, Pisum and Zea, the primordia rapidly increasedin cell number to emerge as secondary roots about 2.8–3.6days later depending on the species being examined. Cell doublingtimes were estimated directly from cell numbers at differenttimes following primordium inception and were found to increasewith increase in primordium size in each of the species investigated. The number of primordia formed per cm of root growth per daywas greatest in Zea and least in Pisum. A comparison of thedata obtained for Vicia with that in the literature led to theconclusion that although the number of primordia produced percm of root growth was independent of the rate of primary elongation,the number produced per day increased in a linear fashion withincrease in the rate at which the primary lengthened. Vicia faba L, Pisum sativum L, Zea mays L, Phaseolus vulgaris L, broad bean, garden pea, maize, dwarf bean, root primordia, cell division, cell doubling time  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(3):551-562
Lateral root primordia in i are first initiated 2–3 daysfollowing the onset of germination, after which they take 5.17–6.35days to complete their development and emerge as lateral roots.Variation in the amount of time elapsing between primordiuminitiation and emergence as a lateral is probably a reflectionof the cell number attained by any one primordium at the timeof emergence. The number of primordia produced per cm of primaryroot growth (5.35–6.65) was not affected by variationin the rate of root elongation, although the number of primordiaproduced each day increased with increase in the rate of rootgrowth. In colchicine-treated roots, the amount of time between primordiuminitiation in the C-tumour and the subsequent emergence of alateral (5.43–6.43 days) was similar to the value obtainedin control roots. Primordia which were present at the time ofcolchicine treatment responded to treatment in a number of differentways, depending on the stage of development reached. Primordiain the first 2.66 days of their development die following treatment;those between 2.66 and 3.69 days old have their developmentinhibited but stay alive; primordia which have been developingfor 3.69–4.91 days following initiation grow out as straightlaterals, while those between 4.91 and 5.77 days old form C-tumoursand emerge as inhibited laterals.  相似文献   

The Emergence and Early Growth of the Lateral Root in Vicia faba L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(1):69-75
The duration of the mitotic cycle, as well as the proportionof cells with long and short cycle times and quiescent cells,have been investigated in the apical meristems of young lateralroots of Vicia faba. No changes took place in the duration ofC or in the phases of the mitotic cycle as the lateral rootemerged from the primary root, though the proportion of proliferatingcells increased and the quiescent fraction of cells decreased.It is suggested that the low frequency with which newly emergedlateral roots label with 3H-TdR is a result of the formationof a large endogenous pool of TdR in the meristems during theperiod they are temporarily quiescent. The changes which tookplace in the parameters of cell proliferation during the earlygrowth of the lateral root have been correlated with those inroot apical meristems following the onset of seed germination.  相似文献   

R. D. MacLeod 《Chromosoma》1972,39(3):341-350
MI was found to decrease in LP with increase in cell number, and reached minimal values just before the emergence of LP to form lateral roots. These changes in MI have been correlated with the accumulation of cells in G1, 24 hours before a lateral root is formed. The durations of C and the various phases of the mitotic cycle were also investigated in LP, and compared with those in small primordia. As lateral root primordia increase in cell number, the durations of C, S and G2 become longer, while G1 becomes shorter. Also MI and GF decrease while the proportion of quiescent cells increases. Thus, there is a gradual decrease in the rate of cell proliferation as primordia increase in size. The changes which take place in these parameters during lateral root primordium development have been compared with the events which occur in seed proliferating tissues at the onset of dormancy.  相似文献   

Cell Expansion during the Elongation of Lateral Roots of Vicia faba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell width, breadth, length, cross-sectional area, volume andthe ratio of the volume of the nucleus to that of the cell havebeen determined in the epidermis, cortex and stele over theapical mm of lateral roots of Vicia faba as they elongated fromjust-emerged to 4 cm in length. Cell volume increased basallyalong the root in each tissue, but this was not a result ofcell expansion taking place in all dimensions in the epidermis,cortex and stele. Thus, while increase in cell length, was themajor factor involved in cell volume increase basally alongthe root in the stele, the corresponding dimensions in the epidermisand cortex were cell width and cell breadth respectively. Cellvolume was greater in the cortex than in the other tissues andusually greater in the epidermis than in the stele. Cell lengthwas greater in the stele than in the other tissues, while cellbreadth was maximal in the cortex and cell width in the epidermis.Changes took place in the various measurements made as the rootselongated. These are discussed with respect to the onset oflateral root growth and to changes in the rate of growth ofthese roots as they elongate.  相似文献   

The development of lateral root primordia has been investigatedin excised roots of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Zea mays andPhaseolus vulgaris cultured in White's medium supplemented with2 per cent sucrose and compared with previously published dataon such development in primaries of the corresponding intactplants (control roots). Primordia were produced in each batchof excised roots over the 6 day culture period but at a lowerrate (number day–1) than in the controls. Such primordia in cultured roots of Zea and Phaseolus completedtheir development and grew out as lateral roots over a periodsimilar in length to that found in the controls, but with acell number of only about 33 per cent of that attained at thetime of secondary emergence in the primaries of the latter roots.These lower cell numbers were at least partly a reflection ofincreases in mean cell doubling time over the period of anlagedevelopment investigated in the excised roots relative to thecorresponding values found in the controls. Primordia initiated in excised roots of Pisum and Vicia didnot complete their development in culture, i.e. no lateral rootsemerged and arrest took place with cell numbers of only 37 (Pisum)and 17 (Vicia) per cent of the numbers determined at the timeof secondary root emergence in the controls. Such arrested primordiahad few nuclei in S and none in mitosis. Moreover, at leastin Pisum, the frequency distribution of the relative DNA contentof the nuclei in the latter primordia approximated that foundin the apical meristem of primary roots following the establishmentof the stationary phase under conditions of carbohydrate starvation. It has also been demonstrated in the course of these investigationsthat lateral root primordium development in all four speciesis at least biphasic and possibly triphasic. Vicia faba L., broad bean, Pisum sativum L., garden pea, Zea mays L., maize, Phaseolus vulgaris L., dwarf bean, root primordia, anlage, cell doubling time, lateral root emergence  相似文献   


Root architecture is basically controlled by auxin and cytokinin, which antagonize in the formation of lateral roots (LRs) along the primary root (PR) axis. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the interaction between these two hormones, cytokinin being the hormone that inhibits LR formation. The analysis of the cytokinin effect on LR formation using LRs in several stages of development could indicate which steps of LR formation are more sensitive to cytokinin. The application of cytokinin to maize PRs showed that the inhibitory effect of cytokinin on LR formation was greater in the zones in which the initial events to form new LRs are taking place. In the presence of cytokinin, the PR is not able to produce new LRs in the initiation zone; this inhibitory effect is permanent as this zone did not recover the capability to form LRs after removing cytokinin. However, the LR density in zones with appreciable LR primordia when cytokinin was applied was only slightly inhibited when a high concentration was used. These results showed that LR formation is more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of cytokinin in the earliest stages of LR development. However, the elongation of a LR primordium to emerge and the subsequent elongation of the new LR were only slightly affected by cytokinin.


The Development of a Quiescent Centre in Lateral Roots of Vicia faba L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During lateral root elongation there was a reduction in thenumber of cells present in the apical mm of the root, in thewidth of the root and in the number of rows of cells acrossthe root. At the same time, a quiescent centre, which was absentfrom large primordia and from lateral roots which had just emergedfrom the tissues of the primary root, was established. The quiescentcentre increased in size and cell number as the lateral rootelongated from 0·2 to 4 cm, the most rapid increase takingplace in roots between 0·2 and 0·5 cm in length.There was no correlation between root width and size of thequiescent centre in these roots. The cells in the quiescentcentre were smaller in size and had a lower labelling indexthan cells in other parts of the meristem. The distributionof labelled nuclei within the quiescent centrewas determinedand is discussed with respect to the site of root initial cells.  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(4):865-875
The relative proportions of the various proliferating and quiescentcells, cell doubling time, mean cycle time and the durationof the mitotic cycle and its various phases as measured fromthe passage of labelled cells through mitosis have been determinedfor the initial cells of the cap, epidermis, cortex and stele,for the epidermis together with the cortex and for the steleat various distances basal to the cap-quiescent centre boundaryin 1-cm long lateral roots of Vicia faba. Cell doubling timegenerally increased basally along these tissues as a resultof a gradual decrease in the size of the proliferating populationof cells. Cycle time of the fast-dividing cell population, however,was less between 750 and 800 µm basal to the cap-quiescentcentre boundary than in the corresponding initial cells largelyas a result of a decrease in the duration of G1, although changesalso took place in the durations of the other phases of themitotic cycle as cells were displaced basally along the root.From data reported in this paper as well as other results inthe literature, it appears that the proportions of quiescentcells arrested in G1 and G2 vary in the different groups ofinitial cells. Moreover, the proportion arrested in G1 appearsto decrease basally along each tissue, while that in G2 increases.  相似文献   

FYSON  A.; SPRENT  J. I. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):681-692
The development of primary root nodules on the field bean (Viciafaba L.) grown at 10 and 18 °C was examined. The sequenceof anatomical changes observed was the same in both temperatureregimes. Nodules developed much more slowly at 10 °C andthe nodules were much larger when corresponding anatomical changesoccurred. Primary root nodules eventually ceased growth in bothtemperature regimes but ultimate nodule volume was nearly twiceas great as 10 °C as at 18 °C. The larger size did notcompensate for the lower specific nitrogenase activity of cold-grownnodules: nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates on awhole plant basis were much lower at 10 °C than at 18 °C.There was no difference in the total number of primary rootnodules in the two temperature regimes but their distributionwas biased towards the upper part of the root and the epicotylat 18 °C. Vicia faba L., field bean, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, temperature  相似文献   

The utilization of 3H-TdR in DNA synthesis and the distributionof labelled nuclei have been determined in large primordia (LP)and newly emerged lateral roots (JE) of Vicia faba followingdifferent exposure periods. This nucleoside appears to reachLP and the more basal, unemerged parts of JE by way of the vasculartissue of the primary root, while those parts of JE which projectout from the epidermis of the primary obtain 3H-TdR directlyfrom the surrounding medium. The utilization of 3H-TdR in thesynthesis of DNA in basal segments of JE is also complicatedby the temporary quiescence of nuclei in this part of thesemeristems as LP elongate to form lateral roots.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   

High rates of both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation were measured in chloroplast lamellae isolated from purified guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba L. Typical rates of light-dependent incorporation of 32P into ATP were 100 and 190 micromoles ATP per milligram chlorophyll per hour for noncyclic (water to ferricyanide) and cyclic (phenazine methosulfate) photophosphorylation, respectively. These rates were 50 to 80% of those observed with mesophyll chloroplasts. Noncyclic photophosphorylation in guard cell chloroplasts was completely inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea supporting the notion that photophosphorylation is coupled to linear electron flow from photosystem II to photosystem I. Several lines of evidence indicated that contamination by mesophyll chloroplasts cannot account for the observed photophosphorylation rates.

A comparison of the photon fluence dependence of noncyclic photophosphorylation in mesophyll and guard cell chloroplasts showed significant differences between the two preparations, with half saturation at 0.04 and 0.08 millimole per square meter per second, respectively.


Cap Formation during the Elongation of Lateral Roots of Vicia faba L.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(4):877-885
Cell proliferation was examined in the cap initials of newly-emerged0·2 and 4·0 cm long lateral roots of Vicia fabafrom an investigation of the passage of labelled cells throughmitosis following a 1-h pulse with tritiated thymidine. Celldoubling time was found to increase in this group of initialcells as the secondary roots elongated, this increase beinga result of a gradual lengthening in the duration of the mitoticcycle of both the fast and slow cycling meristematic cells andof a decrease in the size of both the growth fraction and thoseproliferating cells with a short cycle time. The rate of cellproduction by the cap initials was maximal in the newly emergedsecondary roots and showed a gradual decline with subsequentlateral elongation. This change in the rate of cell proliferationin the cap initials has been shown to be related to the initiationof the quiescent centre following lateral root emergence fromthe tissues of the primary. The number of cells making up the cap of 0·2–4·0cm long secondary roots is known to be constant and thus therate at which cells are sloughed off of the cap into the soilmust be the same as the rate of cap cell formation in theseroots, all of the cap cells being replaced every 6–9 days.The rate of cap cell formation in 0·2–4·0cm long secondary roots was used to calculate that one 11-dayold Vicia plant will have contributed between 56 000 and 85000 cap cells to the rhizosphere from its root system sincegermination.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic Properties of Guard Cell Protoplasts from Vicia faba L.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Guard cell protoplasts were isolated enzymatically from theepidermis of Vicia faba L. and their photosynthetic activitieswere investigated. Time courses of light-induced changes inthe chlorophyll a fluorescence intensity of these protoplastsshowed essentially the same induction kinetics as found formesophyll protoplasts of Vicia. The transient change in thefluorescence intensity was affected by DCMU, an inhibitor ofphotosystem II; by phenylmercuric acetate, an inhibitor of ferredoxinand ferredoxin NADP reductase; and by methyl viologen, an acceptorof photosystem I. Low temperature (77 K) emission spectra ofthe protoplasts had peaks at 684 and 735 nm and a shoulder near695 nm. A high O2 uptake (175 µmol mg–1 Chl hr–1)was observed in guard cell protoplasts kept in darkness, whichwas inhibited by 2 mM KCN or NaN3 by about 60%. On illumination,this O2 uptake was partially or completely suppressed, but itssuppression was removed by DCMU, which indicates that oxygenwas evolved (150 µmol mg–1 Chl hr–1) photosynthetically.We concluded that both photosystems I and II function in guardcell chloroplasts and that these protoplasts have high respiratoryactivity. (Received January 30, 1982; Accepted May 15, 1982)  相似文献   

A rapid and convenient procedure was developed for isolatingguard cell protoplasts (GCPs) from epidermal strips of Viciafaba L. The mean rates of O2 uptake in the dark and evolutionin light of the isolated GCPs were 200 and 290 µmol O2mg–1 Chl h–1, respectively, showing net O2 evolutionin light. Photosynthetic O2 evolution was suppressed completelyby 5 µM DCMU. Addition of 5 µM DCMU to the incubationmedium after 30 min of light exposure also suppressed the light-inducedswelling of GCP, indicating possible participation of PS IIin volume regulation in GCP. 4Present address: Division of Environmental Biology, The NationalInstitute for Environmental Studies, Yatabe machi, Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305, Japan. (Received December 17, 1983; Accepted March 21, 1984)  相似文献   

The paper describes a method of somatic embryo induction in callus and suspension cultures of Vicia faba L. Callus was induced from immature cotyledons (green maturity stage) of white-flowering horse bean lines cultured on L2 medium (Phillips and Collins 1979) supplemented with 1% sucrose, 0.7% agar and different concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The medium with 2.5 M 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was found optimum for embryogenic callus induction. Somatic embryos developed after transfer of the callus to media lower or zero 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and increased level of sucrose (2.5%). The release of somatic embryos from the callus was more apparent after transfer to liquid medium. There were various stages of somatic embryo development, i.e. globular, heart-shaped and torpedo ones.  相似文献   

CLOWES  F. A. L. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(2):345-350
Percentages of cells with micronuclei in four regions of theroot meristems of Vicia faba are used as measures of sensitivityto acute X-irradiation. There are two peaks in these percentages,occurring at about four and eight days after 360 rads and twoand six days after 180 rads. Two peaks exist, probably becausethe radiation delays cells that were in G1 much more than cellsthat were in G2 in reaching the first post-irradiation mitosisand consequently in displaying micronuclei in the followinginterphase. The relative heights of the two peaks thereforereflect the relative numbers of cells in G1 and G2 as well asthe relative sensitivity of the two phases to chromosomal damage. The cells of the quiescent centre are injured least by the radiationas they are mostly held at Gt. The meristem thus obeys the lawof Bergonié and Tribondeau, but differs from that ofZea in that the meristematic cells of the cap initials and steleimmediately adjacent to the quiescent centre resemble the quiescentcentre much more closely than the stele 250 µ away inthe numbers of micronuclei produced. This is consistent withthe differences already known between the two species concerningrates of division in the different regions of the meristem andthe behaviour of the meristem after severe radiation injury.  相似文献   

In Vicia faba L., the tissue specific proteins, legumin and vicilin, are synthesized during the cell expansion phase of cotyledon development. During this growth period, RNA and nuclear DNA increase 8- to 10-fold. 3H-Uridine and 3H-adenosine are incorporated into ribosomal RNA, both 25S and 18S, and into transfer RNA. DNA isolated from cotyledons in the cell division phase of growth has been compared with DNA isolated from cotyledons undergoing expansion growth. Results indicate that the DNA increase involves replication of the whole genome (endoreduplication).  相似文献   

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