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We traced the liberation and biological effect of volatile substances released from the roots of cereals,i. e. barley, wheat, rye and oats, on seedlings of the same and other plant species. Experiments were carried out in a closed glass apparatus with a static or circulating atmosphere in which the CO2 and O2 were permanently absorbed and supplemented, respectively. In some experiments the air was bubbled through water or through solutions of boric acid, barium hydroxide and potassium permanganate. The roots of all four cereals tested released volatile substances with a biological activity which appeared to be non-specific with respect to plant species. The effect of volatile substances was partially decreased by bubbling through water, barium hydroxide and boric acid and was completely removed after passing through the solution of potassium permanganate. Volatile substances liberated from roots of barley inhibited elongation of roots and coleoptile, decreased SH-group content and caused excessive formation of root hairs as well as inhibition of both dry matter production and respiration of roots of rye seedlings. Ethylene was found in the atmosphere of experimental vessels.  相似文献   

The olfactory system provides numerous functions to humans, influencing ingestive behavior, awareness of environmental hazards and social communication. Approximately ⅕ of the general population exhibit an impaired sense of smell. However, in contrast to the many affected, only few patients complain of their impairment. So how important is it for humans to have an intact sense of smell? Or is it even dispensable, at least in the Western world? To investigate this, we compared 32 patients, who were born without a sense of smell (isolated congenital anosmia - ICA) with 36 age-matched controls. A broad questionnaire was used, containing domains relevant to olfaction in daily life, along with a questionnaire about social relationships and the BDI-questionnaire. ICA-patients differed only slightly from controls in functions of daily life related to olfaction. These differences included enhanced social insecurity, increased risk for depressive symptoms and increased risk for household accidents. In these domains the sense of olfaction seems to play a key role.  相似文献   

A survey of the United Kingdom detected 282 deaths from abuse of volatile substances during 1971-83. Deaths appeared to have increased in the most recent years, reaching 80 in 1983. Age at death ranged from 11 to 76 years but most deaths (72%) occurred under 20 years. Ninety five per cent of the subjects were male, and in 1983 deaths from volatile substance abuse accounted for 2% of all deaths in males aged 10-19. All areas of the United Kingdom were affected, the rates being highest in Scotland and urban areas. All social classes were affected, though rates were highest in social class V and the armed forces. The volatile substances abused were gas fuels (24%), mainly butane; aerosol sprays (17%); solvents in glues (27%); and other volatile substances, such as cleaning agents (31%). In 51% of cases death was attributed to the direct toxic effects of the substance abused, in 21% to plastic bag asphyxia, in 18% to inhalation of stomach contents, and in 11% to trauma. Deaths associated with the abuse of glues were more likely to be traumatic, but all substances appeared capable of killing directly by their toxic effects, probably by a cardiac mechanism. Only a small proportion of deaths (6%) were due to the abuse of glues among children under 16; hence current attempts to limit access of children to glues will probably have little impact on overall mortality.  相似文献   

Summary The authors examined the sense of smell of 187 students (105 boys and 82 girls), aged from 15 to 19 years, of a technical school. Tests for the ability to smell are reported only in very few papers in the literature; so it was necessary to elaborate an own test procedure. In order to collect olfactory thresholds, a sorting technique based on the use of a serial dilution of the substances, was used similarly to the method for testing taste sensitivity to P.T.C. It was observed as a new phenomenon that the human population showed a polymorphism concerning ketone compounds, i.e. acetone and methylethylketone (MEK); the distribution of thresholds gave a bimodal curve for acetone and a trimodal one for MEK. Correlation — though not very strong — between the thresholds for these compounds was found. Retesting 1–3 months later with acetone showed a fairly good fit. Finally the possibility of the role of genetic factors in the ability to smell ketone compounds is suggested.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of temperatures on the surface of the udder, the back under the fleece, the exremities, and of the body core in sheep. The temperature on the surface of the udder changes very little in response to changes in ambient temperature, and, unlike the temperature on the back, and of the body core, there was no evidence of a 24 h variation. It is concluded that the udder does not function as an organ of controlled heat loss in sheep.  相似文献   

A single sunflower leaf was fed 14C-glucose for one min. Aftervarions periods, two sections of the plant stem above and belowthe fed leaf were cut into several sections and examined forradioactivity. Sucrose phophate was identified in the extracts after neutronirradiation of the chromatograms. A correlation was noted between the proportion of sucrose phosphatein the fed leaf and the rate of translocation from it. (Received May 22, 1978; )  相似文献   

When in contact with receptive or non-receptive ewes, the presence of females increased LH peak frequency both in experienced and inexperienced rams (P less than 0.05). The highest response was found in experienced rams stimulated by sexually receptive ewes. In this group only, the mean testosterone levels increased during stimulation (P less than 0.05). Sexual behavior did not differ between experienced and inexperienced males. The sexual receptivity of the females and the sexual experience of rams appear to interact and thus facilitate the rams' LH and testosterone responses to the presence of ewes.  相似文献   

Females of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae lay their eggs in olives mainly using fruit volatile stimuli. Using GC-MS analysis, we determined the chemical composition of the volatile blend emitted from field-collected olive fruit of cv. Megaritiki, at different stages of maturity. GC-MS analysis demonstrated qualitative and quantitative differences in the headspace blend emitted by the olive fruit. Certain chemicals such as toluene, n-octane, α-pinene, limonene, ethyl hexanol, nonanal n-dodecane, decanal and n-tetradecane were detected in greater amounts, irrespective of the growth stage of the fruit. The flies’ exposure to a number of these chemicals, such as n-octane and α-pinene, as well as to a mixture consisting of n-octane, α-pinene, limonene, ethyl hexanol, nonanal, n-dodecane, decanal and n–tetradecane favoured successful mating and egg production. The results may contribute to the improvement of the mass rearing of the fly, through these findings, which illustrate the positive effect that certain fruit volatile chemicals have on the fly's reproduction and offer a better understanding of the relation between the fly and the host fruit.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict theory predicts an antagonistic coevolution, with each sex evolving adaptations and counter-adaptations to overcome a temporary dominance of the other sex over the control of paternity. Polyandry allows sexual selection to operate after mating has commenced, with male and female interests competing for control of fertilization. There are numerous examples of male control of paternity, but few studies have unambiguously revealed female control. Attributing variance in paternity to females is often difficult since male and female influences cannot be separated unambiguously. However, we show that polyandrous female orb-web spiders Argiope keserlingi (Arancidae) control the paternity of their offspring by adjusting the timing of sexual cannibalism. Our experiments reveal that females copulating with relatively smaller males delay sexual cannibalism, thereby prolonging the duration of copulation, and that these males consequently fertilize relatively more eggs.  相似文献   

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