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Male and female gametophyte development are described from light and transmission electron microscope preparations of ovules from first and second year Pinus monticola Dougl. seed cones. In the first year of development, pollen tubes penetrate about one-third the distance through the nucellus. The generative cell and tube nucleus move into the pollen tube. The megagametophyte undergoes early free nuclear division. First-year seed cones and pollen tubes become dormant in mid-July. In the second year, seed cones and pollen tubes resume development in April and the pollen tubes grow to the megagametophyte by mid-June. Early in June the generative cell undergoes mitosis, forming two equal-size sperm nuclei that remain within the generative cell cytoplasm. The generative cell has many extensions and abundant mitochondria and plastids. The megagametophyte resumes free nuclear division, then cell wall formation begins in early July. Cell wall formation and megagametophyte development follow the pattern found in other Pinaceae. Three to five archegonial initials form. The primary neck cell divides, forming one tier of neck cells. Jacket cells differentiate around each central cell. The central cell enlarges and becomes vacuolate; then vacuoles decrease in size and the cell divides, forming a small ventral canal cell and a large egg. Plastids in the central cell engulf large amounts of cytoplasm and enlarge. This process continues in the egg, and the peripheral cytoplasm of the egg becomes filled with transformed plastids. Mitochondria migrate around the nucleus, forming a perinuclear zone. The wide area of egg cytoplasm between these two zones has few organelles. A modified terminology for cells involved in microgametophyte development is recommended. Received: 9 December 1999 / Revision accepted: 30 April 2000  相似文献   

Guo F  Hu SY  Yuan Z  Zee SY  Han Y 《Protoplasma》2005,225(1-2):5-14
Summary. In this paper, the stages of normal sexual reproduction between pollen tube penetration of the archegonium and early embryo formation in Pinus tabulaeformis are described, emphasizing the transmission of parental cytoplasm, especially the DNA-containing organelles – plastids and mitochondria. The pollen tube growing in the nucellus contained an irregular tube nucleus followed by a pair of sperm cells. The tube cytoplasm contained abundant organelles, including starch-containing plastids and mitochondria. The two sperm cells differed in their volume of cytoplasm. The leading sperm, with more cytoplasm, contained abundant plastids and mitochondria, while the trailing one, with a thin layer of cytoplasm, had very few organelles. The mature egg cell contained a great number of mitochondria, whereas it lacked normal plastids. At fertilization, the pollen tube penetrated into the egg cell at the micropylar end and released all of its contents, including the two sperms. One of the sperm nuclei fused with the egg nucleus, whereas the other one was retained by the receptive vacuole. Very few plastids and mitochondria of male origin were observed around the fusing sperm and egg nuclei, while the retained sperm nucleus was surrounded by a large amount of male cytoplasm. The discharged tube cytoplasm occupied a large micropylar area in the egg cell. In the free nuclear proembryo, organelles of maternal and paternal origins intermingled in the neocytoplasm around the free nuclei. Most of the mitochondria had the same features as those of the egg cell, but some appeared to be from sperm cells and tube cytoplasm. Plastids were obviously of male origin, with an appearance similar to those of the sperm or tube cells. After cellularization of the proembryo, maternal mitochondria became more abundant than the paternal ones and the plastids enlarged and began to accumulate starch. The results reveal the cytological mechanism for paternal inheritance of plastids and biparental inheritance of mitochondria in Chinese pine. Correspondence and reprints: State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Biological Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping and genome length in eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Haploid linkage analysis of eastern white pine, Pinus strobus L., was carried out using mainly RAPD markers and microsatellite, or simple-sequence-repeat, markers. Ninety one loci mapped to 12 linkage groups of three or more markers. The resulting framework genome map, the first for a soft pine species, contained 69 markers. The map covered 58% of the estimated genome length of 2071 cM(K), with a 95% confidence interval of 1828–2242 cM(K). A systematic comparison of linkage data from eastern white pine, longleaf pine (P. palustris Mill.) and maritime pine (P. pinaster Ait.), gave genome-length estimates for all three species very close to either 2000 cM(K) or 2600 cM(H), depending on whether the Kosambi(K) or Haldane(H) map functions, respectively, were employed. Differences among previous pine genome-length estimates were attributed to the divergent criteria used in the methods of estimation, and indicate the need for the adoption of uniform criteria when performing genome-length estimates. Current data suggest that members of the two pine subgenera, which diverged during the late Mesozoic era, have highly conserved rates of recombination. Received: 5 January 1997/Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

 Segregation and linkage relationships were analyzed between 28 isoenzyme loci in ten natural stands representing much of the natural range of Pinus echinata Mill. (shortleaf pine). A total of 203 possible two-locus combinations were tested. Three linkage groups were revealed in this study at a linkLOD of 4.0. The first linkage group (A) consisted of Pgi and Adh-1; Gdh, Idh, Skdh-2, G6pd-2 and Aco were mapped to the second linkage group (B); the third group (C) had 2 loci: Mdh-2 and Mdh-3. A moderate linkage between Mnr-2 and Dia-2 and weak linkages between Mnr-1 and Dia-1, and Got-2 and 6pgd-2 were also detected. The significance of these results in shortleaf pine is discussed and compared to linkage maps previously reported in other conifers, including pines. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic inheritance was investigated in interspecific hybrids of Wisteria sinensis and W. floribunda. Species-specific nuclear, mitochondrial and plastid DNA markers were identified from wild-collected plants of each species in its native range. These markers provide evidence for the bi-parental transmission of plastids in hybrid swarms of these two species in the southeastern USA. These population level molecular data corroborate previous cytological evidence of this phenomenon in Wisteria.  相似文献   

Western white pine ( Pinus monticola Dougl. ex. D. Don., WWP) shows genetic variation in disease resistance to white pine blister rust ( Cronartium ribicola). Most plant disease resistance (R) genes encode proteins that belong to a superfamily with nucleotide-binding site domains (NBS) and C-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRR). In this work a PCR strategy was used to clone R gene analogs (RGAs) from WWP using oligonucleotide primers based on the conserved sequence motifs in the NBS domain of angiosperm NBS-LRR genes. Sixty-seven NBS sequences were cloned from disease-resistant trees. BLAST searches in GenBank revealed that they shared significant identity to well-characterized R genes from angiosperms, including L and M genes from flax, the tobacco N gene and the soybean gene LM6. Sequence alignments revealed that the RGAs from WWP contained the conserved motifs identified in angiosperm NBS domains, especially those motifs specific for TIR-NBS-LRR proteins. Phylogenic analysis of plant R genes and RGAs indicated that all cloned WWP RGAs can be grouped into one major branch together with well-known R proteins carrying a TIR domain, suggesting they belong to the subfamily of TIR-NBS-LRR genes. In one phylogenic tree, WWP RGAs were further subdivided into fourteen clusters with an amino acid sequence identity threshold of 75%. cDNA cloning and RT-PCR analysis with gene-specific primers demonstrated that members of 10 of the 14 RGA classes were expressed in foliage tissues, suggesting that a large and diverse NBS-LRR gene family may be functional in conifers. These results provide evidence for the hypothesis that conifer RGAs share a common origin with R genes from angiosperms, and some of them may play important roles in defense mechanisms that confer disease resistance in western white pine. Ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions (Ka/Ks) in the WWP NBS domains were greater than 1 or close to 1, indicating that diversifying selection and/or neutral selection operate on the NBS domains of the WWP RGA family.  相似文献   

We employed a novel set of six highly polymophic chloroplastic simple sequence repeat (cpSSR) loci to investigate the phylogeography of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex. Loud.), and to examine aspects of the evolutionary process operating on these repetitive DNA sequences. Chloroplast haplotypes of 500 trees, sampled throughout the range of lodgepole pine, were determined. We found a marked association of genetic distance with physical distance within the scale of 0 to 1,000 km, but no association beyond that range. Likewise, geographic clustering was observed only among recent clades in a dendrogram. These phylogeographic patterns are consistant with a rapid rangewide expansion (”big-bang”) followed by recent, local population differentiation (”galaxy formation”). In support of this expansion, coalescent simulations of the genealogical process gave a long-term effective population size in the low thousands, and a time to common ancestry of about 1,500 generations (12,000 years), consistent with a post-Pleistocene population expansion as documented by previous pollen-sediment analyses. Two lines of evidence (mapping mutational events onto a phylogeny, and evaluation of observed versus expected gene diversity) suggest that five of the cpSSR loci evolve primarily by a stepwise model of evolution of single repeat changes (but with a small proportion of changes involving two or more repeats), and the coalescent simulations point to a mutation rate of about 10–3. Received: 7 December 2000 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

 The ultrastructure of egg cells in Abies alba was examined to elucidate the lack of maternal inheritance of plastids. Before fertilization, maternal plastids are absent in the perinuclar zone containing mainly mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. During egg cell development the maternal plastids are transformed into large inclusions which are situated mostly towards the periphery of the egg cell, and finally disintegrate. As a consequence, they do not participate in zygote formation. RFLP analysis of cpDNA of parental trees and their F1 interspecific hybrids (A. alba×A. numidica, A. alba×A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana×A. Alba) using HindIII and BamHI showed a paternal mode of cpDNA inheritance. Paternal inheritance has also been found with PCR/RFLP analysis of cpDNA from parental trees and their hybrids (A. alba×A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo×A. alba, A. pinsapo×A. numidica) using ApaI and HaeIII digests, as well as in the crosses of A. cephalonica×A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana×A. cephalonica, A. cephalonica×A. numidica using TagI digests. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 14 August 1998  相似文献   

 Mature Jasminum officinale and J. nudiflorum pollen grains were stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and examined by epifluorescence microscopy. The pollen grains were found to be trinucleate, and the sperm cells in both species contained a large number of epifluorescent spots that corresponded to cytoplasmic DNA aggregates (nucleoids). The nucleoids of J. nudiflorum were observed to be dimorphic under the epifluorescence microscope, indicating that the sperm cells might contain both plastid and mitochondrial DNA. The nucleoids of J. officinale presented a similar appearance when stained with DAPI, but electron microscopic examination of the sperm cells revealed that they contained both plastids and mitochondria. When analyzed by DNA immunogold electron microscopy, gold particles were detected on both plastids and mitochondria. These findings demonstrated the preservation of plastid and mitochondrial DNA in mature sperm cells and thus the potential for biparental cytoplasmic inheritance in J. officinale and J. nudiflorum. Received: 8 August 1997 / Revision accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

A chimeric plant was observed in the F2 generation of a cross between a mutant cultivar, Ife BPC, and a germplasm line, TVu 2, in cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. The chimeric plant had four lateral branches, one of which was intensely variegated, while the others were mostly green with few white sectors. F3 progeny from the intensely variegated branch of this plant were all variegated, while seed derived from the mostly green branches produced only green progeny. In subsequent generations, the descendants of the variegated branch bred true for the variegated trait, while those of the mostly green branches were also true-breeding for green colour. No pure-green or pure-white shoots were observed in any of the variegated plants examined in this study. Consequently, no pure-green or pure-white seedlings were produced from seeds harvested from the variegated plants. The results of reciprocal crosses between variegated and normal green plants indicate that variegation is inherited in a strictly uniparental maternal fashion. This is the first report of a cytoplasmically inherited mutation affecting foliage colour in cowpea. Received: 10 March 2000 / Accepted: 16 May 2000  相似文献   

The effect of competition between incompatible and compatible pollen grains on the seed production of white clover was studied. Stigmatic receptivity was also studied. A selection line of white clover that has red leaves was used as a pollen donor and as a genetic marker to allow determination of the pollen donor responsible for ovule fertilisation. Results show that incompatible pollen did not inhibit compatible pollen grains from fertilising ovules and producing seeds, although it did slightly impair seed yield. At temperatures of 20/10°C (day/night) stigmas of white clover remained receptive to additional pollination up to 32 h after an initial compatible pollination and 40 h after an incompatible pollination. The results imply that factors other than inadequate pollination and the self-incompatibility system are responsible for failure of white clover to attain its potential seed yield. Received: 31 August 1999 / Revision accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

 Dendroclimatological techniques were used to assess the impact of climatic factors on radial tree growth (total ring-width and latewood-width) of stunted Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) exposed to soil dryness and nutrient deficiency on a dolomite substrate. The response of eight scattered populations representing various habitats, yet influenced by the same regional climate was investigated. Total ring-width and latewood-width were dated, standardized and several chronology statistics, which estimate the chronology signal strength and the potential climate signal in the series, were determined. Dendroclimatic analysis comprised evaluation of event/pointer years as well as response function elements. Response function analysis indicates that at most sites wide rings are significantly associated with high precipitation in April to June and cool conditions in May of the current year, and high precipitation in August to September of the preceding year. Latewood chronologies show a lower climate signal at all sites. Limited water availability causes a homogeneous relationship of radial tree growth to climate at all habitats, though site characteristics (slope magnitude, slope aspect, soil depth, vegetation cover) differ substantially. Cluster analysis of negative event/pointer years suggests that within the study area stands react to extreme climatic events depending on susceptibility to soil dryness, which is primarily determined by site topography. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

Genetic variation in 12 Pinus pinaster (maritime pine) populations spanning most of the distribution range of the species in Portugal was evaluated using six polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) loci. Thirty-two haplotypes were found. There were indications of very weak differentiation among populations (Weir’s θcoefficient, 0.023), and the R ST value, derived from the stepwise mutation model (SMM), was not significantly different from zero. The pattern, in which similarities in allele size, in base pairs, do not contribute to the genetic structure, may be due to the recent mixing of genetic material from different stands through plantations. Overall, a high level of haplotypic variation within populations was detected. Using the SMM estimator (mean genetic distance of individuals within populations, D 2 sh –––) we divided the populations into two groups, with above and below average values. The first group contained 5 populations, mainly from the central part of the country, which possess, in general, high levels of haplotypic diversity. Among them, 2 populations were divergent from the others based on the pair-wise Nei’s distance. The results indicate that there is no discernible geographic genetic pattern for the Portuguese populations of P. pinaster investigated. The history of expansion of the species range in Portugal during the twentieth century (mainly due to human activity) and extensive gene flow among populations associated with the expansion could explain this finding. Received: 15 February 2000 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

 Seedlings of Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., were grown in a controlled environment and fertilized with nutrient solutions containing 150 ppm (+N), or 0 ppm nitrogen (−N). These treatments greatly altered seedling growth, and the concentrations of N and carbohydrates in their tissues. Metabolically active tissues, such as roots, incubated with a limited supply of O2 became hypoxic faster and synthesized more ethanol than less active tissues, such as needles. All tissues that were incubated for 4 h in N2 synthesized ethanol. Needles incubated in N2 and light had much lower quantities of ethanol than needles in N2 and dark, suggesting that O2 from photosynthetsis limited internal anoxia. Most tissues from +N seedlings synthesized greater quantities of ethanol in N2 anoxia than tissues from −N seedlings, probably because they were able to produce more enzymes with a greater availability of N. However, this increase in ethanol synthesis between N treatments was most pronounced in the phloem. Ethanol and soluble sugar concentrations were negatively related in needles and positively related in roots of N+ seedlings, but not −N seedlings. Starch concentrations had no effect on the amount of ethanol produced by any tissue. Regardless of N treatments, all tissues from ponderosa pine produced more N2-induced ethanol than Douglas-fir, in part because its tissues contained different concentrations of soluble sugars and N as a consequence of phenological differences between the species. However, ponderosa pine tissues may also maintain greater quantities of anaerobic enzymes, or their isozymes than Douglas-fir. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted 23 June 1998  相似文献   

Chemical wood property traits were analyzed for the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in a three-generation outbred pedigree of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). These traits were assayed using pyrolysis molecular beam mass spectrometry and include mass spectrum peak intensities associated with carbohydrates, α-cellulose and hemicellulose sugars, and lignin. Models for projection to latent structures (PLS) were used to also estimate the chemical composition of cell walls (i.e., α-cellulose, galactan and lignin) from mass spectrum data using multivariate regression. Both earlywood and latewood fractions from the fifth annual ring were analyzed for each trait. An interval mapping approach designed for an outbred pedigree was used to estimate the number of QTLs, the magnitude of QTL effects, and their genomic position. Eight unique QTLs influencing cell wall chemistry were detected from multiple peak intensities and/or PLS estimates using the one- and two-QTL models. Significant differences in chemical contents were observed among the populations from North Carolina vs Oklahoma, and results from QTL×environment analyses suggest that QTLs interact with environmental location. QTLs should be verified in larger experiments and in different genetic and environmental backgrounds. QTL mapping will help towards eventually identifying genes having a major effect on chemical wood properties. Received: 19 January 2001 / Accepted: 31 May 2001  相似文献   

 In order to determine if different types of wood were being laid down in the root system of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait), in response to wind loading, longitudinal residual maturation strains (LRMS), indicating the existence of mechanical stress in developing wood cells, were measured in the trunk and lateral roots. Two age groups of trees (5- and 13-year- old) were compared. LRMS were greater in the trunk and roots of 13-year-old trees than in 5-year-old trees. This phenomenon may be due to increased competition between older trees. LRMS in leeward roots of both age-groups were positive i.e. the wood cells had developed under compression, as also occurs in reaction wood of gymnosperms. As leeward roots are placed under compression during tree sway, an abnormal type of wood may form in the roots in order to counteract the increased stress. In other roots, the strains were negative i.e. the cells had developed under tension, as occurs in normal wood. In the roots of younger trees, LRMS were also positive nearer the stem, thus indicating that wood formation may also be influenced by bending stresses experienced in this zone. In addition to LRMS measurements, radial growth in roots was examined in order to determine the influence of mechanical loading on secondary growth. In older trees, there was a significant increase of 34% in woody growth below the biological centre, compared to that above. This eccentricity is unlike that found in most other tree species, where secondary growth is usually greater on the upper side of the root. However, Maritime pine has a tap root, which will alter the pattern of stress within the root system. Under wind loading, a concentration of mechanical stress will develop at the bases of the stem, lateral roots and tap root. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

 Shoot tips from in vitro-grown, cold-hardened stock plants of white poplar (Populus alba L.) were successfully cryopreserved at –196  °C by one-step vitrification. After preculturing at 5  °C for 2 days on hormone-free MS medium containing different sucrose concentrations, and loading for 20 min with 2 m glycerol and 0.4 m sucrose, shoot tips were treated with the PVS2 vitrification solution and plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. Best survival rate (90%) was obtained when shoot tips were precultured on 0.09 m sucrose, hormone-free MS medium, vitrified by exposure to PVS2 solution for 60 min at 0  °C and, following cryopreservation, rewarmed at 40  °C and washed in 1.2 m sucrose solution for 20 min. Regrowth was improved by plating shoot tips on a gelled MS medium containing 1.5 μm N6-benzyladenine plus 0.5 μm gibberellic acid, while shoot rooting was achieved on MS medium containing 3 μm indole-3-butyric acid. Following this procedure, almost 60% rooted shoots were obtained from cryopreserved shoot tips. Received: 1 February 1999 / Revision received: 3 May 1999 · Accepted: 21 May 1999  相似文献   

The development and mapping of genetic markers based upon expressed sequence tag polymorphisms (ESTPs) in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) are reported. The new markers were generated by PCR-amplification of loblolly pine genomic DNAs with primers designed from sequenced cDNAs. The cDNA libraries were constructed from RNAs expressed in the needles of loblolly pine seedlings or in the xylem from young trees. DNA polymorphisms were identified by analyzing the amplified products for differences in fragment size or restriction sites, or by examining mobility differences using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE revealed more DNA polymorphisms than the other two methods. Fifty six ESTPs were mapped using either of two mapping populations and positioned onto a loblolly pine consensus genetic map. Unlike many other markers commonly used in forestry, ESTPs can be used as orthologous markers for comparative mapping, to map genes of known function, or to identify candidate genes affecting important traits in loblolly pine. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 13 July 2000  相似文献   

 The role of disturbed photoperiod on the developing surface layers of ripening Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seeds was studied from August 14 to October 30. The embryo sizes of both the light-treated and the control seeds were examined by the X-ray method prior to germination tests. The anatomical details of resin-embedded seeds were examined by fluorescence and light microscopy. The timing of the ripening process of the surface structures was described and documented. The greatest anatomical changes in the ripening seeds occurred in the sarcotesta and in the nucellar layers. Maturation of the surface structures was essentially slower than could have been interpreted by the size of the embryo and responded clearly to the disturbance of photoperiod. Accumulation of phenolic substances and degeneration of cells, particularly at the chalazal region, advanced faster in the light-treated than in the control seeds up to mid-September. The ripening effect of the altered photoperiod diminished, however, after mid-September. This was also confirmed by the brown colour of the seed coat getting darker only in the control seeds at the end of the test period. Consequently, fully ripe structures were first found about a fortnight earlier in the control than in the light-treated seeds. The coincidental advancement of the anatomical potential examined by the X-ray method supported the role of the surface structures on the anatomical maturity of pine seeds and the timing of cone collecting. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   

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