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Monoclonal antibodies were prepared that recognize different age-related epitopes on proteoglycan subunits of high buoyant density isolated from human epiphysial and articular cartilages. Antibody EFG-4 (IgG1) recognizes a proteinase-sensitive segment associated with the core protein. Antibody BCD-4 (IgG1) reacts with keratan sulphate bound to core protein. Both epitopes are minimally expressed in foetal cartilage and increase with age after birth to become maximally expressed in adult cartilage by about 30 years of age. In contrast, monoclonal antibody alpha HFPG-846 (IgM) recognizes a core-protein-related epitope that is maximally expressed in young foetal cartilage, declines up to birth and thereafter and is almost absent after about 30 years of age. Antibody alpha HFPG-846 was used to isolate by immuno-affinity chromatography two subpopulations of proteoglycan subunits from a 16-year-old-human cartilage proteoglycan subunit preparation. Only the antibody-unbound population showed a significant reaction with antibodies EGF-4 and BCD-4. The amino acid and carbohydrate compositions of these proteoglycan fractions were different, and one (antibody-bound) resembled those of foetal and the other (antibody-unbound) resembled those of adult proteoglycans isolated from 24-27-week-old-foetal and 52-56-year-old-adult cartilage respectively. These observations demonstrate that human cartilages contain at least two chemically and immunochemically distinct populations of proteoglycans, the proportions and content of which are age-dependent. It is likely that these populations represent the products of different genes, though their heterogeneity may be compounded by the result of different post-translation modifications.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were extracted from the articular cartilage of foetal, calf and adult bovine metacarpal–phalangeal joints with 4m-guanidinium chloride. After extraction, the high-density proteoglycans (PG-I fractions) were prepared by sedimentation in two sequential CsCl-density-gradient procedures [Swann, Powell & Sotman (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 945–954]. The PG-I fractions from foetal, calf and adult tissues accounted for 75%, 52% and 46% respectively of the extracted components. The glucosamine, galactose, N-acetylneuraminic acid and protein contents increased with age. The overall amino acid compositions of PG-I fractions were similar. Fractionation of PG-I-fraction samples on a Bio-Gel A-50m column indicated that the molecular weight decreased with age. The PG-I fractions were specifically 3H-labelled by treatment with galactose oxidase followed by reduction with NaB3H4. The 3H radioactivity was incorporated into both galactose and galactosamine residues of different carbohydrate side chains. The elution profiles of alkaline borohydride-treated foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples on a Sepharose 6B column showed that the molecular weights of chondroitin sulphate chains were 13500, 12000 and 10500 in foetal, calf and adult tissues respectively. Fractionation of the alkaline borohydride-treated foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples and 3H-labelled calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples on a Bio-Gel P-10 column showed that there was an inverse relationship between the low-molecular-weight O-linked oligosaccharides and the higher-molecular-weight sialic acid-containing constituents at different ages. The oligosaccharide components of foetal, calf and adult PG-I-fraction samples represented 79%, 69% and 36% respectively of the total sialic acid content of the proteoglycans. Similarly in the 3H-labelled calf and adult samples 75% and 30% of the total radioactivity were present in the oligosaccharide components respectively. Digestion with chondroitinase AC-II and infrared analyses showed that the PG-I-fraction F and C samples contained primarily chondroitin 4-sulphate chains whereas PG-I-fraction sample A was 6-sulphated. These studies show that the major proteoglycans (PG-I fractions) in the articular cartilage of foetal, calf and adult animals differ in the content, types and structure of the chondroitin sulphate, keratan sulphate and oligosaccharide constituents. These changes in proteoglycan structure reflect the gross age-related changes in the chemical composition of the tissue.  相似文献   

Skin undergoes dramatic age-related changes in its mechanical properties, including changes in tissue hydration and resiliency. Proteoglycans are macromolecular conjugates of protein and carbohydrate (glycosaminoglycan) which are involved in these tissue properties. In order to examine whether age-related changes in skin proteoglycans may contribute to the age-related changes in the mechanical properties of skin, proteoglycans from human skin of various ages were extracted and analyzed. Samples were obtained from two different fetal ages, from mature skin, and from senescent skin. As a function of age, there is a decrease in the proportion of large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (versican) and a concomitant increase in the proportion of small dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (decorin). Based on reactivity with antibodies to various chondroitin sulfate epitopes, fetal versican differs from the versican found in older skin with respect to the chondroitin sulfate chains. Also, the decorin of fetal skin is slightly larger, while the decorin of older skin shows greater polydispersity in both its size and its charge to mass ratio. There are also age-related differences in the size and polydispersity of the core proteins of decorin. The most pronounced change in skin proteoglycans is the appearance in mature skin of a proteoglycan which is smaller than decorin, but which has the same amino terminal amino acid sequence as decorin. This small proteoglycan is abundant in mature skin and may be a catabolic fragment of decorin or an alternatively spliced form of decorin. In light of the known ability of decorin to influence collagen fibrillogenesis and fibril diameter, the appearance of this small decorin-related proteoglycan may have a significant effect on skin elasticity. The observation that proteoglycans in skin show dramatic age-related differences suggests that these changes may be involved in the age-related changes in the physical properties of skin.  相似文献   

By using an e.l.i.s.a. method it was demonstrated that the majority of proteoglycans released into the medium of both control and retinoic acid-treated explant cultures of bovine articular cartilage did not contain a hyaluronate-binding region. This supports our previous findings [Campbell & Handley (1987) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 258, 143-155] that proteoglycans released into the medium of both cultures were of smaller hydrodynamic size, more polydisperse and unable to form aggregates with hyaluronate. Analysis of 35S-labelled core proteins associated with proteoglycans released into the medium of both cultures by using SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and fluorography indicated the presence of a series of core-protein bands (Mr approx. 300,000, 230,000, 215,000, 200,000, 180,000, 140,000, 135,000, 105,000, 85,000 and 60,000) compared with three core proteins derived from the proteoglycans remaining in the matrix (Mr 300,000, 230,000 and 215,000). Further analysis of the core proteins released into the medium indicated that the larger core proteins associated with medium proteoglycans contain both chondroitin sulphate and keratan sulphate glycosaminoglycans whereas the smaller core proteins contain only chondroitin sulphate chains. These experiments provide definitive evidence that the loss of proteoglycans from the matrix involves proteolytic cleavage at various sites along the proteoglycan core protein.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that versican, decorin and a catabolic fragment of decorin, termed decorunt, are the most abundant proteoglycans in human skin. Further analysis of versican indicates that four major core protein species are present in human skin at all ages examined from fetal to adult. Two of these are identified as the V0 and V1 isoforms, with the latter predominating. The other two species are catabolic fragments of V0 and V1, which have the amino acid sequence DPEAAE as their carboxyl terminus. Although the core proteins of human skin versican show no major age-related differences, the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) of adult skin versican are smaller in size and show differences in their sulfation pattern relative to those in fetal skin versican. In contrast to human skin versican, human skin decorin shows minimal age-related differences in its sulfation pattern, although, like versican, the GAGs of adult skin decorin are smaller than those of fetal skin decorin. Analysis of the catabolic fragments of decorin from adult skin reveals the presence of other fragments in addition to decorunt, although the core proteins of these additional decorin catabolic fragments have not been identified. Thus, versican and decorin of human skin show age-related differences, versican primarily in the size and the sulfation pattern of its GAGs and decorin in the size of its GAGs. The catabolic fragments of versican are detected at all ages examined, but appear to be in lower abundance in adult skin compared with fetal skin. In contrast, the catabolic fragments of decorin are present in adult skin, but are virtually absent from fetal skin. Taken together, these data suggest that there are age-related differences in the catabolism of proteoglycans in human skin. These age-related differences in proteoglycan patterns and catabolism may play a role in the age-related changes in the physical properties and injury response of human skin.  相似文献   

The characteristics of cell-associated proteoglycans were studied and compared with those from the medium in suspension cultures of calf articular-cartilage chondrocytes. By including hyaluronic acid or proteoglycan in the medium during [35S]sulphate labelling the proportion of cell-surface-associated proteoglycans could be decreased from 34% to about 15% of all incorporated label. A pulse-chase experiment indicated that this decrease was probably due to blocking of the reassociation with the cells of proteoglycans exported to the medium. Three peaks of [35S]sulphate-labelled proteoglycans from cell extracts and two from the medium were isolated by gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-500. These were characterized by agarose/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of core proteins, by glycosaminoglycan composition and chain size as well as by distribution of glycosaminoglycans in proteolytic fragments. The results showed that associated with the cells were (a) large proteoglycans, typical for cartilage, apparently bound to hyaluronic acid at the cell surface, (b) an intermediate-size proteoglycan with chondroitin sulphate side chains (this proteoglycan, which had a large core protein, was only found associated with the cells and is apparently not related to the large proteoglycans), (c) a small proteoglycan with dermatan sulphate side chains with a low degree of epimerization, and (d) a somewhat smaller proteoglycan containing heparan sulphate side chains. The medium contained a large aggregating proteoglycan of similar nature to the large cell-associated proteoglycan and small proteoglycans with dermatan sulphate side chains with a higher degree of epimerization than those of the cells, i.e. containing some 20% iduronic acid.  相似文献   

Mutations in the tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) gene product have been genetically linked to the pathology of both tuberous sclerosis (TSC) and the gender-specific lung disease, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). Both diseases are classified as disorders of cellular migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Earlier studies from our laboratory (1) linked TSC2 with steroid/nuclear receptor signaling. Studies presented here provide evidence for calmodulin (CaM) signaling in the propagation of this TSC2 activity. Far Western screening of a lambda phage human brain cDNA library to identify interacting proteins for the TSC2 gene product (tuberin) yielded multiple clones encoding human CaM. Direct binding with 32P-labeled tuberin demonstrated Ca2+-dependent binding to CaM-Sepharose which was lost upon deletion of the C-terminal 72 residues. The sequence (1740)WIARLRHIKRLRQRIC(1755) was identified as one capable of forming a basic amphipathic helix indicative of CaM binding domains in known calmodulin binding proteins. Studies with a synthetic peptide of this sequence demonstrated very tight Ca2+-dependent binding to CaM as judged by tryptophan fluorescence perturbation studies and phosphodiesterase activation by CaM. Deletion mutagenesis studies further suggested that this CaM binding domain is required for tuberin modulation of steroid receptor function and that mutations in this region may be involved in the pathology of TSC and LAM.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (PGs) are a family of molecules that undergo extensive post-translational modifications that include addition of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains as well as N- and O-linked oligosaccharides to the protein core. PG composition and structure have been reported to alter with age. To test whether the post-translational modifications to PGs can serve as in vitro surrogate end point markers for chronological age, the extent of GAG modifications was determined for PGs derived from normal human bone cells of 14 donors (age range, fetal to 60 years). Isolated cells were steady state radiolabeled with (35)SO(4)(2-) and [(3)H]GlcN. For biglycan and decorin, iduronate content was linearly correlated with age (increased 1.5x between fetal and age 60 years). For the syndecan-like heparan sulfate PG, the N-sulfation of post-natal cells increased over 3.5-fold until reaching a plateau during the 4th decade of life. The amount of O-linked oligosaccharides was also found to decrease as a function of increasing normal donor age, whereas the specific activity of the metabolic precursor pool remained constant regardless of donor age. These age-related changes in post-translational modifications were then used to demonstrate that osteoblasts derived from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta did not exhibit facets of a pre-mature aging, but rather were arrested in a fetal-like phenotypic state. A growth matrix rich in thrombospondin altered PG metabolism in osteoblastic cells, resulting in the production and secretion of the fetal-like (rich in O-linked oligosaccharides) forms of decorin and biglycan. This effect was qualitatively different from the effect of transforming growth factor-beta, which predominantly altered GAGs rather than O-linked oligosaccharides. No other Arg-Gly-Asp protein (fibronectin, vitronectin, type I collagen, osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein) showed any detectable effect on PG metabolism in bone cells. These results indicate that a proper matrix stoichiometry is critical for metabolism of PGs.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes occur in skin as a function of age, including changes in morphology, physiology, and mechanical properties. Changes in extracellular matrix molecules also occur, and these changes likely contribute to the overall age-related changes in the physical properties of skin. The major proteoglycans detected in extracts of human skin are decorin and versican. In addition, adult human skin contains a truncated form of decorin, whereas fetal skin contains virtually undetectable levels of this truncated decorin. Analysis of this molecule, herein referred to as decorunt, indicates that it is a catabolic fragment of decorin rather than a splice variant. With antibody probes to the core protein, decorunt is found to lack the carboxyl-terminal portion of decorin. Further analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry shows that the carboxyl terminus of decorunt is at Phe(170) of decorin. This result indicates that decorunt represents the amino-terminal 43% of the mature decorin molecule. Such a structure is inconsistent with alternative splicing of decorin and suggests that decorunt is a catabolic fragment of decorin. A neoepitope antiserum, anti-VRKVTF, was generated against the carboxyl terminus of decorunt. This antiserum does not recognize intact decorin in any skin proteoglycan sample tested on immunoblots but recognizes every sample of decorunt tested. The results with anti-VRKVTF confirm the identification of the carboxyl terminus of decorunt. Analysis of collagen binding by surface plasmon resonance indicates that the affinity of decorunt for type I collagen is 100-fold less than that of decorin. This observation correlates with the structural analysis of decorunt, in that it lacks regions of decorin previously shown to be important for interaction with type I collagen. The detection of a catabolic fragment of decorin suggests the existence of a specific catabolic pathway for this proteoglycan. Because of the capacity of decorin to influence collagen fibrillogenesis, catabolism of decorin may have important functional implications with respect to the dermal collagen network.  相似文献   

Reduced-minus-oxidized difference spectra were recorded on particle preparations of the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. Physiological oxidation of anaerobic membranes was effected either by O2 or by light. In both cases the spectral changes observed in the 550-570nm region were essentially the same. The results were confirmed by dual-wavelength spectrophotometry. It is concluded that a membrane-bound cytochrome f-b complex participates in both respiratory and photosynthetic elevtron transport.  相似文献   

6-Phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK) isoenzyme pools from livers of fetal, neonatal, young adult (3 months) and aged (24 months) rats were studied. Near-term liver PFK isoenzyme pools were composed of nearly equal quantities of all three subunits. During the 30 days after birth, the total activity increased by 25%; the amount of the L-type, M-type or C-type subunit was increased 3-fold, was unchanged, or was decreased by 80% respectively. In aged rats, compared with young adults, total PFK activity was unchanged, but the L-type, M-type or C-type subunit decreased by 24%, increased by 39%, or increased by 338% respectively. During neonatal maturation, the changing subunit composition of the hepatic isoenzyme pools led to a decreased susceptibility to ATP inhibition, to a greater apparent affinity for fructose 6-phosphate, and to increased sensitivity to fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. Also, these alterations correlated with the measured increases in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate and the reported optimal rate of hepatic glycolysis/gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

To elucidate changes of the ureter with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of element contents in human ureters. The subjects consisted of seven men and seven women, ranging in age from 61 to 97 yr. The contents of calcium, sulfur, and iron in the ureters increased progressively with aging, whereas the contents of phosphorus and magnesium did not increase with aging. Significant relationships were found both between calcium and sulfur contents and between calcium and iron contents in the ureters, but not between calcium and either phosphorus or magnesium contents. It was noteworthy that a significant relationship was also found between sulfur and iron contents in the ureters. It remains uncertain whether calcium forms a compound with sulfur or iron in aged human ureters or not.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in proteoglycan (PG) forms or as free GAGs are implicated in the growth and progression of malignant tumors. These macromolecules were investigated in human gastric carcinoma (HGC) and compared with those in human normal gastric mucosa (HNG). We report that HGC contained about 2-fold increased amounts of GAGs in comparison to HNG. Specifically, HGC showed 3- and 2.5-fold net increase in chondroitin sulphate (CS) and hyaluronan (HA) contents, respectively. Dermatan sulphate (DS) was slightly increased, but the amount of heparan sulphate (HS) was decreased. Of particular, interest were the quite different sulphation profiles of CS and DS chains in HGC in which, non-sulphated and 6-sulphated disaccharide units were increased 10 and 4 times, respectively, in comparison to HNG. On PG level, three different populations were identified in both HNG and HGC, being HSPGs, versican (CS/DS chains) and decorin (CS/DS chains). In HGC, the amounts of versican and decorin were significantly increased about 3- and 8-fold, respectively. These PGs were also characterized by marked decrease in hydrodynamic size and GAG content per PG molecule. Analysis of Delta-disaccharide of versican and decorin from HGC showed an increase of 6-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-6S) and non-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-0S) with a parallel decrease of 4-sulphated Delta-disaccharides (Delta di-4S) as compared to HNG, which closely correlated with the increase of CS content. In addition, the accumulation of core proteins of versican and decorin in HGC was also associated with many post-translational modifications, referring to the number, size, degree and patterns of sulphation and epimerization of CS/DS chains. Studies on the modified metabolism of PGs/GAGs are under progress and will help in deeper understanding of the environment in which tumor cells proliferate and invade.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify age-related changes of body composition structure in terms of the percentages of body fat and muscle (muscle mass/weight×100) in preschool children by using BMI. The subjects were 533 preschool children, comprising 260 boys and 273 girls. Regression analysis for BMI was performed and a regression polynomial of a proper order was determined. After examining the validity of the order in a regression polynomial for %Fat and muscle percentages for BMI, a regression polynomial evaluation chart was made up. After judging the degree of fat or muscle accumulation from BMI and the fat or muscle percentages for each age group of the boys and girls, a frequency distribution map of excessive development and underdevelopment of fat and muscle was drawn up and its age-related changes were examined. As a result, a complementary relationship was confirmed to exist between BMI and %Fat in preschool children. In contrast, an opposite relationship was found for BMI and muscle percentages. These results suggest that BMI can be used as an index of muscle percentages as well as %Fat. As a final result, the distribution composition map of fat and muscle percentages for BMI does not show changes with age from infancy in preschool boys as a whole, but it does show such changes in girls. It is inferred that preschool girls show, due to early maturity, earlier changes (fat decrease) toward an integrated child's body than do boys.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the content of G and A immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA) in blood serum increases with human age. IgM quantity is maximum at child age and at old age (about 80 years old and elder), at the age of 15-20 it is minimum. Immunoglobulin concentration is higher in female's blood serum than in male's, particularly at middle and old ages. The role of X-chromosome in regulation of serum IgM concentration is being discussed.  相似文献   

The relative contents (RCs) of elements in the human menisci from 23 subjects in the age range between 65 and 93 yr were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The RCs of sulfur, calcium, and phosphorus in menisci increased progressively until the 80s, being the highest in the 80s, and thereafter decreased. The RCs of magnesium in menisci increased progressively until the 90s. Regarding the medial and lateral menisci, higher RCs of magnesium and iron, and a lower RC of phosphorus were found in lateral menisci in comparison with those in medial menisci. There were sexual differences in the RCs of calcium and phosphorus of medial and lateral menisci. The RCs of calcium and phosphorus were about 50% higher in women’s menisci than in men’s. Histological examinations showed that structureless mucoid masses were observed in the menisci, with very high RCs of calcium and phosphorus being detected.  相似文献   

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