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Antitoxin properties of monoclonal antibodies to diphtheria toxin were studied in chick fibroblast culture and during the dermonecrotic tests in guinea pigs. Antitoxic properties were shown for antibodies specific to B subunit of the toxin but not for the ones specific to a subunit. The mixture of monoclonal B subunit specific antibodies reveals a higher neutralizing activity as compared with the activity produced by any single monoclonal antibody tested. The protective activity demonstrated by antibodies is connected with the preventing of toxin molecules fixation on the cellular receptors.  相似文献   

By oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, we introduced alterations in the two putative -10 regions of the diphtheria tox promoter which are positioned at -50 and -56 from the GUG tox initiation signal. The -10 region positioned at -50 is favored in the expression of ADP-ribosyltransferase activity from the wild-type tox promoter in recombinant Escherichia coli; however, the promoter down mutation at position -50 is compensated for by increased activity of the -10 region positioned at -56.  相似文献   

Crystallization of diphtheria toxin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two new crystal forms (forms III and IV) have been grown of diphtheria toxin (DT), which kills susceptible cells by catalyzing the ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2, thereby stopping protein synthesis. Forms III and IV diffract to 2.3 A and 2.7 A resolution, respectively. Both forms belong to space group C2; the unit cell parameters for form III are a = 107.3 A, b = 91.7 A, c = 66.3 A and beta = 94.7 degrees and those for form IV are a = 108.3 A, b = 92.3 A, c = 66.1 A and beta = 90.4 degrees. Both forms have one protein chain per asymmetric unit with the dimeric molecule on a twofold axis of symmetry. Form IV is exceptional among all crystal forms of DT in that it can be grown reproducibly. Thus the form IV crystals should yield a crystallographic structure giving insight into the catalytic, receptor-binding and membrane-insertion properties of DT.  相似文献   

Science China Life Sciences - Neutrophils are crucial for immunity and play important roles in inflammatory diseases; however, mouse models selectively deficient in neutrophils are limited, and...  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to the diphtheria toxin were produced without cross reactivity with the thermolabile toxin (LT) from Escherichia coli; ricin; choleraic toxin; the SeA, SeB, SeE, SeI, and SeG toxins of staphylococcus; the lethal factor of the anthrax toxin; and the protective antigen of the anthrax toxin. A pair of antibodies for the quantitative determination of the diphtheria toxin in the sandwich variation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was chosen. The determination limit of the toxin was 0.7 ng/ml in plate and 1.6 ng/ml in microchip ELISA. The presence of a secretion from the nasopharynx lavage did not decrease the sensitivity of the toxin determination by sandwich ELISA. The immunization of mice with the diphtheria toxin and with a conjugate of the diphtheria toxin with polystyrene microspheres demonstrated that the conjugate immunization resulted in the formation of hybridoma clones which produced antibodies only to the epitopes of the A fragment of the diphtheria toxin. The immunization with the native toxin caused the production of hybridoma clones which predominantly produced antibodies to the epitopes of the B fragment.  相似文献   

In order to study the specificity of serum antibodies to separate subunits of diphtheria toxin, SDS-electrophoresis of diphtheria toxin preliminary disintegrated on the subunits via trypsin treatment was performed, followed by immunoblotting assay. 86 blood serum samples of children with diphtheria carriers of toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae as well as children with other infectious diseases similar to diphtheria in their clinical manifestation, and healthy ones immunized with DTP-vaccine were tested. A special computer program was written and applied for results processing and assumption. The data obtained showed that there were particular differences in frequency of predominating the antibodies to one or another subunit of diphtheria toxin among various groups of the children. We consider that the different specificity of antibodies of sick children and children-carriers is capable to predetermine the different course of infectious process.  相似文献   

When cells with surface-bound diphtheria toxin were exposed to pH 4.5, the toxin became shielded against lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination, indicating that the toxin was inserted into the membrane. Cells thus treated had strongly reduced ability to take up 36Cl-, 35SO4(2-), and [14C]SCN-. The reduction of chloride uptake was strongest at neutral pH, whereas that of sulfate was strongest at acidic pH. Lineweaver-Burk plots indicated that the toxin treatment reduced the Jmax but not the Km for the anions. The toxin also inhibited the NaCl-stimulated efflux of 35SO4(2-), indicating that the toxin inhibits the antiporter. No inhibition was found when toxin-treated cells were not exposed to low pH, whereas exposure to pH 4.5 for 20 s induced close to maximal inhibition. Half-maximal inhibition was obtained after exposure to pH 5.4. The concentration of diphtheria toxin required to obtain maximal inhibition (0.3 micrograms/ml) was sufficient to ensure close to maximal toxin binding to the cells. Even in ATP-depleted cells and in the absence of permeant anions, low pH induced inhibition of anion antiport in toxin-treated Vero cells. There was no measurable inhibition of anion antiport in cells with little or no ability to bind the toxin.  相似文献   

The plant enzyme arbutin synthase isolated from cell suspension cultures of Rauvolfia serpentina and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli is a member of the NRD1beta family of glycosyltransferases. This enzyme was used to prove, by site-directed mutagenesis, suggested catalytic domains and reaction mechanisms proposed for enzyme-catalyzed glycosylation. Replacement of amino acids far from the NRD domain do not significantly affect arbutin synthase activity. Exchange of amino acids at the NRD site leads to a decrease of enzymatic activity, e.g. substitution of Glu368 by Asp. Glu368, which is a conserved amino acid in glycosyltransferases located at position 2 and is important for enzyme activity, does not serve as the nucleophile in the catalytic centre as proposed. When it is replaced by Ala, the resulting mutant enzyme E368A exhibits comparable activity as found for E368D in respect to vanillin. Enzyme activities of wild-type and E368A towards several substrates were not affected at the same level. His360 at position 1 of NRD1beta glycosyltransferases occupies a more crucial role as expected. When it is exchanged against other basic amino acids such as Lys or Arg the enzyme activity decreases approximately 1000-fold. Replacement of His360 by Glu leads to a mutant enzyme (H360E) with an approximately 4000-fold lower activity compared with the wild-type. This mutein still produces a beta-glucoside, not an alpha-glucoside and therefore indicates that generation of the typical E-E motif of NRD1alpha glycosyltransferases does not convert a NRD1beta enzyme into a NRD1alpha enzyme. The presented data do not support several suggestions made in the literature about catalytic amino acids involved in the glycosyltransfer reaction.  相似文献   

Two different lipid-associating domains have been identified in the B fragment of diphtheria toxin using automated Edman degradation of its cyanogen bromide peptides, secondary structure prediction analysis, and comparisons with known phospholipid-interacting proteins. The first domain is located in the highly hydrophilic (polarity index [PI] = 61.0%) 9.00-dalton N-terminal region of fragment B. This region shows primary and predicted secondary structures dramatically similar to those found for the phospholipid headgroup-binding domains of human apolipoprotein A1 (surface lipid-associating domain). The second domain is located in the highly hydrophobic (PI = 32.4%) middle region of fragment B. Its structure resembles that found for the membranous domain of intrinsic membrane proteins (transverse lipid-associating domain). In contrast, the hydrophilic C-terminal 8,000-dalton region of fragment B (PI = 53.8%) does not show structural similarity with lipid- associating domains.  相似文献   

The transmembrane precursor of the monkey (Mk) heparin-binding, epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (proHB-EGF) functions as a diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor, whereas the mouse (Ms) precursor does not. Previously, using chimeric Ms/Mk precursors, we have shown that DT resistance of cells bearing Ms proHB-EGF may be accounted for by several amino acid substitutions between residues 122 and 148 within the EGF-like domain and that Glu-141 is an important amino acid residue for DT binding. In this study, reciprocal site-directed mutagenesis was performed on the major non-conserved residues in the region of 122–148, alone or in combination, between Mk and Ms precursors to identify more precisely which amino acid residues are important for DT binding. Two approaches were used. The first, more traditional approach was to destroy DT sensitivity and binding of Mk proHB-EGF by substitution(s) with the corresponding Ms residue(s). From the single mutations, the greatest loss of DT sensitivity was observed with Mk/Glu-141His (approximately 4000-fold) and the next greatest with Mk/Ile-133Lys (approximately fourfold). The double mutations Mk/Leu-127Phe/Glu-141His, Mk/Ile-133Lys/Glu-141His and Mk/His-135Leu/Glu-141His resulted in complete toxin resistance (> 100 000-fold). The second approach, both novel and complementary, was to gain DT binding and sensitivity of Ms proHB-EGF by substitution(s) with the corresponding Mk residue(s). Surprisingly, the single mutation Ms/His-141Glu resulted in the gain of moderate DT sensitivity (> 260-fold). The double mutation Ms/Lys-133Ile/His-141Glu and the triple mutation Ms/Lys-133Ile/Leu-135His/His-141Glu resulted in a progressive gain in toxin sensitivity (> 4700-fold and > 16 000-fold respectively) and affinity. This triple mutant cell line is essentially as sensitive (IC50 = 3.1 ng ml?1) as the highly toxin-sensitive monkey Vero cell line (IC50 = 4 ng ml?1), indicating that these three Mk residues enable the Ms proHB-EGF to act as a fully functional DT receptor. Taken together, these results indicate that Glu-141 plays the most critical role in DT binding and sensitivity and that two additional amino acid residues, Ile-133 and His-135, also play significant roles.  相似文献   

Exogenous nucleotides were found to protect mammalian cells from the lethal effects of diphtheria toxin. Protective potency of a given nucleotide was base specific and phosphate chain length dependent. Full expression of protective potency required an intact nucleotide, but the effect did not appear to be mediated by nucleotide-induced phosphorylation. Nucleotides antagonized the binding of diphtheria toxin to its cell surface receptor in a manner that correlated with the degree of protection. It was concluded that cellular protection from diphtheria toxin by nucleotides results from inhibition of toxin-receptor binding and that nucleotides therefore may serve as valuable research tools for future studies.  相似文献   

Specific cleavage of diphtheria toxin by human urokinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diphtheria toxin must undergo a specific cleavage reaction and subsequent reduction to express the enzymatic ADP-ribosyltransferase activity that is responsible for its toxicity. In an effort to identify potential cellular enzymes that might be involved in this process we have found that a human urinary plasminogen activator, urokinase, is capable of specifically cleaving diphtheria toxin to yield an enzymatically active A fragment (more homogeneous than that produced by trypsin cleavage) and a B fragment (with an identical amino-terminal sequence to that produced by trypsin cleavage). The results raise the possibility that urokinase or urokinase-like enzymes play a role in diphtheria toxin-mediated intoxication.  相似文献   

Precursor in cotranslational secretion of diphtheria toxin.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
By extracellular labeling of peptides of intact Corynebacterium diphtheriae, followed by fractionation of the cells and chain completion by isolated polysomes, it is shown that diphtheria toxin is formed and secreted cotranslationally by membrane-bound polysomes; free polysomes from none. Moreover, when the chains on these polysomes were completed in vitro, in the absence of membrane they were found to include not only diphtheria toxin of a molecular weight of 62,000, but also a larger precursor of a molecular weight of 68,000. The precursor was identified by several properties: immune precipitation; conversion into toxin fragments A and B; adenosine diphosphate ribosyl-transferase activity after activation with trypsin; and cleavage to 62,000 daltons by membrane enzymes. The precursor yields an N-terminal A fragment with a broadened molecular weight distribution, compared with that from authentic toxin, thus supporting the expectation that the extra segment of the precursor is N-terminal.  相似文献   

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