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变温昆虫果蝇Drosophila深受热选择(即遗传效应)或表型诱导效应(即可塑性)的影响。表型可塑性是不同生物进行适应的有效方法, 但是它在不同的果蝇种中较少受到关注。 我们分析了不同发育温度范围和地理分布的果蝇的黑化反应模式。嗜凤梨果蝇D. ananassae 和蒲桃果蝇D. jambulina 对低温敏感, 这些物种可在18~32℃下饲育。相反, D. nepalensis 为耐冷且对热敏感的物种, 可在12~25℃下饲育。世界广为分布的黑腹果蝇D. melanogaster的温度范围宽(13~31℃), 该物种前3个腹节和后3个腹节的黑化反应模式未见明显差异。D. nepalensis的全部6个腹节(第2~7节)均具有高度的可塑性。不过, 黑腹果蝇D. melanogaster只有后3个腹节具有可塑性。相反, 热带物种嗜凤梨果蝇D. ananassae 的所有腹节均不具有可塑性。世界广为分布的黑腹果蝇, 即使来自冷得多的气候环境, 其体色也不加深, 与D. nepalensis中观察到的体色接近。本研究的目的旨在认识引起体色的形态多样性的过程以及果蝇对不同地理区域的适应性。最后, 将体色黑化与物种系统发育谱系的比较表明, 在不同的演化谱系中不断发生遗传多态性或表型可塑性两种不同模式的适应。  相似文献   

【目的】未来数十年的气候变化预计会是造成很多物种生境丧失的一个重要因素。对适应能力相对脆弱的地方性物种,预测气候变化对其生境的影响将对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。【方法】本文基于最大熵模型,对珍稀蝉科中国特有种枯蝉Subpsaltria yangi在当前和未来气候条件下的生境适宜度进行了评估。【结果】结果表明,枯蝉主要局限分布于黄土高原及邻近地区。预计至2050年,即使在温和的气候变化情景下,枯蝉的生境面积也会明显减少。影响枯蝉栖息地分布的关键因素为年平均气温、最冷月的最低气温、最冷季的平均气温和最潮湿月份的降水量。枯蝉现存种群栖息地应当受到保护,甘肃天水和陕西延安地区应作为枯蝉分布的核心区予以保护,以应对气候变化对其生境带来的影响。【结论】本研究获得的枯蝉适宜生境分布图可以为该稀有物种的新种群发现、现生种群分布地土地规划管理以及有效的自然保护区设立提供重要信息。  相似文献   

青藏高原和喜马拉雅地区锦鸡儿属植物的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
锦鸡儿属Caragana是一个典型的温带亚洲分布属。本属在青藏高原和喜马拉雅约有24种1变种,约占整个属的1/3。这些种类几乎全部处于演化高级阶段,且既有叶轴宿存类群,也有假掌状叶类群。反映出种的分化很活跃,在横断山地区形成本属的分布中心、分化中心。本区内绝大多数种类是特有分布。替代现象主要受气候、植被变化作用,沿横断山和喜马拉雅分布的长齿系Ser. Bracteolatae Kom.是一个典型的替代分布类群。锦鸡儿属植物生态适应性很强,可在其生长的灌丛中形成优势种。 寒化和旱化现象十分突出,它们有一系列森林种、草原种和荒漠种及相关的形态变异。用锦鸡儿属植物进行青藏高原和喜马拉雅区域内的分布区关系分析及最小生成树MST和特有性简约性分析(PAE),表明横断山地区特别是其北部是本属植物的一个地理结点。以此沿横断山向北部唐古特和西部藏东南适应性辐射。横断山和西喜马拉雅联系微弱,看不出植物长距离扩散的踪迹,大多是由于生态因子限制而产生的隔离。虽然本区不可能是锦鸡儿属的起源地,然而,通过本区与邻近地区的地理联系,可推测它们在我国适应性辐射方向是从东北向西南。结合豆科蝶形花亚科其它属化石记录及其分布区局限在温带亚洲等现象,认为锦鸡儿植物是一组特化、晚近衍生的类群,起源于北方东西伯利亚晚第三纪中新世后期至上新世。  相似文献   

中国-喜马拉雅地区硬叶栎林的特点与分类   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文对中国—喜马拉雅地区的硬叶栎林,研究了它的主要特点和分类系统。根据硬叶栎林地区各气象站气候图解的特点(“A”字形),认为硬叶栎林是夏雨区的硬叶林,它不同于世界上冬南区的(“U”字形气候图解)硬叶林。 根据硬叶栎林的植物区系和生态环境,它不属于亚热带的照叶林和地中海型的硬叶林,而是中国—喜马拉雅地区特有的夏雨硬叶林,在中国西部高山地区的阳坡上常为顶极群落。根据硬叶栎林的优势树种和海拔、气候、土壤及伴生树种,分为10个群系和两个群系组。  相似文献   

本文记述分布在中国横断山地区绕眼果蝇属伏绕眼果蝇亚属[Amiota(Phortica)]的11个物种,其中包括3个新种:不对称绕眼果蝇A.(P.)acongruenssp.n.、突绕眼果蝇A.(P.)protrusasp.n.、韩氏绕眼果蝇A.(P.)hanisp.n.。  相似文献   

利用果蝇模型研究人类心脏早期发育的分子机理(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来 ,果蝇心脏特化的遗传机制已初步研究清楚 ,但控制人类心脏早期发育的基因尚待鉴定。因为调控果蝇和脊椎动物早期心脏细胞命运定型的途径具有保守性 ,果蝇是一种探讨人类心脏早期发育的分子机理的理想动物模式。为此目的 ,我们采用P转座子和EMS诱变技术建立了约 3 0 0 0个隐性致死基因平衡系。通过心脏前体细胞特异性抗体免疫组化筛选 ,我们检出 2 0 0余个表现心脏突变表型的平衡致死系。我们进一步利用RNAi技术对一些基因的功能进行了初步的研究 ,证明这些基因表现RNAi的突变表型 ,该类突变表型与基因突变时表现的表型相似 ,即心管呈缺陷型或无心脏前体细胞形成。利用果蝇和人类基因组计划获得的成果 ,我们从果蝇心脏侯选基因中初步克隆和鉴定了 5 0个人类同源基因 ,其中 2 0个是新基因。Northen印迹分析表明 ,一部分人类基因在心脏组织中有表达 ,从而为研究这些基因在人类心脏早期发育中的作用提供了信息。目前 ,我们正在建立转基因果蝇 ,以此为模型研究这些基因是否对心肌细胞发生或心肌功能起调控作用。产生心肌细胞突变类型的基因如果类似于人类心脏病综合症 ,则可以作为人类心脏疾病侯选基因作进一步的分析。  相似文献   

肖建华  丁鑫  蔡超男  张灿瑜  张晓妍  李朗  李捷 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5703-5712
掌握气候变化对珍稀濒危物种的分布和适应性变化趋势的影响,是开展保护生物学研究的基础。闽楠(Phoebe bournei)是我国东部亚热带森林的优势树种,也是金丝楠木的主要来源树种。它具有重要的经济、园林与生态价值,目前已被列为国家II级保护植物。预测不同气候背景下该物种的地理分布格局可为这一珍贵树种的资源保护、合理利用与开发提供指导依据,同时也为闽楠的起源与地理分化研究奠定基础。本研究基于闽楠的123个分布点信息与19个气候因子,采用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)与ArcGIS空间分析,构建闽楠于末次冰期(距今22000年)、当前(1950-2000年)以及未来(2050年与2070年)相应地潜在分布区格局,并确定未来受威胁的适生区、面积与影响分布的气候因子。结果表明:闽楠的适生区覆盖浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、贵州及重庆,制约闽楠地理分布的气候因子主要是温度季节性变化标准差(Bio4)、最暖月最高温(Bio5)与最干季降水量(Bio17);在末次盛冰期闽楠退缩到我国东部的许多山区,诸如武夷山、浙闽丘陵、武陵山、雪峰山、湘黔桂毗邻的山区;随着全球气候变暖,到2050年与2070年闽楠的适生区有着破碎化甚至丧失的风险。  相似文献   

Wingless信号传导是果蝇胚胎和幼虫发育过程中的一个关键性的信号传导通路。已鉴定出来许多参与Wg Wnt信号传导的Wg或其脊椎动物同源基因Wnt下游传导通路的基因。Wg下游的Wg信号传导是由核TCF LEF 1通过Armadillo (Arm) β catenin介导的。pygopus (pygo)是一个最近发现的Wg Wnt信号传导通路新成员。通过细胞定位实验发现pygo专一性的表达在细胞核中。运用反义mRNA作探针的原位杂交技术 ,观察到了pygo基因在果蝇胚胎中的表达特性。虽然pygo普遍表达于果蝇胚胎发生全过程 ,但pygo在前囊胚层 (pre blastoderm)中的表达水平相对较高 ,这说明胚胎发生过程中来自母方的贡献较高。在幼虫组织 (包括翅成虫盘 ,眼成虫盘和腿成虫盘 )的发育过程中 ,pygo的表达水平总的来说比较低。然而 ,比较翅成虫盘 ,眼成虫盘和腿成虫盘的pygo表达水平 ,则在翅成虫盘和腿成虫盘pygo的表达水平相对较高。  相似文献   

记述了采自云南昆明的毛果蝇属缘毛果蝇种复合1新种:亚平毛果蝇Hirtodrosophila yapingi sp.nov.。研究标本收藏于中国科学院昆明动物研究所标本馆、北海道大学博物馆及英国国家自然历史博物馆。亚平毛果蝇,新种Hirtodrosophila yapingi sp.nov.(图1~27)新种与报道自尼泊尔和中国云南的缘毛果蝇H.limbicostata(Okada)1966相似。两个种的区别在于腹部的斑纹和产卵瓣的形状。新种雌成虫腹部每节背板基部具浅色宽带,在第3和第4背板上被暗色带遮断;缘毛果蝇雌成虫腹部主要为暗棕色,各节背板基部中央具浅色斑,形成向腹中部下行的、中断的浅色纵带,并在靠近腹背板基部角处具小的较不明显的浅色区域。此外,新种雌成虫具明显较窄的产卵器(尤其是在端半部),产卵瓣端部不向内弯曲,而缘毛果蝇雌成虫产卵器宽得多,产卵瓣端部显著向内弯曲。正模♂,云南昆明筇竹寺,2006-08-22,户田正宪、高建军采。副模:7♂♂,6♀♀,同正模;3♂♂,3♀♀,2006-08-20,其余同正模;1♀,2007-09-16,高建军采,其余同正模。词源:新种以中科院院士、昆明动物研究所张亚平研究员之名命名,以感谢张先生对作者在果蝇分类及系统进化研究方面的支持。  相似文献   

云南松林不同层植物分布与地形、气候因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物群落由植物与环境共同作用形成,其中地形与气候因子对植物群落的形成与发展又有极为重要的影响。本文在群落调查的基础上,利用去趋势典范对应分析(detrended canonical correspondence analysis,DCCA)排序方法分析了各地形、气候因子对云南松林中不同层的物种数量、分布结构及多样性的影响及其相互关系。结果表明:乔木层、灌木层、草本层的DCCA排序效果均为极显著(P<0.01)。从排序图可以看出,对乔木层分布影响较大的依次有夏季平均降雨量、气温年较差、年均降雨量等环境因素;而灌木层的主要影响因子为夏季平均降雨量、年均降雨量、无霜期;对草本层物种分布影响大的有无霜期、海拔、夏季平均降雨量。人为干扰对乔木层和草本层影响不明显,而对灌木层影响则相对较大。  相似文献   

Species boundaries in the North American Daphnia longispina group have proved difficult to establish on the basis of morphology alone. This confusion may be due to hydridization, phenotypic plasticity or the existence of sibling species. We therefore used genetic analysis to delineate species boundaries by examining 27 North American populations belonging to the longispina complex for variation at 15–26 allozyme loci. The populations consisted of Daphnia thorata from two western sites and two eastern sites, Daphnia galeata mendotae from its type location and seven sites across its range, and Daphnia rosea from eight temperate and seven arctic sites. Two populations from the Eurasian longispina complex were also included for reference. Populations assigned to D. galeata mendotae formed a genetically cohesive group, whereas a genetic dichotomy was found between temperate and arctic D. rosea , suggesting that this taxon includes two species. Genetic analysis also confirmed the distinctness of western D. thorata from other members of the longispina group. Unexpectedly, eastern populations resembling D. thorata were genetically more similar to temperate D. rosea than to any helmeted species ( D. galeata, Daphnia hyalina or D. thorata ). Our results suggest that the helmet character is a poor indicator of phylogenetic relationships, as the genetic ability to produce this feature has been lost or acquired several times in the evolution of the longispina group.  相似文献   

Approaches that integrate multiple independent, yet complimentary, lines of evidence have been effectively utilized to identify and evaluate species diversity. Integrative approaches are especially useful in taxa that exhibit cryptic diversity and are highly morphologically conserved, as well as organisms whose distributions may be sympatric or parapatric. The Incilius coccifer complex in Honduras is comprised of three putative taxa: I. coccifer, I. ibarrai and I. porteri. The taxonomy of the I. coccifer complex has been a source of debate among specialists, with some recognizing three species, while others choose to recognize one widespread taxon. To assess species boundaries and evaluate the taxonomic structure for the I. coccifer complex, we utilized a combination of comprehensive field sampling, molecular phylogenetics and macroecological modelling. Using 58 samples representing all three putative taxa, we generated sequence data from the mitochondrial loci 16S and COI in order to assess genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships, and tested putative species boundaries using General Mixed Yule‐Coalescent models. To evaluate macroecological differences in the distribution of putative taxa, we utilized maximum entropy modelling and identified areas of suitable and non‐suitable habitat, as well as identifying potential areas of overlap between species habitats. We recovered three clades that broadly correspond to the three named taxa that, while being monophyletic, are separated by relatively small genetic distances. Species distribution models revealed that I. coccifer is macroecologically different than the other two taxa, but that I. ibarrai and I. porteri are highly similar. We uncovered cases of sympatry between pairs of species in at least three localities in Honduras, suggesting the potential for hybridization in these closely related lineages.  相似文献   

A key to the management of hillstreams in relation to Fish Species Richness (FSR) and Shannon and Weaver Diversity Index (H) (Shannon and Weaver, 1949. The Mathematical Theory of Communications. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, IL, USA) using a multitude of factors such as altitude, water source, bed gradient, dominant channel materials and habitat type has been proposed on the basis of 10 study sites, belonging to three north Indian rivers namely; Ghaggar, Yamuna and Ganga. The selected streams are located between the altitudes ranging from 380 to 1524m. It has been observed that high altitude streams having steep gradient, boulder dominated substrate with rapids as the main habitat type had lower FSR (3–4) and H (0.55–0.99) as compared to hillstreams located in the lower altitudes having gentle gradient, cobble dominated substrate with pools, riffles, runs, rapids and cascades as the main habitats and have high FSR (6–14) and H (1.67–2.35). Types – A, B and F hillstreams were encountered when the hillstreams are classified after Rosgen (Applied River Morphology, Wildland Hydrology, Co, USA).  相似文献   

Even since Linnaeus, naturalists and taxonomists have been systematically describing species new to science. Besides indicating gaps in taxonomic effort, understanding the temporal patterns of species discovery could help in identifying drivers that determine discovery. In this study we report the patterns of discovery of eight taxa — birds, butterflies, frogs, tiger beetles, grasses, asters, ferns and orchids — in the Western Ghats, a megadiversity centre in India. Our results indicate that the discovery curves for birds and butterflies have been saturated while those for frogs and grasses continue to increase. Within each taxon, the major drivers of discovery were commonness of the species and their size. The average years taken for discovery across taxa were directly related to the per cent endemicity and species richness of the taxa. We discuss the trajectories of discovery with respect to rarity or endemicity of the species and life history features, and the implications these might have for strategizing the discovery process in India.  相似文献   

Three Primula species, Primula vulgaris, P. veris and P. elatior, have been objects of fascination for gardeners and botanists over several centuries. The species are able to hybridise, and where they co‐occur, hybrids are commonly found. In Denmark, Møns Klint on the island of Møn and Købelev Skov on Lolland are examples of localities where all three species occur and where the hybrids P. × digenea, the hybrid between P. vulgaris and P. elatior, and P. × polyantha, the hybrid between P. veris and P. vulgaris, can also be found. To investigate relationships between the species and their hybrids, we sampled 168 specimens from 10 geographical locations and subjected them to genetic analysis. The samples were also identified based on morphological traits: primarily inflorescense structure, the size, shape, colour and markings of corolla and leaf basis, leaf blade texture and hairiness. After identifying species‐specific SNPs in the Internal Transcribed Spacer sequence, these were used to resolve species and hybrid boundaries and status through a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence assay. Polymorphisms in the chloroplast trnL sequence were used as a high‐throughput marker and used to determine the maternal parent of hybrids. Ten simple sequence repeat markers were applied to obtain further insight into the genetic makeup of the accessions using structure and Introgress, providing information of genetic variability within and between populations. Our results indicated that backcrossing of P. × digenea hybrids with parental species has occurred, and that many of the P. × digenea sampled were later‐generation hybrids rather than F1s. Analyses of P. × polyantha specimens show mostly the expected pattern for primary hybrids but indications of P. veris ancestry of a P. vulgaris plant was discovered. Our results further indicate that some of the specimens initially identified as P. elatior include P. vulgaris among their progenitors and thus challenge currently accepted species boundaries.  相似文献   

Shepherding among the highland Gurungs of Nepal is examined in its historical and contemporary settings. Change from pastoral nomadism augmented by hunting, swidden agriculture, and trade to sedentary rice agriculture augmented by transhumance and migrant labor (soldiery) is considered in terms of adaptive response to change in cultural and physical environments. A brief examination of adaptive strategies in one village is presented to highlight the interplay of ecological, economic, and social variables. Data from Gurungs studies are compared with recent Magar village studies in the Himalaya by John Hitchcock. Through-out the article, a methodological stance is pursued by which many dynamic adaptations, such as those of the Gurungs, can be understood by comparing past and present ecological-cultural processes.This article is based on original research among the Gurungs of northern Lamjung District, Nepal, and on available archival sources. The research was supported by a grant from the U.S. Public Health Service's National Institutes of Health [NIH Grant No. 5-TO1-GMO 1382-07 (BHS)], through the Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon. The author is presently employed as an ethnographic researcher by Abt Associates, Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts.This article was prepared in response to the symposium, Cultural Adaptations to Mountain Ecosystems, held at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 28, 1973.  相似文献   

Population genetic markers are increasingly being used to study the diversity, ecology and evolution of Symbiodinium, a group of eukaryotic microbes that are often mutualistic with reef‐building corals. Population genetic markers can resolve individual clones, or strains, from samples of host tissue; however, samples may comprise different species that may confound interpretations of gene flow and genetic structure. Here, we propose a method for resolving species from population genetic data using tests for genetic recombination. Assigning individuals to genetically recombining populations prior to further analyses avoids critical errors in the interpretation of gene flow and dispersal. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, we first apply this method to a simulated data set. We then use the method to resolve two species of host generalist Symbiodinium that commonly co‐occur in reef‐building corals collected from Indo‐West Pacific reefs. We demonstrate that the method is robust even when some hosts contain genotypes from two distinct species. Finally, we examine population genetic data sets from two recently published papers in Molecular Ecology. We show that each strongly supports a two species interpretation, which significantly changes the original conclusions presented in these studies. When combined with available phylogenetic and ecological evidence, the use of population genetic data offers a robust method for unambiguously delimiting morphologically cryptic species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The sibling species Papilio glaucus and Papilio canadensis meet in a narrow hybrid zone believed to be maintained by temperature thresholds acting independently on both species. The present study tests if this assertion is true for the cold-adapted species, P. canadensis , which is presumed to be limited by the effect of high temperatures in late summer and/or autumn on pupal survival.
2. Three experiments were conducted examining the effects of: (i) short periods of high temperature stress in autumn, (ii) prolonged warm temperatures in autumn, and (iii) temperatures simulating warmer winters/longer springs upon the survival of P. canadensis and P. glaucus.
3. Results indicated that short periods of high temperatures did not induce the high mortality rates required to be the key factor limiting the range of P. canadensis . However, P. canadensis did exhibit a considerably lower tolerance to high temperature extremes, prolonged warm temperatures in autumn, and conditions simulating shorter/warmer winters than P. glaucus .
4. Differences in temperature tolerance throughout the pupal stage are likely to be a significant factor in maintaining the southern range limit of P. canadensis . Further warming as may occur during climate change, particularly in winter and spring, will likely affect the dynamics of southerly populations of P. canadensis.  相似文献   

The delimitation of species is an essential pursuit of biology, and proper taxonomies are crucial for the assessment and conservation management of organismal diversity. However, delimiting species can be hindered by a number of factors including highly conserved morphologies (e.g., cryptic species), differences in criteria of species concepts, lineages being in the early stages of the speciation or divergence process, and discordance between gene topologies (e.g., mitonuclear discordance). Here we use a taxonomically confounded species complex of toads in Central America that exhibits extensive mitonuclear discordance to test delimitation hypotheses. Our investigation integrates mitochondrial sequences, nuclear SNPs, morphology, and macroecological data to determine which taxonomy best explains the divergence and evolutionary relationships among these toads. We found that a three species taxonomy following the distributions of the nuclear SNP haplotypes offers the best explanation of the species in this complex based off of the integrated data types. Due to the taxonomic instability of this group, we also discuss conservation concerns in the face of improper taxonomic delimitation. Our study provides an empirical and integrative hypothesis testing framework to assess species delimitation hypotheses in the face of cryptic morphology and mitonuclear discordance and highlights the importance that a stable taxonomy has over conservation‐related actions.  相似文献   

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