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The herpes simplex virus protein VP22 is a major phosphoprotein of infected cells. In this study, we identify two serine phosphorylation sites within VP22 and show that the N-terminal site is a substrate for casein kinase II, while the extreme C-terminal site is a substrate for another, as yet unidentified, cellular kinase. Furthermore, we show that a mutant of VP22 which has both sites altered is unable to incorporate phosphate in vivo, confirming that there are no other phosphorylation sites within VP22.  相似文献   

Growing evidence indicates that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) acquires its final envelope in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). During the envelopment process, the viral nucleocapsid as well as the envelope and tegument proteins must arrive at this site in order to be incorporated into assembling virions. To gain a better understanding of how these proteins associate with cellular membranes and target to the correct compartment, we have been studying the intracellular trafficking properties of the small tegument protein encoded by the U(L)11 gene of HSV-1. This 96-amino-acid, myristylated protein accumulates on the cytoplasmic face of internal membranes, where it is thought to play a role in nucleocapsid envelopment and egress. When expressed in the absence of other HSV-1 proteins, the UL11 protein localizes to the Golgi apparatus, and previous deletion analyses have revealed that the membrane-trafficking information is contained within the first 49 amino acids. The goal of this study was to map the functional domains required for proper Golgi membrane localization. In addition to N-terminal myristylation, which allows for weak membrane binding, UL11 appears to be palmitylated on one or more of three consecutive N-terminal cysteines. Using membrane-pelleting experiments and confocal microscopy, we show that palmitylation of UL11 is required for both Golgi targeting specificity and strong membrane binding. Furthermore, we found that a conserved acidic cluster within the first half of UL11 is required for the recycling of this tegument protein from the plasma membrane to the Golgi apparatus. Taken together, our results demonstrate that UL11 has highly dynamic membrane-trafficking properties, which suggests that it may play multiple roles on the plasma membrane as well as on the nuclear and TGN membranes.  相似文献   

The role of the herpes simplex virus type 1 tegument protein VP22 during infection is as yet undefined. We have previously shown that VP22 has the unusual property of efficient intercellular transport, such that the protein spreads from single expressing cells into large numbers of surrounding cells. We also noted that in cells expressing VP22 by transient transfection, the protein localizes in a distinctive cytoplasmic filamentous pattern. Here we show that this pattern represents a colocalization between VP22 and cellular microtubules. Moreover, we show that VP22 reorganizes microtubules into thick bundles which are easily distinguishable from nonbundled microtubules. These bundles are highly resistant to microtubule-depolymerizing agents such as nocodazole and incubation at 4°C, suggesting that VP22 has the capacity to stabilize the microtubule network. In addition, we show that the microtubules contained in these bundles are modified by acetylation, a marker for microtubule stability. Analysis of infected cells by both immunofluorescence and measurement of microtubule acetylation further showed that colocalization between VP22 and microtubules, and induction of microtubule acetylation, also occurs during infection. Taken together, these results suggest that VP22 exhibits the properties of a classical microtubule-associated protein (MAP) during both transfection and infection. This is the first demonstration of a MAP encoded by an animal virus.

The eukaryotic cytoskeleton, which comprises actin microfilaments, intermediate filaments (IFs), and microtubules (MTs), performs a broad range of complex activities within the cell. These include various aspects of cell motility (2, 3), the determination of cell shape and internal architecture (17, 32), and vesicle trafficking and chromosome movement during mitosis (18, 25, 29). Furthermore, the individual components of the cytoskeleton are interlinked to form a dynamic network accessing every area of the cytoplasm (41) and the plasma membrane (10, 39), providing a framework which coordinates multiple cellular processes. The involvement in so many cellular activities is likely to make the cytoskeleton a primary target for exploitation during virus infection of host cells. Surprisingly, however, there is relatively little detailed information on virus interactions with the host cytoskeleton, and it is only recently that data suggesting that viruses may utilize the positioning and dynamics of the cytoskeletal network to their own advantage have begun to emerge.The majority of virus-induced cytoskeletal alterations documented to date involve the overall disruption of one or more elements of the cytoskeleton. For example, retroviruses and poliovirus encode proteases which induce the cleavage of cytoskeleton-associated proteins, thereby broadly increasing the dynamics of the cytoskeleton, resulting in disruption of the cell structure as infection progresses, and the appearance of well-characterized cytopathic effects (20, 43). A more specific disruption of the cytoskeleton occurs during infection by the rhabdovirus vesicular stomatitis virus, where the direct interaction of the virus matrix protein with tubulin results in the inhibition of MT assembly (33). Human immunodeficiency virus and papillomaviruses, on the other hand, encode activities which induce the collapse of the IF network, a property which may promote virus release from the cell (13, 23).By contrast, examples of virus activities which induce cytoskeletal polymerization and/or stabilization are much rarer. One example is the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, which has been shown to induce the appearance of thick actin cables between the plasma membrane and the nucleus at early times after infection (8) and to induce actin filaments in the nucleus at late times (7). These features have been proposed to be involved in virus transport from the cell surface to the nucleus and nucleocapsid morphogenesis, respectively. However, the best-characterized viral exploitation of the host cell cytoskeleton is that of vaccinia virus, which has been shown to induce actin polymerization directly behind its virus particle as a means of propelling the virus through the cell (11, 12). The virus protein(s) responsible for this activity has not yet been identified, but it has been shown that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton in infected cells inhibits virus release, indicating that actin is essential to the virus replicative cycle (35).The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) structural protein VP22, a component of the viral tegument, has an as yet undefined role in virus replication. However, we have recently shown that VP22 has the unusual property of intercellular transport when it is expressed during both infection and transient transfection (14). Moreover, we demonstrated that such VP22 transport occurs via a mechanism potentially involving actin microfilaments, suggesting that VP22 exhibits a cytoskeletal interaction. In this report, we demonstrate that VP22 interacts with another component of the cellular cytoskeleton, the MT network. We show that VP22 colocalizes with MTs in both transfected and infected cells and induces the appearance of thick MT bundles. Furthermore, we show that these VP22-induced MT bundles are highly stabilized in comparison to normal MTs and are resistant to both drug and cold treatment. As a consequence of VP22-induced stabilization, MTs are extensively modified by acetylation, a property also demonstrated in infected cells. Taken together, these results suggest that VP22 exhibits the properties of a classical cellular MT-associated protein (MAP) with powerful MT-stabilizing properties and represents the first demonstration of a MAP encoded by an animal virus.  相似文献   

The local cellular immune response to herpes simplex virus (HSV) is important in the control of recurrent HSV infection. The antiviral functions of infiltrating CD4-bearing T cells may include cytotoxicity, inhibition of viral growth, lymphokine secretion, and support of humoral and CD8 responses. The antigens recognized by many HSV-specific CD4 T cells localizing to genital HSV-2 lesions are unknown. T cells recognizing antigens encoded within map units 0.67 to 0.73 of HSV DNA are frequently recovered from herpetic lesions. Expression cloning with this region of DNA now shows that tegument protein VP22 and the viral dUTPase, encoded by genes UL49 and UL50, respectively, are T-cell antigens. Separate epitopes in VP22 were defined for T-cell clones from each of three patients. Reactivity with the tegument protein encoded by UL21 was identified for an additional patient. Three new epitopes were identified in VP16, a tegument protein associated with VP22. Some tegument-specific CD4 T-cell clones exhibited cytotoxic activity against HSV-infected cells. These results suggest that herpes simplex tegument proteins are processed for antigen presentation in vivo and are possible candidate compounds for herpes simplex vaccines.  相似文献   

UL21 is a conserved protein in the tegument of alphaherpesviruses and has multiple important albeit poorly understood functions in viral replication and pathogenesis. To provide a roadmap for exploration of the multiple roles of UL21, we determined the crystal structure of its conserved N-terminal domain from herpes simplex virus 1 to 2.0-Å resolution, which revealed a novel sail-like protein fold. Evolutionarily conserved surface patches highlight residues of potential importance for future targeting by mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The lysosomal pathway of autophagy is the major catabolic mechanism for degrading long-lived cellular proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Recent studies have also shown that autophagy (xenophagy) may be used to degrade bacterial pathogens that invade intracellularly. However, it is not yet known whether xenophagy is a mechanism for degrading viruses. Previously, we showed that autophagy induction requires the antiviral eIF2alpha kinase signaling pathway (including PKR and eIF2alpha) and that this function ofeIF2alpha kinase signaling is antagonized by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Here, we show quantitative morphologic evidence of PKR-dependent xenophagic degradation of herpes simplex virions and biochemical evidence of PKR and eIF2alpha-dependent degradation of HSV-1 proteins, both of which are blocked by ICP34.5. Together, these findings indicate that xenophagy degrades HSV-1 and that this cellular function is antagonized by the HSV-1 neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Thus, autophagy-related pathways are involved in degrading not only cellular constituents and intracellular bacteria, but also viruses.  相似文献   

Assembly of the herpesvirus tegument is poorly understood but is believed to involve interactions between outer tegument proteins and the cytoplasmic domains of envelope glycoproteins. Here, we present the detailed characterization of a multicomponent glycoprotein-tegument complex found in herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)-infected cells. We demonstrate that the tegument protein VP22 bridges a complex between glycoprotein E (gE) and glycoprotein M (gM). Glycoprotein I (gI), the known binding partner of gE, is also recruited into this gE-VP22-gM complex but is not required for its formation. Exclusion of the glycoproteins gB and gD and VP22''s major binding partner VP16 demonstrates that recruitment of virion components into this complex is highly selective. The immediate-early protein ICP0, which requires VP22 for packaging into the virion, is also assembled into this gE-VP22-gM-gI complex in a VP22-dependent fashion. Although subcomplexes containing VP22 and ICP0 can be formed when either gE or gM are absent, optimal complex formation requires both glycoproteins. Furthermore, and in line with complex formation, neither of these glycoproteins is individually required for VP22 or ICP0 packaging into the virion, but deletion of gE and gM greatly reduces assembly of both VP22 and ICP0. Double deletion of gE and gM also results in small plaque size, reduced virus yield, and defective secondary envelopment, similar to the phenotype previously shown for pseudorabies virus. Hence, we suggest that optimal gE-VP22-gM-gI-ICP0 complex formation correlates with efficient virus morphogenesis and spread. These data give novel insights into the poorly understood process of tegument acquisition.  相似文献   

Cells of a continuous cell line derived from rabbit embryo fibroblasts were infected with herpes simplex type 1 virus (HSV-1) and maintained in the presence of either [5-(3)H]uridine or [methyl-(3)H]thymidine or (32)PO(4) (3-). Nucleocapsids were isolated from the cytoplasmic fraction, partially purified, and treated with DNase and RNase. From the pelleted nucleocapsids, DNA was extracted and purified by centrifugation in sucrose and cesium sulfate gradients. The acid-precipitable radioactivity of [5-(3)H]uridine-labeled DNA was partially susceptible to pancreatic RNase and alkaline treatment; the susceptibility to the enzyme decreased with increasing salt concentration. No drop of activity of DNA labeled with [(3)H]thymidine was observed either after RNase or alkali treatment. Base composition analysis of [5-(3)H]uridine-labeled DNA showed that the radioactivity was recovered as uracil and cytosine. In the cesium sulfate gradient, the purified [5-(3)H]uridine-labeled DNA banded at the same position as the (32)P-labeled DNA. The present data tend to suggest that ribonucleotide sequences are present in HSV DNA, that they are covalently attached to the viral DNA, and that they can form double-stranded structures.  相似文献   

The UL16 protein of herpes simplex virus is capsid associated and was previously identified as a binding partner of the membrane-associated UL11 tegument protein (J. S. Loomis, R. J. Courtney, and J. W. Wills, J. Virol. 77:11417-11424, 2003). In those studies, a less-prominent, ∼65-kDa binding partner of unknown identity was also observed. Mass spectrometry studies have now revealed this species to be UL21, a tegument protein that has been implicated in the transport of capsids in the cytoplasm. The validity of the mass spectrometry results was tested in a variety of coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments. The data revealed that UL21 and UL16 can form a complex in the absence of other viral proteins, even when the assays used proteins purified from Escherichia coli. Moreover, UL11 was able to pull down UL21 only when UL16 was present, suggesting that all three proteins can form a complex. Deletion analyses revealed that the second half of UL21 (residues 268 to 535) is sufficient for the UL16 interaction and packaging into virions; however, attempts to map a subdomain of UL16 were largely unsuccessful, with only the first 40 (of 373) residues being found to be dispensable. Nevertheless, it is clear that UL16 must have two distinct binding sites, because covalent modification of its free cysteines with N-ethylmaleimide blocked binding to UL11 but not UL21. These findings should prove useful for elucidating the molecular machinery used to transmit a signal into a virion when it attaches to cells, a recently discovered mechanism in which UL16 is a central player.Herpes simplex virus (HSV) contains more than 40 different virally encoded proteins that are found in three distinct layers: the capsid containing the viral DNA, the host-derived lipid envelope with embedded glycoproteins, and the tegument, an assortment of proteins located between the nucleocapsid and the envelope (22). While these regions are often discussed as separate structures, there is now clear evidence that the virion as a whole is a machine with interconnected parts that quickly rearrange on the inside in response to glycoprotein-binding events on the outside. Specifically, tegument protein UL16 is triggered to be released from the capsid when HSV attaches to host cells prior to membrane fusion, and the signal responsible for this can be sent in a cell-free manner by binding virions to immobilized heparin (21). It appears that glycoprotein C is involved in transmitting the signal (at least in a cell-free system), but all the other molecular “cogs” that drive this part of the HSV machine are unknown. To identify these components, we have been investigating UL16 and the network of molecular interactions in which it participates.Our interest in UL16 began when we identified it as a binding partner of UL11 (17), a small tegument protein (only 96 amino acids) that is conserved among all herpesviruses. UL11 is peripherally bound to membranes via two fatty acids, myristate and palmitate (16), and trafficks through lipid raft domains (6, 12). It accumulates at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where virus budding takes place (16, 30), and mutants that lack UL11 are defective for the production of virions, resulting in an increased number of unenveloped capsids in the cytoplasm (5, 9, 19). The UL11-UL16 interaction has since been confirmed by other groups (15, 37), and more recently, we have found that the interaction is direct and requires free cysteines present within UL16 (41). That is, chemical modification of free cysteines in UL16 with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) blocks the interaction with UL11. On the UL11 side of the interaction, LI and acidic cluster motifs are needed for binding (17, 41).UL16 is a 373-amino-acid protein that is also conserved among herpesviruses and exhibits dynamic capsid-binding properties. Although it is found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the infected cell, it is only stably associated with capsids isolated from the cytoplasm (20, 24, 26). This finding, combined with the ability of UL11 to accumulate at the site of budding, led us to hypothesize that the UL11-UL16 interaction provides a bridging function to assist the capsid in acquiring its envelope (17). However, sometime after budding—as the virus egresses from the cell—the interaction of UL16 with the capsid is destabilized (20). And, as mentioned earlier, binding of the virion to its attachment receptors on the host cell surface (heparan sulfate) further disrupts the association of UL16 with the capsid (21). Free cysteines appear to play a critical role in this outside-in signaling event, because treatment of extracellular virions with NEM prior to cell binding prevents the release of UL16 from the capsid (21).While UL16 was the most abundant protein pulled out of infected cell lysates in our search for UL11 binding partners, a much less prominent, but highly reproducible, ∼65-kDa species was also observed (17). Like UL16, this unknown protein was absent when either the LI or acidic cluster motifs were eliminated from the glutathione S-transferase (GST)-UL11 construct used in the experiment. This suggested that the unknown protein was obtained by either (i) competing with UL16 for binding to the same motifs within UL11 or (ii) binding to UL11 indirectly through an interaction with UL16. Because the LI and acidic cluster motifs of UL11 are recognized by host proteins for trafficking through lipid rafts (6, 16), the first hypothesis seemed likely; however, because UL16 participates in a complex signaling pathway within the virion, it was possible that the unknown protein would be a virus-encoded component. The purpose of the experiments described in this report was to identify this unknown protein and to determine how it fits into the UL16 network of interactions.  相似文献   

As one of the immediate-early(IE)proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1),ICP22 is a multifunctional viral regulator that localizes in the nucleus of infected cells.It is required in experimental animal systems and some nonhuman cell lines,but not in Vero or HEp-2 cells.ICP22 is extensively phosphorylated by viral and cellular kinases and nucleotidylylated by casein kinase Ⅱ.It has been shown to be required for efficient expression of early(E)genes and a subset of late(L)genes.ICP22,in conjunction wit...  相似文献   

The mechanism by which herpesviruses acquire their tegument is not yet clear. One model is that outer tegument proteins are recruited by the cytoplasmic tails of viral glycoproteins. In the case of herpes simplex virus tegument protein VP22, interactions with the glycoproteins gE and gD have been shown. We have previously shown that the C-terminal half of VP22 contains the necessary signal for assembly into the virus. Here, we show that during infection VP22 interacts with gE and gM, as well as its tegument partner VP16. However, by using a range of techniques we were unable to demonstrate VP22 binding to gD. By using pulldown assays, we show that while the cytoplasmic tails of both gE and gM interact with VP22, only gE interacts efficiently with the C-terminal packaging domain of VP22. Furthermore, gE but not gM can recruit VP22 to the Golgi/trans-Golgi network region of the cell in the absence of other virus proteins. To examine the role of the gE-VP22 interaction in infection, we constructed a recombinant virus expressing a mutant VP22 protein with a 14-residue deletion that is unable to bind gE (ΔgEbind). Coimmunoprecipitation assays confirmed that this variant of VP22 was unable to complex with gE. Moreover, VP22 was no longer recruited to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes but exhibited a diffuse localization. Importantly, packaging of this variant into virions was abrogated. The mutant virus exhibited poor growth in epithelial cells, similar to the defect we have observed for a VP22 knockout virus. These results suggest that deletion of just 14 residues from the VP22 protein is sufficient to inhibit binding to gE and hence recruitment to the viral envelope and assembly into the virus, resulting in a growth phenotype equivalent to that produced by deleting the entire reading frame.The herpesvirus tegument is the virion compartment located between the DNA-containing capsid and the virus envelope (6). Although it is well defined that the viral capsid assembles in the nucleus (37, 38) and the viral envelope is acquired from cellular membranes (3, 24), the mechanism of tegument protein acquisition is still to be established. At least 20 virus-encoded components are recruited into the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) tegument (32), and there is increasing evidence to suggest that subsets of these proteins may be added as assembly progresses along the maturation pathway (28). To ensure efficient incorporation, it is likely that individual tegument proteins are specifically targeted to their cellular site of recruitment. Such targeting could involve interaction with a viral partner, a cellular partner, or both. A clearer understanding of how individual tegument proteins are acquired by newly assembling virions will help to define the herpesvirus assembly pathway.A number of protein-protein interactions between individual tegument proteins (13, 40, 42), and between tegument proteins and glycoproteins (19, 20, 22, 32), have been described that may provide useful insight into the assembly process. In particular, the interaction of tegument proteins with the cytoplasmic tails of virus glycoproteins provides an attractive mechanism for the virion recruitment of at least the outer components of the tegument. In the case of VP22, the homologues from pseudorabies virus (PRV) and HSV-1 have been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tail of gE (19, 20, 32). However, the role of this interaction in virus infection has not yet been clearly defined and the fact that additional glycoprotein interactions have been described, with gM in the case of PRV and gD in the case of HSV-1, may point to potential redundancy in the mechanism of VP22 packaging (4, 19, 20). In addition, we and others have previously shown that HSV-1 VP22 interacts directly with a second tegument protein, namely, VP16 (13, 33), an interaction that could provide an alternative route for VP22 to enter the virion. In a previous study, we concluded that the region of VP22 containing its VP16 interaction domain was required but not sufficient for optimal VP22 packaging into the assembling virion, with an additional C-terminal determinant also involved (23). We also demonstrated that the same region of VP22 that was required for virion packaging was essential to target the protein to its characteristic cytoplasmic trafficking complexes, suggesting that these specific sites may be the location in the cell for VP22 assembly into the virion (23). Since that study, O''Regan and coworkers have reported that the C-terminal half of HSV-1 VP22 also contains the binding site for gE (32), providing a possible candidate for an additional VP22 binding partner. Furthermore, as HSV-1 VP22 has been shown to bind to gD and PRV VP22 interacts with gM, it is possible that the C terminus of VP22 contains a gD and/or a gM binding site (4, 20).In the present study, we aimed to clarify the molecular mechanism by which VP22 is recruited into the virus particle. We show that HSV-1 VP22 binds efficiently to VP16, gE, and gM in the infected cell, but we cannot detect an interaction with gD. We show that the packaging domain of VP22 binds to the cytoplasmic tail of gE but not gM and that the same region of VP22 is recruited to the secretory pathway by gE in the absence of other virus proteins. Finally, we show that a mutant VP22 protein lacking a 14-residue peptide from its packaging domain is unable to interact with gE during infection, exhibits a different subcellular localization, and fails to assemble into the virus particle. This is the first characterization of a single protein-protein interaction essential for the packaging of an HSV-1 tegument protein.  相似文献   

It is well known that proteins in the tegument (located between the viral capsid and envelope proteins) play critical roles in the assembly and budding of herpesviruses. Tegument proteins UL16 and UL11 of herpes simplex virus (HSV) are conserved among all the Herpesviridae. Although these proteins directly interact in vitro, UL16 was found to colocalize poorly with UL11 in cotransfected cells. To explain this discrepancy, we hypothesized that UL16 is initially made in an inactive form and is artificially transformed to the binding-competent state when cells are disrupted. Consistent with a regulated interaction, UL16 was able to fully colocalize with UL11 when a large C-terminal segment of UL16 was removed, creating mutant UL16(1-155). Moreover, membrane flotation assays revealed a massive movement of this mutant to the top of sucrose gradients in the presence of UL11, whereas both the full-length UL16 and the C-terminal fragment (residues 156 to 373) remained at the bottom. Further evidence for the presence of a C-terminal regulatory domain was provided by single-amino-acid substitutions at conserved cysteines (C269S, C271S, and C357S), which enabled the efficient interaction of full-length UL16 with UL11. Lastly, the binding site for UL11 was further mapped to residues 81 to 155, and to our surprise, the 5 Cys residues within UL16(1-155) are not required, even though the modification of free cysteines in UL16 with N-ethylmaleimide does in fact prevent binding. Collectively, these results reveal a regulatory function within the C-terminal region of UL16 that controls an N-terminal UL11-binding activity.  相似文献   

Heparin inhibited the hemagglutinin activity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. The minimal inhibitory concentration of heparin required to inhibit 8 hemagglutination (HA) U of HSV ranged from 0.005 to 0.01 U/ml. Mouse erythrocytes failed to combine with the HA inhibitory factor of heparin. On the other hand, mouse erythrocytes treated with heparinase had greatly reduced agglutinability by HSV. Virus-heparin complex formation was observed by sedimenting heparin with the virus particles.  相似文献   

1型单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)作为溶瘤病毒和病毒载体的研究已有很长的历史. 本研究利用细菌人工染色体技术建立了一种HSV-1载体系统. 首先,将HSV-1内部反向重复序列(internal inverted repeat sequences, IR)两侧的片段克隆入pKO5获得穿梭质粒pKO5/BN,其电转含pHSV-BAC的大肠杆菌后筛选获得删除IR区重组DNA的 pHSVΔIR-BAC. pHSVΔIR-BAC转染Vero细胞获得删除IR区的重组病毒HSVΔIR(MH1001).上述pKO5/BN和含pHSVΔIR BAC的大肠杆菌构成了HSV-1载体系统. 利用该系统获得了表达绿色荧光蛋白EGFP的重组病毒HSVΔIR/EGFP(MH1002).MH1001和MH1002在感染的Vero细胞中增殖水平略低于野生型HSV-1,但无显著差异|Western印迹检测表明,重组病毒早期蛋白质ICP0、ICP4、ICP8、ICP22、ICP27在感染细胞中的表达水平下降|免疫荧光及激光共聚焦检测表明,重组病毒与野生型病毒均存在于细胞质中.以上结果表明,删除IR区的重组HSV-1保留了复制能力,能够携载并表达外源基因,建立的HSV-1载体系统可用于构建携载外源基因的复制型重组HSV-1.  相似文献   

A method has been elaborated to differentiate between herpes simplex type 1 and type 2 viruses by immunoelectroosmophoresis. With rabbit immune sera cross-absorbed with heterologous virus antigen, a distinct difference was shown between the two virus types. Herpes simplex type 1 virus tested against cross-absorbed type 1 antiserum gave two precipitin lines. Herpes simplex type 2 virus gave one precipitin line when tested against cross-absorbed homologous serum. When the viral antigens were tested against cross-absorbed heterologous immune sera, no or only very weak precipitin reactions were observed. The test is easy and rapid, requires relatively small quantities of antigen and antibody, and is suitable for typing of herpes simplex virus in diagnostic routine work.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the UL17 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is essential for virus replication. In this study, viral mutants incorporating either a lacZ expression cassette in place of 1,490 bp of the 2,109-bp UL17 open reading frame [HSV-1(ΔUL17)] or a DNA oligomer containing an in-frame stop codon inserted 778 bp from the 5′ end of the UL17 open reading frame [HSV-1(UL17-stop)] were plaque purified on engineered cell lines containing the UL17 gene. A virus derived from HSV-1(UL17-stop) but containing a restored UL17 gene was also constructed and was designated HSV-1(UL17-restored). The latter virus formed plaques and cleaved genomic viral DNA in a manner indistinguishable from wild-type virus. Neither HSV-1(ΔUL17) nor HSV-1(UL17-stop) formed plaques or produced infectious progeny when propagated on noncomplementing Vero cells. Furthermore, genomic end-specific restriction fragments were not detected in DNA purified from noncomplementing cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) or HSV-1(UL17-stop), whereas end-specific fragments were readily detected when the viruses were propagated on complementing cells. Electron micrographs of thin sections of cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) or HSV-1(UL17-stop) illustrated that empty capsids accumulated in the nuclei of Vero cells, whereas DNA-containing capsids accumulated in the nuclei of complementing cells and enveloped virions were found in the cytoplasm and extracellular space. Additionally, protein profiles of capsids purified from cells infected with HSV-1(ΔUL17) compared to wild-type virus show no detectable differences. These data indicate that the UL17 gene is essential for virus replication and is required for cleavage and packaging of viral DNA. To characterize the UL17 gene product, an anti-UL17 rabbit polyclonal antiserum was produced. The antiserum reacted strongly with a major protein of apparent Mr 77,000 and weakly with a protein of apparent Mr 72,000 in wild-type infected cell lysates and in virions. Bands of similar sizes were also detected in electrophoretically separated tegument fractions of virions and light particles and yielded tryptic peptides of masses characteristic of the predicted UL17 protein. We therefore conclude that the UL17 gene products are associated with the virion tegument and note that they are the first tegument-associated proteins shown to be required for cleavage and packaging of viral DNA.  相似文献   

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