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Salicylic acid (SA) could be involved in the development of tolerance to abiotic stresses, to heat shock in particular. Under normal conditions (26°C), treatment with SA improved the tolerance of heterotrophic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh culture to severe heat shock (50°C). Under mild heat shock (37°C) inducing the development of thermotolerance, the presence of SA, in contrast, reduced the capability of arabidopsis cells to tolerate high temperature (50°C) and simultaneously suppressed induction of HSP synthesis (Hsp101 and Hsp17.6) important for the development of induced thermotolerance. Since SA suppressed cell respiration and activated the alternative pathway of electron transport, SA is supposed, by modulating mitochondria functions, to be an endogenous regulator of plant stress gene expression.  相似文献   

The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis and many other essential plant metabolic processes, and chloroplast development is an integral part of plant growth and development. Mutants defective in chloroplast development can display various color phenotypes including the intriguing virescence phenotype, which shows yellow/white coloration at the leaf base and greening toward the leaf tip. Through large scale genetic screens, we identified a series of new virescent mutants including virescent3-1 (vir3-1), vir4-1, and vir5-1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We showed that VIR3 encodes a putative chloroplast metalloprotease by map-based cloning. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the conserved histidine 235 residue in the zinc binding motif HEAGH of VIR3 is indispensable for VIR3 accumulation in the chloroplast. The chloroplast localization of VIR3 was confirmed by the transient expression of VIR3-GFP in leaf protoplasts. Furthermore, taking advantage of transgenic lines expressing VIR3-FLAG, we demonstrated that VIR3 is an intrinsic thylakoid membrane protein that mainly resides in the stromal lamellae. Moreover, topology analysis using transgenic lines expressing a dual epitope-tagged VIR3 indicated that both the N and C termini of VIR3 are located in the stroma, and the catalytic domain of VIR3 is probably facing the stroma. Blue native gel analysis indicated that VIR3 is likely present as a monomer or part of a small complex in the thylakoid membrane. This work not only implicates VIR3 as a new factor involved in early chloroplast development but also provides more insight into the roles of chloroplast proteases in chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing was performed on up to 12 chloroplast DNA regions [giving a total of 4288 base pairs (bp) in length] from the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica (48 accessions) and its two parental species, A. thaliana (25 accessions) and A. arenosa (seven accessions). Arabidopsis suecica was identical to A. thaliana at all 93 sites where A. thaliana and A. arenosa differed, thus showing that A. thaliana is the maternal parent of A. suecica. Under the assumption that A. thaliana and A. arenosa separated 5 million years ago, we estimated a substitution rate of 2.9 x 10(-9) per site per year in noncoding single copy sequence. Within A. thaliana we found 12 substitution (single bp) and eight insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms, separating the 25 accessions into 15 haplotypes. Eight of the A. thaliana accessions from central Sweden formed one cluster, which was separated from a cluster consisting of central European and extreme southern Swedish accessions. This latter cluster also included the A. suecica accessions, which were all identical except for one 5 bp indel. We interpret this low level of variation as a strong indication that A. suecica effectively has a single origin, which we dated at 20 000 years ago or more.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺氨基转移酶(GATase)能够将谷氨酰胺上的氨基基团转移到底物上形成新的一碳氮基团。GATase有两种类型,即Class-I(trpG型)和Class-II(purF型)。拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)基因组中有13个基因编码Class-I类似蛋白(GATLs),其生物学功能尚不清楚。首先分离到拟南芥GATL12基因的2个T-DNA插入突变体,分别命名为gatl12-1和gatl12-2。然后观察发现在这2个突变体的杂合植株中,大部分植株的胚珠发育到第8天时,由于叶绿体的积累而呈现绿色,其余植株(约有25%)的胚珠为白色。将从杂合突变体植株上收获的种子播种在1/2MS培养基上,有25%的幼苗发育成黄化苗。经PCR检测,这些黄化苗为GATL12的纯合突变体,RT-PCR法在黄化苗中检测不到GATL12基因的转录本。电镜观察表明,突变体中的叶绿体不能正常发育。上述结果表明,GATL12基因在拟南芥的叶绿体发育过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

To study the functions of the nuclear genes involved in chloroplast development, we systematically analyzed albino and pale-green Arabidopsis thaliana mutants by using a two-component transposon system based on the Ac/Ds element of maize as a mutagen. One of the pale-green mutants, albino or pale green mutant 1 (designated as apg1), did not survive beyond the seedling stage, when germinated on soil. The chloroplasts of the apg1 plants contained decreased numbers of lamellae with reduced levels of chlorophyll. A gene encoding a 37 kDa polypeptide precursor of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane was disrupted by insertion of the Ds transposon in apg1. The 37 kDa protein had partial sequence similarity to the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase. The apg1 plants lacked plastoquinone (PQ), suggesting that the APG1 protein is involved in the methylation step of PQ biosynthesis, which is localized at the envelope membrane. Our results demonstrate the importance of the 37 kDa protein of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

AtToc159 is a GTP-binding chloroplast protein import receptor. In vivo, atToc159 is required for massive accumulation of photosynthetic proteins during chloroplast biogenesis. Yet, in mutants lacking atToc159 photosynthetic proteins still accumulate, but at strongly reduced levels whereas non-photosynthetic proteins are imported normally: This suggests a role for the homologues of atToc159 (atToc132, -120 and -90). Here, we show that atToc90 supports accumulation of photosynthetic proteins in plastids, but is not required for import of several constitutive proteins. Part of atToc90 associates with the chloroplast surface in vivo and with the Toc-complex core components (atToc75 and atToc33) in vitro suggesting a function in chloroplast protein import similar to that of atToc159. As both proteins specifically contribute to the accumulation of photosynthetic proteins in chloroplasts they may be components of the same import pathway.  相似文献   

Thermotolerance in cultures of Chlorella zofingiensis was induced by heat shock treatment at supraoptimal temperatures (40and 45 °C for 30 min). Thermotolerance was assayed by two methods: the survival of the cells at 70 °C and the growth of diluted cultures at 35 and 45 °C. A culture without heat shock treatment was unable to grow at 45 °C. According to eletrophoretic analyses, the synthesis of proteins of 95, 73, 60, 43 and 27 kDa was induced by heat shock treatment. The large molecular weight proteins (95, 73, 60 and43 kDa) were present in non-heat treated cells, but the heat shock treatment increased their quantity in cells. The synthesis of a low molecular weight protein (27 kDa) was induced by heat shock treatment. The induced thermotolerance could be inhibited by the presence of an 80S ribosomal translation inhibitor, cycloheximide(CHI). The first 12 amino acid residues from the N-terminus of the27 kDa heat shock induced protein are Val-Glu-Trp-Try-Gly-Pro-Asn-Arg-Ala-Lys-Phe-Leu. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In most plants, a large fraction of photo-assimilated carbon is stored in the chloroplasts during the day as starch and remobilized during the subsequent night to support metabolism. Mutations blocking either starch synthesis or starch breakdown in Arabidopsis thaliana reduce plant growth. Maltose is the major product of starch breakdown exported from the chloroplast at night. The maltose excess 1 mutant (mex1), which lacks the chloroplast envelope maltose transporter, accumulates high levels of maltose and starch in chloroplasts and develops a distinctive but previously unexplained chlorotic phenotype as leaves mature. The introduction of additional mutations that prevent starch synthesis, or that block maltose production from starch, also prevent chlorosis of mex1. In contrast, introduction of mutations in disproportionating enzyme (DPE1) results in the accumulation of maltotriose in addition to maltose, and greatly increases chlorosis. These data suggest a link between maltose accumulation and chloroplast homeostasis. Microscopic analyses show that the mesophyll cells in chlorotic mex1 leaves have fewer than half the number of chloroplasts than wild-type cells. Transmission electron microscopy reveals autophagy-like chloroplast degradation in both mex1 and the dpe1/mex1 double mutant. Microarray analyses reveal substantial reprogramming of metabolic and cellular processes, suggesting that organellar protein turnover is increased in mex1, though leaf senescence and senescence-related chlorophyll catabolism are not induced. We propose that the accumulation of maltose and malto-oligosaccharides causes chloroplast dysfunction, which may by signaled via a form of retrograde signaling and trigger chloroplast degradation.  相似文献   

通过EMS(ethyl methane sulphonate)诱变从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)突变体库中筛选到一个叶绿体分裂突变体(c)hloro(p)last (d)ivision 111 (cpd111).遗传学分析表明,该突变体的表型是单基因控制的隐性性状.与野生型相比,突变体植物细胞的叶绿体数量少,叶绿体形态和大小多样化,并且细胞体积与叶绿体数量之间无相关性.利用图位克隆的方法确定cpd111的突变基因为FtsZ1.进一步的分析表明,该突变影响FtsZ7基因mRNA的正常剪切和稳定性,使蛋白质翻译提前终止,最终导致叶绿体分裂异常.该工作为研究FtsZ1在叶绿体分裂中的作用提供了新的材料和线索.  相似文献   

pd137是经甲基磺酸乙脂(ethyl methane sulphonate, EMS)诱变并通过筛选得到的一个拟南芥叶绿体分裂突变体。该突变体的叶绿体表型与野生型相比有很大差异: 叶绿体面积显著增大, 细胞中叶绿体数量明显减少。遗传分析显示pd137的突变表型受隐性单基因控制。本研究通过遗传作图将该突变基因粗定位于拟南芥2号染色体的分子标记CH2-13.70和CH2-16.0区间内。该区间内已知的与叶绿体分裂相关的基因只有FtsZ2-1。对FtsZ2-1基因的测序结果显示pd137突变体的FtsZ2-1基因第505位碱基发生了无义突变, 使蛋白质翻译提前终止。该突变还严重影响了FtsZ2-1基因的mRNA水平。转基因互补实验进一步验证了该突变体表型是由于FtsZ2-1基因突变引起。本项工作为研究叶绿体分裂的机制提供了新材料和一些有用的线索。  相似文献   

利用反向遗传学研究方法对1个预测的拟南芥叶绿体未知功能基因At3g61870编码蛋白进行了亚细胞定位研究.通过克隆At3g61870基因5′端长229 bp的DNA片段,与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因构建重组表达载体pMON530-CP-TP-GFP,经农杆菌介导转化拟南芥.转基因植株的叶肉细胞经激光共聚焦显微镜观察,叶绿素自发荧光与GFP荧光共定位于叶绿体中.结果表明,未知功能基因At3g61870编码的蛋白质为叶绿体蛋白质.  相似文献   

The TicS5 (Translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts, 55 kDa) protein was identified in pea as a putative regulator, possibly linking chloroplast protein import to the redox state of the photosynthetic machinery. Two Tic55 homologs have been proposed to exist in Arabidopsis: atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 (Protochlorophyllide-dependent Trans- Iocon Component, 52 kDa; has also been called atTic55-1V). Our phylogenetic analysis shows that attic55-11 is an ortholog of psTic55 from pea (Pisum sativurn), and that AtPTC52 is a more distant homolog of the two. AtPTC52 was included in this study to rule out possible functional links between the proteins in Arabidopsis. No detectable mutant phenotypes were found in two independent T-DNA knockout mutant plant lines for each Arabidopsis protein, when compared with wild- type: visible appearance, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast protein import, for example, were all normal. Both wild-type and tic55-11 mutant chloroplasts exhibited deficient protein import when treated with diethylpyrocarbonate, indicating that Tic55 is not the sole target of this reagent in relation to protein import. Furthermore, ptc52 mutant chloroplasts were not defective with respect to pPORA import, which was previously reported to involve PTC52 in barley. Thus, we conclude that atTic55-11 and AtPTC52 are not strictly required for functional protein import in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Seeds germination is strictly controlled by environment factor such ashigh temperature (HT) through altering the balance between gibberellin acid (GA)and abscisic acid (ABA). Gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a small moleculewith four-carbon amino acid, which plays a crucial role during plant physiologicalprocess associated with pollination, wounding or abiotic stress, but its role inseeds germination under HT remains elusive. In this study we found that HTinduced the overaccumulation of ROS, mainly H2O2 and O2-, to suppress seedsgermination, meanwhile, HT also activated the enzyme activity of GAD for therapid accumulation of GABA, hinting the regulatory function of GABA in controlling seeds germination against HT stress. Applying GABA directly attenuatedHT-induced ROS accumulation, upregulated GA biosynthesis and downregulatedABA biosynthesis, ultimately enhanced seeds germination. Consistently, geneticanalysis using the gad1/2 mutant defective in GABA biosynthesis, or pop2-5mutant with high endogenous GABA content supported the potential functionof GABA in improving seeds germination tolerance to HT through scavengingROS overaccumulation. Based on these data, we propose that GABA acts as anovel signal to enhance thermotolerance of seeds germination through alleviatingthe ROS damage to seeds viability.  相似文献   

The action mechanism of the mitochondrial inhibitor sodium azide on thermotolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. At ambient growth temperature, pretreatment with sodium azide was shown to improve the thermotolerance of parent cells and the hsp104 mutant. Treating with the inhibitor during a mild heat shock suppressed the development of induced thermotolerance due to the inhibition of heat shock protein (Hsp104) synthesis. Treating with the inhibitor immediately before lethal heat shock produced a variety of effects on thermotolerance depending on whether the yeast metabolism was oxidative or fermentative. The conclusions are: (1) the protective effect of sodium azide on the thermotolerance of S. cerevisiae cells grown on glucose-containing medium is not related to Hsp104 functioning, and (2) the mechanisms of basic and induced thermotolerance differ considerably.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll precursors Mg-protoporphyrin IX and its monomethylester are candidates for plastid-derived molecules involved in light signalling from the chloroplast to the nucleus. The pool sizes of these two Mg2+-containing porphyrins and of protoporphyrin IX transiently increased upon a shift of Chlamydomonas cultures from dark to light. This increase coincided with the accumulation of mRNAs encoded by the nuclear genes HSP70A and HSP70B. Analysis of a mutant (brs-1), previously shown to be defective in the light induction of these genes, revealed high levels of protoporphyrin IX but no light-induced increase in the levels of Mg2+-containing porphyrins. Inhibitors of cytoplasmic protein synthesis prevented both the light-induced rise in pool levels and induction of the HSP70 genes. Similarly, pre-gametes, intermediates of sexual differentiation, lacked both responses to light. The block in light induction of the HSP70 genes in inhibitor-treated cells and in pre-gametes could be circumvented by the exogenous addition of Mg-protoporphyrin IX in the dark. This suggests an essential role for light-induced Mg-protoporphyrin IX accumulation in this chloroplast-to-nucleus signalling pathway. However, accumulation of this porphyrin in the dark - presumably in the chloroplast - did not result in induction. A second crucial role for light in this signalling pathway is postulated which makes this plastidic compound accessible to the cytoplasm/nucleus where the downstream signalling pathway may be activated.  相似文献   

Phylloquinone, a substituted 1,4-naphthoquinone with an 18-carbon-saturated phytyl tail, functions as a bound one-electron carrier cofactor at the A1 site of photosystem I (PSI). A Feldmann tag line mutant, no. 2755 (designated as abc4 hereafter), showed pale-green young leaves and white old leaves. The mutated nuclear gene encoded 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphtoic acid phytyltransferase, an enzyme of phylloquinone biosynthesis, and high-performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed that the abc4 mutant contained no phylloquinone, and only about 3% plastoquinone. Photooxidation of P700 of PSI in the abc4 mutant was not observed, and reduced-versus-oxidized difference spectroscopy indicated that the abc4 mutant had no P700. The maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) in the abc4 mutant was much decreased, and the electron transfer from PSII to PSI in the abc4 mutant did not occur. For the pale-green leaves of the abc4 mutant plant, the ultrastructure of the chloroplasts was almost the same as that of the wild-type plant. However, the chloroplasts in the albino leaves of the mutant were smaller and had a lot of grana thylakoids and few stroma thylakoids. The amounts of PSI and PSII core subunits in the abc4 mutant were significantly decreased compared with those in the wild type. These results suggested that a deficiency of phylloquinone in PSI caused the abolishment of PSI and a partial defect of PSII due to a significant decrease of plastoquinone, but did not influence the ultrastructure of the chloroplasts in young leaves.  相似文献   

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